Appendices_10.14.16Appendix A. FEMA Forms FEMA Form 086-0-27, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89 MT-2 Form 1 Page 1 of 3 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY OVERVIEW & CONCURRENCE FORM O.M.B No. 1660-0016 Expires February 28, 2014 PAPERWORK BURDEN DISCLOSURE NOTICE Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 1 hours per response. The burden estimate includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the needed data, and completing, reviewing, and submitting the form. You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collections Management, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1800 South Bell Street, Arlington, VA 20958-3005, Paperwork Reduction Project (1660-0016). Submission of the form is required to obtain or retain benefits under the National Flood Insurance Program. Please do not send your completed survey to the above address. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY: The National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, Public Law 90-448, as amended by the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, Public Law 93-234. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): This information is being collected for the purpose of determining an applicant's eligibility to request changes to National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). ROUTINE USE(S): The information on this form may be disclosed as generally permitted under 5 U.S.C § 552a(b) of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. This includes using this information as necessary and authorized by the routine uses published in DHS/FEMA/NFIP/LOMA-1 National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP); Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) February 15, 2006, 71 FR 7990. DISCLOSURE: The disclosure of information on this form is voluntary; however, failure to provide the information requested may delay or prevent FEMA from processing a determination regarding a requested change to a (NFIP) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). A. REQUESTED RESPONSE FROM DHS-FEMA This request is for a (check one): CLOMR: A letter from DHS-FEMA commenting on whether a proposed project, if built as proposed, would justify a map revision, or proposed hydrology changes (See 44 CFR Ch. 1, Parts 60, 65 & 72). LOMR: A letter from DHS-FEMA officially revising the current NFIP map to show the changes to floodplains, regulatory floodway or flood elevations. (See 44 CFR Ch. 1, Parts 60, 65 & 72) B. OVERVIEW 1. The NFIP map panel(s) affected for all impacted communities is (are): Community No. Community Name State Map No. Panel No. Effective Date Example: 480301 480287 City of Katy Harris County TX TX 48473C 48201C 0005D 0220G 02/08/83 09/28/90 530342 City of Spokane valley WA 53063C 0751D 7/6/2010 530174 Spokane County WA 53063C 0751D 7/6/2010 2. a. Flooding Source: b. Types of Flooding: Riverine Coastal Shallow Flooding (e.g., Zones AO and AH) Alluvial fan Lakes Other (Attach Description) 3. Project Name/Identifier: 4. FEMA zone designations affected: AE, X (choices: A, AH, AO, A1-A30, A99, AE, AR, V, V1-V30, VE, B, C, D, X) 5. Basis for Request and Type of Revision: a. The basis for this revision request is (check all that apply) Physical Change Improved Methodology/Data Regulatory Floodway Revision Base Map Changes Coastal Analysis Hydraulic Analysis Hydrologic Analysis Corrections Weir-Dam Changes Levee Certification Alluvial Fan Analysis Natural Changes New Topographic Data Other (Attach Description) Note: A photograph and narrative description of the area of concern is not required, but is very helpful during review. FEMA Form 086-0-27, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89 MT-2 Form 1 Page 1 of 3 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY OVERVIEW & CONCURRENCE FORM O.M.B No. 1660-0016 Expires February 28, 2014 PAPERWORK BURDEN DISCLOSURE NOTICE Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 1 hours per response. The burden estimate includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the needed data, and completing, reviewing, and submitting the form. You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collections Management, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1800 South Bell Street, Arlington, VA 20958-3005, Paperwork Reduction Project (1660-0016). Submission of the form is required to obtain or retain benefits under the National Flood Insurance Program. Please do not send your completed survey to the above address. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY: The National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, Public Law 90-448, as amended by the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, Public Law 93- 234. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): This information is being collected for the purpose of determining an applicant's eligibility to request changes to National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). ROUTINE USE(S): The information on this form may be disclosed as generally permitted under 5 U.S.C § 552a(b) of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. This includes using this information as necessary and authorized by the routine uses published in DHS/FEMA/NFIP/LOMA-1 National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP); Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) February 15, 2006, 71 FR 7990. DISCLOSURE: The disclosure of information on this form is voluntary; however, failure to provide the information requested may delay or prevent FEMA from processing a determination regarding a requested change to a (NFIP) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). A. REQUESTED RESPONSE FROM DHS-FEMA This request is for a (check one): CLOMR: A letter from DHS-FEMA commenting on whether a proposed project, if built as proposed, would justify a map revision, or proposed hydrology changes (See 44 CFR Ch. 1, Parts 60, 65 & 72). LOMR: A letter from DHS-FEMA officially revising the current NFIP map to show the changes to floodplains, regulatory floodway or flood elevations. (See 44 CFR Ch. 1, Parts 60, 65 & 72) B. OVERVIEW 1. The NFIP map panel(s) affected for all impacted communities is (are): Community No. Community Name State Map No. Panel No. Effective Date Example: 480301 480287 City of Katy Harris County TX TX 48473C 48201C 0005D 0220G 02/08/83 09/28/90 530342 City of Spokane valley WA 53063C 0751D 7/6/2010 530174 Spokane County WA 53063C 0751D 7/6/2010 2. a. Flooding Source: b. Types of Flooding: Riverine Coastal Shallow Flooding (e.g., Zones AO and AH) Alluvial fan Lakes Other (Attach Description) 3. Project Name/Identifier: Painted Hills Development 4. FEMA zone designations affected: AE, X (choices: A, AH, AO, A1-A30, A99, AE, AR, V, V1-V30, VE, B, C, D, X) 5. Basis for Request and Type of Revision: a. The basis for this revision request is (check all that apply) Physical Change Improved Methodology/Data Regulatory Floodway Revision Base Map Changes Coastal Analysis Hydraulic Analysis Hydrologic Analysis Corrections Weir-Dam Changes Levee Certification Alluvial Fan Analysis Natural Changes New Topographic Data Other (Attach Description) Note: A photograph and narrative description of the area of concern is not required, but is very helpful during review. FEMA Form 086-0-27A, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89 MT-2 Form 2 Page 1 of 3 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY RIVERINE HYDROLOGY & HYDRAULICS FORM O.M.B No. 1660-0016 Expires February 28, 2014 PAPERWORK BURDEN DISCLOSURE NOTICE Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 3.5 hours per response. The burden estimate includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the needed data, and completing, reviewing, and submitting the form. You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless a valid OMB control number appears in the upper right corner of this form. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collections Management, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1800 South Bell Street, Arlington VA 20958-3005, Paperwork Reduction Project (1660-0016). Submission of the form is required to obtain or retain benefits under the National Flood Insurance Program. Please do not send your completed survey to the above address. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY: The National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, Public Law 90-448, as amended by the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, Public Law 93-234. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): This information is being collected for the purpose of determining an applicant's eligibility to request changes to National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). ROUTINE USE(S): The information on this form may be disclosed as generally permitted under 5 U.S.C § 552a(b) of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. This includes using this information as necessary and authorized by the routine uses published in DHS/FEMA/NFIP/LOMA-1 National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP); Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) February 15, 2006, 71 FR 7990. DISCLOSURE: The disclosure of information on this form is voluntary; however, failure to provide the information requested may delay or prevent FEMA from processing a determination regarding a requested change to a NFIP Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). Flooding Source: Chester Creek and Unnamed Tributary to Chester Creek Note: Fill out one form for each flooding source studied A. HYDROLOGY 1. Reason for New Hydrologic Analysis (check all that apply) Not revised (skip to section B) No existing analysis Improved data Alternative methodology Proposed Conditions (CLOMR) Changed physical condition of watershed 2. Comparison of Representative 1%-Annual-Chance Discharges Location Drainage Area (Sq. Mi.) Effective/FIS (cfs) Revised (cfs) 3. Methodology for New Hydrologic Analysis (check all that apply) Statistical Analysis of Gage Records Precipitation/Runoff Model  Specify Model: Regional Regression Equations Other (please attach description) Please enclose all relevant models in digital format, maps, computations (including computation of parameters), and documentation to support the new analysis. 4. Review/Approval of Analysis If your community requires a regional, state, or federal agency to review the hydrologic analysis, please attach evidence of approval/review. 5. Impacts of Sediment Transport on Hydrology Is the hydrology for the revised flooding source(s) affected by sediment transport? Yes No If yes, then fill out Section F (Sediment Transport) of Form 3. If No, then attach your explanation.. FEMA Form 086-0-27A, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89 MT-2 Form 2 Page 2 of 3 B. HYDRAULICS 1. Reach to be Revised Description Cross Section Water-Surface Elevations (ft.) Effective Proposed/Revised Downstream Limit* See Attached Supplemental Information Upstream Limit* *Proposed/Revised elevations must tie-into the Effective elevations within 0.5 foot at the downstream and upstream limits of revision. 2. Hydraulic Method/Model Used: HEC-RAS 4.1 3. Pre-Submittal Review of Hydraulic Models* DHS-FEMA has developed two review programs, CHECK-2 and CHECK-RAS, to aid in the review of HEC-2 and HEC-RAS hydraulic models, respectively. We recommend that you review your HEC-2 and HEC-RAS models with CHECK-2 and CHECK-RAS. 4. Models Submitted Natural Run Floodway Run Datum Duplicate Effective Model* File Name: ___See Attached Plan Name: ______________ File Name: ______________ Plan Name: ______________ __________ Corrected Effective Model* File Name: __________ Plan Name: ______________ File Name: ______________ Plan Name: ______________ __________ Existing or Pre-Project Conditions Model File Name: _________ Plan Name: ______________ File Name: ______________ Plan Name: ______________ __________ Revised or Post-Project Conditions Model File Name: ______________ Plan Name: ______________ File Name: ______________ Plan Name: ______________ __________ Other - (attach description) File Name: ______________ Plan Name: ______________ File Name: ______________ Plan Name: ______________ __________ * For details, refer to the corresponding section of the instructions. Digital Models Submitted? (Required) C. MAPPING REQUIREMENTS A certified topographic work map must be submitted showing the following information (where applicable): the boundaries of the effective, existing, and proposed conditions 1%-annual-chance floodplain (for approximate Zone A revisions) or the boundaries of the 1%- and 0.2%-annual-chance floodplains and regulatory floodway (for detailed Zone AE, AO, and AH revisions); location and alignment of all cross sections with stationing control indicated; stream, road, and other alignments (e.g., dams, levees, etc.); current community easements and boundaries; boundaries of the requester's property; certification of a registered professional engineer registered in the subject State; location and description of reference marks; and the referenced vertical datum (NGVD, NAVD, etc.). Digital Mapping (GIS/CADD) Data Submitted (preferred) Topographic Information: 2003 LiDAR, 2ft contours Source: TerraPoint Date: March 2003 Accuracy: 2 foot contours from LiDAR, accuracy +/- 1ft Note that the boundaries of the existing or proposed conditions floodplains and regulatory floodway to be shown on the revised FIRM and/or FBFM must tie-in with the effective floodplain and regulatory floodway boundaries. Please attach a copy of the effective FIRM and/or FBFM, at the same scale as the original, annotated to show the boundaries of the revised 1%-and 0.2%-annual-chance floodplains and regulatory floodway that tie-in with the boundaries of the effective 1%-and 0.2%-annual-chance floodplain and regulatory floodway at the upstream and downstream limits of the area on revision. Annotated FIRM and/or FBFM (Required) FEMA Form 086-0-27A, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89 MT-2 Form 2 Page 3 of 3 D. COMMON REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS* 1. For LOMR/CLOMR requests, do Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) increase? Yes No a. For CLOMR requests, if either of the following is true, please submit evidence of compliance with Section 65.12 of the NFIP regulations: • The proposed project encroaches upon a regulatory floodway and would result in increases above 0.00 foot compared to pre-project conditions. • The proposed project encroaches upon a SFHA with or without BFEs established and would result in increases above 1.00 foot compared to pre-project conditions. b. Does this LOMR request cause increase in the BFE and/or SFHA compared with the effective BFEs and/or SFHA? Yes No If Yes, please attach proof of property owner notification and acceptance (if available). Elements of and examples of property owner notifications can be found in the MT-2 Form 2 Instructions. 2. Does the request involve the placement or proposed placement of fill? Yes No If Yes, the community must be able to certify that the area to be removed from the special flood hazard area, to include any structures or proposed structures, meets all of the standards of the local floodplain ordinances, and is reasonably safe from flooding in accordance with the NFIP regulations set forth at 44 CFR 60.3(A)(3), 65.5(a)(4), and 65.6(a)(14). Please see the MT-2 instructions for more information. 3. For LOMR requests, is the regulatory floodway being revised? Yes No If Yes, attach evidence of regulatory floodway revision notification. As per Paragraph 65.7(b)(1) of the NFIP Regulations, notification is required for requests involving revisions to the regulatory floodway. (Not required for revisions to approximate 1%-annual-chance floodplains [studied Zone A designation] unless a regulatory floodway is being established. Elements and examples of regulatory floodway revision notification can be found in the MT-2 Form 2 Instructions.) 4. For CLOMR requests, please submit documentation to FEMA and the community to show that you have complied with Sections 9 and 10 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA). For actions authorized, funded, or being carried out by Federal or State agencies, please submit documentation from the agency showing its compliance with Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA. Please see the MT-2 instructions for more detail. * Not inclusive of all applicable regulatory requirements. For details, see 44 CFR parts 60 and 65. FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 1 of 11 DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY RIVERINE STRUCTURES FORM O.M.B. NO. 1660-0016 Expires February 28, 2014 PAPERWORK BURDEN DISCLOSURE NOTICE Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 7 hours per response. The burden estimate includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the needed data, and completing, reviewing, and submitting the form. You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless a valid OMB control number appears in the upper right corner of this form. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collections Management, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1800 South Bell Street, Arlington, VA 20598-3005, Paperwork Reduction Project (1660-0016). Submission of the form is required to obtain or retain benefits under the National Flood Insurance Program. Please do not send your completed survey to the above address. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY: The National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, Public Law 90-448, as amended by the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, Public Law 93-234. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): This information is being collected for the purpose of determining an applicant's eligibility to request changes to National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). ROUTINE USE(S): The information on this form may be disclosed as generally permitted under 5 U.S.C § 552a(b) of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. This includes using this information as necessary and authorized by the routine uses published in DHS/FEMA/NFIP/LOMA-1 National Flood Insurance Program; Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) February 15, 2006, 71 FR 7990. DISCLOSURE: The disclosure of information on this form is voluntary; however, failure to provide the information requested may delay or prevent FEMA from processing a determination regarding a requested change to a NFIP Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). Flooding Source: Chester Creek and Unnamed Tributary Note: Fill out one form for each flooding source studied. A. GENERAL Complete the appropriate section(s) for each Structure listed below: Channelization...............complete Section B Bridge/Culvert................complete Section C Dam...............................complete Section D Levee/Floodwall.............complete Section E Sediment Transport........complete Section F (if required) Description Of Modeled Structure 1. Name of Structure: Thorpe Road Culvert (Replacement) Type (check one): Channelization Bridge/Culvert Levee/Floodwall Dam Location of Structure: Thorpe Road Downstream Limit/Cross Section: XS 21425 on Golf Course Overflow Reach Upstream Limit/Cross Section: XS 21481 on Golf Course Overflow Reach 2. Name of Structure: Unnamed Tributary Channel Improvements (Channel widening) Type (check one): Channelization Bridge/Culvert Levee/Floodwall Dam Location of Structure: Unnamed Tributary Downstream Limit/Cross Section: 651 Upstream Limit/Cross Section: 1989 3. Name of Structure: Highway 27 culvert (Culvert extension) Type (check one) Channelization Bridge/Culvert Levee/Floodwall Dam Location of Structure: Highway 27, (HEC-RAS Structure 2040) Downstream Limit/Cross Section: 1989 Upstream Limit/Cross Section: 2080 NOTE: FOR MORE STRUCTURES, ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NEEDED. FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 2 of 11 B. CHANNELIZATION Flooding Source: Unnamed Tributary Name of Structure: Unnamed Tributary Channel Improvements (Channel widening) 1. Hydraulic Considerations The channel was designed to carry (cfs) and/or the 100-year flood. The design elevation in the channel is based on (check one): Subcritical flow Critical flow Supercritical flow Energy grade line If there is the potential for a hydraulic jump at the following locations, check all that apply and attach an explanation of how the hydraulic jump is controlled without affecting the stability of the channel. Inlet to channel Outlet of channel At Drop Structures At Transitions Other locations (specify): 2. Channel Design Plans Attach the plans of the channelization certified by a registered professional engineer, as described in the instructions. 3. Accessory Structures The channelization includes (check one): Levees [Attach Section E (Levee/Floodwall)] Drop structures Superelevated sections Transitions in cross sectional geometry Debris basin/detention basin [Attach Section D (Dam/Basin)] Energy dissipator Weir Other (Describe): 4. Sediment Transport Considerations Are the hydraulics of the channel affected by sediment transport? Yes No If yes, then fill out Section F (Sediment Transport) of Form 3. If No, then attach your explanation for why sediment transport was not considered. C. BRIDGE/CULVERT Flooding Source: Name of Structure: 1. This revision reflects (check one): Bridge/culvert not modeled in the FIS Modified bridge/culvert previously modeled in the FIS Revised analysis of bridge/culvert previously modeled in the FIS 2. Hydraulic model used to analyze the structure (e.g., HEC-2 with special bridge routine, WSPRO, HY8): If different than hydraulic analysis for the flooding source, justify why the hydraulic analysis used for the flooding source could not analyze the structures. Attach justification. 3. Attach plans of the structures certified by a registered professional engineer. The plan detail and information should include the following (check the information that has been provided): Dimensions (height, width, span, radius, length) Distances Between Cross Sections Shape (culverts only) Erosion Protection Material Low Chord Elevations – Upstream and Downstream Beveling or Rounding Top of Road Elevations – Upstream and Downstream Wing Wall Angle Structure Invert Elevations – Upstream and Downstream Skew Angle Stream Invert Elevations – Upstream and Downstream Cross-Section Locations 4. Sediment Transport Considerations Are the hydraulics of the structure affected by sediment transport? Yes No If Yes, then fill out Section F (Sediment Transport) of Form 3. If no, then attach an explanation. FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 3 of 11 D. DAM/BASIN Flooding Source: Name of Structure: 1. This request is for (check one): Existing dam/basin New dam/basin Modification of existing dam/basin 2. The dam/basin was designed by (check one): Federal agency State agency Private organization Local government agency Name of the agency or organization: 3. The Dam was permitted as (check one): Federal Dam State Dam Provide the permit or identification number (ID) for the dam and the appropriate permitting agency or organization Permit or ID number __________________ Permitting Agency or Organization _____________________________ a. Local Government Dam Private Dam Provided related drawings, specification and supporting design information. 4. Does the project involve revised hydrology? Yes No If Yes, complete the Riverine Hydrology & Hydraulics Form (Form 2). Was the dam/basin designed using critical duration storm? (must account for the maximum volume of runoff) Yes, provide supporting documentation with your completed Form 2. No, provide a written explanation and justification for not using the critical duration storm. 5. Does the submittal include debris/sediment yield analysis? Yes No If Yes, then fill out Section F (Sediment Transport). If No, then attach your explanation for why debris/sediment analysis was not considered? 6. Does the Base Flood Elevation behind the dam/basin or downstream of the dam/basin change? Yes No If Yes, complete the Riverine Hydrology & Hydraulics Form (Form 2) and complete the table below. Stillwater Elevation Behind the Dam/Basin FREQUENCY (% annual chance) FIS REVISED 10-year (10%) 50-year (2%) 100-year (1%) 500-year (0.2%) Normal Pool Elevation 7. Please attach a copy of the formal Operation and Maintenance Plan E. LEVEE/FLOODWALL FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 4 of 11 1. System Elements a. This Levee/Floodwall analysis is based on (check one): b. Levee elements and locations are (check one): earthen embankment, dike, berm, etc. Station to structural floodwall Station to Other (describe): Station to c. Structural Type (check one): monolithic cast-in place reinforced concrete reinforced concrete masonry block sheet piling Other (describe): d. Has this levee/floodwall system been certified by a Federal agency to provide protection from the base flood? Yes No If Yes, by which agency? upgrading of an existing levee/floodwall system a newly constructed levee/floodwall system reanalysis of an existing levee/floodwall system FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 5 of 11 e. Attach certified drawings containing the following information (indicate drawing sheet numbers): 1. Plan of the levee embankment and floodwall structures. Sheet Numbers: 2. A profile of the levee/floodwall system showing the Base Flood Elevation (BFE), levee and/or wall crest and foundation, and closure locations for the total levee system. Sheet Numbers: 3. A profile of the BFE, closure opening outlet and inlet invert elevations, type and size of opening, and kind of closure. Sheet Numbers: 4. A layout detail for the embankment protection measures. Sheet Numbers: 5. Location, layout, and size and shape of the levee embankment features, foundation treatment, Floodwall structure, closure structures, and pump stations. Sheet Numbers: 2. Freeboard a. The minimum freeboard provided above the BFE is: Riverine 3.0 feet or more at the downstream end and throughout Yes No 3.5 feet or more at the upstream end Yes No 4.0 feet within 100 feet upstream of all structures and/or constrictions Yes No Coastal 1.0 foot above the height of the one percent wave associated with the 1%-annual-chance stillwater surge elevation or maximum wave runup (whichever is greater). Yes No 2.0 feet above the 1%-annual-chance stillwater surge elevation Yes No Please note, occasionally exceptions are made to the minimum freeboard requirement. If an exception is requested, attach documentation addressing Paragraph 65.10(b)(1)(ii) of the NFIP Regulations. If No is answered to any of the above, please attach an explanation. b. Is there an indication from historical records that ice-jamming can affect the BFE? Yes No If Yes, provide ice-jam analysis profile and evidence that the minimum freeboard discussed above still exists. 3. Closures a. Openings through the levee system (check one): exists does not exist If opening exists, list all closures: Channel Station Left or Right Bank Opening Type Highest Elevation for Opening Invert Type of Closure Device (Extend table on an added sheet as needed and reference) Note: Geotechnical and geologic data In addition to the required detailed analysis reports, data obtained during field and laboratory investigations and used in the design analysis for the following system features should be submitted in a tabulated summary form. (Reference U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [USACE] EM-1110-2-1906 Form 2086.) FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 6 of 11 4. Embankment Protection a. The maximum levee slope land side is: b. The maximum levee slope flood side is: c. The range of velocities along the levee during the base flood is: (min.) to (max.) d. Embankment material is protected by (describe what kind): e. Riprap Design Parameters (check one): Velocity Tractive stress Attach references Reach Sideslope Flow Depth Velocity Curve or Straight Stone Riprap Depth of Toedown D100 D50 Thickness Sta to Sta to Sta to Sta to Sta to Sta to (Extend table on an added sheet as needed and reference each entry) f. Is a bedding/filter analysis and design attached? Yes No g. Describe the analysis used for other kinds of protection used (include copies of the design analysis): Attach engineering analysis to support construction plans. 5. Embankment And Foundation Stability a. Identify locations and describe the basis for selection of critical location for analysis: Overall height: Sta.: , height ft. Limiting foundation soil strength: Strength  = degrees, c = psf Slope: SS = (h) to (v) (Repeat as needed on an added sheet for additional locations) b. Specify the embankment stability analysis methodology used (e.g., circular arc, sliding block, infinite slope, etc.): c. Summary of stability analysis results: FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 7 of 11 E. LEVEE/FLOODWALL (CONTINUED) 5. Embankment And Foundation Stability (continued) Case Loading Conditions Critical Safety Factor Criteria (Min.) I End of construction 1.3 II Sudden drawdown 1.0 III Critical flood stage 1.4 IV Steady seepage at flood stage 1.4 VI Earthquake (Case I) 1.0 (Reference: USACE EM-1110-2-1913 Table 6-1) d. Was a seepage analysis for the embankment performed? Yes No If Yes, describe methodology used: e. Was a seepage analysis for the foundation performed? Yes No f. Were uplift pressures at the embankment landside toe checked? Yes No g. Were seepage exit gradients checked for piping potential? Yes No h. The duration of the base flood hydrograph against the embankment is hours. Attach engineering analysis to support construction plans. 6. Floodwall And Foundation Stability a. Describe analysis submittal based on Code (check one): UBC (1988) Other (specify): b. Stability analysis submitted provides for: Overturning Sliding If not, explain: c. Loading included in the analyses were: Lateral earth @ PA = psf; Pp = psf Surcharge-Slope @ , surface psf Wind @ Pw = psf Seepage (Uplift); Earthquake @ Peq = %g 1%-annual-chance significant wave height: ft. 1%-annual-chance significant wave period: sec. d. Summary of Stability Analysis Results: Factors of Safety. Itemize for each range in site layout dimension and loading condition limitation for each respective reach. Loading Condition Criteria (Min) Sta To Sta To Overturn Sliding Overturn Sliding Overturn Sliding Dead & Wind 1.5 1.5 Dead & Soil 1.5 1.5 Dead, Soil, Flood, & Impact 1.5 1.5 Dead, Soil, & Seismic 1.3 1.3 FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 8 of 11 (Ref: FEMA 114 Sept 1986; USACE EM 1110-2-2502) Note: (Extend table on an added sheet as needed and reference) E. LEVEE/FLOODWALL (CONTINUED) 6. Floodwall And Foundation Stability (continued) e. Foundation bearing strength for each soil type: Bearing Pressure Sustained Load (psf) Short Term Load (psf) Computed design maximum Maximum allowable FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 9 of 11 f. Foundation scour protection is, is not provided. If provided, attach explanation and supporting documentation: Attach engineering analysis to support construction plans. 7. Settlement a. Has anticipated potential settlement been determined and incorporated into the specified construction elevations to maintain the established freeboard margin? Yes No b. The computed range of settlement is ft. to ft. c. Settlement of the levee crest is determined to be primarily from : Foundation consolidation Embankment compression Other (Describe): d. Differential settlement of floodwalls has has not been accommodated in the structural design and construction. Attach engineering analysis to support construction plans. 8. Interior Drainage a. Specify size of each interior watershed: Draining to pressure conduit: acres Draining to ponding area: acres b. Relationships Established Ponding elevation vs. storage Yes No Ponding elevation vs. gravity flow Yes No Differential head vs. gravity flow Yes No c. The river flow duration curve is enclosed: Yes No d. Specify the discharge capacity of the head pressure conduit: cfs e. Which flooding conditions were analyzed?  Gravity flow (Interior Watershed) Yes No  Common storm (River Watershed) Yes No  Historical ponding probability Yes No  Coastal wave overtopping Yes No If No for any of the above, attach explanation. e. Interior drainage has been analyzed based on joint probability of interior and exterior flooding and the capacities of pumping and outlet facilities to provide the established level of flood protection. Yes No If No, attach explanation. g. The rate of seepage through the levee system for the base flood is cfs h. The length of levee system used to drive this seepage rate in item g: ft. E. LEVEE/FLOODWALL (CONTINUED) 8. Interior Drainage (continued) i. Will pumping plants be used for interior drainage? Yes No If Yes, include the number of pumping plants: For each pumping plant, list: FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 10 of 11 The number of pumps Plant #1 Plant #2 The ponding storage capacity The maximum pumping rate The maximum pumping head The pumping starting elevation The pumping stopping elevation Is the discharge facility protected? Is there a flood warning plan? How much time is available between warning and flooding? Will the operation be automatic? Yes No If the pumps are electric, are there backup power sources? Yes No (Reference: USACE EM-1110-2-3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105) Include a copy of supporting documentation of data and analysis. Provide a map showing the flooded area and maximum ponding elevations for all interior watersheds that result in flooding. 9. Other Design Criteria a. The following items have been addressed as stated: Liquefaction is is not a problem Hydrocompaction is is not a problem Heave differential movement due to soils of high shrink/swell is is not a problem b. For each of these problems, state the basic facts and corrective action taken: Attach supporting documentation c. If the levee/floodwall is new or enlarged, will the structure adversely impact flood levels and/or flow velocities floodside of the structure? Yes No Attach supporting documentation d. Sediment Transport Considerations: Was sediment transport considered? Yes No If Yes, then fill out Section F (Sediment Transport). If No, then attach your explanation for why sediment transport was not considered. 10. Operational Plan And Criteria a. Are the planned/installed works in full compliance with Part 65.10 of the NFIP Regulations? Yes No b. Does the operation plan incorporate all the provisions for closure devices as required in Paragraph 65.10(c)(1) of the NFIP regulations? Yes No c. Does the operation plan incorporate all the provisions for interior drainage as required in Paragraph 65.10(c)(2) of the NFIP regulations? Yes No If the answer is No to any of the above, please attach supporting documentation. E. LEVEE/FLOODWALL (CONTINUED) FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 11 of 11 11. Maintenance Plan Please attach a copy of the fomal maintenance plan for the levee/floodwall 12. Operations and Maintenance Plan Please attach a copy of the formal Operations and Maintenance Plan for the levee/floodwall. CERTIFICATION OF THE LEVEE DOCUMENTION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a licensed registered professional engineer authorized by law to certify elevation information data, hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, and any other supporting information as per NFIP regulations paragraph 65.10(e) and as described in the MT-2 Forms Instructions. All documents submitted in support of this request are correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 1001. Certifier’s Name: License No.: Expiration Date: Company Name: Telephone No.: Fax No.: Signature: Date: E-Mail Address: F. SEDIMENT TRANSPORT Flooding Source: Name of Structure: If there is any indication from historical records that sediment transport (including scour and deposition) can affect the Base Flood Elevation (BFE); and/or based on the stream morphology, vegetative cover, development of the watershed and bank conditions, there is a potential for debris and sediment transport (including scour and deposition) to affect the BFEs, then provide the following information along with the supporting documentation: Sediment load associated with the base flood discharge: Volume acre-feet Debris load associated with the base flood discharge: Volume acre-feet Sediment transport rate (percent concentration by volume) Method used to estimate sediment transport: Most sediment transport formulas are intended for a range of hydraulic conditions and sediment sizes; attach a detailed explanation for using the selected method. Method used to estimate scour and/or deposition: Method used to revise hydraulic or hydrologic analysis (model) to account for sediment transport: Please note that bulked flows are used to evaluate the performance of a structure during the base flood; however, FEMA does not map BFEs based on bulked flows. If a sediment analysis has not been performed, an explanation as to why sediment transport (including scour and deposition) will not affect the BFEs or structures must be provided. FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 4 of 11 1. System Elements a. This Levee/Floodwall analysis is based on (check one): b. Levee elements and locations are (check one): earthen embankment, dike, berm, etc. Station to structural floodwall Station to Other (describe): Station to c. Structural Type (check one): monolithic cast-in place reinforced concrete reinforced concrete masonry block sheet piling Other (describe): d. Has this levee/floodwall system been certified by a Federal agency to provide protection from the base flood? Yes No If Yes, by which agency? upgrading of an existing levee/floodwall system a newly constructed levee/floodwall system reanalysis of an existing levee/floodwall system FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 5 of 11 e. Attach certified drawings containing the following information (indicate drawing sheet numbers): 1. Plan of the levee embankment and floodwall structures. Sheet Numbers: 2. A profile of the levee/floodwall system showing the Base Flood Elevation (BFE), levee and/or wall crest and foundation, and closure locations for the total levee system. Sheet Numbers: 3. A profile of the BFE, closure opening outlet and inlet invert elevations, type and size of opening, and kind of closure. Sheet Numbers: 4. A layout detail for the embankment protection measures. Sheet Numbers: 5. Location, layout, and size and shape of the levee embankment features, foundation treatment, Floodwall structure, closure structures, and pump stations. Sheet Numbers: 2. Freeboard a. The minimum freeboard provided above the BFE is: Riverine 3.0 feet or more at the downstream end and throughout Yes No 3.5 feet or more at the upstream end Yes No 4.0 feet within 100 feet upstream of all structures and/or constrictions Yes No Coastal 1.0 foot above the height of the one percent wave associated with the 1%-annual-chance stillwater surge elevation or maximum wave runup (whichever is greater). Yes No 2.0 feet above the 1%-annual-chance stillwater surge elevation Yes No Please note, occasionally exceptions are made to the minimum freeboard requirement. If an exception is requested, attach documentation addressing Paragraph 65.10(b)(1)(ii) of the NFIP Regulations. If No is answered to any of the above, please attach an explanation. b. Is there an indication from historical records that ice-jamming can affect the BFE? Yes No If Yes, provide ice-jam analysis profile and evidence that the minimum freeboard discussed above still exists. 3. Closures a. Openings through the levee system (check one): exists does not exist If opening exists, list all closures: Channel Station Left or Right Bank Opening Type Highest Elevation for Opening Invert Type of Closure Device (Extend table on an added sheet as needed and reference) Note: Geotechnical and geologic data In addition to the required detailed analysis reports, data obtained during field and laboratory investigations and used in the design analysis for the following system features should be submitted in a tabulated summary form. (Reference U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [USACE] EM-1110-2-1906 Form 2086.) FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 6 of 11 4. Embankment Protection a. The maximum levee slope land side is: b. The maximum levee slope flood side is: c. The range of velocities along the levee during the base flood is: (min.) to (max.) d. Embankment material is protected by (describe what kind): e. Riprap Design Parameters (check one): Velocity Tractive stress Attach references Reach Sideslope Flow Depth Velocity Curve or Straight Stone Riprap Depth of Toedown D100 D50 Thickness Sta to Sta to Sta to Sta to Sta to Sta to (Extend table on an added sheet as needed and reference each entry) f. Is a bedding/filter analysis and design attached? Yes No g. Describe the analysis used for other kinds of protection used (include copies of the design analysis): Attach engineering analysis to support construction plans. 5. Embankment And Foundation Stability a. Identify locations and describe the basis for selection of critical location for analysis: Overall height: Sta.: , height ft. Limiting foundation soil strength: Strength  = degrees, c = psf Slope: SS = (h) to (v) (Repeat as needed on an added sheet for additional locations) b. Specify the embankment stability analysis methodology used (e.g., circular arc, sliding block, infinite slope, etc.): c. Summary of stability analysis results: FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 7 of 11 E. LEVEE/FLOODWALL (CONTINUED) 5. Embankment And Foundation Stability (continued) Case Loading Conditions Critical Safety Factor Criteria (Min.) I End of construction 1.3 II Sudden drawdown 1.0 III Critical flood stage 1.4 IV Steady seepage at flood stage 1.4 VI Earthquake (Case I) 1.0 (Reference: USACE EM-1110-2-1913 Table 6-1) d. Was a seepage analysis for the embankment performed? Yes No If Yes, describe methodology used: e. Was a seepage analysis for the foundation performed? Yes No f. Were uplift pressures at the embankment landside toe checked? Yes No g. Were seepage exit gradients checked for piping potential? Yes No h. The duration of the base flood hydrograph against the embankment is hours. Attach engineering analysis to support construction plans. 6. Floodwall And Foundation Stability a. Describe analysis submittal based on Code (check one): UBC (1988) Other (specify): b. Stability analysis submitted provides for: Overturning Sliding If not, explain: c. Loading included in the analyses were: Lateral earth @ PA = psf; Pp = psf Surcharge-Slope @ , surface psf Wind @ Pw = psf Seepage (Uplift); Earthquake @ Peq = %g 1%-annual-chance significant wave height: ft. 1%-annual-chance significant wave period: sec. d. Summary of Stability Analysis Results: Factors of Safety. Itemize for each range in site layout dimension and loading condition limitation for each respective reach. Loading Condition Criteria (Min) Sta To Sta To Overturn Sliding Overturn Sliding Overturn Sliding Dead & Wind 1.5 1.5 Dead & Soil 1.5 1.5 Dead, Soil, Flood, & Impact 1.5 1.5 Dead, Soil, & Seismic 1.3 1.3 FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 8 of 11 (Ref: FEMA 114 Sept 1986; USACE EM 1110-2-2502) Note: (Extend table on an added sheet as needed and reference) E. LEVEE/FLOODWALL (CONTINUED) 6. Floodwall And Foundation Stability (continued) e. Foundation bearing strength for each soil type: Bearing Pressure Sustained Load (psf) Short Term Load (psf) Computed design maximum Maximum allowable FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 9 of 11 f. Foundation scour protection is, is not provided. If provided, attach explanation and supporting documentation: Attach engineering analysis to support construction plans. 7. Settlement a. Has anticipated potential settlement been determined and incorporated into the specified construction elevations to maintain the established freeboard margin? Yes No b. The computed range of settlement is ft. to ft. c. Settlement of the levee crest is determined to be primarily from : Foundation consolidation Embankment compression Other (Describe): d. Differential settlement of floodwalls has has not been accommodated in the structural design and construction. Attach engineering analysis to support construction plans. 8. Interior Drainage a. Specify size of each interior watershed: Draining to pressure conduit: acres Draining to ponding area: acres b. Relationships Established Ponding elevation vs. storage Yes No Ponding elevation vs. gravity flow Yes No Differential head vs. gravity flow Yes No c. The river flow duration curve is enclosed: Yes No d. Specify the discharge capacity of the head pressure conduit: cfs e. Which flooding conditions were analyzed?  Gravity flow (Interior Watershed) Yes No  Common storm (River Watershed) Yes No  Historical ponding probability Yes No  Coastal wave overtopping Yes No If No for any of the above, attach explanation. e. Interior drainage has been analyzed based on joint probability of interior and exterior flooding and the capacities of pumping and outlet facilities to provide the established level of flood protection. Yes No If No, attach explanation. g. The rate of seepage through the levee system for the base flood is cfs h. The length of levee system used to drive this seepage rate in item g: ft. E. LEVEE/FLOODWALL (CONTINUED) 8. Interior Drainage (continued) i. Will pumping plants be used for interior drainage? Yes No If Yes, include the number of pumping plants: For each pumping plant, list: FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 10 of 11 The number of pumps Plant #1 Plant #2 The ponding storage capacity The maximum pumping rate The maximum pumping head The pumping starting elevation The pumping stopping elevation Is the discharge facility protected? Is there a flood warning plan? How much time is available between warning and flooding? Will the operation be automatic? Yes No If the pumps are electric, are there backup power sources? Yes No (Reference: USACE EM-1110-2-3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105) Include a copy of supporting documentation of data and analysis. Provide a map showing the flooded area and maximum ponding elevations for all interior watersheds that result in flooding. 9. Other Design Criteria a. The following items have been addressed as stated: Liquefaction is is not a problem Hydrocompaction is is not a problem Heave differential movement due to soils of high shrink/swell is is not a problem b. For each of these problems, state the basic facts and corrective action taken: Attach supporting documentation c. If the levee/floodwall is new or enlarged, will the structure adversely impact flood levels and/or flow velocities floodside of the structure? Yes No Attach supporting documentation d. Sediment Transport Considerations: Was sediment transport considered? Yes No If Yes, then fill out Section F (Sediment Transport). If No, then attach your explanation for why sediment transport was not considered. 10. Operational Plan And Criteria a. Are the planned/installed works in full compliance with Part 65.10 of the NFIP Regulations? Yes No b. Does the operation plan incorporate all the provisions for closure devices as required in Paragraph 65.10(c)(1) of the NFIP regulations? Yes No c. Does the operation plan incorporate all the provisions for interior drainage as required in Paragraph 65.10(c)(2) of the NFIP regulations? Yes No If the answer is No to any of the above, please attach supporting documentation. E. LEVEE/FLOODWALL (CONTINUED) FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 11 of 11 11. Maintenance Plan Please attach a copy of the fomal maintenance plan for the levee/floodwall 12. Operations and Maintenance Plan Please attach a copy of the formal Operations and Maintenance Plan for the levee/floodwall. CERTIFICATION OF THE LEVEE DOCUMENTION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a licensed registered professional engineer authorized by law to certify elevation information data, hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, and any other supporting information as per NFIP regulations paragraph 65.10(e) and as described in the MT-2 Forms Instructions. All documents submitted in support of this request are correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 1001. Certifier’s Name: License No.: Expiration Date: Company Name: Telephone No.: Fax No.: Signature: Date: E-Mail Address: F. SEDIMENT TRANSPORT Flooding Source: Name of Structure: If there is any indication from historical records that sediment transport (including scour and deposition) can affect the Base Flood Elevation (BFE); and/or based on the stream morphology, vegetative cover, development of the watershed and bank conditions, there is a potential for debris and sediment transport (including scour and deposition) to affect the BFEs, then provide the following information along with the supporting documentation: Sediment load associated with the base flood discharge: Volume acre-feet Debris load associated with the base flood discharge: Volume acre-feet Sediment transport rate (percent concentration by volume) Method used to estimate sediment transport: Most sediment transport formulas are intended for a range of hydraulic conditions and sediment sizes; attach a detailed explanation for using the selected method. Method used to estimate scour and/or deposition: Method used to revise hydraulic or hydrologic analysis (model) to account for sediment transport: Please note that bulked flows are used to evaluate the performance of a structure during the base flood; however, FEMA does not map BFEs based on bulked flows. If a sediment analysis has not been performed, an explanation as to why sediment transport (including scour and deposition) will not affect the BFEs or structures must be provided. FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 4 of 11 1. System Elements a. This Levee/Floodwall analysis is based on (check one): b. Levee elements and locations are (check one): earthen embankment, dike, berm, etc. Station to structural floodwall Station to Other (describe): Station to c. Structural Type (check one): monolithic cast-in place reinforced concrete reinforced concrete masonry block sheet piling Other (describe): d. Has this levee/floodwall system been certified by a Federal agency to provide protection from the base flood? Yes No If Yes, by which agency? upgrading of an existing levee/floodwall system a newly constructed levee/floodwall system reanalysis of an existing levee/floodwall system FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 5 of 11 e. Attach certified drawings containing the following information (indicate drawing sheet numbers): 1. Plan of the levee embankment and floodwall structures. Sheet Numbers: 2. A profile of the levee/floodwall system showing the Base Flood Elevation (BFE), levee and/or wall crest and foundation, and closure locations for the total levee system. Sheet Numbers: 3. A profile of the BFE, closure opening outlet and inlet invert elevations, type and size of opening, and kind of closure. Sheet Numbers: 4. A layout detail for the embankment protection measures. Sheet Numbers: 5. Location, layout, and size and shape of the levee embankment features, foundation treatment, Floodwall structure, closure structures, and pump stations. Sheet Numbers: 2. Freeboard a. The minimum freeboard provided above the BFE is: Riverine 3.0 feet or more at the downstream end and throughout Yes No 3.5 feet or more at the upstream end Yes No 4.0 feet within 100 feet upstream of all structures and/or constrictions Yes No Coastal 1.0 foot above the height of the one percent wave associated with the 1%-annual-chance stillwater surge elevation or maximum wave runup (whichever is greater). Yes No 2.0 feet above the 1%-annual-chance stillwater surge elevation Yes No Please note, occasionally exceptions are made to the minimum freeboard requirement. If an exception is requested, attach documentation addressing Paragraph 65.10(b)(1)(ii) of the NFIP Regulations. If No is answered to any of the above, please attach an explanation. b. Is there an indication from historical records that ice-jamming can affect the BFE? Yes No If Yes, provide ice-jam analysis profile and evidence that the minimum freeboard discussed above still exists. 3. Closures a. Openings through the levee system (check one): exists does not exist If opening exists, list all closures: Channel Station Left or Right Bank Opening Type Highest Elevation for Opening Invert Type of Closure Device (Extend table on an added sheet as needed and reference) Note: Geotechnical and geologic data In addition to the required detailed analysis reports, data obtained during field and laboratory investigations and used in the design analysis for the following system features should be submitted in a tabulated summary form. (Reference U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [USACE] EM-1110-2-1906 Form 2086.) FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 6 of 11 4. Embankment Protection a. The maximum levee slope land side is: b. The maximum levee slope flood side is: c. The range of velocities along the levee during the base flood is: (min.) to (max.) d. Embankment material is protected by (describe what kind): e. Riprap Design Parameters (check one): Velocity Tractive stress Attach references Reach Sideslope Flow Depth Velocity Curve or Straight Stone Riprap Depth of Toedown D100 D50 Thickness Sta to Sta to Sta to Sta to Sta to Sta to (Extend table on an added sheet as needed and reference each entry) f. Is a bedding/filter analysis and design attached? Yes No g. Describe the analysis used for other kinds of protection used (include copies of the design analysis): Attach engineering analysis to support construction plans. 5. Embankment And Foundation Stability a. Identify locations and describe the basis for selection of critical location for analysis: Overall height: Sta.: , height ft. Limiting foundation soil strength: Strength  = degrees, c = psf Slope: SS = (h) to (v) (Repeat as needed on an added sheet for additional locations) b. Specify the embankment stability analysis methodology used (e.g., circular arc, sliding block, infinite slope, etc.): c. Summary of stability analysis results: FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 7 of 11 E. LEVEE/FLOODWALL (CONTINUED) 5. Embankment And Foundation Stability (continued) Case Loading Conditions Critical Safety Factor Criteria (Min.) I End of construction 1.3 II Sudden drawdown 1.0 III Critical flood stage 1.4 IV Steady seepage at flood stage 1.4 VI Earthquake (Case I) 1.0 (Reference: USACE EM-1110-2-1913 Table 6-1) d. Was a seepage analysis for the embankment performed? Yes No If Yes, describe methodology used: e. Was a seepage analysis for the foundation performed? Yes No f. Were uplift pressures at the embankment landside toe checked? Yes No g. Were seepage exit gradients checked for piping potential? Yes No h. The duration of the base flood hydrograph against the embankment is hours. Attach engineering analysis to support construction plans. 6. Floodwall And Foundation Stability a. Describe analysis submittal based on Code (check one): UBC (1988) Other (specify): b. Stability analysis submitted provides for: Overturning Sliding If not, explain: c. Loading included in the analyses were: Lateral earth @ PA = psf; Pp = psf Surcharge-Slope @ , surface psf Wind @ Pw = psf Seepage (Uplift); Earthquake @ Peq = %g 1%-annual-chance significant wave height: ft. 1%-annual-chance significant wave period: sec. d. Summary of Stability Analysis Results: Factors of Safety. Itemize for each range in site layout dimension and loading condition limitation for each respective reach. Loading Condition Criteria (Min) Sta To Sta To Overturn Sliding Overturn Sliding Overturn Sliding Dead & Wind 1.5 1.5 Dead & Soil 1.5 1.5 Dead, Soil, Flood, & Impact 1.5 1.5 Dead, Soil, & Seismic 1.3 1.3 FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 8 of 11 (Ref: FEMA 114 Sept 1986; USACE EM 1110-2-2502) Note: (Extend table on an added sheet as needed and reference) E. LEVEE/FLOODWALL (CONTINUED) 6. Floodwall And Foundation Stability (continued) e. Foundation bearing strength for each soil type: Bearing Pressure Sustained Load (psf) Short Term Load (psf) Computed design maximum Maximum allowable FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 9 of 11 f. Foundation scour protection is, is not provided. If provided, attach explanation and supporting documentation: Attach engineering analysis to support construction plans. 