2003, 12-01 Spokane County Resolution 03-6: accepting SV Resolution 03-49 RESOLUTION 03- rp DEC 0 4 2003 WHEREAS, various parcels of real property within the geographic boundaries of Spokane County Fire Protection District Number 9 became part of the geographic boundaries of the City of Spokane Valley upon the incorporation of that city; and WHEREAS, RCW 52.040.161 provides that a newly incorporated city may annex to the existing fire districts within the city's corporate limits for the year following incorporation which would be the year 2004; and WHEREAS, on October 14, 2003 the City of Spokane Valley adopted Resolution No. 03-049 declaring that the City of Spokane Valley shall be deemed annexed to Spokane County Fire Protection District Number 9 for the year 2004; and WHEREAS, Resolution 03-049 is in the best interests of the residents of the City of Spokane Valley whose property continues to be within the geographic boundaries of this fire district; and WHEREAS, RCW 52.04.161 further provide that the parcels of property which are the subject of this Resolution shall be withdrawn from Spokane County Fire Protection District Number 9 on December 31, 2004 unless a ballot proposition is adopted by the voters pursuant to RCW 52. 04.071 providing for annexation of the City of Spokane Valley to a fire protection district. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Spokane County Fire Protection District Number 9 that Resolution 03-049 adopted by the City of Spokane Valley 1 on October 14, 2003 is accepted by Spokane County Fire Protection District Number 9. Adopted this 1ST day of December, 2003. B RT E. ANDER ON Chairman of the Board of Commissioners DONALD E. FOSTER, Commissioner PATRICK J. KENNEDY, Commissioner ROBERT E. STRASBURG, Com issioner ATTEST: 0-1 , 1-1,c% CHARLENE g. BROWNING f District Secretary 2