2023, 06-08 Hearing Examiner for SUB-2023-0004, 623 N Flora RdSUPERIOR COURT of WASHINGTON for SPOKANE COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STATE of WASHINGTON County of Spokane AFFIDAVIT of PUBLICATION RODRIGUEZ SUBDIVISION SUB-2023-0004 PUBLIC NOTICE: HEARING EXAMINER JENNETT MEYER being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that she is the BOOKKEEPER of the Spokane Valley News Herald, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Spokane County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper, which said newspaper had been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for Spokane County. That the following is a true copy of a Legal Notice as it was published in regular issues commenc- ing on the 19th day of May, 2023, and ending on the 26th day of May, 2023, all dates inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- scribers during all of said period: SUBSC ►„ ED and SWORN to before me this 26th, . a of Ma 2023. State of ' ashington County of Spokane 0(--(2 v \K0.2, \A-Ire-,Jkt/N Title: Notary Public My appointment expires 12/22/2025 1 LELA MACARTHUR Notary Public State of Washington License Number 23008523 My Commission Expires March 16, 2027 1 £Z-9Z-9'B CZ-64-9 :ysllgnd 4P010 /(1!O AepeA eue>lods 40 AD 'a6ppqule9 °wispy° 'epees aq Aew s}uewa6ueiie l841 os elglssod se woos se Z049-0ZL (609) la >PODD 4IO ey}}oeluoo aseoid'slueuuledwl Jegio Jo '6upeaq'leols19d eiepoww000e' of eouelslsse lol0ads aalnoel oqm 61Blesw 0144 puo1 a o} 6uluueld slenpinlpul •6upeoq 044 of loud panl00al s1e A84111 Aluo pepnl0ul 00 IIlm j18W S(4 46noiyl penleoei sluewwo0 •601.lesy ollgnd' painpegos ay}; a>o)aq Aep; ay1 sluewwo0 Jenilep o} uolle edo )0 s>noy Jo) 0009-03L (609)1a II°H A10 40e1w00 / ew not( IIBH )410 of s}uewwoo Jenllep of e>Ip pinom no/4 44 •BuueOH otwnd a41)o uolllod uopedlo)ued oijgnd ay} Jo ewp ayl }e pi000> 844:o4u! alu pOJa lflm panle0a1 }Uew1 W6/o•A -leneue>laqods�ao6ulseglSo};llewe00.1o90Z60i6 yM 'AelleA aue>lods 'any enBeidS 3 O4Z04 'Je6u1see lnal 0} 6upea4 094 of )oud SIUOWWOOuallum}lwgnso}pe6emoouesl 0ggnd ay1 •uofle3pdde uolslnlpgns 041 uo panle0e> eq 94M luawwoo0llgnd 'moues '}soo eigeuosee1 ale ORB -Ilene epees eq Illm sluewnoop 40 seldo3 •sAeplloy 6ulpnloxe 'Aepud-Aepuo4 'tud 00:9 pus we 00:8 ueemlaq 'env en6eids 3 04ZO4 'II8H /Il4O Aa!!eA eue)ods Jo A113 a411e pale0oi 9elus3 limed /(elleA aue>lods Jo Am ayi le pe}0adsui eq hew ali} u011e04dde pus u0de1 pets ey1'; •6ul ->eey a41 01olaq sAep 1epuele0 (L) penes uo l0edsul Jo) elgellene eq plm yodel Reis :elld )o uoll0adsul pus codes gels -pua Polled leedde ue£Zoz 414M''9EZOZZAoW'Z4uo A8W6u1 uo;(Z)01'E-L6l OVM of luensmd penes! ;I seM (SN4) aoueollw6lS-uoN )o uogeulw 10403 y :uoleulweleO; lelwawUOJlnw3 •seluligeslp le0lsAgd`4llm suosied of algjssa00e 61e ley} se9111u8J u! palonpuoO eq;Illm s6uueeq Ily •(s!8eddv) OWAS 06141e1de143 041uensmd'/sines° -X3 6upeaH Olt) e1o)eq pa4sllgalse p1o00J ayl uo paseq eq 11lm uolsa0ap speulwex3 6uuee44 0144 Jo leedde Auy •6uuesy ay) le Jo a10)ag sluawnooppue sjuewwo0 uellpm llwgns Aew pue`6upeay o4lgnd eqi le A)lls04 Aew suos/ed pels0J0lu! Ilv r •(solluoylny pus sp>eo9) 3WAS 94 0111 ul peidope ampaooad )o semi a410} luensmd 6uueay a41 lonpu00 IIIM J0wweX3 6ul reaH e41 aleeddy pus sss00id 6upeaH •suogeln6e110plsla 411eeH leuo1Bey; eue>lod9 0144 pie 11enuelni 1elemw1ols leuol6ea eue)iodS 0yl :spJepue}S lee>1S AelleA aue>lodS )o A}IO (eyl '(sprepuelg luewdoleneO '8 u6lse0) OWAS ZZ 091 '(soaluo9le4uawu0tlnu3)OWAS 4ZIep1 pus (suolslnlpgnS) OWAS 0Z 0111'(suo6 e�nBea 6u1u0Z) 64 a111(o4AS) epoo led ra�unpy AelleA aue>lodS ouelp3 lenolddy vol6ul4seM'/luno3 eue>lods 'welpuaol ellewe!IIM '4se3 4V' 06ued '4u0N 93 d14suM01 '94 1101100S Jo Ali 3S a41 Jo %% 3N 091 u! pele00! e1old 4110N 6Z9 se psssa/pPe'V01:41,9494, iogwnu lowed :lesodoid )o uolle0o1 90Z66` VM 'AelleA eue>lodS 'pe0H sauld S 4Z •sieew6u3 6u llnsuo° alddlgM :lueollddy £ZZ66 VM'/(ellen eue>lods 'anwany cos -Hpup 3 33911 •zen6ppod ulueoi :ieum0 sio11e4uepisei g 01111 e010e 96' 4 apin4P of lenmdde UOIS!81PgnsAieuilullaid JO) lsenbel:l—<(V000.6Z0Z-9fnS)' olsl8Ipgns zen6ppoy :lesodo>dpagwnN'g eweN end 61o•,1eueneue4lodsoie6ulseg1'Z££9-0ZL (60g) Jeuueld'ia6ulse91na1 a0eluo a}S .Ieulwez3 614 -aeal4 AelleA aue>lods :/.lpoulny melnea VM'AspeA eue>lodS'aosld-Aeno0s10 N 9Z93:Jelueo4uen3 leuol6ay e0eld1e}ue3 1601 woos ul 'pJeay aq ue0 Se ie4eete41 w005 SR JO ' W'e 00:61e 6uluul6aq '£Z0Z'8 eunr 'Aepsmul :u0lleaol'9 s}e0 6uueeH H3NIWVX3 DNIUV3H A311VA 3NVNOdS dO1.113 ONIHy3H °li8fld 4Q 30110N