2023-01-12 PC APPROVED SIGNED MINUTES Meeting Minutes
Spokane Valley Planning Commission
Council Chambers—City Hall
January 12, 2023
I. Administrative Assistant Marianne Lemons called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was
held in person and via ZOOM meetings.
II. The Commissioners, staff, and audience stood for the Pledge Of Allegiance
III. Administrative Assistant Marianne Lemons took attendance, and the following members and staff were
Susan Delucchi Tony Beattie, City Senior Deputy Attorney
Val Dimitrov, absent Chaz Bates, Planning Manager
Karl Granrath Adam Jackson, Engineering Manager
Walt Haneke Chad Phillips, Stormwater Engineer
Bob McKinley Chad Knodel, IT Manager
Nancy Miller Marianne Lemons, Administrative Assistant
Daniel Wilson, absent
There was consensus from the Planning Commissioners to excuse Commissioner Dimitrov and
Commissioner Wilson.
IV. AGENDA: Commissioner Delucchi moved to amend the agenda for January 12, 2023 to add an action
item prior to the public hearing for the "Election Of Off cers. " There was no discussion. The vote on
the motion was five in favor, zero against and the motion passed
V. MINUTES: Commissioner Miller moved to approve the December 22, 2022 minutes as presented.
There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was five in favor, zero against and the motion passed.
VI. COMMISSION REPORTS: There were no Planning Commission reports.
VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Planning Manager Chaz Bates reported that two new members have
been appointed to the Planning Commission. The new members are Val Dimitrov and Daniel Wilson.
They were unable to attend the meeting due to the short notice but will be at the next meeting. He also
let the Commission know that the Planning Commission meetings will be held at Centerplace beginning
in April due to repairs to be performed on the Council Chambers.
VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment.
a. Election of Officers
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Administrative Assistant Lemons called for nominations for the office of Chair. Commissioner
Delucchi nominated Commissioner Granrath. Commissioner Granrath nominated Commissioner
Haneke. The vote on the motion to nominate Commissioner Granrath was five in favor, zero against and
the motion passed Per a unanimous vote, Commissioner Granrath was appointed the Chair for 2023.
Administrative Assistant Lemons called for nominations for the office of Vice-Chair. Commissioner
Granrath nominated Commissioner Haneke. There were no other nominations. The vote on the
motion was five in favor, zero against and the motion passed Per the unanimous vote,Commissioner
Haneke was appointed the Vice-Chair for 2023.
b. Public Hearing: CTA-2022-0004— Stormvvater Management Regulations Update
The public hearing was opened at 6:09 p.m.
Engineering Manager Adam Jackson gave a staff presentation. He stated that the Washington
Department of Ecology defines stormwater as rain and snow melt that runs off rooftops,paved streets,
highways, and parking lots. The governing authority regarding stormwater is the Department of
Ecology. He explained that the proposed code text amendment is to make sure that the text in the
Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC)has the specific language that the Department of Ecology
Stormwater Engineer Chad Phillips explained that the changes look extensive on paper but that most
of the information has already been adopted in previous ordinances and stormwater standards. This
code text amendment will clean up the code so that the information is all in one location and will
adhere to the Ecology permit requirements.
Mr. Jackson explained that to meet the Ecology deadlines for this code language change, the City is
requesting that the public hearing is held, a decision is determined, and the findings of fact approved
all at one meeting.
There was no public comment offered on the matter. The public hearing was closed at 6:44 p.m.
Commissioner Haneke asked how Section 22.150.030 policies and standards are regulated and reviewed
once they are adopted. Mr. Jackson answered that the Stormwater Management Regulations and the
Street Standards are all adopted through a process that goes through the Planning Commission and City
Council. Any changes or adoptions would have to follow that public process.
Commissioner Haneke expressed concern regarding Section 22.150.110(C)5 that states: The planned
discharge shall be dechlorinated to a concentration of 0.1 ppm or less. He explained that typically the
water in Spokane Valley homes is chlorinated to 2.0—2.5 ppm. Mr. Jackson responded that according
to Ecology rules, any discharge must meet 0.1 ppm to be compliant. The Stormwater Utility Manager
must educate and inform the public on what the State requires.
Commissioner Haneke and Commissioner McKinley expressed concern that there is language in the
code that is very vague and ambiguous.
Commissioner Miller pointed out a typographical error on page 3.
Commissioner McKinley moved to recommend approval of CTA-2022-0004 to the City Council based
on the findings presented in the staff report. Commissioner Haneke moved to amend the motion to add
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the correction to the last sentence of the first paragraph to Section 22.150.080 to add the word
"personnel" after City. There was no discussion on the motion to amend. The vote on the amendment
motion was five in favor, zero against and the motion passed.
The vote on the main motion was five in favor, zero against, and the motion passed.
A recess was taken at 6:53 p.m. so that the staff could prepare the Findings of Fact for CTA-2022-0004.
The meeting was called back to order at 7:07 p.m.
c. Findings of Fact: CTA-2022-0004—Stormwater Management Regulations Update
Planning Manager Chaz Bates presented the Findings of Fact for CTA-2022-0004. He explained that
the Department of Ecology has a short deadline for the adoption of the code changes, so the Findings
of Fact were presented immediately after the public hearing for approval.
Commissioner McKinley moved to approve the Findings and Recommendations for CTA-2022-0004 as
presented There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was five in favor, zero against and the
motion passed.
X. GOOD OF THE ORDER: There was nothing offered for the Good Of The Order.
XI. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner McKinley moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m. The vote on
the motion was five in favor, zero against and the motion passed
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Karl Granrath, Chairman Date Signed
Marianne Lemons, Secretary