2007, 05-29 Special Study Session MinutesMINUTES
Special Study Session Meeting
City Council
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 6:00 p.m.
Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers
11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA.
City of Spokane Valley
Mayor Wilhite
Deputy Mayor Taylor
Councilmember DeVleming
Councilmember Gothmann
Councilmember Munson
Councilmember Schimmels
Councilmember Denenny
Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
City Staff
City Manager Dave Mercier
Deputy City Manager Nina Regor
City Attorney Mike Connelly
Police Chief Rick VanLeuven
Parks & Rec Director Mike Jackson
Senior Planner Scott Kuhta
Senior Engineer Steve Worley
Planning Manager Greg McCormick
Public Information Officer Carolbelle Branch
Public Works Director Neil Kersten
Finance Director Ken Thompson
City Clerk Chris Bainbridge
ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called roll. All Councilmembers were present except
Councilmember Denenny. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor, seconded and unanimously agreed to
excuse Councilmember Denenny from tonight's meeting.
Agenda Item:
1. Sprague - Appleway Revitalization Plan
Senior Planner Kuhta gave an overview of discussion points of the Revitalization Plan, including the Plan
adoption schedule; public hearing information; City Center options and consultants; City Hall space
needs, timing, cost, and the idea of shared use with the Library and /or Fire District; possible development
incentives such as tax increment financing, multi - family tax abatement zones, or SEPA /EIS planned
action ordinance, which is a tool for communities to attract development at a specific area by enacting
development incentives; extra consultant services and associated cost estimates, and auto row issues such
as implementation of the plan with the dealers' participation; and he mentioned that he presents this
information now to provide the setting for Council's upcoming retreat this Saturday where more detailed
discussion can take place. Mr. Kuhta said that Freedman, Tung and Bottomley (FTB) are working on
getting the plan ready for distribution, that the plan will come to us in an administrative draft form which
staff will review to ensure correct nomenclature, and that staff will schedule the Plan for public review
and hearings, including orientation sessions from FTB as they take staff and the public through the
document. Afterwards, Mr. Kuhta explained, Council will need to decide how to move forward with the
project. Mr. Kuhta said that the public hearings will likely be held before the Planning Commission some
time during late summer; then the Plan will get to Council with the intent of adopting the Plan by the end
of the year; and that FTB normally won't merely drop off the Plan, but they will propose some optional
plans for consideration depending on what we need; that FTB could also make further presentations to
Council and if changes were made, FTB would edit the changes per Council direction. Mr. Kuhta said he
feels that would be an invaluable service and worthy of Council consideration, and that he estimates the
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cost of such would be between $35,000 and $45,000; but any changes could be tailored as Council
Councilmember Munson said that he would like to find out what it would cost to develop a two -page
insert in the local newspapers, of what the City could look like. Mr. Kuhta responded that FTB has all the
graphics, and he would find out what FTB would charge and if Council deemed appropriate, he feels
inserts in the newspaper would be very effective. Councilmember Gothmann added that it might be good
for FTB to see what media method would be most effective as we work to keep the public informed. Mr.
Kuhta also mentioned that Studio Cascade would also be a good source of assistance in such endeavor.
Additional issues were discussed including travel costs for FTB to do presentations, changes in text and
graphics; whether to have FTB or a local group such as Studio Cascade do such presentation; that the idea
of having a newspaper insert should be explored; perhaps Studio Cascade could do some work, FTB
could do some, and staff could do some; that this project is now the responsibility of Council to promote
to the public. Mr. Kuhta said that last October when the Planning Consultant made a presentation, we
were given three options: (1) identify the site, zone for a city center; or (2) zone it then do some public
improvements like street scapes, parks and wait for the market to react; or (3) the home run approach to
do all that, attempt to assemble the land, then issue a developer request for proposal (RFP) and get a
developer capable of doing a new town center all at once; and Mr. Kuhta said that when Freedman asked
Council which direction they preferred, they were directed to explore option 3; and therefore we hired
ClearPath as real estate advisor. Mr. Kuhta also said that Mr. Freeman suggested we hire a second
consultant so staff contacted Bob Gibbs, a town center planning consultant who will help determine the
viability of developing a mixed -use City center; that Mr. Gibbs is reviewing reports prepared by
ECONorthwest, including a pro -forma for the City Center, which was included with this council packet
information. Mr. Kuhta said that report should be completed after this week; and in talking with
ClearPath, they believe we need to get "in- step" with the Library District. Several Councilmembers
expressed a desire not to lose the Library District and to do what we can to ensure that district is a part of
the City Center; but it was mentioned that the Library District needs a site, and therefore, we must
determine how to get them a site by September.
Mr. Kuhta mentioned that Fire Chief Thompson has expressed some interest in the possibility of locating
their administrative offices in the City Center; but that the Fire District Board has not decided on that
issue. Mr. Kuhta stated that when the project moves forward, there will be a significant impact on staff
and he wants council to be aware it will take one or two dedicated staff for such an endeavor. Mr. Mercier
added that a section of next Saturday's agenda deals with the business plan, which is an ideas list but
doesn't include any legislative decisions as we don't know what expense might be associated with that
Further discussion included issues associated with capital improvements, such as city parks, public
spaces; the need to understand the retail environment; market study on shopping habits; that we don't
want just a retail operation and don't want another mall; the idea of having regional retail to draw in local
people such as local coffee shops; that it is not Council's role to determine which stores to include in the
Center; the idea of including residential; to include the historical and /or artistic community, perhaps a
performing arts center; how to structure such a center for a developer, financing, bonding, and other
financial commitments to consider such as tax increment financing; the City putting in the infrastructure;
development costs; civic goals; and the mention that development along the corridor comply with existing
Mayor Wilhite called for a recess at 7:05 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 7:14 p.m.
