5_Proposed_Levee_Geotechnical_Report_7-17-15 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION PROPOSED LEVEE 4403 SOUTH DISHMAN-MICA ROAD SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON Inland Pacific Engineering Company Project No. 14-037A July 17, 2015 IPEC Inland Pacific Engineering Company Geotechnical Engineering and Consulting GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION PROPOSED LEVEE 4403 SOUTH DISHMAN-MICA ROAD SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON Inland Pacific Engineering Company Project No. 14-037A July 17, 2015 Prepared for: NAI Black Spokane, Washington IPEC Inland Pacific Engineering Company Geotechnical Engineering and Consulting TABLE OF CONTENTS Project No. 14-037A Proposed Levee 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane County, Washington page 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Project Description .................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Purpose ...................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 1 1.4 Available Information ............................................................................................... 1 1.5 Locations and Elevations .......................................................................................... 2 2.0 RESULTS .............................................................................................................................. 2 2.1 Logs........................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Site Conditions .......................................................................................................... 2 2.3 Soils........................................................................................................................... 2 2.4 Penetration Resistances ............................................................................................. 2 2.5 Groundwater ............................................................................................................. 3 2.6 Laboratory Testing .................................................................................................... 3 3.0 ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................... 3 3.1 Discussion ................................................................................................................. 3 3.2 Site Preparation ......................................................................................................... 3 3.3 Freeboard .................................................................................................................. 4 3.4 Closures..................................................................................................................... 4 3.5 Embankment Protection ............................................................................................ 4 3.6 Embankment and Foundation Stability ..................................................................... 5 3.7 Settlement ................................................................................................................. 5 3.8 Interior Drainage ....................................................................................................... 6 3.9 Operation Plans ......................................................................................................... 6 3.10 Maintenance Plan .................................................................................................... 6 4.0 PROCEDURES ..................................................................................................................... 6 4.1 Drilling and Sampling ............................................................................................... 6 4.2 Soil Classification ..................................................................................................... 6 5.0 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS.................................................................................... 6 5.1 Basis of Recommendations ....................................................................................... 6 5.2 Groundwater Fluctuations ......................................................................................... 6 5.3 Use of Report ............................................................................................................ 7 5.4 Level of Care............................................................................................................. 7 5.5 Professional Certification .......................................................................................... 7 Appendix A – Site Location Map, NRCS Map, Boring Location Map Appendix B – Logs of Borings, Descriptive Terminology Appendix C – Laboratory Test Results 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Description We understand that the proposed project may consist of a residential development. The site consists of 91 acres currently developed as a golf course. Stormwater runoff will be treated using drywells and/or gravel galleries for subsurface infiltration. These type of facilities will also be used to manage potential floodwaters, if needed. Because the existing Dishman-Mica roadway embankment is not considered a FEMA certified levee, a new levee will be constructed along the east side of the roadway. 