7. Settlement a. Has anticipated potential settlement been determined and incorporated into the specified construction elevations to maintain the established freeboard margin? Yes No b. The computed range of settlement is ft. to ft. c. Settlement of the levee crest is determined to be primarily from : Foundation consolidation Embankment compression Other (Describe): d. Differential settlement of floodwalls has has not been accommodated in the structural design and construction. Attach engineering analysis to support construction plans. 8. Interior Drainage a. Specify size of each interior watershed: Draining to pressure conduit: acres Draining to ponding area: acres b. Relationships Established Ponding elevation vs. storage Yes No Ponding elevation vs. gravity flow Yes No Differential head vs. gravity flow Yes No c. The river flow duration curve is enclosed: Yes No d. Specify the discharge capacity of the head pressure conduit: cfs e. Which flooding conditions were analyzed?  Gravity flow (Interior Watershed) Yes No  Common storm (River Watershed) Yes No  Historical ponding probability Yes No  Coastal wave overtopping Yes No If No for any of the above, attach explanation. e. Interior drainage has been analyzed based on joint probability of interior and exterior flooding and the capacities of pumping and outlet facilities to provide the established level of flood protection. Yes No If No, attach explanation. g. The rate of seepage through the levee system for the base flood is cfs h. The length of levee system used to drive this seepage rate in item g: ft. E. LEVEE/FLOODWALL (CONTINUED) 8. Interior Drainage (continued) i. Will pumping plants be used for interior drainage? Yes No If Yes, include the number of pumping plants: For each pumping plant, list: FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 10 of 11 The number of pumps Plant #1 Plant #2 The ponding storage capacity The maximum pumping rate The maximum pumping head The pumping starting elevation The pumping stopping elevation Is the discharge facility protected? Is there a flood warning plan? How much time is available between warning and flooding? Will the operation be automatic? Yes No If the pumps are electric, are there backup power sources? Yes No (Reference: USACE EM-1110-2-3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105) Include a copy of supporting documentation of data and analysis. Provide a map showing the flooded area and maximum ponding elevations for all interior watersheds that result in flooding. 9. Other Design Criteria a. The following items have been addressed as stated: Liquefaction is is not a problem Hydrocompaction is is not a problem Heave differential movement due to soils of high shrink/swell is is not a problem b. For each of these problems, state the basic facts and corrective action taken: Attach supporting documentation c. If the levee/floodwall is new or enlarged, will the structure adversely impact flood levels and/or flow velocities floodside of the structure? Yes No Attach supporting documentation d. Sediment Transport Considerations: Was sediment transport considered? Yes No If Yes, then fill out Section F (Sediment Transport). If No, then attach your explanation for why sediment transport was not considered. 10. Operational Plan And Criteria a. Are the planned/installed works in full compliance with Part 65.10 of the NFIP Regulations? Yes No b. Does the operation plan incorporate all the provisions for closure devices as required in Paragraph 65.10(c)(1) of the NFIP regulations? Yes No c. Does the operation plan incorporate all the provisions for interior drainage as required in Paragraph 65.10(c)(2) of the NFIP regulations? Yes No If the answer is No to any of the above, please attach supporting documentation. E. LEVEE/FLOODWALL (CONTINUED) FEMA Form 086-0-27B, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 11 of 11 11. Maintenance Plan Please attach a copy of the fomal maintenance plan for the levee/floodwall 12. Operations and Maintenance Plan Please attach a copy of the formal Operations and Maintenance Plan for the levee/floodwall. CERTIFICATION OF THE LEVEE DOCUMENTION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a licensed registered professional engineer authorized by law to certify elevation information data, hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, and any other supporting information as per NFIP regulations paragraph 65.10(e) and as described in the MT-2 Forms Instructions. All documents submitted in support of this request are correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 1001. Certifier’s Name: License No.: Expiration Date: Company Name: Telephone No.: Fax No.: Signature: Date: E-Mail Address: F. SEDIMENT TRANSPORT Flooding Source: Name of Structure: If there is any indication from historical records that sediment transport (including scour and deposition) can affect the Base Flood Elevation (BFE); and/or based on the stream morphology, vegetative cover, development of the watershed and bank conditions, there is a potential for debris and sediment transport (including scour and deposition) to affect the BFEs, then provide the following information along with the supporting documentation: Sediment load associated with the base flood discharge: Volume acre-feet Debris load associated with the base flood discharge: Volume acre-feet Sediment transport rate (percent concentration by volume) Method used to estimate sediment transport: Most sediment transport formulas are intended for a range of hydraulic conditions and sediment sizes; attach a detailed explanation for using the selected method. Method used to estimate scour and/or deposition: Method used to revise hydraulic or hydrologic analysis (model) to account for sediment transport: Please note that bulked flows are used to evaluate the performance of a structure during the base flood; however, FEMA does not map BFEs based on bulked flows. If a sediment analysis has not been performed, an explanation as to why sediment transport (including scour and deposition) will not affect the BFEs or structures must be provided. MT-2 Supplemental Information Form 1 Section B, Item 5a/b Other: Construction of storage and infiltration facilities to intercept floodwaters prior to entering development site. Form 2 Section B Reaches to be revised Chester Creek – Golf Course Overflow Description Cross Section Effective WSE Proposed WSE Downstream Limit Storage Area 1 at end of Golf Course Overflow Reach A - 0 2008.1 n/a (no 1% floodplain at this location) Upstream Limit Beginning of Golf Course Overflow Reach (diversion from Chester Creek) N - 4318 2023.0 2023.0 Unnamed Tributary to Chester Creek Description Cross Section Effective WSE Proposed WSE Downstream Limit Storage Area 6 A - 0 2008.1 n/a (no 1% floodplain at this location) Upstream Limit Highway 20 culvert crossing R -3485 2020.8 2020.8 Models Submitted Chester Creek – Golf Course Overflow Natural Run Floodway Run Datum File Plan File Plan DEM CCMain.prj DEM CCMain.prj DEM FW NAVD88 CEM CCMain.prj CEM CCMain.prj CEM FW NAVD88 ECM CCMain.prj ECM CCMain.prj ECM FW NAVD88 PCM CCMain.prj PCM CCMain.prj PCM FW NAVD88 Unnamed Tributary to Chester Creek Natural Run Floodway Run Datum File Plan File Plan DEM CCTrib.prj DEM CCTrib.prj DEM FW NAVD88 CEM CCTrib.prj CEM CCTrib.prj CEM FW NAVD88 ECM CCTrib.prj ECM CCTrib.prj ECM FW NAVD88 PCM CCTrib.prj PCM CCTrib.prj PCM FW NAVD88 Unnamed Tributary to Chester Creek, without DS Levee Natural Run Floodway Run Datum File Plan File Plan DEM CCTrib.prj DEM w/o DS lev CCTrib.prj DEM w/o DS lev FW NAVD88 CEM CCTrib.prj CEM w/o DS lev CCTrib.prj CEM w/o DS lev FW NAVD88 ECM CCTrib.prj ECM w/o DS lev CCTrib.prj ECM w/o DS lev FW NAVD88 PCM CCTrib.prj PCM w/o DS lev n/a n/a NAVD88 Form 3 Section B – Channelization – Unnamed Tributary of Chester Creek 1. Current ditch/channel of Unnamed Tributary between Highway 27 (RS 1,952 to RS 3,338) being widened to uniform bottom width of 3 ft as part of levee construction/certification process. Supercritical shown in RAS model where channel exits to steep rock lined slope at entrance to Storage Area 6 Infiltration facility (large pit). Entrance will be rock lined to prevent erosion. 2. Plans are provided in Appendix B Sheets C0.0 through C9.3 3. Channel widening will accompany levee enhancement and certification 4. Channel is maintained by heavy equipment and levee O&M manual includes inspections to ensure channel remains in free flowing condition. Form 3 Section B – Highway 27 Culvert (Culvert Extension) - Unnamed Tributary of Chester Creek 1. Proposed extension of existing culvert that passes water under Highway 27. Existing culvert is modeled in effective FIS. Culvert is at RAS station 2040 in effective FIS, between letter Q and R (labeled Pines Road in effective FEMA profile). 2. Modeled in HEC-RAS 4.1.0 3. Plans are provided in Appendix B Sheet C4.0 4. Unknown if culvert is affected by sediment transport but channel DS of culvert is maintained by heavy equipment and levee O&M manual includes inspections to ensure channel remains in free flowing condition. Form 3 Section B – Thorpe Road Culvert (Replacement) - Golf Course Overflow Reach of Chester Creek 1. Proposed box culvert structure passes water from the Golf Course Overflow Reach under Thorpe Road and replaces two existing round culverts. Existing FIS does not have any structure at this location as two culverts were added after FIS. a. DS XS – RAS XS 21425 on Golf Course Overflow Reach b. US XS – RAS XS 21481 on Golf Course Overflow Reach 2. Modeled in HEC-RAS 4.1.0 3. Plans are provided in Appendix B Sheets C3.12, C5.2 4. The structure is not considered to be affected by sediment transport. This overflow path is located in a vegetated field and there is no physical channel along this reach. Accordingly, mobilization and transportation of significant amounts of sediment is unlikely. Further, average ‘channel’ velocities within the reach are very low for the 1% annual chance flood (1.2 ft/s; max of 3.8). Most XSs have channel velocities of under 1 ft/s. FEMA Form 81-107 Payment Information Form FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY PAYMENT INFORMATION FORM Community Name: Project Identifier: THIS FORM MUST BE MAILED, ALONG WITH THE APPROPRIATE FEE, TO THE ADDRESS BELOW OR FAXED TO THE FAX NUMBER BELOW. Please make check or money order payable to the National Flood Insurance Program. Type of Request: MT-1 application MT-2 application EDR application Request No. (if known): _______________ Check No.: _______________ Amount: INITIAL FEE* FINAL FEE FEE BALANCE** MASTER CARD VISA CHECK MONEY ORDER *Note: Check only for EDR and/or Alluvial Fan requests (as appropriate). **Note: Check only if submitting a corrected fee for an ongoing request. COMPLETE THIS SECTION ONLY IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD CARD NUMBER EXP. DATE — — — — 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Month Year _________________________________________________________________ Date Signature NAME (AS IT APPEARS ON CARD): (please print or type) ADDRESS: (for your credit card receipt-please print or type) DAYTIME PHONE: LOMC Clearinghouse 847 South Pickett Street Alexandria, VA 22304-4605 Attn.: LOMC Manager FEMA Project Library 847 South Pickett Street Alexandria, VA 22304-4605 FAX (703) 212-4090 Appendix B. Survey Maps and Plans of Proposed Project WESNCABBREVIATIONSC0.0 COVER SHEETC0.1 GENERAL NOTESC0.2 DISHMAN-MICA RD CROSS SECTIONSC0.3 THORPE RD & MADISON RD CROSS SECTIONSC1.0 OVERALL TOPOGRAPHYC1.1 NORTH TOPOGRAPHY MAPC1.2 SOUTH TOPOGRAPHY MAPC1.3 SITE ELEMENT PLANC3.00 DISHMAN-MICA RD PLAN & PROFILEC3.01 DISHMAN-MICA RD PLAN & PROFILEC3.02 DISHMAN-MICA RD PLAN & PROFILEC3.10 THORPE RD PLAN & PROFILEC3.11 THORPE RD PLAN & PROFILEC3.12 THORPE RD CHESTER CR. CULVERT EXTENSIONC3.20 MADISON RD PLAN & PROFILEC3.21 MADISON RD PLAN & PROFILEC3.22 MADISON RD PLAN & PROFILEC3.23 MADISON RD PLAN & PROFILEC3.24 MADISON RD STORM PIPE CROSSINGSC3.30 INTERSECTION DETAILSC4.0 PROPOSED LEVEE PLAN & PROFILEC4.1 PROPOSED LEVEE PLAN & PROFILEC4.2 EXISTING LEVEE PLAN & PROFILEC4.3 PROPOSED LEVEE CROSS SECTIONSC4.4 EXISTING LEVEE CROSS SECTIONSC5.0 STORM WATER SYSTEM PLAN & PROFILEC5.1 BOX CULVERT & CHANNEL PLAN & PROFILEC5.2 BOX CULVERT & CHANNEL DETAILSC5.21 BOX CULVERT SPECIFICATIONSC5.3 MADISON PIPE PLAN & PROFILEC5.4 BIOSWALE PLAN & PROFILEC5.5 INFILTRATION PLAN & PROFILEC5.6 HEADWALL INFILTRATION DETAILSC5.7 INFILTRATION DETAILSC9.0 EROSION CONTROL/SWPPP PLANC9.1 SWPPP STANDARD NOTESC9.2 SWPPP BMPsC9.3 SWPPP BMPsLEGENDEXISTING DESCRIPTION PROPOSEDSEWERWATERDRAINAGEGASTELE-POWERCOVER SHEETC0.0JPP 1" = 300'N/AXIMPROVEMENT PLANSPAINTED HILLS FLOOD CONTROL PLANSLOCATED IN A PORTION OFSE1/4, SEC. 33, T.25N., R. 44E., W.M.CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WADISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRDVERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringPROJECTLOCATIONLOCATION MAPSHEET INDEXSITE PLAN VIEWINSPECTIONGAS FIRETELEPHONEWATERSOLID WASTESEWERPERMIT SPECIALISTDEV. CONST. INSP.CABLEENGINEERINGSURVEYORHEALTHOWNERROADWAYSPOWERFUTUREDEVELOPMENTDISHMAN-MICA ROADTHORPE ROADMADISON ROAD 40TH AVENUEHIGHWAY 27 City of Spokane ValleyPermit No.:SUB-2015-0001FPD-2016-EGR-201X-XXXXSpokane County PermitNo.:Floodplain-Grading-ROAD AROAD BROAD CROAD DROAD EP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C0.0 COVER.dwg, 10/13/2016 2:42:59 PM SPOKANE VALLEYGENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES(APPENDIX 4A OF CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS)GENERAL GRADING NOTESGENERAL NOTESC0.1RMA N/AN/AXDISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRDVERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C0.1 GENERAL NOTES.dwg, 10/13/2016 2:48:27 PM DISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringROAD CROSS SECTIONSC0.2JPPN/AN/AXTYPICAL DISHMAN-MICA RD CROSS SECTION WITH LEVEE3TYPICAL DISHMAN-MICA RD CROSS SECTION 1TYPICAL DISHMAN-MICA RD CROSS SECTION 2P:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C0.2 CROSS SECTIONS.dwg, 10/13/2016 2:49:05 PM DISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringROAD CROSS SECTIONSC0.3JPPN/AN/AXTYPICAL THORPE RD CROSS SECTION4P:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C0.2 CROSS SECTIONS.dwg, 10/13/2016 2:48:43 PM DISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringTOPOGRAPHY (REFR. ONLY)C1.0JPP1"=200'N/AXW ESNCABBREVIATIONSP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C1.0 TOPOGRAPHY.dwg, 10/13/2016 2:49:21 PM DISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringNORTH TOPOGRAPHY (REF. ONLY)C1.1JPP1"=100'N/AXW ESNCP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C1.0 TOPOGRAPHY.dwg, 10/13/2016 2:49:42 PM DISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringSOUTH TOPOGRAPHY (REFR. ONLY)C1.2JPP1"=100'N/AXW ESNCP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C1.0 TOPOGRAPHY.dwg, 10/13/2016 2:49:58 PM WESNCSITE ELEMENT PLANC1.3JPP 1" = 200'N/AXDISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRDVERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringDISHMAN-MICA ROADTHORPE ROADMADISON ROAD 40TH AVENUEHIGHWAY 27City of Spokane ValleyPermit No.:SUB-2015-0001FPD-2016-EGR-201X-XXXXSpokane County PermitNo.:Floodplain-Grading-WILBER ROADP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C1.3 ELEMENT PLAN.dwg, 10/13/2016 2:50:16 PM DISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringDISHMAN-MICA PLAN & PROFILEC3.00JPP1"=30'1"=10'XWESNCCONSTRUCTION NOTESP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C3.0 DISHMAN-MICA RD.dwg, 10/13/2016 2:54:01 PM DISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringDISHMAN-MICA PLAN & PROFILEC3.01JPP1"=30'1"=10'XWESNCCONSTRUCTION NOTESP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C3.0 DISHMAN-MICA RD.dwg, 10/13/2016 2:54:34 PM DISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringDISHMAN-MICA PLAN & PROFILEC3.02JPP1"=30'1"=10'XWESNCCONSTRUCTION NOTESP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C3.0 DISHMAN-MICA RD.dwg, 10/13/2016 2:55:08 PM DISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringTHORPE ROAD PLAN AND PROFILEC3.10JPP1"=30'1"=10'XCONSTRUCTION NOTESW ESNCP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C3.1 THORPE RD.dwg, 10/13/2016 2:55:38 PM DISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringTHORPE ROAD PLAN AND PROFILEC3.11JPP1"=30'1"=10'XCONSTRUCTION NOTESW ESNCP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C3.1 THORPE RD.dwg, 10/13/2016 2:56:14 PM CHESTER CREEK CULVERT WIDENINGC3.12JPPN/AN/AXWESNCCHESTER CREEK BOX CULVERT WIDENING1CULVERT CROSS SECTIONaDISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment Engineering1CULVERT CROSS SECTION22P:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C3.1 THORPE RD.dwg, 10/13/2016 2:56:45 PM DISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringMADISON ROAD PLAN AND PROFILEC3.20TEW1"=30'1"=10'XW ESNCCONSTRUCTION NOTESP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C3.2 MADISON RD.dwg, 10/13/2016 2:57:08 PM DISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringMADISON ROAD PLAN AND PROFILEC3.21TEW1"=30'1"=10'XW ESNCCONSTRUCTION NOTESP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C3.2 MADISON RD.dwg, 10/13/2016 2:57:39 PM DISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringMADISON ROAD PLAN AND PROFILEC3.22TEW1"=30'1"=10'XW ESNCCONSTRUCTION NOTESP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C3.2 MADISON RD.dwg, 10/13/2016 2:58:08 PM DISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringMADISON ROAD PLAN AND PROFILEC3.23TEW1"=30'1"=10'XW ESNCCONSTRUCTION NOTESP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C3.2 MADISON RD.dwg, 10/13/2016 2:58:41 PM DISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringMADISON STORM PLANC3.24JPP1"=30'1"=10'XW ESNCMADISON RD PIPE CROSSINGaMADISON RD PIPE CROSSINGBMADISON RD PIPE CROSSINGCMADISON RD PIPE CROSSINGDP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C3.2 MADISON RD.dwg, 10/13/2016 2:59:13 PM DISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringINTERSECTION DETAILSC3.30JPP1"=20'N/AX1INTERSECTION DETAIL2INTERSECTION DETAIL3INTERSECTION DETAIL4INTERSECTION DETAIL5INTERSECTION DETAIL6INTERSECTION DETAIL7INTERSECTION DETAILWESNCWESNCWESNCWESNCWESNCWESNCWESNCP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C3.3 INTX DETAILS.dwg, 10/13/2016 2:59:46 PM DISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringPROPOSED LEVEE PLAN & PROFILEC4.0JPP1"=30'1"=10'XWESNCS-1C4.3S-2C4.3S-3C4.3S-9C4.3S-4C4.3CONSTRUCTION NOTESDISHMAN MICA RDROAD E P:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C4.0 LEVEE PLAN.dwg, 10/13/2016 3:06:39 PM DISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringPROPOSED LEVEE PLAN & PROFILEC4.1JPP1"=30'1"=10'XWESNCCONSTRUCTION NOTESS-9C4.3S-6C4.3S-5C4.3S-7C4.3S-8C4.3LEVEE DETAILASEEDING NOTE:DISHMAN MICA RDROAD E WILBUR RDP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C4.0 LEVEE PLAN.dwg, 10/13/2016 3:07:10 PM DISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringEXISTING LEVEE PLAN & PROFILEC4.2JPP1"=30'1"=10'XW ES NCCONSTRUCTION NOTESLEVEE DETAIL1S-10C4.4S-11C4.4S-12C4.5S-13C4.5S-14C4.5S-15C4.5S-16C4.5S-17C4.5LEVEE DETAIL2TH O R P E R D P:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C4.0 LEVEE PLAN.dwg, 10/13/2016 3:07:50 PM PROPOSED LEVEE CROSS SECTIONSC4.3JPP1"=10'1"=10'XDISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C4.0 LEVEE PLAN.dwg, 10/13/2016 3:08:31 PM EXISTING LEVEE CROSS SECTIONSC4.4JPP1"=10'1"=10'XDISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C4.0 LEVEE PLAN.dwg, 10/13/2016 3:09:10 PM DISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringSTORM SYSTEM OVERVIEWC5.0JPP1"=100'1"=20'XW ESNCCONSTRUCTION NOTESW ESNCW ESNCP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C5.0 STORM SYSTEM.dwg, 10/13/2016 3:09:33 PM DISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringCONCRETE CHANNEL PLAN & PROFILEC5.1JPP1"=30'1"=10'XW ESNCCONSTRUCTION NOTESACHANNEL CROSS SECTIONAP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C5.1 CONCRETE CHANNEL.dwg, 10/13/2016 3:10:17 PM BOX CULVERT & CHANNEL DETAILSC5.2JPPN/AN/AXWESNCBOX CULVERT DETAIL1BOX CULVERT CROSS SECTIONBDISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment Engineering1 BOX CULVERT CROSS SECTION2212W ESNCCHANNEL & PIPE CONNECTIONC1CHANNEL & PIPE CROSS SECTION2CHANNEL & PIPE CROSS SECTIONP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C5.1 CONCRETE CHANNEL.dwg, 10/13/2016 3:10:39 PM BOX CULVERT DETAILSC5.21JPPN/AN/AXDISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C5.1 CONCRETE CHANNEL.dwg, 10/13/2016 3:11:03 PM DISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringMADISON STORM PIPE P&PC5.3JPP1"=50'1"=10'XCONSTRUCTION NOTESW ESNCW ESNCP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C5.3 MADISON STORM PIPE.dwg, 10/13/2016 3:11:17 PM DISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringBIOSWALE PLAN & PROFILEC5.4JPP1"=30'1"=10'XCONSTRUCTION NOTESW ESNCTYPICAL BIOSWALE SECTIONAA-BIOSWALE INLET CROSS SECTION3P:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C5.4 SWALE.dwg, 10/13/2016 3:11:44 PM INFILTRATION PLAN & PROFILEC5.5JPP1"=30'1"=10'XDISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringCC5.7DC5.7CONSTRUCTION NOTESW ESNCBC5.7P:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C5.4 SWALE.dwg, 10/13/2016 3:12:04 PM INFILTRATION HEADWALL DETAILSC5.6JPPN/AN/AXDISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringHEAD WALL - FRONT VIEWCROSS SECTION1HEAD WALL -TOP VIEWCROSS SECTION2WALL TYPICALP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C5.4 SWALE.dwg, 10/13/2016 3:12:24 PM INFILTRATION DETAILSC5.7JPPN/AN/AXDISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringDRAIN FIELD CROSS SECTIONDDRAIN FIELD CROSS SECTIONCDRAIN FIELD CROSS SECTIONB24" HDPE CROSS DETAIL3P:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C5.4 SWALE.dwg, 10/13/2016 3:12:36 PM SITE PLANSWPPP/EROSION CONTROL PLANPAINTED HILLS PRDDISHMAN-MICA ROAD & THORPE ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTONSE, 1/4 OF S. 33, T. 25 N., R. 44 E., W.M.W ESNCINDEX TO PLAN SHEETSC9.0 SWPPP/EROSION CONTROLCOVER SHEETC9.1 SWPPP NOTESC9.2 SWPPP BMP'SC9.3 SWPPP BMP'SLEGENDGENERAL NOTESSWPPP COVERC9.0RMA 1" = 300'N/AXDISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringPROJECTLOCATIONLOCATION MAPINSPECTIONGASFIRETELEPHONEWATERSOLID WASTESEWERPERMIT SPECIALISTDEV. CONST. INSP.CABLEENGINEERINGSURVEYORHEALTHOWNERPOWER3P:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C9.0 EROSION CONTROL.dwg, 10/13/2016 3:14:09 PM SWPPP PLANC9.1RMA N/AN/AXDISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringEROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROLGENERAL NOTES AND INFORMATIONMAINTENANCEE.S.C. STANDARD PLAN NOTES FROM APPENDIX 9A OF THE SPOKANE REGIONAL STORMWATER MANUALP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C9.0 EROSION CONTROL.dwg, 10/13/2016 3:14:28 PM SWPPP BMPsC9.2RMA N/AN/AXDISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment Engineering1-SILT FENCE DETAIL2-ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRYCONSTRUCTION ENTRANCEPURPOSE:CONDITIONS OF USE:DESIGN AND INSTALLATION:MAINTENANCE STANDARDS:BMP C233: SILT FENCEPURPOSE:CONDITIONS OF USE:DESIGN AND INSTALLATION:DESIGN AND INSTALLATION:(CONTINUED)MAINTENANCESTANDARDS:BMP C105: STABILIZED P:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C9.0 EROSION CONTROL.dwg, 10/13/2016 3:14:41 PM SWPPP BMPsC9.3RMA N/AN/AXDISHMAN-MICA RD.SPOKANE VALLEY,WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:DATUM: NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/17/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHER SPOKANE VALLEY PAINTED HILLS PRD 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY JPP ORIGINAL PREPARATION1SEPTEMBER2016Reviewed for Conformance toStreet Standards andAccepted per Chapter 1.2Not ReviewedDate AcceptedAcceptance CommentsCity of Spokane ValleyDevelopment EngineeringINLET SEDIMENT FILTER-3GRAVEL AND WIRE MESHBMP C220: STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTIONPURPOSE:CONDITIONS OF USE:DESIGN AND INSTALLATION:BMP C140: DUST CONTROLPURPOSE:CONDITIONS OF USE:DESIGN AND INSTALLATION:MAINTENANCE STANDARDS:DESIGN AND INSTALLATIONCONTINUED: MAINTENANCE STANDARDS:BMP C151: CONCRETE HANDLINGPURPOSE:CONDITIONS OF USE:•••••••DESIGN AND INSTALLATION:MAINTENANCE STANDARDS:CONCRETE TRUCK WASHOUT STANDARDS-4P:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\C9.0 EROSION CONTROL.dwg, 10/13/2016 3:14:51 PM WESNCABBREVIATIONSC0.0 COVER SHEETC0.1 GENERAL NOTESC1.0 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYC4.0 GRADING PLANC5.0 TRIANGLE POND PLANC9.0 EROSION CONTROL/SWPPP PLANC9.1 SWPPP NOTESC9.2 SWPPP BMPsC9.3 SWPPP BMPsLEGENDEXISTING DESCRIPTION PROPOSEDSEWERWATERDRAINAGEGASTELE-POWERCOVER SHEETC0.0RMA 1" = 100'N/AXIMPROVEMENT PLANSPAINTED HILLS PRD - GUSTIN DITCHLOCATED IN A PORTION OFSE1/4, SEC. 33, T.25N., R. 44E., W.M.SPOKANE COUNTY, WAPROJECTLOCATIONLOCATION MAPSHEET INDEXSITE PLANINSPECTIONGASFIRETELEPHONEWATERSOLID WASTESEWERPERMIT SPECIALISTDEV. CONST. INSP.POWERENGINEERINGSURVEYORHEALTHOWNERROADWAYSCABLE40TH AVENUEHIGHWAY 2740TH AVENUESPOKANE COUNTY, WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/03/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHERGUSTIN DITCH IMPROVEMENT PLANS 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY RMA ORIGINAL PREPARATIONACity of Spokane ValleyPermit No.:SUB-2015-0001FPD-2016-EGR-201X-XXXXSpokane County PermitNo.:Floodplain-Grading-P:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\GUSTIN-C0.0 COVER.dwg, 10/13/2016 1:42:08 PM GENERAL NOTESC0.1RMA N/AN/AX40TH AVENUESPOKANE COUNTY, WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/03/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHERGUSTIN DITCH IMPROVEMENT PLANS 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY RMA ORIGINAL PREPARATIONACity of Spokane ValleyPermit No.:SUB-2015-0001FPD-2016-EGR-201X-XXXXSpokane County PermitNo.:Floodplain-Grading-SPOKANE COUNTY STREET NOTESSTORM DRAINAGE NOTESWCE GENERAL NOTESWCE GRADING NOTESP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\GUSTIN-C0.1 GENERAL NOTES.dwg, 10/13/2016 1:42:29 PM TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY (REF. ONLY)C1.0RMA 1" = 60'N/AX40TH AVENUESPOKANE COUNTY, WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/03/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHERGUSTIN DITCH IMPROVEMENT PLANS 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY RMA ORIGINAL PREPARATIONACity of Spokane ValleyPermit No.:SUB-2015-0001FPD-2016-EGR-201X-XXXXSpokane County PermitNo.:Floodplain-Grading-W ESNCABBREVIATIONSFOR REFERENCE ONLYTOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYLEGEND40TH AVENUEHIGHWAY 27 P:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\GUSTIN-C1.0 TOPO.dwg, 10/13/2016 1:43:00 PM CONSTRUCTION NOTESGUSTIN DITCH ACCESS DETAILSEE SHEET C0.0FOR FULL LEGENDLEVEE GRADING PLANC4.0RMA 1" = 30'N/AX40TH AVENUE40TH AVENUESPOKANE COUNTY, WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/03/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHERGUSTIN DITCH IMPROVEMENT PLANS 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY RMA ORIGINAL PREPARATIONACity of Spokane ValleyPermit No.:SUB-2015-0001FPD-2016-EGR-201X-XXXXSpokane County PermitNo.:Floodplain-Grading-LEVEE DETAILAHIGHWAY 27 W ESNCW ESNCW ESNC1P:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\GUSTIN-C4.0 GRADING.dwg, 10/13/2016 1:43:46 PM TRIANGLE POND DETAILC5.0RMA 1" = 20'N/AX40TH AVENUESPOKANE COUNTY, WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/03/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHERGUSTIN DITCH IMPROVEMENT PLANS 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY RMA ORIGINAL PREPARATIONACity of Spokane ValleyPermit No.:SUB-2015-0001FPD-2016-EGR-201X-XXXXSpokane County PermitNo.:Floodplain-Grading-W ESNCCONSTRUCTION NOTESSEEDING NOTE:BSEEDING NOTE:A40TH AVENUE V-DITCH DETAILCP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\GUSTIN-C5.0 POND.dwg, 10/13/2016 1:44:38 PM SWPPP/EROSION CONTROL PLANPAINTED HILLS - GUSTIN DITCH40TH AVENUESPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTONSE 1/4 OF SEC. 33, T. 25 N., R. 44 E., W.M.W ESNCINDEX TO PLAN SHEETSC9.0 SWPPP/EROSION CONTROLCOVER SHEETC9.1 SWPPP NOTESC9.2 SWPPP BMP'SC9.3 SWPPP BMP'SLEGENDSWPPP COVERC9.0RMA 1" = 100'N/AXPROJECTLOCATIONLOCATION MAPINSPECTIONGASFIRETELEPHONEWATERSOLID WASTESEWERPERMIT SPECIALISTDEV. CONST. INSP.CABLEENGINEERINGSURVEYORHEALTHOWNERPOWER40TH AVENUESPOKANE COUNTY, WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/03/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHERGUSTIN DITCH IMPROVEMENT PLANS 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY RMA ORIGINAL PREPARATIONACity of Spokane ValleyPermit No.:SUB-2015-0001FPD-2016-EGR-201X-XXXXSpokane County PermitNo.:Floodplain-Grading-GENERAL NOTESSITE PLAN40TH AVENUEHIGHWAY 27 P:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\GUSTIN-C9.0 EROSION CONTROL.dwg, 10/13/2016 1:45:19 PM SWPPP NOTESC9.1RMA N/AN/AXEROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROLGENERAL NOTES AND INFORMATIONMAINTENANCE40TH AVENUESPOKANE COUNTY, WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/03/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHERGUSTIN DITCH IMPROVEMENT PLANS 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY RMA ORIGINAL PREPARATIONACity of Spokane ValleyPermit No.:SUB-2015-0001FPD-2016-EGR-201X-XXXXSpokane County PermitNo.:Floodplain-Grading-E.S.C. STANDARD PLAN NOTES FROM APPENDIX 9A OF THE SPOKANE REGIONAL STORMWATER MANUALSRCAA GENERAL NOTESP:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\GUSTIN-C9.0 EROSION CONTROL.dwg, 10/13/2016 1:45:28 PM SWPPP BMPsC9.2RMA N/AN/AX1-SILT FENCE DETAIL2-ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRYCONSTRUCTION ENTRANCEPURPOSE:CONDITIONS OF USE:DESIGN AND INSTALLATION:MAINTENANCE STANDARDS:BMP C233: SILT FENCEPURPOSE:CONDITIONS OF USE:DESIGN AND INSTALLATION:DESIGN AND INSTALLATION:(CONTINUED)MAINTENANCESTANDARDS:BMP C105: STABILIZED 40TH AVENUESPOKANE COUNTY, WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/03/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHERGUSTIN DITCH IMPROVEMENT PLANS 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY RMA ORIGINAL PREPARATIONACity of Spokane ValleyPermit No.:SUB-2015-0001FPD-2016-EGR-201X-XXXXSpokane County PermitNo.:Floodplain-Grading-P:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\GUSTIN-C9.0 EROSION CONTROL.dwg, 10/13/2016 1:45:32 PM SWPPP BMPsC9.3RMA N/AN/AXINLET SEDIMENT FILTER-3GRAVEL AND WIRE MESHBMP C220: STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTIONPURPOSE:CONDITIONS OF USE:DESIGN AND INSTALLATION:BMP C140: DUST CONTROLPURPOSE:CONDITIONS OF USE:DESIGN AND INSTALLATION:MAINTENANCE STANDARDS:DESIGN AND INSTALLATIONCONTINUED: MAINTENANCE STANDARDS:BMP C151: CONCRETE HANDLINGPURPOSE:CONDITIONS OF USE:•••••••DESIGN AND INSTALLATION:MAINTENANCE STANDARDS:CONCRETE TRUCK WASHOUT STANDARDS-440TH AVENUESPOKANE COUNTY, WADRAWN:PROJ #:REVIEWED:DATE:NAVD - 8813-1166JOB NUMBERSHEETTRW13-116608/03/16WCETBM S-5 OF THE SOUTH PONDEROSA SEWER PROJECTWITH AN ELEVATION OF 2005.87 (NAVD29)=2009.67(NAVD88) WAS USED FOR THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THISMAP.WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROADSPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227CIVILSTRUCTURALSURVEYINGTRAFFICPLANNINGLANDSCAPEOTHERGUSTIN DITCH IMPROVEMENT PLANS 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.SE 33 25 44 SW12, SEC.34, T.25N., R.44E., W.M. 14, SEC. , T. N., R. E., W.M.NE 4 24 44VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALE:REVISIONSNO. DATE BY RMA ORIGINAL PREPARATIONACity of Spokane ValleyPermit No.:SUB-2015-0001FPD-2016-EGR-201X-XXXXSpokane County PermitNo.:Floodplain-Grading-P:\WCE_WORK\2013 WCE PROJECTS\2013-1166 Walker - Painted Hills GC\DWG\GUSTIN-C9.0 EROSION CONTROL.dwg, 10/13/2016 1:45:37 PM 22OFSHEETDRAWN:DATE:PROJ #: APPROVED:WCE WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS CIVIL , STRUCTURAL AND TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING 2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROAD SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON 99216 PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227 GUSTIN DITCH LEVEE CROSS SECTIONPainted Hills PRD Dishman-Mica rd and Thorpe rd CITY of SPOKANE Valley, WASHINGTON 13-116610/13/16JPPTRWNOT TO SCALE 12OFSHEETDRAWN:DATE:PROJ #: APPROVED:WCE WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS CIVIL , STRUCTURAL AND TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING 2528 NORTH SULLIVAN ROAD SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON 99216 PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227 GUSTIN LEVEE CROSS SECTIONSPainted Hills PRD Dishman-Mica rd and Thorpe rd CITY of SPOKANE Valley, WASHINGTON 13-116610/13/16JPPTRWNOT TO SCALE Appendix C. Duplicate Effective Models     HEC-RAS Plan: DEM River: Chester Creek Reach: Golf Course Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) Golf Course 20779 10-yr 30.00 2004.98 2007.19 2005.40 2007.19 0.000006 0.06 517.26 1198.11 0.01 Golf Course 20779 50-yr 54.00 2004.98 2007.80 2005.49 2007.80 0.000003 0.05 1164.72 1860.64 0.01 Golf Course 20779 100-yr 64.00 2004.98 2008.05 2005.52 2008.05 0.000002 0.04 1491.37 1985.36 0.01 Golf Course 20779 500-yr 88.00 2004.98 2008.64 2005.58 2008.64 0.000000 0.03 3229.73 2191.83 0.00 Golf Course 21013 10-yr 30.00 2007.36 2007.65 2007.65 2007.74 0.048676 2.02 13.20 348.57 0.86 Golf Course 21013 50-yr 54.00 2007.36 2007.77 2007.77 2007.86 0.043680 2.09 23.46 392.88 0.83 Golf Course 21013 100-yr 64.00 2007.36 2007.79 2007.79 2007.90 0.048191 2.30 25.52 395.42 0.89 Golf Course 21013 500-yr 88.00 2007.36 2008.64 2007.85 2008.64 0.000463 0.44 192.58 634.20 0.10 Golf Course 21128 10-yr 30.00 2007.08 2008.27 2007.75 2008.28 0.000865 0.55 54.77 320.34 0.14 Golf Course 21128 50-yr 54.00 2007.08 2008.53 2007.86 2008.54 0.001133 0.60 89.93 413.16 0.16 Golf Course 21128 100-yr 64.00 2007.08 2008.60 2007.90 2008.61 0.001181 0.62 103.84 442.77 0.16 Golf Course 21128 500-yr 88.00 2007.08 2008.77 2007.98 2008.77 0.001015 0.61 145.13 510.87 0.15 Golf Course 21229 10-yr 30.00 2006.97 2008.63 2008.48 2008.64 0.007738 0.82 36.63 445.79 0.34 Golf Course 21229 50-yr 54.00 2006.97 2008.82 2008.55 2008.83 0.002311 0.62 86.72 540.30 0.20 Golf Course 21229 100-yr 64.00 2006.97 2008.87 2008.57 2008.88 0.001925 0.63 102.09 545.70 0.19 Golf Course 21229 500-yr 88.00 2006.97 2008.98 2008.63 2008.99 0.001412 0.65 136.02 549.37 0.17 Golf Course 21385 10-yr 30.00 2008.16 2008.94 2008.47 2008.94 0.000409 0.31 97.80 268.00 0.09 Golf Course 21385 50-yr 54.00 2008.16 2009.08 2008.53 2009.08 0.000477 0.40 135.88 283.37 0.10 Golf Course 21385 100-yr 64.00 2008.16 2009.12 2008.56 2009.12 0.000512 0.43 147.76 285.92 0.11 Golf Course 21385 500-yr 88.00 2008.16 2009.22 2008.61 2009.22 0.000552 0.50 176.40 291.98 0.11 Golf Course 21409 10-yr 30.00 2008.27 2008.98 2008.68 2008.98 0.001022 0.46 64.91 246.09 0.14 Golf Course 21409 50-yr 54.00 2008.27 2009.12 2008.75 2009.13 0.001113 0.58 93.59 269.70 0.15 Golf Course 21409 100-yr 64.00 2008.27 2009.17 2008.77 2009.17 0.001210 0.62 103.41 283.87 0.16 Golf Course 21409 500-yr 88.00 2008.27 2009.27 2008.81 2009.28 0.001345 0.68 128.93 323.53 0.17 Golf Course 21431 10-yr 30.00 2008.12 2009.03 2008.45 2009.03 0.000564 0.40 74.75 174.33 0.11 Golf Course 21431 50-yr 54.00 2008.12 2009.18 2008.54 2009.18 0.000767 0.52 103.72 206.07 0.13 Golf Course 21431 100-yr 64.00 2008.12 2009.23 2008.59 2009.24 0.000845 0.56 114.48 222.73 0.14 Golf Course 21431 500-yr 88.00 2008.12 2009.34 2008.66 2009.35 0.000870 0.64 138.33 232.31 0.14 Golf Course 21445 10-yr 30.00 2008.44 2009.09 2008.89 2009.12 0.014872 1.32 22.80 104.20 0.50 Golf Course 21445 50-yr 54.00 2008.44 2009.26 2009.06 2009.28 0.007937 1.23 44.01 139.40 0.38 Golf Course 21445 100-yr 64.00 2008.44 2009.31 2009.10 2009.33 0.006788 1.24 51.65 143.41 0.36 Golf Course 21445 500-yr 88.00 2008.44 2009.42 2009.16 2009.44 0.005945 1.31 67.25 155.76 0.35 Golf Course 21456 10-yr 30.00 2012.42 2012.99 2012.99 2013.09 0.062673 2.50 12.01 61.57 1.00 Golf Course 21456 50-yr 54.00 2012.42 2013.11 2013.11 2013.21 0.060991 2.52 21.40 105.91 0.99 Golf Course 21456 100-yr 64.00 2012.42 2013.14 2013.14 2013.24 0.060320 2.61 24.55 114.71 0.99 Golf Course 21456 500-yr 88.00 2012.42 2013.18 2013.18 2013.31 0.066521 2.86 30.76 134.60 1.05 Golf Course 21481 10-yr 30.00 2011.45 2013.10 2011.82 2013.10 0.000004 0.05 549.78 595.32 0.01 Golf Course 21481 50-yr 54.00 2011.45 2013.22 2011.87 2013.22 0.000009 0.09 620.16 630.22 0.02 Golf Course 21481 100-yr 64.00 2011.45 2013.25 2011.90 2013.25 0.000011 0.10 643.07 634.13 0.02 Golf Course 21481 500-yr 88.00 2011.45 2013.33 2011.93 2013.33 0.000017 0.13 690.78 652.52 0.02 Golf Course 21515 10-yr 30.00 2012.10 2013.10 2012.40 2013.10 0.000023 0.09 319.84 606.72 0.02 Golf Course 21515 50-yr 54.00 2012.10 2013.22 2012.45 2013.22 0.000041 0.14 390.15 624.52 0.03 Golf Course 21515 100-yr 64.00 2012.10 2013.25 2012.45 2013.25 0.000048 0.15 412.91 628.83 0.03 Golf Course 21515 500-yr 88.00 2012.10 2013.33 2012.51 2013.33 0.000063 0.19 459.74 631.14 0.04 Golf Course 21548 10-yr 30.00 2012.09 2013.10 2012.31 2013.10 0.000009 0.07 431.64 624.31 0.01 Golf Course 21548 50-yr 54.00 2012.09 2013.22 2012.36 2013.22 0.000017 0.11 503.76 626.72 0.02 Golf Course 21548 100-yr 64.00 2012.09 2013.25 2012.37 2013.26 0.000021 0.12 526.71 630.57 0.02 Golf Course 21548 500-yr 88.00 2012.09 2013.33 2012.40 2013.33 0.000030 0.15 574.26 635.70 0.03 Golf Course 21924 10-yr 30.00 2012.11 2013.11 2012.42 2013.11 0.000094 0.20 148.10 251.16 0.05 Golf Course 21924 50-yr 54.00 2012.11 2013.23 2012.49 2013.23 0.000169 0.30 178.90 258.69 0.06 Golf Course 21924 100-yr 64.00 2012.11 2013.27 2012.52 2013.27 0.000198 0.34 188.99 259.57 0.07 Golf Course 21924 500-yr 88.00 2012.11 2013.35 2012.57 2013.35 0.000270 0.42 210.13 264.29 0.08 Golf Course 22423 10-yr 30.00 2012.71 2013.25 2012.98 2013.26 0.001640 0.59 50.60 146.20 0.18 Golf Course 22423 50-yr 54.00 2012.71 2013.44 2013.05 2013.45 0.001371 0.67 80.89 171.04 0.17 Golf Course 22423 100-yr 64.00 2012.71 2013.51 2013.07 2013.52 0.001404 0.69 93.10 191.81 0.17 Golf Course 22423 500-yr 88.00 2012.71 2013.64 2013.12 2013.65 0.001265 0.74 118.92 202.88 0.17 Golf Course 22972 10-yr 30.00 2013.92 2014.64 2014.45 2014.67 0.008668 1.44 20.79 55.11 0.41 Golf Course 22972 50-yr 54.00 2013.92 2014.75 2014.57 2014.81 0.012175 1.98 27.23 57.83 0.51 Golf Course 22972 100-yr 64.00 2013.92 2014.82 2014.60 2014.88 0.011286 2.05 31.19 59.44 0.50 Golf Course 22972 500-yr 88.00 2013.92 2014.90 2014.69 2014.99 0.014083 2.44 36.12 62.83 0.57 Golf Course 23005 10-yr 30.00 2014.38 2015.02 2014.75 2015.03 0.002403 0.74 40.27 110.11 0.22 Golf Course 23005 50-yr 54.00 2014.38 2015.19 2014.83 2015.21 0.002393 0.89 60.89 127.76 0.23 Golf Course 23005 100-yr 64.00 2014.38 2015.25 2014.86 2015.27 0.002377 0.93 68.85 133.94 0.23 Golf Course 23005 500-yr 88.00 2014.38 2015.39 2014.91 2015.41 0.002414 0.99 89.09 160.09 0.23 HEC-RAS Plan: DEM River: Chester Creek Reach: Golf Course (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) Golf Course 23050 10-yr 30.00 2014.61 2015.15 2014.87 2015.16 0.002068 0.66 45.59 134.11 0.20 Golf Course 23050 50-yr 54.00 2014.61 2015.32 2014.95 2015.33 0.001873 0.78 69.54 148.17 0.20 Golf Course 23050 100-yr 64.00 2014.61 2015.38 2014.98 2015.39 0.001824 0.82 78.28 151.35 0.20 Golf Course 23050 500-yr 88.00 2014.61 2015.51 2015.03 2015.53 0.001669 0.89 99.12 158.47 0.20 Golf Course 23090 10-yr 30.00 2014.93 2015.45 2015.26 2015.46 0.004945 0.92 32.71 112.46 0.30 Golf Course 23090 50-yr 54.00 2014.93 2015.60 2015.34 2015.62 0.004846 1.02 52.71 151.19 0.31 Golf Course 23090 100-yr 64.00 2014.93 2015.65 2015.37 2015.66 0.004571 1.07 59.93 154.61 0.30 Golf Course 23090 500-yr 88.00 2014.93 2015.76 2015.42 2015.78 0.003967 1.13 77.59 164.46 0.29 Golf Course 23446 10-yr 30.00 2017.57 2017.97 2017.87 2017.99 0.012985 1.12 26.76 140.46 0.45 Golf Course 23446 50-yr 54.00 2017.57 2018.07 2017.95 2018.10 0.012855 1.25 43.35 192.81 0.46 Golf Course 23446 100-yr 64.00 2017.57 2018.10 2017.97 2018.12 0.013801 1.32 48.44 208.05 0.48 Golf Course 23446 500-yr 88.00 2017.57 2018.13 2018.02 2018.17 0.016731 1.56 56.49 218.88 0.54 Golf Course 23887 10-yr 30.00 2022.25 2022.83 2022.66 2022.85 0.005569 0.88 34.05 135.89 0.31 Golf Course 23887 50-yr 54.00 2022.25 2022.95 2022.74 2022.97 0.005634 1.05 51.30 158.11 0.33 Golf Course 23887 100-yr 64.00 2022.25 2022.99 2022.76 2023.01 0.005408 1.11 57.80 160.17 0.32 Golf Course 23887 500-yr 88.00 2022.25 2023.09 2022.81 2023.11 0.004911 1.20 73.64 169.28 0.32 Golf Course 24430 10-yr 30.00 2028.58 2029.25 2029.25 2029.46 0.048764 3.65 8.29 21.75 1.00 Golf Course 24430 50-yr 54.00 2028.58 2029.47 2029.47 2029.73 0.037372 4.21 13.58 28.66 0.94 Golf Course 24430 100-yr 64.00 2028.58 2029.56 2029.56 2029.82 0.031201 4.22 16.81 37.07 0.88 Golf Course 24430 500-yr 88.00 2028.58 2029.72 2029.72 2029.99 0.026137 4.41 23.23 42.98 0.83 HEC-RAS Plan: DEM FW River: Chester Creek Reach: Golf Course Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) Golf Course 20779 Q100 - base 2008.05 2008.05 1327.67 64.00 934.91 2798.66 Golf Course 20779 Q100 - floodway 2009.05 1.00 2009.05 1178.72 64.00 934.91 934.91 2798.66 2278.72 Golf Course 21013 Q100 - base 2008.05 2008.07 147.76 52.43 11.57 508.09 1602.56 Golf Course 21013 Q100 - floodway 2009.05 1.00 2009.05 173.18 52.98 11.02 1472.43 508.09 1602.56 1725.00 Golf Course 21128 Q100 - base 2008.53 2008.54 190.90 64.00 409.35 1512.91 Golf Course 21128 Q100 - floodway 2009.05 0.52 2009.11 25.00 64.00 1045.00 409.35 1512.91 1070.00 Golf Course 21229 Q100 - base 2008.86 2008.87 305.94 64.00 417.95 1452.44 Golf Course 21229 Q100 - floodway 2009.59 0.72 2009.62 35.00 64.00 985.00 417.95 1452.44 1020.00 Golf Course 21385 Q100 - base 2009.12 2009.12 285.78 64.00 431.52 1001.23 Golf Course 21385 Q100 - floodway 2010.03 0.91 2010.06 30.00 64.00 785.00 431.52 1001.23 815.00 Golf Course 21409 Q100 - base 2009.17 2009.17 222.73 64.00 426.69 980.16 Golf Course 21409 Q100 - floodway 2010.12 0.95 2010.16 25.00 64.00 728.00 426.69 980.16 753.00 Golf Course 21431 Q100 - base 2009.23 2009.24 219.68 64.00 440.00 961.58 Golf Course 21431 Q100 - floodway 2010.23 1.00 2010.26 25.00 64.00 700.00 440.00 961.58 725.00 Golf Course 21445 Q100 - base 2009.31 2009.33 143.36 64.00 440.70 949.64 Golf Course 21445 Q100 - floodway 2010.29 0.98 2010.37 20.00 64.00 683.00 440.70 949.64 703.00 Golf Course 21456 Q100 - base 2013.14 2013.24 114.71 64.00 0.00 937.26 Golf Course 21456 Q100 - floodway 2013.79 0.65 2014.05 30.00 64.00 595.00 0.00 937.26 625.00 Golf Course 21481 Q100 - base 2013.25 2013.25 634.13 64.00 494.28 1387.02 Golf Course 21481 Q100 - floodway 2014.10 0.85 2014.11 37.00 64.00 1073.00 494.28 1387.02 1110.00 Golf Course 21515 Q100 - base 2013.25 2013.25 628.83 64.00 494.23 1385.39 Golf Course 21515 Q100 - floodway 2014.11 0.86 2014.12 44.00 64.00 1051.00 494.23 1385.39 1095.00 Golf Course 21548 Q100 - base 2013.25 2013.26 630.57 64.00 576.95 1602.20 Golf Course 21548 Q100 - floodway 2014.13 0.88 2014.14 45.00 64.00 1058.00 576.95 1602.20 1103.00 Golf Course 21924 Q100 - base 2013.27 2013.27 259.57 64.00 791.72 1477.35 Golf Course 21924 Q100 - floodway 2014.23 0.96 2014.24 43.00 64.00 975.00 791.72 1477.35 1018.00 Golf Course 22423 Q100 - base 2013.51 2013.52 191.81 64.00 843.00 1600.75 Golf Course 22423 Q100 - floodway 2014.48 0.97 2014.49 40.00 64.00 1140.00 843.00 1600.75 1180.00 Golf Course 22972 Q100 - base 2014.82 2014.88 59.44 64.00 759.64 1718.25 Golf Course 22972 Q100 - floodway 2015.26 0.45 2015.70 14.13 64.00 1162.20 759.64 1718.25 1176.33 Golf Course 23005 Q100 - base 2015.25 2015.27 133.94 64.00 729.92 1627.92 Golf Course 23005 Q100 - floodway 2016.10 0.85 2016.14 27.34 64.00 1123.02 729.92 1627.92 1150.36 Golf Course 23050 Q100 - base 2015.38 2015.39 151.35 64.00 763.22 1639.53 Golf Course 23050 Q100 - floodway 2016.21 0.84 2016.27 22.35 64.00 1126.64 763.22 1639.53 1148.99 Golf Course 23090 Q100 - base 2015.65 2015.66 154.61 64.00 768.88 1659.11 Golf Course 23090 Q100 - floodway 2016.61 0.96 2016.71 20.00 64.00 1095.00 768.88 1659.11 1115.00 Golf Course 23446 Q100 - base 2018.10 2018.12 208.05 64.00 688.98 1310.47 Golf Course 23446 Q100 - floodway 2019.02 0.92 2019.14 20.00 64.00 1060.00 688.98 1310.47 1080.00 Golf Course 23887 Q100 - base 2022.99 2023.01 160.17 64.00 604.96 928.61 Golf Course 23887 Q100 - floodway 2023.79 0.80 2023.91 20.00 64.00 829.00 604.96 928.61 849.00 Golf Course 24430 Q100 - base 2029.56 2029.82 37.07 1.56 60.23 2.21 636.32 656.04 Golf Course 24430 Q100 - floodway 2029.72 0.16 2029.93 19.72 64.00 636.32 636.32 656.04 656.04 HEC-RAS Plan: (DEM) River: Tributary Reach: trib Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) trib -1303 Q10 1.00 2004.70 2007.19 2004.82 2007.19 0.000000 0.01 97.62 92.00 0.00 trib -1303 Q50 2.00 2004.70 2007.80 2004.86 2007.80 0.000000 0.02 89.00 31.32 0.00 trib -1303 Q100 4.00 2004.70 2008.05 2004.90 2008.05 0.000000 0.02 181.64 103.69 0.00 trib -1303 Q500 7.00 2004.70 2008.64 2004.96 2008.64 0.000000 0.03 245.69 113.41 0.00 trib -1019 Q10 1.00 2007.91 2008.27 2008.27 2008.30 0.103616 1.40 0.72 31.55 1.04 trib -1019 Q50 2.00 2008.18 2008.31 2008.31 2008.35 0.095084 1.66 1.20 15.60 1.05 trib -1019 Q100 4.00 2007.91 2008.36 2008.36 2008.41 0.077292 1.83 2.19 47.75 1.00 trib -1019 Q500 7.00 2007.91 2008.64 2008.41 2008.64 0.002258 0.58 12.11 93.29 0.20 trib -880 Q10 1.00 2004.89 2008.31 2008.31 0.000000 0.00 721.14 359.15 0.00 trib -880 Q50 2.00 2006.70 2008.36 2008.36 0.000003 0.05 41.16 40.00 0.01 trib -880 Q100 4.00 2004.89 2008.42 2008.42 0.000000 0.01 761.51 361.60 0.00 trib -880 Q500 7.00 2004.89 2008.64 2008.64 0.000000 0.01 843.68 368.58 0.00 trib -466 Q10 1.00 2006.89 2008.31 2008.31 0.000000 0.00 410.09 380.79 0.00 trib -466 Q50 2.00 2006.96 2008.36 2008.36 0.000005 0.05 36.54 45.57 0.01 trib -466 Q100 4.00 2006.89 2008.42 2008.42 0.000000 0.01 453.25 388.60 0.00 trib -466 Q500 7.00 2006.89 2008.64 2008.64 0.000000 0.01 542.61 403.49 0.00 trib -89 Q10 1.00 2006.07 2008.31 2008.31 0.000000 0.00 449.29 336.12 0.00 trib -89 Q50 2.00 2006.83 2008.36 2008.36 0.000002 0.05 40.97 39.70 0.01 trib -89 Q100 4.00 2006.07 2008.42 2008.42 0.000000 0.01 487.40 345.54 0.00 trib -89 Q500 7.00 2006.07 2008.64 2008.64 0.000000 0.01 571.23 388.66 0.00 trib 1 Q10 1.00 1998.92 2005.00 2005.00 0.000000 0.00 225.97 48.42 0.00 trib 1 Q50 2.00 1998.92 2009.60 2009.60 0.000000 0.00 540.96 101.33 0.00 trib 1 Q100 4.00 1998.92 2009.70 2009.70 0.000000 0.01 551.13 102.16 0.00 trib 1 Q500 7.00 1998.92 2010.00 2010.00 0.000000 0.01 582.15 104.63 0.00 trib 149 Q10 10.00 1995.82 2005.00 1996.32 2005.00 0.000000 0.01 1141.63 165.71 0.00 trib 149 Q50 14.00 1995.82 2009.60 1996.38 2009.60 0.000000 0.01 1924.52 175.82 0.00 trib 149 Q100 16.00 1995.82 2009.70 1996.41 2009.70 0.000000 0.01 1942.12 176.16 0.00 trib 149 Q500 20.00 1995.82 2010.00 1996.46 2010.00 0.000000 0.01 1995.13 177.19 0.00 trib 343 Q10 10.00 1993.64 2005.00 1993.99 2005.00 0.000000 0.01 1993.17 252.43 0.00 trib 343 Q50 14.00 1993.64 2009.60 1994.05 2009.60 0.000000 0.00 3182.15 266.09 0.00 trib 343 Q100 16.00 1993.64 2009.70 1994.07 2009.70 0.000000 0.00 3208.78 266.57 0.00 trib 343 Q500 20.00 1993.64 2010.00 1994.11 2010.00 0.000000 0.01 3288.97 267.99 0.00 trib 383 Q10 10.00 1994.23 2005.00 1994.67 2005.00 0.000000 0.01 1938.50 222.78 0.00 trib 383 Q50 14.00 1994.23 2009.60 1994.71 2009.60 0.000000 0.00 3052.64 279.70 0.00 trib 383 Q100 16.00 1994.23 2009.70 1994.73 2009.70 0.000000 0.01 3080.61 279.97 0.00 trib 383 Q500 20.00 1994.23 2010.00 1994.75 2010.00 0.000000 0.01 3164.74 280.78 0.00 trib 472 Q10 10.00 2005.65 2005.00 1999.14 2005.00 0.000000 477.69 135.83 0.00 trib 472 Q50 14.00 2005.65 2009.60 2006.76 2009.60 0.000167 0.68 20.58 8.81 0.08 trib 472 Q100 16.00 2005.65 2009.70 1999.22 2009.70 0.000000 0.01 1274.72 193.16 0.00 trib 472 Q500 20.00 2005.65 2010.00 1999.26 2010.00 0.000000 0.01 1334.21 203.55 0.00 trib 576 Q10 10.00 2008.78 2009.74 2009.74 2009.99 0.032554 4.02 2.48 4.97 1.00 trib 576 Q50 14.00 2008.78 2009.88 2009.88 2010.18 0.031239 4.40 3.18 5.26 1.00 trib 576 Q100 16.00 2008.78 2009.95 2009.95 2010.25 0.030780 4.43 3.61 5.98 1.01 trib 576 Q500 20.00 2008.78 2010.20 2010.20 2010.37 0.028407 3.36 6.36 21.88 0.93 trib 651 Q10 10.00 2009.50 2010.74 2010.48 2010.78 0.004980 1.88 7.84 29.35 0.41 trib 651 Q50 14.00 2009.50 2011.08 2010.60 2011.13 0.006522 1.81 7.73 15.72 0.46 trib 651 Q100 16.00 2009.50 2010.95 2010.71 2010.96 0.004364 1.23 16.50 54.47 0.36 trib 651 Q500 20.00 2009.50 2011.00 2010.77 2011.02 0.004026 1.28 19.68 56.58 0.35 trib 918 Q10 10.00 2009.10 2011.17 2009.95 2011.19 0.000735 1.08 9.22 6.85 0.16 trib 918 Q50 14.00 2009.10 2011.55 2010.11 2011.57 0.000714 1.17 11.93 7.51 0.16 trib 918 Q100 16.00 2009.10 2011.45 2010.17 2011.48 0.001099 1.42 11.64 11.27 0.20 trib 918 Q500 20.00 2009.10 2011.57 2010.29 2011.61 0.001361 1.62 13.89 36.25 0.23 trib 1472 Q10 10.00 2011.44 2012.38 2012.38 2012.67 0.032363 4.35 2.30 3.82 0.99 trib 1472 Q50 14.00 2011.44 2012.54 2012.54 2012.89 0.031230 4.71 2.97 4.22 0.99 trib 1472 Q100 16.00 2011.44 2012.83 2012.61 2013.05 0.015065 3.73 4.29 4.89 0.70 trib 1472 Q500 20.00 2011.44 2013.11 2012.75 2013.30 0.010804 3.50 5.72 5.54 0.61 trib 1510 Q10 10.00 2011.15 2012.95 2012.17 2013.00 0.002787 1.77 5.66 5.40 0.30 trib 1510 Q50 14.00 2011.15 2013.19 2012.35 2013.25 0.003111 2.00 6.99 5.98 0.33 trib 1510 Q100 16.00 2011.15 2013.26 2012.43 2013.33 0.003444 2.15 7.44 6.16 0.35 trib 1510 Q500 20.00 2011.15 2013.46 2012.58 2013.55 0.003501 2.29 8.75 6.67 0.35 trib 1520 Culvert trib 1528 Q10 10.00 2010.84 2013.36 2011.82 2013.38 0.000963 1.00 9.96 6.88 0.15 HEC-RAS Plan: (DEM) River: Tributary Reach: trib (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) trib 1528 Q50 14.00 2010.84 2013.98 2011.99 2013.99 0.000678 0.95 14.68 8.39 0.13 trib 1528 Q100 16.00 2010.84 2014.30 2012.07 2014.32 0.000575 0.91 17.51 9.51 0.12 trib 1528 Q500 20.00 2010.84 2014.61 2012.23 2014.63 0.000672 0.91 25.24 51.66 0.13 trib 1557 Q10 10.00 2011.79 2013.39 2012.66 2013.44 0.003820 1.69 5.91 5.64 0.29 trib 1557 Q50 14.00 2011.79 2014.00 2012.81 2014.03 0.001952 1.44 9.72 6.93 0.21 trib 1557 Q100 16.00 2011.79 2014.32 2012.88 2014.35 0.001437 1.33 12.04 7.61 0.19 trib 1557 Q500 20.00 2011.79 2014.63 2013.01 2014.66 0.001366 1.38 14.51 8.27 0.18 trib 1963 Q10 10.00 2018.61 2019.48 2019.48 2019.66 0.051975 3.44 2.91 7.79 0.99 trib 1963 Q50 14.00 2018.61 2019.58 2019.58 2019.80 0.049077 3.72 3.76 8.55 0.99 trib 1963 Q100 16.00 2018.61 2019.66 2019.66 2019.85 0.038218 3.52 4.80 15.48 0.89 trib 1963 Q500 20.00 2018.61 2019.75 2019.75 2019.93 0.033517 3.48 6.39 18.55 0.84 trib 1989 Q10 10.00 2017.77 2019.85 2018.80 2019.89 0.002658 1.50 6.69 17.19 0.24 trib 1989 Q50 14.00 2017.77 2020.01 2018.98 2020.07 0.003435 1.85 7.58 8.70 0.28 trib 1989 Q100 16.00 2017.77 2020.06 2019.06 2020.12 0.004030 2.04 7.83 48.44 0.30 trib 1989 Q500 20.00 2017.77 2020.14 2019.22 2020.23 0.005238 2.42 8.27 60.64 0.35 trib 2040 Culvert trib 2080 Q10 10.00 2018.73 2020.19 2019.81 2020.30 0.009432 2.61 3.83 8.68 0.47 trib 2080 Q50 14.00 2018.73 2020.48 2019.95 2020.60 0.007681 2.81 4.98 12.81 0.44 trib 2080 Q100 16.00 2018.73 2020.61 2020.02 2020.74 0.007173 2.90 5.51 14.87 0.44 trib 2080 Q500 20.00 2018.73 2020.86 2020.15 2021.01 0.006452 3.07 6.51 18.47 0.42 trib 2100 Q10 12.00 2018.27 2020.39 2019.40 2020.41 0.002032 1.15 10.46 12.11 0.22 trib 2100 Q50 24.00 2018.27 2020.70 2019.87 2020.74 0.003400 1.65 14.57 14.50 0.29 trib 2100 Q100 30.00 2018.27 2020.83 2020.00 2020.88 0.003580 1.82 16.55 15.31 0.30 trib 2100 Q500 46.00 2018.27 2021.08 2020.26 2021.16 0.004409 2.26 20.54 16.79 0.35 trib 2110 Q10 12.00 2018.27 2020.42 2019.40 2020.43 0.001881 1.11 10.78 12.31 0.21 trib 2110 Q50 24.00 2018.27 2020.74 2019.87 2020.78 0.002992 1.58 15.20 14.62 0.27 trib 2110 Q100 30.00 2018.27 2020.88 2020.00 2020.92 0.003147 1.74 17.27 15.59 0.29 trib 2110 Q500 46.00 2018.27 2021.14 2020.26 2021.21 0.003840 2.17 21.53 17.14 0.32 trib 2120 Q10 12.00 2018.27 2020.44 2019.40 2020.45 0.001769 1.09 11.03 12.47 0.20 trib 2120 Q50 24.00 2018.27 2020.78 2019.87 2020.81 0.002715 1.53 15.69 14.67 0.26 trib 2120 Q100 30.00 2018.27 2020.91 2020.00 2020.96 0.002861 1.69 17.82 15.80 0.27 trib 2120 Q500 46.00 2018.27 2021.18 2020.26 2021.25 0.003471 2.10 22.30 17.41 0.31 trib 2651 Q10 12.00 2021.38 2022.48 2022.22 2022.62 0.016295 2.96 4.05 5.21 0.59 trib 2651 Q50 24.00 2021.38 2023.16 2022.58 2023.30 0.009561 2.98 8.05 6.49 0.47 trib 2651 Q100 30.00 2021.38 2023.40 2022.73 2023.55 0.009769 3.10 9.67 7.51 0.48 trib 2651 Q500 46.00 2021.38 2023.89 2023.07 2024.06 0.008805 3.30 14.05 10.00 0.47 trib 3126 Q10 12.00 2023.82 2025.45 2024.69 2025.49 0.003114 1.53 7.84 7.78 0.27 trib 3126 Q50 24.00 2023.82 2025.96 2025.03 2026.02 0.003754 1.97 12.18 9.47 0.31 trib 3126 Q100 30.00 2023.82 2026.19 2025.18 2026.25 0.003704 2.08 14.43 10.23 0.31 trib 3126 Q500 46.00 2023.82 2026.65 2025.48 2026.74 0.003902 2.35 19.60 12.06 0.32 trib 3617 Q10 12.00 2029.08 2030.11 2030.11 2030.42 0.049822 4.51 2.66 4.15 0.99 trib 3617 Q50 24.00 2029.08 2030.50 2030.50 2030.93 0.047487 5.26 4.56 5.39 1.01 trib 3617 Q100 30.00 2029.08 2030.67 2030.67 2031.13 0.044711 5.44 5.52 5.92 0.99 trib 3617 Q500 46.00 2029.08 2031.02 2031.02 2031.57 0.042644 5.94 7.75 7.00 0.99 trib 4127 Q10 12.00 2032.61 2034.24 2033.46 2034.28 0.002893 1.55 7.75 7.24 0.26 trib 4127 Q50 24.00 2032.61 2034.85 2033.81 2034.91 0.003029 1.91 12.59 8.67 0.28 trib 4127 Q100 30.00 2032.61 2035.09 2033.95 2035.15 0.003115 2.04 14.68 9.22 0.29 trib 4127 Q500 46.00 2032.61 2035.61 2034.26 2035.69 0.003256 2.32 19.79 10.44 0.30 trib 4623 Q10 12.00 2035.96 2036.97 2036.69 2037.08 0.013584 2.65 4.52 6.04 0.54 trib 4623 Q50 24.00 2035.96 2037.48 2037.00 2037.62 0.011204 3.01 7.98 7.52 0.51 trib 4623 Q100 30.00 2035.96 2037.69 2037.15 2037.84 0.010391 3.11 9.65 8.14 0.50 trib 4623 Q500 46.00 2035.96 2038.17 2037.47 2038.34 0.009167 3.33 13.83 9.51 0.49 trib 4665 Q10 12.00 2036.85 2037.96 2037.96 2038.40 0.044689 5.35 2.24 2.87 1.00 trib 4665 Q50 24.00 2036.85 2038.49 2038.49 2039.19 0.037939 6.72 3.57 3.15 0.99 trib 4665 Q100 30.00 2036.85 2038.70 2038.70 2039.53 0.037071 7.30 4.11 3.38 1.00 trib 4665 Q500 46.00 2036.85 2039.25 2039.25 2040.35 0.033376 8.39 5.48 4.22 1.00 trib 4685 Culvert trib 4704 Q10 12.00 2037.52 2039.43 2038.69 2039.46 0.002145 1.38 9.18 34.56 0.23 trib 4704 Q50 24.00 2037.52 2040.36 2039.00 2040.40 0.001542 1.56 15.35 8.39 0.19 trib 4704 Q100 30.00 2037.52 2041.00 2039.13 2041.03 0.000501 1.20 26.03 291.32 0.13 trib 4704 Q500 46.00 2037.52 2041.27 2039.39 2041.27 0.000031 0.32 282.27 344.58 0.03 HEC-RAS Plan: (DEM) River: Tributary Reach: trib (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) trib 4750 Q10 11.00 2038.64 2039.58 2039.24 2039.63 0.007883 1.81 6.09 11.34 0.42 trib 4750 Q50 22.00 2038.64 2040.45 2039.50 2040.48 0.001583 1.32 16.67 12.65 0.20 trib 4750 Q100 28.00 2038.64 2041.03 2039.62 2041.03 0.000007 0.12 368.77 520.83 0.01 trib 4750 Q500 45.00 2038.64 2041.27 2039.96 2041.27 0.000008 0.14 466.80 590.32 0.02 trib 5165 Q10 11.00 2042.61 2043.28 2043.12 2043.32 0.010179 1.70 7.59 156.47 0.46 trib 5165 Q50 22.00 2042.61 2043.28 2043.28 2043.49 0.047742 3.69 5.97 13.81 0.99 trib 5165 Q100 28.00 2042.61 2043.40 2043.40 2043.50 0.021265 2.88 14.01 232.95 0.69 trib 5165 Q500 45.00 2042.61 2043.49 2043.49 2043.59 0.019619 3.08 22.51 275.32 0.68 trib 5676 Q10 11.00 2046.43 2047.51 2047.55 0.006827 1.64 6.71 11.93 0.39 trib 5676 Q50 22.00 2046.43 2048.03 2047.39 2048.07 0.003615 1.50 14.67 18.51 0.30 trib 5676 Q100 28.00 2046.43 2048.08 2048.13 0.004979 1.79 15.61 19.14 0.35 trib 5676 Q500 45.00 2046.43 2048.37 2048.44 0.005525 2.09 21.54 22.70 0.38 trib 6117 Q10 11.00 2050.75 2051.68 2051.79 0.014346 2.65 4.14 5.91 0.56 trib 6117 Q50 22.00 2050.75 2051.73 2051.73 2052.11 0.046145 4.92 4.47 6.03 1.01 trib 6117 Q100 28.00 2050.75 2052.07 2052.35 0.024147 4.22 6.64 6.77 0.75 trib 6117 Q500 45.00 2050.75 2052.49 2052.83 0.021971 4.67 9.63 7.67 0.73 trib 6154 Q10 11.00 2051.54 2052.27 2052.10 2052.32 0.013435 1.90 5.78 13.92 0.52 trib 6154 Q50 22.00 2051.54 2052.65 2052.28 2052.71 0.006296 1.87 11.74 16.61 0.39 trib 6154 Q100 28.00 2051.54 2052.76 2052.36 2052.83 0.006400 2.06 13.56 16.98 0.40 trib 6154 Q500 45.00 2051.54 2053.16 2052.55 2053.23 0.004689 2.24 20.12 18.24 0.36 trib 6200 Culvert trib 6239 Q10 11.00 2052.53 2053.54 2052.99 2053.55 0.001418 0.90 12.24 16.61 0.18 trib 6239 Q50 22.00 2052.53 2053.93 2053.15 2053.95 0.001478 1.16 19.00 17.98 0.20 trib 6239 Q100 28.00 2052.53 2054.11 2053.23 2054.13 0.001494 1.26 22.21 18.59 0.20 trib 6239 Q500 45.00 2052.53 2054.53 2053.41 2054.57 0.001512 1.48 30.45 20.08 0.21 trib 6274 Q10 11.00 2054.55 2055.35 2055.35 2055.52 0.056217 3.31 3.32 9.87 1.01 trib 