2023, 04-11 Formal meeting minutes MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Special Meeting,Formal Format Tuesday, April 1.1, 2023 Mayor Haley called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. The meeting was held in person by Council and staff in the Great Room at CenterPlace, 2426 N Discovery Place, Spokane Valley, and also remotely via Zoom meeting. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Pam Haley,Mayor John Hohman, City Manager Rod Higgins, Deputy Mayor Erik Lamb, Deputy City Manager Tim Hattenburg, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Laura Padden, Councilmember John Bottelli,Parks &Recreation Director Brandi Peetz, Councilmember[via zoom] Tony Beattie, Sr. Deputy City Attorney Ben Wick, Councilmember Gloria Mantz, City Engineer Arne Woodard, Councilmember Bill Helbig,Community&PW Director Dave Ellis,Police Chief Mike Basinger,Economic Dev. Director Emily Estes-Cross, Public Information Officer John Whitehead, Human Resources Director Sarah Farr,Accountant/Budget Analyst Eric Robison,Housing& Homeless Coordinator Virginia Clough, Legislative Policy Coordinator Chad Knodel, IT Manager Nikki Kole, IT Specialist Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Isaac Hebden of the Intersection Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council, staff and the audience stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all Councilmembers were present. (Councilmember Padden arrived at 6:02 p.m.] APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS n/a COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS Councilmember Wick: said he attended the Chamber's Business Awards event and he extended congratulations to Craig Howard,recipient of the Harry E.Nelson Citizen of the Year award;said the Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board(FMSIB)is working on their budget and project allocations;mentioned some of the pending State Legislative bills and of AWC's (Association of Washington Cities) associated comments; said HB 1110 is still a work in progress but cities with populations under 75,000 are exempt; said this bill is still being watched as it moves further through the system. Councilmember Woodard: reported that he was able to attend about half of the Continuum of Care retreat last week as they work to solicit feedback on their five-year plan,which is now condensed into a three-year plan,and to evaluate what did and did not work; and also attended the City's 20th anniversary celebration. Council Meeting Minutes, Formal: 04-11-2023 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council: 04-25-2023 Councilmember Hattenburg: said he also attended the Chamber's Business awards, and the City's 20111 anniversary; went to a couple ribbon cuttings, and at the behest of Mayor Haley read a proclamation for Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day held in front of City Hall. Councilmember Peetz: reported that she attended many of the events already mentioned, such as the • Chamber awards which she said were very impressive; said she attended the City's 20th anniversary celebration; and mentioned the Girl Scouts Savannah Sunshine Camp; and that she went to the Decade Ribbon Cutting. Councilmember Padden: stated that she attended Representative MeMorris' Town Hall meeting;went to the City's 20t''anniversary celebration;and mentioned the Chamber's scholarship foundation for apprenticeships and that the Chamber is having difficulty getting enough young people to sign up for the scholarship. Deputy Mayor Higgins: no report. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Haley reported that she attended the Performance Monitoring External Relations meeting for Spokane Transit, and that they discussed the Connect Fare Collection System and administration fee, which is a $5.00 replacement fee, and that there was extensive discussion on that issue and they did not come to an agreement so that will go to the Board for a decision; said they heard a report on the Spokane Public Schools' fare cards, and a councilmember from Spokane had requested that they be combined, but unfortunately the computer systems aren't compatible. PROCLAMATIONS:Public Safety Telecommunicators Week Mayor Haley read the Public Safety Telecommunicators Week proclamation. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY: After Mayor Haley explained the process, she invited public comment. Mr. Tony Edwards, Spokane Valley: spoke about construction tax fraud and of billions in lost tax revenue; said the local Spokane Carpenter's union is taking part in this issue to raise awareness of the tax fraud and bring those engaged in illegal activity,to accountability. Mr. George Conrad, Spokane Valley: spoke about construction last year when Barker Road was detoured, and said he would like a better solution should this occur again; he handed maps to the City Clerk for distribution to Councilmembers,and said that the map shows a proposed connector route between E Sprague and E.Appleway. Mr. John Harding, Spokane Valley: said he had questions about tonight's bid award and Mayor Haley suggested he wait and give his comments when Council gets to that action item, which is item #2 on the agenda. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Consent Agenda: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a.Approval of Claim Vouchers on April 11, 2023, Request for Council Action Form: $5,556,996.23 b.Approval of Payroll for Pay Period ending March 31,2023: $707,569.96 c.Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of March 21,2023 d. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of April 4,2023 It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. 2. Motion Consideration: Sullivan Road Improvements, Sprague to 8th Bid Award—Erica Amsden It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to award the Sullivan Road improvement project— CIP#0320 contract to North ForkEntejprises, LLC in the amount of$3,820,971.36 and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the construction contract pending ITB approval. City Engineer Mantz, standing in for Ms. Amsden, explained the project and the bid process; adding that this had been a preservation project, but now includes installation of IT conduit and fiber and more improvements as the condition of pavement was much worse then anticipated; so when completed,there will be a new road fully Council Meeting Minutes, Formal: 04-11-2023 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: 04-25-2023 constructed. Councilmember Woodard asked if this includes a sidewalk,and Ms.Mantz said it does,as well as right-of-way for acquisition of the sidewalk;which was not included in the project scope when it was just going to be a preservation project; and that as usual, contingencies are built into the price. Mayor Haley invited public comment.Mr.John Harding, Spokane Valley:asked if he missed an opportunity for discussion about the costs for road maintenance this year, and if that number has been discussed or agreed upon by Council. City Manager Hohman replied that has not yet been discussed; and the second week in June will be the Council budget workshop which Mr. Harding is welcome to attend,and during that budget workshop, Council and will go through all the numbers.There were no further public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: 3. Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)Review---Eric Robison Housing and Homeless Coordinator Robison explained that this is an opportunity for Council to have input on the allocation of funds; said the County is reviewing proposals for the use of CDBG funds for the 2023 program;that staff is requesting Council review the applications and provide guidance to the City's HCDAC representatives, for the HCDAC public hearing set for April 13, 2023, at which time the Draft Program Annual Plan will be presented; said the hearing is an opportunity to hear an overview of the Annual Action Plan and list of projects to be funded. Mr. Robison also referenced the included briefing paper with a summary of the funding recommendations made by the HCDAC to the Board of County Commissioners; which paper is from Spokane County Housing and Community Development Administrator, George Dahl, who it was noted is in attendance at tonight's meeting. Councilmember Woodard reminded everyone that if the project is an infrastructure project, the Board of County Commissioners must fund those at 100%; therefore, the plan was not to allocate anything other than 100% as those entities generally don't have revenue sources to make up the difference.Mr.Robison noted it is not too