Notice_of_ApplicationSUPERIOR COURT ofWASHINGTONfor SPOKANE COUNTY In the Matterof Notice ofApplication for Proposed Subdivision and Planned Residential Development CityofSpokane Valley Painted Hills (SUB-2015-0001/PRD-2015-0001) STATE ofWASHINGTON County ofSpokane AFFIDAVIT ofPUBLICATION NO. LEGAL NOTICE MICHAEL HUFFMAN being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that he is the EDITOR of the Spokane Valley News Herald, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date ofpublication hereinafter referred to, published in theEnglish Language continually asa weekly newspaperinSpokane County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper, which said newspaper had been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for Spokane County. That the following is a true copy of a Legal Notice as it was published in regular issues commencing on the 21st day of August, 2015, and ending on the 21st day of August, - 1- 5, all dates inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers duringall ofsaid period: Notice of ApplicationforProposedSubdivisionand PlannedResidential Development Cityof SpokaneValleyFileNo/Proposal: Painted Hillg (SUB- 2015-0001/PRD-2015.0001)- Request for preliminaryapprovaltosubdivide99.5acres into 303 parcels for a planned residential development (PRD) toincludesingle family, mulbfamily, commercial and open space Illilllf// development. Applicant's Representative: Whipple \\ // Consulting Engineers, Ino. Attn: Todd „0' RAE (<y /%, Whipple 2528 N. Sullivan Rd. Spokane FValley,WA 99216 `. Ownr: Black Realty Inc. C/O Bryan . V • •SIONEF.o•• - Walker 107S. Howard St. 0500 Spokane, ' Orififer i9 • .:- WAWA 99201 • ApplicationDate: July24, 2015DeterminationofCompleteness: August14, 2015 LIC = Decision -Making Authority: Cityof Spo- p ZkenoValleyeyHearingExaminerN! os• NOTARY WrittenComments: Agen ies,tnbes, and •• 0_ Sthepublicareencouragedtoreviewand providewrittencomments onthe proposal/ % 0).: 6„..•• • Oj-t(..9• \vprojectandasprobableenvironmentalint- . . `,\ v 2015whichis thts irty (30) siryadays I// O Vyr' ofthedate ofthisnotice willbeconsidered //\\ prior to making a decision onthis project. 1111,11°. f1111111\ Further, any personmay request acopyofthedecisionfortheproposaloncemade. Pursuant to City of Spokane ValleyMu- nicipal Code (SVMC) 1790 (Appeals), awrittenappealofthedecisionshallbefiled withthe CityofSpokaneValley CommunityDevelopmentDepartmentwithinfourteen 14) Calendar oars afterthe datethe no- ticeofthedecision ismailed. Standing to appealaccordancecodanceewi1htheshallr vrt determined prove of SVMC ia.N mber(Gen(0 1ParcelralNumber Pa) / SiteAddressf 101, 40106334el .0108. 45336.0109, 45334.0106,1 45334.0113, 45334.0109,145334.0110, 4504 44041. 1 45334.0114, addressed1145334. 98440335antlanMica Road dcorn. m my no n sthMPAReadandcom- CosCourse; Iodatedas the Painted Hors Galt of intersectionlobated adjacent and northeast ofthe orpeRo offurther l c Mica RoheandThorpeRoad, fu Sect lnc3ted in the southwest quarter of Section 33 and the southwest quarterofSedlon34,Township25North, Range44East iiamenteMerid- ian. Spokane CountyWashington and the Nort tng4EfSection04Township24North, Range44 EastWillametteMeridian, Spokane County, WPaingon. Comprehensive Plan: Law Density ExistingResidentialDwtnot (5-9)Zoning: Single-familyResidentialO(era) Otherin Permits:gApproval:Cary ityo01 S ValleyVlleyFinaltApproval: pty kf eCouny ValleyFinalPlatesSeweConvectionCountyDeleonUtilitiesSewerCamedi tr P63 We; andSpokane CountyWaterDistrict63egdPermit Required Studies: Nonerequired attimeofthisoticeofappliafion. DiGsiEnvironmentalvi Redithe The Planning014nhasreviewedtheheposet Griot andhas detenminddexempt thatthe project is 57- 11-800rically exemonmentanre vWAC nder11-900 from environmental review andel the provisions a the ring Division actingPolicyActThePlanningcivisionvotingasleadagencyweconductenviron- mental nvinar- palreview ofthe proposed preliminaryratandwillissueaseparatethreshold. determinatin. Existing Environmental Documents: The applicantsubmitted anEnvironmental Checklist for the proposed preliminary platpursuanttoWAC167-11-315. Applicable Development Regulations: SVMCTitle20(Subdi4siens), Section19.40 Residential Zones) 19.50 (Planned Resi- dential Developments) and Sedion22.130 Streets, SidewalksandPubic Places), the CityofSpokaneValleyStreetStandards, theGuidelinesforStonnwaterManagement, andtheSpokane Regional Health District regulations are the primary developmentregulationsapplicabletothesite. Public Hearing: The subdivision and plannedresidentialdevelopmentissubject to apublichearing. Separate publicnoticeof (he scheduled publichearing date andtimewillbeconducted. Comment Period Ends: September 20, 201505:00 p.m. Staff contact: ChristinaJanssen, Plan- ner,11207E. SpragueAvenue. Suite 0106 SpokaneValley, WA 99206 (509) 720-5333, hristina.janssen Sspokanevalley.org. Came Koudelka, CMC Spokane ValleyDeputy CityClerkPUBLISH: 5.21-15 d SWORNto before me This 21st dayofAugust, 2015 State ofWashington County ofSpokane 1 certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Michael Huffman is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Jolene\Rae Weitz Title: NotaryPublic My appointment expires: 05-16-2019 co(