6274 Q50 22.00 2054.55 2055.56 2055.56 2055.82 0.047079 4.04 5.44 10.35 0.98 trib 6274 Q100 28.00 2054.55 2055.65 2055.65 2055.95 0.047024 4.41 6.35 10.56 1.00 trib 6274 Q500 45.00 2054.55 2055.89 2055.89 2056.28 0.043042 5.06 8.90 11.10 1.00 trib 6553 Q10 11.00 2063.24 2064.09 2063.94 2064.19 0.019730 2.62 4.19 8.16 0.64 trib 6553 Q50 22.00 2063.24 2064.36 2064.19 2064.53 0.022256 3.32 6.62 9.82 0.71 trib 6553 Q100 28.00 2063.24 2064.48 2064.31 2064.68 0.022330 3.55 7.88 10.59 0.73 trib 6553 Q500 45.00 2063.24 2064.75 2064.57 2065.01 0.023749 4.13 10.90 12.22 0.77 trib 7086 Q10 7.00 2082.28 2083.02 2083.02 2083.29 0.040330 4.17 1.68 3.16 1.01 trib 7086 Q50 14.00 2082.28 2083.35 2083.35 2083.74 0.038367 5.06 2.77 3.52 1.00 trib 7086 Q100 18.00 2082.28 2083.50 2083.50 2083.96 0.037725 5.40 3.33 3.69 1.00 trib 7086 Q500 28.00 2082.28 2083.90 2083.90 2084.38 0.035210 5.60 5.00 5.17 1.00 trib 7121 Q10 7.00 2083.49 2084.19 2084.10 2084.38 0.024420 3.57 1.96 3.10 0.79 trib 7121 Q50 14.00 2083.49 2084.50 2084.41 2084.85 0.026361 4.77 2.94 3.15 0.86 trib 7121 Q100 18.00 2083.49 2084.63 2084.58 2085.08 0.028160 5.38 3.35 3.17 0.91 trib 7121 Q500 28.00 2083.49 2084.93 2084.92 2085.60 0.030058 6.54 4.28 3.21 0.98 trib 7130 Culvert trib 7143 Q10 7.00 2084.11 2085.20 2084.68 2085.26 0.004776 1.99 3.51 3.52 0.35 trib 7143 Q50 14.00 2084.11 2085.74 2084.98 2085.84 0.005635 2.56 5.48 3.69 0.37 trib 7143 Q100 18.00 2084.11 2086.04 2085.13 2086.16 0.005671 2.73 6.60 3.79 0.36 trib 7143 Q500 28.00 2084.11 2087.67 2085.47 2087.74 0.002300 2.12 13.20 4.31 0.21 trib 7169 Q10 7.00 2089.14 2089.93 2089.93 2090.25 0.043149 4.56 1.54 2.43 1.01 trib 7169 Q50 14.00 2089.14 2090.32 2090.32 2090.80 0.044776 5.59 2.50 2.57 1.00 trib 7169 Q100 18.00 2089.14 2090.51 2090.51 2091.06 0.045443 5.99 3.00 2.65 0.99 trib 7169 Q500 28.00 2089.14 2090.90 2090.90 2091.63 0.049847 6.90 4.06 2.80 1.01 trib 7175 Culvert trib 7186 Q10 7.00 2089.36 2090.59 2090.11 2090.69 0.008472 2.52 2.78 2.60 0.43 trib 7186 Q50 14.00 2089.36 2091.16 2090.47 2091.33 0.010658 3.24 4.32 2.79 0.46 trib 7186 Q100 18.00 2089.36 2091.45 2090.65 2091.64 0.011308 3.51 5.13 23.40 0.46 trib 7186 Q500 28.00 2089.36 2092.18 2091.08 2092.41 0.011178 3.83 7.32 80.36 0.44 trib 7220 Q10 7.00 2091.27 2092.00 2092.00 2092.21 0.033770 3.68 1.90 4.41 0.99 trib 7220 Q50 14.00 2091.27 2092.26 2092.26 2092.56 0.031476 4.37 3.21 5.40 1.00 trib 7220 Q100 18.00 2091.27 2092.39 2092.39 2092.72 0.029090 4.57 3.96 7.10 0.98 trib 7220 Q500 28.00 2091.27 2092.67 2092.67 2092.98 0.019326 4.62 6.75 109.88 0.84 HEC-RAS Plan: DEM FW River: Tributary Reach: trib Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) trib -1303 Q100 base 2008.05 2008.05 103.69 0.01 3.90 0.09 70.92 163.31 trib -1303 Q100 floodway 2009.05 1.00 2009.05 31.32 4.00 131.99 70.92 163.31 163.31 trib -1019 Q100 base 2008.36 2008.41 21.08 4.00 152.95 253.19 trib -1019 Q100 floodway 2009.05 0.69 2009.05 21.09 4.00 173.33 152.95 253.19 194.42 trib -880 Q100 base 2008.42 2008.42 361.60 0.08 3.92 0.01 62.73 380.37 trib -880 Q100 floodway 2009.05 0.63 2009.05 40.00 4.00 310.00 62.73 380.37 350.00 trib -466 Q100 base 2008.42 2008.42 388.60 4.00 0.00 129.52 566.57 trib -466 Q100 floodway 2009.05 0.64 2009.05 45.57 4.00 521.00 129.52 566.57 566.57 trib -89 Q100 base 2008.42 2008.42 345.54 4.00 144.89 581.16 trib -89 Q100 floodway 2009.05 0.64 2009.05 39.70 4.00 510.00 144.89 581.16 549.70 trib 1 Q100 base 2009.70 2009.70 102.16 4.00 461.25 568.10 trib 1 Q100 floodway 2010.70 1.00 2010.70 116.77 0.00 4.00 461.25 568.10 trib 149 Q100 base 2009.70 2009.70 176.16 16.00 421.08 606.95 trib 149 Q100 floodway 2010.70 1.00 2010.70 179.75 16.00 421.08 606.95 trib 343 Q100 base 2009.70 2009.70 266.57 16.00 410.55 678.07 trib 343 Q100 floodway 2010.70 1.00 2010.70 271.14 0.00 16.00 0.00 410.55 678.07 trib 383 Q100 base 2009.70 2009.70 279.97 16.00 0.00 397.28 677.14 trib 383 Q100 floodway 2010.70 1.00 2010.70 282.66 16.00 0.00 397.28 677.14 trib 472 Q100 base 2009.70 2009.70 193.16 0.12 15.88 340.55 365.05 trib 472 Q100 floodway 2010.70 1.00 2010.70 8.82 16.00 347.00 340.55 365.05 355.82 trib 576 Q100 base 2009.95 2010.25 5.98 16.00 361.81 384.61 trib 576 Q100 floodway 2010.67 0.73 2010.75 5.41 16.00 368.20 361.81 384.61 373.61 trib 651 Q100 base 2010.95 2010.96 54.47 6.94 9.06 360.31 384.41 trib 651 Q100 floodway 2011.07 0.12 2011.14 15.66 16.00 367.72 360.31 384.41 384.41 trib 918 Q100 base 2011.45 2011.48 11.27 15.90 0.10 466.95 478.43 trib 918 Q100 floodway 2011.63 0.18 2011.66 7.59 16.00 468.53 466.95 478.43 478.43 trib 1472 Q100 base 2012.83 2013.05 4.89 16.00 706.41 714.93 trib 1472 Q100 floodway 2012.71 -0.12 2013.00 4.61 16.00 708.23 706.41 714.93 713.11 trib 1510 Q100 base 2013.26 2013.33 6.16 16.00 711.73 722.04 trib 1510 Q100 floodway 2013.26 0.00 2013.33 6.16 16.00 714.06 711.73 722.04 720.22 trib 1520 Culvert trib 1528 Q100 base 2014.30 2014.32 9.51 16.00 727.15 744.68 trib 1528 Q100 floodway 2014.31 0.00 2014.32 9.50 16.00 727.56 727.15 744.68 737.06 trib 1557 Q100 base 2014.32 2014.35 7.61 16.00 726.74 740.03 trib 1557 Q100 floodway 2014.32 0.00 2014.35 7.61 16.00 730.81 726.74 740.03 738.42 trib 1963 Q100 base 2019.66 2019.85 15.48 15.72 0.28 739.45 750.61 trib 1963 Q100 floodway 2019.63 -0.03 2019.86 8.89 16.00 741.45 739.45 750.61 750.61 trib 1989 Q100 base 2020.06 2020.12 5.50 16.00 762.80 771.50 trib 1989 Q100 floodway 2020.08 0.02 2020.15 5.50 16.00 762.80 762.80 771.50 771.50 trib 2040 Culvert trib 2080 Q100 base 2020.61 2020.74 4.00 16.00 39.42 68.83 trib 2080 Q100 floodway 2020.61 0.00 2020.74 4.00 16.00 46.05 39.42 68.83 60.92 trib 2100 Q100 base 2020.83 2020.88 15.31 0.01 29.99 44.23 60.09 trib 2100 Q100 floodway 2020.83 0.00 2020.88 14.75 30.00 44.23 44.23 60.09 58.98 trib 2110 Q100 base 2020.88 2020.92 15.59 0.02 29.98 44.23 60.09 trib 2110 Q100 floodway 2020.88 0.00 2020.93 14.82 30.00 44.23 44.23 60.09 59.05 trib 2120 Q100 base 2020.91 2020.96 15.80 0.03 29.97 44.23 60.09 trib 2120 Q100 floodway 2020.92 0.00 2020.96 14.87 30.00 44.23 44.23 60.09 59.10 trib 2651 Q100 base 2023.40 2023.55 7.51 30.00 46.44 55.58 trib 2651 Q100 floodway 2023.40 0.01 2023.55 7.50 30.00 46.68 46.44 55.58 54.18 trib 3126 Q100 base 2026.19 2026.25 10.23 30.00 72.83 95.75 trib 3126 Q100 floodway 2026.18 0.00 2026.25 10.22 30.00 75.79 72.83 95.75 86.03 trib 3617 Q100 base 2030.67 2031.13 5.92 30.00 139.17 162.30 trib 3617 Q100 floodway 2030.66 -0.01 2031.13 5.89 30.00 144.39 139.17 162.30 150.31 trib 4127 Q100 base 2035.09 2035.15 9.22 30.00 251.87 265.32 trib 4127 Q100 floodway 2035.09 0.00 2035.16 9.22 30.00 253.91 251.87 265.32 263.13 HEC-RAS Plan: DEM FW River: Tributary Reach: trib (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) trib 4623 Q100 base 2037.69 2037.84 8.14 30.00 314.09 329.75 trib 4623 Q100 floodway 2037.69 0.00 2037.84 8.13 30.00 316.70 314.09 329.75 324.83 trib 4665 Q100 base 2038.70 2039.53 2.50 30.00 340.25 349.22 trib 4665 Q100 floodway 2038.70 0.00 2039.53 2.50 30.00 344.05 340.25 349.22 347.43 trib 4685 Culvert trib 4704 Q100 base 2041.00 2041.03 10.70 5.75 24.25 352.15 360.54 trib 4704 Q100 floodway 2040.99 -0.01 2041.03 7.52 30.00 352.15 352.15 360.54 360.54 trib 4750 Q100 base 2041.03 2041.03 400.62 13.78 2.79 11.43 329.79 342.44 trib 4750 Q100 floodway 2041.05 0.02 2041.07 12.65 28.00 329.79 329.79 342.44 342.44 trib 5165 Q100 base 2043.40 2043.50 77.29 5.63 21.68 0.69 212.11 225.92 trib 5165 Q100 floodway 2043.35 -0.05 2043.61 13.81 0.00 28.00 0.00 212.11 212.11 225.92 225.92 trib 5676 Q100 base 2048.08 2048.13 19.14 28.00 183.69 226.54 trib 5676 Q100 floodway 2048.17 0.09 2048.21 19.14 28.00 187.85 183.69 226.54 206.99 trib 6117 Q100 base 2052.07 2052.35 6.77 28.00 211.57 230.44 trib 6117 Q100 floodway 2051.88 -0.20 2052.30 6.34 28.00 217.18 211.57 230.44 223.95 trib 6154 Q100 base 2052.76 2052.83 16.44 28.00 211.25 246.77 trib 6154 Q100 floodway 2052.80 0.04 2052.86 16.44 28.00 219.96 211.25 246.77 236.94 trib 6200 Culvert trib 6239 Q100 base 2054.11 2054.13 18.59 28.00 221.30 259.22 trib 6239 Q100 floodway 2054.11 0.00 2054.13 18.59 28.00 228.52 221.30 259.22 247.11 trib 6274 Q100 base 2055.65 2055.95 10.56 28.00 210.49 231.21 trib 6274 Q100 floodway 2055.66 0.01 2055.95 10.56 28.00 216.47 210.49 231.21 227.03 trib 6553 Q100 base 2064.48 2064.68 10.59 28.00 197.65 240.39 trib 6553 Q100 floodway 2064.48 -0.01 2064.67 10.55 28.00 208.19 197.65 240.39 218.78 trib 7086 Q100 base 2083.50 2083.96 3.69 18.00 150.93 158.25 trib 7086 Q100 floodway 2083.50 0.00 2083.96 3.68 18.00 153.30 150.93 158.25 156.99 trib 7121 Q100 base 2084.63 2085.08 3.10 18.00 118.04 121.88 trib 7121 Q100 floodway 2084.64 0.00 2085.08 3.10 18.00 118.45 118.04 121.88 121.62 trib 7130 Culvert trib 7143 Q100 base 2086.04 2086.16 3.79 18.00 111.14 115.72 trib 7143 Q100 floodway 2086.04 0.00 2086.16 3.79 18.00 111.74 111.14 115.72 115.53 trib 7169 Q100 base 2090.51 2091.06 2.65 18.00 114.91 118.45 trib 7169 Q100 floodway 2090.50 -0.01 2091.06 2.64 18.00 115.24 114.91 118.45 117.88 trib 7175 Culvert trib 7186 Q100 base 2091.45 2091.64 2.88 18.00 119.10 122.49 trib 7186 Q100 floodway 2091.45 0.00 2091.64 2.88 18.00 119.03 119.10 122.49 122.26 trib 7220 Q100 base 2092.39 2092.72 7.10 0.01 17.99 130.02 136.02 trib 7220 Q100 floodway 2092.37 -0.02 2092.72 5.77 18.00 130.02 130.02 136.02 135.83 HEC-RAS Plan: DEM wo lev River: Tributary Reach: trib Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) trib -1303 Q10 10.00 2004.70 2007.19 2005.00 2007.19 0.000006 0.13 97.62 92.00 0.02 trib -1303 Q50 14.00 2004.70 2007.80 2005.05 2007.80 0.000004 0.12 156.26 99.90 0.01 trib -1303 Q100 16.00 2004.70 2008.05 2005.07 2008.05 0.000003 0.12 181.64 103.69 0.01 trib -1303 Q500 20.00 2004.70 2008.64 2005.11 2008.64 0.000002 0.11 245.69 113.41 0.01 trib -1019 Q10 10.00 2008.18 2008.47 2008.47 2008.54 0.040241 2.34 5.15 65.40 0.83 trib -1019 Q50 14.00 2008.18 2008.51 2008.51 2008.59 0.039441 2.57 6.69 70.95 0.84 trib -1019 Q100 16.00 2008.18 2008.52 2008.52 2008.62 0.045491 2.81 7.00 71.61 0.91 trib -1019 Q500 20.00 2008.18 2008.64 2008.56 2008.65 0.003347 0.96 26.15 93.34 0.26 trib -880 Q10 10.00 2007.31 2008.55 2005.25 2008.55 0.000000 0.01 808.03 365.13 0.00 trib -880 Q50 14.00 2007.31 2008.60 2005.30 2008.60 0.000000 0.01 828.10 367.06 0.00 trib -880 Q100 16.00 2007.31 2008.63 2005.32 2008.63 0.000000 0.01 837.43 367.97 0.00 trib -880 Q500 20.00 2007.31 2008.65 2005.36 2008.65 0.000000 0.01 845.25 368.73 0.00 trib -466 Q10 10.00 2006.96 2008.55 2007.05 2008.55 0.000000 0.02 503.64 396.88 0.00 trib -466 Q50 14.00 2006.96 2008.60 2007.08 2008.60 0.000001 0.03 525.58 402.65 0.00 trib -466 Q100 16.00 2006.96 2008.63 2007.08 2008.63 0.000001 0.03 535.81 403.22 0.00 trib -466 Q500 20.00 2006.96 2008.65 2007.08 2008.65 0.000001 0.04 544.38 403.56 0.01 trib -89 Q10 10.00 2007.09 2008.55 2006.35 2008.55 0.000000 0.02 533.76 381.64 0.00 trib -89 Q50 14.00 2007.09 2008.60 2006.40 2008.60 0.000000 0.02 554.94 387.29 0.00 trib -89 Q100 16.00 2007.09 2008.63 2006.43 2008.63 0.000001 0.03 564.78 388.12 0.00 trib -89 Q500 20.00 2007.09 2008.65 2006.47 2008.65 0.000001 0.03 573.08 388.82 0.00 trib 1 Q10 10.00 2008.30 2008.57 2008.57 2008.61 0.049508 2.23 7.05 92.01 0.89 trib 1 Q50 14.00 2008.30 2008.60 2008.60 2008.64 0.049091 2.40 9.47 106.80 0.90 trib 1 Q100 16.00 2008.30 2008.61 2008.61 2008.65 0.045516 2.40 10.81 112.72 0.88 trib 1 Q500 20.00 2008.30 2008.63 2008.63 2008.67 0.043045 2.45 13.02 120.22 0.86 trib 149 Q10 10.00 2007.52 2008.62 2006.65 2008.62 0.000000 0.01 417.66 269.94 0.00 trib 149 Q50 14.00 2007.52 2008.65 2006.70 2008.65 0.000001 0.02 425.25 270.23 0.00 trib 149 Q100 16.00 2007.52 2008.66 2006.72 2008.66 0.000001 0.02 428.28 270.35 0.00 trib 149 Q500 20.00 2007.52 2008.68 2006.80 2008.68 0.000001 0.03 433.86 270.56 0.01 trib 343 Q10 10.00 2008.18 2008.62 2007.06 2008.62 0.000001 0.02 272.09 279.48 0.01 trib 343 Q50 14.00 2008.18 2008.65 2007.13 2008.65 0.000003 0.03 279.96 281.03 0.01 trib 343 Q100 16.00 2008.18 2008.66 2007.16 2008.66 0.000003 0.03 283.12 281.64 0.01 trib 343 Q500 20.00 2008.18 2008.68 2007.19 2008.68 0.000005 0.04 288.94 282.74 0.01 trib 383 Q10 10.00 2008.42 2008.62 2007.33 2008.62 0.000003 0.01 193.97 213.44 0.01 trib 383 Q50 14.00 2008.42 2008.65 2007.36 2008.65 0.000006 0.02 199.96 214.83 0.01 trib 383 Q100 16.00 2008.42 2008.66 2007.37 2008.66 0.000007 0.03 202.37 215.39 0.01 trib 383 Q500 20.00 2008.42 2008.68 2007.40 2008.68 0.000011 0.03 206.88 216.43 0.01 trib 472 Q10 10.00 2008.50 2008.62 2007.46 2008.62 0.000008 0.01 146.81 211.42 0.01 trib 472 Q50 14.00 2008.50 2008.65 2007.50 2008.65 0.000014 0.02 152.88 213.77 0.01 trib 472 Q100 16.00 2008.50 2008.66 2007.52 2008.66 0.000017 0.03 155.34 214.71 0.01 trib 472 Q500 20.00 2008.50 2008.68 2007.55 2008.68 0.000025 0.04 159.92 216.36 0.02 trib 576 Q10 10.00 2008.57 2008.62 2007.79 2008.62 0.000034 0.02 83.84 150.04 0.02 trib 576 Q50 14.00 2008.57 2008.65 2007.83 2008.65 0.000057 0.03 88.33 153.40 0.02 trib 576 Q100 16.00 2008.57 2008.66 2007.84 2008.66 0.000069 0.03 90.17 154.76 0.03 trib 576 Q500 20.00 2008.57 2008.68 2007.88 2008.68 0.000096 0.05 93.67 157.85 0.03 trib 651 Q10 10.00 2011.11 2011.18 2011.18 2011.22 0.097087 0.90 6.25 88.01 0.91 trib 651 Q50 14.00 2011.11 2011.20 2011.20 2011.24 0.084641 1.01 8.16 94.94 0.89 trib 651 Q100 16.00 2011.11 2011.21 2011.21 2011.26 0.076146 1.09 9.16 96.15 0.87 trib 651 Q500 20.00 2011.11 2011.22 2011.22 2011.28 0.078399 1.27 10.44 97.72 0.92 trib 918 Q10 10.00 2009.84 2011.22 2010.09 2011.22 0.000004 0.07 191.15 223.46 0.01 trib 918 Q50 14.00 2009.84 2011.25 2010.13 2011.25 0.000006 0.09 197.86 227.01 0.01 trib 918 Q100 16.00 2009.84 2011.27 2010.15 2011.27 0.000008 0.10 200.97 230.82 0.02 trib 918 Q500 20.00 2009.84 2011.30 2010.16 2011.30 0.000012 0.13 207.29 233.18 0.02 trib 1472 Q10 10.00 2013.44 2013.73 2013.73 2013.78 0.038164 2.06 6.11 55.33 0.79 trib 1472 Q50 14.00 2013.44 2013.76 2013.76 2013.82 0.041668 2.34 7.74 62.95 0.84 trib 1472 Q100 16.00 2013.44 2013.77 2013.77 2013.84 0.039601 2.38 8.80 67.96 0.83 trib 1472 Q500 20.00 2013.44 2013.80 2013.80 2013.87 0.039038 2.52 10.69 77.87 0.84 trib 1510 Q10 10.00 2013.81 2014.06 2013.90 2014.06 0.002778 0.39 19.89 120.64 0.19 trib 1510 Q50 14.00 2013.81 2014.10 2013.94 2014.11 0.002801 0.43 25.50 126.84 0.20 trib 1510 Q100 16.00 2013.81 2014.12 2013.95 2014.13 0.002776 0.45 27.85 129.47 0.20 trib 1510 Q500 20.00 2013.81 2014.15 2013.97 2014.16 0.002826 0.50 31.99 137.40 0.21 trib 1520 Culvert trib 1528 Q10 10.00 2013.78 2014.06 2013.93 2014.06 0.005201 0.69 15.56 100.95 0.28 HEC-RAS Plan: DEM wo lev River: Tributary Reach: trib (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) trib 1528 Q50 14.00 2013.78 2014.10 2013.95 2014.11 0.004983 0.76 20.57 116.23 0.29 trib 1528 Q100 16.00 2013.78 2014.12 2013.97 2014.13 0.005184 0.82 22.52 118.90 0.30 trib 1528 Q500 20.00 2013.78 2014.16 2013.99 2014.17 0.004648 0.85 26.76 122.07 0.29 trib 1557 Q10 10.00 2014.07 2014.21 2014.05 2014.21 0.004529 0.32 16.54 122.35 0.22 trib 1557 Q50 14.00 2014.07 2014.25 2014.10 2014.26 0.004585 0.37 22.60 137.57 0.23 trib 1557 Q100 16.00 2014.07 2014.27 2014.12 2014.27 0.004521 0.42 24.77 140.38 0.24 trib 1557 Q500 20.00 2014.07 2014.29 2014.14 2014.30 0.004640 0.50 28.53 145.80 0.25 trib 1963 Q10 10.00 2015.81 2016.24 2016.10 2016.26 0.007062 1.07 10.25 52.15 0.36 trib 1963 Q50 14.00 2015.81 2016.29 2016.15 2016.31 0.007097 1.20 13.09 56.60 0.37 trib 1963 Q100 16.00 2015.81 2016.31 2016.17 2016.33 0.007323 1.27 14.25 57.48 0.38 trib 1963 Q500 20.00 2015.81 2016.35 2016.20 2016.38 0.007236 1.36 16.68 58.71 0.38 trib 1989 Q10 10.00 2017.77 2018.80 2018.80 2019.13 0.055202 4.65 2.15 3.23 1.00 trib 1989 Q50 14.00 2017.77 2018.98 2018.98 2019.38 0.054111 5.05 2.77 3.54 1.01 trib 1989 Q100 16.00 2017.77 2019.07 2019.07 2019.48 0.052722 5.18 3.09 3.69 1.00 trib 1989 Q500 20.00 2017.77 2019.22 2019.22 2019.68 0.051664 5.45 3.67 3.94 0.99 trib 2040 Culvert trib 2080 Q10 10.00 2018.73 2020.21 2019.81 2020.31 0.008855 2.56 3.90 8.86 0.46 trib 2080 Q50 14.00 2018.73 2020.50 2019.96 2020.62 0.007337 2.77 5.05 13.08 0.43 trib 2080 Q100 16.00 2018.73 2020.63 2020.02 2020.76 0.006894 2.87 5.58 15.13 0.43 trib 2080 Q500 20.00 2018.73 2020.87 2020.15 2021.02 0.006295 3.05 6.55 18.57 0.42 trib 2100 Q10 12.00 2018.27 2020.40 2019.40 2020.42 0.001965 1.13 10.60 12.20 0.21 trib 2100 Q50 24.00 2018.27 2020.71 2019.86 2020.75 0.003293 1.63 14.74 14.59 0.29 trib 2100 Q100 30.00 2018.27 2020.84 2020.00 2020.89 0.003479 1.80 16.71 15.37 0.30 trib 2100 Q500 46.00 2018.27 2021.09 2020.26 2021.17 0.004326 2.25 20.67 16.84 0.34 trib 2110 Q10 12.00 2018.27 2020.43 2019.40 2020.44 0.001824 1.10 10.90 12.39 0.21 trib 2110 Q50 24.00 2018.27 2020.75 2019.87 2020.79 0.002895 1.56 15.35 14.83 0.27 trib 2110 Q100 30.00 2018.27 2020.89 2020.00 2020.93 0.003072 1.73 17.40 15.64 0.28 trib 2110 Q500 46.00 2018.27 2021.15 2020.26 2021.22 0.003780 2.15 21.65 17.18 0.32 trib 2120 Q10 12.00 2018.27 2020.45 2019.40 2020.46 0.001720 1.08 11.15 12.55 0.20 trib 2120 Q50 24.00 2018.27 2020.78 2019.87 2020.82 0.002629 1.52 15.83 15.03 0.26 trib 2120 Q100 30.00 2018.27 2020.92 2020.00 2020.96 0.002801 1.68 17.94 15.84 0.27 trib 2120 Q500 46.00 2018.27 2021.19 2020.26 2021.26 0.003424 2.09 22.40 17.44 0.31 trib 2651 Q10 12.00 2021.38 2022.47 2022.22 2022.61 0.017129 3.01 3.98 5.18 0.61 trib 2651 Q50 24.00 2021.38 2023.15 2022.58 2023.29 0.009975 3.03 7.93 6.46 0.48 trib 2651 Q100 30.00 2021.38 2023.39 2022.73 2023.54 0.009967 3.13 9.59 7.45 0.49 trib 2651 Q500 46.00 2021.38 2023.89 2023.07 2024.06 0.008905 3.31 13.99 9.98 0.47 trib 3126 Q10 12.00 2023.82 2025.46 2024.69 2025.50 0.003063 1.52 7.89 7.80 0.27 trib 3126 Q50 24.00 2023.82 2025.96 2025.03 2026.02 0.003719 1.96 12.22 9.48 0.30 trib 3126 Q100 30.00 2023.82 2026.19 2025.18 2026.26 0.003685 2.07 14.46 10.24 0.31 trib 3126 Q500 46.00 2023.82 2026.66 2025.48 2026.74 0.003886 2.34 19.63 12.07 0.32 trib 3617 Q10 12.00 2029.08 2030.11 2030.11 2030.42 0.049822 4.51 2.66 4.15 0.99 trib 3617 Q50 24.00 2029.08 2030.51 2030.51 2030.93 0.045914 5.20 4.62 5.43 0.99 trib 3617 Q100 30.00 2029.08 2030.67 2030.67 2031.13 0.044711 5.44 5.52 5.92 0.99 trib 3617 Q500 46.00 2029.08 2031.02 2031.02 2031.57 0.042644 5.94 7.75 7.00 0.99 trib 4127 Q10 12.00 2032.61 2034.24 2033.46 2034.28 0.002893 1.55 7.75 7.24 0.26 trib 4127 Q50 24.00 2032.61 2034.85 2033.81 2034.90 0.003059 1.91 12.55 8.66 0.28 trib 4127 Q100 30.00 2032.61 2035.09 2033.95 2035.15 0.003115 2.04 14.68 9.22 0.29 trib 4127 Q500 46.00 2032.61 2035.61 2034.26 2035.69 0.003256 2.32 19.79 10.44 0.30 trib 4623 Q10 12.00 2035.96 2036.97 2036.69 2037.08 0.013584 2.65 4.52 6.04 0.54 trib 4623 Q50 24.00 2035.96 2037.48 2037.01 2037.62 0.011028 2.99 8.02 7.54 0.51 trib 4623 Q100 30.00 2035.96 2037.69 2037.15 2037.84 0.010391 3.11 9.65 8.14 0.50 trib 4623 Q500 46.00 2035.96 2038.17 2037.47 2038.34 0.009167 3.33 13.83 9.51 0.49 trib 4665 Q10 12.00 2036.85 2037.96 2037.96 2038.40 0.044689 5.35 2.24 2.87 1.00 trib 4665 Q50 24.00 2036.85 2038.47 2038.47 2039.19 0.039641 6.81 3.52 3.14 1.01 trib 4665 Q100 30.00 2036.85 2038.70 2038.70 2039.53 0.037071 7.30 4.11 3.38 1.00 trib 4665 Q500 46.00 2036.85 2039.25 2039.25 2040.35 0.033376 8.39 5.48 4.22 1.00 trib 4685 Culvert trib 4704 Q10 12.00 2037.52 2039.43 2038.69 2039.46 0.002145 1.38 9.18 34.56 0.23 trib 4704 Q50 24.00 2037.52 2040.38 2039.01 2040.40 0.000850 1.31 19.32 102.88 0.16 trib 4704 Q100 30.00 2037.52 2041.00 2039.13 2041.03 0.000501 1.20 26.03 291.32 0.13 trib 4704 Q500 46.00 2037.52 2041.27 2039.39 2041.27 0.000031 0.32 282.27 344.58 0.03 HEC-RAS Plan: DEM wo lev River: Tributary Reach: trib (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) trib 4750 Q10 11.00 2038.64 2039.58 2039.24 2039.63 0.007883 1.81 6.09 11.34 0.42 trib 4750 Q50 22.00 2038.64 2040.41 2039.51 2040.41 0.000085 0.31 133.48 357.36 0.05 trib 4750 Q100 28.00 2038.64 2041.03 2039.62 2041.03 0.000007 0.12 368.77 520.83 0.01 trib 4750 Q500 45.00 2038.64 2041.27 2039.96 2041.27 0.000008 0.14 466.80 590.32 0.02 trib 5165 Q10 11.00 2042.61 2043.28 2043.12 2043.32 0.010179 1.70 7.59 156.47 0.46 trib 5165 Q50 22.00 2042.61 2043.32 2043.32 2043.45 0.029050 3.03 9.04 171.87 0.78 trib 5165 Q100 28.00 2042.61 2043.40 2043.40 2043.50 0.021265 2.88 14.01 232.95 0.69 trib 5165 Q500 45.00 2042.61 2043.49 2043.49 2043.59 0.019619 3.08 22.51 275.32 0.68 trib 5676 Q10 11.00 2046.43 2047.51 2047.12 2047.55 0.006827 1.64 6.71 11.93 0.39 trib 5676 Q50 22.00 2046.43 2047.98 2047.39 2048.02 0.004265 1.60 13.77 17.89 0.32 trib 5676 Q100 28.00 2046.43 2048.08 2047.50 2048.13 0.004979 1.79 15.61 19.14 0.35 trib 5676 Q500 45.00 2046.43 2048.37 2047.73 2048.44 0.005525 2.09 21.54 22.70 0.38 trib 6117 Q10 11.00 2050.75 2051.68 2051.43 2051.79 0.014346 2.65 4.14 5.91 0.56 trib 6117 Q50 22.00 2050.75 2051.83 2051.73 2052.13 0.031946 4.33 5.08 6.25 0.85 trib 6117 Q100 28.00 2050.75 2052.07 2051.88 2052.35 0.024147 4.22 6.64 6.77 0.75 trib 6117 Q500 45.00 2050.75 2052.49 2052.21 2052.83 0.021971 4.67 9.63 7.67 0.73 trib 6154 Q10 11.00 2051.54 2052.27 2052.10 2052.32 0.013435 1.90 5.78 13.92 0.52 trib 6154 Q50 22.00 2051.54 2052.63 2052.28 2052.69 0.007005 1.94 11.36 16.54 0.41 trib 6154 Q100 28.00 2051.54 2052.76 2052.36 2052.83 0.006400 2.06 13.56 16.98 0.40 trib 6154 Q500 45.00 2051.54 2053.16 2052.55 2053.23 0.004689 2.24 20.12 18.24 0.36 trib 6200 Culvert trib 6239 Q10 11.00 2052.53 2053.54 2052.99 2053.55 0.001418 0.90 12.24 16.61 0.18 trib 6239 Q50 22.00 2052.53 2053.93 2053.16 2053.95 0.001478 1.16 19.00 17.98 0.20 trib 6239 Q100 28.00 2052.53 2054.11 2053.23 2054.13 0.001494 1.26 22.21 18.59 0.20 trib 6239 Q500 45.00 2052.53 2054.53 2053.41 2054.57 0.001512 1.48 30.45 20.08 0.21 trib 6274 Q10 11.00 2054.55 2055.35 2055.35 2055.52 0.056217 3.31 3.32 9.87 1.01 trib 6274 Q50 22.00 2054.55 2055.56 2055.56 2055.82 0.047771 4.06 5.42 10.35 0.99 trib 6274 Q100 28.00 2054.55 2055.65 2055.65 2055.95 0.047024 4.41 6.35 10.56 1.00 trib 6274 Q500 45.00 2054.55 2055.89 2055.89 2056.28 0.043042 5.06 8.90 11.10 1.00 trib 6553 Q10 11.00 2063.24 2064.09 2063.94 2064.19 0.019730 2.62 4.19 8.16 0.64 trib 6553 Q50 22.00 2063.24 2064.36 2064.18 2064.53 0.022013 3.31 6.64 9.84 0.71 trib 6553 Q100 28.00 2063.24 2064.48 2064.31 2064.68 0.022330 3.55 7.88 10.59 0.73 trib 6553 Q500 45.00 2063.24 2064.75 2064.57 2065.01 0.023749 4.13 10.90 12.22 0.77 trib 7086 Q10 7.00 2082.28 2083.02 2083.02 2083.29 0.040330 4.17 1.68 3.16 1.01 trib 7086 Q50 14.00 2082.28 2083.35 2083.35 2083.74 0.038233 5.05 2.77 3.52 1.00 trib 7086 Q100 18.00 2082.28 2083.50 2083.50 2083.96 0.037725 5.40 3.33 3.69 1.00 trib 7086 Q500 28.00 2082.28 2083.90 2083.90 2084.38 0.035210 5.60 5.00 5.17 1.00 trib 7121 Q10 7.00 2083.49 2084.19 2084.10 2084.38 0.024420 3.57 1.96 3.10 0.79 trib 7121 Q50 14.00 2083.49 2084.50 2084.42 2084.85 0.026475 4.77 2.93 3.15 0.86 trib 7121 Q100 18.00 2083.49 2084.63 2084.58 2085.08 0.028160 5.38 3.35 3.17 0.91 trib 7121 Q500 28.00 2083.49 2084.93 2084.92 2085.60 0.030058 6.54 4.28 3.21 0.98 trib 7130 Culvert trib 7143 Q10 7.00 2084.11 2085.20 2084.68 2085.26 0.004776 1.99 3.51 3.52 0.35 trib 7143 Q50 14.00 2084.11 2085.74 2084.98 2085.84 0.005635 2.56 5.48 3.69 0.37 trib 7143 Q100 18.00 2084.11 2086.04 2085.13 2086.16 0.005671 2.73 6.60 3.79 0.36 trib 7143 Q500 28.00 2084.11 2087.67 2085.47 2087.74 0.002300 2.12 13.20 4.31 0.21 trib 7169 Q10 7.00 2089.14 2089.93 2089.93 2090.25 0.043149 4.56 1.54 2.43 1.01 trib 7169 Q50 14.00 2089.14 2090.31 2090.31 2090.80 0.044959 5.60 2.50 2.57 1.00 trib 7169 Q100 18.00 2089.14 2090.51 2090.51 2091.06 0.045443 5.99 3.00 2.65 0.99 trib 7169 Q500 28.00 2089.14 2090.90 2090.90 2091.63 0.049847 6.90 4.06 2.80 1.01 trib 7175 Culvert trib 7186 Q10 7.00 2089.36 2090.59 2090.11 2090.69 0.008472 2.52 2.78 2.60 0.43 trib 7186 Q50 14.00 2089.36 2091.16 2090.49 2091.33 0.010658 3.24 4.32 10.51 0.46 trib 7186 Q100 18.00 2089.36 2091.45 2090.65 2091.64 0.011308 3.51 5.13 23.40 0.46 trib 7186 Q500 28.00 2089.36 2092.18 2091.08 2092.41 0.011178 3.83 7.32 80.36 0.44 trib 7220 Q10 7.00 2091.27 2092.00 2092.00 2092.21 0.033770 3.68 1.90 4.41 0.99 trib 7220 Q50 14.00 2091.27 2092.26 2092.26 2092.56 0.031983 4.39 3.19 5.38 1.01 trib 7220 Q100 18.00 2091.27 2092.39 2092.39 2092.72 0.029090 4.57 3.96 7.10 0.98 trib 7220 Q500 28.00 2091.27 2092.67 2092.67 2092.98 0.019326 4.62 6.75 109.88 0.84 HEC-RAS Plan: wo ds fw (DEM) River: Tributary Reach: trib Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) trib -1303 Base 2008.05 2008.05 103.69 5.34 9.25 1.41 134.37 158.76 trib -1303 Floodway 2009.05 1.00 2009.05 31.32 0.63 13.98 1.39 131.99 134.37 158.76 163.31 trib -1019 Base 2008.52 2008.62 38.92 3.31 11.46 1.24 178.65 192.41 trib -1019 Floodway 2009.04 0.53 2009.06 21.09 3.29 11.59 1.12 173.33 178.65 192.41 194.42 trib -880 Base 2008.63 2008.63 367.97 14.91 0.33 0.76 316.80 341.31 trib -880 Floodway 2009.07 0.45 2009.07 40.00 2.68 9.02 4.30 310.00 316.80 341.31 350.00 trib -466 Base 2008.63 2008.63 403.22 15.45 0.52 0.03 552.13 565.20 trib -466 Floodway 2009.09 0.46 2009.09 45.57 9.60 6.11 0.28 521.00 552.13 565.20 566.57 trib -89 Base 2008.63 2008.63 388.12 15.26 0.71 0.03 523.44 545.76 trib -89 Floodway 2009.10 0.47 2009.10 39.70 6.49 8.94 0.57 510.00 523.44 545.76 549.70 trib 1 Base 2008.61 2008.65 112.72 11.69 4.27 0.05 423.34 431.01 trib 1 Floodway 2009.07 0.46 2009.13 15.00 16.00 307.00 423.34 431.01 322.00 trib 149 Base 2008.66 2008.66 270.35 15.86 0.14 0.00 322.78 330.58 trib 149 Floodway 2009.18 0.53 2009.19 15.00 9.49 6.51 315.58 322.78 330.58 330.58 trib 343 Base 2008.66 2008.66 281.64 15.83 0.12 0.05 326.83 335.39 trib 343 Floodway 2009.26 0.60 2009.28 15.00 5.98 10.02 320.39 326.83 335.39 335.39 trib 383 Base 2008.66 2008.66 215.39 15.97 0.03 0.00 321.06 327.35 trib 383 Floodway 2009.30 0.64 2009.32 15.00 10.48 5.52 312.35 321.06 327.35 327.35 trib 472 Base 2008.66 2008.66 214.71 15.97 0.03 0.00 246.06 255.85 trib 472 Floodway 2009.49 0.84 2009.51 15.00 6.05 9.95 240.85 246.06 255.85 255.85 trib 576 Base 2008.66 2008.66 154.76 15.99 0.01 0.00 247.56 254.23 trib 576 Floodway 2009.63 0.97 2009.65 15.00 9.60 6.40 239.23 247.56 254.23 254.23 trib 651 Base 2011.21 2011.26 96.15 15.71 0.27 0.02 331.92 337.62 trib 651 Floodway 2011.47 0.26 2011.63 15.00 16.00 243.59 331.92 337.62 258.59 trib 918 Base 2011.27 2011.27 230.82 7.90 1.56 6.54 290.48 301.36 trib 918 Floodway 2011.80 0.53 2011.80 15.00 2.00 12.93 1.06 288.00 290.48 301.36 303.00 trib 1472 Base 2013.77 2013.84 67.96 1.43 9.86 4.70 374.56 390.80 trib 1472 Floodway 2014.15 0.38 2014.31 15.00 16.00 355.00 374.56 390.80 370.00 trib 1510 Base 2014.12 2014.13 129.51 0.02 0.85 15.14 289.44 302.32 trib 1510 Floodway 2014.63 0.51 2014.66 15.00 16.00 355.00 289.44 302.32 370.00 trib 1520 Culvert trib 1528 Base 2014.12 2014.13 119.01 0.00 2.72 13.28 307.04 321.23 trib 1528 Floodway 2013.79 -0.33 4514.91 2.75 16.00 370.00 307.04 321.23 385.00 trib 1557 Base 2014.27 2014.27 140.34 0.00 0.43 15.57 307.11 317.99 trib 1557 Floodway 2014.32 0.05 2014.48 15.00 16.00 370.00 307.11 317.99 385.00 trib 1963 Base 2016.31 2016.33 57.50 2.13 13.78 0.09 243.25 273.87 trib 1963 Floodway 2016.45 0.14 2016.46 66.39 3.52 12.23 0.24 243.25 273.87 trib 1989 Base 2019.07 2019.48 3.69 16.00 762.80 771.50 trib 1989 Floodway 2019.07 0.00 2019.48 3.69 16.00 762.80 771.50 trib 2040 Culvert trib 2080 Base 2020.63 2020.76 4.00 16.00 39.42 68.83 trib 2080 Floodway 2020.63 0.00 2020.76 4.00 16.00 39.42 68.83 trib 2100 Base 2020.84 2020.89 15.37 0.01 29.99 44.23 60.09 trib 2100 Floodway 2020.84 0.00 2020.89 15.37 0.01 29.99 44.23 60.09 trib 2110 Base 2020.89 2020.93 15.64 0.02 29.98 44.23 60.09 trib 2110 Floodway 2020.89 0.00 2020.93 15.64 0.02 29.98 44.23 60.09 trib 2120 Base 2020.92 2020.96 15.84 0.04 29.96 44.23 60.09 trib 2120 Floodway 2020.92 0.00 2020.96 15.84 0.04 29.96 44.23 60.09 trib 2651 Base 2023.39 2023.54 7.45 30.00 46.44 55.58 trib 2651 Floodway 2023.39 0.00 2023.54 7.45 30.00 46.44 55.58 trib 3126 Base 2026.19 2026.26 10.24 30.00 72.83 95.75 trib 3126 Floodway 2026.19 0.00 2026.26 10.24 30.00 72.83 95.75 trib 3617 Base 2030.67 2031.13 5.92 30.00 139.17 162.30 trib 3617 Floodway 2030.67 0.00 2031.13 5.92 30.00 139.17 162.30 trib 4127 Base 2035.09 2035.15 9.22 30.00 251.87 265.32 HEC-RAS Plan: wo ds fw (DEM) River: Tributary Reach: trib (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) trib 4127 Floodway 2035.09 0.00 2035.15 9.22 30.00 251.87 265.32 trib 4623 Base 2037.69 2037.84 8.14 30.00 314.09 329.75 trib 4623 Floodway 2037.69 0.00 2037.84 8.14 30.00 314.09 329.75 trib 4665 Base 2038.70 2039.53 2.50 30.00 340.25 349.22 trib 4665 Floodway 2038.70 0.00 2039.53 2.50 30.00 340.25 349.22 trib 4685 Culvert trib 4704 Base 2041.00 2041.03 10.70 5.75 24.25 352.15 360.54 trib 4704 Floodway 2041.00 0.00 2041.03 10.70 5.75 24.25 352.15 360.54 trib 4750 Base 2041.03 2041.03 400.62 13.78 2.79 11.43 329.79 342.44 trib 4750 Floodway 2041.03 0.00 2041.03 400.62 13.78 2.79 11.43 329.79 342.44 trib 5165 Base 2043.40 2043.50 77.29 5.63 21.68 0.69 212.11 225.92 trib 5165 Floodway 2043.40 0.00 2043.50 77.29 5.63 21.68 0.69 212.11 225.92 trib 5676 Base 2048.08 2048.13 19.14 28.00 183.69 226.54 trib 5676 Floodway 2048.08 0.00 2048.13 19.14 28.00 183.69 226.54 trib 6117 Base 2052.07 2052.35 6.77 28.00 211.57 230.44 trib 6117 Floodway 2052.07 0.00 2052.35 6.77 28.00 211.57 230.44 trib 6154 Base 2052.76 2052.83 16.44 28.00 211.25 246.77 trib 6154 Floodway 2052.76 0.00 2052.83 16.44 28.00 211.25 246.77 trib 6200 Culvert trib 6239 Base 2054.11 2054.13 18.59 28.00 221.30 259.22 trib 6239 Floodway 2054.11 0.00 2054.13 18.59 28.00 221.30 259.22 trib 6274 Base 2055.65 2055.95 10.56 28.00 210.49 231.21 trib 6274 Floodway 2055.65 0.00 2055.95 10.56 28.00 210.49 231.21 trib 6553 Base 2064.48 2064.68 10.59 28.00 197.65 240.39 trib 6553 Floodway 2064.48 0.00 2064.68 10.59 28.00 197.65 240.39 trib 7086 Base 2083.50 2083.96 3.69 18.00 150.93 158.25 trib 7086 Floodway 2083.50 0.00 2083.96 3.69 18.00 150.93 158.25 trib 7121 Base 2084.63 2085.08 3.10 18.00 118.04 121.88 trib 7121 Floodway 2084.63 0.00 2085.08 3.10 18.00 118.04 121.88 trib 7130 Culvert trib 7143 Base 2086.04 2086.16 3.79 18.00 111.14 115.72 trib 7143 Floodway 2086.04 0.00 2086.16 3.79 18.00 111.14 115.72 trib 7169 Base 2090.51 2091.06 2.65 18.00 114.91 118.45 trib 7169 Floodway 2090.51 0.00 2091.06 2.65 18.00 114.91 118.45 trib 7175 Culvert trib 7186 Base 2091.45 2091.64 2.88 18.00 119.10 122.49 trib 7186 Floodway 2091.45 0.00 2091.64 2.88 18.00 119.10 122.49 trib 7220 Base 2092.39 2092.72 7.10 0.01 17.99 130.02 136.02 trib 7220 Floodway 2092.39 0.00 2092.72 7.10 0.01 17.99 130.02 136.02 Appendix D. Corrective Effective HEC‐RAS   Models     HEC-RAS Plan: CEM River: Chester Creek Reach: Golf Course Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) Golf Course 20779 10-yr 30.00 2004.98 2007.19 2005.40 2007.19 0.000006 0.06 517.26 1198.11 0.01 Golf Course 20779 50-yr 54.00 2004.98 2007.80 2005.49 2007.80 0.000003 0.05 1164.72 1860.64 0.01 Golf Course 20779 100-yr 64.00 2004.98 2008.05 2005.52 2008.05 0.000002 0.04 1491.37 1985.36 0.01 Golf Course 20779 500-yr 88.00 2004.98 2008.64 2005.58 2008.64 0.000000 0.03 3229.73 2191.83 0.00 Golf Course 21013 10-yr 30.00 2007.36 2007.65 2007.65 2007.74 0.048676 2.02 13.20 348.57 0.86 Golf Course 21013 50-yr 54.00 2007.36 2007.77 2007.77 2007.86 0.043680 2.09 23.46 392.88 0.83 Golf Course 21013 100-yr 64.00 2007.36 2007.79 2007.79 2007.90 0.048191 2.30 25.52 395.42 0.89 Golf Course 21013 500-yr 88.00 2007.36 2008.64 2007.85 2008.64 0.000463 0.44 192.58 634.20 0.10 Golf Course 21128 10-yr 30.00 2007.08 2008.28 2007.75 2008.28 0.000847 0.54 55.17 320.85 0.14 Golf Course 21128 50-yr 54.00 2007.08 2008.53 2007.86 2008.54 0.001130 0.60 90.05 413.34 0.15 Golf Course 21128 100-yr 64.00 2007.08 2008.60 2007.90 2008.60 0.001189 0.62 103.55 442.36 0.16 Golf Course 21128 500-yr 88.00 2007.08 2008.77 2007.98 2008.77 0.001006 0.60 145.58 511.28 0.15 Golf Course 21229 10-yr 30.00 2006.97 2008.63 2008.48 2008.64 0.007806 0.82 36.50 445.34 0.35 Golf Course 21229 50-yr 54.00 2006.97 2008.82 2008.55 2008.83 0.002308 0.62 86.76 540.31 0.20 Golf Course 21229 100-yr 64.00 2006.97 2008.87 2008.57 2008.88 0.001927 0.63 102.06 545.69 0.19 Golf Course 21229 500-yr 88.00 2006.97 2008.98 2008.63 2008.99 0.001408 0.65 136.13 549.38 0.17 Golf Course 21385 10-yr 30.00 2008.16 2008.94 2008.47 2008.94 0.000409 0.31 97.80 268.00 0.09 Golf Course 21385 50-yr 54.00 2008.16 2009.08 2008.53 2009.08 0.000477 0.40 135.88 283.37 0.10 Golf Course 21385 100-yr 64.00 2008.16 2009.12 2008.56 2009.12 0.000512 0.43 147.76 285.92 0.11 Golf Course 21385 500-yr 88.00 2008.16 2009.22 2008.61 2009.22 0.000552 0.50 176.40 291.98 0.11 Golf Course 21409 10-yr 30.00 2008.27 2008.98 2008.68 2008.98 0.001022 0.46 64.91 246.09 0.14 Golf Course 21409 50-yr 54.00 2008.27 2009.12 2008.75 2009.13 0.001113 0.58 93.59 269.70 0.15 Golf Course 21409 100-yr 64.00 2008.27 2009.17 2008.77 2009.17 0.001210 0.62 103.41 283.87 0.16 Golf Course 21409 500-yr 88.00 2008.27 2009.27 2008.81 2009.28 0.001345 0.68 128.93 323.53 0.17 Golf Course 21431 10-yr 30.00 2008.12 2009.03 2008.45 2009.03 0.000564 0.40 74.75 174.33 0.11 Golf Course 21431 50-yr 54.00 2008.12 2009.18 2008.54 2009.18 0.000767 0.52 103.72 206.07 0.13 Golf Course 21431 100-yr 64.00 2008.12 2009.23 2008.59 2009.24 0.000845 0.56 114.48 222.73 0.14 Golf Course 21431 500-yr 88.00 2008.12 2009.34 2008.66 2009.35 0.000870 0.64 138.33 232.31 0.14 Golf Course 21445 10-yr 30.00 2008.44 2009.09 2008.89 2009.12 0.014872 1.32 22.80 104.20 0.50 Golf Course 21445 50-yr 54.00 2008.44 2009.26 2009.06 2009.28 0.007937 1.23 44.01 139.40 0.38 Golf Course 21445 100-yr 64.00 2008.44 2009.31 2009.10 2009.33 0.006788 1.24 51.65 143.41 0.36 Golf Course 21445 500-yr 88.00 2008.44 2009.42 2009.16 2009.44 0.005945 1.31 67.25 155.76 0.35 Golf Course 21456 10-yr 30.00 2012.42 2013.00 2013.00 2013.09 0.062594 2.50 12.02 61.61 1.00 Golf Course 21456 50-yr 54.00 2012.42 2013.11 2013.11 2013.21 0.055179 2.43 22.25 108.28 0.94 Golf Course 21456 100-yr 64.00 2012.42 2013.13 2013.13 2013.24 0.063554 2.66 24.03 113.14 1.02 Golf Course 21456 500-yr 88.00 2012.42 2013.19 2013.19 2013.31 0.062355 2.79 31.57 136.85 1.02 Golf Course 21481 10-yr 30.00 2011.45 2013.10 2011.82 2013.10 0.000004 0.05 549.78 595.32 0.01 Golf Course 21481 50-yr 54.00 2011.45 2013.22 2011.87 2013.22 0.000009 0.09 620.01 630.19 0.02 Golf Course 21481 100-yr 64.00 2011.45 2013.25 2011.90 2013.25 0.000011 0.10 643.38 634.26 0.02 Golf Course 21481 500-yr 88.00 2011.45 2013.33 2011.93 2013.33 0.000017 0.13 690.07 652.36 0.02 Golf Course 21485 10-yr 30.00 2012.65 2013.10 2012.84 2013.10 0.000056 0.27 109.69 444.23 0.10 Golf Course 21485 50-yr 54.00 2012.65 2013.22 2012.88 2013.22 0.000054 0.33 162.03 474.28 0.10 Golf Course 21485 100-yr 64.00 2012.65 2013.25 2012.90 2013.25 0.000055 0.36 179.70 484.33 0.10 Golf Course 21485 500-yr 88.00 2012.65 2013.32 2012.93 2013.33 0.000060 0.41 215.41 504.02 0.11 Golf Course 21515 10-yr 30.00 2011.57 2013.10 2011.89 2013.10 0.000029 0.11 275.33 488.03 0.03 Golf Course 21515 50-yr 54.00 2011.57 2013.22 2011.98 2013.22 0.000053 0.16 332.54 510.04 0.04 Golf Course 21515 100-yr 64.00 2011.57 2013.26 2012.01 2013.26 0.000063 0.18 351.59 517.17 0.04 Golf Course 21515 500-yr 88.00 2011.57 2013.33 2012.06 2013.33 0.000087 0.23 389.86 531.18 0.05 Golf Course 21525 10-yr 30.00 2011.57 2013.10 2011.89 2013.10 0.000029 0.11 275.45 488.08 0.03 Golf Course 21525 50-yr 54.00 2011.57 2013.22 2011.98 2013.22 0.000053 0.16 332.78 510.14 0.04 Golf Course 21525 100-yr 64.00 2011.57 2013.26 2012.01 2013.26 0.000063 0.18 351.91 517.28 0.04 Golf Course 21525 500-yr 88.00 2011.57 2013.33 2012.06 2013.33 0.000087 0.23 390.31 531.35 0.05 Golf Course 21609 10-yr 30.00 2011.75 2013.11 2011.93 2013.11 0.000004 0.06 493.87 476.54 0.01 Golf Course 21609 50-yr 54.00 2011.75 2013.22 2011.97 2013.22 0.000009 0.10 549.59 482.19 0.02 Golf Course 21609 100-yr 64.00 2011.75 2013.26 2011.98 2013.26 0.000012 0.11 567.93 483.72 0.02 Golf Course 21609 500-yr 88.00 2011.75 2013.33 2012.02 2013.33 0.000018 0.15 604.24 485.21 0.02 Golf Course 21726 10-yr 30.00 2011.65 2013.11 2012.01 2013.11 0.000024 0.12 247.68 329.28 0.02 Golf Course 21726 50-yr 54.00 2011.65 2013.22 2012.11 2013.22 0.000052 0.19 287.55 351.93 0.04 Golf Course 21726 100-yr 64.00 2011.65 2013.26 2012.14 2013.26 0.000065 0.21 301.18 359.35 0.04 Golf Course 21726 500-yr 88.00 2011.65 2013.34 2012.20 2013.34 0.000095 0.27 329.01 371.15 0.05 Golf Course 21857 10-yr 30.00 2012.03 2013.11 2012.42 2013.11 0.000085 0.20 148.70 235.07 0.04 Golf Course 21857 50-yr 54.00 2012.03 2013.23 2012.48 2013.23 0.000157 0.30 177.59 240.59 0.06 Golf Course 21857 100-yr 64.00 2012.03 2013.27 2012.51 2013.28 0.000193 0.34 187.58 249.08 0.07 Golf Course 21857 500-yr 88.00 2012.03 2013.35 2012.57 2013.36 0.000261 0.42 207.87 251.14 0.08 HEC-RAS Plan: CEM River: Chester Creek Reach: Golf Course (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) Golf Course 21983 10-yr 30.00 2012.09 2013.13 2012.50 2013.13 0.000421 0.40 74.96 140.87 0.10 Golf Course 21983 50-yr 54.00 2012.09 2013.27 2012.61 2013.27 0.000776 0.56 96.14 171.89 0.13 Golf Course 21983 100-yr 64.00 2012.09 2013.31 2012.64 2013.32 0.000867 0.61 104.46 178.27 0.14 Golf Course 21983 500-yr 88.00 2012.09 2013.41 2012.71 2013.42 0.001023 0.73 121.27 181.69 0.16 Golf Course 22423 10-yr 30.00 2012.71 2013.36 2012.98 2013.36 0.000730 0.45 67.26 162.34 0.12 Golf Course 22423 50-yr 54.00 2012.71 2013.58 2013.05 2013.58 0.000673 0.51 106.93 201.47 0.12 Golf Course 22423 100-yr 64.00 2012.71 2013.64 2013.07 2013.65 0.000662 0.54 119.30 202.93 0.12 Golf Course 22423 500-yr 88.00 2012.71 2013.77 2013.12 2013.78 0.000691 0.60 146.81 218.24 0.13 Golf Course 22972 10-yr 30.00 2013.92 2014.45 2014.45 2014.57 0.060255 2.72 11.01 48.22 1.00 Golf Course 22972 50-yr 54.00 2013.92 2014.57 2014.57 2014.72 0.053115 3.18 16.96 53.43 1.00 Golf Course 22972 100-yr 64.00 2013.92 2014.60 2014.60 2014.78 0.054246 3.41 18.77 54.23 1.02 Golf Course 22972 500-yr 88.00 2013.92 2014.69 2014.69 2014.90 0.050317 3.73 23.60 56.31 1.02 Golf Course 23005 10-yr 30.00 2014.38 2015.05 2014.75 2015.05 0.001933 0.69 43.31 112.20 0.20 Golf Course 23005 50-yr 54.00 2014.38 2015.22 2014.83 2015.23 0.002060 0.84 64.21 130.40 0.21 Golf Course 23005 100-yr 64.00 2014.38 2015.28 2014.85 2015.29 0.002060 0.89 72.20 135.50 0.21 Golf Course 23005 500-yr 88.00 2014.38 2015.42 2014.91 2015.43 0.002173 0.95 92.98 164.62 0.22 Golf Course 23050 10-yr 30.00 2014.61 2015.16 2014.87 2015.16 0.001938 0.64 46.54 134.52 0.19 Golf Course 23050 50-yr 54.00 2014.61 2015.33 2014.95 2015.34 0.001742 0.76 71.20 148.90 0.19 Golf Course 23050 100-yr 64.00 2014.61 2015.39 2014.98 2015.40 0.001701 0.80 80.06 151.92 0.19 Golf Course 23050 500-yr 88.00 2014.61 2015.53 2015.03 2015.54 0.001568 0.87 101.32 159.72 0.19 Golf Course 23090 10-yr 30.00 2014.93 2015.45 2015.26 2015.46 0.005092 0.93 32.35 111.85 0.30 Golf Course 23090 50-yr 54.00 2014.93 2015.60 2015.34 2015.61 0.004889 1.03 52.56 151.12 0.31 Golf Course 23090 100-yr 64.00 2014.93 2015.65 2015.37 2015.66 0.004580 1.07 59.89 154.59 0.30 Golf Course 23090 500-yr 88.00 2014.93 2015.76 2015.42 2015.78 0.003922 1.13 77.87 164.55 0.29 Golf Course 23446 10-yr 30.00 2017.57 2017.97 2017.87 2017.99 0.012459 1.10 27.17 141.49 0.44 Golf Course 23446 50-yr 54.00 2017.57 2018.07 2017.95 2018.10 0.012670 1.24 43.59 193.33 0.46 Golf Course 23446 100-yr 64.00 2017.57 2018.10 2017.97 2018.12 0.013760 1.32 48.49 208.12 0.48 Golf Course 23446 500-yr 88.00 2017.57 2018.13 2018.02 2018.17 0.017030 1.57 56.03 217.38 0.55 Golf Course 23887 10-yr 30.00 2022.25 2022.83 2022.66 2022.84 0.005714 0.89 33.70 135.04 0.31 Golf Course 23887 50-yr 54.00 2022.25 2022.95 2022.74 2022.97 0.005672 1.06 51.18 158.01 0.33 Golf Course 23887 100-yr 64.00 2022.25 2022.99 2022.76 2023.01 0.005408 1.11 57.80 160.17 0.32 Golf Course 23887 500-yr 88.00 2022.25 2023.09 2022.81 2023.11 0.004871 1.19 73.82 169.31 0.32 Golf Course 24430 10-yr 30.00 2028.58 2029.25 2029.25 2029.46 0.048764 3.65 8.29 21.75 1.00 Golf Course 24430 50-yr 54.00 2028.58 2029.47 2029.47 2029.73 0.037372 4.21 13.58 28.66 0.94 Golf Course 24430 100-yr 64.00 2028.58 2029.56 2029.56 2029.82 0.031201 4.22 16.81 37.07 0.88 Golf Course 24430 500-yr 88.00 2028.58 2029.72 2029.72 2029.99 0.026137 4.41 23.23 42.98 0.83 HEC-RAS Plan: CEM FW River: Chester Creek Reach: Golf Course Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) Golf Course 20779 Q100 - base 2008.05 2008.05 1327.67 64.00 934.91 2798.66 Golf Course 20779 Q100 - floodway 2009.05 1.00 2009.05 1178.72 64.00 934.91 934.91 2798.66 2278.72 Golf Course 21013 Q100 - base 2008.05 2008.07 147.76 52.43 11.57 508.09 1602.56 Golf Course 21013 Q100 - floodway 2009.05 1.00 2009.05 173.18 52.98 11.02 1472.43 508.09 1602.56 1725.00 Golf Course 21128 Q100 - base 2008.53 2008.53 189.79 64.00 409.35 1512.91 Golf Course 21128 Q100 - floodway 2009.05 0.52 2009.11 25.00 64.00 1045.00 409.35 1512.91 1070.00 Golf Course 21229 Q100 - base 2008.86 2008.87 305.93 64.00 417.95 1452.44 Golf Course 21229 Q100 - floodway 2009.59 0.72 2009.62 35.00 64.00 985.00 417.95 1452.44 1020.00 Golf Course 21385 Q100 - base 2009.12 2009.12 285.94 64.00 431.52 1001.23 Golf Course 21385 Q100 - floodway 2010.03 0.91 2010.06 30.00 64.00 785.00 431.52 1001.23 815.00 Golf Course 21409 Q100 - base 2009.17 2009.17 223.27 64.00 426.69 980.16 Golf Course 21409 Q100 - floodway 2010.12 0.95 2010.16 25.00 64.00 728.00 426.69 980.16 753.00 Golf Course 21431 Q100 - base 2009.23 2009.24 219.82 64.00 440.00 961.58 Golf Course 21431 Q100 - floodway 2010.23 1.00 2010.26 25.00 64.00 700.00 440.00 961.58 725.00 Golf Course 21445 Q100 - base 2009.31 2009.33 143.43 64.00 440.70 949.64 Golf Course 21445 Q100 - floodway 2010.29 0.98 2010.37 20.00 64.00 683.00 440.70 949.64 703.00 Golf Course 21456 Q100 - base 2013.13 2013.24 113.14 64.00 0.00 937.26 Golf Course 21456 Q100 - floodway 2013.79 0.66 2014.05 30.00 64.00 595.00 0.00 937.26 625.00 Golf Course 21481 Q100 - base 2013.25 2013.25 634.26 64.00 494.28 1387.02 Golf Course 21481 Q100 - floodway 2014.10 0.85 2014.11 37.00 64.00 1073.00 494.28 1387.02 1110.00 Golf Course 21485 Q100 - base 2013.25 2013.25 484.33 64.00 0.00 911.00 Golf Course 21485 Q100 - floodway 2014.10 0.85 2014.12 45.00 64.00 514.50 0.00 911.00 559.50 Golf Course 21515 Q100 - base 2013.26 2013.26 517.17 64.00 0.00 751.00 Golf Course 21515 Q100 - floodway 2014.11 0.86 2014.12 45.00 64.00 495.50 0.00 751.00 540.50 Golf Course 21525 Q100 - base 2013.26 2013.26 517.28 64.00 0.00 751.00 Golf Course 21525 Q100 - floodway 2014.12 0.86 2014.12 45.00 64.00 482.50 0.00 751.00 527.50 Golf Course 21609 Q100 - base 2013.26 2013.26 483.72 64.00 0.00 522.16 Golf Course 21609 Q100 - floodway 2014.14 0.88 2014.15 44.00 64.00 278.00 0.00 522.16 322.00 Golf Course 21726 Q100 - base 2013.26 2013.26 359.35 64.00 0.00 402.00 Golf Course 21726 Q100 - floodway 2014.16 0.90 2014.18 44.00 64.00 273.00 0.00 402.00 317.00 Golf Course 21857 Q100 - base 2013.27 2013.28 249.08 64.00 0.00 319.28 Golf Course 21857 Q100 - floodway 2014.24 0.97 2014.25 43.00 64.00 188.50 0.00 319.28 231.50 Golf Course 21983 Q100 - base 2013.31 2013.32 178.27 64.00 0.00 248.45 Golf Course 21983 Q100 - floodway 2014.28 0.96 2014.29 43.00 64.00 103.50 0.00 248.45 146.50 Golf Course 22423 Q100 - base 2013.64 2013.65 202.93 64.00 843.00 1600.75 Golf Course 22423 Q100 - floodway 2014.45 0.81 2014.47 40.00 64.00 1140.00 843.00 1600.75 1180.00 Golf Course 22972 Q100 - base 2014.60 2014.78 54.23 64.00 888.76 1267.01 Golf Course 22972 Q100 - floodway 2015.26 0.66 2015.70 14.13 64.00 1162.20 888.76 1267.01 1176.33 Golf Course 23005 Q100 - base 2015.28 2015.29 135.50 64.00 896.09 1271.17 Golf Course 23005 Q100 - floodway 2016.10 0.83 2016.14 27.34 64.00 1123.02 896.09 1271.17 1150.36 Golf Course 23050 Q100 - base 2015.39 2015.40 151.92 64.00 944.30 1324.65 Golf Course 23050 Q100 - floodway 2016.21 0.82 2016.27 22.35 64.00 1126.64 944.30 1324.65 1148.99 Golf Course 23090 Q100 - base 2015.65 2015.66 154.59 64.00 951.93 1347.53 Golf Course 23090 Q100 - floodway 2016.61 0.96 2016.71 20.00 64.00 1095.00 951.93 1347.53 1115.00 Golf Course 23446 Q100 - base 2018.10 2018.12 208.12 64.00 688.98 1310.47 Golf Course 23446 Q100 - floodway 2019.02 0.92 2019.14 20.00 64.00 1060.00 688.98 1310.47 1080.00 Golf Course 23887 Q100 - base 2022.99 2023.01 160.17 64.00 604.96 928.61 Golf Course 23887 Q100 - floodway 2023.79 0.80 2023.91 20.00 64.00 829.00 604.96 928.61 849.00 Golf Course 24430 Q100 - base 2029.56 2029.82 37.07 1.56 60.23 2.21 636.32 656.04 Golf Course 24430 Q100 - floodway 2029.72 0.16 2029.93 19.72 64.00 636.32 636.32 656.04 656.04 HEC-RAS Plan: CEM River: Tributary Reach: trib Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) trib -1303 Q10 1.00 2004.70 2007.19 2004.82 2007.19 0.000000 0.01 97.62 92.00 0.00 trib -1303 Q50 2.00 2004.70 2007.80 2004.87 2007.80 0.000000 0.01 156.26 99.90 0.00 trib -1303 Q100 4.00 2004.70 2008.05 2004.90 2008.05 0.000000 0.02 181.64 103.69 0.00 trib -1303 Q500 7.00 2004.70 2008.64 2004.96 2008.64 0.000000 0.03 245.69 113.41 0.00 trib -1019 Q10 1.00 2007.91 2008.27 2008.27 2008.30 0.103616 1.40 0.72 31.55 1.04 trib -1019 Q50 2.00 2007.91 2008.31 2008.31 2008.35 0.096308 1.67 1.20 38.26 1.06 trib -1019 Q100 4.00 2007.91 2008.36 2008.36 2008.41 0.077292 1.83 2.19 47.75 1.00 trib -1019 Q500 7.00 2007.91 2008.64 2008.41 2008.64 0.002258 0.58 12.11 93.29 0.20 trib -880 Q10 1.00 2004.89 2008.31 2008.31 0.000000 0.00 721.14 359.15 0.00 trib -880 Q50 2.00 2004.89 2008.35 2008.35 0.000000 0.00 738.57 359.95 0.00 trib -880 Q100 4.00 2004.89 2008.42 2008.42 0.000000 0.01 761.51 361.60 0.00 trib -880 Q500 7.00 2004.89 2008.64 2008.64 0.000000 0.01 843.68 368.58 0.00 trib -466 Q10 1.00 2006.89 2008.31 2008.31 0.000000 0.00 410.09 380.79 0.00 trib -466 Q50 2.00 2006.89 2008.35 2008.35 0.000000 0.00 428.60 384.48 0.00 trib -466 Q100 4.00 2006.89 2008.42 2008.42 0.000000 0.01 453.25 388.60 0.00 trib -466 Q500 7.00 2006.89 2008.64 2008.64 0.000000 0.01 542.61 403.49 0.00 trib -89 Q10 1.00 2006.07 2008.31 2008.31 0.000000 0.00 449.29 336.12 0.00 trib -89 Q50 2.00 2006.07 2008.35 2008.35 0.000000 0.00 465.65 339.05 0.00 trib -89 Q100 4.00 2006.07 2008.42 2008.42 0.000000 0.01 487.40 345.54 0.00 trib -89 Q500 7.00 2006.07 2008.64 2008.64 0.000000 0.01 571.23 388.66 0.00 trib 1 Q10 1.00 1998.92 2005.00 2005.00 0.000000 0.00 225.97 48.42 0.00 trib 1 Q50 2.00 1998.92 2009.60 2009.60 0.000000 0.00 540.96 101.33 0.00 trib 1 Q100 4.00 1998.92 2009.70 2009.70 0.000000 0.01 551.13 102.16 0.00 trib 1 Q500 7.00 1998.92 2010.00 2010.00 0.000000 0.01 582.15 104.63 0.00 trib 149 Q10 10.00 1995.82 2005.00 1996.32 2005.00 0.000000 0.01 1141.63 165.71 0.00 trib 149 Q50 14.00 1995.82 2009.60 1996.38 2009.60 0.000000 0.01 1924.52 175.82 0.00 trib 149 Q100 16.00 1995.82 2009.70 1996.41 2009.70 0.000000 0.01 1942.12 176.16 0.00 trib 149 Q500 20.00 1995.82 2010.00 1996.46 2010.00 0.000000 0.01 1995.13 177.19 0.00 trib 343 Q10 10.00 1993.64 2005.00 1993.99 2005.00 0.000000 0.01 1993.17 252.43 0.00 trib 343 Q50 14.00 1993.64 2009.60 1994.05 2009.60 0.000000 0.00 3182.15 266.09 0.00 trib 343 Q100 16.00 1993.64 2009.70 1994.07 2009.70 0.000000 0.00 3208.78 266.57 0.00 trib 343 Q500 20.00 1993.64 2010.00 1994.11 2010.00 0.000000 0.01 3288.97 267.99 0.00 trib 383 Q10 10.00 1994.23 2005.00 1994.67 2005.00 0.000000 0.01 1938.50 222.78 0.00 trib 383 Q50 14.00 1994.23 2009.60 1994.71 2009.60 0.000000 0.00 3052.64 279.70 0.00 trib 383 Q100 16.00 1994.23 2009.70 1994.73 2009.70 0.000000 0.01 3080.61 279.97 0.00 trib 383 Q500 20.00 1994.23 2010.00 1994.75 2010.00 0.000000 0.01 3164.74 280.78 0.00 trib 472 Q10 10.00 2005.65 2005.00 1999.14 2005.00 0.000000 477.69 135.83 0.00 trib 472 Q50 14.00 2005.65 2009.60 1999.19 2009.60 0.000000 0.01 1255.59 189.45 0.00 trib 472 Q100 16.00 2005.65 2009.70 1999.22 2009.70 0.000000 0.01 1274.72 193.16 0.00 trib 472 Q500 20.00 2005.65 2010.00 1999.26 2010.00 0.000000 0.01 1334.21 203.55 0.00 trib 576 Q10 10.00 2008.78 2009.74 2009.74 2009.99 0.032554 4.02 2.48 4.97 1.00 trib 576 Q50 14.00 2008.78 2009.89 2009.89 2010.17 0.030449 4.27 3.28 5.70 0.99 trib 576 Q100 16.00 2008.78 2009.95 2009.95 2010.25 0.030780 4.43 3.61 5.98 1.01 trib 576 Q500 20.00 2008.78 2010.20 2010.20 2010.37 0.028407 3.36 6.36 21.88 0.93 trib 651 Q10 10.00 2009.50 2010.97 2010.45 2011.02 0.007232 1.65 6.05 55.46 0.46 trib 651 Q50 14.00 2009.50 2011.08 2010.60 2011.13 0.006740 1.82 7.70 59.63 0.46 trib 651 Q100 16.00 2009.50 2011.13 2010.67 2011.18 0.006429 1.87 8.54 63.89 0.46 trib 651 Q500 20.00 2009.50 2011.21 2010.78 2011.28 0.006391 2.02 9.91 75.90 0.47 trib 918 Q10 10.00 2009.10 2011.35 2009.95 2011.36 0.000523 0.96 10.46 9.36 0.14 trib 918 Q50 14.00 2009.10 2011.55 2010.09 2011.57 0.000716 1.17 11.95 29.34 0.16 trib 918 Q100 16.00 2009.10 2011.63 2010.17 2011.66 0.000811 1.27 12.60 43.37 0.18 trib 918 Q500 20.00 2009.10 2011.79 2010.29 2011.82 0.000984 1.45 13.82 61.75 0.19 trib 1472 Q10 10.00 2011.44 2012.38 2012.38 2012.67 0.032363 4.35 2.30 3.82 0.99 trib 1472 Q50 14.00 2011.44 2012.53 2012.53 2012.89 0.032599 4.78 2.93 4.19 1.01 trib 1472 Q100 16.00 2011.44 2012.72 2012.61 2013.00 0.021875 4.28 3.74 4.62 0.84 trib 1472 Q500 20.00 2011.44 2013.01 2012.75 2013.24 0.013910 3.84 5.21 5.32 0.68 trib 1510 Q10 10.00 2011.15 2012.95 2012.17 2013.00 0.002806 1.77 5.64 5.39 0.31 trib 1510 Q50 14.00 2011.15 2013.19 2012.35 2013.25 0.003077 1.99 7.02 5.99 0.32 trib 1510 Q100 16.00 2011.15 2013.26 2012.43 2013.33 0.003434 2.15 7.45 6.17 0.34 trib 1510 Q500 20.00 2011.15 2013.44 2012.58 2013.53 0.003647 2.32 8.61 6.62 0.36 trib 1520 Culvert trib 1528 Q10 10.00 2010.84 2013.36 2011.82 2013.38 0.000963 1.00 9.97 6.88 0.15 HEC-RAS Plan: CEM River: Tributary Reach: trib (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) trib 1528 Q50 14.00 2010.84 2013.99 2012.00 2014.00 0.000673 0.95 14.72 8.40 0.13 trib 1528 Q100 16.00 2010.84 2014.30 2012.07 2014.32 0.000575 0.91 17.53 9.52 0.12 trib 1528 Q500 20.00 2010.84 2014.58 2012.23 2014.59 0.000719 0.95 23.45 47.67 0.13 trib 1557 Q10 10.00 2011.79 2013.39 2012.66 2013.44 0.003817 1.69 5.92 5.64 0.29 trib 1557 Q50 14.00 2011.79 2014.00 2012.81 2014.04 0.001935 1.43 9.76 6.94 0.21 trib 1557 Q100 16.00 2011.79 2014.32 2012.88 2014.35 0.001434 1.33 12.05 7.61 0.19 trib 1557 Q500 20.00 2011.79 2014.59 2013.01 2014.62 0.001439 1.41 14.22 8.20 0.19 trib 1963 Q10 10.00 2018.61 2019.48 2019.48 2019.66 0.051975 3.44 2.91 7.79 0.99 trib 1963 Q50 14.00 2018.61 2019.59 2019.59 2019.80 0.045074 3.61 3.92 11.07 0.95 trib 1963 Q100 16.00 2018.61 2019.66 2019.66 2019.85 0.038218 3.52 4.80 15.48 0.89 trib 1963 Q500 20.00 2018.61 2019.75 2019.75 2019.93 0.033517 3.48 6.39 18.55 0.84 trib 1989 Q10 10.00 2017.77 2019.85 2018.80 2019.89 0.002658 1.50 6.69 17.19 0.24 trib 1989 Q50 14.00 2017.77 2020.01 2018.98 2020.06 0.003491 1.86 7.54 40.62 0.28 trib 1989 Q100 16.00 2017.77 2020.06 2019.06 2020.12 0.004030 2.04 7.83 48.44 0.30 trib 1989 Q500 20.00 2017.77 2020.14 2019.22 2020.23 0.005238 2.42 8.27 60.64 0.35 trib 2040 Culvert trib 2080 Q10 10.00 2018.73 2020.19 2019.81 2020.30 0.009432 2.61 3.83 8.68 0.47 trib 2080 Q50 14.00 2018.73 2020.48 2019.96 2020.60 0.007671 2.81 4.99 12.81 0.44 trib 2080 Q100 16.00 2018.73 2020.61 2020.02 2020.74 0.007173 2.90 5.51 14.87 0.44 trib 2080 Q500 20.00 2018.73 2020.86 2020.15 2021.01 0.006452 3.07 6.51 18.47 0.42 trib 2100 Q10 12.00 2018.27 2020.39 2019.40 2020.41 0.002032 1.15 10.46 12.11 0.22 trib 2100 Q50 24.00 2018.27 2020.70 2019.86 2020.74 0.003396 1.65 14.58 14.51 0.29 trib 2100 Q100 30.00 2018.27 2020.83 2020.00 2020.88 0.003580 1.82 16.55 15.31 0.30 trib 2100 Q500 46.00 2018.27 2021.08 2020.26 2021.16 0.004409 2.26 20.54 16.79 0.35 trib 2110 Q10 12.00 2018.27 2020.42 2019.40 2020.43 0.001881 1.11 10.78 12.31 0.21 trib 2110 Q50 24.00 2018.27 2020.74 2019.87 2020.78 0.002981 1.58 15.21 14.78 0.27 trib 2110 Q100 30.00 2018.27 2020.88 2020.00 2020.92 0.003147 1.74 17.27 15.59 0.29 trib 2110 Q500 46.00 2018.27 2021.14 2020.26 2021.21 0.003840 2.17 21.53 17.14 0.32 trib 2120 Q10 12.00 2018.27 2020.44 2019.40 2020.45 0.001769 1.09 11.03 12.47 0.20 trib 2120 Q50 24.00 2018.27 2020.78 2019.87 2020.81 0.002698 1.53 15.70 14.97 0.26 trib 2120 Q100 30.00 2018.27 2020.91 2020.00 2020.96 0.002861 1.69 17.82 15.80 0.27 trib 2120 Q500 46.00 2018.27 2021.18 2020.26 2021.25 0.003471 2.10 22.30 17.41 0.31 trib 2651 Q10 12.00 2021.38 2022.48 2022.22 2022.62 0.016295 2.96 4.05 5.21 0.59 trib 2651 Q50 24.00 2021.38 2023.16 2022.58 2023.30 0.009750 3.00 8.00 6.47 0.48 trib 2651 Q100 30.00 2021.38 2023.40 2022.73 2023.55 0.009769 3.10 9.67 7.51 0.48 trib 2651 Q500 46.00 2021.38 2023.89 2023.07 2024.06 0.008805 3.30 14.05 10.00 0.47 trib 3126 Q10 12.00 2023.82 2025.45 2024.69 2025.49 0.003114 1.53 7.84 7.78 0.27 trib 3126 Q50 24.00 2023.82 2025.96 2025.03 2026.02 0.003750 1.97 12.18 9.47 0.31 trib 3126 Q100 30.00 2023.82 2026.19 2025.18 2026.25 0.003704 2.08 14.43 10.23 0.31 trib 3126 Q500 46.00 2023.82 2026.65 2025.48 2026.74 0.003902 2.35 19.60 12.06 0.32 trib 3617 Q10 12.00 2029.08 2030.11 2030.11 2030.42 0.049822 4.51 2.66 4.15 0.99 trib 3617 Q50 24.00 2029.08 2030.51 2030.51 2030.93 0.045914 5.20 4.62 5.43 0.99 trib 3617 Q100 30.00 2029.08 2030.67 2030.67 2031.13 0.044711 5.44 5.52 5.92 0.99 trib 3617 Q500 46.00 2029.08 2031.02 2031.02 2031.57 0.042644 5.94 7.75 7.00 0.99 trib 4127 Q10 12.00 2032.61 2034.24 2033.46 2034.28 0.002893 1.55 7.75 7.24 0.26 trib 4127 Q50 24.00 2032.61 2034.85 2033.81 2034.90 0.003060 1.91 12.55 8.66 0.28 trib 4127 Q100 30.00 2032.61 2035.09 2033.95 2035.15 0.003115 2.04 14.68 9.22 0.29 trib 4127 Q500 46.00 2032.61 2035.61 2034.26 2035.69 0.003256 2.32 19.79 10.44 0.30 trib 4623 Q10 12.00 2035.96 2036.97 2036.69 2037.08 0.013584 2.65 4.52 6.04 0.54 trib 4623 Q50 24.00 2035.96 2037.48 2037.01 2037.62 0.011028 2.99 8.02 7.54 0.51 trib 4623 Q100 30.00 2035.96 2037.69 2037.15 2037.84 0.010391 3.11 9.65 8.14 0.50 trib 4623 Q500 46.00 2035.96 2038.17 2037.47 2038.34 0.009167 3.33 13.83 9.51 0.49 trib 4665 Q10 12.00 2036.85 2037.96 2037.96 2038.40 0.044689 5.35 2.24 2.87 1.00 trib 4665 Q50 24.00 2036.85 2038.47 2038.47 2039.19 0.039641 6.81 3.52 3.14 1.01 trib 4665 Q100 30.00 2036.85 2038.70 2038.70 2039.53 0.037071 7.30 4.11 3.38 1.00 trib 4665 Q500 46.00 2036.85 2039.25 2039.25 2040.35 0.033376 8.39 5.48 4.22 1.00 trib 4685 Culvert trib 4704 Q10 12.00 2037.52 2039.43 2038.69 2039.46 0.002145 1.38 9.18 34.56 0.23 trib 4704 Q50 24.00 2037.52 2040.38 2039.01 2040.40 0.000850 1.31 19.32 102.88 0.16 trib 4704 Q100 30.00 2037.52 2041.00 2039.13 2041.03 0.000501 1.20 26.03 291.32 0.13 trib 4704 Q500 46.00 2037.52 2041.27 2039.39 2041.27 0.000031 0.32 282.27 344.58 0.03 HEC-RAS Plan: CEM River: Tributary Reach: trib (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) trib 4750 Q10 11.00 2038.64 2039.58 2039.24 2039.63 0.007883 1.81 6.09 11.34 0.42 trib 4750 Q50 22.00 2038.64 2040.41 2039.51 2040.41 0.000085 0.31 133.48 357.36 0.05 trib 4750 Q100 28.00 2038.64 2041.03 2039.62 2041.03 0.000007 0.12 368.77 520.83 0.01 trib 4750 Q500 45.00 2038.64 2041.27 2039.96 2041.27 0.000008 0.14 466.80 590.32 0.02 trib 5165 Q10 11.00 2042.61 2043.28 2043.12 2043.32 0.010179 1.70 7.59 156.47 0.46 trib 5165 Q50 22.00 2042.61 2043.32 2043.32 2043.45 0.029050 3.03 9.04 171.87 0.78 trib 5165 Q100 28.00 2042.61 2043.40 2043.40 2043.50 0.021265 2.88 14.01 232.95 0.69 trib 5165 Q500 45.00 2042.61 2043.49 2043.49 2043.59 0.019619 3.08 22.51 275.32 0.68 trib 5676 Q10 11.00 2046.43 2047.51 2047.55 0.006827 1.64 6.71 11.93 0.39 trib 5676 Q50 22.00 2046.43 2047.98 2048.02 0.004265 1.60 13.77 17.89 0.32 trib 5676 Q100 28.00 2046.43 2048.08 2048.13 0.004979 1.79 15.61 19.14 0.35 trib 5676 Q500 45.00 2046.43 2048.37 2048.44 0.005525 2.09 21.54 22.70 0.38 trib 6117 Q10 11.00 2050.75 2051.68 2051.79 0.014346 2.65 4.14 5.91 0.56 trib 6117 Q50 22.00 2050.75 2051.83 2051.73 2052.13 0.031974 4.34 5.07 6.25 0.85 trib 6117 Q100 28.00 2050.75 2052.07 2052.35 0.024147 4.22 6.64 6.77 0.75 trib 6117 Q500 45.00 2050.75 2052.49 2052.83 0.021971 4.67 9.63 7.67 0.73 trib 6154 Q10 11.00 2051.54 2052.27 2052.10 2052.32 0.013435 1.90 5.78 13.92 0.52 trib 6154 Q50 22.00 2051.54 2052.63 2052.28 2052.69 0.006997 1.94 11.36 16.54 0.41 trib 6154 Q100 28.00 2051.54 2052.76 2052.36 2052.83 0.006400 2.06 13.56 16.98 0.40 trib 6154 Q500 45.00 2051.54 2053.16 2052.55 2053.23 0.004689 2.24 20.12 18.24 0.36 trib 6200 Culvert trib 6239 Q10 11.00 2052.53 2053.54 2052.99 2053.55 0.001418 0.90 12.24 16.61 0.18 trib 6239 Q50 22.00 2052.53 2053.93 2053.16 2053.95 0.001478 1.16 19.00 17.98 0.20 trib 6239 Q100 28.00 2052.53 2054.11 2053.23 2054.13 0.001494 1.26 22.21 18.59 0.20 trib 6239 Q500 45.00 2052.53 2054.53 2053.41 2054.57 0.001512 1.48 30.45 20.08 0.21 trib 6274 Q10 11.00 2054.55 2055.35 2055.35 2055.52 0.056217 3.31 3.32 9.87 1.01 trib 6274 Q50 22.00 2054.55 2055.56 2055.56 2055.82 0.047771 4.06 5.42 10.35 0.99 trib 6274 Q100 28.00 2054.55 2055.65 2055.65 2055.95 0.047024 4.41 6.35 10.56 1.00 trib 6274 Q500 45.00 2054.55 2055.89 2055.89 2056.28 0.043042 5.06 8.90 11.10 1.00 trib 6553 Q10 11.00 2063.24 2064.09 2063.94 2064.19 0.019730 2.62 4.19 8.16 0.64 trib 6553 Q50 22.00 2063.24 2064.36 2064.18 2064.53 0.022013 3.31 6.64 