2022, 12-06 special w/legislators MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Special Meeting 4:00 pm. Tuesday,December 6,2022 Mayor Haley called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was held in person in Council Chambers, and also remotely via Zoom meeting. Attendance: Councilmembers: Staff: Pam Haley,Mayor John Hohman, City Manager Rod Higgins, Deputy Mayor Erik Lamb,Deputy City Manager Tim Hattenburg,Councilmember Bill Helbig, Community&Public Works Dir. Laura Padden, Councilmember John Bottelli,Parks&Recreation Director Brandi Peetz, Councilmember Gloria Mantz, City Engineer Ben Wick, Councilmember Kevin Richey,Assistant Police Chief Arne Woodard, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director John Whitehead,Human Resources Director Others in Attendance: Adam Jackson, Engineering Manager Ms. Briahna Murray, Lobbyist, with Virginia Clough, Legislative Policy Coordinator Gordon Thomas Honeywell Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Legislators: Senator Mike Padden, 4th District Rep.-elect Leonard Christian, 4th District Rep.-elect Suzanne Schmidt, 4th District Representative Joe Schmick, 9th District ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll;all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. WELCOME: Mayor Haley welcomed everyone to the meeting,which was followed by self-introductions, and then thanks from City Manager Hohman for everyone attending. DISCUSSION: the following aspects of Spokane Valley's 2023 State Legislative Agenda were discussed: Funding Requests Pines Grade Separation: Mr. Hohman noted that although we have approved our 2023 State Legislative Agenda, it will now need to be amended as thanks to Senator Padden's.work, we have received the final funding package of$5 million; he said that the Pines Grade Separation Project is now fully funded and we will spend 2023 acquiring the last pieces of right-of-way; and again,he expressed thanks for everyone's hard work on this project. Greenacres Park Phase 2: Councilmember Woodard discussed the Park's Phase 2, which will expand the park to add a tennis court, pickleball courts, and other amenities; and he noted on the handout's map, the red circle showing the new or expanded amenities. Support Requests Support for grants awarded to the Performing Arts Center was next discussed by Councilmember Wick; who stated that the Arts Center will be a state-of-the-art 59,000 square foot facility located near Mirabeau Council Minutes,Special Meeting: 12-06-2022 Page 1 of 2 Approved by Council: 12-20-2022 Park;that it will draw visitors from all around the region and that the City requests support for the legislature to fully fund two state grants managed by the Department of Commerce. Councilmember Peetz talked about support for minor league baseball stadiums including Avista Stadium, which is a huge asset for the community; it was also mentioned that ours is the largest of all stadiums in need of help and one of the older ones,with Councilmember Woodard thanking Senator Padden for working to support this project. Policy statements were also discussed as noted on the agenda: Working off the City's legislative agenda,Deputy Mayor Higgins discussed Public Safety, followed by Councilmember Padden discussing removing barriers to Housing Construction; then City Manager Hohman talked about amending the state law regarding municipal taxing authority;Deputy Mayor Higgins discussed tax relief, and Councilmember Hattenburg talked about local decision making authority. Mayor Haley addressed the issue of protect and restore local state-shared revenues,and Councilmember Woodard discussed Growth Management Act Policies. Mayor Haley asked if there were any other issues the legislators wanted us to know about, and Senator Padden briefly talked about Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP) like those offered with Yokes, and WINCO, and said about 150 employees of Schweitzer Engineers retired as millionaires. Representative Schmick mentioned the dire mental health situation and the need for more people in the field;he also noted that passing the 988 suicide line is great but there are some smaller areas with no cell service; so those are issues that need further attention. Mayor Haley thanked everyone for coming. It was then moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 5:06 p.m. A E Q4 `' f Pam Haley,Mayor- pristine Bainbridge, City CI k --- Council Minutes,Special Meeting: I2-06-2022 Page 2 of 2 Approved by Council: 12-20-2022 1 r1 C� � I � F7 � r7 - n c rrcrr _ �t F irr��clj �lcrl rfcsn cres Pelt Vress 2 ;- Cif ? , (c ' Inc li`cl a 11 15s IL'1,( l is 1'-i [;o yes' `il v5 o t fl<< ; ) [Fur (Consbuc.l o n of Phase 2 `' 1 ';;P ,s•., ; .;. °,, : •,, In 2007, 8.3 acres were ,, purchased by Spokane i ,'�--` .* 11 `� ' .j'� Valleyfor what would s 1*, " .� •`,,,, ` . ¢` become Greenacres Park. a'' r d »% fl,, -,, '•r To make the best use of this � ,, +R i �`kr • 4. --- , space and meet demand, ,,•, .....4 v; 1 *Un` T1 , �= Phase 1 improvements were Ai ';e�` a � c,�:�,t:r�i,�c,�r:�r,,r.�: It. .0 -: \ , completed in 2012. , , 1 a- t'+'. q� 41 'i '. I,i`�• l 4, , .4 „{ y ,;_r E ,� - Phase 2 is a community t , � } `}6`as r` ' '-.- driven effort that used direct _. :rc,� 17 iiv a1 ,s ` , :9 ,>- input from residents in its "i! ,i '�U,_ •w i. 1, '! ..fir ' r` �:4 r c, .� t •;' k i$;' c planning. It will add more `.:f} ` _, Zw_ �, � recreational opportunities to �,, � address tremendous growth "''4 � in the region. The City of Spokane Valley requests the Legislature fully fund two grants for Phase 2: 1) A Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (WWRP — local parks) grant award for $500,000, ranked number 7 of 59 projects; and 2) A Land Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grant award of $1 million, ranked number 11 of 25 projects. Phase 2 Will Add the Following Amenities: New Tennis Court Six Pickleball Courts Two Hoopfest-Style Basketball Courts Community Garden New Shade Structures and Shade Trees New Backstop Expansion of Existing Playground and Splash Pad Additional Parking Spaces Paving of Existing Perimeter Path Renovation of Existing Disc Golf Course with 3-Hole Introductory Course and Practice Green .- r -:-./. - —,- ----7-7.: -"7"-i----1‘...."— --.' -Fii—„,....1—,„ .7 4 • , -. . ' 1 : 1. 1/4 ' I' . I - C ''- .'' L-..,F ,. . .._4.1_,,..• • , ,'Il•T Ipplr'.•- .';,, '-: '',' III- , i 2 ,-.' L, ' 1 t i _ 4 .', . Z --; •.4,-.1 ., , • ..Lft..d- )--..174,... ' I SN''.1." , . , ... .'/...r, -,e } ','-'• - 'r-Ve+ -A • . . * ,-;•-t.-,.:-.?; :,,, . -- , ,,•,: ,..7.1Ki4, -., - :tv • •:, 1 . . . . • . . 110.' 1,„ r. - ,,--x , .,!. , , , 11 , _1 , ... 1 •,. . , - -,---' ..--h'., - - . amow r I • ' .'1'0 I ,-; 1;t, j .)0,.,4i ,;\ LI .. , . . 0(3 z•,,,, . . .. . .. —r.., "' t, ' :-..EtiLlr 7 5'."••• '.. . 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