1.2 Purpose The purpose of our services is to provide design recommendations for the proposed levee for conformance to 44 CFR 65.10 of the Code of Federal Regulations for certification by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 1.3 Scope Our services were requested by Mr. Bryan Walker of NAI Black. Mr. Walker authorized us to proceed on April 28, 2015. The scope of work agreed upon consisted of the following:  review of existing geotechnical data and reports for the development, if available  drill 6 penetration test borings at the site to a depth of 15 feet,  performing laboratory tests on samples obtained from the test pits,  classifying the soils and preparing boring logs, and  submitting a geotechnical report containing logs of the borings, results of our field investigation and laboratory testing, and our analyses, opinions, and recommendations relative to levee design and construction for conformance to FEMA standards. 1.4 Available Information We were provided a topographic survey for the project site by WCE. This topographic survey showed the existing roadways, existing structures, property lines, and existing ground surface elevation contours. This plan was prepared by WCE and was dated November 7, 2013. We performed a preliminary geotechnical evaluation for the property in December 2013. The results of that evaluation, along with our opinions and recommendations, are summarized in our Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation dated December 31, 2013. In addition, we performed a geotechnical evaluation for the existing levee on the property to evaluate conformance to the FEMA standard. The results of that evaluation are summarized in our Geotechnical Evaluation report dated February 12, 2015. In conjunction with this evaluation, West Consultants, Inc. (WEST) has been contracted by NAI Black to provide a FEMA Conditional Letter of Map Revision submittal (CLOMR). They have provided Inland Pacific Engineering Company (IPEC) water surface elevations and velocity output from their revised RAS model to assist us in our evaluation. Geotechnical Evaluation Project No. 14-037A Proposed Levee 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane County, WA July 17, 2015 Inland Pacific Engineering Company Page 2 1.5 Locations and Elevations The borings were drilled at or near locations selected by us. The boring locations are shown on the Boring Location Map in Appendix A. The borings were staked by Whipple Consulting Engineers, Inc. (WCE). Ground surface elevations at the borings were provided by WCE. 2.0 RESULTS 2.1 Logs Log of Boring sheets indicating the vertical sequence of soils and materials encountered and groundwater observations are included in Appendix B. The strata changes were inferred from the changes in the penetration test samples and auger cuttings brought to the surface. Please note that the depths shown as changes between the strata are only approximate. The changes are likely transitions and the depths of changes vary between the borings. Geologic origins for each stratum are based on the soil type, available geologic maps, previous geotechnical reports for this and adjacent sites, and available common knowledge of the depositional history of the site. 2.2 Site Conditions The site was used as a golf course prior to our evaluation. The site is relatively level with some elevated golf greens and excavated areas for water hazards. The site is primarily grass-covered with scattered trees along the fairways and pine trees in the undeveloped area to the northwest. The clubhouse building is present at the southwest corner. The existing levee is on the east side of Chester Creek between Thorpe Road and Dishman-Mica Road. The new levee will extend from the north end of the existing levee north and west along Dishman-Mica Road. 2.3 Soils Geologic maps indicate the soils in this area consist primarily of alluvial and/or glacially deposited silts, clays, sands, and gravels. According to the Soil Survey of Spokane County, the site soils are classified by the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) as Narcisse silt loam and Endoaquolls and Fluvaquents. The native soils encountered in the borings were consistent with the NRCS data. Boring B-2 encountered existing fill in the upper 6 feet. The fill consisted of silty clay over silty sand. The remaining borings encountered 6 inches to 4 feet of topsoil at the surface. Below the topsoil or existing fill, the borings generally encountered water-deposited silty to clayey sands and/or poorly graded sands to their termination depths. Boring B-5 encountered alluvial lean clay between the 9 and 12-foot depth. Boring B-6 encountered lean below the 7-foot depth. 2.4 Penetration Resistances Penetration resistances (N-values) in the existing fill were 12 and 13 blows per foot (BPF). Penetration resistances in the silts and sands ranged from 7 to 37 BPF and averaged 19 BPF, indicating that these soils were loose to dense, but were typically medium dense. Penetration Geotechnical Evaluation Project No. 14-037A Proposed Levee 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane County, WA July 17, 2015 Inland Pacific Engineering Company Page 3 resistances in the clays ranged from 10 to 40 BPF indicating that these soils were rather stiff to hard in consistency. 