9.84 0.71 trib 6553 Q100 28.00 2063.24 2064.48 2064.31 2064.68 0.022330 3.55 7.88 10.59 0.73 trib 6553 Q500 45.00 2063.24 2064.75 2064.57 2065.01 0.023749 4.13 10.90 12.22 0.77 trib 7086 Q10 7.00 2082.28 2083.02 2083.02 2083.29 0.040330 4.17 1.68 3.16 1.01 trib 7086 Q50 14.00 2082.28 2083.35 2083.35 2083.74 0.038233 5.05 2.77 3.52 1.00 trib 7086 Q100 18.00 2082.28 2083.50 2083.50 2083.96 0.037725 5.40 3.33 3.69 1.00 trib 7086 Q500 28.00 2082.28 2083.90 2083.90 2084.38 0.035210 5.60 5.00 5.17 1.00 trib 7121 Q10 7.00 2083.49 2084.19 2084.10 2084.38 0.024420 3.57 1.96 3.10 0.79 trib 7121 Q50 14.00 2083.49 2084.50 2084.42 2084.85 0.026475 4.77 2.93 3.15 0.86 trib 7121 Q100 18.00 2083.49 2084.63 2084.58 2085.08 0.028160 5.38 3.35 3.17 0.91 trib 7121 Q500 28.00 2083.49 2084.93 2084.92 2085.60 0.030058 6.54 4.28 3.21 0.98 trib 7130 Culvert trib 7143 Q10 7.00 2084.11 2085.20 2084.68 2085.26 0.004776 1.99 3.51 3.52 0.35 trib 7143 Q50 14.00 2084.11 2085.74 2084.98 2085.84 0.005635 2.56 5.48 3.69 0.37 trib 7143 Q100 18.00 2084.11 2086.04 2085.13 2086.16 0.005671 2.73 6.60 3.79 0.36 trib 7143 Q500 28.00 2084.11 2087.67 2085.47 2087.74 0.002300 2.12 13.20 4.31 0.21 trib 7169 Q10 7.00 2089.14 2089.93 2089.93 2090.25 0.043149 4.56 1.54 2.43 1.01 trib 7169 Q50 14.00 2089.14 2090.31 2090.31 2090.80 0.044959 5.60 2.50 2.57 1.00 trib 7169 Q100 18.00 2089.14 2090.51 2090.51 2091.06 0.045443 5.99 3.00 2.65 0.99 trib 7169 Q500 28.00 2089.14 2090.90 2090.90 2091.63 0.049847 6.90 4.06 2.80 1.01 trib 7175 Culvert trib 7186 Q10 7.00 2089.36 2090.59 2090.11 2090.69 0.008472 2.52 2.78 2.60 0.43 trib 7186 Q50 14.00 2089.36 2091.16 2090.49 2091.33 0.010658 3.24 4.32 10.51 0.46 trib 7186 Q100 18.00 2089.36 2091.45 2090.65 2091.64 0.011308 3.51 5.13 23.40 0.46 trib 7186 Q500 28.00 2089.36 2092.18 2091.08 2092.41 0.011178 3.83 7.32 80.36 0.44 trib 7220 Q10 7.00 2091.27 2092.00 2092.00 2092.21 0.033770 3.68 1.90 4.41 0.99 trib 7220 Q50 14.00 2091.27 2092.26 2092.26 2092.56 0.031983 4.39 3.19 5.38 1.01 trib 7220 Q100 18.00 2091.27 2092.39 2092.39 2092.72 0.029090 4.57 3.96 7.10 0.98 trib 7220 Q500 28.00 2091.27 2092.67 2092.67 2092.98 0.019326 4.62 6.75 109.88 0.84 HEC-RAS Plan: CEM FW River: Tributary Reach: trib Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) trib -1303 Q100 base 2008.05 2008.05 103.69 0.01 3.90 0.09 70.92 163.31 trib -1303 Q100 floodway 2009.05 1.00 2009.05 31.32 4.00 131.99 70.92 163.31 163.31 trib -1019 Q100 base 2008.36 2008.41 21.08 4.00 152.95 253.19 trib -1019 Q100 floodway 2009.05 0.69 2009.05 21.09 4.00 173.33 152.95 253.19 194.42 trib -880 Q100 base 2008.42 2008.42 361.60 0.08 3.92 0.01 62.73 380.37 trib -880 Q100 floodway 2009.05 0.63 2009.05 40.00 4.00 310.00 62.73 380.37 350.00 trib -466 Q100 base 2008.42 2008.42 388.60 4.00 0.00 129.52 566.57 trib -466 Q100 floodway 2009.05 0.64 2009.05 45.57 4.00 521.00 129.52 566.57 566.57 trib -89 Q100 base 2008.42 2008.42 345.54 4.00 144.89 581.16 trib -89 Q100 floodway 2009.05 0.64 2009.05 39.70 4.00 510.00 144.89 581.16 549.70 trib 1 Q100 base 2009.70 2009.70 102.16 4.00 461.25 568.10 trib 1 Q100 floodway 2010.70 1.00 2010.70 116.77 0.00 4.00 461.25 568.10 trib 149 Q100 base 2009.70 2009.70 176.16 16.00 421.08 606.95 trib 149 Q100 floodway 2010.70 1.00 2010.70 179.75 16.00 421.08 606.95 trib 343 Q100 base 2009.70 2009.70 266.57 16.00 410.55 678.07 trib 343 Q100 floodway 2010.70 1.00 2010.70 271.14 0.00 16.00 0.00 410.55 678.07 trib 383 Q100 base 2009.70 2009.70 279.97 16.00 0.00 397.28 677.14 trib 383 Q100 floodway 2010.70 1.00 2010.70 282.66 16.00 0.00 397.28 677.14 trib 472 Q100 base 2009.70 2009.70 193.16 0.12 15.88 340.55 365.05 trib 472 Q100 floodway 2010.70 1.00 2010.70 8.82 16.00 347.00 340.55 365.05 355.82 trib 576 Q100 base 2009.95 2010.25 5.98 16.00 361.81 384.61 trib 576 Q100 floodway 2010.67 0.73 2010.75 5.41 16.00 368.20 361.81 384.61 373.61 trib 651 Q100 base 2011.13 2011.18 16.46 16.00 360.31 384.41 trib 651 Q100 floodway 2011.07 -0.06 2011.14 15.66 16.00 367.72 360.31 384.41 384.41 trib 918 Q100 base 2011.63 2011.66 7.79 16.00 466.95 478.43 trib 918 Q100 floodway 2011.63 0.00 2011.66 7.59 16.00 468.53 466.95 478.43 478.43 trib 1472 Q100 base 2012.72 2013.00 4.62 16.00 706.41 714.93 trib 1472 Q100 floodway 2012.71 -0.01 2013.00 4.61 16.00 708.23 706.41 714.93 713.11 trib 1510 Q100 base 2013.26 2013.33 6.17 16.00 711.73 722.04 trib 1510 Q100 floodway 2013.26 0.00 2013.33 6.16 16.00 714.06 711.73 722.04 720.22 trib 1520 Culvert trib 1528 Q100 base 2014.30 2014.32 9.52 16.00 727.15 744.68 trib 1528 Q100 floodway 2014.31 0.00 2014.32 9.50 16.00 727.56 727.15 744.68 737.06 trib 1557 Q100 base 2014.32 2014.35 7.61 16.00 726.74 740.03 trib 1557 Q100 floodway 2014.32 0.00 2014.35 7.61 16.00 730.81 726.74 740.03 738.42 trib 1963 Q100 base 2019.66 2019.85 15.48 15.72 0.28 739.45 750.61 trib 1963 Q100 floodway 2019.63 -0.03 2019.86 8.89 16.00 741.45 739.45 750.61 750.61 trib 1989 Q100 base 2020.06 2020.12 5.50 16.00 762.80 771.50 trib 1989 Q100 floodway 2020.08 0.02 2020.15 5.50 16.00 762.80 762.80 771.50 771.50 trib 2040 Culvert trib 2080 Q100 base 2020.61 2020.74 4.00 16.00 39.42 68.83 trib 2080 Q100 floodway 2020.61 0.00 2020.74 4.00 16.00 46.05 39.42 68.83 60.92 trib 2100 Q100 base 2020.83 2020.88 15.31 0.01 29.99 44.23 60.09 trib 2100 Q100 floodway 2020.83 0.00 2020.88 14.75 30.00 44.23 44.23 60.09 58.98 trib 2110 Q100 base 2020.88 2020.92 15.59 0.02 29.98 44.23 60.09 trib 2110 Q100 floodway 2020.88 0.00 2020.93 14.82 30.00 44.23 44.23 60.09 59.05 trib 2120 Q100 base 2020.91 2020.96 15.80 0.03 29.97 44.23 60.09 trib 2120 Q100 floodway 2020.92 0.00 2020.96 14.87 30.00 44.23 44.23 60.09 59.10 trib 2651 Q100 base 2023.40 2023.55 7.51 30.00 46.44 55.58 trib 2651 Q100 floodway 2023.40 0.01 2023.55 7.50 30.00 46.68 46.44 55.58 54.18 trib 3126 Q100 base 2026.19 2026.25 10.23 30.00 72.83 95.75 trib 3126 Q100 floodway 2026.18 0.00 2026.25 10.22 30.00 75.79 72.83 95.75 86.03 trib 3617 Q100 base 2030.67 2031.13 5.92 30.00 139.17 162.30 trib 3617 Q100 floodway 2030.66 -0.01 2031.13 5.89 30.00 144.39 139.17 162.30 150.31 trib 4127 Q100 base 2035.09 2035.15 9.22 30.00 251.87 265.32 trib 4127 Q100 floodway 2035.09 0.00 2035.16 9.22 30.00 253.91 251.87 265.32 263.13 HEC-RAS Plan: CEM FW River: Tributary Reach: trib (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) trib 4623 Q100 base 2037.69 2037.84 8.14 30.00 314.09 329.75 trib 4623 Q100 floodway 2037.69 0.00 2037.84 8.13 30.00 316.70 314.09 329.75 324.83 trib 4665 Q100 base 2038.70 2039.53 2.50 30.00 340.25 349.22 trib 4665 Q100 floodway 2038.70 0.00 2039.53 2.50 30.00 344.05 340.25 349.22 347.43 trib 4685 Culvert trib 4704 Q100 base 2041.00 2041.03 10.70 5.75 24.25 352.15 360.54 trib 4704 Q100 floodway 2040.99 -0.01 2041.03 7.52 30.00 352.15 352.15 360.54 360.54 trib 4750 Q100 base 2041.03 2041.03 400.62 13.78 2.79 11.43 329.79 342.44 trib 4750 Q100 floodway 2041.05 0.02 2041.07 12.65 28.00 329.79 329.79 342.44 342.44 trib 5165 Q100 base 2043.40 2043.50 77.29 5.63 21.68 0.69 212.11 225.92 trib 5165 Q100 floodway 2043.35 -0.05 2043.61 13.81 0.00 28.00 0.00 212.11 212.11 225.92 225.92 trib 5676 Q100 base 2048.08 2048.13 19.14 28.00 183.69 226.54 trib 5676 Q100 floodway 2048.17 0.09 2048.21 19.14 28.00 187.85 183.69 226.54 206.99 trib 6117 Q100 base 2052.07 2052.35 6.77 28.00 211.57 230.44 trib 6117 Q100 floodway 2051.88 -0.20 2052.30 6.34 28.00 217.18 211.57 230.44 223.95 trib 6154 Q100 base 2052.76 2052.83 16.44 28.00 211.25 246.77 trib 6154 Q100 floodway 2052.80 0.04 2052.86 16.44 28.00 219.96 211.25 246.77 236.94 trib 6200 Culvert trib 6239 Q100 base 2054.11 2054.13 18.59 28.00 221.30 259.22 trib 6239 Q100 floodway 2054.11 0.00 2054.13 18.59 28.00 228.52 221.30 259.22 247.11 trib 6274 Q100 base 2055.65 2055.95 10.56 28.00 210.49 231.21 trib 6274 Q100 floodway 2055.66 0.01 2055.95 10.56 28.00 216.47 210.49 231.21 227.03 trib 6553 Q100 base 2064.48 2064.68 10.59 28.00 197.65 240.39 trib 6553 Q100 floodway 2064.48 -0.01 2064.67 10.55 28.00 208.19 197.65 240.39 218.78 trib 7086 Q100 base 2083.50 2083.96 3.69 18.00 150.93 158.25 trib 7086 Q100 floodway 2083.50 0.00 2083.96 3.68 18.00 153.30 150.93 158.25 156.99 trib 7121 Q100 base 2084.63 2085.08 3.10 18.00 118.04 121.88 trib 7121 Q100 floodway 2084.64 0.00 2085.08 3.10 18.00 118.45 118.04 121.88 121.62 trib 7130 Culvert trib 7143 Q100 base 2086.04 2086.16 3.79 18.00 111.14 115.72 trib 7143 Q100 floodway 2086.04 0.00 2086.16 3.79 18.00 111.74 111.14 115.72 115.53 trib 7169 Q100 base 2090.51 2091.06 2.65 18.00 114.91 118.45 trib 7169 Q100 floodway 2090.50 -0.01 2091.06 2.64 18.00 115.24 114.91 118.45 117.88 trib 7175 Culvert trib 7186 Q100 base 2091.45 2091.64 2.88 18.00 119.10 122.49 trib 7186 Q100 floodway 2091.45 0.00 2091.64 2.88 18.00 119.03 119.10 122.49 122.26 trib 7220 Q100 base 2092.39 2092.72 7.10 0.01 17.99 130.02 136.02 trib 7220 Q100 floodway 2092.37 -0.02 2092.72 5.77 18.00 130.02 130.02 136.02 135.83 HEC-RAS Plan: wo DS lev (CEM) River: Tributary Reach: trib Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) trib -1303 Q10 10.00 2004.70 2007.19 2005.00 2007.19 0.000006 0.13 97.62 92.00 0.02 trib -1303 Q50 14.00 2004.70 2007.80 2005.05 2007.80 0.000004 0.12 156.26 99.90 0.01 trib -1303 Q100 16.00 2004.70 2008.05 2005.07 2008.05 0.000003 0.12 181.64 103.69 0.01 trib -1303 Q500 20.00 2004.70 2008.64 2005.11 2008.64 0.000002 0.11 245.69 113.41 0.01 trib -1019 Q10 10.00 2008.18 2008.47 2008.47 2008.54 0.040241 2.34 5.15 65.40 0.83 trib -1019 Q50 14.00 2008.18 2008.51 2008.51 2008.59 0.039441 2.57 6.69 70.95 0.84 trib -1019 Q100 16.00 2008.18 2008.52 2008.52 2008.62 0.045491 2.81 7.00 71.61 0.91 trib -1019 Q500 20.00 2008.18 2008.64 2008.56 2008.65 0.003347 0.96 26.15 93.34 0.26 trib -880 Q10 10.00 2007.31 2008.55 2005.25 2008.55 0.000000 0.01 808.03 365.13 0.00 trib -880 Q50 14.00 2007.31 2008.60 2005.30 2008.60 0.000000 0.01 828.10 367.06 0.00 trib -880 Q100 16.00 2007.31 2008.63 2005.32 2008.63 0.000000 0.01 837.43 367.97 0.00 trib -880 Q500 20.00 2007.31 2008.65 2005.36 2008.65 0.000000 0.01 845.25 368.73 0.00 trib -466 Q10 10.00 2006.96 2008.55 2007.05 2008.55 0.000000 0.02 503.64 396.88 0.00 trib -466 Q50 14.00 2006.96 2008.60 2007.08 2008.60 0.000001 0.03 525.58 402.65 0.00 trib -466 Q100 16.00 2006.96 2008.63 2007.08 2008.63 0.000001 0.03 535.81 403.22 0.00 trib -466 Q500 20.00 2006.96 2008.65 2007.08 2008.65 0.000001 0.04 544.38 403.56 0.01 trib -89 Q10 10.00 2007.09 2008.55 2006.35 2008.55 0.000000 0.02 533.76 381.64 0.00 trib -89 Q50 14.00 2007.09 2008.60 2006.40 2008.60 0.000000 0.02 554.94 387.29 0.00 trib -89 Q100 16.00 2007.09 2008.63 2006.43 2008.63 0.000001 0.03 564.78 388.12 0.00 trib -89 Q500 20.00 2007.09 2008.65 2006.47 2008.65 0.000001 0.03 573.08 388.82 0.00 trib 1 Q10 10.00 2008.30 2008.57 2008.57 2008.61 0.049508 2.23 7.05 92.01 0.89 trib 1 Q50 14.00 2008.30 2008.60 2008.60 2008.64 0.049091 2.40 9.47 106.80 0.90 trib 1 Q100 16.00 2008.30 2008.61 2008.61 2008.65 0.045516 2.40 10.81 112.72 0.88 trib 1 Q500 20.00 2008.30 2008.63 2008.63 2008.67 0.043045 2.45 13.02 120.22 0.86 trib 149 Q10 10.00 2007.52 2008.62 2006.65 2008.62 0.000000 0.01 417.66 269.94 0.00 trib 149 Q50 14.00 2007.52 2008.65 2006.70 2008.65 0.000001 0.02 425.25 270.23 0.00 trib 149 Q100 16.00 2007.52 2008.66 2006.72 2008.66 0.000001 0.02 428.28 270.35 0.00 trib 149 Q500 20.00 2007.52 2008.68 2006.80 2008.68 0.000001 0.03 433.86 270.56 0.01 trib 343 Q10 10.00 2008.18 2008.62 2007.06 2008.62 0.000001 0.02 272.09 279.48 0.01 trib 343 Q50 14.00 2008.18 2008.65 2007.13 2008.65 0.000003 0.03 279.96 281.03 0.01 trib 343 Q100 16.00 2008.18 2008.66 2007.16 2008.66 0.000003 0.03 283.12 281.64 0.01 trib 343 Q500 20.00 2008.18 2008.68 2007.19 2008.68 0.000005 0.04 288.94 282.74 0.01 trib 383 Q10 10.00 2008.42 2008.62 2007.33 2008.62 0.000003 0.01 193.97 213.44 0.01 trib 383 Q50 14.00 2008.42 2008.65 2007.36 2008.65 0.000006 0.02 199.96 214.83 0.01 trib 383 Q100 16.00 2008.42 2008.66 2007.37 2008.66 0.000007 0.03 202.37 215.39 0.01 trib 383 Q500 20.00 2008.42 2008.68 2007.40 2008.68 0.000011 0.03 206.88 216.43 0.01 trib 472 Q10 10.00 2008.50 2008.62 2007.46 2008.62 0.000008 0.01 146.81 211.42 0.01 trib 472 Q50 14.00 2008.50 2008.65 2007.50 2008.65 0.000014 0.02 152.88 213.77 0.01 trib 472 Q100 16.00 2008.50 2008.66 2007.52 2008.66 0.000017 0.03 155.34 214.71 0.01 trib 472 Q500 20.00 2008.50 2008.68 2007.55 2008.68 0.000025 0.04 159.92 216.36 0.02 trib 576 Q10 10.00 2008.57 2008.62 2007.79 2008.62 0.000034 0.02 83.84 150.04 0.02 trib 576 Q50 14.00 2008.57 2008.65 2007.83 2008.65 0.000057 0.03 88.33 153.40 0.02 trib 576 Q100 16.00 2008.57 2008.66 2007.84 2008.66 0.000069 0.03 90.17 154.76 0.03 trib 576 Q500 20.00 2008.57 2008.68 2007.88 2008.68 0.000096 0.05 93.67 157.85 0.03 trib 651 Q10 10.00 2011.11 2011.18 2011.18 2011.22 0.097087 0.90 6.25 88.01 0.91 trib 651 Q50 14.00 2011.11 2011.20 2011.20 2011.24 0.084641 1.01 8.16 94.94 0.89 trib 651 Q100 16.00 2011.11 2011.21 2011.21 2011.26 0.076146 1.09 9.16 96.15 0.87 trib 651 Q500 20.00 2011.11 2011.22 2011.22 2011.28 0.078399 1.27 10.44 97.72 0.92 trib 918 Q10 10.00 2009.84 2011.22 2010.09 2011.22 0.000004 0.07 191.15 223.46 0.01 trib 918 Q50 14.00 2009.84 2011.25 2010.13 2011.25 0.000006 0.09 197.86 227.01 0.01 trib 918 Q100 16.00 2009.84 2011.27 2010.15 2011.27 0.000008 0.10 200.97 230.82 0.02 trib 918 Q500 20.00 2009.84 2011.30 2010.16 2011.30 0.000012 0.13 207.29 233.18 0.02 trib 1472 Q10 10.00 2013.44 2013.73 2013.73 2013.78 0.038164 2.06 6.11 55.33 0.79 trib 1472 Q50 14.00 2013.44 2013.76 2013.76 2013.82 0.041668 2.34 7.74 62.95 0.84 trib 1472 Q100 16.00 2013.44 2013.77 2013.77 2013.84 0.039601 2.38 8.80 67.96 0.83 trib 1472 Q500 20.00 2013.44 2013.80 2013.80 2013.87 0.039038 2.52 10.69 77.87 0.84 trib 1510 Q10 10.00 2013.81 2014.06 2013.90 2014.06 0.002778 0.39 19.89 120.64 0.19 trib 1510 Q50 14.00 2013.81 2014.10 2013.94 2014.11 0.002801 0.43 25.50 126.84 0.20 trib 1510 Q100 16.00 2013.81 2014.12 2013.95 2014.13 0.002776 0.45 27.85 129.47 0.20 trib 1510 Q500 20.00 2013.81 2014.15 2013.97 2014.16 0.002826 0.50 31.99 137.40 0.21 trib 1520 Culvert trib 1528 Q10 10.00 2013.78 2014.06 2013.93 2014.06 0.005201 0.69 15.56 100.95 0.28 HEC-RAS Plan: wo DS lev (CEM) River: Tributary Reach: trib (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) trib 1528 Q50 14.00 2013.78 2014.10 2013.95 2014.11 0.004983 0.76 20.57 116.23 0.29 trib 1528 Q100 16.00 2013.78 2014.12 2013.97 2014.13 0.005184 0.82 22.52 118.90 0.30 trib 1528 Q500 20.00 2013.78 2014.16 2013.99 2014.17 0.004648 0.85 26.76 122.07 0.29 trib 1557 Q10 10.00 2014.07 2014.21 2014.05 2014.21 0.004529 0.32 16.54 122.35 0.22 trib 1557 Q50 14.00 2014.07 2014.25 2014.10 2014.26 0.004585 0.37 22.60 137.57 0.23 trib 1557 Q100 16.00 2014.07 2014.27 2014.12 2014.27 0.004521 0.42 24.77 140.38 0.24 trib 1557 Q500 20.00 2014.07 2014.29 2014.14 2014.30 0.004640 0.50 28.53 145.80 0.25 trib 1963 Q10 10.00 2015.81 2016.24 2016.10 2016.26 0.007062 1.07 10.25 52.15 0.36 trib 1963 Q50 14.00 2015.81 2016.29 2016.15 2016.31 0.007097 1.20 13.09 56.60 0.37 trib 1963 Q100 16.00 2015.81 2016.31 2016.17 2016.33 0.007323 1.27 14.25 57.48 0.38 trib 1963 Q500 20.00 2015.81 2016.35 2016.20 2016.38 0.007236 1.36 16.68 58.71 0.38 trib 1989 Q10 10.00 2017.77 2018.80 2018.80 2019.13 0.055202 4.65 2.15 3.23 1.00 trib 1989 Q50 14.00 2017.77 2018.98 2018.98 2019.38 0.054111 5.05 2.77 3.54 1.01 trib 1989 Q100 16.00 2017.77 2019.07 2019.07 2019.48 0.052722 5.18 3.09 3.69 1.00 trib 1989 Q500 20.00 2017.77 2019.22 2019.22 2019.68 0.051664 5.45 3.67 3.94 0.99 trib 2040 Culvert trib 2080 Q10 10.00 2018.73 2020.21 2019.81 2020.31 0.008855 2.56 3.90 8.86 0.46 trib 2080 Q50 14.00 2018.73 2020.50 2019.96 2020.62 0.007337 2.77 5.05 13.08 0.43 trib 2080 Q100 16.00 2018.73 2020.63 2020.02 2020.76 0.006894 2.87 5.58 15.13 0.43 trib 2080 Q500 20.00 2018.73 2020.87 2020.15 2021.02 0.006295 3.05 6.55 18.57 0.42 trib 2100 Q10 12.00 2018.27 2020.40 2019.40 2020.42 0.001965 1.13 10.60 12.20 0.21 trib 2100 Q50 24.00 2018.27 2020.71 2019.86 2020.75 0.003293 1.63 14.74 14.59 0.29 trib 2100 Q100 30.00 2018.27 2020.84 2020.00 2020.89 0.003479 1.80 16.71 15.37 0.30 trib 2100 Q500 46.00 2018.27 2021.09 2020.26 2021.17 0.004326 2.25 20.67 16.84 0.34 trib 2110 Q10 12.00 2018.27 2020.43 2019.40 2020.44 0.001824 1.10 10.90 12.39 0.21 trib 2110 Q50 24.00 2018.27 2020.75 2019.87 2020.79 0.002895 1.56 15.35 14.83 0.27 trib 2110 Q100 30.00 2018.27 2020.89 2020.00 2020.93 0.003072 1.73 17.40 15.64 0.28 trib 2110 Q500 46.00 2018.27 2021.15 2020.26 2021.22 0.003780 2.15 21.65 17.18 0.32 trib 2120 Q10 12.00 2018.27 2020.45 2019.40 2020.46 0.001720 1.08 11.15 12.55 0.20 trib 2120 Q50 24.00 2018.27 2020.78 2019.87 2020.82 0.002629 1.52 15.83 15.03 0.26 trib 2120 Q100 30.00 2018.27 2020.92 2020.00 2020.96 0.002801 1.68 17.94 15.84 0.27 trib 2120 Q500 46.00 2018.27 2021.19 2020.26 2021.26 0.003424 2.09 22.40 17.44 0.31 trib 2651 Q10 12.00 2021.38 2022.47 2022.22 2022.61 0.017129 3.01 3.98 5.18 0.61 trib 2651 Q50 24.00 2021.38 2023.15 2022.58 2023.29 0.009975 3.03 7.93 6.46 0.48 trib 2651 Q100 30.00 2021.38 2023.39 2022.73 2023.54 0.009967 3.13 9.59 7.45 0.49 trib 2651 Q500 46.00 2021.38 2023.89 2023.07 2024.06 0.008905 3.31 13.99 9.98 0.47 trib 3126 Q10 12.00 2023.82 2025.46 2024.69 2025.50 0.003063 1.52 7.89 7.80 0.27 trib 3126 Q50 24.00 2023.82 2025.96 2025.03 2026.02 0.003719 1.96 12.22 9.48 0.30 trib 3126 Q100 30.00 2023.82 2026.19 2025.18 2026.26 0.003685 2.07 14.46 10.24 0.31 trib 3126 Q500 46.00 2023.82 2026.66 2025.48 2026.74 0.003886 2.34 19.63 12.07 0.32 trib 3617 Q10 12.00 2029.08 2030.11 2030.11 2030.42 0.049822 4.51 2.66 4.15 0.99 trib 3617 Q50 24.00 2029.08 2030.51 2030.51 2030.93 0.045914 5.20 4.62 5.43 0.99 trib 3617 Q100 30.00 2029.08 2030.67 2030.67 2031.13 0.044711 5.44 5.52 5.92 0.99 trib 3617 Q500 46.00 2029.08 2031.02 2031.02 2031.57 0.042644 5.94 7.75 7.00 0.99 trib 4127 Q10 12.00 2032.61 2034.24 2033.46 2034.28 0.002893 1.55 7.75 7.24 0.26 trib 4127 Q50 24.00 2032.61 2034.85 2033.81 2034.90 0.003059 1.91 12.55 8.66 0.28 trib 4127 Q100 30.00 2032.61 2035.09 2033.95 2035.15 0.003115 2.04 14.68 9.22 0.29 trib 4127 Q500 46.00 2032.61 2035.61 2034.26 2035.69 0.003256 2.32 19.79 10.44 0.30 trib 4623 Q10 12.00 2035.96 2036.97 2036.69 2037.08 0.013584 2.65 4.52 6.04 0.54 trib 4623 Q50 24.00 2035.96 2037.48 2037.01 2037.62 0.011028 2.99 8.02 7.54 0.51 trib 4623 Q100 30.00 2035.96 2037.69 2037.15 2037.84 0.010391 3.11 9.65 8.14 0.50 trib 4623 Q500 46.00 2035.96 2038.17 2037.47 2038.34 0.009167 3.33 13.83 9.51 0.49 trib 4665 Q10 12.00 2036.85 2037.96 2037.96 2038.40 0.044689 5.35 2.24 2.87 1.00 trib 4665 Q50 24.00 2036.85 2038.47 2038.47 2039.19 0.039641 6.81 3.52 3.14 1.01 trib 4665 Q100 30.00 2036.85 2038.70 2038.70 2039.53 0.037071 7.30 4.11 3.38 1.00 trib 4665 Q500 46.00 2036.85 2039.25 2039.25 2040.35 0.033376 8.39 5.48 4.22 1.00 trib 4685 Culvert trib 4704 Q10 12.00 2037.52 2039.43 2038.69 2039.46 0.002145 1.38 9.18 34.56 0.23 trib 4704 Q50 24.00 2037.52 2040.38 2039.01 2040.40 0.000850 1.31 19.32 102.88 0.16 trib 4704 Q100 30.00 2037.52 2041.00 2039.13 2041.03 0.000501 1.20 26.03 291.32 0.13 trib 4704 Q500 46.00 2037.52 2041.27 2039.39 2041.27 0.000031 0.32 282.27 344.58 0.03 HEC-RAS Plan: wo DS lev (CEM) River: Tributary Reach: trib (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) trib 4750 Q10 11.00 2038.64 2039.58 2039.24 2039.63 0.007883 1.81 6.09 11.34 0.42 trib 4750 Q50 22.00 2038.64 2040.41 2039.51 2040.41 0.000085 0.31 133.48 357.36 0.05 trib 4750 Q100 28.00 2038.64 2041.03 2039.62 2041.03 0.000007 0.12 368.77 520.83 0.01 trib 4750 Q500 45.00 2038.64 2041.27 2039.96 2041.27 0.000008 0.14 466.80 590.32 0.02 trib 5165 Q10 11.00 2042.61 2043.28 2043.12 2043.32 0.010179 1.70 7.59 156.47 0.46 trib 5165 Q50 22.00 2042.61 2043.32 2043.32 2043.45 0.029050 3.03 9.04 171.87 0.78 trib 5165 Q100 28.00 2042.61 2043.40 2043.40 2043.50 0.021265 2.88 14.01 232.95 0.69 trib 5165 Q500 45.00 2042.61 2043.49 2043.49 2043.59 0.019619 3.08 22.51 275.32 0.68 trib 5676 Q10 11.00 2046.43 2047.51 2047.12 2047.55 0.006827 1.64 6.71 11.93 0.39 trib 5676 Q50 22.00 2046.43 2047.98 2047.39 2048.02 0.004265 1.60 13.77 17.89 0.32 trib 5676 Q100 28.00 2046.43 2048.08 2047.50 2048.13 0.004979 1.79 15.61 19.14 0.35 trib 5676 Q500 45.00 2046.43 2048.37 2047.73 2048.44 0.005525 2.09 21.54 22.70 0.38 trib 6117 Q10 11.00 2050.75 2051.68 2051.43 2051.79 0.014346 2.65 4.14 5.91 0.56 trib 6117 Q50 22.00 2050.75 2051.83 2051.73 2052.13 0.031946 4.33 5.08 6.25 0.85 trib 6117 Q100 28.00 2050.75 2052.07 2051.88 2052.35 0.024147 4.22 6.64 6.77 0.75 trib 6117 Q500 45.00 2050.75 2052.49 2052.21 2052.83 0.021971 4.67 9.63 7.67 0.73 trib 6154 Q10 11.00 2051.54 2052.27 2052.10 2052.32 0.013435 1.90 5.78 13.92 0.52 trib 6154 Q50 22.00 2051.54 2052.63 2052.28 2052.69 0.007005 1.94 11.36 16.54 0.41 trib 6154 Q100 28.00 2051.54 2052.76 2052.36 2052.83 0.006400 2.06 13.56 16.98 0.40 trib 6154 Q500 45.00 2051.54 2053.16 2052.55 2053.23 0.004689 2.24 20.12 18.24 0.36 trib 6200 Culvert trib 6239 Q10 11.00 2052.53 2053.54 2052.99 2053.55 0.001418 0.90 12.24 16.61 0.18 trib 6239 Q50 22.00 2052.53 2053.93 2053.16 2053.95 0.001478 1.16 19.00 17.98 0.20 trib 6239 Q100 28.00 2052.53 2054.11 2053.23 2054.13 0.001494 1.26 22.21 18.59 0.20 trib 6239 Q500 45.00 2052.53 2054.53 2053.41 2054.57 0.001512 1.48 30.45 20.08 0.21 trib 6274 Q10 11.00 2054.55 2055.35 2055.35 2055.52 0.056217 3.31 3.32 9.87 1.01 trib 6274 Q50 22.00 2054.55 2055.56 2055.56 2055.82 0.047771 4.06 5.42 10.35 0.99 trib 6274 Q100 28.00 2054.55 2055.65 2055.65 2055.95 0.047024 4.41 6.35 10.56 1.00 trib 6274 Q500 45.00 2054.55 2055.89 2055.89 2056.28 0.043042 5.06 8.90 11.10 1.00 trib 6553 Q10 11.00 2063.24 2064.09 2063.94 2064.19 0.019730 2.62 4.19 8.16 0.64 trib 6553 Q50 22.00 2063.24 2064.36 2064.18 2064.53 0.022013 3.31 6.64 9.84 0.71 trib 6553 Q100 28.00 2063.24 2064.48 2064.31 2064.68 0.022330 3.55 7.88 10.59 0.73 trib 6553 Q500 45.00 2063.24 2064.75 2064.57 2065.01 0.023749 4.13 10.90 12.22 0.77 trib 7086 Q10 7.00 2082.28 2083.02 2083.02 2083.29 0.040330 4.17 1.68 3.16 1.01 trib 7086 Q50 14.00 2082.28 2083.35 2083.35 2083.74 0.038233 5.05 2.77 3.52 1.00 trib 7086 Q100 18.00 2082.28 2083.50 2083.50 2083.96 0.037725 5.40 3.33 3.69 1.00 trib 7086 Q500 28.00 2082.28 2083.90 2083.90 2084.38 0.035210 5.60 5.00 5.17 1.00 trib 7121 Q10 7.00 2083.49 2084.19 2084.10 2084.38 0.024420 3.57 1.96 3.10 0.79 trib 7121 Q50 14.00 2083.49 2084.50 2084.42 2084.85 0.026475 4.77 2.93 3.15 0.86 trib 7121 Q100 18.00 2083.49 2084.63 2084.58 2085.08 0.028160 5.38 3.35 3.17 0.91 trib 7121 Q500 28.00 2083.49 2084.93 2084.92 2085.60 0.030058 6.54 4.28 3.21 0.98 trib 7130 Culvert trib 7143 Q10 7.00 2084.11 2085.20 2084.68 2085.26 0.004776 1.99 3.51 3.52 0.35 trib 7143 Q50 14.00 2084.11 2085.74 2084.98 2085.84 0.005635 2.56 5.48 3.69 0.37 trib 7143 Q100 18.00 2084.11 2086.04 2085.13 2086.16 0.005671 2.73 6.60 3.79 0.36 trib 7143 Q500 28.00 2084.11 2087.67 2085.47 2087.74 0.002300 2.12 13.20 4.31 0.21 trib 7169 Q10 7.00 2089.14 2089.93 2089.93 2090.25 0.043149 4.56 1.54 2.43 1.01 trib 7169 Q50 14.00 2089.14 2090.31 2090.31 2090.80 0.044959 5.60 2.50 2.57 1.00 trib 7169 Q100 18.00 2089.14 2090.51 2090.51 2091.06 0.045443 5.99 3.00 2.65 0.99 trib 7169 Q500 28.00 2089.14 2090.90 2090.90 2091.63 0.049847 6.90 4.06 2.80 1.01 trib 7175 Culvert trib 7186 Q10 7.00 2089.36 2090.59 2090.11 2090.69 0.008472 2.52 2.78 2.60 0.43 trib 7186 Q50 14.00 2089.36 2091.16 2090.49 2091.33 0.010658 3.24 4.32 10.51 0.46 trib 7186 Q100 18.00 2089.36 2091.45 2090.65 2091.64 0.011308 3.51 5.13 23.40 0.46 trib 7186 Q500 28.00 2089.36 2092.18 2091.08 2092.41 0.011178 3.83 7.32 80.36 0.44 trib 7220 Q10 7.00 2091.27 2092.00 2092.00 2092.21 0.033770 3.68 1.90 4.41 0.99 trib 7220 Q50 14.00 2091.27 2092.26 2092.26 2092.56 0.031983 4.39 3.19 5.38 1.01 trib 7220 Q100 18.00 2091.27 2092.39 2092.39 2092.72 0.029090 4.57 3.96 7.10 0.98 trib 7220 Q500 28.00 2091.27 2092.67 2092.67 2092.98 0.019326 4.62 6.75 109.88 0.84 HEC-RAS Plan: wo ds fw (CEM) River: Tributary Reach: trib Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) trib -1303 Base 2008.05 2008.05 103.69 5.34 9.25 1.41 134.37 158.76 trib -1303 Floodway 2009.05 1.00 2009.05 31.32 0.63 13.98 1.39 131.99 134.37 158.76 163.31 trib -1019 Base 2008.52 2008.62 38.92 3.31 11.46 1.24 178.65 192.41 trib -1019 Floodway 2009.04 0.53 2009.06 21.09 3.29 11.59 1.12 173.33 178.65 192.41 194.42 trib -880 Base 2008.63 2008.63 367.97 14.91 0.33 0.76 316.80 341.31 trib -880 Floodway 2009.07 0.45 2009.07 40.00 2.68 9.02 4.30 310.00 316.80 341.31 350.00 trib -466 Base 2008.63 2008.63 403.22 15.45 0.52 0.03 552.13 565.20 trib -466 Floodway 2009.09 0.46 2009.09 45.57 9.60 6.11 0.28 521.00 552.13 565.20 566.57 trib -89 Base 2008.63 2008.63 388.12 15.26 0.71 0.03 523.44 545.76 trib -89 Floodway 2009.10 0.47 2009.10 39.70 6.49 8.94 0.57 510.00 523.44 545.76 549.70 trib 1 Base 2008.61 2008.65 112.72 11.69 4.27 0.05 423.34 431.01 trib 1 Floodway 2009.07 0.46 2009.13 15.00 16.00 307.00 423.34 431.01 322.00 trib 149 Base 2008.66 2008.66 270.35 15.86 0.14 0.00 322.78 330.58 trib 149 Floodway 2009.18 0.53 2009.19 15.00 9.49 6.51 315.58 322.78 330.58 330.58 trib 343 Base 2008.66 2008.66 281.64 15.83 0.12 0.05 326.83 335.39 trib 343 Floodway 2009.26 0.60 2009.28 15.00 5.98 10.02 320.39 326.83 335.39 335.39 trib 383 Base 2008.66 2008.66 215.39 15.97 0.03 0.00 321.06 327.35 trib 383 Floodway 2009.30 0.64 2009.32 15.00 10.48 5.52 312.35 321.06 327.35 327.35 trib 472 Base 2008.66 2008.66 214.71 15.97 0.03 0.00 246.06 255.85 trib 472 Floodway 2009.49 0.84 2009.51 15.00 6.05 9.95 240.85 246.06 255.85 255.85 trib 576 Base 2008.66 2008.66 154.76 15.99 0.01 0.00 247.56 254.23 trib 576 Floodway 2009.63 0.97 2009.65 15.00 9.60 6.40 239.23 247.56 254.23 254.23 trib 651 Base 2011.21 2011.26 96.15 15.71 0.27 0.02 331.92 337.62 trib 651 Floodway 2011.47 0.26 2011.63 15.00 16.00 243.59 331.92 337.62 258.59 trib 918 Base 2011.27 2011.27 230.82 7.90 1.56 6.54 290.48 301.36 trib 918 Floodway 2011.80 0.53 2011.80 15.00 2.00 12.93 1.06 288.00 290.48 301.36 303.00 trib 1472 Base 2013.77 2013.84 67.96 1.43 9.86 4.70 374.56 390.80 trib 1472 Floodway 2014.15 0.38 2014.31 15.00 16.00 355.00 374.56 390.80 370.00 trib 1510 Base 2014.12 2014.13 129.51 0.02 0.85 15.14 289.44 302.32 trib 1510 Floodway 2014.63 0.51 2014.66 15.00 16.00 355.00 289.44 302.32 370.00 trib 1520 Culvert trib 1528 Base 2014.12 2014.13 119.01 0.00 2.72 13.28 307.04 321.23 trib 1528 Floodway 2013.79 -0.33 4514.91 2.75 16.00 370.00 307.04 321.23 385.00 trib 1557 Base 2014.27 2014.27 140.34 0.00 0.43 15.57 307.11 317.99 trib 1557 Floodway 2014.32 0.05 2014.48 15.00 16.00 370.00 307.11 317.99 385.00 trib 1963 Base 2016.31 2016.33 57.50 2.13 13.78 0.09 243.25 273.87 trib 1963 Floodway 2016.45 0.14 2016.46 66.39 3.52 12.23 0.24 243.25 273.87 trib 1989 Base 2019.07 2019.48 3.69 16.00 762.80 771.50 trib 1989 Floodway 2019.07 0.00 2019.48 3.69 16.00 762.80 771.50 trib 2040 Culvert trib 2080 Base 2020.63 2020.76 4.00 16.00 39.42 68.83 trib 2080 Floodway 2020.63 0.00 2020.76 4.00 16.00 39.42 68.83 trib 2100 Base 2020.84 2020.89 15.37 0.01 29.99 44.23 60.09 trib 2100 Floodway 2020.84 0.00 2020.89 15.37 0.01 29.99 44.23 60.09 trib 2110 Base 2020.89 2020.93 15.64 0.02 29.98 44.23 60.09 trib 2110 Floodway 2020.89 0.00 2020.93 15.64 0.02 29.98 44.23 60.09 trib 2120 Base 2020.92 2020.96 15.84 0.04 29.96 44.23 60.09 trib 2120 Floodway 2020.92 0.00 2020.96 15.84 0.04 29.96 44.23 60.09 trib 2651 Base 2023.39 2023.54 7.45 30.00 46.44 55.58 trib 2651 Floodway 2023.39 0.00 2023.54 7.45 30.00 46.44 55.58 trib 3126 Base 2026.19 2026.26 10.24 30.00 72.83 95.75 trib 3126 Floodway 2026.19 0.00 2026.26 10.24 30.00 72.83 95.75 trib 3617 Base 2030.67 2031.13 5.92 30.00 139.17 162.30 trib 3617 Floodway 2030.67 0.00 2031.13 5.92 30.00 139.17 162.30 trib 4127 Base 2035.09 2035.15 9.22 30.00 251.87 265.32 HEC-RAS Plan: wo ds fw (CEM) River: Tributary Reach: trib (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) trib 4127 Floodway 2035.09 0.00 2035.15 9.22 30.00 251.87 265.32 trib 4623 Base 2037.69 2037.84 8.14 30.00 314.09 329.75 trib 4623 Floodway 2037.69 0.00 2037.84 8.14 30.00 314.09 329.75 trib 4665 Base 2038.70 2039.53 2.50 30.00 340.25 349.22 trib 4665 Floodway 2038.70 0.00 2039.53 2.50 30.00 340.25 349.22 trib 4685 Culvert trib 4704 Base 2041.00 2041.03 10.70 5.75 24.25 352.15 360.54 trib 4704 Floodway 2041.00 0.00 2041.03 10.70 5.75 24.25 352.15 360.54 trib 4750 Base 2041.03 2041.03 400.62 13.78 2.79 11.43 329.79 342.44 trib 4750 Floodway 2041.03 0.00 2041.03 400.62 13.78 2.79 11.43 329.79 342.44 trib 5165 Base 2043.40 2043.50 77.29 5.63 21.68 0.69 212.11 225.92 trib 5165 Floodway 2043.40 0.00 2043.50 77.29 5.63 21.68 0.69 212.11 225.92 trib 5676 Base 2048.08 2048.13 19.14 28.00 183.69 226.54 trib 5676 Floodway 2048.08 0.00 2048.13 19.14 28.00 183.69 226.54 trib 6117 Base 2052.07 2052.35 6.77 28.00 211.57 230.44 trib 6117 Floodway 2052.07 0.00 2052.35 6.77 28.00 211.57 230.44 trib 6154 Base 2052.76 2052.83 16.44 28.00 211.25 246.77 trib 6154 Floodway 2052.76 0.00 2052.83 16.44 28.00 211.25 246.77 trib 6200 Culvert trib 6239 Base 2054.11 2054.13 18.59 28.00 221.30 259.22 trib 6239 Floodway 2054.11 0.00 2054.13 18.59 28.00 221.30 259.22 trib 6274 Base 2055.65 2055.95 10.56 28.00 210.49 231.21 trib 6274 Floodway 2055.65 0.00 2055.95 10.56 28.00 210.49 231.21 trib 6553 Base 2064.48 2064.68 10.59 28.00 197.65 240.39 trib 6553 Floodway 2064.48 0.00 2064.68 10.59 28.00 197.65 240.39 trib 7086 Base 2083.50 2083.96 3.69 18.00 150.93 158.25 trib 7086 Floodway 2083.50 0.00 2083.96 3.69 18.00 150.93 158.25 trib 7121 Base 2084.63 2085.08 3.10 18.00 118.04 121.88 trib 7121 Floodway 2084.63 0.00 2085.08 3.10 18.00 118.04 121.88 trib 7130 Culvert trib 7143 Base 2086.04 2086.16 3.79 18.00 111.14 115.72 trib 7143 Floodway 2086.04 0.00 2086.16 3.79 18.00 111.14 115.72 trib 7169 Base 2090.51 2091.06 2.65 18.00 114.91 118.45 trib 7169 Floodway 2090.51 0.00 2091.06 2.65 18.00 114.91 118.45 trib 7175 Culvert trib 7186 Base 2091.45 2091.64 2.88 18.00 119.10 122.49 trib 7186 Floodway 2091.45 0.00 2091.64 2.88 18.00 119.10 122.49 trib 7220 Base 2092.39 2092.72 7.10 0.01 17.99 130.02 136.02 trib 7220 Floodway 2092.39 0.00 2092.72 7.10 0.01 17.99 130.02 136.02 Appendix E. Existing Condition HEC‐RAS   Models    HEC-RAS Plan: ECM River: Chester Creek Reach: Golf Course Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) Golf Course 20779 10-yr 30.00 2004.98 2007.19 2005.40 2007.19 0.000006 0.06 517.26 1198.11 0.01 Golf Course 20779 50-yr 54.00 2004.98 2007.80 2005.49 2007.80 0.000003 0.05 1164.72 1860.64 0.01 Golf Course 20779 100-yr 64.00 2004.98 2008.05 2005.52 2008.05 0.000002 0.04 1491.37 1985.36 0.01 Golf Course 20779 500-yr 88.00 2004.98 2008.64 2005.58 2008.64 0.000000 0.03 3229.73 2191.83 0.00 Golf Course 21013 10-yr 30.00 2007.36 2007.65 2007.65 2007.74 0.048676 2.02 13.20 348.57 0.86 Golf Course 21013 50-yr 54.00 2007.36 2007.77 2007.77 2007.86 0.043680 2.09 23.46 392.88 0.83 Golf Course 21013 100-yr 64.00 2007.36 2007.79 2007.79 2007.90 0.048191 2.30 25.52 395.42 0.89 Golf Course 21013 500-yr 88.00 2007.36 2008.64 2007.85 2008.64 0.000463 0.44 192.58 634.20 0.10 Golf Course 21128 10-yr 30.00 2007.08 2008.28 2007.75 2008.28 0.000847 0.54 55.17 320.85 0.14 Golf Course 21128 50-yr 54.00 2007.08 2008.53 2007.86 2008.54 0.001130 0.60 90.05 413.34 0.15 Golf Course 21128 100-yr 64.00 2007.08 2008.60 2007.90 2008.60 0.001189 0.62 103.55 442.36 0.16 Golf Course 21128 500-yr 88.00 2007.08 2008.77 2007.98 2008.77 0.001006 0.60 145.58 511.28 0.15 Golf Course 21229 10-yr 30.00 2006.97 2008.63 2008.48 2008.64 0.007806 0.82 36.50 445.34 0.35 Golf Course 21229 50-yr 54.00 2006.97 2008.82 2008.55 2008.83 0.002308 0.62 86.76 540.31 0.20 Golf Course 21229 100-yr 64.00 2006.97 2008.87 2008.57 2008.88 0.001927 0.63 102.06 545.69 0.19 Golf Course 21229 500-yr 88.00 2006.97 2008.98 2008.63 2008.99 0.001408 0.65 136.13 549.38 0.17 Golf Course 21385 10-yr 30.00 2008.16 2008.94 2008.47 2008.94 0.000409 0.31 97.80 268.00 0.09 Golf Course 21385 50-yr 54.00 2008.16 2009.08 2008.53 2009.08 0.000477 0.40 135.88 283.37 0.10 Golf Course 21385 100-yr 64.00 2008.16 2009.12 2008.56 2009.12 0.000512 0.43 147.76 285.92 0.11 Golf Course 21385 500-yr 88.00 2008.16 2009.22 2008.61 2009.22 0.000552 0.50 176.40 291.98 0.11 Golf Course 21409 10-yr 30.00 2008.27 2008.98 2008.68 2008.98 0.001022 0.46 64.91 246.09 0.14 Golf Course 21409 50-yr 54.00 2008.27 2009.12 2008.75 2009.13 0.001113 0.58 93.59 269.70 0.15 Golf Course 21409 100-yr 64.00 2008.27 2009.17 2008.77 2009.17 0.001210 0.62 103.41 283.87 0.16 Golf Course 21409 500-yr 88.00 2008.27 2009.27 2008.81 2009.28 0.001345 0.68 128.93 323.53 0.17 Golf Course 21431 10-yr 30.00 2008.12 2009.03 2008.45 2009.03 0.000564 0.40 74.75 174.33 0.11 Golf Course 21431 50-yr 54.00 2008.12 2009.18 2008.54 2009.18 0.000767 0.52 103.72 206.07 0.13 Golf Course 21431 100-yr 64.00 2008.12 2009.23 2008.59 2009.24 0.000845 0.56 114.48 222.73 0.14 Golf Course 21431 500-yr 88.00 2008.12 2009.34 2008.66 2009.35 0.000870 0.64 138.33 232.31 0.14 Golf Course 21445 10-yr 30.00 2008.44 2009.09 2008.89 2009.12 0.014872 1.32 22.80 104.20 0.50 Golf Course 21445 50-yr 54.00 2008.44 2009.26 2009.06 2009.28 0.007937 1.23 44.01 139.40 0.38 Golf Course 21445 100-yr 64.00 2008.44 2009.31 2009.10 2009.33 0.006788 1.24 51.65 143.41 0.36 Golf Course 21445 500-yr 88.00 2008.44 2009.42 2009.16 2009.44 0.005945 1.31 67.25 155.76 0.35 Golf Course 21456 10-yr 30.00 2012.42 2013.00 2013.00 2013.09 0.062594 2.50 12.02 61.61 1.00 Golf Course 21456 50-yr 54.00 2012.42 2013.11 2013.11 2013.21 0.055179 2.43 22.25 108.28 0.94 Golf Course 21456 100-yr 64.00 2012.42 2013.13 2013.13 2013.24 0.063554 2.66 24.03 113.14 1.02 Golf Course 21456 500-yr 88.00 2012.42 2013.19 2013.19 2013.31 0.062355 2.79 31.57 136.85 1.02 Golf Course 21481 10-yr 30.00 2009.90 2013.12 2010.50 2013.12 0.000003 0.05 583.29 601.95 0.01 Golf Course 21481 50-yr 54.00 2009.90 2013.23 2010.78 2013.23 0.000007 0.08 653.45 631.97 0.01 Golf Course 21481 100-yr 64.00 2009.90 2013.27 2010.89 2013.28 0.000009 0.09 679.27 641.26 0.02 Golf Course 21481 500-yr 88.00 2009.90 2013.35 2011.13 2013.35 0.000015 0.12 727.60 655.90 0.02 Golf Course 21485 Culvert Golf Course 21515 10-yr 30.00 2010.70 2013.12 2011.31 2013.12 0.000022 0.10 297.77 491.60 0.02 Golf Course 21515 50-yr 54.00 2010.70 2013.24 2011.60 2013.24 0.000043 0.15 354.69 513.35 0.03 Golf Course 21515 100-yr 64.00 2010.70 2013.28 2011.69 2013.28 0.000051 0.17 375.78 521.17 0.04 Golf Course 21515 500-yr 88.00 2010.70 2013.35 2011.93 2013.35 0.000071 0.21 415.12 535.47 0.04 Golf Course 21525 10-yr 30.00 2011.57 2013.12 2011.89 2013.12 0.000026 0.11 284.54 491.64 0.02 Golf Course 21525 50-yr 54.00 2011.57 2013.24 2012.02 2013.24 0.000049 0.16 341.59 513.44 0.03 Golf Course 21525 100-yr 64.00 2011.57 2013.28 2012.07 2013.28 0.000057 0.18 362.75 521.29 0.04 Golf Course 21525 500-yr 88.00 2011.57 2013.35 2012.17 2013.35 0.000079 0.22 402.16 535.55 0.04 Golf Course 21609 10-yr 30.00 2011.75 2013.12 2011.92 2013.12 0.000009 0.09 324.30 476.94 0.02 Golf Course 21609 50-yr 54.00 2011.75 2013.24 2011.98 2013.24 0.000021 0.15 360.65 482.95 0.02 Golf Course 21609 100-yr 64.00 2011.75 2013.28 2012.00 2013.28 0.000027 0.17 373.89 484.20 0.03 Golf Course 21609 500-yr 88.00 2011.75 2013.36 2012.04 2013.36 0.000041 0.22 398.34 485.70 0.03 Golf Course 21726 10-yr 30.00 2011.65 2013.13 2012.00 2013.13 0.000022 0.12 246.98 333.11 0.02 Golf Course 21726 50-yr 54.00 2011.65 2013.24 2012.11 2013.24 0.000049 0.19 283.96 355.83 0.04 Golf Course 21726 100-yr 64.00 2011.65 2013.29 2012.14 2013.29 0.000060 0.21 297.87 364.07 0.04 Golf Course 21726 500-yr 88.00 2011.65 2013.36 2012.21 2013.37 0.000088 0.27 324.20 373.58 0.05 Golf Course 21857 10-yr 30.00 2012.03 2013.13 2012.43 2013.13 0.000077 0.20 153.23 235.58 0.04 Golf Course 21857 50-yr 54.00 2012.03 2013.25 2012.49 2013.25 0.000146 0.30 182.35 243.81 0.06 Golf Course 21857 100-yr 64.00 2012.03 2013.30 2012.51 2013.30 0.000174 0.33 193.42 249.75 0.07 Golf Course 21857 500-yr 88.00 2012.03 2013.38 2012.56 2013.38 0.000241 0.41 214.48 255.50 0.08 Golf Course 21983 10-yr 30.00 2012.09 2013.15 2012.50 2013.15 0.000389 0.39 77.47 144.23 0.09 Golf Course 21983 50-yr 54.00 2012.09 2013.28 2012.61 2013.29 0.000717 0.54 99.10 174.74 0.13 Golf Course 21983 100-yr 64.00 2012.09 2013.33 2012.64 2013.34 0.000786 0.59 107.94 179.68 0.13 HEC-RAS Plan: ECM River: Chester Creek Reach: Golf Course (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) Golf Course 21983 500-yr 88.00 2012.09 2013.43 2012.71 2013.44 0.000928 0.70 125.27 183.20 0.15 Golf Course 22423 10-yr 30.00 2012.71 2013.36 2012.98 2013.37 0.000707 0.44 67.98 162.72 0.12 Golf Course 22423 50-yr 54.00 2012.71 2013.58 2013.05 2013.59 0.000664 0.50 107.37 201.63 0.12 Golf Course 22423 100-yr 64.00 2012.71 2013.64 2013.07 2013.65 0.000654 0.53 119.74 202.98 0.12 Golf Course 22423 500-yr 88.00 2012.71 2013.78 2013.12 2013.78 0.000682 0.60 147.51 218.69 0.13 Golf Course 22972 10-yr 30.00 2013.92 2014.45 2014.45 2014.57 0.060255 2.72 11.01 48.22 1.00 Golf Course 22972 50-yr 54.00 2013.92 2014.57 2014.57 2014.72 0.053115 3.18 16.96 53.43 1.00 Golf Course 22972 100-yr 64.00 2013.92 2014.60 2014.60 2014.78 0.054246 3.41 18.77 54.23 1.02 Golf Course 22972 500-yr 88.00 2013.92 2014.69 2014.69 2014.90 0.050317 3.73 23.60 56.31 1.02 Golf Course 23005 10-yr 30.00 2014.38 2015.05 2014.75 2015.05 0.001933 0.69 43.31 112.20 0.20 Golf Course 23005 50-yr 54.00 2014.38 2015.22 2014.83 2015.23 0.002060 0.84 64.21 130.40 0.21 Golf Course 23005 100-yr 64.00 2014.38 2015.28 2014.85 2015.29 0.002060 0.89 72.20 135.50 0.21 Golf Course 23005 500-yr 88.00 2014.38 2015.42 2014.91 2015.43 0.002173 0.95 92.98 164.62 0.22 Golf Course 23050 10-yr 30.00 2014.61 2015.16 2014.87 2015.16 0.001938 0.64 46.54 134.52 0.19 Golf Course 23050 50-yr 54.00 2014.61 2015.33 2014.95 2015.34 0.001742 0.76 71.20 148.90 0.19 Golf Course 23050 100-yr 64.00 2014.61 2015.39 2014.98 2015.40 0.001701 0.80 80.06 151.92 0.19 Golf Course 23050 500-yr 88.00 2014.61 2015.53 2015.03 2015.54 0.001568 0.87 101.32 159.72 0.19 Golf Course 23090 10-yr 30.00 2014.93 2015.45 2015.26 2015.46 0.005092 0.93 32.35 111.85 0.30 Golf Course 23090 50-yr 54.00 2014.93 2015.60 2015.34 2015.61 0.004889 1.03 52.56 151.12 0.31 Golf Course 23090 100-yr 64.00 2014.93 2015.65 2015.37 2015.66 0.004580 1.07 59.89 154.59 0.30 Golf Course 23090 500-yr 88.00 2014.93 2015.76 2015.42 2015.78 0.003922 1.13 77.87 164.55 0.29 Golf Course 23446 10-yr 30.00 2017.57 2017.97 2017.87 2017.99 0.012459 1.10 27.17 141.49 0.44 Golf Course 23446 50-yr 54.00 2017.57 2018.07 2017.95 2018.10 0.012670 1.24 43.59 193.33 0.46 Golf Course 23446 100-yr 64.00 2017.57 2018.10 2017.97 2018.12 0.013760 1.32 48.49 208.12 0.48 Golf Course 23446 500-yr 88.00 2017.57 2018.13 2018.02 2018.17 0.017030 1.57 56.03 217.38 0.55 Golf Course 23887 10-yr 30.00 2022.25 2022.83 2022.66 2022.84 0.005714 0.89 33.70 135.04 0.31 Golf Course 23887 50-yr 54.00 2022.25 2022.95 2022.74 2022.97 0.005672 1.06 51.18 158.01 0.33 Golf Course 23887 100-yr 64.00 2022.25 2022.99 2022.76 2023.01 0.005408 1.11 57.80 160.17 0.32 Golf Course 23887 500-yr 88.00 2022.25 2023.09 2022.81 2023.11 0.004871 1.19 73.82 169.31 0.32 Golf Course 24430 10-yr 30.00 2028.58 2029.25 2029.25 2029.46 0.048764 3.65 8.29 21.75 1.00 Golf Course 24430 50-yr 54.00 2028.58 2029.47 2029.47 2029.73 0.037372 4.21 13.58 28.66 0.94 Golf Course 24430 100-yr 64.00 2028.58 2029.56 2029.56 2029.82 0.031201 4.22 16.81 37.07 0.88 Golf Course 24430 500-yr 88.00 2028.58 2029.72 2029.72 2029.99 0.026137 4.41 23.23 42.98 0.83 HEC-RAS Plan: ECM FW River: Chester Creek Reach: Golf Course Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) Golf Course 20779 Q100 - base 2008.05 2008.05 1327.67 64.00 934.91 2798.66 Golf Course 20779 Q100 - floodway 2009.05 1.00 2009.05 1178.72 64.00 934.91 934.91 2798.66 2278.72 Golf Course 21013 Q100 - base 2008.05 2008.07 147.76 52.43 11.57 508.09 1602.56 Golf Course 21013 Q100 - floodway 2009.05 1.00 2009.05 173.18 52.98 11.02 1472.43 508.09 1602.56 1725.00 Golf Course 21128 Q100 - base 2008.53 2008.53 189.79 64.00 409.35 1512.91 Golf Course 21128 Q100 - floodway 2009.05 0.52 2009.11 25.00 64.00 1045.00 409.35 1512.91 1070.00 Golf Course 21229 Q100 - base 2008.86 2008.87 305.93 64.00 417.95 1452.44 Golf Course 21229 Q100 - floodway 2009.59 0.72 2009.62 35.00 64.00 985.00 417.95 1452.44 1020.00 Golf Course 21385 Q100 - base 2009.12 2009.12 285.94 64.00 431.52 1001.23 Golf Course 21385 Q100 - floodway 2010.03 0.91 2010.06 30.00 64.00 785.00 431.52 1001.23 815.00 Golf Course 21409 Q100 - base 2009.17 2009.17 223.27 64.00 426.69 980.16 Golf Course 21409 Q100 - floodway 2010.12 0.95 2010.16 25.00 64.00 728.00 426.69 980.16 753.00 Golf Course 21431 Q100 - base 2009.23 2009.24 219.82 64.00 440.00 961.58 Golf Course 21431 Q100 - floodway 2010.23 1.00 2010.26 25.00 64.00 700.00 440.00 961.58 725.00 Golf Course 21445 Q100 - base 2009.31 2009.33 143.43 64.00 440.70 949.64 Golf Course 21445 Q100 - floodway 2010.29 0.98 2010.37 20.00 64.00 683.00 440.70 949.64 703.00 Golf Course 21456 Q100 - base 2013.13 2013.24 113.14 64.00 0.00 937.26 Golf Course 21456 Q100 - floodway 2013.79 0.66 2014.05 30.00 64.00 595.00 0.00 937.26 625.00 Golf Course 21481 Q100 - base 2013.27 2013.28 641.26 64.00 494.28 1387.02 Golf Course 21481 Q100 - floodway 2014.14 0.86 2014.14 45.00 64.00 922.50 494.28 1387.02 967.50 Golf Course 21485 Culvert Golf Course 21515 Q100 - base 2013.28 2013.28 521.17 64.00 0.00 751.00 Golf Course 21515 Q100 - floodway 2014.15 0.87 2014.16 29.00 64.00 415.00 0.00 751.00 444.00 Golf Course 21525 Q100 - base 2013.28 2013.28 521.29 64.00 0.00 751.00 Golf Course 21525 Q100 - floodway 2014.15 0.87 2014.16 29.00 64.00 421.50 0.00 751.00 450.50 Golf Course 21609 Q100 - base 2013.28 2013.28 316.56 64.00 0.00 522.16 Golf Course 21609 Q100 - floodway 2014.19 0.91 2014.20 44.00 64.00 278.00 0.00 522.16 322.00 Golf Course 21726 Q100 - base 2013.29 2013.29 329.55 64.00 0.00 402.00 Golf Course 21726 Q100 - floodway 2014.21 0.92 2014.21 44.00 64.00 194.00 0.00 402.00 238.00 Golf Course 21857 Q100 - base 2013.30 2013.30 249.75 64.00 0.00 319.28 Golf Course 21857 Q100 - floodway 2014.23 0.94 2014.24 43.00 64.00 132.50 0.00 319.28 175.50 Golf Course 21983 Q100 - base 2013.33 2013.34 179.68 64.00 0.00 248.45 Golf Course 21983 Q100 - floodway 2014.27 0.94 2014.28 43.00 64.00 105.50 0.00 248.45 148.50 Golf Course 22423 Q100 - base 2013.64 2013.65 202.98 64.00 843.00 1600.75 Golf Course 22423 Q100 - floodway 2014.45 0.81 2014.47 40.00 64.00 1140.00 843.00 1600.75 1180.00 Golf Course 22972 Q100 - base 2014.61 2014.78 54.37 64.00 888.76 1267.01 Golf Course 22972 Q100 - floodway 2015.27 0.66 2015.70 14.13 64.00 1162.20 888.76 1267.01 1176.33 Golf Course 23005 Q100 - base 2015.28 2015.29 135.40 64.00 896.09 1271.17 Golf Course 23005 Q100 - floodway 2016.10 0.83 2016.14 27.34 64.00 1123.02 896.09 1271.17 1150.36 Golf Course 23050 Q100 - base 2015.39 2015.40 151.89 64.00 944.30 1324.65 Golf Course 23050 Q100 - floodway 2016.21 0.82 2016.27 22.35 64.00 1126.64 944.30 1324.65 1148.99 Golf Course 23090 Q100 - base 2015.65 2015.66 154.60 64.00 951.93 1347.53 Golf Course 23090 Q100 - floodway 2016.61 0.96 2016.71 20.00 64.00 1095.00 951.93 1347.53 1115.00 Golf Course 23446 Q100 - base 2018.10 2018.12 208.09 64.00 688.98 1310.47 Golf Course 23446 Q100 - floodway 2019.02 0.92 2019.14 20.00 64.00 1060.00 688.98 1310.47 1080.00 Golf Course 23887 Q100 - base 2022.99 2023.01 160.17 64.00 604.96 928.61 Golf Course 23887 Q100 - floodway 2023.79 0.80 2023.91 20.00 64.00 829.00 604.96 928.61 849.00 Golf Course 24430 Q100 - base 2029.56 2029.82 37.07 1.56 60.23 2.21 636.32 656.04 Golf Course 24430 Q100 - floodway 2029.72 0.16 2029.93 19.72 64.00 636.32 636.32 656.04 656.04 HEC-RAS Plan: ECM River: Tributary Reach: trib Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) trib -1303 Q10 1.00 2004.70 2004.82 2004.82 2004.86 0.130185 1.43 0.70 14.35 1.14 trib -1303 Q50 2.00 2004.70 2004.87 2004.87 2004.90 0.068800 1.40 1.43 18.92 0.89 trib -1303 Q100 4.00 2004.70 2004.90 2004.90 2004.96 0.082803 1.91 2.09 19.79 1.04 trib -1303 Q500 7.00 2004.70 2005.00 2004.96 2005.04 0.029151 1.68 4.17 21.92 0.68 trib -1019 Q10 1.00 2007.91 2008.37 2008.27 2008.37 0.004322 0.44 2.28 48.46 0.24 trib -1019 Q50 2.00 2007.91 2008.42 2008.31 2008.42 0.005030 0.54 3.69 57.51 0.26 trib -1019 Q100 4.00 2007.91 2008.50 2008.36 2008.51 0.004824 0.63 6.37 70.20 0.27 trib -1019 Q500 7.00 2007.91 2008.55 2008.41 2008.56 0.006839 0.85 8.25 74.90 0.33 trib -880 Q10 1.00 2004.89 2008.37 2008.37 0.000000 0.00 743.71 360.32 0.00 trib -880 Q50 2.00 2004.89 2008.43 2008.43 0.000000 0.00 764.25 361.79 0.00 trib -880 Q100 4.00 2004.89 2008.51 2008.51 0.000000 0.01 793.97 364.02 0.00 trib -880 Q500 7.00 2004.89 2008.56 2008.56 0.000000 0.01 813.43 365.63 0.00 trib -466 Q10 1.00 2006.89 2008.37 2008.37 0.000000 0.00 434.11 387.02 0.00 trib -466 Q50 2.00 2006.89 2008.43 2008.43 0.000000 0.00 456.19 389.07 0.00 trib -466 Q100 4.00 2006.89 2008.51 2008.51 0.000000 0.01 488.37 395.18 0.00 trib -466 Q500 7.00 2006.89 2008.56 2008.56 0.000000 0.01 509.51 398.13 0.00 trib -89 Q10 1.00 2006.07 2008.37 2008.37 0.000000 0.00 470.50 340.26 0.00 trib -89 Q50 2.00 2006.07 2008.43 2008.43 0.000000 0.00 490.02 346.49 0.00 trib -89 Q100 4.00 2006.07 2008.51 2008.51 0.000000 0.01 519.18 369.61 0.00 trib -89 Q500 7.00 2006.07 2008.56 2008.56 0.000000 0.01 539.36 383.12 0.00 trib 1 Q10 1.00 1998.92 2008.37 1999.04 2008.37 0.000000 0.00 429.57 80.84 0.00 trib 1 Q50 2.00 1998.92 2008.43 1999.09 2008.43 0.000000 0.00 434.18 81.36 0.00 trib 1 Q100 4.00 1998.92 2008.51 1999.16 2008.51 0.000000 0.01 440.88 82.39 0.00 trib 1 Q500 7.00 1998.92 2008.56 1999.23 2008.56 0.000000 0.02 445.29 82.85 0.00 trib 149 Q10 10.00 1995.82 2008.37 1996.32 2008.37 0.000000 0.01 1710.40 172.13 0.00 trib 149 Q50 14.00 1995.82 2008.43 1996.38 2008.43 0.000000 0.01 1720.20 172.24 0.00 trib 149 Q100 16.00 1995.82 2008.51 1996.41 2008.51 0.000000 0.01 1734.31 172.40 0.00 trib 149 Q500 20.00 1995.82 2008.56 1996.46 2008.56 0.000000 0.01 1743.51 172.50 0.00 trib 343 Q10 10.00 1993.64 2008.37 1993.99 2008.37 0.000000 0.00 2857.81 260.89 0.00 trib 343 Q50 14.00 1993.64 2008.43 1994.05 2008.43 0.000000 0.00 2872.66 261.02 0.00 trib 343 Q100 16.00 1993.64 2008.51 1994.07 2008.51 0.000000 0.01 2894.05 261.22 0.00 trib 343 Q500 20.00 1993.64 2008.56 1994.11 2008.56 0.000000 0.01 2907.99 261.35 0.00 trib 383 Q10 10.00 1994.23 2008.37 1994.67 2008.37 0.000000 0.00 2729.84 244.97 0.00 trib 383 Q50 14.00 1994.23 2008.43 1994.71 2008.43 0.000000 0.01 2743.79 245.28 0.00 trib 383 Q100 16.00 1994.23 2008.51 1994.73 2008.51 0.000000 0.01 2763.90 245.71 0.00 trib 383 Q500 20.00 1994.23 2008.56 1994.75 2008.56 0.000000 0.01 2777.01 245.99 0.00 trib 472 Q10 10.00 2005.65 2008.37 1999.14 2008.37 0.000000 0.00 1026.03 183.04 0.00 trib 472 Q50 14.00 2005.65 2008.43 1999.19 2008.43 0.000000 0.01 1036.45 183.31 0.00 trib 472 Q100 16.00 2005.65 2008.51 1999.22 2008.51 0.000000 0.01 1051.48 183.70 0.00 trib 472 Q500 20.00 2005.65 2008.56 1999.26 2008.56 0.000000 0.01 1061.29 183.95 0.00 trib 576 Q10 10.00 2008.78 2009.74 2009.74 2009.99 0.032554 4.02 2.48 4.97 1.00 trib 576 Q50 14.00 2008.78 2009.89 2009.89 2010.17 0.030449 4.27 3.28 5.70 0.99 trib 576 Q100 16.00 2008.78 2009.95 2009.95 2010.25 0.030780 4.43 3.61 5.98 1.01 trib 576 Q500 20.00 2008.78 2010.20 2010.20 2010.37 0.028407 3.36 6.36 21.88 0.93 trib 651 Q10 10.00 2009.50 2010.97 2010.45 2011.02 0.007232 1.65 6.05 55.46 0.46 trib 651 Q50 14.00 2009.50 2011.08 2010.60 2011.13 0.006740 1.82 7.70 59.63 0.46 trib 651 Q100 16.00 2009.50 2011.13 2010.67 2011.18 0.006429 1.87 8.54 63.89 0.46 trib 651 Q500 20.00 2009.50 2011.21 2010.78 2011.28 0.006391 2.02 9.91 75.90 0.47 trib 918 Q10 10.00 2009.10 2011.35 2009.95 2011.36 0.000523 0.96 10.46 9.36 0.14 trib 918 Q50 14.00 2009.10 2011.55 2010.09 2011.57 0.000716 1.17 11.95 29.34 0.16 trib 918 Q100 16.00 2009.10 2011.63 2010.17 2011.66 0.000811 1.27 12.60 43.37 0.18 trib 918 Q500 20.00 2009.10 2011.79 2010.29 2011.82 0.000984 1.45 13.82 61.75 0.19 trib 1472 Q10 10.00 2011.44 2012.38 2012.38 2012.67 0.032363 4.35 2.30 3.82 0.99 trib 1472 Q50 14.00 2011.44 2012.53 2012.53 2012.89 0.032599 4.78 2.93 4.19 1.01 trib 1472 Q100 16.00 2011.44 2012.72 2012.61 2013.00 0.021875 4.28 3.74 4.62 0.84 trib 1472 Q500 20.00 2011.44 2013.01 2012.75 2013.24 0.013910 3.84 5.21 5.32 0.68 trib 1510 Q10 10.00 2011.15 2012.95 2012.17 2013.00 0.002806 1.77 5.64 5.39 0.31 trib 1510 Q50 14.00 2011.15 2013.19 2012.35 2013.25 0.003077 1.99 7.02 5.99 0.32 trib 1510 Q100 16.00 2011.15 2013.26 2012.43 2013.33 0.003434 2.15 7.45 6.17 0.34 trib 1510 Q500 20.00 2011.15 2013.44 2012.58 2013.53 0.003647 2.32 8.61 6.62 0.36 trib 1520 Culvert trib 1528 Q10 10.00 2010.84 2013.36 2011.82 2013.38 0.000963 1.00 9.97 6.88 0.15 HEC-RAS Plan: ECM River: Tributary Reach: trib (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) trib 1528 Q50 14.00 2010.84 2013.99 2012.00 2014.00 0.000673 0.95 14.72 8.40 0.13 trib 1528 Q100 16.00 2010.84 2014.30 2012.07 2014.32 0.000575 0.91 17.53 9.52 0.12 trib 1528 Q500 20.00 2010.84 2014.58 2012.23 2014.59 0.000719 0.95 23.45 47.67 0.13 trib 1557 Q10 10.00 2011.79 2013.39 2012.66 2013.44 0.003817 1.69 5.92 5.64 0.29 trib 1557 Q50 14.00 2011.79 2014.00 2012.81 2014.04 0.001935 1.43 9.76 6.94 0.21 trib 1557 Q100 16.00 2011.79 2014.32 2012.88 2014.35 0.001434 1.33 12.05 7.61 0.19 trib 1557 Q500 20.00 2011.79 2014.59 2013.01 2014.62 0.001439 1.41 14.22 8.20 0.19 trib 1963 Q10 10.00 2018.61 2019.48 2019.48 2019.66 0.051975 3.44 2.91 7.79 0.99 trib 1963 Q50 14.00 2018.61 2019.59 2019.59 2019.80 0.045074 3.61 3.92 11.07 0.95 trib 1963 Q100 16.00 2018.61 2019.66 2019.66 2019.85 0.038218 3.52 4.80 15.48 0.89 trib 1963 Q500 20.00 2018.61 2019.75 2019.75 2019.93 0.033517 3.48 6.39 18.55 0.84 trib 1989 Q10 10.00 2017.77 2019.85 2018.80 2019.89 0.002658 1.50 6.69 17.19 0.24 trib 1989 Q50 14.00 2017.77 2020.01 2018.98 2020.06 0.003491 1.86 7.54 40.62 0.28 trib 1989 Q100 16.00 2017.77 2020.06 2019.06 2020.12 0.004030 2.04 7.83 48.44 0.30 trib 1989 Q500 20.00 2017.77 2020.14 2019.22 2020.23 0.005238 2.42 8.27 60.64 0.35 trib 2040 Culvert trib 2080 Q10 10.00 2018.73 2020.19 2019.81 2020.30 0.009432 2.61 3.83 8.68 0.47 trib 2080 Q50 14.00 2018.73 2020.48 2019.96 2020.60 0.007671 2.81 4.99 12.81 0.44 trib 2080 Q100 16.00 2018.73 2020.61 2020.02 2020.74 0.007173 2.90 5.51 14.87 0.44 trib 2080 Q500 20.00 2018.73 2020.86 2020.15 2021.01 0.006452 3.07 6.51 18.47 0.42 trib 2100 Q10 12.00 2018.27 2020.39 2019.40 2020.41 0.002032 1.15 10.46 12.11 0.22 trib 2100 Q50 24.00 2018.27 2020.70 2019.86 2020.74 0.003396 1.65 14.58 14.51 0.29 trib 2100 Q100 30.00 2018.27 2020.83 2020.00 2020.88 0.003580 1.82 16.55 15.31 0.30 trib 2100 Q500 46.00 2018.27 2021.08 2020.26 2021.16 0.004409 2.26 20.54 16.79 0.35 trib 2110 Q10 12.00 2018.27 2020.42 2019.40 2020.43 0.001881 1.11 10.78 12.31 0.21 trib 2110 Q50 24.00 2018.27 2020.74 2019.87 2020.78 0.002981 1.58 15.21 14.78 0.27 trib 2110 Q100 30.00 2018.27 2020.88 2020.00 2020.92 0.003147 1.74 17.27 15.59 0.29 trib 2110 Q500 46.00 2018.27 2021.14 2020.26 2021.21 0.003840 2.17 21.53 17.14 0.32 trib 2120 Q10 12.00 2018.27 2020.44 2019.40 2020.45 0.001769 1.09 11.03 12.47 0.20 trib 2120 Q50 24.00 2018.27 2020.78 2019.87 2020.81 0.002698 1.53 15.70 14.97 0.26 trib 2120 Q100 30.00 2018.27 2020.91 2020.00 2020.96 0.002861 1.69 17.82 15.80 0.27 trib 2120 Q500 46.00 2018.27 2021.18 2020.26 2021.25 0.003471 2.10 22.30 17.41 0.31 trib 2651 Q10 12.00 2021.38 2022.48 2022.22 2022.62 0.016295 2.96 4.05 5.21 0.59 trib 2651 Q50 24.00 2021.38 2023.16 2022.58 2023.30 0.009750 3.00 8.00 6.47 0.48 trib 2651 Q100 30.00 2021.38 2023.40 2022.73 2023.55 0.009769 3.10 9.67 7.51 0.48 trib 2651 Q500 46.00 2021.38 2023.89 2023.07 2024.06 0.008805 3.30 14.05 10.00 0.47 trib 3126 Q10 12.00 2023.82 2025.45 2024.69 2025.49 0.003114 1.53 7.84 7.78 0.27 trib 3126 Q50 24.00 2023.82 2025.96 2025.03 2026.02 0.003750 1.97 12.18 9.47 0.31 trib 3126 Q100 30.00 2023.82 2026.19 2025.18 2026.25 0.003704 2.08 14.43 10.23 0.31 trib 3126 Q500 46.00 2023.82 2026.65 2025.48 2026.74 0.003902 2.35 19.60 12.06 0.32 trib 3617 Q10 12.00 2029.08 2030.11 2030.11 2030.42 0.049822 4.51 2.66 4.15 0.99 trib 3617 Q50 24.00 2029.08 2030.51 2030.51 2030.93 0.045914 5.20 4.62 5.43 0.99 trib 3617 Q100 30.00 2029.08 2030.67 2030.67 2031.13 0.044711 5.44 5.52 5.92 0.99 trib 3617 Q500 46.00 2029.08 2031.02 2031.02 2031.57 0.042644 5.94 7.75 7.00 0.99 trib 4127 Q10 12.00 2032.61 2034.24 2033.46 2034.28 0.002893 1.55 7.75 7.24 0.26 trib 4127 Q50 24.00 2032.61 2034.85 2033.81 2034.90 0.003060 1.91 12.55 8.66 0.28 trib 4127 Q100 30.00 2032.61 2035.09 2033.95 2035.15 0.003115 2.04 14.68 9.22 0.29 trib 4127 Q500 46.00 2032.61 2035.61 2034.26 2035.69 0.003256 2.32 19.79 10.44 0.30 trib 4623 Q10 12.00 2035.96 2036.97 2036.69 2037.08 0.013584 2.65 4.52 6.04 0.54 trib 4623 Q50 24.00 2035.96 2037.48 2037.01 2037.62 0.011028 2.99 8.02 7.54 0.51 trib 4623 Q100 30.00 2035.96 2037.69 2037.15 2037.84 0.010391 3.11 9.65 8.14 0.50 trib 4623 Q500 46.00 2035.96 2038.17 2037.47 2038.34 0.009167 3.33 13.83 9.51 0.49 trib 4665 Q10 12.00 2036.85 2037.96 2037.96 2038.40 0.044689 5.35 2.24 2.87 1.00 trib 4665 Q50 24.00 2036.85 2038.47 2038.47 2039.19 0.039641 6.81 3.52 3.14 1.01 trib 4665 Q100 30.00 2036.85 2038.70 2038.70 2039.53 0.037071 7.30 4.11 3.38 1.00 trib 4665 Q500 46.00 2036.85 2039.25 2039.25 2040.35 0.033376 8.39 5.48 4.22 1.00 trib 4685 Culvert trib 4704 Q10 12.00 2037.52 2039.43 2038.69 2039.46 0.002145 1.38 9.18 34.56 0.23 trib 4704 Q50 24.00 2037.52 2040.38 2039.01 2040.40 0.000850 1.31 19.32 102.88 0.16 trib 4704 Q100 30.00 2037.52 2041.00 2039.13 2041.03 0.000501 1.20 26.03 291.32 0.13 trib 4704 Q500 46.00 2037.52 2041.27 2039.39 2041.27 0.000031 0.32 282.27 344.58 0.03 HEC-RAS Plan: ECM River: Tributary Reach: trib (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) trib 4750 Q10 11.00 2038.64 2039.58 2039.24 2039.63 0.007883 1.81 6.09 11.34 0.42 trib 4750 Q50 22.00 2038.64 2040.41 2039.51 2040.41 0.000085 0.31 133.48 357.36 0.05 trib 4750 Q100 28.00 2038.64 2041.03 2039.62 2041.03 0.000007 0.12 368.77 520.83 0.01 trib 4750 Q500 45.00 2038.64 2041.27 2039.96 2041.27 0.000008 0.14 466.80 590.32 0.02 trib 5165 Q10 11.00 2042.61 2043.28 2043.12 2043.32 0.010179 1.70 7.59 156.47 0.46 trib 5165 Q50 22.00 2042.61 2043.32 2043.32 2043.45 0.029050 3.03 9.04 171.87 0.78 trib 5165 Q100 28.00 2042.61 2043.40 2043.40 2043.50 0.021265 2.88 14.01 232.95 0.69 trib 5165 Q500 45.00 2042.61 2043.49 2043.49 2043.59 0.019619 3.08 22.51 275.32 0.68 trib 5676 Q10 11.00 2046.43 2047.51 2047.55 0.006827 1.64 6.71 11.93 0.39 trib 5676 Q50 22.00 2046.43 2047.98 2048.02 0.004265 1.60 13.77 17.89 0.32 trib 5676 Q100 28.00 2046.43 2048.08 2048.13 0.004979 1.79 15.61 19.14 0.35 trib 5676 Q500 45.00 2046.43 2048.37 2048.44 0.005525 2.09 21.54 22.70 0.38 trib 6117 Q10 11.00 2050.75 2051.68 2051.79 0.014346 2.65 4.14 5.91 0.56 trib 6117 Q50 22.00 2050.75 2051.83 2051.73 2052.13 0.031974 4.34 5.07 6.25 0.85 trib 6117 Q100 28.00 2050.75 2052.07 2052.35 0.024147 4.22 6.64 6.77 0.75 trib 6117 Q500 45.00 2050.75 2052.49 2052.83 0.021971 4.67 9.63 7.67 0.73 trib 6154 Q10 11.00 2051.54 2052.27 2052.10 2052.32 0.013435 1.90 5.78 13.92 0.52 trib 6154 Q50 22.00 2051.54 2052.63 2052.28 2052.69 0.006997 1.94 11.36 16.54 0.41 trib 6154 Q100 28.00 2051.54 2052.76 2052.36 2052.83 0.006400 2.06 13.56 16.98 0.40 trib 6154 Q500 45.00 2051.54 2053.16 2052.55 2053.23 0.004689 2.24 20.12 18.24 0.36 trib 6200 Culvert trib 6239 Q10 11.00 2052.53 2053.54 2052.99 2053.55 0.001418 0.90 12.24 16.61 0.18 trib 6239 Q50 22.00 2052.53 2053.93 2053.16 2053.95 0.001478 1.16 19.00 17.98 0.20 trib 6239 Q100 28.00 2052.53 2054.11 2053.23 2054.13 0.001494 1.26 22.21 18.59 0.20 trib 6239 Q500 45.00 2052.53 2054.53 2053.41 2054.57 0.001512 1.48 30.45 20.08 0.21 trib 6274 Q10 11.00 2054.55 2055.35 2055.35 2055.52 0.056217 3.31 3.32 9.87 1.01 trib 6274 Q50 22.00 2054.55 2055.56 2055.56 2055.82 0.047771 4.06 5.42 10.35 0.99 trib 6274 Q100 28.00 2054.55 2055.65 2055.65 2055.95 0.047024 4.41 6.35 10.56 1.00 trib 6274 Q500 45.00 2054.55 2055.89 2055.89 2056.28 0.043042 5.06 8.90 11.10 1.00 trib 6553 Q10 11.00 2063.24 2064.09 2063.94 2064.19 0.019730 2.62 4.19 8.16 0.64 trib 6553 Q50 22.00 2063.24 2064.36 2064.18 2064.53 0.022013 3.31 6.64 9.84 0.71 trib 6553 Q100 28.00 2063.24 2064.48 2064.31 2064.68 0.022330 3.55 7.88 10.59 0.73 trib 6553 Q500 45.00 2063.24 2064.75 2064.57 2065.01 0.023749 4.13 10.90 12.22 0.77 trib 7086 Q10 7.00 2082.28 2083.02 2083.02 2083.29 0.040330 4.17 1.68 3.16 1.01 trib 7086 Q50 14.00 2082.28 2083.35 2083.35 2083.74 0.038233 5.05 2.77 3.52 1.00 trib 7086 Q100 18.00 2082.28 2083.50 2083.50 2083.96 0.037725 5.40 3.33 3.69 1.00 trib 7086 Q500 28.00 2082.28 2083.90 2083.90 2084.38 0.035210 5.60 5.00 5.17 1.00 trib 7121 Q10 7.00 2083.49 2084.19 2084.10 2084.38 0.024420 3.57 1.96 3.10 0.79 trib 7121 Q50 14.00 2083.49 2084.50 2084.42 2084.85 0.026475 4.77 2.93 3.15 0.86 trib 7121 Q100 18.00 2083.49 2084.63 2084.58 2085.08 0.028160 5.38 3.35 3.17 0.91 trib 7121 Q500 28.00 2083.49 2084.93 2084.92 2085.60 0.030058 6.54 4.28 3.21 0.98 trib 7130 Culvert trib 7143 Q10 7.00 