22-212.00 WSDOT: Joint Policing State-Owned Property 22-2-1Z Memorandum of Understanding Between City of Spokane Valley and Washington State Department of Transportation Pertaining to the: Consent to Enter,Issue No Trespass Orders, and Enforce State and Municipal Law The Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT) grants the City of Spokane Valley (City)authority to enter real property under the ownership or jurisdiction of WSDOT within the city limits of City of Spokane Valley, Washington(Premises) at all times to enforce all state and municipal laws. In addition, WSDOT grants the City the authority to issue orders excluding and prohibiting person(s) from remaining on or entering the Premises and to enforce such orders to the extent permitted by law. WSDOT agrees to post and maintain"No Trespassing"warning signs in visible,exterior,high traffic areas of the Premises. WSDOT further agrees to encourage all management, staff,and employees to call the City police department and report all criminal activity. In the event of an arrest of person(s) committing crimes on the Premises, including but not limited to: robbery, theft, vandalism, or trespass, WSDOT agrees to be the victim of record. WSDOT further agrees to provide a qualified representative to testify in court proceedings The City and WSDOT agree to cooperate in efforts to address homeless encampments and to coordinate prior to addressing specific encampment locations. If requested, the City agrees to issue exclusion and trespass orders and to take such actions to enforce such orders as the City deems appropriate, and to be present during WSDOT outreach, inspection, clean-up, and vegetation management activities. The City also agrees to utilize its social services outreach resources to connect at-risk populations with critical housing and social services. To prevent establishment or re-occupation of homeless encampment sites, WSDOT agrees to post"No Trespassing"signs in areas with active or prior homeless encampments, and after a homeless encampment is no longer occupied to timely clean up all trash and retain or dispose of any personal belongings. In addition, WSDOT agrees to respond in a timely manner to requests from the City for trash clean-up and posting of notices. A response from WSDOT within 72-hours will be deemed as meeting the requirement for a timely response. The powers and authority granted by WSDOT to the City shall be effective upon the last date written below and remain in effect,unless revoked in writing by WSDOT and served upon the City. #144 — 4 Washington State Department of J Hohman, City Manager Transportation, Eastern Region City of Spokane Valley 12/29/2022 //- 2 /- ZZ.. Date Date