2.5 Groundwater Groundwater was not encountered in any boring during or immediately after drilling. Groundwater is believed to currently exist at some depth below the termination depths of the borings. Based on our experience in the vicinity of the site, along with numerous test pits excavated previously on the site along with borings performed on the existing levee, it is our opinion that the portion of the creek along the existing levee is the beginning of the recharge section as evidenced by the typical lack of water in the creek further downstream. Also, the test pits previously excavated at the site east of the levee did not encounter groundwater. Well log data in the vicinity of the site indicate that groundwater is typically 50 to 80 feet below the surface. 2.6 Laboratory Testing We obtained soil samples from the borings during our site investigation. The tests performed included the following: 1. ASTM D 6913, Sieve Analysis 2. ASTM D 4318, Atterberg Limits’ These tests were used to aid in classifying the soils and in the engineering analyses and formulation of engineering opinions and recommendations. Attached are data sheets summarizing the tests performed. 3.0 ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 Discussion Based on the data obtained from the recent and previous borings and/or test pits, it is our opinion that a new levee can be constructed adjacent to the Dishman-Mica Road that conforms to the FEMA standard. The following sections provide recommendations for construction of a levee that meets the standard based on EM 1110-2-1913, “Design and Construction of Levees, by the US Corps of Engineers dated April 30, 2000. Certification of the levee can be completed after construction has been completed. 3.2 Site Preparation We recommend that any existing topsoil, root zone, and existing fill be excavated and removed from the levee footprint area. After these soils have been removed, we recommend surface compacting the exposed soils prior to placing structural fill for the embankment. Structural fill should be placed in 6- to 8-inch-thick loose lifts at or near optimum moisture content and compacted to a minimum of 92 percent of the maximum dry density determined in accordance with ASTM D 1557 (modified Proctor). Geotechnical Evaluation Project No. 14-037A Proposed Levee 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane County, WA July 17, 2015 Inland Pacific Engineering Company Page 4 In areas where structural fill is placed on the existing Dishman-Mica Road embankment, we recommend that the fill be benched into the slope. We recommend a maximum bench height of 4 feet and a minimum bench width equal to twice the bench height. At this time, we recommend a maximum slope angle of 3:1 (H:V) for permanent slopes excavated in the native soils or embankment fills using the native soils as structural fill. The site soils which will be reused as backfill or fill are likely to be dry of optimum moisture content. These soils may require wetting to achieve adequate compaction. Backfills and fills should be placed in thin lifts not exceeding 6 to 8 inches. Most of the on-site native soils and much of the existing fill can be used as structural fill provided particles larger than six inches and all debris are removed. We recommend in-place density tests be performed on all embankment fill placed. We recommend at least one test for every 100 cubic yards of fill placed in the levee embankment with at least one test for every 2 feet of fill placed. If site grading and construction are anticipated during cold weather, we recommend that good winter construction practices be observed. All snow and ice should be removed from excavated and fill areas prior to additional earthwork or construction. No fill should be placed on soils which have frozen or contain frozen material. Frozen soils should not be used as backfill or fill. 3.3 Freeboard We were provided 100-year flood elevations by WEST. They provided us a plan view of the levee with flood elevations at 6 locations starting at the existing levee at the bridge on Dishman- Mica Road and ending at the northwest corner of the property near Wilbur Road. The elevations ranged from 2010.4 at the existing levee to 2008.1 at the north end. Please refer to the WEST report for a complete summary of the floodplain analysis. According to 44 CFR Section 65.10(b)(1), an additional 1 foot of freeboard is required within 100 feet of bridge structures. The freeboard requirement for the Dishman-Mica Road bridge is adequate. 3.4 Closures There are no penetrations of the levee proposed so closure devices are not required. 3.5 Embankment Protection The levee will tie in to the Dishman-Mica Road embankment along its entire length which will provide creekside erosion protection to the top of the roadway embankment. For those portions of the levee above this elevation (if needed), it is our opinion that vegetative cover (grasses) would be suitable based on the flow velocities provided by WEST. Geotechnical Evaluation Project No. 14-037A Proposed Levee 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane County, WA July 17, 2015 Inland Pacific Engineering Company Page 5 3.6 Embankment and Foundation Stability We recommend that the new levee be constructed with maximum 3:1 (H:V) slopes for stability. We recommend a minimum crown width of 8 feet. We recommend that the levee embankment materials consist of a granular soil having 10 to 30 percent by weight passing a 200 sieve to reduce the permeability and limit seepage. We have assumed that on-site soils will be used as borrow to construct the embankment. We evaluated the embankment and foundation stability for conditions described in EM 1110-2- 1913, “Design and Construction of Levees, by the US Corps of Engineers dated April 30, 2000, Chapter 6. We analyzed the levee embankment for the following cases: 1. CASE I, End of construction. 