2084.11 2085.20 2084.68 2085.26 0.004776 1.99 3.51 3.52 0.35 trib 7143 Q50 14.00 2084.11 2085.74 2084.98 2085.84 0.005635 2.56 5.48 3.69 0.37 trib 7143 Q100 18.00 2084.11 2086.04 2085.13 2086.16 0.005671 2.73 6.60 3.79 0.36 trib 7143 Q500 28.00 2084.11 2087.67 2085.47 2087.74 0.002300 2.12 13.20 4.31 0.21 trib 7169 Q10 7.00 2089.14 2089.93 2089.93 2090.25 0.043149 4.56 1.54 2.43 1.01 trib 7169 Q50 14.00 2089.14 2090.31 2090.31 2090.80 0.044959 5.60 2.50 2.57 1.00 trib 7169 Q100 18.00 2089.14 2090.51 2090.51 2091.06 0.045443 5.99 3.00 2.65 0.99 trib 7169 Q500 28.00 2089.14 2090.90 2090.90 2091.63 0.049847 6.90 4.06 2.80 1.01 trib 7175 Culvert trib 7186 Q10 7.00 2089.36 2090.59 2090.11 2090.69 0.008472 2.52 2.78 2.60 0.43 trib 7186 Q50 14.00 2089.36 2091.16 2090.49 2091.33 0.010658 3.24 4.32 10.51 0.46 trib 7186 Q100 18.00 2089.36 2091.45 2090.65 2091.64 0.011308 3.51 5.13 23.40 0.46 trib 7186 Q500 28.00 2089.36 2092.18 2091.08 2092.41 0.011178 3.83 7.32 80.36 0.44 trib 7220 Q10 7.00 2091.27 2092.00 2092.00 2092.21 0.033770 3.68 1.90 4.41 0.99 trib 7220 Q50 14.00 2091.27 2092.26 2092.26 2092.56 0.031983 4.39 3.19 5.38 1.01 trib 7220 Q100 18.00 2091.27 2092.39 2092.39 2092.72 0.029090 4.57 3.96 7.10 0.98 trib 7220 Q500 28.00 2091.27 2092.67 2092.67 2092.98 0.019326 4.62 6.75 109.88 0.84 HEC-RAS Plan: ECM FW River: Tributary Reach: trib Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) trib -1303 Q100 base 2008.05 2008.05 103.69 0.01 3.90 0.09 70.92 163.31 trib -1303 Q100 floodway 2009.05 1.00 2009.05 31.32 4.00 131.99 70.92 163.31 163.31 trib -1019 Q100 base 2008.36 2008.41 21.08 4.00 152.95 253.19 trib -1019 Q100 floodway 2009.05 0.69 2009.05 21.09 4.00 173.33 152.95 253.19 194.42 trib -880 Q100 base 2008.42 2008.42 361.60 0.08 3.92 0.01 62.73 380.37 trib -880 Q100 floodway 2009.05 0.63 2009.05 40.00 4.00 310.00 62.73 380.37 350.00 trib -466 Q100 base 2008.42 2008.42 388.60 4.00 0.00 129.52 566.57 trib -466 Q100 floodway 2009.05 0.64 2009.05 45.57 4.00 521.00 129.52 566.57 566.57 trib -89 Q100 base 2008.42 2008.42 345.54 4.00 144.89 581.16 trib -89 Q100 floodway 2009.05 0.64 2009.05 39.70 4.00 510.00 144.89 581.16 549.70 trib 1 Q100 base 2009.70 2009.70 102.16 4.00 461.25 568.10 trib 1 Q100 floodway 2010.70 1.00 2010.70 116.77 0.00 4.00 461.25 568.10 trib 149 Q100 base 2009.70 2009.70 176.16 16.00 421.08 606.95 trib 149 Q100 floodway 2010.70 1.00 2010.70 179.75 16.00 421.08 606.95 trib 343 Q100 base 2009.70 2009.70 266.57 16.00 410.55 678.07 trib 343 Q100 floodway 2010.70 1.00 2010.70 271.14 0.00 16.00 0.00 410.55 678.07 trib 383 Q100 base 2009.70 2009.70 279.97 16.00 0.00 397.28 677.14 trib 383 Q100 floodway 2010.70 1.00 2010.70 282.66 16.00 0.00 397.28 677.14 trib 472 Q100 base 2009.70 2009.70 193.16 0.12 15.88 340.55 365.05 trib 472 Q100 floodway 2010.70 1.00 2010.70 8.82 16.00 347.00 340.55 365.05 355.82 trib 576 Q100 base 2009.95 2010.25 5.98 16.00 361.81 384.61 trib 576 Q100 floodway 2010.67 0.73 2010.75 5.41 16.00 368.20 361.81 384.61 373.61 trib 651 Q100 base 2011.13 2011.18 16.46 16.00 360.31 384.41 trib 651 Q100 floodway 2011.07 -0.06 2011.14 15.66 16.00 367.72 360.31 384.41 384.41 trib 918 Q100 base 2011.63 2011.66 7.79 16.00 466.95 478.43 trib 918 Q100 floodway 2011.63 0.00 2011.66 7.59 16.00 468.53 466.95 478.43 478.43 trib 1472 Q100 base 2012.72 2013.00 4.62 16.00 706.41 714.93 trib 1472 Q100 floodway 2012.71 -0.01 2013.00 4.61 16.00 708.23 706.41 714.93 713.11 trib 1510 Q100 base 2013.26 2013.33 6.17 16.00 711.73 722.04 trib 1510 Q100 floodway 2013.26 0.00 2013.33 6.16 16.00 714.06 711.73 722.04 720.22 trib 1520 Culvert trib 1528 Q100 base 2014.30 2014.32 9.52 16.00 727.15 744.68 trib 1528 Q100 floodway 2014.31 0.00 2014.32 9.50 16.00 727.56 727.15 744.68 737.06 trib 1557 Q100 base 2014.32 2014.35 7.61 16.00 726.74 740.03 trib 1557 Q100 floodway 2014.32 0.00 2014.35 7.61 16.00 730.81 726.74 740.03 738.42 trib 1963 Q100 base 2019.66 2019.85 15.48 15.72 0.28 739.45 750.61 trib 1963 Q100 floodway 2019.63 -0.03 2019.86 8.89 16.00 741.45 739.45 750.61 750.61 trib 1989 Q100 base 2020.06 2020.12 5.50 16.00 762.80 771.50 trib 1989 Q100 floodway 2020.08 0.02 2020.15 5.50 16.00 762.80 762.80 771.50 771.50 trib 2040 Culvert trib 2080 Q100 base 2020.61 2020.74 4.00 16.00 39.42 68.83 trib 2080 Q100 floodway 2020.61 0.00 2020.74 4.00 16.00 46.05 39.42 68.83 60.92 trib 2100 Q100 base 2020.83 2020.88 15.31 0.01 29.99 44.23 60.09 trib 2100 Q100 floodway 2020.83 0.00 2020.88 14.75 30.00 44.23 44.23 60.09 58.98 trib 2110 Q100 base 2020.88 2020.92 15.59 0.02 29.98 44.23 60.09 trib 2110 Q100 floodway 2020.88 0.00 2020.93 14.82 30.00 44.23 44.23 60.09 59.05 trib 2120 Q100 base 2020.91 2020.96 15.80 0.03 29.97 44.23 60.09 trib 2120 Q100 floodway 2020.92 0.00 2020.96 14.87 30.00 44.23 44.23 60.09 59.10 trib 2651 Q100 base 2023.40 2023.55 7.51 30.00 46.44 55.58 trib 2651 Q100 floodway 2023.40 0.01 2023.55 7.50 30.00 46.68 46.44 55.58 54.18 trib 3126 Q100 base 2026.19 2026.25 10.23 30.00 72.83 95.75 trib 3126 Q100 floodway 2026.18 0.00 2026.25 10.22 30.00 75.79 72.83 95.75 86.03 trib 3617 Q100 base 2030.67 2031.13 5.92 30.00 139.17 162.30 trib 3617 Q100 floodway 2030.66 -0.01 2031.13 5.89 30.00 144.39 139.17 162.30 150.31 trib 4127 Q100 base 2035.09 2035.15 9.22 30.00 251.87 265.32 trib 4127 Q100 floodway 2035.09 0.00 2035.16 9.22 30.00 253.91 251.87 265.32 263.13 HEC-RAS Plan: ECM FW River: Tributary Reach: trib (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) trib 4623 Q100 base 2037.69 2037.84 8.14 30.00 314.09 329.75 trib 4623 Q100 floodway 2037.69 0.00 2037.84 8.13 30.00 316.70 314.09 329.75 324.83 trib 4665 Q100 base 2038.70 2039.53 2.50 30.00 340.25 349.22 trib 4665 Q100 floodway 2038.70 0.00 2039.53 2.50 30.00 344.05 340.25 349.22 347.43 trib 4685 Culvert trib 4704 Q100 base 2041.00 2041.03 10.70 5.75 24.25 352.15 360.54 trib 4704 Q100 floodway 2040.99 -0.01 2041.03 7.52 30.00 352.15 352.15 360.54 360.54 trib 4750 Q100 base 2041.03 2041.03 400.62 13.78 2.79 11.43 329.79 342.44 trib 4750 Q100 floodway 2041.05 0.02 2041.07 12.65 28.00 329.79 329.79 342.44 342.44 trib 5165 Q100 base 2043.40 2043.50 77.29 5.63 21.68 0.69 212.11 225.92 trib 5165 Q100 floodway 2043.35 -0.05 2043.61 13.81 0.00 28.00 0.00 212.11 212.11 225.92 225.92 trib 5676 Q100 base 2048.08 2048.13 19.14 28.00 183.69 226.54 trib 5676 Q100 floodway 2048.17 0.09 2048.21 19.14 28.00 187.85 183.69 226.54 206.99 trib 6117 Q100 base 2052.07 2052.35 6.77 28.00 211.57 230.44 trib 6117 Q100 floodway 2051.88 -0.20 2052.30 6.34 28.00 217.18 211.57 230.44 223.95 trib 6154 Q100 base 2052.76 2052.83 16.44 28.00 211.25 246.77 trib 6154 Q100 floodway 2052.80 0.04 2052.86 16.44 28.00 219.96 211.25 246.77 236.94 trib 6200 Culvert trib 6239 Q100 base 2054.11 2054.13 18.59 28.00 221.30 259.22 trib 6239 Q100 floodway 2054.11 0.00 2054.13 18.59 28.00 228.52 221.30 259.22 247.11 trib 6274 Q100 base 2055.65 2055.95 10.56 28.00 210.49 231.21 trib 6274 Q100 floodway 2055.66 0.01 2055.95 10.56 28.00 216.47 210.49 231.21 227.03 trib 6553 Q100 base 2064.48 2064.68 10.59 28.00 197.65 240.39 trib 6553 Q100 floodway 2064.48 -0.01 2064.67 10.55 28.00 208.19 197.65 240.39 218.78 trib 7086 Q100 base 2083.50 2083.96 3.69 18.00 150.93 158.25 trib 7086 Q100 floodway 2083.50 0.00 2083.96 3.68 18.00 153.30 150.93 158.25 156.99 trib 7121 Q100 base 2084.63 2085.08 3.10 18.00 118.04 121.88 trib 7121 Q100 floodway 2084.64 0.00 2085.08 3.10 18.00 118.45 118.04 121.88 121.62 trib 7130 Culvert trib 7143 Q100 base 2086.04 2086.16 3.79 18.00 111.14 115.72 trib 7143 Q100 floodway 2086.04 0.00 2086.16 3.79 18.00 111.74 111.14 115.72 115.53 trib 7169 Q100 base 2090.51 2091.06 2.65 18.00 114.91 118.45 trib 7169 Q100 floodway 2090.50 -0.01 2091.06 2.64 18.00 115.24 114.91 118.45 117.88 trib 7175 Culvert trib 7186 Q100 base 2091.45 2091.64 2.88 18.00 119.10 122.49 trib 7186 Q100 floodway 2091.45 0.00 2091.64 2.88 18.00 119.03 119.10 122.49 122.26 trib 7220 Q100 base 2092.39 2092.72 7.10 0.01 17.99 130.02 136.02 trib 7220 Q100 floodway 2092.37 -0.02 2092.72 5.77 18.00 130.02 130.02 136.02 135.83 HEC-RAS Plan: wo DS lev (ECM) River: Tributary Reach: trib Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) trib -1303 Q10 10.00 2004.70 2007.19 2005.00 2007.19 0.000006 0.13 97.62 92.00 0.02 trib -1303 Q50 14.00 2004.70 2007.80 2005.05 2007.80 0.000004 0.12 156.26 99.90 0.01 trib -1303 Q100 16.00 2004.70 2008.05 2005.07 2008.05 0.000003 0.12 181.64 103.69 0.01 trib -1303 Q500 20.00 2004.70 2008.64 2005.11 2008.64 0.000002 0.11 245.69 113.41 0.01 trib -1019 Q10 10.00 2008.18 2008.47 2008.47 2008.54 0.040241 2.34 5.15 65.40 0.83 trib -1019 Q50 14.00 2008.18 2008.51 2008.51 2008.59 0.039441 2.57 6.69 70.95 0.84 trib -1019 Q100 16.00 2008.18 2008.52 2008.52 2008.62 0.045491 2.81 7.00 71.61 0.91 trib -1019 Q500 20.00 2008.18 2008.64 2008.56 2008.65 0.003347 0.96 26.15 93.34 0.26 trib -880 Q10 10.00 2007.31 2008.55 2005.25 2008.55 0.000000 0.01 808.03 365.13 0.00 trib -880 Q50 14.00 2007.31 2008.60 2005.30 2008.60 0.000000 0.01 828.10 367.06 0.00 trib -880 Q100 16.00 2007.31 2008.63 2005.32 2008.63 0.000000 0.01 837.43 367.97 0.00 trib -880 Q500 20.00 2007.31 2008.65 2005.36 2008.65 0.000000 0.01 845.25 368.73 0.00 trib -466 Q10 10.00 2006.96 2008.55 2007.05 2008.55 0.000000 0.02 503.64 396.88 0.00 trib -466 Q50 14.00 2006.96 2008.60 2007.08 2008.60 0.000001 0.03 525.58 402.65 0.00 trib -466 Q100 16.00 2006.96 2008.63 2007.08 2008.63 0.000001 0.03 535.81 403.22 0.00 trib -466 Q500 20.00 2006.96 2008.65 2007.08 2008.65 0.000001 0.04 544.38 403.56 0.01 trib -89 Q10 10.00 2007.09 2008.55 2006.35 2008.55 0.000000 0.02 533.76 381.64 0.00 trib -89 Q50 14.00 2007.09 2008.60 2006.40 2008.60 0.000000 0.02 554.94 387.29 0.00 trib -89 Q100 16.00 2007.09 2008.63 2006.43 2008.63 0.000001 0.03 564.78 388.12 0.00 trib -89 Q500 20.00 2007.09 2008.65 2006.47 2008.65 0.000001 0.03 573.08 388.82 0.00 trib 1 Q10 10.00 2008.30 2008.57 2008.57 2008.61 0.049508 2.23 7.05 92.01 0.89 trib 1 Q50 14.00 2008.30 2008.60 2008.60 2008.64 0.049091 2.40 9.47 106.80 0.90 trib 1 Q100 16.00 2008.30 2008.61 2008.61 2008.65 0.045516 2.40 10.81 112.72 0.88 trib 1 Q500 20.00 2008.30 2008.63 2008.63 2008.67 0.043045 2.45 13.02 120.22 0.86 trib 149 Q10 10.00 2007.52 2008.62 2006.65 2008.62 0.000000 0.01 417.66 269.94 0.00 trib 149 Q50 14.00 2007.52 2008.65 2006.70 2008.65 0.000001 0.02 425.25 270.23 0.00 trib 149 Q100 16.00 2007.52 2008.66 2006.72 2008.66 0.000001 0.02 428.28 270.35 0.00 trib 149 Q500 20.00 2007.52 2008.68 2006.80 2008.68 0.000001 0.03 433.86 270.56 0.01 trib 343 Q10 10.00 2008.18 2008.62 2007.06 2008.62 0.000001 0.02 272.09 279.48 0.01 trib 343 Q50 14.00 2008.18 2008.65 2007.13 2008.65 0.000003 0.03 279.96 281.03 0.01 trib 343 Q100 16.00 2008.18 2008.66 2007.16 2008.66 0.000003 0.03 283.12 281.64 0.01 trib 343 Q500 20.00 2008.18 2008.68 2007.19 2008.68 0.000005 0.04 288.94 282.74 0.01 trib 383 Q10 10.00 2008.42 2008.62 2007.33 2008.62 0.000003 0.01 193.97 213.44 0.01 trib 383 Q50 14.00 2008.42 2008.65 2007.36 2008.65 0.000006 0.02 199.96 214.83 0.01 trib 383 Q100 16.00 2008.42 2008.66 2007.37 2008.66 0.000007 0.03 202.37 215.39 0.01 trib 383 Q500 20.00 2008.42 2008.68 2007.40 2008.68 0.000011 0.03 206.88 216.43 0.01 trib 472 Q10 10.00 2008.50 2008.62 2007.46 2008.62 0.000008 0.01 146.81 211.42 0.01 trib 472 Q50 14.00 2008.50 2008.65 2007.50 2008.65 0.000014 0.02 152.88 213.77 0.01 trib 472 Q100 16.00 2008.50 2008.66 2007.52 2008.66 0.000017 0.03 155.34 214.71 0.01 trib 472 Q500 20.00 2008.50 2008.68 2007.55 2008.68 0.000025 0.04 159.92 216.36 0.02 trib 576 Q10 10.00 2008.57 2008.62 2007.79 2008.62 0.000034 0.02 83.84 150.04 0.02 trib 576 Q50 14.00 2008.57 2008.65 2007.83 2008.65 0.000057 0.03 88.33 153.40 0.02 trib 576 Q100 16.00 2008.57 2008.66 2007.84 2008.66 0.000069 0.03 90.17 154.76 0.03 trib 576 Q500 20.00 2008.57 2008.68 2007.88 2008.68 0.000096 0.05 93.67 157.85 0.03 trib 651 Q10 10.00 2011.11 2011.18 2011.18 2011.22 0.097087 0.90 6.25 88.01 0.91 trib 651 Q50 14.00 2011.11 2011.20 2011.20 2011.24 0.084641 1.01 8.16 94.94 0.89 trib 651 Q100 16.00 2011.11 2011.21 2011.21 2011.26 0.076146 1.09 9.16 96.15 0.87 trib 651 Q500 20.00 2011.11 2011.22 2011.22 2011.28 0.078399 1.27 10.44 97.72 0.92 trib 918 Q10 10.00 2009.84 2011.22 2010.09 2011.22 0.000004 0.07 191.15 223.46 0.01 trib 918 Q50 14.00 2009.84 2011.25 2010.13 2011.25 0.000006 0.09 197.86 227.01 0.01 trib 918 Q100 16.00 2009.84 2011.27 2010.15 2011.27 0.000008 0.10 200.97 230.82 0.02 trib 918 Q500 20.00 2009.84 2011.30 2010.16 2011.30 0.000012 0.13 207.29 233.18 0.02 trib 1472 Q10 10.00 2013.44 2013.73 2013.73 2013.78 0.038164 2.06 6.11 55.33 0.79 trib 1472 Q50 14.00 2013.44 2013.76 2013.76 2013.82 0.041668 2.34 7.74 62.95 0.84 trib 1472 Q100 16.00 2013.44 2013.77 2013.77 2013.84 0.039601 2.38 8.80 67.96 0.83 trib 1472 Q500 20.00 2013.44 2013.80 2013.80 2013.87 0.039038 2.52 10.69 77.87 0.84 trib 1510 Q10 10.00 2013.81 2014.06 2013.90 2014.06 0.002778 0.39 19.89 120.64 0.19 trib 1510 Q50 14.00 2013.81 2014.10 2013.94 2014.11 0.002801 0.43 25.50 126.84 0.20 trib 1510 Q100 16.00 2013.81 2014.12 2013.95 2014.13 0.002776 0.45 27.85 129.47 0.20 trib 1510 Q500 20.00 2013.81 2014.15 2013.97 2014.16 0.002826 0.50 31.99 137.40 0.21 trib 1520 Culvert trib 1528 Q10 10.00 2013.78 2014.06 2013.93 2014.06 0.005201 0.69 15.56 100.95 0.28 HEC-RAS Plan: wo DS lev (ECM) River: Tributary Reach: trib (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) trib 1528 Q50 14.00 2013.78 2014.10 2013.95 2014.11 0.004983 0.76 20.57 116.23 0.29 trib 1528 Q100 16.00 2013.78 2014.12 2013.97 2014.13 0.005184 0.82 22.52 118.90 0.30 trib 1528 Q500 20.00 2013.78 2014.16 2013.99 2014.17 0.004648 0.85 26.76 122.07 0.29 trib 1557 Q10 10.00 2014.07 2014.21 2014.05 2014.21 0.004529 0.32 16.54 122.35 0.22 trib 1557 Q50 14.00 2014.07 2014.25 2014.10 2014.26 0.004585 0.37 22.60 137.57 0.23 trib 1557 Q100 16.00 2014.07 2014.27 2014.12 2014.27 0.004521 0.42 24.77 140.38 0.24 trib 1557 Q500 20.00 2014.07 2014.29 2014.14 2014.30 0.004640 0.50 28.53 145.80 0.25 trib 1963 Q10 10.00 2015.81 2016.24 2016.10 2016.26 0.007062 1.07 10.25 52.15 0.36 trib 1963 Q50 14.00 2015.81 2016.29 2016.15 2016.31 0.007097 1.20 13.09 56.60 0.37 trib 1963 Q100 16.00 2015.81 2016.31 2016.17 2016.33 0.007323 1.27 14.25 57.48 0.38 trib 1963 Q500 20.00 2015.81 2016.35 2016.20 2016.38 0.007236 1.36 16.68 58.71 0.38 trib 1989 Q10 10.00 2017.77 2018.80 2018.80 2019.13 0.055202 4.65 2.15 3.23 1.00 trib 1989 Q50 14.00 2017.77 2018.98 2018.98 2019.38 0.054111 5.05 2.77 3.54 1.01 trib 1989 Q100 16.00 2017.77 2019.07 2019.07 2019.48 0.052722 5.18 3.09 3.69 1.00 trib 1989 Q500 20.00 2017.77 2019.22 2019.22 2019.68 0.051664 5.45 3.67 3.94 0.99 trib 2040 Culvert trib 2080 Q10 10.00 2018.73 2020.21 2019.81 2020.31 0.008855 2.56 3.90 8.86 0.46 trib 2080 Q50 14.00 2018.73 2020.50 2019.96 2020.62 0.007337 2.77 5.05 13.08 0.43 trib 2080 Q100 16.00 2018.73 2020.63 2020.02 2020.76 0.006894 2.87 5.58 15.13 0.43 trib 2080 Q500 20.00 2018.73 2020.87 2020.15 2021.02 0.006295 3.05 6.55 18.57 0.42 trib 2100 Q10 12.00 2018.27 2020.40 2019.40 2020.42 0.001965 1.13 10.60 12.20 0.21 trib 2100 Q50 24.00 2018.27 2020.71 2019.86 2020.75 0.003293 1.63 14.74 14.59 0.29 trib 2100 Q100 30.00 2018.27 2020.84 2020.00 2020.89 0.003479 1.80 16.71 15.37 0.30 trib 2100 Q500 46.00 2018.27 2021.09 2020.26 2021.17 0.004326 2.25 20.67 16.84 0.34 trib 2110 Q10 12.00 2018.27 2020.43 2019.40 2020.44 0.001824 1.10 10.90 12.39 0.21 trib 2110 Q50 24.00 2018.27 2020.75 2019.87 2020.79 0.002895 1.56 15.35 14.83 0.27 trib 2110 Q100 30.00 2018.27 2020.89 2020.00 2020.93 0.003072 1.73 17.40 15.64 0.28 trib 2110 Q500 46.00 2018.27 2021.15 2020.26 2021.22 0.003780 2.15 21.65 17.18 0.32 trib 2120 Q10 12.00 2018.27 2020.45 2019.40 2020.46 0.001720 1.08 11.15 12.55 0.20 trib 2120 Q50 24.00 2018.27 2020.78 2019.87 2020.82 0.002629 1.52 15.83 15.03 0.26 trib 2120 Q100 30.00 2018.27 2020.92 2020.00 2020.96 0.002801 1.68 17.94 15.84 0.27 trib 2120 Q500 46.00 2018.27 2021.19 2020.26 2021.26 0.003424 2.09 22.40 17.44 0.31 trib 2651 Q10 12.00 2021.38 2022.47 2022.22 2022.61 0.017129 3.01 3.98 5.18 0.61 trib 2651 Q50 24.00 2021.38 2023.15 2022.58 2023.29 0.009975 3.03 7.93 6.46 0.48 trib 2651 Q100 30.00 2021.38 2023.39 2022.73 2023.54 0.009967 3.13 9.59 7.45 0.49 trib 2651 Q500 46.00 2021.38 2023.89 2023.07 2024.06 0.008905 3.31 13.99 9.98 0.47 trib 3126 Q10 12.00 2023.82 2025.46 2024.69 2025.50 0.003063 1.52 7.89 7.80 0.27 trib 3126 Q50 24.00 2023.82 2025.96 2025.03 2026.02 0.003719 1.96 12.22 9.48 0.30 trib 3126 Q100 30.00 2023.82 2026.19 2025.18 2026.26 0.003685 2.07 14.46 10.24 0.31 trib 3126 Q500 46.00 2023.82 2026.66 2025.48 2026.74 0.003886 2.34 19.63 12.07 0.32 trib 3617 Q10 12.00 2029.08 2030.11 2030.11 2030.42 0.049822 4.51 2.66 4.15 0.99 trib 3617 Q50 24.00 2029.08 2030.51 2030.51 2030.93 0.045914 5.20 4.62 5.43 0.99 trib 3617 Q100 30.00 2029.08 2030.67 2030.67 2031.13 0.044711 5.44 5.52 5.92 0.99 trib 3617 Q500 46.00 2029.08 2031.02 2031.02 2031.57 0.042644 5.94 7.75 7.00 0.99 trib 4127 Q10 12.00 2032.61 2034.24 2033.46 2034.28 0.002893 1.55 7.75 7.24 0.26 trib 4127 Q50 24.00 2032.61 2034.85 2033.81 2034.90 0.003059 1.91 12.55 8.66 0.28 trib 4127 Q100 30.00 2032.61 2035.09 2033.95 2035.15 0.003115 2.04 14.68 9.22 0.29 trib 4127 Q500 46.00 2032.61 2035.61 2034.26 2035.69 0.003256 2.32 19.79 10.44 0.30 trib 4623 Q10 12.00 2035.96 2036.97 2036.69 2037.08 0.013584 2.65 4.52 6.04 0.54 trib 4623 Q50 24.00 2035.96 2037.48 2037.01 2037.62 0.011028 2.99 8.02 7.54 0.51 trib 4623 Q100 30.00 2035.96 2037.69 2037.15 2037.84 0.010391 3.11 9.65 8.14 0.50 trib 4623 Q500 46.00 2035.96 2038.17 2037.47 2038.34 0.009167 3.33 13.83 9.51 0.49 trib 4665 Q10 12.00 2036.85 2037.96 2037.96 2038.40 0.044689 5.35 2.24 2.87 1.00 trib 4665 Q50 24.00 2036.85 2038.47 2038.47 2039.19 0.039641 6.81 3.52 3.14 1.01 trib 4665 Q100 30.00 2036.85 2038.70 2038.70 2039.53 0.037071 7.30 4.11 3.38 1.00 trib 4665 Q500 46.00 2036.85 2039.25 2039.25 2040.35 0.033376 8.39 5.48 4.22 1.00 trib 4685 Culvert trib 4704 Q10 12.00 2037.52 2039.43 2038.69 2039.46 0.002145 1.38 9.18 34.56 0.23 trib 4704 Q50 24.00 2037.52 2040.38 2039.01 2040.40 0.000850 1.31 19.32 102.88 0.16 trib 4704 Q100 30.00 2037.52 2041.00 2039.13 2041.03 0.000501 1.20 26.03 291.32 0.13 trib 4704 Q500 46.00 2037.52 2041.27 2039.39 2041.27 0.000031 0.32 282.27 344.58 0.03 HEC-RAS Plan: wo DS lev (ECM) River: Tributary Reach: trib (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) trib 4750 Q10 11.00 2038.64 2039.58 2039.24 2039.63 0.007883 1.81 6.09 11.34 0.42 trib 4750 Q50 22.00 2038.64 2040.41 2039.51 2040.41 0.000085 0.31 133.48 357.36 0.05 trib 4750 Q100 28.00 2038.64 2041.03 2039.62 2041.03 0.000007 0.12 368.77 520.83 0.01 trib 4750 Q500 45.00 2038.64 2041.27 2039.96 2041.27 0.000008 0.14 466.80 590.32 0.02 trib 5165 Q10 11.00 2042.61 2043.28 2043.12 2043.32 0.010179 1.70 7.59 156.47 0.46 trib 5165 Q50 22.00 2042.61 2043.32 2043.32 2043.45 0.029050 3.03 9.04 171.87 0.78 trib 5165 Q100 28.00 2042.61 2043.40 2043.40 2043.50 0.021265 2.88 14.01 232.95 0.69 trib 5165 Q500 45.00 2042.61 2043.49 2043.49 2043.59 0.019619 3.08 22.51 275.32 0.68 trib 5676 Q10 11.00 2046.43 2047.51 2047.12 2047.55 0.006827 1.64 6.71 11.93 0.39 trib 5676 Q50 22.00 2046.43 2047.98 2047.39 2048.02 0.004265 1.60 13.77 17.89 0.32 trib 5676 Q100 28.00 2046.43 2048.08 2047.50 2048.13 0.004979 1.79 15.61 19.14 0.35 trib 5676 Q500 45.00 2046.43 2048.37 2047.73 2048.44 0.005525 2.09 21.54 22.70 0.38 trib 6117 Q10 11.00 2050.75 2051.68 2051.43 2051.79 0.014346 2.65 4.14 5.91 0.56 trib 6117 Q50 22.00 2050.75 2051.83 2051.73 2052.13 0.031946 4.33 5.08 6.25 0.85 trib 6117 Q100 28.00 2050.75 2052.07 2051.88 2052.35 0.024147 4.22 6.64 6.77 0.75 trib 6117 Q500 45.00 2050.75 2052.49 2052.21 2052.83 0.021971 4.67 9.63 7.67 0.73 trib 6154 Q10 11.00 2051.54 2052.27 2052.10 2052.32 0.013435 1.90 5.78 13.92 0.52 trib 6154 Q50 22.00 2051.54 2052.63 2052.28 2052.69 0.007005 1.94 11.36 16.54 0.41 trib 6154 Q100 28.00 2051.54 2052.76 2052.36 2052.83 0.006400 2.06 13.56 16.98 0.40 trib 6154 Q500 45.00 2051.54 2053.16 2052.55 2053.23 0.004689 2.24 20.12 18.24 0.36 trib 6200 Culvert trib 6239 Q10 11.00 2052.53 2053.54 2052.99 2053.55 0.001418 0.90 12.24 16.61 0.18 trib 6239 Q50 22.00 2052.53 2053.93 2053.16 2053.95 0.001478 1.16 19.00 17.98 0.20 trib 6239 Q100 28.00 2052.53 2054.11 2053.23 2054.13 0.001494 1.26 22.21 18.59 0.20 trib 6239 Q500 45.00 2052.53 2054.53 2053.41 2054.57 0.001512 1.48 30.45 20.08 0.21 trib 6274 Q10 11.00 2054.55 2055.35 2055.35 2055.52 0.056217 3.31 3.32 9.87 1.01 trib 6274 Q50 22.00 2054.55 2055.56 2055.56 2055.82 0.047771 4.06 5.42 10.35 0.99 trib 6274 Q100 28.00 2054.55 2055.65 2055.65 2055.95 0.047024 4.41 6.35 10.56 1.00 trib 6274 Q500 45.00 2054.55 2055.89 2055.89 2056.28 0.043042 5.06 8.90 11.10 1.00 trib 6553 Q10 11.00 2063.24 2064.09 2063.94 2064.19 0.019730 2.62 4.19 8.16 0.64 trib 6553 Q50 22.00 2063.24 2064.36 2064.18 2064.53 0.022013 3.31 6.64 9.84 0.71 trib 6553 Q100 28.00 2063.24 2064.48 2064.31 2064.68 0.022330 3.55 7.88 10.59 0.73 trib 6553 Q500 45.00 2063.24 2064.75 2064.57 2065.01 0.023749 4.13 10.90 12.22 0.77 trib 7086 Q10 7.00 2082.28 2083.02 2083.02 2083.29 0.040330 4.17 1.68 3.16 1.01 trib 7086 Q50 14.00 2082.28 2083.35 2083.35 2083.74 0.038233 5.05 2.77 3.52 1.00 trib 7086 Q100 18.00 2082.28 2083.50 2083.50 2083.96 0.037725 5.40 3.33 3.69 1.00 trib 7086 Q500 28.00 2082.28 2083.90 2083.90 2084.38 0.035210 5.60 5.00 5.17 1.00 trib 7121 Q10 7.00 2083.49 2084.19 2084.10 2084.38 0.024420 3.57 1.96 3.10 0.79 trib 7121 Q50 14.00 2083.49 2084.50 2084.42 2084.85 0.026475 4.77 2.93 3.15 0.86 trib 7121 Q100 18.00 2083.49 2084.63 2084.58 2085.08 0.028160 5.38 3.35 3.17 0.91 trib 7121 Q500 28.00 2083.49 2084.93 2084.92 2085.60 0.030058 6.54 4.28 3.21 0.98 trib 7130 Culvert trib 7143 Q10 7.00 2084.11 2085.20 2084.68 2085.26 0.004776 1.99 3.51 3.52 0.35 trib 7143 Q50 14.00 2084.11 2085.74 2084.98 2085.84 0.005635 2.56 5.48 3.69 0.37 trib 7143 Q100 18.00 2084.11 2086.04 2085.13 2086.16 0.005671 2.73 6.60 3.79 0.36 trib 7143 Q500 28.00 2084.11 2087.67 2085.47 2087.74 0.002300 2.12 13.20 4.31 0.21 trib 7169 Q10 7.00 2089.14 2089.93 2089.93 2090.25 0.043149 4.56 1.54 2.43 1.01 trib 7169 Q50 14.00 2089.14 2090.31 2090.31 2090.80 0.044959 5.60 2.50 2.57 1.00 trib 7169 Q100 18.00 2089.14 2090.51 2090.51 2091.06 0.045443 5.99 3.00 2.65 0.99 trib 7169 Q500 28.00 2089.14 2090.90 2090.90 2091.63 0.049847 6.90 4.06 2.80 1.01 trib 7175 Culvert trib 7186 Q10 7.00 2089.36 2090.59 2090.11 2090.69 0.008472 2.52 2.78 2.60 0.43 trib 7186 Q50 14.00 2089.36 2091.16 2090.49 2091.33 0.010658 3.24 4.32 10.51 0.46 trib 7186 Q100 18.00 2089.36 2091.45 2090.65 2091.64 0.011308 3.51 5.13 23.40 0.46 trib 7186 Q500 28.00 2089.36 2092.18 2091.08 2092.41 0.011178 3.83 7.32 80.36 0.44 trib 7220 Q10 7.00 2091.27 2092.00 2092.00 2092.21 0.033770 3.68 1.90 4.41 0.99 trib 7220 Q50 14.00 2091.27 2092.26 2092.26 2092.56 0.031983 4.39 3.19 5.38 1.01 trib 7220 Q100 18.00 2091.27 2092.39 2092.39 2092.72 0.029090 4.57 3.96 7.10 0.98 trib 7220 Q500 28.00 2091.27 2092.67 2092.67 2092.98 0.019326 4.62 6.75 109.88 0.84 HEC-RAS Plan: wo DS fw (ECM) River: Tributary Reach: trib Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) trib -1303 Base 2008.05 2008.05 103.69 5.34 9.25 1.41 134.37 158.76 trib -1303 Floodway 2009.05 1.00 2009.05 31.32 0.63 13.98 1.39 131.99 134.37 158.76 163.31 trib -1019 Base 2008.52 2008.62 38.92 3.31 11.46 1.24 178.65 192.41 trib -1019 Floodway 2009.04 0.53 2009.06 21.09 3.29 11.59 1.12 173.33 178.65 192.41 194.42 trib -880 Base 2008.63 2008.63 367.97 14.91 0.33 0.76 316.80 341.31 trib -880 Floodway 2009.07 0.45 2009.07 40.00 2.68 9.02 4.30 310.00 316.80 341.31 350.00 trib -466 Base 2008.63 2008.63 403.22 15.45 0.52 0.03 552.13 565.20 trib -466 Floodway 2009.09 0.46 2009.09 45.57 9.60 6.11 0.28 521.00 552.13 565.20 566.57 trib -89 Base 2008.63 2008.63 388.12 15.26 0.71 0.03 523.44 545.76 trib -89 Floodway 2009.10 0.47 2009.10 39.70 6.49 8.94 0.57 510.00 523.44 545.76 549.70 trib 1 Base 2008.61 2008.65 112.72 11.69 4.27 0.05 423.34 431.01 trib 1 Floodway 2009.07 0.46 2009.13 15.00 16.00 307.00 423.34 431.01 322.00 trib 149 Base 2008.66 2008.66 270.35 15.86 0.14 0.00 322.78 330.58 trib 149 Floodway 2009.18 0.53 2009.19 15.00 9.49 6.51 315.58 322.78 330.58 330.58 trib 343 Base 2008.66 2008.66 281.64 15.83 0.12 0.05 326.83 335.39 trib 343 Floodway 2009.26 0.60 2009.28 15.00 5.98 10.02 320.39 326.83 335.39 335.39 trib 383 Base 2008.66 2008.66 215.39 15.97 0.03 0.00 321.06 327.35 trib 383 Floodway 2009.30 0.64 2009.32 15.00 10.48 5.52 312.35 321.06 327.35 327.35 trib 472 Base 2008.66 2008.66 214.71 15.97 0.03 0.00 246.06 255.85 trib 472 Floodway 2009.49 0.84 2009.51 15.00 6.05 9.95 240.85 246.06 255.85 255.85 trib 576 Base 2008.66 2008.66 154.76 15.99 0.01 0.00 247.56 254.23 trib 576 Floodway 2009.63 0.97 2009.65 15.00 9.60 6.40 239.23 247.56 254.23 254.23 trib 651 Base 2011.21 2011.26 96.15 15.71 0.27 0.02 331.92 337.62 trib 651 Floodway 2011.47 0.26 2011.63 15.00 16.00 243.59 331.92 337.62 258.59 trib 918 Base 2011.27 2011.27 230.82 7.90 1.56 6.54 290.48 301.36 trib 918 Floodway 2011.80 0.53 2011.80 15.00 2.00 12.93 1.06 288.00 290.48 301.36 303.00 trib 1472 Base 2013.77 2013.84 67.96 1.43 9.86 4.70 374.56 390.80 trib 1472 Floodway 2014.15 0.38 2014.31 15.00 16.00 355.00 374.56 390.80 370.00 trib 1510 Base 2014.12 2014.13 129.47 0.02 0.84 15.14 289.44 302.32 trib 1510 Floodway 2014.63 0.51 2014.66 15.00 16.00 355.00 289.44 302.32 370.00 trib 1520 Culvert trib 1528 Base 2014.12 2014.13 118.90 0.00 2.72 13.28 307.04 321.23 trib 1528 Floodway 2013.79 -0.33 4514.91 2.75 16.00 370.00 307.04 321.23 385.00 trib 1557 Base 2014.27 2014.27 140.38 0.00 0.43 15.57 307.11 317.99 trib 1557 Floodway 2014.32 0.05 2014.48 15.00 16.00 370.00 307.11 317.99 385.00 trib 1963 Base 2016.31 2016.33 57.48 2.12 13.79 0.09 243.25 273.87 trib 1963 Floodway 2016.45 0.14 2016.46 66.39 3.52 12.23 0.24 243.25 273.87 trib 1989 Base 2019.07 2019.48 3.69 16.00 762.80 771.50 trib 1989 Floodway 2019.07 0.00 2019.48 3.69 16.00 762.80 771.50 trib 2040 Culvert trib 2080 Base 2020.63 2020.76 4.00 16.00 39.42 68.83 trib 2080 Floodway 2020.63 0.00 2020.76 4.00 16.00 39.42 68.83 trib 2100 Base 2020.84 2020.89 15.37 0.01 29.99 44.23 60.09 trib 2100 Floodway 2020.84 0.00 2020.89 15.37 0.01 29.99 44.23 60.09 trib 2110 Base 2020.89 2020.93 15.64 0.02 29.98 44.23 60.09 trib 2110 Floodway 2020.89 0.00 2020.93 15.64 0.02 29.98 44.23 60.09 trib 2120 Base 2020.92 2020.96 15.84 0.04 29.96 44.23 60.09 trib 2120 Floodway 2020.92 0.00 2020.96 15.84 0.04 29.96 44.23 60.09 trib 2651 Base 2023.39 2023.54 7.45 30.00 46.44 55.58 trib 2651 Floodway 2023.39 0.00 2023.54 7.45 30.00 46.44 55.58 trib 3126 Base 2026.19 2026.26 10.24 30.00 72.83 95.75 trib 3126 Floodway 2026.19 0.00 2026.26 10.24 30.00 72.83 95.75 trib 3617 Base 2030.67 2031.13 5.92 30.00 139.17 162.30 trib 3617 Floodway 2030.67 0.00 2031.13 5.92 30.00 139.17 162.30 trib 4127 Base 2035.09 2035.15 9.22 30.00 251.87 265.32 HEC-RAS Plan: wo DS fw (ECM) River: Tributary Reach: trib (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) trib 4127 Floodway 2035.09 0.00 2035.15 9.22 30.00 251.87 265.32 trib 4623 Base 2037.69 2037.84 8.14 30.00 314.09 329.75 trib 4623 Floodway 2037.69 0.00 2037.84 8.14 30.00 314.09 329.75 trib 4665 Base 2038.70 2039.53 2.50 30.00 340.25 349.22 trib 4665 Floodway 2038.70 0.00 2039.53 2.50 30.00 340.25 349.22 trib 4685 Culvert trib 4704 Base 2041.00 2041.03 10.70 5.75 24.25 352.15 360.54 trib 4704 Floodway 2041.00 0.00 2041.03 10.70 5.75 24.25 352.15 360.54 trib 4750 Base 2041.03 2041.03 400.62 13.78 2.79 11.43 329.79 342.44 trib 4750 Floodway 2041.03 0.00 2041.03 400.62 13.78 2.79 11.43 329.79 342.44 trib 5165 Base 2043.40 2043.50 77.29 5.63 21.68 0.69 212.11 225.92 trib 5165 Floodway 2043.40 0.00 2043.50 77.29 5.63 21.68 0.69 212.11 225.92 trib 5676 Base 2048.08 2048.13 19.14 28.00 183.69 226.54 trib 5676 Floodway 2048.08 0.00 2048.13 19.14 28.00 183.69 226.54 trib 6117 Base 2052.07 2052.35 6.77 28.00 211.57 230.44 trib 6117 Floodway 2052.07 0.00 2052.35 6.77 28.00 211.57 230.44 trib 6154 Base 2052.76 2052.83 16.44 28.00 211.25 246.77 trib 6154 Floodway 2052.76 0.00 2052.83 16.44 28.00 211.25 246.77 trib 6200 Culvert trib 6239 Base 2054.11 2054.13 18.59 28.00 221.30 259.22 trib 6239 Floodway 2054.11 0.00 2054.13 18.59 28.00 221.30 259.22 trib 6274 Base 2055.65 2055.95 10.56 28.00 210.49 231.21 trib 6274 Floodway 2055.65 0.00 2055.95 10.56 28.00 210.49 231.21 trib 6553 Base 2064.48 2064.68 10.59 28.00 197.65 240.39 trib 6553 Floodway 2064.48 0.00 2064.68 10.59 28.00 197.65 240.39 trib 7086 Base 2083.50 2083.96 3.69 18.00 150.93 158.25 trib 7086 Floodway 2083.50 0.00 2083.96 3.69 18.00 150.93 158.25 trib 7121 Base 2084.63 2085.08 3.10 18.00 118.04 121.88 trib 7121 Floodway 2084.63 0.00 2085.08 3.10 18.00 118.04 121.88 trib 7130 Culvert trib 7143 Base 2086.04 2086.16 3.79 18.00 111.14 115.72 trib 7143 Floodway 2086.04 0.00 2086.16 3.79 18.00 111.14 115.72 trib 7169 Base 2090.51 2091.06 2.65 18.00 114.91 118.45 trib 7169 Floodway 2090.51 0.00 2091.06 2.65 18.00 114.91 118.45 trib 7175 Culvert trib 7186 Base 2091.45 2091.64 2.88 18.00 119.10 122.49 trib 7186 Floodway 2091.45 0.00 2091.64 2.88 18.00 119.10 122.49 trib 7220 Base 2092.39 2092.72 7.10 0.01 17.99 130.02 136.02 trib 7220 Floodway 2092.39 0.00 2092.72 7.10 0.01 17.99 130.02 136.02 Appendix F. Post Project Conditions HEC‐RAS   Models    HEC-RAS Plan: PCM River: Chester Creek Reach: Golf Course Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) Golf Course -2737 10-yr 30.00 2001.24 2002.25 2002.16 2002.63 0.010010 4.97 6.03 10.02 0.87 Golf Course -2737 50-yr 54.00 2001.24 2002.67 2002.60 2003.29 0.010009 6.29 8.58 11.72 0.93 Golf Course -2737 100-yr 64.00 2001.24 2002.82 2002.77 2003.53 0.010003 6.73 9.51 12.34 0.94 Golf Course -2737 500-yr 118.00 2001.24 2003.54 2003.54 2004.68 0.009819 8.55 13.80 15.20 0.99 Golf Course -2000 Culvert Golf Course -680 10-yr 30.00 2003.42 2005.61 2004.34 2005.69 0.000389 2.29 13.13 6.00 0.27 Golf Course -680 50-yr 54.00 2003.42 2006.39 2004.78 2006.54 0.000547 3.03 17.84 6.00 0.31 Golf Course -680 100-yr 64.00 2003.42 2006.68 2004.94 2006.85 0.000601 3.27 19.56 6.00 0.32 Golf Course -680 500-yr 118.00 2003.42 2008.11 2005.70 2008.38 0.000800 4.19 28.15 6.00 0.34 Golf Course -679 10-yr 30.00 2003.42 2005.53 2004.62 2005.72 0.001247 3.56 8.43 4.00 0.43 Golf Course -679 50-yr 54.00 2003.42 2006.25 2005.20 2006.60 0.001884 4.78 11.30 4.00 0.50 Golf Course -679 100-yr 64.00 2003.42 2006.51 2005.41 2006.92 0.002116 5.18 12.34 4.00 0.52 Golf Course -679 500-yr 118.00 2003.42 2007.82 2006.41 2008.51 0.003005 6.71 17.58 4.00 0.56 Golf Course -460 Culvert Golf Course -409 10-yr 30.00 2005.50 2007.88 2006.70 2008.03 0.000411 3.15 9.51 12.00 0.36 Golf Course -409 50-yr 54.00 2005.50 2008.79 2007.28 2009.05 0.000451 4.11 13.15 12.00 0.40 Golf Course -409 100-yr 64.00 2005.50 2009.13 2007.50 2009.43 0.000456 4.41 14.52 12.00 0.41 Golf Course -409 500-yr 118.00 2005.50 2011.28 2008.51 2011.68 0.000329 5.10 23.12 12.00 0.37 Golf Course -396 10-yr 30.00 2007.12 2008.16 2008.16 2008.68 0.006621 5.78 5.19 5.00 1.00 Golf Course -396 50-yr 54.00 2007.12 2008.66 2008.66 2009.43 0.006941 7.04 7.67 5.00 1.00 Golf Course -396 100-yr 64.00 2007.12 2008.89 2008.84 2009.71 0.006574 7.25 8.83 5.00 0.96 Golf Course -396 500-yr 118.00 2007.12 2011.23 2009.70 2011.75 0.002395 5.74 20.56 5.00 0.50 Golf Course -42 10-yr 30.00 2007.33 2009.30 2008.36 2009.45 0.001061 3.04 9.87 5.00 0.38 Golf Course -42 50-yr 54.00 2007.33 2010.12 2008.86 2010.35 0.001358 3.87 13.94 5.00 0.41 Golf Course -42 100-yr 64.00 2007.33 2010.40 2009.04 2010.67 0.001483 4.17 15.35 5.00 0.42 Golf Course -42 500-yr 118.00 2007.33 2012.07 2009.91 2012.45 0.001685 4.98 23.68 5.00 0.40 Golf Course -32 10-yr 30.00 2007.33 2009.51 2007.65 2009.52 0.000012 0.47 63.35 29.00 0.06 Golf Course -32 50-yr 54.00 2007.33 2010.46 2007.81 2010.47 0.000013 0.59 90.78 29.00 0.06 Golf Course -32 100-yr 64.00 2007.33 2010.80 2007.86 2010.80 0.000013 0.64 100.52 29.00 0.06 Golf Course -32 500-yr 118.00 2007.33 2012.63 2008.13 2012.64 0.000013 0.77 153.73 29.00 0.06 Golf Course -23 10-yr 30.00 2007.34 2009.52 2007.66 2009.52 0.000013 0.48 63.06 29.00 0.06 Golf Course -23 50-yr 54.00 2007.34 2010.46 2007.81 2010.47 0.000013 0.60 90.49 29.00 0.06 Golf Course -23 100-yr 64.00 2007.34 2010.80 2007.87 2010.80 0.000014 0.64 100.23 29.00 0.06 Golf Course -23 500-yr 118.00 2007.34 2012.63 2008.14 2012.64 0.000013 0.77 153.45 29.00 0.06 Golf Course 0 Culvert Golf Course 23 10-yr 30.00 2007.58 2009.52 2007.91 2009.52 0.000158 0.53 56.15 29.00 0.07 Golf Course 23 50-yr 54.00 2007.58 2010.46 2008.05 2010.47 0.000146 0.65 83.63 29.00 0.07 Golf Course 23 100-yr 64.00 2007.58 2010.80 2008.10 2010.81 0.000146 0.68 93.45 29.00 0.07 Golf Course 23 500-yr 118.00 2007.58 2012.67 2008.38 2012.68 0.000227 0.48 246.03 213.47 0.08 Golf Course 36 10-yr 30.00 2011.57 2011.99 2011.99 2012.13 0.056936 3.07 9.78 112.30 1.01 Golf Course 36 50-yr 54.00 2011.57 2012.14 2012.14 2012.33 0.049365 3.42 15.77 127.85 0.99 Golf Course 36 100-yr 64.00 2011.57 2012.20 2012.20 2012.39 0.046927 3.52 18.18 133.37 0.98 Golf Course 36 500-yr 118.00 2011.57 2012.68 2012.40 2012.69 0.002092 0.95 124.79 215.04 0.22 Golf Course 178 10-yr 30.00 2011.75 2012.36 2011.92 2012.36 0.000308 0.29 103.21 389.10 0.08 Golf Course 178 50-yr 54.00 2011.75 2012.56 2011.98 2012.56 0.000295 0.35 155.39 429.02 0.08 Golf Course 178 100-yr 64.00 2011.75 2012.63 2012.00 2012.63 0.000291 0.37 174.52 439.18 0.08 Golf Course 178 500-yr 118.00 2011.75 2012.81 2012.09 2012.81 0.000448 0.52 226.87 464.93 0.11 Golf Course 276 10-yr 30.00 2011.65 2012.41 2012.00 2012.41 0.001147 0.46 64.56 205.81 0.15 Golf Course 276 50-yr 54.00 2011.65 2012.60 2012.11 2012.61 0.000814 0.51 106.65 232.06 0.13 Golf Course 276 100-yr 64.00 2011.65 2012.67 2012.14 2012.67 0.000763 0.52 122.37 244.95 0.13 Golf Course 276 500-yr 118.00 2011.65 2012.87 2012.31 2012.87 0.000957 0.68 172.58 283.08 0.15 Golf Course 402 10-yr 30.00 2012.03 2012.63 2012.42 2012.63 0.002993 0.66 45.61 177.23 0.23 Golf Course 402 50-yr 54.00 2012.03 2012.77 2012.48 2012.77 0.002485 0.75 72.29 201.80 0.22 Golf Course 402 100-yr 64.00 2012.03 2012.82 2012.51 2012.83 0.002193 0.77 83.43 203.77 0.21 Golf Course 402 500-yr 118.00 2012.03 2013.03 2012.60 2013.05 0.001999 0.90 130.54 232.48 0.21 Golf Course 528 10-yr 30.00 2012.09 2012.89 2012.50 2012.90 0.001592 0.66 45.72 110.96 0.18 Golf Course 528 50-yr 54.00 2012.09 2013.04 2012.61 2013.06 0.002028 0.85 63.77 126.64 0.21 Golf Course 528 100-yr 64.00 2012.09 2013.09 2012.64 2013.10 0.002178 0.92 69.80 129.79 0.22 Golf Course 528 500-yr 118.00 2012.09 2013.32 2012.78 2013.34 0.002820 1.11 106.08 179.16 0.25 Golf Course 964 10-yr 30.00 2012.71 2013.36 2012.98 2013.36 0.000740 0.45 66.97 162.28 0.12 Golf Course 964 50-yr 54.00 2012.71 2013.55 2013.05 2013.56 0.000766 0.53 101.97 197.12 0.13 Golf Course 964 100-yr 64.00 2012.71 2013.62 2013.07 2013.63 0.000744 0.56 115.11 202.46 0.13 Golf Course 964 500-yr 118.00 2012.71 2013.91 2013.18 2013.91 0.000749 0.67 177.12 238.74 0.14 HEC-RAS Plan: PCM River: Chester Creek Reach: Golf Course (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) Golf Course 1404 10-yr 30.00 2013.92 2014.45 2014.45 2014.57 0.060255 2.72 11.01 48.22 1.00 Golf Course 1404 50-yr 54.00 2013.92 2014.57 2014.57 2014.72 0.053115 3.18 16.96 53.43 1.00 Golf Course 1404 100-yr 64.00 2013.92 2014.60 2014.60 2014.78 0.054246 3.41 18.77 54.23 1.02 Golf Course 1404 500-yr 118.00 2013.92 2014.78 2014.78 2015.04 0.047389 4.05 29.11 58.60 1.01 Golf Course 1489 10-yr 30.00 2014.38 2015.05 2014.75 2015.05 0.001933 0.69 43.31 112.20 0.20 Golf Course 1489 50-yr 54.00 2014.38 2015.22 2014.83 2015.23 0.002060 0.84 64.21 130.40 0.21 Golf Course 1489 100-yr 64.00 2014.38 2015.28 2014.85 2015.29 0.002060 0.89 72.20 135.50 0.21 Golf Course 1489 500-yr 118.00 2014.38 2015.56 2014.98 2015.58 0.002264 0.99 119.78 205.88 0.23 Golf Course 1547 10-yr 30.00 2014.61 2015.16 2014.87 2015.16 0.001938 0.64 46.54 134.52 0.19 Golf Course 1547 50-yr 54.00 2014.61 2015.33 2014.95 2015.34 0.001742 0.76 71.20 148.90 0.19 Golf Course 1547 100-yr 64.00 2014.61 2015.39 2014.98 2015.40 0.001701 0.80 80.06 151.92 0.19 Golf Course 1547 500-yr 118.00 2014.61 2015.67 2015.09 2015.69 0.001637 0.93 126.65 185.64 0.20 Golf Course 1647 10-yr 30.00 2014.93 2015.45 2015.26 2015.46 0.005092 0.93 32.35 111.85 0.30 Golf Course 1647 50-yr 54.00 2014.93 2015.60 2015.34 2015.61 0.004889 1.03 52.56 151.12 0.31 Golf Course 1647 100-yr 64.00 2014.93 2015.65 2015.37 2015.66 0.004580 1.07 59.89 154.59 0.30 Golf Course 1647 500-yr 118.00 2014.93 2015.90 2015.50 2015.92 0.003351 1.17 101.20 181.33 0.28 Golf Course 1981 10-yr 30.00 2017.57 2017.97 2017.87 2017.99 0.012459 1.10 27.17 141.49 0.44 Golf Course 1981 50-yr 54.00 2017.57 2018.07 2017.95 2018.10 0.012670 1.24 43.59 193.33 0.46 Golf Course 1981 100-yr 64.00 2017.57 2018.10 2017.97 2018.12 0.013760 1.32 48.49 208.12 0.48 Golf Course 1981 500-yr 118.00 2017.57 2018.17 2018.07 2018.22 0.021273 1.81 65.10 240.68 0.61 Golf Course 2578 10-yr 30.00 2022.25 2022.83 2022.66 2022.84 0.005714 0.89 33.70 135.04 0.31 Golf Course 2578 50-yr 54.00 2022.25 2022.95 2022.74 2022.97 0.005672 1.06 51.18 158.01 0.33 Golf Course 2578 100-yr 64.00 2022.25 2022.99 2022.76 2023.01 0.005408 1.11 57.80 160.17 0.32 Golf Course 2578 500-yr 118.00 2022.25 2023.19 2022.87 2023.22 0.004422 1.29 91.23 172.16 0.31 Golf Course 2863 10-yr 30.00 2028.58 2029.26 2029.26 2029.46 0.050578 3.53 8.49 22.03 1.00 Golf Course 2863 50-yr 54.00 2028.58 2029.49 2029.49 2029.71 0.047430 3.77 14.32 32.12 1.00 Golf Course 2863 100-yr 64.00 2028.58 2029.56 2029.56 2029.79 0.047397 3.81 16.79 37.05 1.00 Golf Course 2863 500-yr 118.00 2028.58 2029.79 2029.79 2030.10 0.045198 4.51 26.15 43.13 1.02 HEC-RAS Plan: PCM FW River: Chester Creek Reach: Golf Course Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) Golf Course -2737 Base 64.00 2001.24 2002.82 2002.77 2003.53 0.010003 6.73 9.51 12.34 0.94 Golf Course -2737 Floodway 64.00 2001.24 2002.82 2002.77 2003.53 0.010003 6.73 9.51 12.34 0.94 Golf Course -2000 Culvert Golf Course -680 Base 64.00 2003.42 2006.68 2004.94 2006.85 0.000601 3.27 19.56 6.00 0.32 Golf Course -680 Floodway 64.00 2003.42 2006.68 2004.94 2006.85 0.000601 3.27 19.56 6.00 0.32 Golf Course -679 Base 64.00 2003.42 2006.51 2005.41 2006.92 0.002116 5.18 12.34 4.00 0.52 Golf Course -679 Floodway 64.00 2003.42 2006.51 2005.41 2006.92 0.002116 5.18 12.34 4.00 0.52 Golf Course -460 Culvert Golf Course -409 Base 64.00 2005.50 2009.13 2007.50 2009.43 0.000456 4.41 14.52 12.00 0.41 Golf Course -409 Floodway 64.00 2005.50 2009.13 2007.50 2009.43 0.000456 4.41 14.52 12.00 0.41 Golf Course -396 Base 64.00 2007.12 2008.89 2008.84 2009.71 0.006574 7.25 8.83 5.00 0.96 Golf Course -396 Floodway 64.00 2007.12 2008.89 2008.84 2009.71 0.006574 7.25 8.83 5.00 0.96 Golf Course -42 Base 64.00 2007.33 2010.40 2009.04 2010.67 0.001483 4.17 15.35 5.00 0.42 Golf Course -42 Floodway 64.00 2007.33 2010.40 2009.04 2010.67 0.001483 4.17 15.35 5.00 0.42 Golf Course -32 Base 64.00 2007.33 2010.80 2007.86 2010.80 0.000013 0.64 100.52 29.00 0.06 Golf Course -32 Floodway 64.00 2007.33 2010.80 2007.86 2010.80 0.000013 0.64 100.52 29.00 0.06 Golf Course -23 Base 64.00 2007.34 2010.80 2007.87 2010.80 0.000014 0.64 100.23 29.00 0.06 Golf Course -23 Floodway 64.00 2007.34 2010.80 2007.87 2010.80 0.000014 0.64 100.23 29.00 0.06 Golf Course 0 Culvert Golf Course 23 Base 64.00 2007.58 2010.80 2008.10 2010.81 0.000146 0.68 93.45 29.00 0.07 Golf Course 23 Floodway 64.00 2007.58 2010.80 2008.11 2010.81 0.000146 0.68 93.45 29.00 0.07 Golf Course 36 Base 64.00 2011.57 2012.20 2012.20 2012.39 0.046927 3.52 18.18 133.37 0.98 Golf Course 36 Floodway 64.00 2011.58 2012.24 2012.24 2012.51 0.047961 4.17 15.35 29.00 1.01 Golf Course 178 Base 64.00 2011.75 2012.63 2012.00 2012.63 0.000291 0.37 174.52 439.18 0.08 Golf Course 178 Floodway 64.00 2011.75 2013.09 2012.21 2013.11 0.001103 1.13 56.78 44.00 0.17 Golf Course 276 Base 64.00 2011.65 2012.67 2012.14 2012.67 0.000763 0.52 122.37 244.95 0.13 Golf Course 276 Floodway 64.00 2011.65 2013.20 2012.35 2013.22 0.001194 1.15 55.45 44.00 0.18 Golf Course 402 Base 64.00 2012.03 2012.82 2012.51 2012.83 0.002193 0.77 83.43 203.77 0.21 Golf Course 402 Floodway 64.00 2012.03 2013.39 2012.69 2013.42 0.001955 1.36 47.22 43.00 0.23 Golf Course 528 Base 64.00 2012.09 2013.09 2012.64 2013.10 0.002178 0.92 69.80 129.79 0.22 Golf Course 528 Floodway 64.00 2012.09 2013.59 2012.75 2013.61 0.001277 1.19 53.71 43.00 0.19 Golf Course 964 Base 64.00 2012.71 2013.62 2013.07 2013.63 0.000744 0.56 115.11 202.46 0.13 Golf Course 964 Floodway 64.00 2012.75 2014.11 2013.21 2014.13 0.001101 1.14 56.27 43.00 0.18 Golf Course 1404 Base 64.00 2013.92 2014.60 2014.60 2014.78 0.054246 3.41 18.77 54.23 1.02 Golf Course 1404 Floodway 64.00 2014.07 2015.27 2015.26 2015.70 0.044736 5.27 12.14 14.13 1.00 Golf Course 1489 Base 64.00 2014.38 2015.28 2014.85 2015.29 0.002060 0.89 72.20 135.50 0.21 Golf Course 1489 Floodway 64.00 2014.38 2016.10 2015.10 2016.14 0.001661 1.51 42.37 27.34 0.21 Golf Course 1547 Base 64.00 2014.61 2015.39 2014.98 2015.40 0.001701 0.80 80.06 151.92 0.19 Golf Course 1547 Floodway 64.00 2014.68 2016.21 2015.36 2016.27 0.002980 1.93 33.09 22.35 0.28 Golf Course 1647 Base 64.00 2014.93 2015.65 2015.37 2015.66 0.004580 1.07 59.89 154.59 0.30 Golf Course 1647 Floodway 64.00 2015.17 2016.61 2016.04 2016.71 0.006502 2.57 24.92 20.00 0.41 Golf Course 1981 Base 64.00 2017.57 2018.10 2017.97 2018.12 0.013760 1.32 48.49 208.12 0.48 Golf Course 1981 Floodway 64.00 2017.71 2019.02 2018.54 2019.14 0.008168 2.75 23.24 20.00 0.45 Golf Course 2578 Base 64.00 2022.25 2022.99 2022.76 2023.01 0.005408 1.11 57.80 160.17 0.32 Golf Course 2578 Floodway 64.00 2022.49 2023.79 2023.29 2023.91 0.007820 2.71 23.60 20.00 0.44 Golf Course 2863 Base 64.00 2028.58 2029.56 2029.56 2029.79 0.047397 3.81 16.79 37.05 1.00 Golf Course 2863 Floodway 64.00 2028.58 2029.72 2029.52 2029.93 0.019588 3.68 17.37 19.72 0.69 HEC-RAS Plan: PCM River: Tributary Reach: trib Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) trib -36 Q10 10.00 1990.06 1990.90 1990.84 1991.05 0.028617 3.14 3.19 7.38 0.84 trib -36 Q50 14.00 1990.06 1991.00 1990.96 1991.19 0.031272 3.53 3.97 8.23 0.90 trib -36 Q100 16.00 1990.06 1991.10 1991.00 1991.27 0.021753 3.33 4.83 8.78 0.77 trib -36 Q500 20.00 1990.06 2005.00 1991.08 2005.00 0.000000 0.06 480.84 52.99 0.00 trib -20 Q10 10.00 1998.29 1999.10 1999.10 1999.31 0.041387 3.62 2.76 6.79 1.00 trib -20 Q50 14.00 1998.29 1999.21 1999.21 1999.45 0.040662 3.96 3.53 7.72 1.02 trib -20 Q100 16.00 1998.29 1999.27 1999.27 1999.52 0.037652 4.04 3.99 8.67 0.99 trib -20 Q500 20.00 1998.29 2005.00 2005.00 0.000002 0.17 159.56 44.32 0.01 trib 0 Q10 10.00 2008.02 2009.13 2009.13 2009.27 0.015617 3.22 3.89 15.14 0.71 trib 0 Q50 14.00 2008.02 2009.20 2009.20 2009.37 0.017590 3.67 5.07 17.80 0.77 trib 0 Q100 16.00 2008.02 2009.26 2009.26 2009.42 0.015217 3.60 6.24 21.69 0.72 trib 0 Q500 20.00 2008.02 2009.32 2009.32 2009.48 0.015408 3.81 7.66 25.00 0.74 trib 75 Q10 10.00 2008.70 2009.72 2009.27 2009.76 0.003364 1.62 6.17 9.11 0.35 trib 75 Q50 14.00 2008.70 2009.86 2009.39 2009.92 0.003803 1.86 7.55 9.98 0.38 trib 75 Q100 16.00 2008.70 2009.91 2009.45 2009.97 0.004235 2.00 8.00 10.25 0.40 trib 75 Q500 20.00 2008.70 2010.00 2009.54 2010.08 0.004802 2.22 9.01 10.82 0.43 trib 174 Q10 10.00 2006.80 2009.77 2007.37 2009.77 0.000030 0.28 35.41 20.83 0.04 trib 174 Q50 14.00 2006.80 2009.93 2007.50 2009.94 0.000046 0.36 38.88 21.81 0.05 trib 174 Q100 16.00 2006.80 2009.99 2007.55 2009.99 0.000055 0.40 40.13 22.15 0.05 trib 174 Q500 20.00 2006.80 2010.11 2007.64 2010.11 0.000073 0.47 42.73 22.84 0.06 trib 275 Q10 10.00 2007.00 2009.78 2007.58 2009.78 0.000042 0.32 31.43 19.65 0.04 trib 275 Q50 14.00 2007.00 2009.94 2007.69 2009.94 0.000062 0.40 34.74 20.64 0.05 trib 275 Q100 16.00 2007.00 2010.00 2007.74 2010.00 0.000074 0.45 35.95 20.98 0.06 trib 275 Q500 20.00 2007.00 2010.12 2007.85 2010.12 0.000097 0.52 38.45 21.69 0.07 trib 374 Q10 10.00 2007.90 2009.78 2008.48 2009.79 0.000244 0.62 16.25 14.28 0.10 trib 374 Q50 14.00 2007.90 2009.95 2008.59 2009.96 0.000328 0.75 18.71 15.28 0.12 trib 374 Q100 16.00 2007.90 2010.01 2008.64 2010.02 0.000376 0.81 19.63 15.64 0.13 trib 374 Q500 20.00 2007.90 2010.13 2008.75 2010.14 0.000458 0.93 21.55 16.36 0.14 trib 474 Q10 10.00 2008.30 2009.81 2008.87 2009.83 0.000633 0.88 11.41 12.08 0.16 trib 474 Q50 14.00 2008.30 2009.99 2008.99 2010.01 0.000768 1.03 13.63 13.14 0.18 trib 474 Q100 16.00 2008.30 2010.06 2009.05 2010.07 0.000850 1.10 14.50 13.53 0.19 trib 474 Q500 20.00 2008.30 2010.18 2009.14 2010.21 0.000970 1.23 16.30 14.30 0.20 trib 574 Q10 10.00 2008.00 2009.86 2008.57 2009.87 0.000257 0.63 15.94 14.15 0.10 trib 574 Q50 14.00 2008.00 2010.05 2008.70 2010.06 0.000328 0.75 18.70 15.28 0.12 trib 574 Q100 16.00 2008.00 2010.12 2008.74 2010.13 0.000367 0.81 19.81 15.71 0.13 trib 574 Q500 20.00 2008.00 2010.26 2008.84 2010.27 0.000430 0.91 22.07 16.55 0.14 trib 674 Q10 10.00 2008.60 2009.90 2009.17 2009.92 0.001223 1.12 8.95 10.79 0.22 trib 674 Q50 14.00 2008.60 2010.09 2009.29 2010.12 0.001312 1.25 11.18 11.96 0.23 trib 674 Q100 16.00 2008.60 2010.17 2009.35 2010.20 0.001381 1.32 12.11 12.42 0.24 trib 674 Q500 20.00 2008.60 2010.32 2009.44 2010.35 0.001460 1.43 14.00 13.30 0.25 trib 774 Q10 10.00 2009.90 2010.48 2010.48 2010.69 0.031381 3.64 2.74 6.48 0.99 trib 774 Q50 14.00 2009.90 2010.60 2010.60 2010.84 0.029768 3.93 3.56 7.19 0.98 trib 774 Q100 16.00 2009.90 2010.65 2010.65 2010.91 0.029462 4.06 3.94 7.50 0.99 trib 774 Q500 20.00 2009.90 2010.75 2010.75 2011.03 0.028659 4.28 4.68 8.07 0.99 trib 874 Q10 10.00 2010.80 2011.71 2011.38 2011.77 0.005292 1.91 5.22 8.47 0.43 trib 874 Q50 14.00 2010.80 2011.87 2011.50 2011.94 0.005478 2.12 6.60 9.39 0.45 trib 874 Q100 16.00 2010.80 2011.93 2011.55 2012.01 0.005543 2.21 7.25 9.80 0.45 trib 874 Q500 20.00 2010.80 2012.06 2011.64 2012.14 0.005634 2.36 8.49 10.53 0.46 trib 974 Q10 10.00 2011.00 2012.09 2011.58 2012.12 0.002541 1.46 6.83 9.54 0.30 trib 974 Q50 14.00 2011.00 2012.27 2011.68 2012.31 0.002664 1.63 8.60 10.59 0.32 trib 974 Q100 16.00 2011.00 2012.34 2011.75 2012.39 0.002716 1.70 9.43 11.05 0.32 trib 974 Q500 20.00 2011.00 2012.48 2011.84 2012.53 0.002804 1.82 10.99 11.87 0.33 trib 1073 Q10 10.00 2012.60 2013.17 2013.17 2013.39 0.032783 3.70 2.70 6.44 1.01 trib 1073 Q50 14.00 2012.60 2013.29 2013.29 2013.54 0.030742 3.98 3.52 7.16 1.00 trib 1073 Q100 16.00 2012.60 2013.35 2013.35 2013.61 0.030075 4.09 3.91 7.48 1.00 trib 1073 Q500 20.00 2012.60 2013.44 2013.44 2013.73 0.029850 4.34 4.61 8.02 1.01 trib 1174 Q10 10.00 2013.90 2014.73 2014.48 2014.81 0.007662 2.19 4.57 7.99 0.51 trib 1174 Q50 14.00 2013.90 2014.87 2014.59 2014.97 0.007922 2.43 5.76 8.84 0.53 trib 1174 Q100 16.00 2013.90 2014.94 2014.64 2015.04 0.008038 2.53 6.32 9.21 0.54 trib 1174 Q500 20.00 2013.90 2015.05 2014.74 2015.16 0.008129 2.70 7.42 9.90 0.55 trib 1274 Q10 10.00 2015.70 2016.28 2016.28 2016.49 0.032229 3.68 2.72 6.45 1.00 trib 1274 Q50 14.00 2015.70 2016.39 2016.39 2016.64 0.030806 3.98 3.52 7.16 1.00 trib 1274 Q100 16.00 2015.70 2016.45 2016.45 2016.71 0.030017 4.09 3.91 7.48 1.00 HEC-RAS Plan: PCM River: Tributary Reach: trib (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) trib 1274 Q500 20.00 2015.70 2016.54 2016.54 2016.83 0.029315 4.31 4.64 8.04 1.00 trib 1324 Q10 10.00 2016.70 2017.46 2017.40 2017.76 0.019970 4.38 2.28 7.57 0.88 trib 1324 Q50 14.00 2016.70 2017.59 2017.57 2018.02 0.022965 5.22 2.68 8.36 0.97 trib 1324 Q100 16.00 2016.70 2017.66 2017.66 2018.14 0.023540 5.55 2.88 8.77 1.00 trib 1324 Q500 20.00 2016.70 2017.80 2017.80 2018.37 0.023469 6.06 3.30 9.60 1.02 trib 1450 Culvert trib 2080 Q10 10.00 2018.73 2020.20 2019.81 2020.30 0.009243 2.60 3.85 8.74 0.47 trib 2080 Q50 14.00 2018.73 2020.49 2019.96 2020.61 0.007544 2.79 5.01 12.91 0.44 trib 2080 Q100 16.00 2018.73 2020.62 2020.02 2020.75 0.007078 2.89 5.53 14.96 0.43 trib 2080 Q500 20.00 2018.73 2020.86 2020.15 2021.01 0.006428 3.07 6.51 18.48 0.42 trib 2100 Q10 12.00 2018.27 2020.39 2019.40 2020.41 0.002011 1.14 10.51 12.14 0.22 trib 2100 Q50 24.00 2018.27 2020.70 2019.86 2020.75 0.003356 1.64 14.64 14.54 0.29 trib 2100 Q100 30.00 2018.27 2020.83 2020.00 2020.89 0.003549 1.81 16.60 15.33 0.30 trib 2100 Q500 46.00 2018.27 2021.08 2020.26 2021.16 0.004396 2.26 20.56 16.80 0.34 trib 2110 Q10 12.00 2018.27 2020.42 2019.40 2020.44 0.001863 1.11 10.82 12.34 0.21 trib 2110 Q50 24.00 2018.27 2020.75 2019.87 2020.78 0.002944 1.57 15.27 14.80 0.27 trib 2110 Q100 30.00 2018.27 2020.88 2020.00 2020.93 0.003124 1.74 17.31 15.60 0.28 trib 2110 Q500 46.00 2018.27 2021.14 2020.26 2021.21 0.003831 2.16 21.55 17.15 0.32 trib 2120 Q10 12.00 2018.27 2020.44 2019.40 2020.46 0.001754 1.08 11.07 12.49 0.20 trib 2120 Q50 24.00 2018.27 2020.78 2019.87 2020.82 0.002669 1.52 15.76 15.00 0.26 trib 2120 Q100 30.00 2018.27 2020.92 2020.00 2020.96 0.002843 1.69 17.86 15.81 0.27 trib 2120 Q500 46.00 2018.27 2021.18 2020.26 2021.25 0.003464 2.09 22.31 17.41 0.31 trib 2651 Q10 12.00 2021.38 2022.47 2022.22 2022.61 0.016627 2.98 4.02 5.20 0.60 trib 2651 Q50 24.00 2021.38 2023.15 2022.58 2023.29 0.009808 3.01 7.98 6.47 0.48 trib 2651 Q100 30.00 2021.38 2023.39 2022.73 2023.54 0.009826 3.11 9.65 7.49 0.48 trib 2651 Q500 46.00 2021.38 2023.89 2023.07 2024.06 0.008818 3.30 14.04 10.00 0.47 trib 3126 Q10 12.00 2023.82 2025.46 2024.69 2025.49 0.003093 1.53 7.86 7.79 0.27 trib 3126 Q50 24.00 2023.82 2025.96 2025.03 2026.02 0.003743 1.97 12.19 9.47 0.31 trib 3126 Q100 30.00 2023.82 2026.19 2025.18 2026.25 0.003699 2.08 14.44 10.23 0.31 trib 3126 Q500 46.00 2023.82 2026.65 2025.48 2026.74 0.003898 2.35 19.61 12.06 0.32 trib 3617 Q10 12.00 2029.08 2030.11 2030.11 2030.42 0.049822 4.51 2.66 4.15 0.99 trib 3617 Q50 24.00 2029.08 2030.51 2030.51 2030.93 0.045914 5.20 4.62 5.43 0.99 trib 3617 Q100 30.00 2029.08 2030.67 2030.67 2031.13 0.044711 5.44 5.52 5.92 0.99 trib 3617 Q500 46.00 2029.08 2031.02 2031.02 2031.57 0.042644 5.94 7.75 7.00 0.99 trib 4127 Q10 12.00 2032.61 2034.24 2033.46 2034.28 0.002893 1.55 7.75 7.24 0.26 trib 4127 Q50 24.00 2032.61 2034.85 2033.81 2034.91 0.003056 1.91 12.55 8.66 0.28 trib 4127 Q100 30.00 2032.61 2035.09 2033.95 2035.15 0.003115 2.04 14.68 9.22 0.29 trib 4127 Q500 46.00 2032.61 2035.61 2034.26 2035.69 0.003256 2.32 19.79 10.44 0.30 trib 4623 Q10 12.00 2035.96 2036.97 2036.69 2037.08 0.013584 2.65 4.52 6.04 0.54 trib 4623 Q50 24.00 2035.96 2037.48 2037.01 2037.62 0.011042 2.99 8.02 7.54 0.51 trib 4623 Q100 30.00 2035.96 2037.69 2037.15 2037.84 0.010391 3.11 9.65 8.14 0.50 trib 4623 Q500 46.00 2035.96 2038.17 2037.47 2038.34 0.009167 3.33 13.83 9.51 0.49 trib 4665 Q10 12.00 2036.85 2037.96 2037.96 2038.40 0.044689 5.35 2.24 2.87 1.00 trib 4665 Q50 24.00 2036.85 2038.47 2038.47 2039.19 0.039641 6.81 3.52 3.14 1.01 trib 4665 Q100 30.00 2036.85 2038.70 2038.70 2039.53 0.037071 7.30 4.11 3.38 1.00 trib 4665 Q500 46.00 2036.85 2039.25 2039.25 2040.35 0.033376 8.39 5.48 4.22 1.00 trib 4685 Culvert trib 4704 Q10 12.00 2037.52 2039.43 2038.69 2039.46 0.002145 1.38 9.18 34.56 0.23 trib 4704 Q50 24.00 2037.52 2040.38 2039.01 2040.40 0.000850 1.31 19.32 102.88 0.16 trib 4704 Q100 30.00 2037.52 2041.00 2039.13 2041.03 0.000501 1.20 26.03 291.32 0.13 trib 4704 Q500 46.00 2037.52 2041.27 2039.39 2041.27 0.000031 0.32 282.27 344.58 0.03 trib 4750 Q10 11.00 2038.64 2039.58 2039.24 2039.63 0.007883 1.81 6.09 11.34 0.42 trib 4750 Q50 22.00 2038.64 2040.41 2039.51 2040.41 0.000085 0.31 133.48 357.36 0.05 trib 4750 Q100 28.00 2038.64 2041.03 2039.62 2041.03 0.000007 0.12 368.77 520.83 0.01 trib 4750 Q500 45.00 2038.64 2041.27 2039.96 2041.27 0.000008 0.14 466.80 590.32 0.02 trib 5165 Q10 11.00 2042.61 2043.28 2043.12 2043.32 0.010179 1.70 7.59 156.47 0.46 trib 5165 Q50 22.00 2042.61 2043.32 2043.32 2043.45 0.029050 3.03 9.04 171.87 0.78 trib 5165 Q100 28.00 2042.61 2043.40 2043.40 2043.50 0.021265 2.88 14.01 232.95 0.69 trib 5165 Q500 45.00 2042.61 2043.49 2043.49 2043.59 0.019619 3.08 22.51 275.32 0.68 trib 5676 Q10 11.00 2046.43 2047.51 2047.55 0.006827 1.64 6.71 11.93 0.39 trib 5676 Q50 22.00 2046.43 2047.98 2048.02 0.004265 1.60 13.77 17.89 0.32 HEC-RAS Plan: PCM River: Tributary Reach: trib (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) trib 5676 Q100 28.00 2046.43 2048.08 2048.13 0.004979 1.79 15.61 19.14 0.35 trib 5676 Q500 45.00 2046.43 2048.37 2048.44 0.005525 2.09 21.54 22.70 0.38 trib 6117 Q10 11.00 2050.75 2051.68 2051.79 0.014346 2.65 4.14 5.91 0.56 trib 6117 Q50 22.00 2050.75 2051.83 2051.73 2052.13 0.031974 4.34 5.07 6.25 0.85 trib 6117 Q100 28.00 2050.75 2052.07 2052.35 0.024147 4.22 6.64 6.77 0.75 trib 6117 Q500 45.00 2050.75 2052.49 2052.83 0.021971 4.67 9.63 7.67 0.73 trib 6154 Q10 11.00 2051.54 2052.27 2052.10 2052.32 0.013435 1.90 5.78 13.92 0.52 trib 6154 Q50 22.00 2051.54 2052.63 2052.28 2052.69 0.006997 1.94 11.36 16.54 0.41 trib 6154 Q100 28.00 2051.54 2052.76 2052.36 2052.83 0.006400 2.06 13.56 16.98 0.40 trib 6154 Q500 45.00 2051.54 2053.16 2052.55 2053.23 0.004689 2.24 20.12 18.24 0.36 trib 6200 Culvert trib 6239 Q10 11.00 2052.53 2053.54 2052.99 2053.55 0.001418 0.90 12.24 16.61 0.18 trib 6239 Q50 22.00 2052.53 2053.93 2053.16 2053.95 0.001478 1.16 19.00 17.98 0.20 trib 6239 Q100 28.00 2052.53 2054.11 2053.23 2054.13 0.001494 1.26 22.21 18.59 0.20 trib 6239 Q500 45.00 2052.53 2054.53 2053.41 2054.57 0.001512 1.48 30.45 20.08 0.21 trib 6274 Q10 11.00 2054.55 2055.35 2055.35 2055.52 0.056217 3.31 3.32 9.87 1.01 trib 6274 Q50 22.00 2054.55 2055.56 2055.56 2055.82 0.047771 4.06 5.42 10.35 0.99 trib 6274 Q100 28.00 2054.55 2055.65 2055.65 2055.95 0.047024 4.41 6.35 10.56 1.00 trib 6274 Q500 45.00 2054.55 2055.89 2055.89 2056.28 0.043042 5.06 8.90 11.10 1.00 trib 6553 Q10 11.00 2063.24 2064.09 2063.94 2064.19 0.019730 2.62 4.19 8.16 0.64 trib 6553 Q50 22.00 2063.24 2064.36 2064.18 2064.53 0.022013 3.31 6.64 9.84 0.71 trib 6553 Q100 28.00 2063.24 2064.48 2064.31 2064.68 0.022330 3.55 7.88 10.59 0.73 trib 6553 Q500 45.00 2063.24 2064.75 2064.57 2065.01 0.023749 4.13 10.90 12.22 0.77 trib 7086 Q10 7.00 2082.28 2083.02 2083.02 2083.29 0.040330 4.17 1.68 3.16 1.01 trib 7086 Q50 14.00 2082.28 2083.35 2083.35 2083.74 0.038233 5.05 2.77 3.52 1.00 trib 7086 Q100 18.00 2082.28 2083.50 2083.50 2083.96 0.037725 5.40 3.33 3.69 1.00 trib 7086 Q500 28.00 2082.28 2083.90 2083.90 2084.38 0.035210 5.60 5.00 5.17 1.00 trib 7121 Q10 7.00 2083.49 2084.19 2084.10 2084.38 0.024420 3.57 1.96 3.10 0.79 trib 7121 Q50 14.00 2083.49 2084.50 2084.42 2084.85 0.026475 4.77 2.93 3.15 0.86 trib 7121 Q100 18.00 2083.49 2084.63 2084.58 2085.08 0.028160 5.38 3.35 3.17 0.91 trib 7121 Q500 28.00 2083.49 2084.93 2084.92 2085.60 0.030058 6.54 4.28 3.21 0.98 trib 7130 Culvert trib 7143 Q10 7.00 2084.11 2085.20 2084.68 2085.26 0.004776 1.99 3.51 3.52 0.35 trib 7143 Q50 14.00 2084.11 2085.74 2084.98 2085.84 0.005635 2.56 5.48 3.69 0.37 trib 7143 Q100 18.00 2084.11 2086.04 2085.13 2086.16 0.005671 2.73 6.60 3.79 0.36 trib 7143 Q500 28.00 2084.11 2087.67 2085.47 2087.74 0.002300 2.12 13.20 4.31 0.21 trib 7169 Q10 7.00 2089.14 2089.93 2089.93 2090.25 0.043149 4.56 1.54 2.43 1.01 trib 7169 Q50 14.00 2089.14 2090.31 2090.31 2090.80 0.044959 5.60 2.50 2.57 1.00 trib 7169 Q100 18.00 2089.14 2090.51 2090.51 2091.06 0.045443 5.99 3.00 2.65 0.99 trib 7169 Q500 28.00 2089.14 2090.90 2090.90 2091.63 0.049847 6.90 4.06 2.80 1.01 trib 7175 Culvert trib 7186 Q10 7.00 2089.36 2090.59 2090.11 2090.69 0.008472 2.52 2.78 2.60 0.43 trib 7186 Q50 14.00 2089.36 2091.16 2090.49 2091.33 0.010658 3.24 4.32 10.51 0.46 trib 7186 Q100 18.00 2089.36 2091.45 2090.65 2091.64 0.011308 3.51 5.13 23.40 0.46 trib 7186 Q500 28.00 2089.36 2092.18 2091.08 2092.41 0.011178 3.83 7.32 80.36 0.44 trib 7220 Q10 7.00 2091.27 2092.00 2092.00 2092.21 0.033770 3.68 1.90 4.41 0.99 trib 7220 Q50 14.00 2091.27 2092.26 2092.26 2092.56 0.031983 4.39 3.19 5.38 1.01 trib 7220 Q100 18.00 2091.27 2092.39 2092.39 2092.72 0.029090 4.57 3.96 7.10 0.98 trib 7220 Q500 28.00 2091.27 2092.67 2092.67 2092.98 0.019326 4.62 6.75 109.88 0.84 HEC-RAS Plan: PCM FW River: Tributary Reach: trib Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) trib -36 Q100 base 1991.10 1991.27 8.78 0.03 15.97 0.00 22.70 30.95 trib -36 Q100 floodway 1992.10 1.00 1992.12 8.25 16.00 22.70 22.70 30.95 30.95 trib -20 Q100 base 1999.27 1999.52 8.67 0.02 15.97 0.00 22.68 30.76 trib -20 Q100 floodway 1999.26 -0.01 1999.52 7.65 16.00 22.68 22.68 30.76 30.76 trib 0 Q100 base 2009.26 2009.42 21.69 2.35 11.89 1.76 26.57 30.87 trib 0 Q100 floodway 2009.24 -0.02 2009.62 4.30 16.00 26.57 26.57 30.87 30.87 trib 75 Q100 base 2009.91 2009.97 10.25 16.00 20.00 42.80 trib 75 Q100 floodway 2010.08 0.17 2010.12 11.25 16.00 20.00 20.00 42.80 42.80 trib 174 Q100 base 2009.99 2009.99 22.15 16.00 20.30 57.80 trib 174 Q100 floodway 2010.13 0.14 2010.13 22.99 16.00 20.30 20.30 57.80 57.80 trib 275 Q100 base 2010.00 2010.00 20.98 16.00 20.30 58.10 trib 275 Q100 floodway 2010.14 0.14 2010.14 21.82 16.00 20.30 20.30 58.10 58.10 trib 374 Q100 base 2010.01 2010.02 15.64 16.00 20.30 54.20 trib 374 Q100 floodway 2010.14 0.14 2010.15 16.46 16.00 20.30 20.30 54.20 54.20 trib 474 