2023-05-25 PC APPROVED SIGNED MINUTESSpecial Meeting Minutes
Spokane Valley Planning Commission
Room 109 — Centerplace Regional Event Center
May 25, 2023
I. Planning Commission Chairman Karl Granrath called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. The
meeting was held in person and via ZOOM meetings.
II. The Commissioners, staff, and audience stood for the Pledge Of Allegiance.
III. Administrative Assistant Marianne Lemons took attendance, and the following members and
staff were present:
Susan Delucchi
Tony Beattie, City Senior Deputy Attorney
Val Dimitrov
Chaz Bates, Planning Manager
Karl Granrath
Lori Barlow, Senior Planner
Walt Haneke
Chad Knodel, IT Specialist
Bob McKinley
Marianne Lemons, Administrative Assistant
Nancy Miller
Daniel Wilson
IV. AGENDA: Commissioner Delucchi moved and it was seconded to amend the agenda for
May 25, 2023 to change the public hearing for CTA-2023-0002 to a study session and move
public comment after the study session. Commissioner McKinley moved and it was seconded
to amend the motion to include amending the minutes to be approved from April 27, 2023 to
May 11, 2023. Without objection, Chairman McGrath called the three changes to a vote
clarifying that the vote was on changing the public hearing to a study session, moving the
public comment period to after the study session, and amending the minutes to be approved
to the May 11, 2023 minutes. The vote on the motion was seven in favor, zero against, and
the motion passed. -This motion was subsequently rescinded by the Commission as noted in
Section VII of these minutes.
V. MINUTES: Commissioner Delucchi moved and it was seconded to approve the May 11,
2023 minutes as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was seven in
favor, zero against, and the motion passed. This motion was subsequently rescinded by the
Commission as noted in Section VII of these minutes.
VI. COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioner Delucchi reported that she is studying the
newly passed House Bills, the Growth Management Plan for Spokane County, and has been
getting information from the Office of Financial Management and Aquifer Protection
Division regarding the possible impacts of the changes to legislation.
VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Planning Manager Chaz Bates reported that staff will be
giving a comprehensive update on the newly passed legislation at a future meeting.
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A recess was called at 6:19 p.m. The meeting was called back to order at 6:38 p.m. City
Attorney Tony Beattie explained that due to the rules of a "special meeting", the motion to
amend the agenda would need to be rescinded. Therefore, the mistake on the agenda listing
the Commission Business for CTA-2023-0001 as a Public Hearing could not be changed to a
study session and the session would need to be held at the next meeting and noticed
accordingly. It was further explained that the public would still be allowed to comment
during the scheduled public comment period. Commissioner Haneke moved and it was
seconded to rescind the previous motion amending the agenda and rescind approval of the
minutes for May 11, 2023. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was seven in
favor, zero against, and the motion passed.
Bob West (Spokane Valley) stated that he is against the House Bills that were passed by
legislation. He said that the regulations passed are not in the best interest of the property
owners and invade property owner rights. He also expressed concern about the change to the
regulations regarding Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU's). He feels that changing the
regulations will cause property values to drop, cause traffic issues, and will allow houses to
be built on top of each other.
Al Merkel (Spokane Valley) stated that people moved to Spokane Valley for the community
neighborhood integrity that is available. The newly passed amendments will substantially
change that about the City. He explained that there are reports that state the City "needs" to
increase the number of housing units by a certain amount. He feels that it is not the City's
requirement to make more housing units available. He feels that being forced to increase the
number of housing units will lead to more traffic, more pollution, and more crime in the City.
He doesn't feel that the City should be required to provide additional housing units because
the current City residents will have to bear the tax burden and economic impact to fix the
problems that will arise with additional population. He expressed concern about the need for
more schools and impacts on the roads and infrastructure. He stated that he doesn't feel the
City "needs" additional housing units.
Linda Klesch (Spokane Valley) expressed concern about the new legislation and commented
that the City shouldn't hurry to implement any of the new changes until it is required since
the bill will not take effect for three years. She feels that the City has not done a good job
letting the residents know about the changes and how it will affect their property rights and
get public input from the residents. She also said that there are a lot of other Cities within the
State that are angry about the laws and that legal action against the State should be taken to
keep the law from going into effect.
Claire Rike (Spokane Valley) stated that she would like to see Spokane Valley remain the
Valley and doesn't think that the west side of the state should be able to dictate what happens
in the Valley. She feels that the laws are an attack on the middle class to become the lower
class. She also expressed concern about the law allowing the removal of natural and
conversation areas (where homes aren't allowed to be built) for increased density. She also
feels that the changes could lead to additional vandalism, theft, and crime in the City.
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Joe Quarter (Spokane County) expressed concern about current construction that is already
happening because it is causing undue hardship on surrounding properties. He doesn't feel
the infrastructure can handle the current construction and that traffic is a big problem. He
said that the City should not allow building to continue until the infrastructure is improved to
handle the volume.
Barb Howard (Spokane Valley) submitted a written comment that was read into the record.
She stated that she does not think the City should have to do what Olympia directs and that
the City should not allow property owners to build ADU's on their property, rent both
properties, and leave town. She feels that rentals have destroyed her neighborhood and does
not want to see the code changed to allow additional ADU's.
a. Public Hearing: CTA-2023-0002 — Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Regulations
It was explained that a Study Session will be held on June 8, 2023 and the Public Hearing
will be held on June 22, 2023. Chair Granrath stated that he will not be able to attend the
June 22, 2023 meeting.
X. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Commissioner Delucchi commented that the new RCW has a
provision in the law that the City cannot restrict the number of ADU's for single-family
residences in the transportation corridors. Also, the law allows up to two units in any
neighborhood regardless of location and has a provision allowing subdivision and the
creation of condominiums. She encouraged the public to read the house bills and get familiar
with the new laws and encouraged the City to take legal action against the bills.
Commissioner Haneke stated that he is against the proposed change to the City requirement
for a property owner to be allowed to build an ADU's and not live in one of the residences.
He explained that when the State law goes into effect, it will allow this change, but he
doesn't think the City should make the change until they are forced.
XI. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Haneke moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:19 p.m. The
vote on the motion was seven in favor, zero against, and the motion passed.
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Karl Granrath, Chairman Date Signed
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Marianne Lemons, Secretary