2003, 12-23 Spokane County Resolution 03-7A: merging Fire District 9 SPOKANE COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 9 RESOLUTION 03-7A Partial Merger With Spokane County Fire Protection District No. 1 RESOLUTION SUPERCEDING RESOLUTION 03-7 ADOPTED DECEMBER 9, 2003. Whereas,RCW 52.06.090 provides that a part of one Fire Protection District may be transferred and merged with an adjacent Fire Protection District if the area can be better served by the merged District; and Whereas, Spokane County Fire Protection District No. 9 has received a request from TUPPER, INC. and FIVE FIFTY, LLC asking for the approval of the District for the transfer of certain parcels of real property which are identified as: Spokane County Parcel No. 46352.9014, 46352.9066, 46352.9052 and 46352.9086. Presently in Spokane County Fire Protection District No. 9 to Spokane County Fire Protection District No. 1. This request is made as a quicker response time can be provided by Spokane County Fire District No. l's Station No. 5 than from a station in Spokane County Fire Protection No. 9; and Whereas,the requests for partial merger has been made by the owners of all parcels except parcel number 46352.9086 which is owned by the County of Spokane, Washington. As a result, RCW 52.06.100 would not require an election on the question of merger; and Whereas, it is deemed in the best interests of the requesting parties that the request for partial merger be approved. 1 Now, therefore, it is hereby RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Spokane County Fire Protection District No. 9: (1)The request for transfer of Spokane County Parcel No. 46352.9014, 46352.9066, 46352.9052 and 46352.9086 from Spokane County Fire Protection District No. 9 to Spokane County Fire Protection District No. 1 is approved; (2) This RESOLUTION approving said transfers shall be forwarded to the Board of Commissioners of Spokane County Fire Protection District No. 1 for further consideration and action pursuant to the requirements of RCW 52.06.090 3. This Resolution supercedes Resolution No. 03-07 adopted by this Board on December 9, 2003. Dated this 23'day of December, 2003. CAL/frZr —L. Commissioner Robert . Anderson, Chairman ommissioner Donald E. Foster (124 Commissione atrick J. Kennedy Commissioner Robert E. Stras g 2 ..r ATTEST: O'AX4/4" CHARLENE J. itOWNING District Secretary 3