Q100 base 2010.06 2010.07 13.53 16.00 19.10 50.90 trib 474 Q100 floodway 2010.18 0.13 2010.20 14.28 16.00 19.10 19.10 50.90 50.90 trib 574 Q100 base 2010.12 2010.13 15.71 16.00 19.10 58.70 trib 574 Q100 floodway 2010.23 0.11 2010.24 16.37 16.00 19.10 19.10 58.70 58.70 trib 674 Q100 base 2010.17 2010.20 12.42 16.00 19.40 52.70 trib 674 Q100 floodway 2010.27 0.10 2010.29 13.02 16.00 19.40 19.40 52.70 52.70 trib 774 Q100 base 2010.65 2010.91 7.50 16.00 19.10 48.80 trib 774 Q100 floodway 2010.65 0.00 2010.91 7.50 16.00 19.10 19.10 48.80 48.80 trib 874 Q100 base 2011.93 2012.01 9.80 16.00 20.00 45.20 trib 874 Q100 floodway 2011.93 0.00 2012.01 9.80 16.00 20.00 20.00 45.20 45.20 trib 974 Q100 base 2012.34 2012.39 11.05 16.00 20.00 48.50 trib 974 Q100 floodway 2012.34 0.00 2012.39 11.05 16.00 20.00 20.00 48.50 48.50 trib 1073 Q100 base 2013.35 2013.61 7.48 16.00 18.80 44.00 trib 1073 Q100 floodway 2013.35 0.00 2013.61 7.48 16.00 18.80 18.80 44.00 44.00 trib 1174 Q100 base 2014.94 2015.04 9.21 16.00 20.00 47.60 trib 1174 Q100 floodway 2014.94 0.00 2015.04 9.21 16.00 20.00 20.00 47.60 47.60 trib 1274 Q100 base 2016.45 2016.71 7.48 16.00 19.10 48.50 trib 1274 Q100 floodway 2016.45 0.00 2016.71 7.48 16.00 19.10 19.10 48.50 48.50 trib 1324 Q100 base 2017.66 2018.14 3.00 16.00 20.00 45.80 trib 1324 Q100 floodway 2017.66 0.00 2018.14 3.00 16.00 20.00 20.00 45.80 45.80 trib 1450 Culvert trib 2080 Q100 base 2020.62 2020.75 4.00 16.00 39.42 68.83 trib 2080 Q100 floodway 2020.62 0.00 2020.75 4.00 16.00 46.05 39.42 68.83 60.92 trib 2100 Q100 base 2020.83 2020.89 15.33 0.01 29.99 44.23 60.09 trib 2100 Q100 floodway 2020.84 0.00 2020.89 14.75 30.00 44.23 44.23 60.09 58.98 trib 2110 Q100 base 2020.88 2020.93 15.60 0.02 29.98 44.23 60.09 trib 2110 Q100 floodway 2020.88 0.00 2020.93 14.82 30.00 44.23 44.23 60.09 59.05 trib 2120 Q100 base 2020.92 2020.96 15.81 0.03 29.97 44.23 60.09 trib 2120 Q100 floodway 2020.92 0.00 2020.96 14.87 30.00 44.23 44.23 60.09 59.10 trib 2651 Q100 base 2023.39 2023.54 7.49 30.00 46.44 55.58 trib 2651 Q100 floodway 2023.40 0.01 2023.55 7.50 30.00 46.68 46.44 55.58 54.18 trib 3126 Q100 base 2026.19 2026.25 10.23 30.00 72.83 95.75 trib 3126 Q100 floodway 2026.19 0.00 2026.25 10.23 30.00 75.79 72.83 95.75 86.03 trib 3617 Q100 base 2030.67 2031.13 5.92 30.00 139.17 162.30 trib 3617 Q100 floodway 2030.66 -0.01 2031.13 5.89 30.00 144.39 139.17 162.30 150.31 trib 4127 Q100 base 2035.09 2035.15 9.22 30.00 251.87 265.32 trib 4127 Q100 floodway 2035.09 0.00 2035.16 9.22 30.00 253.91 251.87 265.32 263.13 trib 4623 Q100 base 2037.69 2037.84 8.14 30.00 314.09 329.75 trib 4623 Q100 floodway 2037.69 0.00 2037.84 8.13 30.00 316.70 314.09 329.75 324.83 trib 4665 Q100 base 2038.70 2039.53 2.50 30.00 340.25 349.22 trib 4665 Q100 floodway 2038.70 0.00 2039.53 2.50 30.00 344.05 340.25 349.22 347.43 trib 4685 Culvert HEC-RAS Plan: PCM FW River: Tributary Reach: trib (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) trib 4704 Q100 base 2041.00 2041.03 10.70 5.75 24.25 352.15 360.54 trib 4704 Q100 floodway 2040.99 -0.01 2041.03 7.52 30.00 352.15 352.15 360.54 360.54 trib 4750 Q100 base 2041.03 2041.03 400.62 13.78 2.79 11.43 329.79 342.44 trib 4750 Q100 floodway 2041.05 0.02 2041.07 12.65 28.00 329.79 329.79 342.44 342.44 trib 5165 Q100 base 2043.40 2043.50 77.29 5.63 21.68 0.69 212.11 225.92 trib 5165 Q100 floodway 2043.35 -0.05 2043.61 13.81 0.00 28.00 0.00 212.11 212.11 225.92 225.92 trib 5676 Q100 base 2048.08 2048.13 19.14 28.00 183.69 226.54 trib 5676 Q100 floodway 2048.17 0.09 2048.21 19.14 28.00 187.85 183.69 226.54 206.99 trib 6117 Q100 base 2052.07 2052.35 6.77 28.00 211.57 230.44 trib 6117 Q100 floodway 2051.88 -0.20 2052.30 6.34 28.00 217.18 211.57 230.44 223.95 trib 6154 Q100 base 2052.76 2052.83 16.44 28.00 211.25 246.77 trib 6154 Q100 floodway 2052.80 0.04 2052.86 16.44 28.00 219.96 211.25 246.77 236.94 trib 6200 Culvert trib 6239 Q100 base 2054.11 2054.13 18.59 28.00 221.30 259.22 trib 6239 Q100 floodway 2054.11 0.00 2054.13 18.59 28.00 228.52 221.30 259.22 247.11 trib 6274 Q100 base 2055.65 2055.95 10.56 28.00 210.49 231.21 trib 6274 Q100 floodway 2055.66 0.01 2055.95 10.56 28.00 216.47 210.49 231.21 227.03 trib 6553 Q100 base 2064.48 2064.68 10.59 28.00 197.65 240.39 trib 6553 Q100 floodway 2064.48 -0.01 2064.67 10.55 28.00 208.19 197.65 240.39 218.78 trib 7086 Q100 base 2083.50 2083.96 3.69 18.00 150.93 158.25 trib 7086 Q100 floodway 2083.50 0.00 2083.96 3.68 18.00 153.30 150.93 158.25 156.99 trib 7121 Q100 base 2084.63 2085.08 3.10 18.00 118.04 121.88 trib 7121 Q100 floodway 2084.64 0.00 2085.08 3.10 18.00 118.45 118.04 121.88 121.62 trib 7130 Culvert trib 7143 Q100 base 2086.04 2086.16 3.79 18.00 111.14 115.72 trib 7143 Q100 floodway 2086.04 0.00 2086.16 3.79 18.00 111.74 111.14 115.72 115.53 trib 7169 Q100 base 2090.51 2091.06 2.65 18.00 114.91 118.45 trib 7169 Q100 floodway 2090.50 -0.01 2091.06 2.64 18.00 115.24 114.91 118.45 117.88 trib 7175 Culvert trib 7186 Q100 base 2091.45 2091.64 2.88 18.00 119.10 122.49 trib 7186 Q100 floodway 2091.45 0.00 2091.64 2.88 18.00 119.03 119.10 122.49 122.26 trib 7220 Q100 base 2092.39 2092.72 7.10 0.01 17.99 130.02 136.02 trib 7220 Q100 floodway 2092.37 -0.02 2092.72 5.77 18.00 130.02 130.02 136.02 135.83 HEC-RAS Plan: PCM wo ds l River: Unnamed Trib Reach: LOB Overflow Profile: Q500 Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) LOB Overflow 535 Q500 20.00 2004.70 2007.19 2005.11 2007.19 0.000044 0.20 98.05 92.00 0.03 LOB Overflow 817 Q500 20.00 2007.91 2008.40 2008.40 2008.47 0.061028 2.21 9.03 54.46 0.96 LOB Overflow 957 Q500 20.00 2004.90 2008.48 2005.36 2008.48 0.000000 0.03 784.89 363.39 0.00 LOB Overflow 1103 Q500 20.00 2006.99 2008.48 2007.31 2008.48 0.000015 0.10 191.77 218.70 0.02 LOB Overflow 1388 Q500 20.00 2006.87 2008.48 2007.09 2008.48 0.000002 0.04 475.73 394.11 0.01 LOB Overflow 1648 Q500 20.00 2005.94 2008.48 2006.24 2008.48 0.000001 0.04 530.10 319.80 0.00 LOB Overflow 1868 Q500 20.00 2008.36 2008.63 2008.63 2008.69 0.080917 1.87 10.69 111.47 1.02 LOB Overflow 2078 Q500 20.00 2006.90 2008.70 2007.41 2008.70 0.000011 0.09 212.51 221.24 0.02 LOB Overflow 2285 Q500 20.00 2007.53 2008.70 2007.87 2008.70 0.000100 0.21 96.43 165.53 0.05 LOB Overflow 2417 Q500 20.00 2010.99 2011.20 2011.20 2011.24 0.059019 1.67 11.95 106.99 0.88 LOB Overflow 2683 Q500 20.00 2009.87 2011.27 2010.23 2011.27 0.000022 0.11 174.36 231.84 0.02 LOB Overflow 2975 Q500 20.00 2011.13 2011.53 2011.53 2011.59 0.060432 1.95 10.24 73.95 0.93 LOB Overflow 3407 Q500 20.00 2013.75 2014.36 2014.14 2014.37 0.002293 0.53 37.80 166.63 0.20 LOB Overflow 3786 Q500 20.00 2016.54 2016.79 2016.78 2016.84 0.064484 1.91 10.48 82.31 0.94 Appendix G. Effective Flood Insurance Rate Map  (FIRM), Flood Profile, and Floodway  Data Table    A2 0_ _ _ 2,008.10_ _ _ B2 773_ _ _ 2,008.10_ _ _ C2 961_ _ _ 2,008.50_ _ _ D 1,14535411.62,008.90 2,008.90 2,009.600.7E 1,42530501.32,009.10 2,009.10 2,010.000.9F 1,60020282.32,009.30 2,009.30 2,010.301.0G 1,80045860.72,013.30 2,013.30 2,014.100.8H 2,12343810.82,013.30 2,013.30 2,014.200.9I 2,70440671.02,013.50 2,013.50 2,014.501.0J 3,14414125.32,014.80 2,014.80 2,015.300.5K 3,28722331.92,015.40 2,015.40 2,016.200.8L 3,38720252.62,015.70 2,015.70 2,016.600.9M 3,72120232.82,018.10 2,018.10 2,019.000.9N 4,31820242.72,023.00 2,023.00 2,023.800.81Feet above Golf Course Storage AreaFEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY2 - Floodway not computedCHESTER CREEK - GOLF COURSE OVERFLOWTABLE 6AND INCORPORATED AREASSPOKANE COUNTY, WA1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOODWATER SURFACE ELEVATIONFLOODWAYFLOODING SOURCECROSS SECTIONDISTANCE1CHESTER CREEK-GOLF COURSE OVERFLOWFLOODWAY DATAWIDTH (FEET)REGULATORY (FEET NAVD)INCREASE (FEET)SECTION AREA (SQ.FEET)MEAN VELOCITY (FEET/SEC.)WITHOUT FLOODWAY (FEET NAVD)WITH FLOODWAY (FEET NAVD) AA 6,5701474.12,043.40 2,043.40 2,043.400.0AB 7,08219171.62,048.10 2,048.10 2,048.200.1AC 7,522755.22,052.10 2,052.10 2,052.100.0AD 7,64519221.32,054.10 2,054.10 2,054.100.0AE 7,6791164.42,055.70 2,055.70 2,055.700.0AF 7,9581183.62,064.50 2,064.50 2,064.500.0AG 8,491435.42,083.50 2,083.50 2,083.500.0AH 8,548472.72,086.00 2,086.00 2,086.000.0AI 8,592353.52,091.50 2,091.50 2,091.500.0AJ 8,625644.72,092.40 2,092.40 2,092.400.01Feet above confleunce with Chester creekFEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCYUNNAMED TRIBUTARY TO CHESTER CREEKTABLE 6AND INCORPORATED AREASSPOKANE COUNTY, WA1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOODWATER SURFACE ELEVATIONFLOODWAYFLOODING SOURCECROSS SECTIONDISTANCE1UNNAMED TRIBUTARY TO CHESTER CREEKFLOODWAY DATAWIDTH (FEET)REGULATORY (FEET NAVD)INCREASE (FEET)SECTION AREA (SQ.FEET)MEAN VELOCITY (FEET/SEC.)WITHOUT FLOODWAY (FEET NAVD)WITH FLOODWAY (FEET NAVD) A20___2,008.10 _ _ _ B2283___2,008.50___ C2422___2,008.60___ D2836___2,008.60___ E21,244___2,008.60___ F 1,4001582.02,008.60 2,008.60 2,009.100.5 G 1,48715230.72,008.70 2,008.70 2,009.200.5 H 1,62315151.12,008.70 2,008.70 2,009.300.6 I 1,64915141.22,008.70 2,008.70 2,009.300.6 J 1,75515151.12,008.70 2,008.70 2,009.500.8 K 1,85615161.02,008.70 2,008.70 2,009.600.9 L 1,9851553.32,011.20 2,011.20 2,011.500.3 M 2,24015280.62,011.30 2,011.30 2,011.800.5 N 2,8731553.32,013.80 2,013.80 2,014.200.4 O 2,93615121.32,014.10 2,014.10 2,014.600.5P2,96615111.42,014.30 2,014.30 2,014.700.41Feet above storage area #1FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY2 Cross section A through E are common for both Unnamed Tributary to Chester Creek and West Bank Overflow. See Unnamed Tribuatary to Chester Creek for Floodway Data UNNAMED TRIBUTARY TO CHESTR CREEK - LEFT BANK OVERFLOW CHANNELTABLE 6AND INCORPORATED AREASSPOKANE COUNTY, WA1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOODWATER SURFACE ELEVATIONFLOODWAYFLOODING SOURCECROSS SECTIONDISTANCE1LEFT BANK OVER FLOW CHANNELFLOODWAY DATAWIDTH (FEET)REGULATORY (FEET NAVD)INCREASE (FEET)SECTION AREA (SQ.FEET)MEAN VELOCITY (FEET/SEC.)WITHOUT FLOODWAY (FEET NAVD)WITH FLOODWAY (FEET NAVD) Appendix H. Revised Floodplain Boundaries  Flood Profile, and Floodway  Data Table    F GI J L K E D A BC 2013 2011 End of Floodway D E F G H I J K L M N AB C D E F201020112012201321042016 2015 Legend BFE Cross Sections Flood Hazard Line 100 Year 500 Year FW Zone A Zone Break Infiltration Facility 20132016201220112010 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION CROSS SECTION DISTANCE1 WIDTH (FEET) SECTION AREA (SQ. FEET) MEAN VELOCITY (FEET/SEC) REGULATORY (FEET NAVD) WITHOUT FLOODWAY (FEET NAVD) WITH FLOODWAY (FEET NAVD) INCREASE (FEET) CHESTER CREEK-GOLF COURSE OVERFLOW A 23 29 93 0.7 2010.8 2010.8 2010.8 0.0 B 178 44 57 1.1 2012.6 2012.6 2013.1 0.5 C 276 44 55 1.2 2012.7 2012.7 2013.2 0.5 D 402 43 47 1.4 2012.8 2012.8 2013.4 0.6 E 528 43 54 1.2 2013.1 2013.1 2013.6 0.5 F 964 43 56 1.1 2013.6 2013.6 2014.1 0.5 G 1404 14 12 5.3 2014.6 2014.6 2015.3 0.7 H 1489 27 42 1.5 2015.3 2015.3 2016.1 0.8 I 1547 22 33 1.9 2015.4 2015.4 2016.2 0.8 J 1647 20 25 2.6 2015.7 2015.7 2016.6 0.9 K 1981 20 23 2.8 2018.1 2018.1 2019.0 0.9 L 2578 20 24 2.7 2023.0 2023.0 2023.8 0.8 1Feet above Thorpe Road TABLE 6 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA SPOKANE COUNTY, WA CHESTER CREEK - GOLF COURSE OVERFLOW AND INCORPORATED AREAS FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION CROSS SECTION DISTANCE1 WIDTH (FEET) SECTION AREA (SQ. FEET) MEAN VELOCITY (FEET/SEC) REGULATORY (FEET NAVD) WITHOUT FLOODWAY (FEET NAVD) WITH FLOODWAY (FEET NAVD) INCREASE (FEET) UNNAMED TRIBUTARY TO CHESTER CREEK A 0 4 3 5.0 2009.3 2009.3 2009.3 0.0 B 75 11 10 1.6 2009.9 2009.9 2010.1 0.2 C 374 16 22 0.7 2010.0 2010.0 2010.1 0.1 D 674 13 13 1.2 2010.2 2010.2 2010.3 0.1 E 974 11 9 1.7 2012.3 2012.3 2012.3 0.0 F 1324 3 6 5.6 2017.7 2017.7 2017.7 0.0 1Feet above entrance to Storage Area 6/Infitration Facility TABLE 6 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA SPOKANE COUNTY, WA UNNAMED TRIBUTARY TO CHESTER CREEK AND INCORPORATED AREAS LEGEND0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD10% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODSTREAM BEDCROSS SECTION LOCATION2005201020152020202505001000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500ELEVATION IN FEET (NAVD 88)STREAM DISTANCE IN FEET ABOVE THORPE ROADFEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY SPOKANE COUNTY, WA AND INCORPORATED AREAS FLOOD PROFILES CHESTER CREEK - GOLF COURSE OVERFLOW12P 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025DETAILED STUDYLIMIT OFTHORPE ROAD2030 2030DIVERGENCE FROM CHESTER CREEKABCDEFGHIJKL LEGEND0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD10% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODSTREAM BEDCROSS SECTION LOCATION200520102015202020250200400600800ELEVATION IN FEET (NAVD 88)STREAM DISTANCE IN FEET ABOVE INFILTRATION FACILITYFEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY SPOKANE COUNTY, WA AND INCORPORATED AREAS FLOOD PROFILES UNNAMED TRIBUTARY TO CHESTER CREEK51P 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025UNNAMED TRIBUTARY ENTERSINFILTRATION FACILITY2000 CLOMR STATION 1496 CORRESPONDS WITH STATION 2080 IN EFFECTIVE FISBCDEF1000 1200 1400 1600A LEGEND0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD10% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODSTREAM BEDCROSS SECTION LOCATION200420062008201020128001200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 4400 4800 5200ELEVATION IN FEET (NAVD 88)STREAM DISTANCE IN FEET ABOVE S MADISON ROADFEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY SPOKANE COUNTY, WA AND INCORPORATED AREAS FLOOD PROFILES UNNAMED TRIBUTARY TO CHESTER CREEK (LEFT BANK OVERFLOW CHANNEL)53P2004200620082010201220024000S MADISON ROAD2014 201420162016BACKWATER FROM CHESTER CREEKABCDEFGHIJKLMN Appendix I. Floodplain Workmap for CLOMR    20172015201420132011RS 1073 WSE - 2013.4RS 1274 WSE - 2016.5RS 1174 WSE - 2014.90 D - RS 402 WSE - 2012.8 C - RS 276 WSE - 2012.7 A -- RS 23 WSE - 2010.8 B - RS 178 WSE - 2012.6 RS 36 WSE - 2012.2 203420162010 2032 20122046 2052 20642058 2049 2025 2037 2031 2022 20222010 20 2 4 2020 2028 2028 2029 - RS -8888 WSE - -8888Z - RS 6155.46 WSE - 2041 F - RS 964 WSE - 2013.6 N - RS 3786AA - RS 6569.99 WSE - 2043.4E - RS 1388M - RS 3407X - RS 6028.48 WSE - 2037.7AI - RS 19365 WSE - 2008.6AV - RS 2203 5 W S E - 2 0 1 4. 8 C - RS 957W - RS 5516.31 WSE - 2 0 3 5 . 1F - RS 1648L - RS 2975V - RS 5006.26 WSE - 2030.7 BE - RS 24460 WSE - 2028.7 R - RS 3485.45 WSE - 2020.8D - RS 1103G - RS 1868U - RS 4515.26 WSE - 2 0 2 6 . 2AJ - RS 19414 WSE - 2008.8H - RS 2078T - RS 4039.71 WSE - 2023.4 K - RS 1981 WSE - 201 8 . 1 AC - RS 7522.02 W S E - 2 0 5 2. 1AK - RS 19430 WSE - 2008.8BC - RS 24315 WSE - 2 0 2 8 . 1 AU - RS 21578 WSE - 2014.7 J - RS 2417AD - RS 7644.52 WSE - 2054 . 1 AY - RS 22936 WSE - 2020.5 AX - RS 2 2 8 5 9 W S E - 2 0 1 8 . 5 K - RS 2683J - RS 1647 WSE - 2015.7 BF - RS 24852 WSE - 2031.6 AF - RS 7958.03 WSE - 2064.5A - RS 535B - RS 817BB - R S 2 3 7 7 3 W S E - 2 0 2 5 . 2AM - RS 19857 WSE - 2009.5BG - RS 24936 WSE - 2032.1 AS - RS 21201 W S E - 2 0 1 1. 8 - RS -8888 WSE - -8888E - RS 974 WSE - 2012.3RS 874 WSE - 2011.9B - RS 75 WSE - 2009.9RS 774 WSE - 2010.7D - RS 674 WSE - 2010.2F - RS 1324 WSE - 2017.7RS 474 WSE - 2010.1A O - R S 2 0 4 6 2 W S E - 2 0 1 0 . 4 RS 574 WSE - 2010.1A - RS 0 WSE - 2009.3C - RS 374 WSE - 2010.0RS -20 WSE - -999RS 174 WSE - 2010.0 RS -36 WSE - -999RS 275 WSE - 2010.0AP - RS 20524 WSE - 2010.4AI - RS 8592.22 WSE - 2091.5AJ - RS 8625.48 WSE - 2092.4AN - RS 20233 WSE - 2010.1AH - RS 854 8. 2 2 W S E - 2 0 8 6 AT - RS 21425 WSE - 2012.1 AG - RS 8491.4 3 W S E - 2 0 8 3. 5 AR - RS 20983 W S E - 2 0 1 1. 2 AQ - RS 20748 WSE - 2010.8E - RS 528 WSE - 2013.1 L - R S 2 5 7 8 W S E - 2 0 2 3 BA - RS 2333 2 W S E - 2 0 2 2 . 9 G - RS 1404 WSE - 2014.6 H - RS 1489 WSE - 2015.3I - RS 1547 WSE - 2015.4 S - RS 3 5 0 8 . 5 6 W S E - 2 0 2 0 . 9 AL - RS 19463 WSE - 2008.9AZ - RS 22977 WSE - 2020.7 AE - RS 7679.44 W S E - 2055.7I - RS 2285AB - RS 7081.65 WSE - 2 0 4 8 . 1 BD - RS 24387 WSE - 2028.6 AW - RS 22342 WSE - 2014.9 Y - RS 6109.2 WSE - 2041203220342026 2030202820362038204020222020204220182016204420462048205020522014 2054205620582060206220642066206820702072201 2 20742076211020782112 211 4 2080 211 6 208220842086211820882090 2092209 4 209 6 20982 100 210221042106210821 2 0 212421 2 6 21282 1 2 2 213021322 1 3 4 201021362138214021422144 2 1 4 6 214821 5 02152 215421562158216021622164 216621 6 8 217021722174217621782180218221842186218821902192219421962198220022022204 220622082210221222 1 4221622182 2 2 022222224 22262228223022322234 22362238 224022422244224622482250 22522254 22562258 22602262226422662268227022722274 2 2 7 6 22782280228 2 22842286 2288 20242008 2292230620062326233023322334233623382340234223442 3 4 6234823502352 2354235623582360 23622296 23 6 42294229823022290 2300 236623682304 23702372 237423762378 238 0 23822308 238423202310 2386231423162318 2002 232223122 0 0 4 2000 2 3 90232419 9 8 2392 2394 239623982328 2400240219961994 1992 19901988 2 4 0 4 2406 2408 238 8 1 9 7 2 241424 1 6 1970 20462 0 1 6 20882318201 0 207620062292208620562036 2004 2 0 2 8 23 1 42208 20742026202220182080203820262256 2024 21562358220020 3 4 2186 2028 2010 2 0 0 6 2006 2338 20802026 23002 0 0 8 20362244 205420842016 20382 0 0 8 20 0 8 2170203220362322 21 9 0 225 82008 23 1 8 2024 2158 2 0 0 6 21002 0 1 0 23 2 22314 2272205 2 20202004 2000 201 6 203220662304 2324201 02008 201 0 2006 23142126 2366 225420622008203620 0 4 20242168 2010 2012 20242014 22302010 2052202423162 2 1 62008202820482012 20 0 8 2312 20 5 4 206420322240 21722178 2038 220422 0 6 226020 1 2 20 0 0 23162 3 0 820102050 22382026 2010200 8 2 0 2 2 2334 2006 21202014 23282026221620242306 22282056 2036201620422018 2010 20 0 6 2034201 0 2324 2028 2006 20882 030 2008205622042174 2036 205022462004 2000205820142032230221742068 2008236022 2 0 22962002202620782 0 1 6 2322207222022008 20 2 0 20182004 2322 2244 20442082 2036211623902014 203220242222205421962244 2 2 6 4 204220 0 4 200822462010 23 6 822102006233223262026 2010 2052202621022026 207820322064 223420601 9 9 8 20222002 205623042 0 6 2 2008 2060209 0 20082006 2006 20942006200 8 2 0 1 2 2024 21 9 4 20 1 6 20522 394 202222662092 21 8 4 220220962006 2 3 1 8 21922044 2008 216620582186 207 4 2 0 6 0 2 1 0 2 231220282018 221820422020221420342020 23262182202622362030 2024 20362010 232020542048 2224 202020082220 2032 2172 2404204823522104 2 2 9 8 20522026 2290 2034 207420 0 6 2030202 2 200 8 2188 200 8 2016 2090 20602 0 1 2 204820102248 2022201 0 2030203620302010 20082 3 2 0 22082 0 7 0 202 4 200222502188 22102004 232420 0 2 20022200 2018 2316 2 00 6 20242294207 6 2214 2 2 4 0 2008221222622038207221762058 2252205020362218 2172 2032218020 1 2 23262026 2198202420082140200820062184203020062010 2356 2066 201420122010 2016200822 3 22040201 0 2004 23102238 22062008 2320 20 0 6 2022 23302018 207022262 0 2 8 20 9 8 22682012 200620262 0 2 8 2046 20 1 2 20102 0 0 8 2016 20502068210020242038 20082310 2012 2014 20262023 2016 2018 2030 2022 2 0 2 0 2013 2024 2015 2016 Ü Infiltration Facility Infiltration Facility (SA6) Legend CLOMR Boundary Infiltration Facility BFE Cross Sections Flood Hazard Line 1% Flood Line 0.2% Flood Line Floodway Zone A Zone Break/Limit Line 2 ft contours 0 500 1,000250 Feet 1 inch = 300 feet Unnamed Tributary with levee Unnamed Tributary without levee Golf Course Overflow Reach Bio-Infiltration Channel Main Channel Chester Creek Pond Spillway 2026 202 2 20 2 0 2018 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 20222010 20 2 4 2028 RS 36 WSE - 2012.2 F - RS 964 WSE - 2013.6 E - RS 1388AI - RS 19365 WSE - 2008.6AV - RS 22035 WSE - 2014.8 F - RS 1648BE - RS 24460 WSE - 2028.7 B - RS 178 WSE - 2012.6 G - RS 1868AJ - RS 19414 WSE - 2008.8H - RS 2078K - RS 1981 WSE - 201 8 . 1AK - RS 19430 WSE - 2008.8BC - RS 24315 WSE - 2 0 2 8 . 1 AU - RS 21578 WSE - 2014.7 AY - RS 22936 WSE - 2020.5 AX - RS 2 2 8 5 9 W S E - 2 0 1 8 . 5 C - RS 276 WSE - 2012.7 J - RS 1647 WSE - 2 0 1 5 . 7 BB - R S 2 3 7 7 3 W S E - 2 0 2 5 . 2AM - RS 19857 WSE - 2009.5AS - RS 21201 W S E - 2 0 1 1. 8 A O - R S 2 0 4 6 2 W S E - 2 0 1 0 . 4 AP - RS 20524 WSE - 2010.4AN - RS 20233 WSE - 2010.1AT - RS 21425 WSE - 2012.1 AR - RS 20983 W S E - 2 0 1 1. 2 AQ - RS 20748 WSE - 2010.8E - RS 528 WSE - 2013.1 L - R S 2 5 7 8 W S E - 2 0 2 3 D - RS 402 WSE - 2012.8 BA - RS 2333 2 W S E - 2 0 2 2 . 9 G - RS 1404 WSE - 2014.6 H - RS 1489 WSE - 2015.3 I - RS 1547 WSE - 2 0 1 5 . 4AL - RS 19463 WSE - 2008.9AZ - RS 22977 WSE - 2020.7 I - RS 2285BD - RS 24387 WSE - 2028.6 AW - RS 22342 WSE - 2014.9 A - RS 23 WSE - 2010.8 208 2 2086 2078 207 6 207420682066 2062206020582056 2054205220502048 20462044 20422 0 3 8 2036209020922094 20962098 210021022104 21062110 2 1 0 8 2 1 1 2 21142116211821202122 212421262128 2130213221342136213821402142 2144 2 1 4 6 214821502152215421562158216021622164 2166 21682170217221742176 2178 2180218221842186218821902192 2194 21962198220022022204220622082210 2212 22 1 42216221822 2 0 222220282026202420222020201820 1 6 20302032201 4 22242226222820342040 223022322234 22362238 2240 2242 22442246 2248 2250 2252225420082010 2256225822602262 2264 22662268227022722274208822762 0 8 4 22782280228222842012 2286 2 0 0 0 22882002 2 0 0 4 229022922294229622982300230220 8 0 23042006230620 7 2 207020 6 4 2308231019981996 1994 23121 9921990 23181974 23222 0 0 8 213420782130200821962136 20 0 6 22002132223020462022 2 2 7 4 2250 20682 2 6 2 2146 2256 2006 219020942 0 0 6 200 8 2120200821142012 214221 4 8 203621242 0 1 2 2158 2194208620502158 200 8 2006223220 1 0 20042188 1998 224221462256 2136207422362134 20442152 20 8 2 21402072200 8 2028 213821402012 2 0 9 2 208620 0 6 220620642114 2156 20 6 0 200622582158 21102080 20482014 200822602 1 4 42024 226 2 20402010 208 8 22642 0 4 8 20082006 2118200621422150 22582244212022162266203420082010 201 0 20062026226820082 0 1 0 2010 20802042212820082000 218 2 206 8 21562024 216422822080 2066 2116 2178225821802 1 4 6 223420142 0 1 4 20 0 2 2006 203822 2 4 2016 22 7 0 2228 2190 2012 20602 0 0 6 2 2 3 8 2 2 5 220102204204820082004222620 0 8 20702054221022422 0 1 2 22462122 2112 2112214420282 1 3 2 22342240 2088 20762154203221 4 0 21 6 22010 2 1 6 02026201 0 201 2 211621 2 6 226621082054 2172 2008 2010 20102 0 5 0 20402014201020 0 4 2014 2 0 0 6 223220302 0 0 8 2 1 6 2 2230222 0 2 0 1 2 2 0 5 2 2020200822502070201620 0 0 220220782058 215220522010 205 4 2238 212820382028 2166 2188 2014 2008 2198 207 4 2 2 5 2 2032 201020042062202421302026211 8 2114200622362190 200 6 207220 0 6 2 0 0 6 2238203420802208 2044 2 0 1 0 201221842120200820102 2 4 4 20082008 2138 20 0 8 224620762170 221220842046223420 1 0 2 2 6 4 2256203220362096 2 0 4 6 2266205620302064 2176 201 2 21742148 2168 2022 2124 221422482090200620042218 224821262236 22402260 21 3 02098 20822268209220842116 2152 2 2 4 4 21682192200 8 218 6 2122 215420162010 2116 2128203421502008 2010 2 0 0 2 Ü Legend CLOMR Boundary BFE Cross Sections Flood Hazard Line 1% Flood Line 0.2% Flood Line Floodway Zone A Zone Break/Limit Line Infiltration Facility 2 ft contours 0 500 1,000250 Feet 1 inch = 200 feet Golf Course Overflow Reach Chester Creek Main Channel 20172015201420132011RS 1073 WSE - 2013.4RS 1274 WSE - 2016.5RS 1174 WSE - 2014.920342016201020122025 2037 2031 2022 2020 2028 2029 - RS -8888 WSE - -8888Z - RS 6155.46 WSE - 2041N - RS 3786AA - RS 6569.99 WSE - 2043.4E - RS 1388M - RS 3407X - RS 6028.48 WSE - 2037.7 AV - RS 2203 5 W S E - 2 0 1 4. 8 C - RS 957W - RS 5516.31 WSE - 2 0 3 5 . 1F - RS 1648L - RS 2975V - RS 5006.26 WSE - 2030.7R - RS 3485.45 WSE - 2020.8D - RS 1103G - RS 1868U - RS 4515.26 WSE - 2 0 2 6 . 2H - RS 2078T - RS 4039.71 WSE - 2023.4J - RS 2417K - RS 2683A - RS 535B - RS 817E - RS 974 WSE - 2012.3RS 874 WSE - 2011.9B - RS 75 WSE - 2009.9RS 774 WSE - 2010.7D - RS 674 WSE - 2010.2F - RS 1324 WSE - 2017.7RS 474 WSE - 2010.1RS 574 WSE - 2010.1A - RS 0 WSE - 2009.3C - RS 374 WSE - 2010.0RS -20 WSE - -999RS 174 WSE - 2010.0 RS -36 WSE - -999RS 275 WSE - 2010.0E - RS 528 WSE - 2013.1 S - RS 3 5 0 8 . 5 6 W S E - 2 0 2 0 . 9 I - RS 2285Y - RS 6109.2 WSE - 204120262028203020322020201820222034201620362 0 3 8 20402014 204220442012204620482050205220542056205820602062 202420 6 4 206620682070207220742076 207821 2 2 208020 8 2 2084 2086 2110 2112211 4 2 116 2118208 8 209020 9 2 2094209 6 20982100210221042010210621 0 8 21 2 0 212421 2 6 21 2 8 213021 3 2 2134 213621382 1 4 0 21 4 2 21 4 4 2 1 4 6 214821 5 0 21522154215621582160216221642166 216821 7 0 2172217421762178218021822 1 8 4 218621882190219221942196219822002202 22042206200822082210221222142216221822202222 22242 2 2 6 2228223022322234 22362238 22402242 2244 224622482250 22522254 22562258200622602262 22642266226822702272227422762278228022822284228622882290 22922294229622982300 2302230623042308 23202310 2314 23122316 2318 2002 23222004 2000 23241998 2326232823301996 2332233423362338 2008 20362280 2028200822682 0 2 8 2016 2244202020 4 6 2038203020402008 201620 1 0 203422 1 8 2282202422062024200822482034 20222242 205020222054200 8 20102 0 2 8 2038 2220221620 5 6 2004202220322 3 2 2 2200 2010 2284221020 2 8 200620262018200620362 0 2 22036 2032204220522008221220182028 2 0 1 0 2246 2240 206020 5 0 20082120220420302022 22522048 2006 200822622030 2010 200620262022 226620 2 8 2006 23262202202 4 20262036 2024205220502026202020 1 2 20262028 20062024 20082036 20102304 2264 20082058 232420242026200620 0 8 2032 2 0 3 6 2034 2260200620262006 20 0 6 203420082020 20202 0 4 8 200820382012 2 2 5 0 2 0 3 0 203220342062205222142022202220242036 200820 3 2 2208 Ü Infiltration Facility (SA6) Legend CLOMR Boundary Infiltration Facility BFE Cross Sections Flood Hazard Line 1% Flood Line 0.2% Flood Line Floodway Zone A Zone Break/Limit Line 2 ft contours 0 500 1,000250 Feet 1 inch = 200 feet Infiltration Facility Bio-Infiltration Channel Unnamed Tributary with Levee Unnamed Tributary Without Levee Appendix J. Geotechnical Evaluation and Levee  Certification Reports    PAINTED HILLS PRD GEOTECHNICAL REPORTS LEVEE EVALUATIONS INDEX DOCUMENT DATE NUMBER Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation, Phase I Revised December 31, 2013 August 29, 2016 1 Geotechnical Evaluation, Proposed Stormwater Pond October 14, 2014 2 Geo-hazard Evaluation March 11, 2015 3 Levee Evaluation and Certification, 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Revised February 12, 2015 August 29, 2016 4 Proposed Levee, 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road July 17, 2015 5 Geotechnical Evaluation, Phase 2 July 23, 2015 6 Gustin Levee Evaluation Revised July 23, 2015 August 29, 2016 7 Supplemental Geotechnical Evaluation April 19, 2016 8 Full-Scale Drywell Testing June 28, 2016 9       REPORT 1 Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation, Phase I, dated December 31.2013, revised August 29,2016 PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION PHASE I PAINTED HILLS GOLF COURSE PROPERTY 4403 SOUTH DISHMAN-MICA ROAD SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON Inland Pacific Engineering Company Project No. 2013-026 December 31, 2013 Revised August 29, 2016 Prepared for: NAI Black Spokane, Washington IPEC Inland Pacific Engineering Company Geotechnical Engineering and Consulting Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation Project No. 2013-026 Painted Hills Golf Course Property December 31, 2013 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane County, WA Inland Pacific Engineering Company Page 3 Geologic maps indicate the soils in this area consist primarily of alluvial and/or glacially deposited silts, clays, sands, and gravels. According to the Soil Survey of Spokane County, the site soils are classified by the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) as Hardesty ashy silt loam, Narcisse silt loam, Endoaquolls and Fluvaquents, Phoebe ashy sandy loam, and Urban land-Springdale disturbed complex. The native soils encountered in the test pits were consistent with the NRCS data. Field Permeability Testing We performed five test pit permeability tests at the site. The test pit permeability tests were performed in accordance with the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual (SRSM) Appendix 4C procedures. Test pit permeability tests were performed adjacent to Test Pits TP-3, TP-8, TP-19, TP-22, and TP-28. The following table summarizes the results of the tests performed. Test Location Depth (feet) USCS Classification Percent Fines Infiltration Rate (cfs/ft2) P-1 (TP-3) 1 – 3 SW-SM 10.8 2.84 x 10-4 P-2 (TP-8) 1.5 – 3.5 SM 12.5 8.36 x 10-4 P-3 (TP-19) 1 – 3 GW 3.0 1.21 x 10-3 P-4 (TP-22) 2 – 4 ML 64.0 1.29 x 10-4 P-5 (TP-28) 2 – 4 SM 47.0 6.93 x 10-5 Attached are data sheets summarizing the results of the tests performed. The above results do not include a safety factor. ANALYSIS AND PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS Discussion Based on the data obtained from the test pits, field permeability tests, and laboratory tests performed, it is our opinion that subsurface infiltration of stormwater is feasible. The most promising layers are the glacial sands and gravels. These soils would be suitable for infiltration using standard drywells. In areas where the alluvial soils are deeper, use of gravel galleries could be considered. These soils are present in the southern portion of the site south and east of Test Pits TP-18, TP-19, and TP-21. Glacial sands were encountered at depth in Test Pits TP-29 and TP-30 at the south end of the site. It is our opinion that drywells could be considered at the south end of the site. Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation Project No. 2013-026 Painted Hills Golf Course Property December 31, 2013 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane County, WA Inland Pacific Engineering Company Page 4 Drywell Recommendations We analyzed recommended design rates for drywells using the Spokane 200 Method from the SRSM (Appendix 4A). The following table summarizes the results of the tests performed. Test Pit Depth (feet) USCS Classification Percent Fines Hydraulic Conductivity(cm/s) Recommended Drywell Outflow Rate (cfs) Type A Type B TP-3 10 – 12 SP 3.5 6.1 x 10-2 0.3 1.0 TP-4 10 – 12 GW 4.4 4.1 x 10-2 0.3 0.8 TP-8 10 – 12 GW 3.6 5.9 x 10-2 0.3 1.0 TP-9 8 – 10 GW 2.1 1.7 x 10-1 0.3 1.0 TP-11 10 – 12 SP 2.3 1.5 x 10-1 0.3 1.0 TP-13 10 – 12 SP 2.2 1.6 x 10-1 0.3 1.0 TP-17 10 – 12 SW 2.9 9.0 x 10-2 0.3 1.0 TP-19 10 – 12 SP 1.6 2.5 x 10-1 0.3 1.0 TP-29 10 – 12 SP 2.3 1.5 x 10-1 0.3 1.0 TP-30 14 – 15 SP 4.3 4.3 x 10-2 0.3 0.8 These recommended design infiltration rates include a safety factor of 1.3 as recommended by the SRSM. Higher design outflow rates may be possible if full-scale drywell tests are performed. Gravel Gallery Recommendations We analyzed gravel gallery design infiltration rates using the data from the test pit permeability tests performed. The following table summarizes our recommended design infiltration rates for design of gravel galleries. Test Location Depth (feet) USCS Classification Percent Fines Design Infiltration Rate (cfs/ft2) Safety Factor P-1 (TP-3) 1 – 3 SW-SM 10.8 1.13 x 10-4 2.5 P-2 (TP-8) 1.5 – 3.5 SM 12.5 3.34 x 10-4 2.5 P-3 (TP-19) 1 – 3 GW 3.0 1.10 x 10-3 1.1 P-4 (TP-22) 2 – 4 ML 64.0 5.16 x 10-5 2.5 P-5 (TP-28) 2 – 4 SM 47.0 2.77 x 10-5 2.5 Additional Recommendations We recommend that soil borings be considered to evaluate soil and groundwater conditions at depth. It may be possible that suitable sands and gravels are present below the alluvial soils in the southern portion of the site as evidenced by the sands encountered at depth in Test Pits TP-29 and TP-30. Also, we recommend that additional test pits be excavated for pavement section analysis when a site development plan and traffic data are available. FIGURE 3       Test Pit Location Map Project No. 2013-026 December 30, 2013Painted Hills Golf Course 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane County, WA REPORT 2 Geotechnical Evaluation, Proposed Stormwater Pond, dated October 14, 2014 REPORT 3 Geo-hazard Evaluation, dated March 11, 2015 REPORT 4 Levee Evaluation and Certification, 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road, dated February 12, 2015, revised August 29, 2016 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION LEVEE EVALUATION AND CERTIFICATION 4403 SOUTH DISHMAN-MICA ROAD SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON Inland Pacific Engineering Company Project No. 14-037 February 12, 2015 Revised August 29, 2016 IPEC Inland Pacific Engineering Company Geotechnical Engineering and Consulting GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION LEVEE EVALUATION AND CERTIFICATION 4403 SOUTH DISHMAN-MICA ROAD SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON Inland Pacific Engineering Company Project No. 14-037 February 12, 2015 Revised August 29, 2016 Prepared for: NAI Black Spokane, Washington IPEC Inland Pacific Engineering Company Geotechnical Engineering and Consulting Geotechnical Evaluation Project No. 14-037 Levee Evaluation and Certification 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane County, WA February 12, 2015 Inland Pacific Engineering Company Page 5 slopes at these locations be protected with erosion matting or rip rap. We also recommend erosion matting or rip rap from the Thorpe Road bridge to River Station 21600 due to higher flow velocity. Also, all trees on or adjacent to the levee on the levee side of the creek will need to be removed. 3.5 Embankment and Foundation Stability We evaluated the embankment and foundation stability for conditions described in EM 1110-2- 1913, “Design and Construction of Levees, by the US Corps of Engineers dated April 30, 2000, Chapter 6. We analyzed the levee embankment for the following cases: 1. CASE I, End of construction. 2. CASE II: Sudden drawdown. 3. CASE III: Steady state seepage from full flood stage. We performed slope stability analyses for each case. We analyzed the levee embankment with 2.3:1 slopes. This configuration is considered to have the lowest factor of safety. For our analyses, we used XSTABL software which is based on a software program developed at Purdue University. For these cases, we calculated the minimum factors of safety as shown in the following table. CASE Minimum Factor of Safety I 1.58 II 1.50 III 1.55 For stability, a minimum factor of safety of 1.5 is generally considered acceptable. Based on this analysis, it is our opinion that the levee will be stable with respect to global slope stability provided the recommendations of this report are followed. 3.6 Settlement The average depth of fill is approximately 10 feet. This would result in a loading increase of approximately 1,250 pounds per square foot (psf) on the bearing soils. Based on the data obtained from the borings, the levee was constructed above loose to medium dense sands. Settlement in these soils would have occurred shortly after construction. Also, given the age of the levee, it is our opinion that significant additional long term settlement will not occur. We did analyze the silty clay layer encountered in Boring B-5 with a 1-foot raise in grade should it be necessary to maintain minimum freeboard. For our analysis, we used a unit weight of 125 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) for the embankment fill soils and a compression index of 0.15 for the silty clay and assumed total saturation of the clay layer. Based on these parameters, we estimated the additional settlement to be less than 0.35 inches or 0.03 feet. REPORT 5 Proposed Levee, 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road, dated July 17, 2015 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION PROPOSED LEVEE 4403 SOUTH DISHMAN-MICA ROAD SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON Inland Pacific Engineering Company Project No. 14-037A July 17, 2015 IPEC Inland Pacific Engineering Company Geotechnical Engineering and Consulting GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION PROPOSED LEVEE 4403 SOUTH DISHMAN-MICA ROAD SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON Inland Pacific Engineering Company Project No. 14-037A July 17, 2015 Prepared for: NAI Black Spokane, Washington IPEC Inland Pacific Engineering Company Geotechnical Engineering and Consulting TABLE OF CONTENTS Project No. 14-037A Proposed Levee 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane County, Washington page 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Project Description .................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Purpose ...................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 1 1.4 Available Information ............................................................................................... 1 1.5 Locations and Elevations .......................................................................................... 2 2.0 RESULTS .............................................................................................................................. 2 2.1 Logs........................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Site Conditions .......................................................................................................... 2 2.3 Soils........................................................................................................................... 2 2.4 Penetration Resistances ............................................................................................. 2 2.5 Groundwater ............................................................................................................. 3 2.6 Laboratory Testing .................................................................................................... 3 3.0 ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................... 3 3.1 Discussion ................................................................................................................. 3 3.2 Site Preparation ......................................................................................................... 3 3.3 Freeboard .................................................................................................................. 4 3.4 Closures..................................................................................................................... 4 3.5 Embankment Protection ............................................................................................ 4 3.6 Embankment and Foundation Stability ..................................................................... 5 3.7 Settlement ................................................................................................................. 5 3.8 Interior Drainage ....................................................................................................... 6 3.9 Operation Plans ......................................................................................................... 6 3.10 Maintenance Plan .................................................................................................... 6 4.0 PROCEDURES ..................................................................................................................... 6 4.1 Drilling and Sampling ............................................................................................... 6 4.2 Soil Classification ..................................................................................................... 6 5.0 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS.................................................................................... 6 5.1 Basis of Recommendations ....................................................................................... 6 5.2 Groundwater Fluctuations ......................................................................................... 6 5.3 Use of Report ............................................................................................................ 7 5.4 Level of Care............................................................................................................. 7 5.5 Professional Certification .......................................................................................... 7 Appendix A – Site Location Map, NRCS Map, Boring Location Map Appendix B – Logs of Borings, Descriptive Terminology Appendix C – Laboratory Test Results 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Description We understand that the proposed project may consist of a residential development. The site consists of 91 acres currently developed as a golf course. Stormwater runoff will be treated using drywells and/or gravel galleries for subsurface infiltration. These type of facilities will also be used to manage potential floodwaters, if needed. Because the existing Dishman-Mica roadway embankment is not considered a FEMA certified levee, a new levee will be constructed along the east side of the roadway. 1.2 Purpose The purpose of our services is to provide design recommendations for the proposed levee for conformance to 44 CFR 65.10 of the Code of Federal Regulations for certification by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 1.3 Scope Our services were requested by Mr. Bryan Walker of NAI Black. Mr. Walker authorized us to proceed on April 28, 2015. The scope of work agreed upon consisted of the following:  review of existing geotechnical data and reports for the development, if available  drill 6 penetration test borings at the site to a depth of 15 feet,  performing laboratory tests on samples obtained from the test pits,  classifying the soils and preparing boring logs, and  submitting a geotechnical report containing logs of the borings, results of our field investigation and laboratory testing, and our analyses, opinions, and recommendations relative to levee design and construction for conformance to FEMA standards. 1.4 Available Information We were provided a topographic survey for the project site by WCE. This topographic survey showed the existing roadways, existing structures, property lines, and existing ground surface elevation contours. This plan was prepared by WCE and was dated November 7, 2013. We performed a preliminary geotechnical evaluation for the property in December 2013. The results of that evaluation, along with our opinions and recommendations, are summarized in our Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation dated December 31, 2013. In addition, we performed a geotechnical evaluation for the existing levee on the property to evaluate conformance to the FEMA standard. The results of that evaluation are summarized in our Geotechnical Evaluation report dated February 12, 2015. In conjunction with this evaluation, West Consultants, Inc. (WEST) has been contracted by NAI Black to provide a FEMA Conditional Letter of Map Revision submittal (CLOMR). They have provided Inland Pacific Engineering Company (IPEC) water surface elevations and velocity output from their revised RAS model to assist us in our evaluation. Geotechnical Evaluation Project No. 14-037A Proposed Levee 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane County, WA July 17, 2015 Inland Pacific Engineering Company Page 2 1.5 Locations and Elevations The borings were drilled at or near locations selected by us. The boring locations are shown on the Boring Location Map in Appendix A. The borings were staked by Whipple Consulting Engineers, Inc. (WCE). Ground surface elevations at the borings were provided by WCE. 2.0 RESULTS 2.1 Logs Log of Boring sheets indicating the vertical sequence of soils and materials encountered and groundwater observations are included in Appendix B. The strata changes were inferred from the changes in the penetration test samples and auger cuttings brought to the surface. Please note that the depths shown as changes between the strata are only approximate. The changes are likely transitions and the depths of changes vary between the borings. Geologic origins for each stratum are based on the soil type, available geologic maps, previous geotechnical reports for this and adjacent sites, and available common knowledge of the depositional history of the site. 2.2 Site Conditions The site was used as a golf course prior to our evaluation. The site is relatively level with some elevated golf greens and excavated areas for water hazards. The site is primarily grass-covered with scattered trees along the fairways and pine trees in the undeveloped area to the northwest. The clubhouse building is present at the southwest corner. The existing levee is on the east side of Chester Creek between Thorpe Road and Dishman-Mica Road. The new levee will extend from the north end of the existing levee north and west along Dishman-Mica Road. 2.3 Soils Geologic maps indicate the soils in this area consist primarily of alluvial and/or glacially deposited silts, clays, sands, and gravels. According to the Soil Survey of Spokane County, the site soils are classified by the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) as Narcisse silt loam and Endoaquolls and Fluvaquents. The native soils encountered in the borings were consistent with the NRCS data. Boring B-2 encountered existing fill in the upper 6 feet. The fill consisted of silty clay over silty sand. The remaining borings encountered 6 inches to 4 feet of topsoil at the surface. Below the topsoil or existing fill, the borings generally encountered water-deposited silty to clayey sands and/or poorly graded sands to their termination depths. Boring B-5 encountered alluvial lean clay between the 9 and 12-foot depth. Boring B-6 encountered lean below the 7-foot depth. 2.4 Penetration Resistances Penetration resistances (N-values) in the existing fill were 12 and 13 blows per foot (BPF). Penetration resistances in the silts and sands ranged from 7 to 37 BPF and averaged 19 BPF, indicating that these soils were loose to dense, but were typically medium dense. Penetration Geotechnical Evaluation Project No. 14-037A Proposed Levee 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane County, WA July 17, 2015 Inland Pacific Engineering Company Page 3 resistances in the clays ranged from 10 to 40 BPF indicating that these soils were rather stiff to hard in consistency. 2.5 Groundwater Groundwater was not encountered in any boring during or immediately after drilling. Groundwater is believed to currently exist at some depth below the termination depths of the borings. Based on our experience in the vicinity of the site, along with numerous test pits excavated previously on the site along with borings performed on the existing levee, it is our opinion that the portion of the creek along the existing levee is the beginning of the recharge section as evidenced by the typical lack of water in the creek further downstream. Also, the test pits previously excavated at the site east of the levee did not encounter groundwater. Well log data in the vicinity of the site indicate that groundwater is typically 50 to 80 feet below the surface. 2.6 Laboratory Testing We obtained soil samples from the borings during our site investigation. The tests performed included the following: 1. ASTM D 6913, Sieve Analysis 2. ASTM D 4318, Atterberg Limits’ These tests were used to aid in classifying the soils and in the engineering analyses and formulation of engineering opinions and recommendations. Attached are data sheets summarizing the tests performed. 3.0 ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 Discussion Based on the data obtained from the recent and previous borings and/or test pits, it is our opinion that a new levee can be constructed adjacent to the Dishman-Mica Road that conforms to the FEMA standard. The following sections provide recommendations for construction of a levee that meets the standard based on EM 1110-2-1913, “Design and Construction of Levees, by the US Corps of Engineers dated April 30, 2000. Certification of the levee can be completed after construction has been completed. 3.2 Site Preparation We recommend that any existing topsoil, root zone, and existing fill be excavated and removed from the levee footprint area. After these soils have been removed, we recommend surface compacting the exposed soils prior to placing structural fill for the embankment. Structural fill should be placed in 6- to 8-inch-thick loose lifts at or near optimum moisture content and compacted to a minimum of 92 percent of the maximum dry density determined in accordance with ASTM D 1557 (modified Proctor). Geotechnical Evaluation Project No. 14-037A Proposed Levee 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane County, WA July 17, 2015 Inland Pacific Engineering Company Page 4 In areas where structural fill is placed on the existing Dishman-Mica Road embankment, we recommend that the fill be benched into the slope. We recommend a maximum bench height of 4 feet and a minimum bench width equal to twice the bench height. At this time, we recommend a maximum slope angle of 3:1 (H:V) for permanent slopes excavated in the native soils or embankment fills using the native soils as structural fill. The site soils which will be reused as backfill or fill are likely to be dry of optimum moisture content. These soils may require wetting to achieve adequate compaction. Backfills and fills should be placed in thin lifts not exceeding 6 to 8 inches. Most of the on-site native soils and much of the existing fill can be used as structural fill provided particles larger than six inches and all debris are removed. We recommend in-place density tests be performed on all embankment fill placed. We recommend at least one test for every 100 cubic yards of fill placed in the levee embankment with at least one test for every 2 feet of fill placed. If site grading and construction are anticipated during cold weather, we recommend that good winter construction practices be observed. All snow and ice should be removed from excavated and fill areas prior to additional earthwork or construction. No fill should be placed on soils which have frozen or contain frozen material. Frozen soils should not be used as backfill or fill. 3.3 Freeboard We were provided 100-year flood elevations by WEST. They provided us a plan view of the levee with flood elevations at 6 locations starting at the existing levee at the bridge on Dishman-Mica Road and ending at the northwest corner of the property near Wilbur Road. The elevations ranged from 2010.4 at the existing levee to 2008.1 at the north end. Please refer to the WEST report for a complete summary of the floodplain analysis. According to 44 CFR Section 65.10(b)(1), an additional 1 foot of freeboard is required within 100 feet of bridge structures. The freeboard requirement for the Dishman-Mica Road bridge is adequate. 3.4 Closures There are no penetrations of the levee proposed so closure devices are not required. 3.5 Embankment Protection The levee will tie in to the Dishman-Mica Road embankment along its entire length which will provide creekside erosion protection to the top of the roadway embankment. For those portions of the levee above this elevation (if needed), it is our opinion that vegetative cover (grasses) would be suitable based on the flow velocities provided by WEST. Geotechnical Evaluation Project No. 14-037A Proposed Levee 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane County, WA July 17, 2015 Inland Pacific Engineering Company Page 5 3.6 Embankment and Foundation Stability We recommend that the new levee be constructed with maximum 3:1 (H:V) slopes for stability. We recommend a minimum crown width of 8 feet. We recommend that the levee embankment materials consist of a granular soil having 10 to 30 percent by weight passing a 200 sieve to reduce the permeability and limit seepage. We have assumed that on-site soils will be used as borrow to construct the embankment. We evaluated the embankment and foundation stability for conditions described in EM 1110-2- 1913, “Design and Construction of Levees, by the US Corps of Engineers dated April 30, 2000, Chapter 6. We analyzed the levee embankment for the following cases: 1. CASE I, End of construction. 2. CASE II: Sudden drawdown. 3. CASE III: Steady state seepage from full flood stage. We performed slope stability analyses for each case. We analyzed the levee embankment with 3:1 slopes. For our analyses, we used XSTABL software which is based on a software program developed at Purdue University. For these cases, we calculated the minimum factors of safety as shown in the following table. CASE Minimum Factor of Safety I 2.45 II 1.86 III 2.15 For stability, a minimum factor of safety of 1.5 is generally considered acceptable. Based on this analysis, it is our opinion that the levee will be stable with respect to global slope stability provided the recommendations of this report are followed. 3.7 Settlement The average depth of fill will be approximately 5 to 6 feet. This would result in a loading increase of approximately 750 pounds per square foot (psf) on the bearing soils. Based on the data obtained from the borings, the levee will be constructed above loose to medium dense sands or sandy silts. Settlement in these soils will generally occur shortly after construction. Given the stiff condition of the clays at depth, we do not anticipate any significant settlement in these layers. We did analyze the lean clay layer encountered in Boring B-5 with a 6-foot raise in grade to maintain minimum freeboard. For our analysis, we used a unit weight of 125 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) for the embankment fill soils and a compression index of 0.06 for the lean clay and assumed total saturation of the clay layer. Based on these parameters, we estimated the settlement to be less than 0.5 inches. Geotechnical Evaluation Project No. 14-037A Proposed Levee 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane County, WA July 17, 2015 Inland Pacific Engineering Company Page 6 3.8 Interior Drainage Interior drainage systems have been designed by WCE. We understand that these systems will include detention ponds with multiple drywells to control flood waters and infiltrate them into the ground. Please refer to the WCE report for a comprehensive description of the interior drainage system. 3.9 Operation Plans The Operation Plan will be prepared as part of the final levee certification. 3.10 Maintenance Plan The Maintenance Plan will be prepared as part of the final levee certification. 4.0 PROCEDURES 4.1 Drilling and Sampling The borings were completed on May 21, 2015 using a truck-mounted drill rig operated by an independent firm working under subcontract to IPEC. A geotechnical engineer from our firm continuously observed the borings and logged the surface and subsurface conditions. After we logged the borings, they were abandoned in accordance with state requirements. 4.2 Soil Classification The soils encountered in the borings were visually and manually classified in the field by our field personnel in accordance with ASTM D 2488, “Description and Identification of Soils (Visual- Manual Procedures)”. 5.0 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Basis of Recommendations The analyses and recommendations submitted in this report are based on the data obtained from the borings performed at the locations indicated on the Boring Location Map in Appendix A. It should be recognized that the explorations performed for this evaluation reveal subsurface conditions only at discreet locations across the project site and that actual conditions in other areas could vary. Furthermore, the nature and extent of any such variations would not become evident until additional explorations are performed or until construction activities have begun. If significant variations are observed at that time, we may need to modify our conclusions and recommendations contained in this report to reflect the actual site conditions. 5.2 Groundwater Fluctuations We made water level observations in the borings at the times and conditions stated on the boring logs. These data were interpreted in the text of this report. The period of observation was relatively short and fluctuation in the groundwater level may occur due to rainfall, flooding, irrigation, spring APPENDIX A SITE LOCATION MAP, NRCS MAP, BORING LOCATION MAP FIGURE 1    Site Location Map Project No. 14-037A July 17, 2015 Proposed Levee 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane Valley, WA FIGURE 2       NRCS Map Project No. 14-037A July 17, 2015 Proposed Levee 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane Valley, WA FIGURE 3       Boring Location Map Project No. 14-037A July 17, 2015 Proposed Levee 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane Valley, WA APPENDIX B LOGS OF BORINGS, DECRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY SS SS SS SS SS 8-10(18) 3-10(13) 10-15(25) 17-18(35) 14-8(22)11 7 (SC) CLAYEY SAND, fine grained, with roots, dark gray, moist to wet. (Topsoil) (SC) CLAYEY SAND, fine grained, brown, moist to wet, medium dense.(Alluvium) (SP-SM) POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT, medium to coarse grained, with seams of Clayey Sand, brown, moist, medium dense to dense.