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Engineer Worley then brought Council attention to Mr. Worley's May 25, 2007 Informational Memo as
an aid to explain some of the transportation issues to consider in conjunction with this project. After
going over his memorandum, further discussion was held concerning conversion of the existing one -way
couplet between Argonne Road /Dishman -Mica Road and University Road to two, two -way streets; the
extension of Appleway Avenue from University Road to beyond Sullivan as a two -lane, two -way
residential boulevard; reducing Sprague Avenue from seven lanes to five lanes east of University Road
and the timing of each aspect. Mr. Worley said that the request on the MTP is the entire corridor; and
construction can be done in phases. Mr. Worley also mentioned that if Council desires to change the
proposal as noted in the memorandum, staff would need that decision by June 15 to give SRTC time to do
an air quality analysis on the proposal and have the results ready to be included in that Board's packets by
July 2.
The regional traffic model was also discussed, and Mr. Worley said that the transportation modeling for
the Plan was based on the "interim" regional traffic model completed in late 2005. The issue of
intersections and capacity was also discussed, as well as projected growth, bike lanes, sidewalks; speed
limits to gain the highest number of traffic passing through and /or slowing traffic through the City Center;
rapid transit or light rail potential; acquiring additional right -of -way on Appleway; whether there has been
ample public input or if there is need for further public input, and if further public hearings should be
scheduled, and if so, when those should take place. The idea of further presentations to Council was also
brought up, and it was suggested that Council should have a list of the pros and cons of keeping the road
as is, or reversing back to two -ways. Mr. Kuhta mentioned that if further public hearings will be held, he
suggests educating the public prior to such hearings, to unveil the Plan and go out to the community to
explain what it means; then schedule any public hearing.
The motion made at the Council's previous meeting concerning the Spokane Regional Metropolitan
Transportation Plan, was discussed and there was some disagreement on what exactly that motion was.
Staff will research that and have the answer by the next Council meeting.
Mr. Worley recommended that Gladding Jackson perform another analysis, and as soon as we get the
regional model, to give them the results, then they can go through and re- evaluate and compare that to
what we are recommending now; but that no scope has been developed for that work yet, but such could
be done between now and time the model is received. Council concurred and said they want to know
Mayor Wilhite recommend moving forward with the three bulleted items in the proposal for the MTP and
the TIB while we wait to see how long it takes for SRTC to come up with the new model, and to have
staff report back as to what progress has been made.
2. Executive Session: Pending Litigation — Land Acquisition
It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor and seconded to adjourn into Executive Session for forty minutes
regarding pending litigation and land acquisition, and that there may be a decision made regarding land
acquisition upon return to regular open session. Mayor Wilhite announced that Council will take a five -
minute break prior to convening the Executive Session; and Council left open session at 8:15 p.m. Mayor
Wilhite declared Council out of Executive Session at 8:39 p.m. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor,
seconded, and unanimously agreed to authorize the City Manager or designee to continue negotiations
and make an offer to purchase for park purposes, property located at 17721 East Boone, Spokane Valley,
as is set forth in the attached offer dated May 29, 2007; subject to the approval of final documents by the
City Council.
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It was then moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor, seconded, and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting
adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk
Dt_ct W d(i
Diana Wilhite, Mayor
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Approved by City Council: 06 -26 -07
May 29, 2007
Joe and Karla Ruddach
17721 East Boone Avenue
Spokane Valley, WA 99016
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Ruddach:
Re: Potential ierrns of sale of your property to Spokane Valley
11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206
509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhaU @spokanevalley.org
I have appreciated the opportunity to meet with you and discuss the potential for the City of
Spokane Valley to purchase the 4.26 acres of property adjacent to your home. I have attached a
line drawing identifying the property as it would look following the transaction, if we find
mutually agreeable terms. The City previously offered you the appraised value of the land only,
which was $55,000 per acre. You rejected that offer, and we discussed various options that
might be considered by the parties.
Based on our discussions, the City would like to extend the following tentative offer for this
property, which .must be approved by the City Council before it can become binding. The
primary terms would be as follows:
- A sales price for the 4.23 acres of $310,000;
- You would keep the manufactured home and pole barn on the property, which would
both have lb be removed no later than June 1, 2009;
- You would lease the south 135 feet of the property from the City for $100.00 per year,
and your father, Mr. Ed Lehman, would continue to live on that portion of the
property until no later than June 1, 2009. As the leaseholder, you would be required
to maintain property liability insurance policy in the amount of $1 million per
occurrence and $2 million aggregate minimum coverage. Generally this takes the
form of an umbrella policy, and the City's insurer advises that this costs around $200
per year for the additional coverage; and •
- The City will complete a boundary line adjustment that would reduce the lot size from
its current size of 4.47 acres to 4.26, with that portion being reduced being added to
parcel number 55182.1 520 (your residence), bringing that property from .21 acres to
.42 acres.
If you find this offer acceptable, please sign below and return by Friday, June 1, 2007. 1 would
then seek final approval by the City Council. If you have any questions, please call me at 688-
0040. I look forward to hearing from you.
Mike Jackson
• Spokane Valley Parks and Recreations Director
ivlJ /pd
c: Dave Mercier, City Manager
Cary P. Driskcll, Deputy City Attorney
Acceptance of Tentative Offer.
Karla Ruddach