2. CASE II: Sudden drawdown. 3. CASE III: Steady state seepage from full flood stage. We performed slope stability analyses for each case. We analyzed the levee embankment with 3:1 slopes. For our analyses, we used XSTABL software which is based on a software program developed at Purdue University. For these cases, we calculated the minimum factors of safety as shown in the following table. CASE Minimum Factor of Safety I 2.45 II 1.86 III 2.15 For stability, a minimum factor of safety of 1.5 is generally considered acceptable. Based on this analysis, it is our opinion that the levee will be stable with respect to global slope stability provided the recommendations of this report are followed. 3.7 Settlement The average depth of fill will be approximately 5 to 6 feet. This would result in a loading increase of approximately 750 pounds per square foot (psf) on the bearing soils. Based on the data obtained from the borings, the levee will be constructed above loose to medium dense sands or sandy silts. Settlement in these soils will generally occur shortly after construction. Given the stiff condition of the clays at depth, we do not anticipate any significant settlement in these layers. We did analyze the lean clay layer encountered in Boring B-5 with a 6-foot raise in grade to maintain minimum freeboard. For our analysis, we used a unit weight of 125 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) for the embankment fill soils and a compression index of 0.06 for the lean clay and assumed total saturation of the clay layer. Based on these parameters, we estimated the settlement to be less than 0.5 inches. Geotechnical Evaluation Project No. 14-037A Proposed Levee 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane County, WA July 17, 2015 Inland Pacific Engineering Company Page 6 3.8 Interior Drainage Interior drainage systems have been designed by WCE. We understand that these systems will include detention ponds with multiple drywells to control flood waters and infiltrate them into the ground. Please refer to the WCE report for a comprehensive description of the interior drainage system. 3.9 Operation Plans The Operation Plan will be prepared as part of the final levee certification. 3.10 Maintenance Plan The Maintenance Plan will be prepared as part of the final levee certification. 4.0 PROCEDURES 4.1 Drilling and Sampling The borings were completed on May 21, 2015 using a truck-mounted drill rig operated by an independent firm working under subcontract to IPEC. A geotechnical engineer from our firm continuously observed the borings and logged the surface and subsurface conditions. After we logged the borings, they were abandoned in accordance with state requirements. 4.2 Soil Classification The soils encountered in the borings were visually and manually classified in the field by our field personnel in accordance with ASTM D 2488, “Description and Identification of Soils (Visual- Manual Procedures)”. 5.0 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Basis of Recommendations The analyses and recommendations submitted in this report are based on the data obtained from the borings performed at the locations indicated on the Boring Location Map in Appendix A. It should be recognized that the explorations performed for this evaluation reveal subsurface conditions only at discreet locations across the project site and that actual conditions in other areas could vary. Furthermore, the nature and extent of any such variations would not become evident until additional explorations are performed or until construction activities have begun. If significant variations are observed at that time, we may need to modify our conclusions and recommendations contained in this report to reflect the actual site conditions. 5.2 Groundwater Fluctuations We made water level observations in the borings at the times and conditions stated on the boring logs. These data were interpreted in the text of this report. The period of observation was relatively short and fluctuation in the groundwater level may occur due to rainfall, flooding, irrigation, spring APPENDIX A SITE LOCATION MAP, NRCS MAP, BORING LOCATION MAP FIGURE 1    Site Location Map Project No. 14-037A July 17, 2015 Proposed Levee 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane Valley, WA FIGURE 2       NRCS Map Project No. 14-037A July 17, 2015 Proposed Levee 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane Valley, WA FIGURE 3       Boring Location Map Project No. 14-037A July 17, 2015 Proposed Levee 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane Valley, WA APPENDIX B LOGS OF BORINGS, DECRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY SS SS SS SS SS 8-10(18) 3-10(13) 10-15(25) 17-18(35) 14-8(22)11 7 (SC) CLAYEY SAND, fine grained, with roots, dark gray, moist to wet. (Topsoil) (SC) CLAYEY SAND, fine grained, brown, moist to wet, medium dense.(Alluvium) (SP-SM) POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT, medium to coarse grained, with seams of Clayey Sand, brown, moist, medium dense to dense.