2004, 04-13 Boundary Review Board Notice of Intention re Fire District 8 annexation WASHINGTON STATE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD FOR SPOKANE COUNTY NOTICE OF INTENTION 1. Name of City, Town, or Special Purpose District: City of Spokane Valley and Spokane Fire Protection District No. 8 2. Action Sought: Annex property located within the City of Spokane Valley into Fire District No. 8. (If water or sewer extension outside corporate limits, state the size of water line n/a size of sewer lines 3. Reason for seeking action: The City of Spokane Valley incorporated on March 31, 2003. State legislation allows fire protection districts to continue providing service through the remainder of the incorporation year. The Council may extend the fire district service for one additional year to allow the City time to consider options for long term fire protection service. By the end of the extended year, the City must decide to either create its own fire department, contract for fire services, or annex to existing fire protection districts. State law allows new cities to annex into more than one fire district. The City of Spokane Valley adopted Resolution No. 03-0049 to extend fire services within Fire District No. 1 and 8 through the end of 2004. Spokane Valley City Council adopted Ordinance No. 04-003, stating the intent to annex to Fire Protection District No.'s 1 and 8 (see attached maps) and to put the annexations to a public vote. The annexation into Fire District 8 requires approval of City of Spokane Valley registered voters living within that District, as well as the registered voters within the fire district living outside Spokane Valley 4. Briefly describe proposal: Fire District No. 8 currently provides fire protection to three small areas within the City of Spokane Valley (see attached map). The City of Spokane Valley proposes to annex these areas into Spokane Fire Protection District No. 8, with no change to current fire district boundaries. 5. Method used to initiate the proposed action: Spokane Valley City Council adopted Ordinance No. 04-003, stating the intent to annex the City into Fire District No.'s 1 and 8. 6. State statute under which action is sought: RCW 52.04 FACTORS THE BOARD MUST CONSIDER Please respond to the factors the Board must consider as outlined in RCW 36.93.170. POPULATION AND LAND USE 1. Please provide the following information: Proposed Area Existing Entity Existing 20-year Projection Existing 20-year Projection 1,807 People 2,168 People 20,000 People 22,000 People 723 Residences 867 Residences 8,000 Residences 8,800 Residences 0 Businesses 0 Businesses 06/2002 1 2. What source is the basis for these projections? Spokane County and City of Spokane Valley Interim Comprehensive Plan 3. Acres of the proposed area 651 Acres of the existing entity: 4. Assessed valuation of proposed area: $ 122.7 million of existing entity: $ $1.25 Billion 5. Existing land use of the proposed area: Suburban residential development and vacant land. 6. Existing land use of the area surrounding the proposal: Suburban and rural residential development. 7. Is there residential, commercial, or industrial development that will be associated with this proposal? No. If yes, describe any projects being considered or proposed. 8. If the proposal is approved, will any changes in either the land use, zoning or the Comprehensive Plan designations within the next 18 months be required? No. 9. Has the proposed area been the subject of a land use action by Spokane County? N/A If so, please list the file number(s) and explain. 10a. Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan designation for the proposed area: Low Density Residential b. For surrounding areas: Low Density Residential, Urban Reserve, Rural Conservation 11. Does your jurisdiction have an adopted comprehensive plan? Yes (interim) Date adopted? March 31, 2003. 12. Describe this proposal's significance to the adopted comprehensive plan: The annexation will allow fire protection levels of service to be maintained consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 13a. Spokane Valley zoning for the proposed area: UR-3.5, UR-7 b. For surrounding areas: UR-3.5, UR-7 14.Has any portion of this area been previously reviewed by the Boundary Review Board? Yes List BRB File Nos. BRB-555-01 (City of Spokane Valley Incorporation) 15. Describe the topography, drainage basins and natural boundaries which are included in the area of the proposal and how each affects land use, accessibility and potential development. N/A 16. Is the proposed area within the Spokane County Urban Growth Area? Yes MUNICIPAL SERVICES 1. Name the existing service purveyors in the proposed area. Water N/A Police N/A Wastewater Treatment N/A School N/A Fire Fire District No. 8 Library N/A Water Service 2. Is the proposed area within the future water service area of your jurisdiction according to the Spokane County Coordinated Water System Plan? N/A If not, please explain. 06/2002 2 3. Is the area included in your adopted Water System Plan? N/A If not, please explain. 4. Water treatment plant or well that will serve this area: N/A 5. Current capacity and percentage used of this facility: N/A 6. Projected water treatment plant or well capacity required by proposal: N/A 7. Describe the seasonal variations in water supply and/or pressure within your jurisdiction. N/A 8a. Will increased capacity or other improvements become necessary if proposal is approved? N/A b. Describe these improvements and how they will be financed. N/A 9. Does your jurisdiction have an updated State Board of Health-approved Water System Plan? N/A Wastewater Management 10. According to the Spokane County Wastewater Management Plan, which future service area includes the proposal? N/A If not in your jurisdiction, please explain. 