Iate to comment,that changes can be made in the allocations;that the HCDAC Board is important but the Board of County Commissioners has final word. 4. ARPA Presentations—Erik Lamb,Chelsie Taylor Deputy City Manager Lamb gave a brief background on the ARPA(American Rescue Plan Act)funds; that we have identified approximately $6 million towards affordable housing and homeless services, less $2 million withheld for potential land acquisition as previously determined by City Council; leaving approximately $4 million for allocation towards the 12 proposals received. Mr.Lamb said that Council will hear presentations from eleven proponents, as Community Framework submitted two applications so their one presentation will include both applications. Mr. Lamb said that each presentor will have ten minutes to present, which includes questions from Council; and that he will provide a two-minute warning to each presenter;he also noted that no decision will be made tonight and he asked that the ranking charts be returned to Finance Director Taylor by next Tuesday, reminding Council that the chart is just a priority ranking for a subsequent discussion at a future meeting where the allocation decisions will be determined. The following applicants gave a brief presentation: 1. Community Frameworks: New low-income housing; two proposals —$2.9 million for 12 units or $1.8 million for 8 units. 2. Word of Faith Christian Center: Down-payment assistance for low-income residents--$1 million. 3. The Salvation Army: Salvation Army Spokane Valley Bridge Shelter(approximately 45-beds/units) —$1.2 million 4. Spokane Neighborhood Action Partners: Broadway Senior Housing (60-unit affordable senior housing)—$2.3 million. 5. Career Path Services: Affordable housing for at-risk youth(age 18-30)—$3.4 million. 6. Reclaim Project Recovery: Four-part proposal (multi-purpose facility; 10-12 person shelter; transitional sober living facility; thrift store/job creation) $4 million Mayor Haley called for a recess at 7:50 p.m,. the meeting was resumed at 8:00 p.m. Council Meeting Minutes,Formal: 04-11-2023 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council: 04-25-2023 7. Habitat for Humanity-Spokane:Land acquisition for permanently affordable housing—$1,6 million. 8. Filipino American NW Association: Homeless prevention program & creating new services within Spokane Valley—$600,000. 9. Family Promise of Spokane: Fast-leasing and sustainable housing (FLASH) Program (establishing fast leasing and sustainable housing program for families at risk of homelessness)—$1.1 million. 10. Volunteers of America of Eastern Wa&Northern Idaho: "Crosswalk 2.0" (Construction of 18 new emergency shelter beds and 18 college dorm style living for young.adults)—$500,000. 11. Freedom Consulting,LLC: Social services expansion and growth (including purchase of duplex for transitional housing)—$875,000. Mr.Lamb ended by reminding Council to send their ranking prioritization chart to Finance Director Taylor, who also indicated those charts will be sent to Council electronically. 5.Advance Agenda--Mayor Haley There were no suggested changes to the Advance Agenda. COUNCIL COMMENTS There were no additional Council comments. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS City Manager Hohman reminded everyone of next Tuesday's ribbon cutting at Barker Road; mentioned some of the pending bills going through the state legislation, and extended thanks to Senator Padden for continuing to oppose the bill concerning middle housing. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. ;TT QICV1^-- Pam Haley,Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Meeting Minutes,Formal: 04-11-2023 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council: 04-25-2023 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, April 11, 2023 6:00 p.m. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY THIS IS FOR GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENTS YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO'PUREE MINUTES You may sign in to speak but it is not necessary,as the Mayor will afford the public the opportunity to speak. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU YOUR CITY OF RESIDENCE PLEASE PRINT WILL SPEAK ABOUT 3 Please note that once information is entered on this form, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure. April 11, 2023 Proposal: GC Connector George Conrad (509-844-4513) „ --i-Hi .....