(Alluvium) (SP-SM) POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT, medium to coarse grained, a trace of Gravel, brown, moist, medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) End of boring. Groundwater not encountered with 14 feet of hollow-stem auger in theground. Groundwater not encountered immediately after withdrawal. Bore hole then grouted. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2005.9 ft LOGGED BY SLN DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 5/21/15 COMPLETED 5/21/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-1 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037A PROJECT NAME Painted Hills New Levee PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/17/15 14:36 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE\GINT\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS 6-6(12) 7-6(13) 8-9(17) 11-14(25) 15-22(37) 9 7 (CL-ML) FILL: Sandy Silty Clay, with roots, dark brown, moist to wet. (SM) FILL: Silty Sand, fine to medium grained, a trace of Gravel, brown mixed with dark brown, moist. (SP-SM) POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT and GRAVEL, fince to coarse grained, brown, moist, medium dense to dense. (Glacial Outwash) End of boring. Groundwater not encountered with 14 feet of hollow-stem auger in theground. Groundwater not encountered immediately after withdrawal. Bore hole then grouted. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2006 ft LOGGED BY SLN DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 5/21/15 COMPLETED 5/21/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-2 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037A PROJECT NAME Painted Hills New Levee PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/17/15 14:36 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE\GINT\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS 5-6(11) 9-17(26) 11-12(23) 7-9(16) 11-8(19) 7 7 7 5 (ML) SANDY SILT, with roots, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND with GRAVEL, medium to coarsegrained, brown, moist, medium dense.(Glacial Outwash) End of boring. Groundwater not encountered with 14 feet of hollow-stem auger in theground. Groundwater not encountered immediately after withdrawal. Bore hole then grouted. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2006 ft LOGGED BY SLN DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 5/21/15 COMPLETED 5/21/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-3 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037A PROJECT NAME Painted Hills New Levee PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/17/15 14:36 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE\GINT\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS 4-5(9) 3-4(7) 5-3(8) 15-11(26) 7-8(15) 39 6 45 36 9 74 6 9 (SC) CLAYEY SAND, very fine to fine grained, with roots, dark brown, moist to wet.(Topsoil) (ML) SANDY SILT, brown, moist to wet, loose. (Alluvium) (SP-SM) POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT, medium to coarsegrained, with seams of Sandy Lean Clay, brown, moist to wet, loose. (Alluvium) (SC) CLAYEY SAND, fine grained, with seams of Poorly Graded Sand, brown, moist to wet, medium dense.(Alluvium) (SP-SM) POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT and GRAVEL, mediumto coarse grained, moist, medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) End of boring. Groundwater not encountered with 14 feet of hollow-stem auger in theground. Groundwater not encountered immediately after withdrawal. Bore hole then grouted. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2006.5 ft LOGGED BY SLN DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 5/21/15 COMPLETED 5/21/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-4 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037A PROJECT NAME Painted Hills New Levee PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/17/15 14:36 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE\GINT\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS 3-3(6) 6-7(13) 4-6(10) 5-6(11) 10-11(21) 22 31 17 1414 (SC) CLAYEY SAND, fine grained, with roots, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil) (SM) SILTY SAND, very fine to fine grained, brown to dark brown,moist, loose. (Alluvium) (SC-SM) SILTY CLAYEY SAND, fine grained, brown, moist to wet,medium dense.(Alluvium) (SC) CLAYEY SAND, fine grained, brown, wet, loose. (Alluvium) (CL) LEAN CLAY. brown, wet, very stiff. (Alluvium) (SM) SILTY SAND, fine grained, with seams of Poorly Graded Sand,brown, wet, medium dense. (Alluvium) End of boring. Groundwater not encountered with 14 feet of hollow-stem auger in theground. Groundwater not encountered immediately after withdrawal. Bore hole then grouted. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2006.8 ft LOGGED BY SLN DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 5/21/15 COMPLETED 5/21/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-5 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037A PROJECT NAME Painted Hills New Levee PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/17/15 14:36 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE\GINT\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS 7-7(14) 3-6(9) 5-11(16) 5-5(10) 21-19(40) 19 26 18 8 768 (SM) SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, with roots, dark brown, moist.