11. Does your jurisdiction have a current DOE wastewater discharge permit? N/A 12a. Does your jurisdiction have a current NPDES permit? N/A b. Please explain any violations of the current NPDES permit in the past 18 months. N/A 13. Wastewater treatment plant serving this area N/A 14. Current capacity and percentage used of this facility N/A 15. Projected wastewater treatment plant capacity required by proposal 16a. Will increased capacity or other improvements become necessary if proposal is approved? N/A b. Describe these improvements and how they will be financed. N/A Other Municipal Services 17. Describe the service changes that will occur if the proposal is approved? The proposal will have no effect on fire protection services to this area. Rather the proposal will preserve current fire protection services. 18. Does your jurisdiction have a current capital improvement/development plan? Spokane Valley adopted the County's Comprehensive Plan and Capital Facilities Plan as Interim plans. Spokane Valley will adopt its own Capital Facilities Plan as a part of its Comprehensive Plan. Is this proposal included in this plan? N/A 19. Describe the effect your jurisdiction's ordinances, governmental codes, regulations and resolutions will have on existing uses in the proposed area? Spokane Valley's regulations guide growth and development within the proposed area. 20. Are annexation covenants being required for this proposal? N/A 21. Describe the prospects of governmental services from other sources? Spokane Valley determined that annexing to existing fire protection districts would provide the best service to Spokane Valley citizens. Other options considered by Spokane Valley included forming a City Fire Department, contracting for fire protection services and annexing to a single Fire District. 06/2002 3 22. Describe the probable future needs for services and additional regulatory controls in the area? Spokane Valley's Comprehensive Plan process will examine future needs. 23. Describe the probable effect of the proposal on the cost, adequacy of services and controls a. In the proposed area? The proposal will have no effect on cost or adequacy of service for the proposed annexation area. b. In the adjacent area? The proposal will have no effect on cost or adequacy of service for the adjacent areas. 24. Describe the effect of the proposal on the finances, debt structure, contractual obligations and rights of all affected governmental units? All finances, tax levies, contractual obligations and debt structure will remain unchanged. LOCAL GOVERNMENT 1. Describe the effect of the proposal on adjacent areas? If the annexations are not approved, the adjacent areas will be adversely affected. The areas proposed for annexation contain urban and suburban developments that generate significant funding for the rest of the District. 2. Describe the effect of the proposal on mutual economic and social interests? The mutual economic and social interests will remain the same if the annexations are approved. 3. Describe the effect of the proposal on the local governmental structure of the county. The annexations will have no effect on local governmental structure of the County. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Describe the environmental review process completed for the proposed action. Spokane Valley completed an Environmental Checklist and issued a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) on March 23, 2004. The appeal period ended on April 12, 2004. GROWTH MANAGEMENT Describe how the proposal is consistent with the Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A). The annexations will allow for continued fire protection at an urban level of service as required by the Growth Management Act. OBJECTIVES OF THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD Describe fully which objectives of RCW 36.93.180 this proposal meets and which objectives this proposal does not meet. Give your reasons for each of the objectives chosen. 1. Preservation of natural neighborhoods and communities. The annexations will preserve existing fire district boundaries. 2. Use of physical boundaries, including but not limited to bodies of water, highways and land contours. The fire district boundary follows physical and political boundaries. 06/2002 4 • 3. Creation and preservation of logical service areas. The annexations will preserve existing fire district boundaries. 4. Prevention of abnormally irregular boundaries. The annexations will preserve existing fire district boundaries. 5. Discouragement of multiple incorporations of small cities and encouragement of incorporation of cities in excess of ten thousand population in heavily populated urban areas. N/A 6. Dissolution of inactive special purpose districts. N/A 7. Adjustment of impractical boundaries. N/A 8. Incorporation as cities or towns or annexation to cities and towns of unincorporated areas which are urban in character. N/A 9. Protection of agricultural and rural lands which are designated for long-term productive agricultural and resource use by a comprehensive plan adopted by the county legislative authority. N/A I certify that the above is true and accurate and that I am an official or employee of the governmental jurisdiction seeking boundary change action or the proponent for the incorporation or formation. 113 0tf Signature of pleting this form Date Printed Name of Person Completing this Notice N i vu... Zej m/ Title bepoil (4' , q,t�,c�✓ Telephone 6etr-0/�3 Mailing Address ('707 E,JS to .Se 0k--4.4--c_ V //e. uJll 5:24 6 06/2002 5