-• ...,-u., •:. -. , . . •- Ls, ; mirsilit.-.:.1..77141 -.:',.- r.), „ 4 1 i . _. . ...,.. .:, . . ...,,, . . ....„,.... • • -1:-. '-' '.4.-:T. "- .Lie,L,i, '' i- 1.,. f-I-1, --.' ': • ----- I -I i 7.. .7; 7 7"----:. _1 ,.. _.._: 1- • ; , 1 --.-, _,.1.,.;. , _. --.:-R-nitil:=.-i . q.‘:---I --.7_,-. -..,- 1 ,,,444), ,,,' . - -•,------- -----'7:.7-71.EadA,y3lilla,i . . .. _., -0- - -.-':: 't."- 1-1 1--'.7'. ''' ' ' 4,1.- I.Tiftr---1 i 1.•• .... :-- ) _.1.1, . ____ _________.' - ' ••••____•,____„_,c;c4,..,..-_s.1•:-..,. 1 , - ;,,,._•, . W !•---D... -1- qj .r, ,xii.`f,f9:',:s.,.,.1-•-:i.f.' _, . ! N:4••,..,' c ' Mdgeline ., , —. , -, f . -1 1 F'',":...-.-:'.."t--1,-:-•ci.)1-.. .t,-! 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HUD MEDIAN FAMILY INCOME (MFI) LIMITS 2022 (use for County HHAA, AHTF, HOME, and CDBG) (Effective 611512022) Median Income for Spokane is $84,100 • HH 80% MFI (Moderate 50% MFI (Very Low 30% MFI(Extremely Low Size 100% MFI Income) 60% MFI (Low Income) Income) Income) Annual Monthly Hourly Annual Monthly Hourly Annual Monthly Hourly Annual Monthly Hourly Annual Monthly Hourly 1 $58,900 $4,908 $28.32 $47,150 $3,929 $22.67 $35,340 $2,945 $16.99 $29,450 $2,454 $14.16 $17,700 $1,475 $8.51 2 $67,300 $5,608 $32.36 $53,850 $4,488 $25.89 $40,380 $3,365 $19.41 $33,650 $2,804 $16.18 $20,200 $1,683 $9.71 3 $75,700 $6,308 $36.39 $60,600 $5,050 $29.13 $45,420 $3,785 $21.84 $37,850 $3,154 $18.20 $22,750 $1,896 $10.94 4 $84,100 $7,008 $40.43 $67,300 $5,608 $32.36 $50,460 $4,205 $24.26 $42,050 $3,504 $20.22 $25,250 $2,104 $12.14 5 $90,900 $7,575 $43.70 $72,700 $6,058 $34.95 $54,540 $4,545 $26.22 $45,450 $3,788 $21.85 $27,300 $2,275 $13.13 6 $97,600 $8,133 $46.92 $78,100 $6,508 $37.55 $68,560 $5,713 $32.96 $48,800 $4,067 $23.46 $29,300 $2,442 $14.09 7 $104,300 $8,692 $50.14 $83,500 $6,958 $40.14 $62,850 $5,238 $30.22 $52,150 $4,346 $25.07 $31,350 $2,613 $15.07 8 $111,100 $9,258 $53.41 $88,850 $7,404 $42.72 $66,600 $5,550 $32.02 $55,550 $4,629 $26.71 $33,350 $2,779 $16.03 The City's Housing Action Plan identifies the following needs for housing: Area Median Income Number of Units Percentage of Units 0-30% (extra low income) 550 8% 30-50% (very low income) 625 9% 50-80% (low income) 1,039 16% 80-100% 686 10% 100%+ 3,760 56% ,--17L '' CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds RFP Ranking In filling out this worksheet,each Councilmember will rank the below projects from 1 to 12 with the number 1 being the highest priority project. If there is flexibility or there are multiple projects under a single proposal,please rank the proposal according to the highest ranking within that proposal.The City has a total of$3,998,535 that will be awarded through this process.Councilmembers must return their completed ranking worksheet to Chelsie Taylor by April 18,2023. Requested Project Councilmember Project# Entity Project Name Amount ScaleablelFlexible? Ranking(1-12) ARPA-1002 Community Frameworks Rockwell Expansion-12 Units $ 2,889,700 Yes-8 unit option(ARPA- 1011) ARPA-1003 Word of Faith Christian Center Down Payment Assistance for Low-Income Spokane Valley Residents $ 1,000,000 Yes ARPA-1004 The Salvation Army The Salvation Army's Spokane Valley Bridge Shelter $ 1,200,000 No ARPA-1005 Spokane Neighborhood Action Partners Broadway Senior Housing $ 2,300,000 Yes ARPA-1006 Career Path Services Bridging the Gap to Housing and Careers for At-Risk Spokane Valley Young Adults $ 3,450,000 No ARPA-1008 Reclaim Project Recovery Reclaim Project Spokane Valley $ 4,000,000 Yes ARPA-1010 Habitat for Humanity-Spokane Habitat for Humanity Land Acquisition for Permanently Affordable Housing $ 1,600,000 No ARPA-1011 Community Frameworks Rockwell Expansion-8 Units $ 1,773,609 Yes-12 unit option(ARPA- 1002) ARPA-1012 Filipino American Northwest Association Homeless Prevention Program and Creating New Services Within Spokane Valley $ 600,000 Yes ARPA-1014 Family Promise of Spokane Family Promise Valley Fast-Leasing and Sustainable Housing(FLASH)Program $ 1,095,076 Needs clarification ARPA-1015 Volunteers of America Eastern WA Crosswalk 2-0 $ 500,000 No ARPA-1017 Freedom Consulting,LLC Freedom Consulting Social Services Expansion and Growth 2023 $ 875,000 Yes