(Topsoil) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND, medium grained, brown, moist,loose.(Alluvium) (CL) LEAN CLAY with SAND, brown, wet, rather stiff to hard.(Alluvium) End of boring. Groundwater not encountered with 14 feet of hollow-stem auger in theground. Groundwater not encountered immediately after withdrawal. Bore hole then grouted. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2007.2 ft LOGGED BY SLN DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 5/21/15 COMPLETED 5/21/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-6 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037A PROJECT NAME Painted Hills New Levee PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/17/15 14:36 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE\GINT\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 DENSITY Very Loose 0 - 4 Loose 4 - 10 Coarse-Gravel and Gravel GW Grained Gravelly Soils (with little or no fines)GP Soils <50% coarse fraction Gravel GM passes #4 sieve (with >12% fines)GC <50% Sandy and Sand SW passes #200 Sandy Soils (with little or no fines)SP sieve >50% coarse fraction Sand SM passes #4 sieve (with >12% fines)SC Fine-ML Grained CL Soils OL >50% MH passes #200 CH sieve OH PT Peat DESCRIPTION RANGE Occasional <5% Trace 5% - 12% With >12% Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine MODIFIERS Hard > 30 USCS SOIL CLASSIFICATION Liquid Limit > 50 Highly Organic Soils Silt and Clay MAJOR DIVISIONS Liquid Limit < 50 Salt and Clay Organic Clay and Silt (med to high plasticity) Muck Well Graded Sand Inorganic Silt Fat Clay MOISTURE CONTENT Gravel SandBoulders Cobbles GRAIN SIZE (INCHES) Silt and Clay 12 3 0.75 0.19 0.079 0.0171 0.0029 17 - 30 Soft Rather Soft Medium Rather Stiff Stiff Very Stiff 2 - 3 4 - 5 6 - 8 9 - 12 RELATIVE DENSITY OR CONSISTENCY VERSUS SPT N-VALVE FINE-GRAINED SOILS N(BLOWS/FT) CONSISTENCY N(BLOWS/FT) Very Soft 0 - 1 MAJOR DIVISIONS WITH GRAIN SIZE SIEVE SIZE 12" 3" 3/4" 4 10 40 200 COARSE-GRAINED SOILS Poorly Graded Sand Silty Sand Clayey Sand Silt Lean Clay Organic Silt and Clay (low plasticity) GROUP DESCRIPTIONS Well Graded Gravel Poorly Graded Gravel Silty Gravel Clayey Gravel 13 - 16 FIELD OBSERVATION Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch Dry of optimum moisture content Wet of optimum moisture content DESCRIPTION Dry Moist Wet Very Dense > 50 Dense 31 - 50 Medium-Dense 11 - 30 APPENDIX C LABORATORY TEST RESULTS 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0.0010.010.1110100 PI Cc 3645 CuLLPL 4.44 9.80 7.63 4.03 1.36 2.05 1.34 1.02 9 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION COBBLES GRAVEL 7.0 7.0 6.5 5.0 73.9 9.5 19 25 19 0.075 SAND GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS coarse fine SP-SM Poorly Graded Sand with Silt SP-SM Poorly Graded Sand with Silt and Gravel SP-SM Poorly Graded Sand with Silt and Gravel SP Poorly Graded Sand with Gravel ML Silt Classification D100 D60 D30 D10 %Gravel 1.265 2.414 3.072 2.956 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-3 B-4 coarse SILT OR CLAYfinemedium 15.0 7.5 7.5 10.0 5.0 %Sand %Silt %Clay 0.701 1.103 1.288 1.488 0.285 0.246 0.403 0.734 1.6 15.1 24.3 15.9 91.5 77.9 69.2 79.1 BOREHOLE DEPTH BOREHOLE DEPTH 3 100 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-3 B-4 24 16 301 200610501/2 HYDROMETERU.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS 1403420406601.5 8 143/4 3/8 15.0 7.5 7.5 10.0 5.0PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTCLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037A PROJECT NAME Painted Hills New Levee PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road GRAIN SIZE - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/17/15 14:22 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE\GINT\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0.0010.010.1110100 PI Cc 1826 CuLLPL 6.671.30 8 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION COBBLES GRAVEL 5.9 75.7 25 0.075 SAND GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS coarse fine SP-SM Poorly Graded Sand with Silt and Gravel CL Lean Clay with Sand Classification D100 D60 D30 D10 %Gravel 3.204 B-4 B-6 coarse SILT OR CLAYfinemedium 15.0 7.5 %Sand %Silt %Clay 1.413 0.48 24.3 69.8 BOREHOLE DEPTH BOREHOLE DEPTH 3 100 B-4 B-6 24 16 301 200610501/2 HYDROMETERU.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS 1403420406601.5 8 143/4 3/8 15.0 7.5PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTCLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037A PROJECT NAME Painted Hills New Levee PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road GRAIN SIZE - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/17/15 14:22 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE\GINT\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 80 100 B-4 B-5 B-6 ML CL MH CH 74 76 CL-ML PL AST ICI TY IND EX LIQUID LIMIT Fines Classification 45 31 26 36 17 18 ML Silt CL Lean Clay CL Lean Clay with Sand LL PL PI 9 14 8 ATTERBERG LIMITS' RESULTS 5.0 10.0 7.5 BOREHOLE DEPTH CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037A PROJECT NAME Painted Hills New Levee PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road ATTERBERG LIMITS - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/17/15 14:22 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE\GINT\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734