(Alluvium) (SP-SM) POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT, medium to coarse grained, a trace of Gravel, brown, moist, medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) End of boring. Groundwater not encountered with 14 feet of hollow-stem auger in theground. Groundwater not encountered immediately after withdrawal. Bore hole then grouted. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2005.9 ft LOGGED BY SLN DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 5/21/15 COMPLETED 5/21/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-1 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037A PROJECT NAME Painted Hills New Levee PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/17/15 14:36 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE\GINT\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS 6-6(12) 7-6(13) 8-9(17) 11-14(25) 15-22(37) 9 7 (CL-ML) FILL: Sandy Silty Clay, with roots, dark brown, moist to wet. (SM) FILL: Silty Sand, fine to medium grained, a trace of Gravel, brown mixed with dark brown, moist. (SP-SM) POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT and GRAVEL, fince to coarse grained, brown, moist, medium dense to dense. (Glacial Outwash) End of boring. Groundwater not encountered with 14 feet of hollow-stem auger in theground. Groundwater not encountered immediately after withdrawal. Bore hole then grouted. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2006 ft LOGGED BY SLN DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 5/21/15 COMPLETED 5/21/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-2 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037A PROJECT NAME Painted Hills New Levee PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/17/15 14:36 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE\GINT\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS 5-6(11) 9-17(26) 11-12(23) 7-9(16) 11-8(19) 7 7 7 5 (ML) SANDY SILT, with roots, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND with GRAVEL, medium to coarsegrained, brown, moist, medium dense.(Glacial Outwash) End of boring. Groundwater not encountered with 14 feet of hollow-stem auger in theground. Groundwater not encountered immediately after withdrawal. Bore hole then grouted. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2006 ft LOGGED BY SLN DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 5/21/15 COMPLETED 5/21/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-3 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037A PROJECT NAME Painted Hills New Levee PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/17/15 14:36 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE\GINT\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS 4-5(9) 3-4(7) 5-3(8) 15-11(26) 7-8(15) 39 6 45 36 9 74 6 9 (SC) CLAYEY SAND, very fine to fine grained, with roots, dark brown, moist to wet.(Topsoil) (ML) SANDY SILT, brown, moist to wet, loose. (Alluvium) (SP-SM) POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT, medium to coarsegrained, with seams of Sandy Lean Clay, brown, moist to wet, loose. (Alluvium) (SC) CLAYEY SAND, fine grained, with seams of Poorly Graded Sand, brown, moist to wet, medium dense.(Alluvium) (SP-SM) POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT and GRAVEL, mediumto coarse grained, moist, medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) End of boring. Groundwater not encountered with 14 feet of hollow-stem auger in theground. Groundwater not encountered immediately after withdrawal. Bore hole then grouted. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2006.5 ft LOGGED BY SLN DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 5/21/15 COMPLETED 5/21/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-4 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037A PROJECT NAME Painted Hills New Levee PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/17/15 14:36 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE\GINT\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS 3-3(6) 6-7(13) 4-6(10) 5-6(11) 10-11(21) 22 31 17 1414 (SC) CLAYEY SAND, fine grained, with roots, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil) (SM) SILTY SAND, very fine to fine grained, brown to dark brown,moist, loose. (Alluvium) (SC-SM) SILTY CLAYEY SAND, fine grained, brown, moist to wet,medium dense.(Alluvium) (SC) CLAYEY SAND, fine grained, brown, wet, loose. (Alluvium) (CL) LEAN CLAY. brown, wet, very stiff. (Alluvium) (SM) SILTY SAND, fine grained, with seams of Poorly Graded Sand,brown, wet, medium dense. (Alluvium) End of boring. Groundwater not encountered with 14 feet of hollow-stem auger in theground. Groundwater not encountered immediately after withdrawal. Bore hole then grouted. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2006.8 ft LOGGED BY SLN DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 5/21/15 COMPLETED 5/21/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-5 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037A PROJECT NAME Painted Hills New Levee PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/17/15 14:36 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE\GINT\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS 7-7(14) 3-6(9) 5-11(16) 5-5(10) 21-19(40) 19 26 18 8 768 (SM) SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, with roots, dark brown, moist.(Topsoil) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND, medium grained, brown, moist,loose.(Alluvium) (CL) LEAN CLAY with SAND, brown, wet, rather stiff to hard.(Alluvium) End of boring. Groundwater not encountered with 14 feet of hollow-stem auger in theground. Groundwater not encountered immediately after withdrawal. Bore hole then grouted. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2007.2 ft LOGGED BY SLN DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 5/21/15 COMPLETED 5/21/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-6 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037A PROJECT NAME Painted Hills New Levee PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/17/15 14:36 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE\GINT\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 DENSITY Very Loose 0 - 4 Loose 4 - 10 Coarse-Gravel and Gravel GW Grained Gravelly Soils (with little or no fines)GP Soils <50% coarse fraction Gravel GM passes #4 sieve (with >12% fines)GC <50% Sandy and Sand SW passes #200 Sandy Soils (with little or no fines)SP sieve >50% coarse fraction Sand SM passes #4 sieve (with >12% fines)SC Fine-ML Grained CL Soils OL >50% MH passes #200 CH sieve OH PT Peat DESCRIPTION RANGE Occasional <5% Trace 5% - 12% With >12% Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine MODIFIERS Hard > 30 USCS SOIL CLASSIFICATION Liquid Limit > 50 Highly Organic Soils Silt and Clay MAJOR DIVISIONS Liquid Limit < 50 Salt and Clay Organic Clay and Silt (med to high plasticity) Muck Well Graded Sand Inorganic Silt Fat Clay MOISTURE CONTENT Gravel SandBoulders Cobbles GRAIN SIZE (INCHES) Silt and Clay 12 3 0.75 0.19 0.079 0.0171 0.0029 17 - 30 Soft Rather Soft Medium Rather Stiff Stiff Very Stiff 2 - 3 4 - 5 6 - 8 9 - 12 RELATIVE DENSITY OR CONSISTENCY VERSUS SPT N-VALVE FINE-GRAINED SOILS N(BLOWS/FT) CONSISTENCY N(BLOWS/FT) Very Soft 0 - 1 MAJOR DIVISIONS WITH GRAIN SIZE SIEVE SIZE 12" 3" 3/4" 4 10 40 200 COARSE-GRAINED SOILS Poorly Graded Sand Silty Sand Clayey Sand Silt Lean Clay Organic Silt and Clay (low plasticity) GROUP DESCRIPTIONS Well Graded Gravel Poorly Graded Gravel Silty Gravel Clayey Gravel 13 - 16 FIELD OBSERVATION Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch Dry of optimum moisture content Wet of optimum moisture content DESCRIPTION Dry Moist Wet Very Dense > 50 Dense 31 - 50 Medium-Dense 11 - 30 APPENDIX C LABORATORY TEST RESULTS 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0.0010.010.1110100 PI Cc 3645 CuLL PL 4.44 9.80 7.63 4.03 1.36 2.05 1.34 1.02 9 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION COBBLES GRAVEL 7.0 7.0 6.5 5.0 73.9 9.5 19 25 19 0.075 SAND GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS coarse fine SP-SM Poorly Graded Sand with Silt SP-SM Poorly Graded Sand with Silt and Gravel SP-SM Poorly Graded Sand with Silt and Gravel SP Poorly Graded Sand with Gravel ML Silt Classification D100 D60 D30 D10 %Gravel 1.265 2.414 3.072 2.956 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-3 B-4 coarse SILT OR CLAYfinemedium 15.0 7.5 7.5 10.0 5.0 %Sand %Silt %Clay 0.701 1.103 1.288 1.488 0.285 0.246 0.403 0.734 1.6 15.1 24.3 15.9 91.5 77.9 69.2 79.1 BOREHOLE DEPTH BOREHOLE DEPTH 3 100 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-3 B-4 24 16 301 2006 10 501/2 HYDROMETERU.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS 1403420 406 601.5 8 143/4 3/8 15.0 7.5 7.5 10.0 5.0PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTCLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037A PROJECT NAME Painted Hills New Levee PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road GRAIN SIZE - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/17/15 14:22 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE\GINT\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0.0010.010.1110100 PI Cc 1826 CuLL PL 6.671.30 8 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION COBBLES GRAVEL 5.9 75.7 25 0.075 SAND GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS coarse fine SP-SM Poorly Graded Sand with Silt and Gravel CL Lean Clay with Sand Classification D100 D60 D30 D10 %Gravel 3.204 B-4 B-6 coarse SILT OR CLAYfinemedium 15.0 7.5 %Sand %Silt %Clay 1.413 0.48 24.3 69.8 BOREHOLE DEPTH BOREHOLE DEPTH 3 100 B-4 B-6 24 16 301 2006 10 501/2 HYDROMETERU.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS 1403420 406 601.5 8 143/4 3/8 15.0 7.5PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTCLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037A PROJECT NAME Painted Hills New Levee PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road GRAIN SIZE - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/17/15 14:22 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE\GINT\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 80 100 B-4 B-5 B-6 ML CL MH CH 74 76 CL-ML PL AST ICI TY IND EX LIQUID LIMIT Fines Classification 45 31 26 36 17 18 ML Silt CL Lean Clay CL Lean Clay with Sand LL PL PI 9 14 8 ATTERBERG LIMITS' RESULTS 5.0 10.0 7.5 BOREHOLE DEPTH CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037A PROJECT NAME Painted Hills New Levee PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road ATTERBERG LIMITS - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/17/15 14:22 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE\GINT\14-037A PAINTED HILLS NEW LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 REPORT 6 Geotechnical Evaluation, Phase 2, dated July 23, 2016 IPEC Inland Pacific Engineering Company Geotechnical Engineering and Consulting P.O. Box 1566, Veradale, WA 99037 Phone 509-209-6262 July 23, 2015 Project No. 2013-026A NAI Black c/o Mr. Bryan Walker 107 South Howard Suite 500 Spokane, WA 99201 Re: Geotechnical Evaluation Phase 2 Painted Hills Golf Course Property 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane Valley, WA Dear Mr. Walker: As you authorized, we have completed the Phase 2 geotechnical evaluation for the Painted Hills Golf Course property at the above-referenced site in Spokane Valley, Washington. The purpose of the Phase 2 evaluation is to assess subsurface soil and groundwater conditions to assist your civil engineer, Whipple Consulting Engineers, Inc. (WCE) in evaluating stormwater management alternatives relative to potential future development. This report summarizes the results of our field investigation, laboratory testing, engineering analyses, and our opinions and recommendations for stormwater management. PROJECT DESCRIPTION We understand that the proposed project may consist of a residential development. The site consists of 91 acres currently developed as a golf course. We have assumed that stormwater runoff will be treated using drywells and/or gravel galleries for subsurface infiltration. This Phase 2 evaluation is intended to identify areas where subsurface infiltration of stormwater may be feasible due to the presence of suitable soils at depth. Phase 2 Geotechnical Evaluation Project No. 2013-026A Painted Hills Golf Course Property Parcel No. 45344.9108 Spokane Valley, WA July 23, 2015 Inland Pacific Engineering Company Page 2 AVAILABLE INFORMATION We were provided a topographic survey for the project site by WCE. This topographic survey showed the existing roadways, existing structures, property lines, and existing ground surface elevation contours. This plan was prepared by WCE and was dated November 7, 2013. The site was used as a golf course prior to our evaluation. The site is relatively level with some elevated golf greens and excavated areas for water hazards. The site is primarily grass-covered with scattered trees along the fairways and pine trees in the undeveloped area to the northwest. The clubhouse building is present at the southwest corner. In addition, we performed a preliminary geotechnical evaluation for the property in December 2013. The results of that evaluation, along with our opinions and recommendations, are summarized in our Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation dated December 31, 2013. We also performed a geotechnical evaluation for certification of the existing levee along Chester Creek in April 2014. The results of that evaluation are summarized in our Geotechnical Evaluation dated February 12, 2015. FIELD EVALUATION Procedures A geotechnical engineer from Inland Pacific Engineering Company (IPEC) observed the drilling of 10 penetration test borings at the site. The borings were drilled between July 1 and 13, 2015 using a truck-mounted drill operated by an independent firm working under subcontract to IPEC. A geotechnical engineer from IPEC observed the borings and logged the surface and subsurface conditions. After we logged the borings, they were abandoned in accordance with state requirements. Ground surface elevations at the borings were provided by WCE. The soils encountered in the borings were visually and manually classified in the field by our field personnel in accordance with ASTM D 2488, “Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedures)”. The samples were returned to our facility for review of the classification by a geotechnical engineer and laboratory testing. Soils Encountered In general, the borings encountered 1 to 3 feet of topsoil at the surface. However, Borings B-4 and B-5 encountered “possible fill” in the upper 6 feet (it was considered “possible fill” because it did not appear to be native soil, but no indicator, such as buried topsoil, debris, etc., was found to confirm our opinion). Below the topsoil or “possible fill”, the borings generally encountered alluvial lean clay, silty to clayey sand, and poorly graded sands to depths ranging from 6 to 21 feet, but were typically in the upper 10 to 12 feet. Below the fill, topsoil, and alluvial soils, the borings encountered glacially deposited sands to their termination depths. Phase 2 Geotechnical Evaluation Project No. 2013-026A Painted Hills Golf Course Property Parcel No. 45344.9108 Spokane Valley, WA July 23, 2015 Inland Pacific Engineering Company Page 3 Penetration resistances (N-values) in the “possible fill” were 9 and 16 blows per foot (BPF). Penetration resistances in the sands ranged from 3 to 62 BPF and averaged 26 BPF, indicating that these soils were very loose to very dense, but were typically medium dense. A penetration resistance of 14 BPF was recorded in the clay indicating that this soil was stiff in consistency. Geologic maps indicate the soils in this area consist primarily of alluvial and/or glacially deposited silts, clays, sands, and gravels. According to the Soil Survey of Spokane County, the site soils are classified by the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) as Hardesty ashy silt loam, Narcisse silt loam, Endoaquolls and Fluvaquents, Phoebe ashy sandy loam, and Urban land-Springdale disturbed complex. The native soils encountered in the borings were consistent with the NRCS data. Groundwater was encountered in all the borings at depths ranging from 11 to 47 feet. The following table summarizes the groundwater depths and approximate elevations. Boring Number Depth to Groundwater (feet) Approximate Groundwater Elevation B-1 36 1970 B-2 30 1976 B-3 47 1960 B-4 31 1975 B-5 46 1962 B-6 28 1981 B-7 31 1977 B-8 36 1973 B-9 11 2000 B-10 27 1981 The observed water levels indicate that the groundwater levels drop generally from south to north with higher levels near Chester Creek. These water levels are generally consistent with the observed levels in the borings performed on the Chester Creek levee and is consistent with our opinion that this portion of the creek is the beginning of the recharge section as evidenced by the typical lack of water in the creek further downstream along with dropping groundwater levels away from the creek. Fluctuations in the groundwater level may occur due to rainfall, flooding, irrigation, spring thaw and other seasonal and annual factors not evident at the time the observations were made. FIGURE 1       Site Location Map Project No. 2013-026A July 23, 2015 Painted Hills Phase 2 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane Valley, WA FIGURE 2       NRCS Map Project No. 2013-026A July 23, 2015 Painted Hills Phase 2 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane Valley, WA FIGURE 3       Boring Location Map Project No. 2013-026A July 23, 2015 Painted Hills Phase 2 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane Valley, WA SS SS SS SS SS SS 6-8 (14) 13-12 (25) 17-14(31) 16-15(31) 10-10 (20) 11-12 (23) (ML) SILT, with roots, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil) (CL) LEAN CLAY, brown, wet, stiff.(Alluvium) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND with GRAVEL, medium to coarsegrained, brown, moist, medium dense to dense. (Glacial Outwash) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND, fine to medium grained, a traceof Gravel, brown, moist to 36', then water-bearing, medium dense to dense.(Glacial Outwash) NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2006 ft LOGGED BY PTN DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 7/2/15 COMPLETED 7/2/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING 36.00 ft / Elev 1970.00 ft AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS (Continued Next Page)PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 20 25 30 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-1 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 2013-026A PROJECT NAME Pinted Hills Phase 2 PROJECT LOCATION Spokane Valley, WA IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 13:25 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2013 PROJECTS\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2\GINT\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS 13-15(28) 11-13(24) 17-21 (38) 8-8 (16) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND, fine to medium grained, a trace of Gravel, brown, moist to 36', then water-bearing, medium denseto dense.(Glacial Outwash) (continued) (SM) SILTY SAND, very fine to fine grained, brown, wet, mediumdense.(Alluvium) End of boring. Groundwater not encountered with 49' of hollow-stem auger in theground. Groundwater at 36' immediately after withdrawal of the auger. Bore hole then grouted to the surface.SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)35 40 45 50 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 2 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-1 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 2013-026A PROJECT NAME Pinted Hills Phase 2 PROJECT LOCATION Spokane Valley, WA IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 13:25 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2013 PROJECTS\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2\GINT\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS SS 16-14 (30) 6-8 (14) 9-8(17) 7-9(16) 9-9 (18) 10-15 (25) 7 4 (SM) SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, with roots, dark brown, moist.(Topsoil) (SM) SILTY SAND, fine to coarse grained, a trace of Gravel,brown, moist, medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) (SW) WELL GRADED SAND with GRAVEL, medium to coarsegrained, brown, moist to 30'. then water-bearing, medium dense to very dense.(Glacial Outwash) NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2005.9 ft LOGGED BY SLN DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 7/10/15 COMPLETED 7/13/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING 30.00 ft / Elev 1975.90 ft AT END OF DRILLING 39.00 ft / Elev 1966.90 ft AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered (cave-in) HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS (Continued Next Page)PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 20 25 30 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-2 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 2013-026A PROJECT NAME Pinted Hills Phase 2 PROJECT LOCATION Spokane Valley, WA IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 13:25 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2013 PROJECTS\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2\GINT\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS 31-18(49) 25-19(44) 29-26 (55) 22-16 (38) (SW) WELL GRADED SAND with GRAVEL, medium to coarse grained, brown, moist to 30'. then water-bearing, medium dense tovery dense.(Glacial Outwash) (continued) End of boring. Groundwater at 30' with 34' of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Groundwater at 39' with 49' of hollow-stem auger in the ground 3days later. Groundwater not encountered to cave-in depth of 27' immediatelyafter withdrawal of the auger. Bore hole then grouted to the surface.SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)35 40 45 50 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 2 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-2 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 2013-026A PROJECT NAME Pinted Hills Phase 2 PROJECT LOCATION Spokane Valley, WA IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 13:25 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2013 PROJECTS\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2\GINT\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS SS 3-3 (6) 7-8 (15) 9-12(21) 24-27(51) 14-8 (22) 8-13 (21) (SM) SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, with roots, dark brown, moist.(Topsoil) (SC) CLAYEY SAND, fine to medium grained, dark brown to brown, moist to wet, loose to medium dense.(Alluvium) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND, medium to coarse grained, atrace of Gravel, brown, moist, medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND, fine to medium grained, a traceof Gravel, brown, water-bearing, medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2007 ft LOGGED BY PTN DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 7/2/15 COMPLETED 7/2/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING 47.00 ft / Elev 1960.00 ft AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered (cave-in) HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS (Continued Next Page)PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 20 25 30 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-3 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 2013-026A PROJECT NAME Pinted Hills Phase 2 PROJECT LOCATION Spokane Valley, WA IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 13:25 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2013 PROJECTS\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2\GINT\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS 16-16(32) 15-14(29) 29-23 (52) 21-20 (41) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND,fine grained, brown, moist, dense to medium dense.(Glacial Outwash) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND with GRAVEL, medium to coarse grained, with seams of Silty Sand, brown, moist to water-bearing,very dense to dense.(Glacial Outwash) End of boring. Groundwater at 47' with 49' of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Groundwater not encountered to cave-in depth of 19' immediatelyafter withdrawal of the auger. Bore hole then grouted to the surface.SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)35 40 45 50 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 2 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-3 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 2013-026A PROJECT NAME Pinted Hills Phase 2 PROJECT LOCATION Spokane Valley, WA IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 13:25 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2013 PROJECTS\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2\GINT\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS SS 7-9 (16) 5-5 (10) 11-13(24) 3-2(5) 7-7 (14) 6-9 (15) 10 9 (SM) SILTY SAND, fine grained, with roots, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil) (SC-SM) SILTY CLAYEY SAND, fine grained, brown, moist.(Possible Fille) (SC) CLAYEY SAND, fine to medium grained, with seams of LeanClay, brown, moist to wet, loose. (Alluvium) (SW-SM) WELL GRADED SAND with SILT, medium to coarsegrained, brown, moist, medium dense. (Alluvium) (SM) SILTY SAND, very fine to fine grained, with seams of Clayey Sand, brown, wet, loose.(Alluvium) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND, medium to coarse grained,brown, moist to 31', then water-bearing, medium dense to verydense. (Glacial Outwash) NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2006.1 ft LOGGED BY DD DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 7/6/15 COMPLETED 7/6/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING 31.00 ft / Elev 1975.10 ft AT END OF DRILLING --- Not encountered (cave-in) AFTER DRILLING 45.00 ft / Elev 1961.10 ft HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS (Continued Next Page)PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 20 25 30 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-4 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 2013-026A PROJECT NAME Pinted Hills Phase 2 PROJECT LOCATION Spokane Valley, WA IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 13:25 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2013 PROJECTS\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2\GINT\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS 12-16(28) 50 4-11 (15) 23-35 (58) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND, medium to coarse grained, brown, moist to 31', then water-bearing, medium dense to verydense.(Glacial Outwash) (continued) End of boring. Groundwater at 31' with 34' of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Groundwater at 45' with 49' of hollow-stem auger in the ground 3days later. Groundwater not encountered to cave-in depth of 30' immediatelyafter withdrawal of the auger. Bore hole then grouted to the surface.SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)35 40 45 50 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 2 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-4 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 2013-026A PROJECT NAME Pinted Hills Phase 2 PROJECT LOCATION Spokane Valley, WA IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 13:25 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2013 PROJECTS\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2\GINT\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS SS 4-5 (9) 1-2 (3) 1-8(9) 8-11(19) 9-10 (19) 16-21 (37) 17 7 (SM) SILTY SAND, fine grained, with roots, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil) (SM) SILTY SAND, fine grained, brown, moist.(Possible Fill) (SC) CLAYEY SAND, fine grained, brown, moist, very loose.(Alluvium) (SP-SM) POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT, medium to coarse grained, a trace of Gravel, brown, moist, loose to medium dense.(Glacial Outwash) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND, medium to coarse grained,brown, moist to 46', then water-bearing, loose to very deense. (Glacial Outwash) NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2008.1 ft LOGGED BY DD DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 7/1/15 COMPLETED 7/1/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING 46.00 ft / Elev 1962.10 ft AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS (Continued Next Page)PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 20 25 30 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-5 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 2013-026A PROJECT NAME Pinted Hills Phase 2 PROJECT LOCATION Spokane Valley, WA IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 13:25 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2013 PROJECTS\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2\GINT\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS 14-15(29) 19-22(41) 15-17 (32) 27-35 (62) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND, medium to coarse grained, brown, moist to 46', then water-bearing, loose to very deense.(Glacial Outwash) (continued) End of boring. Groundwater at 46' with 49' of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Groundwater not encountered immediately after withdrawal of theauger. Bore hole then grouted to the surface.SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)35 40 45 50 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 2 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-5 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 2013-026A PROJECT NAME Pinted Hills Phase 2 PROJECT LOCATION Spokane Valley, WA IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 13:25 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2013 PROJECTS\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2\GINT\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS SS 6-7 (13) 7-7 (14) 5-10(15) 6-7(13) 8-11 (19) 10-11 (21) 15 6 (SM) SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, with roots, dark brown, moist.(Topsoil) (SM) SILTY SAND, fine grained, with seams of Clayey Sand, brown, moist, medium dense.(Alluvium) (SP-SM) POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT, medium to coarse grained, a trace of Gravel, brown, moist, loose to medium dense.(Glacial Outwash) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND, medium to coarse grained,brown, moist to 25', then water-bearing, medium dense to dense. (Glacial Outwash) NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2009.1 ft LOGGED BY DD DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 7/7/15 COMPLETED 7/7/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING 44.50 ft / Elev 1964.60 ft AT END OF DRILLING 44.50 ft / Elev 1964.60 ft AFTER DRILLING 28.00 ft / Elev 1981.10 ft HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS (Continued Next Page)PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 20 25 30 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-6 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 2013-026A PROJECT NAME Pinted Hills Phase 2 PROJECT LOCATION Spokane Valley, WA IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 13:25 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2013 PROJECTS\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2\GINT\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS 13-15(28) 12-13(25) 19-22 (41) 22-19 (41) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND, medium to coarse grained, brown, moist to 25', then water-bearing, medium dense to dense.(Glacial Outwash) (continued) End of boring. Groundwater at 44.5' with 49' of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Groundwater at 28' immediately after withdrawal of the auger. Bore hole then grouted to the surface.SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)35 40 45 50 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 2 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-6 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 2013-026A PROJECT NAME Pinted Hills Phase 2 PROJECT LOCATION Spokane Valley, WA IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 13:25 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2013 PROJECTS\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2\GINT\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS SS 2-5 (7) 4-6 (10) 8-11(19) 9-8(17) 7-10 (17) 10-11 (21) 18 6 (SM) SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, with roots, dark brown, moist.(Topsoil) (SM) SILTY SAND, fine grained, with seams of Lean Clay, brown,moist to wet, loose. (Alluvium) (SM) SILTY SAND, very fine to fine grained, brown, moist,medium dense.(Alluvium) (SP-SM) POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT, medium to coarsegrained, a trace of Gravel, brown, moist, medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2007.6 ft LOGGED BY SLN DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 7/10/15 COMPLETED 7/10/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING 34.00 ft / Elev 1973.60 ft AT END OF DRILLING 31.00 ft / Elev 1976.60 ft AFTER DRILLING 37.00 ft / Elev 1970.60 ft HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS (Continued Next Page)PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 20 25 30 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-7 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 2013-026A PROJECT NAME Pinted Hills Phase 2 PROJECT LOCATION Spokane Valley, WA IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 13:25 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2013 PROJECTS\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2\GINT\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS 11-15(26) 12-15(27) 12-25 (37) 12-32 (44) (SP-SM) POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT, medium to coarse grained, a trace of Gravel, brown, moist, medium dense.(Glacial Outwash) (continued) End of boring. Groundwater at 34' with 34' of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Groundwater at 37' with 49' of hollow-stem auger in the ground 3days later. Groundwater at 31' immediately after withdrawal of the auger. Bore hole then grouted to the surface.SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)35 40 45 50 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 2 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-7 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 2013-026A PROJECT NAME Pinted Hills Phase 2 PROJECT LOCATION Spokane Valley, WA IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 13:25 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2013 PROJECTS\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2\GINT\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS SS 11-11 (22) 6-5 (11) 8-10(18) 8-10(18) 9-9 (18) 10-11 (21)18 10 (SM) SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, with roots, dark brown, moist.(Topsoil) (SM) SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, brown, moist, medium dense.(Alluvium) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND, fine to medium grained, brown,moist, medium dense. (Alluvium) (SM) SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, with seams of Clayey Sand, brown, moist to wet, medium dense.(Alluvium) (SW-SM) WELL GRADED SAND with SILT, fine to mediumgrained, brown, moist, medium dense.(Glacial Outwash) NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2009.3 ft LOGGED BY DD DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 7/7/15 COMPLETED 7/7/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING 43.00 ft / Elev 1966.30 ft AT END OF DRILLING 36.00 ft / Elev 1973.30 ft AFTER DRILLING 47.00 ft / Elev 1962.30 ft HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS (Continued Next Page)PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 20 25 30 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-8 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 2013-026A PROJECT NAME Pinted Hills Phase 2 PROJECT LOCATION Spokane Valley, WA IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 13:25 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2013 PROJECTS\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2\GINT\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS 10-9(19) 13-17(30) 18-32 (50) 19-25 (44) (SW-SM) WELL GRADED SAND with SILT, fine to medium grained, brown, moist, medium dense.(Glacial Outwash) (continued) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND, medium to coarse grained,brown, water-bearing, medium dense to dense. (Glacial Outwash) End of boring. Groundwater at 43' with 44' of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Groundwater at 47' with 49' of hollow-stem auger in the ground 3days later. Groundwater at 36' immediately after withdrawal of the auger. Bore hole then grouted to the surface.SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)35 40 45 50 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 2 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-8 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 2013-026A PROJECT NAME Pinted Hills Phase 2 PROJECT LOCATION Spokane Valley, WA IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 13:25 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2013 PROJECTS\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2\GINT\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS SS 4-6 (10) 4-5 (9) 6-9(15) 9-9(18) 12-11 (23) 12-15 (27) (SM) SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, with roots, dark brown, moist.(Topsoil) (SM) SILTY SAND, fine grained, brown, moist, loose.(Alluvium) (SC-SM) SILTY CLAYEY SAND, very fine to fine grained, brown,wet, loose. (Alluvium) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND, fine to medium grained, brown,moist to 15', then water-bearing, medium dense to dense. (Glacial Outwash) NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2010.6 ft LOGGED BY SLN DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 7/8/15 COMPLETED 7/8/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING 15.00 ft / Elev 1995.60 ft AT END OF DRILLING 11.00 ft / Elev 1999.60 ft AFTER DRILLING 41.00 ft / Elev 1969.60 ft HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS (Continued Next Page)PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 20 25 30 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-9 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 2013-026A PROJECT NAME Pinted Hills Phase 2 PROJECT LOCATION Spokane Valley, WA IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 13:25 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2013 PROJECTS\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2\GINT\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS 18-30(48) 20-25(45) 26-24 (50) 21-26 (47) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND, fine to medium grained, brown, moist to 15', then water-bearing, medium dense to dense.(Glacial Outwash) (continued) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND, medium to coarse grained, a trace of Gravel, brown, moist, dense.(Glacial Outwash) End of boring. Groundwater at 15' with 19' of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Groundwater at 41' with 49' of hollow-stem auger in the ground 3days later. Groundwater at 11' immediately after withdrawal of the auger. Bore hole then grouted to the surface.SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)35 40 45 50 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 2 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-9 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 2013-026A PROJECT NAME Pinted Hills Phase 2 PROJECT LOCATION Spokane Valley, WA IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 13:25 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2013 PROJECTS\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2\GINT\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS SS 5-6 (11) 4-5 (9) 9-9(18) 8-8(16) 11-15 (26) 11-15 (26) 19 9 (SM) SILTY SAND, fine grained, with roots, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND, medium to coarse grained,brown, moist, medium dense. (Alluvium) (SM) SILTY SAND, fine grained, brown, moist, loose.(Alluvium) (SW-SM) WELL GRADED SAND with SILT, fine to medium grained, brown, moist, medium dense.(Glacial Outwash) NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2008.4 ft LOGGED BY SLN DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 7/8/15 COMPLETED 7/8/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING 28.00 ft / Elev 1980.40 ft AT END OF DRILLING 27.00 ft / Elev 1981.40 ft AFTER DRILLING 48.00 ft / Elev 1960.40 ft HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS (Continued Next Page)PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 20 25 30 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-10 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 2013-026A PROJECT NAME Pinted Hills Phase 2 PROJECT LOCATION Spokane Valley, WA IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 13:25 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2013 PROJECTS\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2\GINT\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS 13-14(27) 21-25(46) 21-23 (44) 19-20 (39) (SW-SM) WELL GRADED SAND with SILT, fine to medium grained, brown, moist, medium dense.(Glacial Outwash) (continued) End of boring. Groundwater at 28' with 29' of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Groundwater at 48' with 49' of hollow-stem auger in the ground 3days later. Groundwater at 27' immediately after withdrawal of the auger. Bore hole then grouted to the surface.SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)35 40 45 50 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 2 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-10 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 2013-026A PROJECT NAME Pinted Hills Phase 2 PROJECT LOCATION Spokane Valley, WA IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 13:25 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2013 PROJECTS\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2\GINT\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 DENSITY Very Loose 0 - 4 Loose 4 - 10 Coarse-Gravel and Gravel GW Grained Gravelly Soils (with little or no fines)GP Soils <50% coarse fraction Gravel GM passes #4 sieve (with >12% fines)GC <50% Sandy and Sand SW passes #200 Sandy Soils (with little or no fines)SP sieve >50% coarse fraction Sand SM passes #4 sieve (with >12% fines)SC Fine-ML Grained CL Soils OL >50% MH passes #200 CH sieve OH PT Peat DESCRIPTION RANGE Occasional <5% Trace 5% - 12% With >12% Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine MODIFIERS Hard > 30 USCS SOIL CLASSIFICATION Liquid Limit > 50 Highly Organic Soils Silt and Clay MAJOR DIVISIONS Liquid Limit < 50 Salt and Clay Organic Clay and Silt (med to high plasticity) Muck Well Graded Sand Inorganic Silt Fat Clay MOISTURE CONTENT Gravel SandBoulders Cobbles GRAIN SIZE (INCHES) Silt and Clay 12 3 0.75 0.19 0.079 0.0171 0.0029 17 - 30 Soft Rather Soft Medium Rather Stiff Stiff Very Stiff 2 - 3 4 - 5 6 - 8 9 - 12 RELATIVE DENSITY OR CONSISTENCY VERSUS SPT N-VALVE FINE-GRAINED SOILS N(BLOWS/FT) CONSISTENCY N(BLOWS/FT) Very Soft 0 - 1 MAJOR DIVISIONS WITH GRAIN SIZE SIEVE SIZE 12" 3" 3/4" 4 10 40 200 COARSE-GRAINED SOILS Poorly Graded Sand Silty Sand Clayey Sand Silt Lean Clay Organic Silt and Clay (low plasticity) GROUP DESCRIPTIONS Well Graded Gravel Poorly Graded Gravel Silty Gravel Clayey Gravel 13 - 16 FIELD OBSERVATION Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch Dry of optimum moisture content Wet of optimum moisture content DESCRIPTION Dry Moist Wet Very Dense > 50 Dense 31 - 50 Medium-Dense 11 - 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0.0010.010.1110100 PI Cc CuLL PL 8.02 21.25 6.64 4.30 5.00 1.57 2.32 1.39 1.21 1.35 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION COBBLES GRAVEL 4.5 8.9 7.1 5.6 5.6 19 15.9 19 12.2 9.5 SAND GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS coarse fine SW Well Graded Sand with Gravel SW-SM Well Graded Sand with Silt SP-SM Poorly Graded Sand with Silt SP-SM Poorly Graded Sand with Silt SP-SM Poorly Graded Sand with Silt Classification D100 D60 D30 D10 %Gravel 4.187 2.258 1.187 0.923 0.899 B-2 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 coarse SILT OR CLAYfinemedium 25.0 15.0 25.0 20.0 20.0 %Sand %Silt %Clay 1.851 0.747 0.543 0.491 0.467 0.522 0.106 0.179 0.215 0.18 35.1 13.3 5.9 1.6 0.7 60.4 77.8 87.0 92.8 93.6 BOREHOLE DEPTH BOREHOLE DEPTH 3 100 B-2 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 24 16 301 2006 10 501/2 HYDROMETERU.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS 1403420 406 601.5 8 143/4 3/8 25.0 15.0 25.0 20.0 20.0PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTCLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 2013-026A PROJECT NAME Pinted Hills Phase 2 PROJECT LOCATION Spokane Valley, WA GRAIN SIZE - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 13:26 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2013 PROJECTS\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2\GINT\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0.0010.010.1110100 PI Cc CuLL PL 7.39 6.26 1.78 1.72 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION COBBLES GRAVEL 9.7 8.8 9.5 9.5 SAND GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS coarse fine SW-SM Well Graded Sand with Silt SW-SM Well Graded Sand with Silt Classification D100 D60 D30 D10 %Gravel 0.582 0.581 B-8 B-10 coarse SILT OR CLAYfinemedium 30.0 15.0 %Sand %Silt %Clay 0.286 0.305 0.079 0.093 0.5 0.5 89.8 90.7 BOREHOLE DEPTH BOREHOLE DEPTH 3 100 B-8 B-10 24 16 301 2006 10 501/2 HYDROMETERU.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS 1403420 406 601.5 8 143/4 3/8 30.0 15.0PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTCLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 2013-026A PROJECT NAME Pinted Hills Phase 2 PROJECT LOCATION Spokane Valley, WA GRAIN SIZE - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 13:26 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2013 PROJECTS\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2\GINT\2013-026A PAINTED HILLS PHASE 2.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 REORT 7 Gustin Levee Evaluation, dated July 23, 2015, revised August 29, 2016 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION GUSTIN LEVEE EVALUATION PARCEL NO. 45344.9108 SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON Inland Pacific Engineering Company Project No. 14-037B July 23, 2015 Revised August 29, 2016 IPEC Inland Pacific Engineering Company Geotechnical Engineering and Consulting GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION GUSTIN LEVEE EVALUATION PARCEL NO. 45344.9108 SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON Inland Pacific Engineering Company Project No. 14-037B July 23, 2015 Revised August 29, 2016 Prepared for: NAI Black Spokane, Washington IPEC Inland Pacific Engineering Company Geotechnical Engineering and Consulting TABLE OF CONTENTS Project No. 14-037B Gustin Levee Evaluation Parcel No. 45344.9108 Spokane County, Washington page 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Project Description .................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Purpose ...................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 1 1.4 Available Information ............................................................................................... 1 1.5 Locations and Elevations .......................................................................................... 1 2.0 RESULTS .............................................................................................................................. 2 2.1 Logs........................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Site Conditions .......................................................................................................... 2 2.3 Soils........................................................................................................................... 2 2.4 Penetration Resistances ............................................................................................. 3 2.5 Groundwater ............................................................................................................. 3 2.6 Laboratory Testing .................................................................................................... 3 3.0 ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................... 3 3.1 Discussion ................................................................................................................. 3 3.2 History....................................................................................................................... 3 3.3 Freeboard .................................................................................................................. 3 3.4 Closures..................................................................................................................... 4 3.5 Embankment Protection ............................................................................................ 4 3.6 Embankment and Foundation Stability ..................................................................... 4 3.7 Settlement ................................................................................................................. 5 3.8 Interior Drainage ....................................................................................................... 5 3.9 Operation Plans ......................................................................................................... 5 3.10 Maintenance Plan .................................................................................................... 5 4.0 PROCEDURES ..................................................................................................................... 6 4.1 Excavation and Sampling ......................................................................................... 6 4.2 Soil Classification ..................................................................................................... 6 5.0 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS.................................................................................... 6 5.1 Basis of Recommendations ....................................................................................... 6 5.2 Groundwater Fluctuations ......................................................................................... 6 5.3 Use of Report ............................................................................................................ 6 5.4 Level of Care............................................................................................................. 7 5.5 Professional Certification .......................................................................................... 7 Appendix A – Site Location Map, NRCS Map, Boring and Test Pit Location Map Appendix B – Logs of Borings, Logs of Test Pits, Descriptive Terminology Appendix C – Laboratory Test Results 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Description We understand that the proposed Painted Hills project may consist of a residential development. The site consists of 91 acres currently developed as a golf course. Stormwater runoff will be treated using drywells and/or gravel galleries for subsurface infiltration. These type of facilities will also be used to manage potential floodwaters, if needed. In addition, runoff from the drainage east of the site will require a FEMA certified levee. The existing levee is located on the Gustin property off State Highway 27. 1.2 Purpose The purpose of our services is to evaluate the existing levee for conformance to 44 CFR 65.10 of the Code of Federal Regulations for certification by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 1.3 Scope Our services were requested by Mr. Bryan Walker of NAI Black. Mr. Walker authorized us to proceed on April 28, 2015. The scope of work agreed upon consisted of the following:  review of existing geotechnical data and reports for the development, if available  drill 8 penetration test borings at the site to a depth of 15 feet,  excavate 6 test pits through the existing levee embankment,  performing laboratory tests on samples obtained from the test pits,  classifying the soils and preparing boring logs, and  submitting a geotechnical report containing logs of the borings, results of our field investigation and laboratory testing, and our analyses, opinions, and recommendations relative to the conformance of the existing levee to FEMA standards. 1.4 Available Information We were provided a topographic survey for the project site by WCE. This topographic survey showed the existing roadways, existing structures, property lines, and existing ground surface elevation contours. This plan was prepared by WCE and was not dated. We also performed a preliminary geotechnical evaluation for the golf course property in December 2013. The results of that evaluation, along with our opinions and recommendations, are summarized in our Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation dated December 31, 2013. In conjunction with this evaluation, West Consultants, Inc. (WEST) has been contracted by NAI Black to provide a FEMA Conditional Letter of Map Revision submittal (CLOMR). They have provided Inland Pacific Engineering Company (IPEC) water surface elevations and velocity output from their revised RAS model to assist us in our evaluation. 1.5 Locations and Elevations The borings and test pits were drilled and/or excavated at or near locations selected by us. The boring and test pit locations are shown on the Boring Location Map in Appendix A. The borings Geotechnical Evaluation Project No. 14-037 Gustin Property Levee Parcel No. 45344.9108 Spokane County, WA July 23, 2015 Inland Pacific Engineering Company Page 2 were staked by Whipple Consulting Engineers, Inc. (WCE). The test pits were staked by IPEC. Ground surface elevations at the borings were provided by WCE. Ground surface elevations at the test pits were interpolated from the topographic survey provided by WCE. 2.0 RESULTS 2.1 Logs Log of Boring and Log of Test Pit sheets indicating the vertical sequence of soils and materials encountered and groundwater observations are included in Appendix B. The strata changes were inferred from the changes in the penetration test samples and auger cuttings brought to the surface or measured from the surface in the test pits. Please note that the depths shown as changes between the strata are only approximate. The changes are likely transitions and the depths of changes vary between the borings. Geologic origins for each stratum are based on the soil type, available geologic maps, previous geotechnical reports for this and adjacent sites, and available common knowledge of the depositional history of the site. 2.2 Site Conditions The site is an open field with no trees and is primarily grass-covered. The existing levee extends from the culvert under State Highway 27 on the east side of the property and extends west to the west side of the parcel. The creek side of the levee is typically at a 1.5:1 to 1:1 (H:V) slope. The land side of the levee is typically at a 2.5:1 to 1.5:1 slope. There are two existing crossings where the levee embankment is not present. The crossings consist of embankments with culverts. 2.3 Soils Geologic maps indicate the soils in this area consist primarily of alluvial and/or glacially deposited silts, clays, sands, and gravels. According to the Soil Survey of Spokane County, the site soils are classified by the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) as Hardesty ashy silt loam and Urban land-Springdale, disturbed complex. The native soils encountered in the borings and test pits were consistent with the NRCS data. The borings encountered approximately 1 foot of topsoil at the surface. Below the topsoil, the borings encountered alluvial or glacial silty to clayey sands and/or poorly graded sands to their termination depths. Borings B-1 and B-3 encountered silty clay between the 4 and 9-foot depths. The test pits were excavated through the existing levee embankment. They encountered existing fill in the upper 4 to 5½ feet. The embankment fill consisted primarily of silty sand. Below the fill, the test pits encountered alluvial or glacial silty to clayey sands and/or gravels to their termination depths. Geotechnical Evaluation Project No. 14-037 Gustin Property Levee Parcel No. 45344.9108 Spokane County, WA July 23, 2015 Inland Pacific Engineering Company Page 3 2.4 Penetration Resistances Penetration resistances (N-values) in the sands and gravels ranged from 6 to 59 blows per foot (BPF) and averaged 23 BPF indicating that these soils were loose to very dense, but were typically medium dense. Penetration resistances in the clays ranged from 8 to 18 BPF indicating they were medium to very stiff in consistency. 