2023-02-09 PC APPROVED SIGNED MINUTESMeeting Minutes
Spokane Valley Planning Commission
Council Chambers — City Hall
February 9, 2023
I. Planning Commission Chair Karl Granrath called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The
meeting was held in person and via ZOOM meetings.
II. The Commissioners, staff, and audience stood for the Pledge Of Allegiance
III. Administrative Assistant Marianne Lemons took attendance, and the following members and
staff were present:
Susan Delucchi Tony Beattie, City Senior Deputy Attorney
Val Dimitrov Chaz Bates, Planning Manager
Karl Gramath Martin Palaniuk, Associate Planner
Walt Haneke Nikki Cole, IT Specialist
Bob McKinley Marianne Lemons, Administrative Assistant
Nancy Miller
Daniel Wilson
IV. AGENDA: Commissioner Delucchi moved to approve the agenda for February 9, 2023 as
presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was seven in favor, zero against
and the motion passed.
V. MINUTES: Commissioner Miller moved to approve the January 26, 2023 minutes as
presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was seven in favor, zero against
and the motion passed.
VI. COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioner Miller provided information regarding House
Bill 1110 regarding increasing housing in areas dedicated to single-family detached housing
that is being considered in legislature.
VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Planning Manager Chaz Bates requested to cancel the
February 23, 2023 Planning Commission meeting because there are no planning items
scheduled for that date. Commissioner Delucchi moved to cancel the February 23, 2023
Planning Commission meeting as requested by staff. There was no discussion. The vote on
the motion was seven in favor, zero against and the motion passed.
VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment.
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a. Study Session: CTA-2023-0001— Orphaned Accessory Structures
Associate Planner Martin Palaniuk gave a staff report. He explained that an orphaned
accessory structure is a detached accessory building that is on a lot by itself without a
permitted primary use. This normally happens in the single-family zones and tends to be a
shop or garage building that ends up on a lot by itself due to a boundary line adjustment or
subdivision. The City does not allow them outright because these structures can lead to a
commercial use of the property, can create an aesthetic problem for the neighborhood, and
can introduce unwanted traffic and activity.
Mr. Palaniuk explained that the City allows accessory structures when they are subordinate to
the primary use of the lot and permitted within the zoning district. Examples of the allowed
structures would be detached shops/garages, swimming pools, carports, sheds, & gazebos.
When a new lot is created that leaves an orphaned structure, the current code requires that the
structure must be removed prior to the recordation of the lot.
Mr. Palaniuk stated that staff would like to develop language and criteria that would allow an
orphaned structure to remain until a primary use can be established. He outlined that
proposed options would be to require financial surety, to codify a possible work -around, or
allow an orphaned accessory use outright.
Mr. Palaniuk explained that the City has developed a "work around" that allows the land use
action to happen when the property owner desires to keep an orphaned accessory structure.
The work around requires that the developer submit a building permit for a primary use on the
lot with the accessory building just prior to recording the land use action. Once the action is
recorded the developer has six weeks to begin construction of the primary use. The work
around is problematic, complicated, and requires coordination and follow-up over an extended
period. This often results in code compliance issues and is not codified in the Spokane Valley
Municipal Code (SVMC).
Mr. Palaniuk stated that another option is to require a financial surety be submitted to the City
that would cover the demolition of the structure if a primary use is not established. This surety
amount would be required at the time of final plat recordation and covers the City if compliance
is not achieved.
Mr. Palaniuk asked for direction from the Planning Commission regarding this matter so that
staff can draft language that will be added to the S VMC.
There was consensus from the Planning Commissioners to proceed with proposed language
to require financial surety prior to final plat recordation. Mr. Palaniuk stated that he will
draft the language and bring it back for discussion and revision at a future meeting.
X. GOOD OF THE ORDER: There was nothing offered for the Good of the Order.
XI. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Granrath moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 p.m. The
vote on the motion was seven in favor, zero against and the motion passed.
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Karl Granrath, Chairman Date Signed
Marianne Lemons, Secretary