23-003.00 Truth Ministries: Shelter Beds • 8-00� Memorandum of Understanding This agreement is made by and between the City of Spokane Valley (City) and Truth Ministries. The purpose of this agreement is to specify the conditions and terms for holding and reserving shelter beds. IT IS AGREED: A. Truth Ministries Will: 1. On a daily basis, hold 2 shelter beds for clients participating in the City and Truth Ministries partnership program. 2. Maintain admission screening criteria, to establish shelter client eligibility. 3. Maintain the right of refusal for any referred client. In addition, Truth Ministries will maintain the ability to terminate client shelter services for violation of the shelter program expectations. 4. Offer clients participating in the City and Truth Ministries Program equal access to any other services that are provided to other guests. 5. On a monthly basis, invoice the City as detailed in the payments section below. 6. On a monthly basis, report program data to City staff. B. City of Spokane Valley Will: 1. Compensate monthly and daily as detailed in the payment section below. 2. City staff, law enforcement, or designated outreach teams will contact Truth Ministries shelter staff prior to the referred client arriving at Truth Ministries. 3. City staff, law enforcement, or designated outreach teams will utilize provided admission screening criteria, to refer clients. C. Terms and Conditions: 1. Indemnification: Each party to the Agreement agrees to take all reasonable precautions to prevent injury to any persons (including employees of the other party and the Housing Providers third party manager) or damage to the property (including the other party's property) during the term of this Agreement, and shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other party, and all their officers and employees against all claims, losses, expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) and injuries to person or property, resulting in any way from any act of omission or negligence on the part of the indemnifying party in connection with this Agreement, excepting only those losses which are due solely and directly to the other party's negligence. Independent Contractor Status: Neither party to this Agreement nor its employees or agents performing work under this Agreement are employees of the other party. Neither party nor its employees or agents will hold themselves out as, nor claim to be, an agency, officer or employee of the other party, nor will they claim any of the rights, privileges or benefits that might accrue to employees of the other party. In the performance of the services defined within this agreement, both parties to the Agreement are independent contractors with the authority to control and direct the performance of the details of the work and provision of their own services and their own employees. 2. Payment: City will pay Truth Ministries $20 per day to make 2 shelter beds available at all times, as reserved. 3. Term and Termination: This agreement shall be in effect beginning January 1, 2023 and will remain in effect until December 31, 2023. This agreement may be renewed annually by giving written notice no later than December 1. Either party may terminate this agreement with 60 days advance written notice. 4. Disputes: Deputy City Manager for the City or their designee and Truth Ministries CEO or their designee will resolve any problems with this agreement. The City and Truth Ministries are equal opportunity action agencies. They provide services without regard for race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, handicap, familial status, national origin or any other protected class. All client information will be kept strictly confidential and signed releases of information may be required for communication between the Housing Provider and the Service Provider. In witness whereof, the parties have executed this Agreement on the date written below. City f Spokane Valley Truth Minis i Signature Signatur JJN✓ Noa.,..�,,, �'Yy7,4/ Mc/c/nnP 7 Print Name Print Name C!TY .-v4rd4z D/ L / / Title Title - o-z2 / / 2-- Z 227 2 2- Date Date