2017, 12-19 minutes
Spokane Valley Lodging Tax Advisory Committee
Thursday, December 19, 2017 8:30 a.m.
Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers
10210 East Sprague Avenue
_____________________________________________________________________ __
Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Members: Staff:
Chair: Councilmember Sam Wood Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director
Lee Cameron, Mirabeau Park Hotel Sarah Farr, Accounting Technician
Scott Peterson, Spokane County Fair Board Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney
Colleen Heinselman, Hampton Inn Suites Mike Stone, P&R Director
Tina Gregerson, Admin. Assistant
Absent: Bill Ames, the HUB Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk
Others in attendance: about 15 in the audience
Councilmember Wood opened the meeting at 8:30 a.m., welcomed everyone, and then turned the meeting
over to Finance Director Taylor and Deputy City Attorney Lamb. Via their PowerPoint presentation,
Director Taylor went over the October 19, 2017 recommended allocations from the LTAC, followed by
Deputy City Attorney Lamb explaining about the public question regarding the integrity of the LTAC
process and the Open Public Meeting Act, and the three options for City Council. Mr. Lamb went over
those options for Council: (1) to approve all or some of the listed recipients recommended by the LTAC;
(2) deny the entire recommendation and require the LTAC to re-review and develop new allocation
recommendation; and (3) that Council review all submitted materials including the LTAC minutes and
LTAC recommended allocation, and develop its own proposed distribution, which may be the same or
different from the LTAC recommendation. Mr. Lamb said Council choose option 3. Mr. Lamb further
explained that RCW 67.28.1817 all
must allow the LTAC 45 days to review and provide comments; that it must be read in harmony with the
requirements of RCW 67.28.1816, and that Council may make an independent review of all the relevant
materials, then make its own proposed distribution. Mr. Lamb stated that at its November 14, 2017 meeting,
Council determined to go with option three to ensure transparency in the process and public confidence,
and at that November 14 meeting, Council determined a new proposed allocation. Mr. Lamb said that the
45-day timing will be met counting from November 22 to January 6, and that Council will consider the
LTAC comments 9, 2018 meeting, where
it is anticipated Council will take final action on their proposed allocation, and at which time public
comment will be permitted.
Director Taylor went over the proposed allocations as shown on slide 8, and said the main changes were to
Oktoberfest, Crave, the Museum, Sports Commission, Valleyfest and Cycle Celebration. Mr. Lamb noted
intended to be an opportunity for a new recommendation from LTAC; but is more about problems or
members want to vote
on a message to provide Council, that is also an option. Ms. Taylor noted that Mr. Ames was not able to
meeting, but she met with him and he provided her with comments, which she will include
in packet material for their January 9 meeting. Chair Wood opened the floor for comments from
committee members.
Mr. Cameron said he would prefer the option that they get to re-allocate as opposed to just comment, but
given the position of the Council, he would be happy to comment. He said he feels the distribution LTAC
provided, including his allocations, represent a well-thought out and sincere recommendation to Council;
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said Council needs to keep in mind the set aside of $250,000 and the LTAC comments over the last several
years regarding the importance of a sports complex and/or other tourism related facilities that would benefit
the entire community; from a lodging perspective and others in tourism, he said a sports facility is probably
the largest market segment we benefit from in the valley, and we are losing some of that market share to
other venues, and the hoteliers will see some drop in the average room rates as well as occupancy; said we
would then start fighting over the same pieces of pie without a great deal of economic impact development;
said that many years have seen the idea discussed of a major sports complex in the valley, but we are
running out of time.; said a member of number of boards and he hears urgency regarding the
development of sports facilities; said the set aside is an opportunity for Council to work closer with the
LTAC and other committees to use the studies recently concluded; said there has also been the issue that a
complex could include a number of activities with school districts, and said that all the valley school districts
support the concept and would benefit from such a complex and would have an opportunity to use these
facilities as opposed to one being located downtown; he said the infrastructure quality of our city gives
opportunity to develop facilities where people want to be; that we are a family-oriented community; and if
it and we need to elevate the time frame; and he
encouraged Council to continue with the set-aside when they take up their next vote. Regarding the
allocation of Council, Mr. Cameron said he is not sure if he needs to comment except that he felt the original
allocation was the proper one and he hates to see things done in a political or business environment where
people have to move off a position when its well thought out and provided sincerely, without there really
being any violations.
Ms. Heinselman said she agrees with Mr. Cameron in the desire to keep the $250,000 which Council also
agreed on; said she spent hours the weekend before the presentation last time trying to decide on the
numbers, and she thought those numbers were justified, and said she sticks with her original
Mr. Peterson said he spent a lot of time trying to understand the process and how it came together, and he
believes the allocations he provided and submitted is what he will stand by today; said he looked at
-allocation and spent time again this morning, and understands the LTAC is not able to re-
allocate; said the only re-allocation he disagrees with Council on is Valleyfest; and stated again he believes
comments as they relate to the $250,000
recommendation as it stands.
Chair Wood said he also agrees with the $250,000 set-aside; said he compromised on a couple of the
allocations he made when this came before Council; said he supports Valleyfest more than this committee;
and agreed with Council on a couple other adjustments and feel they are good allocations. Mr. Wood said
he is a little sad this process had to be re-done and he appreciates the due diligence and respects the work
of this committee; but there were some citizen concerns so Council needed to review this; said he hopes
that is now remedied with the adjustment, and he thanked the Committee members for their work; that he
is sorry this had to come back again without any further changes, which he said in his opinion, they have a
right to make, but this is the process they have to live with; said hopefully the citizens will be satisfied with
the due process and everything in the open. Mr. Wood said personally he hopes the power of this committee
is respected going forward and that any problems that may have occurred have been remedied, otherwise,
said we will undermine this committee and the people will likely be reluctant to serve on it; said a sports
facility is very important in the valley; that Garth Brooks generated millions of dollars for Spokane as a
result of his concerts, and if we had some sort of facility to compete, he believes we could do the same
thing; but you need money; said he personally would not object to putting more money in that fund. Mr.
Wood said that Valleyfest offers a community spirit even if not heads in beds, and creates a great
ves and that needs to be weighed as well.
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Mr. Lamb again went over the next steps; that Council will take this matter up during their January 9
meeting, at which there will be opportunity for time public comment; said the sports facility or use of the
fund for a capital facility is at the forefront of many minds, and he would anticipate working to bring
something forward to discuss this more with the LTAC and Council together; and that there will likely be
meetings earlier in 2018 rather than the normal process in the fall. Director Taylor added that if committee
members have questions, to feel free to contact her, Mr. Lamb, or Ms. Farr.
Ms. Heinselman said she understands that Valleyfest is a local festival; but the biggest thing that eats at her,
is holding them accountable; said they were told they would have support and that they should become self-
sufficient, and said she would like to see them move in that direction and quit looking at other people for
help; said she thinks Valleyfest could be great if they take into consideration the time of year, and get a
board to help it become something that could bring heads in beds; said there is growth potential but
Valleyfest has been stagnant for a long time.
It was moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at
8:55 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk
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