2.5 Groundwater Groundwater was not encountered in the borings or test pits. Groundwater is believed to currently exist at some depth below the termination depths of the borings and test pits. Well log data in the vicinity of the site indicate that groundwater is typically 50 to 80 feet below the surface. 2.6 Laboratory Testing We obtained soil samples from the borings during our site investigation. The tests performed included the following: 1. ASTM D 6913, Sieve Analysis 2. ASTM D 4318, Atterberg Limits’ These tests were used to aid in classifying the soils and in the engineering analyses and formulation of engineering opinions and recommendations. The tests were performed by IPEC. Attached are data sheets summarizing the tests performed. 3.0 ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 Discussion Based on the results of the borings and test pits, along with topographic data from WCE, the existing levee will need significant modification in order to meet the FEMA standard. At this time, we understand that the existing crossings will be removed. As such, additional freeboard will not be required at these locations. The sideslopes of the levee will need to be sloped flatter to maintain slope stability during flooding. In addition, the crown will need to be widened. It is our opinion that the levee embankment materials are suitable but will need to be re-worked to provide adequate flood protection. In summary, the levee as it exists cannot be certified at this time. 3.2 History The levee was constructed prior to 1945, when the Gustin family purchased the land. As such, design plans or as-built drawings are not available. However, an as-built survey was completed by WCE in 2015. 3.3 Freeboard We were provided 100-year flood elevations by WEST. They provided us a plan view of the levee with flood elevations at 9 locations starting at the culvert on State Highway 27 and ending Geotechnical Evaluation Project No. 14-037 Gustin Property Levee Parcel No. 45344.9108 Spokane County, WA July 23, 2015 Inland Pacific Engineering Company Page 4 at the proposed triangle stormwater pond north of 40th Avenue west of the Gustin property. The elevations ranged from 2020.02 at State Highway 27 to 2008.85 at the triangle pond. Please refer to the WEST report for a complete summary of the floodplain analysis. According to 44 CFR Section 65.10(b)(1), an additional 1 foot of freeboard is required within 100 feet of bridge structures. This will require the top of the levee to be at elevation 2024.02 at the State Highway 27 crossing and extending 100 feet west. Since the existing levee is at approximately elevation 2020 in this area, it will need additional fill to meet the minimum freeboard requirements. 3.4 Closures There are no penetrations of the levee so closure devices are not required. 3.5 Embankment Protection The levee is currently grass-covered for erosion protection. We evaluated the erosion protection for the creek side of the levee using the results of the HEC-RAS analysis by WEST. They provided flow velocities for the 100-year flood event. The flow velocities are shown in the following table. FEMA FIS Station RAS Station 100-year Channel Velocity (ft/sec) 1962.72 586 3.71 2027.72 651 2.67 2295.08 918 1.26 2848.82 1472 4.34 2886.75 1510 2.15 2904.75 1528 0.91 2933.32 1557 1.33 3338.84 1963 2.30 3364.84 1989 2.11 As shown in the table, the average flow velocity is typically less than 3 feet per second. At these velocities, it is our opinion that the vegetative erosion protection is adequate for levee slope protection. 3.6 Embankment and Foundation Stability We evaluated the embankment and foundation stability for conditions described in EM 1110-2-1913, “Design and Construction of Levees, by the US Corps of Engineers dated April 30, 2000, Chapter 6. We analyzed the existing levee embankment for the following cases: 1. CASE I, End of construction. 2. CASE II: Sudden drawdown. 3. CASE III: Steady state seepage from full flood stage. Geotechnical Evaluation Project No. 14-037 Gustin Property Levee Parcel No. 45344.9108 Spokane County, WA July 23, 2015 Inland Pacific Engineering Company Page 5 We performed slope stability analyses for each case. We analyzed the levee embankment with 1:1 slopes. This configuration is considered to have the lowest factor of safety. For our analyses, we used XSTABL software which is based on a software program developed at Purdue University. For these cases, we calculated the minimum factors of safety as shown in the following table. CASE Minimum Factor of Safety I 1.03 II 0.92 III 0.50 For stability, a minimum factor of safety of 1.5 is generally considered acceptable. Based on this analysis, it is our opinion that the levee will not be stable with respect to global slope stability with its current geometry. We recommend that the levee be improved to have maximum 3:1 (H:V) slopes for stability. We recommend a minimum crown width of 8 feet. We recommend that the levee embankment materials consist of a granular soil having 10 to 30 percent by weight passing a 200 sieve to reduce the permeability and limit seepage. We have assumed that on-site soils will be used as borrow to construct the embankment. 3.7 Settlement The average depth of fill is approximately 5 feet. This would result in a loading increase of approximately 625 pounds per square foot (psf) on the bearing soils. Based on the data obtained from the borings, the levee was constructed above medium dense sands. Settlement in these soils would have occurred shortly after construction. Also, given the age of the levee, it is our opinion that significant additional long term settlement will not occur even with addition of 1 to 2 feet in areas requiring additional fill to meet the freeboard requirements. 3.8 Interior Drainage Interior drainage systems have been designed by WCE. We understand that these systems will include the proposed triangle stormwater pond with multiple drywells to control flood waters and infiltrate them into the ground. Please refer to the WCE report for a comprehensive description of the interior drainage system. 3.9 Operation Plans The Operation Plan will be prepared as part of the final levee certification. 3.10 Maintenance Plan The Maintenance Plan will be prepared as part of the final levee certification. Geotechnical Evaluation Project No. 14-037 Gustin Property Levee Parcel No. 45344.9108 Spokane County, WA July 23, 2015 Inland Pacific Engineering Company Page 6 4.0 PROCEDURES 4.1 Excavation and Sampling The borings were completed on July 13 and 14, 2015 using a truck-mounted drill rig operated by an independent firm working under subcontract to IPEC. After we logged the borings, they were abandoned in accordance with state requirements. The test pits were excavated on July 21, 2015 using a rubber-tired backhoe operated by an independent firm working under subcontract to IPEC. After we logged the test pits, the test pits were backfilled. A geotechnical engineer from our firm continuously observed the borings and test pits and logged the surface and subsurface conditions. 4.2 Soil Classification The soils encountered in the borings were visually and manually classified in the field by our field personnel in accordance with ASTM D 2488, “Description and Identification of Soils (Visual- Manual Procedures)”. 5.0 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Basis of Recommendations The analyses and recommendations submitted in this report are based on the data obtained from the borings and test pits performed at the locations indicated on the Boring and Test Pit Location Map in Appendix A. It should be recognized that the explorations performed for this evaluation reveal subsurface conditions only at discreet locations across the project site and that actual conditions in other areas could vary. Furthermore, the nature and extent of any such variations would not become evident until additional explorations are performed or until construction activities have begun. If significant variations are observed at that time, we may need to modify our conclusions and recommendations contained in this report to reflect the actual site conditions. 5.2 Groundwater Fluctuations We made water level observations in the borings and test pits at the times and conditions stated on the boring and test pit logs. These data were interpreted in the text of this report. The period of observation was relatively short and fluctuation in the groundwater level may occur due to rainfall, flooding, irrigation, spring thaw and other seasonal and annual factors not evident at the time the observations were made. Design drawings and specifications and construction planning should recognize the possibility of fluctuations. 5.3 Use of Report This report is for the exclusive use of the addressee and the copied parties to use in design of the proposed project and to prepare construction documents. In the absence of our written approval, we make no representations and assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The data, analyses, and recommendations may not be appropriate for other structures or purposes. We recommend that parties contemplating other structures or purposes contact us. APPENDIX A SITE LOCATION MAP, NRCS MAP, BORING AND TEST PIT LOCATION MAP FIGURE 1    Site Location Map Project No. 14-037B July 22, 2015 Gustin Levee Parcel No. 45344.9108 Spokane County, WA FIGURE 2    NRCS Map Project No. 14-037B July 22, 2015 Gustin Levee Parcel No. 45344.9108 Spokane County, WA FIGURE 3    Boring Location Map Project No. 14-037B July 22, 2015 Gustin Levee Parcel No. 45344.9108 Spokane County, WA APPENDIX B LOGS OF BORINGS, LOGS OF TEST PITS, DECRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY SS SS SS SS SS 5-4(9) 4-4(8) 6-8(14) 12-13(25) 14-15(29) 21 24 20 4 774 (SM) SILTY SAND, fine grained, with roots, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil) (SM) SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, brown, moist, loose. (Alluvium) (CL-ML) SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown, moist to wet, medium tostiff.(Alluvium) (SM) SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, a trace of Gravel,brown, moist, medium dense.(Alluvium) (SM) SILTY SAND with GRAVEL, medium to coarse grained,brown, moist to wet, medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) End of boring. Groundwater not encountered with 14' of hollow-stem auger in theground. Groundwater not encountered immediately after withdrawal of theauger. Bore hole then grouted to the surface. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2010.8 ft LOGGED BY DD DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 7/13/15 COMPLETED 7/13/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-1 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037B PROJECT NAME Gustin Levee PROJECT LOCATION Spokane County IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 15:32 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE FOR PAINTED HILLS\GINT\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS 3-3(6) 7-8(15) 6-8(14) 5-8(13) 15-11(26) 34 6 (SM) SILTY SAND, fine grained, with roots, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil) (SM) SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, brown, moist, loose to medium dense.(Alluvium) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND with GRAVEL, medium to coarsegrained, brown, moist, medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) End of boring. Groundwater not encountered with 14' of hollow-stem auger in theground. Groundwater not encountered immediately after withdrawal of theauger. Bore hole then grouted to the surface. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2010.7 ft LOGGED BY DD DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 7/13/15 COMPLETED 7/13/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-2 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037B PROJECT NAME Gustin Levee PROJECT LOCATION Spokane County IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 15:32 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE FOR PAINTED HILLS\GINT\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS 3-3(6) 8-10(18) 7-6(13) 7-9(16) 9-9(18) 17 23 19 4 62 8 4 (SM) SILTY SAND, fine grained, with roots, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil) (SM) SILTY SAND, very fine to fine grained, brown, moist, loose. (Alluvium) (CL-ML) SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown, moist to wet, very stiff.(Alluvium) (SP-SM) POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT, medium to coarsegrained, a trace of Gravel, brown, moist, medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) End of boring. Groundwater not encountered with 14' of hollow-stem auger in theground. Groundwater not encountered immediately after withdrawal of theauger. Bore hole then grouted to the surface. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2012.4 ft LOGGED BY DD DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 7/13/15 COMPLETED 7/13/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-3 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037B PROJECT NAME Gustin Levee PROJECT LOCATION Spokane County IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 15:32 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE FOR PAINTED HILLS\GINT\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS 4-4(8) 10-9(19) 6-7(13) 20-21(41) 13-13(26) 36 4 (SM) SILTY SAND, fine grained, with roots, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil) (SM) SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, brown, moist, loose. (Alluvium) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND with GRAVEL, medium to coarsegrained, brown, moist, medium dense to dense.(Glacial Outwash) End of boring. Groundwater not encountered with 14' of hollow-stem auger in theground. Groundwater not encountered immediately after withdrawal of theauger. Bore hole then grouted to the surface. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2013 ft LOGGED BY DD DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 7/13/15 COMPLETED 7/13/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-4 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037B PROJECT NAME Gustin Levee PROJECT LOCATION Spokane County IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 15:32 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE FOR PAINTED HILLS\GINT\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS 11-10(21) 15-10(25) 5-6(11) 6-9(15) 13-17(30) 8 (SM) SILTY SAND, fine to mediium grained, with roots, dark brown, moist.(Topsoil) (SM) SILTY SAND with GRAVEL, fine to medium grained, brown, moist, medium dense.(Glacial Outwash) (SP-SM) POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT and GRAVEL, medium to coarse grained, brown, moist, medium dense.(Glacial Outwash) End of boring. Groundwater not encountered with 14' of hollow-stem auger in theground. Groundwater not encountered immediately after withdrawal of theauger. Bore hole then grouted to the surface. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2013.9 ft LOGGED BY SLN DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 7/14/15 COMPLETED 7/14/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-5 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037B PROJECT NAME Gustin Levee PROJECT LOCATION Spokane County IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 15:32 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE FOR PAINTED HILLS\GINT\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS 16-16(32) 7-15(22) 43-15(58) 17-16(33) 12-12(24) (SM) SILTY SAND, fine to mediium grained, with roots, dark brown, moist.(Topsoil) (SM) SILTY SAND with GRAVEL, fine to coarse grained, brown, moist, dense to medium dense.(Glacial Outwash) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND with GRAVEL, medium to coarse grained, brown, moist,very dense to medium dense.(Glacial Outwash) End of boring. Groundwater not encountered with 14' of hollow-stem auger in theground. Groundwater not encountered immediately after withdrawal of theauger. Bore hole then grouted to the surface. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2015.1 ft LOGGED BY SLN DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 7/14/15 COMPLETED 7/14/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-6 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037B PROJECT NAME Gustin Levee PROJECT LOCATION Spokane County IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 15:33 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE FOR PAINTED HILLS\GINT\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS 5-13(18) 24-18(42) 25-16(41) 8-15(23) 50 (SM) SILTY SAND, fine to mediium grained, with roots, dark brown, moist.(Topsoil) (SM) SILTY SAND with GRAVEL, fine to coarse grained, brown, moist, medium dense.(Glacial Outwash) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND with GRAVEL, medium to coarsegrained, brown, moist, dense to very dense.(Glacial Outwash) End of boring. Groundwater not encountered with 14' of hollow-stem auger in theground. Groundwater not encountered immediately after withdrawal of theauger. Bore hole then grouted to the surface. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2015.9 ft LOGGED BY SLN DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 7/14/15 COMPLETED 7/14/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-7 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037B PROJECT NAME Gustin Levee PROJECT LOCATION Spokane County IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 15:33 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE FOR PAINTED HILLS\GINT\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 SS SS SS SS SS 9-8(17) 5-7(12) 7-7(14) 20-19(39) 27-32(59) 7 (SM) SILTY SAND, fine to mediium grained, with roots, dark brown, moist.(Topsoil) (SM) SILTY SAND with GRAVEL, fine to coarse grained, brown, moist, medium dense.(Glacial Outwash) (GP-GM) POORLY GRADED GRAVEL with SILT and SAND, finegrained, brown, moist, dense to very dense.(Glacial Outwash) End of boring. Groundwater not encountered with 14' of hollow-stem auger in theground. Groundwater not encountered immediately after withdrawal of theauger. Bore hole then grouted to the surface. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2020 ft LOGGED BY SLN DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 7/14/15 COMPLETED 7/14/15 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf)MOISTURECONTENT (%)LIQUIDLIMITPLASTICLIMITPLASTICITYINDEXFINES CONTENT(%)ATTERBERGLIMITS PLASTICITYINDEXGRAPHICLOGDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 POCKET PEN.(tsf)MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-8 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037B PROJECT NAME Gustin Levee PROJECT LOCATION Spokane County IPEC BORING LOG - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 15:33 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE FOR PAINTED HILLS\GINT\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 2011.0 2009.0 MC = 16%Fines = 44% SM SC- SM 5.0 7.0 (SM) FILL: Silty Clayey Sand, fine grained, a trace of fibers, brown,moist. (SC-SM) SILTY CLAYEY SAND, fine grained, brown, moist.(Alluvium) End of test pit. Groundwater not encountered Test pit immediately backfilled. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2016 ft LOGGED BY PTN EXCAVATION METHOD Backhoe EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR Alpine Excavating GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 7/21/15 COMPLETED 7/21/15 AT TIME OF EXCAVATION --- Not encountered AT END OF EXCAVATION --- Not encountered AFTER EXCAVATION --- Not encountered TEST PIT SIZE 30 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERDEPTH(ft)0.0 2.5 5.0 PAGE 1 OF 1 TEST PIT NUMBER TP-1 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037B PROJECT NAME Gustin Levee PROJECT LOCATION Spokane County GENERAL BH / TP / WELL - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 15:54 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE FOR PAINTED HILLS\GINT\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 TESTS U.S.C.S.GRAPHICLOGMATERIAL DESCRIPTION 2012.0 2008.0 SM SM 4.0 8.0 (SM) FILL: Silty Sand, fine to medium grained, brown, moist. (SM) SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, brown, moist. (Alluvium) End of test pit. Groundwater not encountered Test pit immediately backfilled. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2016 ft LOGGED BY PTN EXCAVATION METHOD Backhoe EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR Alpine Excavating GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 7/21/15 COMPLETED 7/21/15 AT TIME OF EXCAVATION --- Not encountered AT END OF EXCAVATION --- Not encountered AFTER EXCAVATION --- Not encountered TEST PIT SIZE 30 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERDEPTH(ft)0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 PAGE 1 OF 1 TEST PIT NUMBER TP-2 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037B PROJECT NAME Gustin Levee PROJECT LOCATION Spokane County GENERAL BH / TP / WELL - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 15:54 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE FOR PAINTED HILLS\GINT\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 U.S.C.S.GRAPHICLOGMATERIAL DESCRIPTION 2009.5 2008.0 MC = 6% Fines = 22% SM SM 5.5 7.0 (SM) FILL: Silty Sand with Gravel, fine to medium grained, brown,moist. (SM) SILTY SAND, fine to coarse grained, a trace of Gravel, brown, moist.(Glacial Outwash) End of test pit. Groundwater not encountered Test pit immediately backfilled. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2015 ft LOGGED BY PTN EXCAVATION METHOD Backhoe EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR Alpine Excavating GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 7/21/15 COMPLETED 7/21/15 AT TIME OF EXCAVATION --- Not encountered AT END OF EXCAVATION --- Not encountered AFTER EXCAVATION --- Not encountered TEST PIT SIZE 30 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERDEPTH(ft)0.0 2.5 5.0 PAGE 1 OF 1 TEST PIT NUMBER TP-3 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037B PROJECT NAME Gustin Levee PROJECT LOCATION Spokane County GENERAL BH / TP / WELL - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 15:54 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE FOR PAINTED HILLS\GINT\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 TESTS U.S.C.S.GRAPHICLOGMATERIAL DESCRIPTION 2012.0 2010.0 SM SM 5.0 7.0 (SM) FILL: Silty Sand with Gravel, fine to coarse grained, brown, moist. (SM) SILTY SAND with GRAVEL, fine to coarse grained, brown, moist.(Glacial Outwash) End of test pit. Groundwater not encountered Test pit immediately backfilled. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2017 ft LOGGED BY PTN EXCAVATION METHOD Backhoe EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR Alpine Excavating GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 7/21/15 COMPLETED 7/21/15 AT TIME OF EXCAVATION --- Not encountered AT END OF EXCAVATION --- Not encountered AFTER EXCAVATION --- Not encountered TEST PIT SIZE 30 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERDEPTH(ft)0.0 2.5 5.0 PAGE 1 OF 1 TEST PIT NUMBER TP-4 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037B PROJECT NAME Gustin Levee PROJECT LOCATION Spokane County GENERAL BH / TP / WELL - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 15:54 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE FOR PAINTED HILLS\GINT\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 U.S.C.S.GRAPHICLOGMATERIAL DESCRIPTION 2016.0 2014.0 MC = 7%Fines = 48% SM SM 5.0 7.0 (SM) FILL: Silty Sand, fine grained, brown, moist. (SM) SILTY SAND with GRAVEL, fine to coarse grained, brown, moist.(Glacial Outwash) End of test pit. Groundwater not encountered Test pit immediately backfilled. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2021 ft LOGGED BY PTN EXCAVATION METHOD Backhoe EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR Alpine Excavating GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 7/21/15 COMPLETED 7/21/15 AT TIME OF EXCAVATION --- Not encountered AT END OF EXCAVATION --- Not encountered AFTER EXCAVATION --- Not encountered TEST PIT SIZE 30 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERDEPTH(ft)0.0 2.5 5.0 PAGE 1 OF 1 TEST PIT NUMBER TP-5 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037B PROJECT NAME Gustin Levee PROJECT LOCATION Spokane County GENERAL BH / TP / WELL - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 15:54 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE FOR PAINTED HILLS\GINT\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 TESTS U.S.C.S.GRAPHICLOGMATERIAL DESCRIPTION 2016.0 2014.0 Fines = 25% SM GM 5.0 7.0 (SM) FILL: Silty Sand with Gravel, fine to coarse grained, brown, moist. (GM) SILTY GRAVEL with SAND, fine to coarse grained, brown, moist.(Glacial Outwash) End of test pit. Groundwater not encountered Test pit immediately backfilled. NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2021 ft LOGGED BY PTN EXCAVATION METHOD Backhoe EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR Alpine Excavating GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 7/21/15 COMPLETED 7/21/15 AT TIME OF EXCAVATION --- Not encountered AT END OF EXCAVATION --- Not encountered AFTER EXCAVATION --- Not encountered TEST PIT SIZE 30 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERDEPTH(ft)0.0 2.5 5.0 PAGE 1 OF 1 TEST PIT NUMBER TP-6 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037B PROJECT NAME Gustin Levee PROJECT LOCATION Spokane County GENERAL BH / TP / WELL - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 15:54 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE FOR PAINTED HILLS\GINT\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 TESTS U.S.C.S.GRAPHICLOGMATERIAL DESCRIPTION DENSITY Very Loose 0 - 4 Loose 4 - 10 Coarse-Gravel and Gravel GW Grained Gravelly Soils (with little or no fines)GP Soils <50% coarse fraction Gravel GM passes #4 sieve (with >12% fines)GC <50% Sandy and Sand SW passes #200 Sandy Soils (with little or no fines)SP sieve >50% coarse fraction Sand SM passes #4 sieve (with >12% fines)SC Fine-ML Grained CL Soils OL >50% MH passes #200 CH sieve OH PT Peat DESCRIPTION RANGE Occasional <5% Trace 5% - 12% With >12% Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine MODIFIERS Hard > 30 USCS SOIL CLASSIFICATION Liquid Limit > 50 Highly Organic Soils Silt and Clay MAJOR DIVISIONS Liquid Limit < 50 Salt and Clay Organic Clay and Silt (med to high plasticity) Muck Well Graded Sand Inorganic Silt Fat Clay MOISTURE CONTENT Gravel SandBoulders Cobbles GRAIN SIZE (INCHES) Silt and Clay 12 3 0.75 0.19 0.079 0.0171 0.0029 17 - 30 Soft Rather Soft Medium Rather Stiff Stiff Very Stiff 2 - 3 4 - 5 6 - 8 9 - 12 RELATIVE DENSITY OR CONSISTENCY VERSUS SPT N-VALVE FINE-GRAINED SOILS N(BLOWS/FT) CONSISTENCY N(BLOWS/FT) Very Soft 0 - 1 MAJOR DIVISIONS WITH GRAIN SIZE SIEVE SIZE 12" 3" 3/4" 4 10 40 200 COARSE-GRAINED SOILS Poorly Graded Sand Silty Sand Clayey Sand Silt Lean Clay Organic Silt and Clay (low plasticity) GROUP DESCRIPTIONS Well Graded Gravel Poorly Graded Gravel Silty Gravel Clayey Gravel 13 - 16 FIELD OBSERVATION Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch Dry of optimum moisture content Wet of optimum moisture content DESCRIPTION Dry Moist Wet Very Dense > 50 Dense 31 - 50 Medium-Dense 11 - 30 APPENDIX C LABORATORY TEST RESULTS 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0.0010.010.1110100 PI Cc 20 19 24 23 CuLL PL 12.01 7.85 1.39 1.48 4 4 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION COBBLES GRAVEL 77.0 34.2 6.1 61.7 7.8 0.075 9.5 19 0.075 15.9 SAND GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS coarse fine CL-ML Sandy Silty Clay SM Silty Sand SP-SM Poorly Graded Sand with Silt and Gravel CL-ML Sandy Silty Clay SP-SM Poorly Graded Sand with Silt Classification D100 D60 D30 D10 %Gravel 0.411 4.142 1.234 B-1 B-2 B-2 B-3 B-3 coarse SILT OR CLAYfinemedium 5.0 7.5 15.0 5.0 10.0 %Sand %Silt %Clay 1.408 0.537 0.345 0.157 1.9 35.7 12.8 63.9 58.2 79.4 BOREHOLE DEPTH BOREHOLE DEPTH 3 100 B-1 B-2 B-2 B-3 B-3 24 16 301 2006 10 501/2 HYDROMETERU.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS 1403420 406 601.5 8 143/4 3/8 5.0 7.5 15.0 5.0 10.0PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTCLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037B PROJECT NAME Gustin Levee PROJECT LOCATION Spokane County GRAIN SIZE - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 15:31 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE FOR PAINTED HILLS\GINT\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0.0010.010.1110100 PI Cc CuLL PL 6.63 13.93 20.18 0.45 2.37 2.50 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION COBBLES GRAVEL 36.1 4.4 7.8 6.8 44.0 9.5 12.5 25 25 9.5 SAND GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS coarse fine SM Silty Sand SP Poorly Graded Sand with Gravel SP-SM Poorly Graded Sand with Silt and Gravel GP-GM Poorly Graded Gravel with Silt and Sand SM Silty Sand Classification D100 D60 D30 D10 %Gravel 0.494 2.893 3.369 7.153 0.233 B-4 B-4 B-5 B-8 TP-1 coarse SILT OR CLAYfinemedium 2.5 15.0 10.0 10.0 4.0 %Sand %Silt %Clay 0.751 1.391 2.518 0.436 0.242 0.354 2.3 24.7 25.5 54.8 1.2 61.7 70.9 66.8 38.4 54.7 BOREHOLE DEPTH BOREHOLE DEPTH 3 100 B-4 B-4 B-5 B-8 TP-1 24 16 301 2006 10 501/2 HYDROMETERU.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS 1403420 406 601.5 8 143/4 3/8 2.5 15.0 10.0 10.0 4.0PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTCLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037B PROJECT NAME Gustin Levee PROJECT LOCATION Spokane County GRAIN SIZE - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 15:31 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE FOR PAINTED HILLS\GINT\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0.0010.010.1110100 PI Cc CuLL PL GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION COBBLES GRAVEL 21.8 48.5 25.4 25 19 37.5 SAND GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS coarse fine SM Silty Sand with Gravel SM SIlty Sand SM Silty Sand with Gravel Classification D100 D60 D30 D10 %Gravel 2.902 0.179 3.959 TP-3 TP-5 TP-6 coarse SILT OR CLAYfinemedium 3.5 4.0 4.0 %Sand %Silt %Clay 0.336 0.195 30.4 12.6 36.9 47.8 38.9 37.6 BOREHOLE DEPTH BOREHOLE DEPTH 3 100 TP-3 TP-5 TP-6 24 16 301 2006 10 501/2 HYDROMETERU.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS 1403420 406 601.5 8 143/4 3/8 3.5 4.0 4.0PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTCLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037B PROJECT NAME Gustin Levee PROJECT LOCATION Spokane County GRAIN SIZE - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 15:31 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE FOR PAINTED HILLS\GINT\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 REPORT 8 Supplemental Geotechnical Evaluation, dated April 19, 2016 IPEC Inland Pacific Engineering Company Geotechnical Engineering and Consulting P.O. Box 1566, Veradale, WA 99037 Phone 509-209-6262 April 19, 2016 Project No. 16-249 NAI Black c/o Mr. Bryan Walker 107 South Howard Suite 500 Spokane, WA 99201 Re: Supplemental Geotechnical Evaluation Painted Hills Golf Course Property 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane Valley, WA Dear Mr. Walker: As you authorized, we have completed the supplemental geotechnical evaluation for the Painted Hills Golf Course property at the above-referenced site in Spokane Valley, Washington. The purpose of the supplemental evaluation is to provide additional soil and groundwater data to address concerns of the City of Spokane Valley. This report summarizes the results of our field investigation, laboratory testing, engineering analyses, and our opinions and recommendations for stormwater management. PROJECT DESCRIPTION We understand that the proposed project may consist of a residential development. The site consists of 91 acres currently developed as a golf course. Stormwater runoff will be treated using drywells and/or gravel galleries for subsurface infiltration. These type of facilities will also be used to manage potential floodwaters, if needed. This supplemental evaluation is intended to provide additional subsurface data at the north end of the site to assist in identifying areas where subsurface infiltration of stormwater may be feasible due to the presence of suitable soils at depth. Supplemental Geotechnical Evaluation Project No. 16-249 Painted Hills Golf Course Property Parcel No. 45344.9108 Spokane Valley, WA April 19, 2016 Inland Pacific Engineering Company Page 2 AVAILABLE INFORMATION We were provided a topographic survey for the project site by Whipple Consulting Engineers, Inc. (WCE). This topographic survey showed the existing roadways, existing structures, property lines, and existing ground surface elevation contours. This plan was prepared by WCE and was dated November 7, 2013. The site was used as a golf course prior to our evaluation. The site is relatively level with some elevated golf greens and excavated areas for water hazards. The site is primarily grass-covered with scattered trees along the fairways and pine trees in the undeveloped area to the northwest. The clubhouse building is present at the southwest corner. In addition, we performed a preliminary geotechnical evaluation for the property in December 2013. The results of that evaluation, along with our opinions and recommendations, are summarized in our Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation dated December 31, 2013. We also performed a geotechnical evaluation for certification of the existing levee along Chester Creek in April 2014. The results of that evaluation are summarized in our Geotechnical Evaluation report dated February 12, 2015. Lastly, we performed a geotechnical evaluation in July 2015 consisting of ten 50-foot borings in the south half of the property. The results of that evaluation are summarized in our Geotechnical Evaluation Phase 2 report dated July 23, 2015. FIELD EVALUATION Procedures A geotechnical engineer from Inland Pacific Engineering Company (IPEC) observed the drilling of three penetration test borings at the site. The borings were drilled between March 17 and 19, 2016 using a truck-mounted drill operated by an independent firm working under subcontract to IPEC. A geotechnical engineer or engineering assistant from IPEC observed the borings and logged the surface and subsurface conditions. After we logged the borings, they were abandoned in accordance with state requirements. Ground surface elevations at the borings were provided by WCE. The soils encountered in the borings were visually and manually classified in the field by our field personnel in accordance with ASTM D 2488, “Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedures)”. The samples were returned to our facility for review of the classification by a geotechnical engineer and laboratory testing. Supplemental Geotechnical Evaluation Project No. 16-249 Painted Hills Golf Course Property Parcel No. 45344.9108 Spokane Valley, WA April 19, 2016 Inland Pacific Engineering Company Page 3 Soils Encountered In general, the borings encountered 2 feet of topsoil at the surface. Below the topsoil, the borings generally encountered glacially-deposited silty to clayey sands and/or gravels overlying poorly graded sands to termination depths of the borings. The clayey sands and gravels were generally encountered in the upper 12 to 18 feet. Penetration resistances in the sands and gravels ranged from 15 to 90 blows per foot (BPF) and averaged 37 BPF, indicating that these soils were medium dense to very dense, but were typically dense. Geologic maps indicate the soils in this area consist primarily of alluvial and/or glacially deposited silts, clays, sands, and gravels. According to the Soil Survey of Spokane County, the site soils are classified by the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) as Hardesty ashy silt loam, Narcisse silt loam, Endoaquolls and Fluvaquents, Phoebe ashy sandy loam, and Urban land-Springdale disturbed complex. The native soils encountered in the borings were consistent with the NRCS data. Groundwater was encountered in Boring B-2 at a depth of 71 feet. This depth corresponds to an elevation of 1934.6. Groundwater was not encountered in the remaining borings. The observed water levels further indicates that groundwater levels drop generally from south to north with higher levels near Chester Creek. Fluctuations in the groundwater level may occur due to rainfall, flooding, irrigation, spring thaw and other seasonal and annual factors not evident at the time the observations were made. ANALYSIS, OPINIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the data obtained from the recent and previous borings, previous test pits, field permeability tests, and laboratory tests performed, it is our opinion that subsurface infiltration of stormwater is feasible. The most promising layers are the glacial sands and gravels. These soils would be suitable for infiltration using standard drywells. We will perform a mounding analysis for the drywells after the proposed full-scale drywell test is completed to assess down-gradient impacts REMARKS This report is for the exclusive use of the addressee and the copied parties to use in design of the proposed project and to prepare construction documents. In the absence of our written approval, we make no representations and assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The data, analyses, and recommendations may not be appropriate for other structures or purposes. We recommend that parties contemplating other structures or purposes contact us. FIGURE 1       Site Location Map Project No. 16-249 April 19, 2016 Painted Hills Golf Course 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane County, WA FIGURE 2       NRCS Map Project No. 16-249 April 19, 2016 Painted Hills Golf Course 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane County, WA FIGURE 3     Boring Location Map Project No. 16-249 April 19, 2016 Painted Hills Golf Course 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane County, WA SS SS SS SS SS SS 2003.9 1988.9 SM SP-SM SP 2.0 17.0 (SM) SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, with roots, dark brown,moist.(Topsoil) (SP-SM) POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT, medium to coarse grained, a trace of Gravel, brown, moist, medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND with GRAVEL, medium to coarse grained, brown, moist, very dense to medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) Fines = 7% NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2005.9 ft LOGGED BY PRF DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 3/17/16 COMPLETED 3/17/16 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 20 25 30 (Continued Next Page) PAGE 1 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-1 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 16-249 PROJECT NAME Painted Hills Supplemental PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road GENERAL BH / TP / WELL - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 4/5/16 11:26 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2016 PROJECTS\16-249 PAINTED HILLS SUPPLEMENTAL\GINT\16-249 PAINTED HILLS SUPPLEMENTAL.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 U.S.C.S.GRAPHICLOGMATERIAL DESCRIPTIONTESTS SS SS SS SS 1955.4 SP 50.5 (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND with GRAVEL, medium to coarsegrained, brown, moist, very dense to medium dense.(Glacial Outwash) (continued) End of boring. Groundwater not encountered with 49' of hollow-stem auger in theground. Groundwater not encountered immediately after withdrawal of the auger. Bore hole then abandoned.SAMPLE TYPENUMBERDEPTH(ft)35 40 45 50 PAGE 2 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-1 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 16-249 PROJECT NAME Painted Hills Supplemental PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road GENERAL BH / TP / WELL - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 4/5/16 11:26 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2016 PROJECTS\16-249 PAINTED HILLS SUPPLEMENTAL\GINT\16-249 PAINTED HILLS SUPPLEMENTAL.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 U.S.C.S.GRAPHICLOGMATERIAL DESCRIPTIONTESTS SS SS SS SS SS SS 2003.6 1999.1 1993.6 12-33 (45) 24-20 (44) 24-29(53) 25-28(53) 10-18 (28) 11-13 (24) SM SC GC SP 2.0 6.5 12.0 (SM) SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, with roots, darkbrown, moist.(Topsoil) (SC) CLAYEY SAND with GRAVEL, medium to coarse grained, brown, moist to wet, dense. (Glacial Outwash) (GC) CLAYEY GRAVEL with SAND, fine to coarse grained, brown, moist, dense. (Glacial Outwash) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND with GRAVEL, medium tocoarse grained, a trace of Cobbles, brown, moist, very denseto medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) Fines = 8% NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2005.6 ft LOGGED BY PRF DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 3/17/16 COMPLETED 3/18/16 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encontered AT END OF DRILLING 71.00 ft / Elev 1934.60 ft AFTER DRILLING 73.50 ft / Elev 1932.10 ft HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 20 25 30 (Continued Next Page) PAGE 1 OF 3 BORING NUMBER B-2 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 16-249 PROJECT NAME Painted Hills Supplemental PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road GENERAL BH / TP / WELL - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 4/5/16 11:26 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2016 PROJECTS\16-249 PAINTED HILLS SUPPLEMENTAL\GINT\16-249 PAINTED HILLS SUPPLEMENTAL.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)U.S.C.S.GRAPHICLOGMATERIAL DESCRIPTIONTESTS SS SS SS SS SS 28-37(65) 50/5" 50/5" 50/5" 8-17(25) SP (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND with GRAVEL, medium tocoarse grained, a trace of Cobbles, brown, moist, very denseto medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) (continued)SAMPLE TYPENUMBERDEPTH(ft)35 40 45 50 55 60 65 (Continued Next Page) PAGE 2 OF 3 BORING NUMBER B-2 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 16-249 PROJECT NAME Painted Hills Supplemental PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road GENERAL BH / TP / WELL - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 4/5/16 11:26 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2016 PROJECTS\16-249 PAINTED HILLS SUPPLEMENTAL\GINT\16-249 PAINTED HILLS SUPPLEMENTAL.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)U.S.C.S.GRAPHICLOGMATERIAL DESCRIPTIONTESTS SS 1930.6 21-11 (32) SP 75.0 (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND with GRAVEL, medium tocoarse grained, a trace of Cobbles, brown, moist, very denseto medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) (continued) End of boring. Groundwater encountered at 71' with 75' of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Goundwater encountered at 73.5' 10 minutes later. Groundwater not encountered to cave-in depth of 15' immediately after withdrawal of the auger. Bore hole then abandoned.SAMPLE TYPENUMBERDEPTH(ft)70 75 PAGE 3 OF 3 BORING NUMBER B-2 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 16-249 PROJECT NAME Painted Hills Supplemental PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road GENERAL BH / TP / WELL - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 4/5/16 11:26 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2016 PROJECTS\16-249 PAINTED HILLS SUPPLEMENTAL\GINT\16-249 PAINTED HILLS SUPPLEMENTAL.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)U.S.C.S.GRAPHICLOGMATERIAL DESCRIPTIONTESTS SS SS SS SS SS SS 2002.5 1996.5 1992.5 1986.5 ML GC SC GC SP 2.0 8.0 12.0 18.0 (ML) SANDY SILT, with roots, dark brown, moist.(Topsoil) (GC) CLAYEY GRAVEL with SAND, fine to coarse grained, brown, moist, dense. (Glacial Outwash) (SC) CLAYEY SAND with GRAVEL, medium to coarse grained, brown,moist to wet, dense.(Glacial Outwash) (GC) SILTY CLAYEY GRAVEL with SAND, fine to coarse grained,brown, moist, medium dense.(Glacial Outwash) (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND with GRAVEL, medium to coarse grained, a trace of Cobbles, brown, moist, very dense to medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) Fines = 6% NOTES GROUND ELEVATION 2004.5 ft LOGGED BY PRF DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DRILLING CONTRACTOR Johnson Exploration Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY PTN DATE STARTED 3/18/16 COMPLETED 3/19/16 AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AT END OF DRILLING --- Not encountered AFTER DRILLING --- Not encountered HOLE SIZE 8 inches SAMPLE TYPENUMBERDEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 20 25 30 (Continued Next Page) PAGE 1 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-3 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 16-249 PROJECT NAME Painted Hills Supplemental PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road GENERAL BH / TP / WELL - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 4/5/16 11:26 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2016 PROJECTS\16-249 PAINTED HILLS SUPPLEMENTAL\GINT\16-249 PAINTED HILLS SUPPLEMENTAL.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 U.S.C.S.GRAPHICLOGMATERIAL DESCRIPTIONTESTS SS SS SS SS 1954.0 SP 50.5 (SP) POORLY GRADED SAND with GRAVEL, medium to coarsegrained, a trace of Cobbles, brown, moist, very dense to medium dense.(Glacial Outwash) (continued) End of boring. Groundwater not encountered with 49' of hollow-stem auger in theground. Groundwater not encountered immediately after withdrawal of the auger. Bore hole then abandoned.SAMPLE TYPENUMBERDEPTH(ft)35 40 45 50 PAGE 2 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-3 CLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 16-249 PROJECT NAME Painted Hills Supplemental PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road GENERAL BH / TP / WELL - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 4/5/16 11:26 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2016 PROJECTS\16-249 PAINTED HILLS SUPPLEMENTAL\GINT\16-249 PAINTED HILLS SUPPLEMENTAL.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 U.S.C.S.GRAPHICLOGMATERIAL DESCRIPTIONTESTS DENSITY Very Loose 0 - 4 Loose 4 - 10 Coarse-Gravel and Gravel GW Grained Gravelly Soils (with little or no fines)GP Soils <50% coarse fraction Gravel GM passes #4 sieve (with >12% fines)GC <50% Sandy and Sand SW passes #200 Sandy Soils (with little or no fines)SP sieve >50% coarse fraction Sand SM passes #4 sieve (with >12% fines)SC Fine-ML Grained CL Soils OL >50% MH passes #200 CH sieve OH PT Peat DESCRIPTION RANGE Occasional <5% Trace 5% - 12% With >12% Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine MODIFIERS Hard > 30 USCS SOIL CLASSIFICATION Liquid Limit > 50 Highly Organic Soils Silt and Clay MAJOR DIVISIONS Liquid Limit < 50 Salt and Clay Organic Clay and Silt (med to high plasticity) Muck Well Graded Sand Inorganic Silt Fat Clay MOISTURE CONTENT Gravel SandBoulders Cobbles GRAIN SIZE (INCHES) Silt and Clay 12 3 0.75 0.19 0.079 0.0171 0.0029 17 - 30 Soft Rather Soft Medium Rather Stiff Stiff Very Stiff 2 - 3 4 - 5 6 - 8 9 - 12 RELATIVE DENSITY OR CONSISTENCY VERSUS SPT N-VALVE FINE-GRAINED SOILS N(BLOWS/FT) CONSISTENCY N(BLOWS/FT) Very Soft 0 - 1 MAJOR DIVISIONS WITH GRAIN SIZE SIEVE SIZE 12" 3" 3/4" 4 10 40 200 COARSE-GRAINED SOILS Poorly Graded Sand Silty Sand Clayey Sand Silt Lean Clay Organic Silt and Clay (low plasticity) GROUP DESCRIPTIONS Well Graded Gravel Poorly Graded Gravel Silty Gravel Clayey Gravel 13 - 16 FIELD OBSERVATION Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch Dry of optimum moisture content Wet of optimum moisture content DESCRIPTION Dry Moist Wet Very Dense > 50 Dense 31 - 50 Medium-Dense 11 - 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0.0010.010.1110100 PI Cc CuLL PL 8.65 8.72 9.95 1.37 2.10 1.85 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION COBBLES GRAVEL 6.8 8.2 6.2 19 19 19 SAND GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS coarse fine SP-SM Poorly Graded Sand with Silt SP-SM Poorly Graded Sand with Silt SP-SM Poorly Graded Sand with Silt Classification D100 D60 D30 D10 %Gravel 2.679 1.992 4.708 B-1 B-2 B-3 coarse SILT OR CLAYfinemedium 30.0 25.0 30.0 %Sand %Silt %Clay 1.065 0.977 2.032 0.31 0.228 0.473 21.9 13.9 39.7 71.2 77.9 54.1 BOREHOLE DEPTH BOREHOLE DEPTH 3 100 B-1 B-2 B-3 24 16 301 2006 10 501/2 HYDROMETERU.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS 1403420 406 601.5 8 143/4 3/8 30.0 25.0 30.0PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTCLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 16-249 PROJECT NAME Painted Hills Supplemental PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road GRAIN SIZE - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 4/19/16 15:07 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2016 PROJECTS\16-249 PAINTED HILLS SUPPLEMENTAL\GINT\16-249 PAINTED HILLS SUPPLEMENTAL.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0.0010.010.1110100 PI Cc CuLL PL GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION COBBLES GRAVEL 21.8 48.5 25.4 25 19 37.5 SAND GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS coarse fine SM Silty Sand with Gravel SM SIlty Sand SM Silty Sand with Gravel Classification D100 D60 D30 D10 %Gravel 2.902 0.179 3.959 TP-3 TP-5 TP-6 coarse SILT OR CLAYfinemedium 3.5 4.0 4.0 %Sand %Silt %Clay 0.336 0.195 30.4 12.6 36.9 47.8 38.9 37.6 BOREHOLE DEPTH BOREHOLE DEPTH 3 100 TP-3 TP-5 TP-6 24 16 301 2006 10 501/2 HYDROMETERU.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS 1403420 406 601.5 8 143/4 3/8 3.5 4.0 4.0PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTCLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 14-037B PROJECT NAME Gustin Levee PROJECT LOCATION Spokane County GRAIN SIZE - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 7/23/15 15:31 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2014 PROJECTS\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE FOR PAINTED HILLS\GINT\14-037B GUSTIN LEVEE.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 REPORT 9 Full-Scale Drywell Testing, dated June 28, 2016 IPEC Inland Pacific Engineering Company Geotechnical Engineering and Consulting P.O. Box 1566, Veradale, WA 99037 Phone 509-209-6262 June 28, 2016 Project No. 16-249A NAI Black c/o Mr. Bryan Walker 107 South Howard Suite 500 Spokane, WA 99201 Re: Full-Scale Drywell Testing Proposed Stormwater Management Facility 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane Valley, WA Dear Mr. Walker: As you authorized, we have completed a full-scale drywell test on the drywell installed at the above-referenced site in Spokane Valley, Washington. The purpose of the testing was to establish a design flow rate. This report summarizes the results of our site investigation, engineering analyses and recommendations. AVAILABLE INFORMATION We were provided a topographic survey for the project site by Whipple Consulting Engineers, Inc. (WCE). This topographic survey showed the existing roadways, existing structures, property lines, and existing ground surface elevation contours. This plan was prepared by WCE and was dated November 7, 2013. The site was used as a golf course prior to our evaluation. The site is relatively level with some elevated golf greens and excavated areas for water hazards. The site is primarily grass-covered with scattered trees along the fairways and pine trees in the undeveloped area to the northwest. The clubhouse building is present at the southwest corner. In addition, we performed a preliminary geotechnical evaluation for the property in December 2013. The results of that evaluation, along with our opinions and recommendations, are summarized in our Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation dated December 31, 2013. Full-Scale Drywell Testing Project No. 16-249A Painted Hills Golf Course 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane Valley, WA June 28, 2016 Inland Pacific Engineering Company Page 2 We also performed a geotechnical evaluation for certification of the existing levee along Chester Creek in April 2014. The results of that evaluation are summarized in our Geotechnical Evaluation report dated February 12, 2015. Lastly, we performed a geotechnical evaluation in July 2015 consisting of ten 50-foot borings in the south half of the property. The results of that evaluation are summarized in our Geotechnical Evaluation Phase 2 report dated July 23, 2015. FIELD EVALUATION A geotechnical engineer from Inland Pacific Engineering Company (IPEC) performed a full-scale drywell test on the Type 2 drywell on May 6, 2016. The drywell test was performed in accordance with the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual, Appendix 4B procedures. ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS We calculated a design outflow rate for the existing drywell using the results of the recent and previous laboratory tests and the procedures described in the SRSM manual, Appendix 4B (Full-Scale Drywell Test Method). Based on the test performed, we recommend using a design flow rate of 1.05 cfs for design. This recommended design outflow rate includes a safety factor of 1.1 as required by the SRSM. REMARKS This report is for the exclusive use of the addressee and the copied parties to use in design of the proposed project and to prepare construction documents. In the absence of our written approval, we make no representations and assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. The data, analyses, and recommendations may not be appropriate for other structures or purposes. We recommend that parties contemplating other structures or purposes contact us. Services performed by the geotechnical engineers for this project have been conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing in this area under similar budget and time restraints. No warranty, expressed or implied, is intended or made. FIGURE 1       Site Location Map Project No. 16-249A June 28, 2016 Painted Hills Golf Course 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane County, WA FIGURE 2       NRCS Map Project No. 16-249A June 28, 2016 Painted Hills Golf Course 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road Spokane County, WA 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0.0010.010.1110100 PI Cc CuLL PL 5.761.00 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION COBBLES GRAVEL 3.550 SAND GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS coarse fine SP Poorly Graded Sand with Gravel Classification D100 D60 D30 D10 %Gravel 5.212 L16-057 coarse SILT OR CLAYfinemedium 20.0 %Sand %Silt %Clay 2.167 0.904 42.9 53.6 BOREHOLE DEPTH BOREHOLE DEPTH 3 100 L16-057 24 16 301 2006 10 501/2 HYDROMETERU.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS 1403420 406 601.5 8 143/4 3/8 20.0PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHTCLIENT NAI Black PROJECT NUMBER 16-249A PROJECT NAME Painted Hills Drywell Test PROJECT LOCATION 4403 South Dishman-Mica Road GRAIN SIZE - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 6/28/16 15:32 - J:\_IPEC PROJECTS\_2016 PROJECTS\16-249A PAINTED HILLS DRYWELL TESTING\GINT\16-249A PAINTED HILLS DRYWELL TEST.GPJInland Pacific Engineering Company 3012 North Sullivan Road, Suite C Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Telephone: 509-209-6262 Fax: 509-290-5734 Full-Scale Drywell Test Results Time Elapsed Time (seconds) Depth to Water (feet) Flow Meter Reading (ft3) Volume of Water (ft3) Flow Rate (cfs) 10:00 0 19.5 596.6 11:00 3600 18.2 1171.5 574.90 1.60E-01 11:10 600 18.2 1261.0 89.50 1.49E-01 11:20 600 18.2 1350.7 89.70 1.50E-0111:30 600 18.2 1441.1 90.40 1.51E-01 11:35 18.3 11:40 18.611:45 19.1 11:50 19.5 1.50E-01 5/6/2016 Test Location: Existing Drywell Average Flow Rate: Project Name: Painted Hills Drywell Test Project Number:16-249A Test Date: Client:NAI Black Depth: 20' 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 Depth to Water (feet) Depth to Water 1.42E‐01 1.44E‐01 1.46E‐01 1.48E‐01 1.50E‐01 1.52E‐01 1.54E‐01 1.56E‐01 1.58E‐01 1.60E‐01 1.62E‐01 11:00 11:10 11:20 11:30 Flow Rate (cfs) Flow Rate (cfs) P.O. Box 1566, Veradale, WA 99037 Phone 509-209-6262 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE PLAN FOR PAINTED HILLS PRD FLOOD CONTROL SYSTEM Owner: Black Realty Inc. Party responsible for Operations & Maintenance: Painted Hills PRD Homeowners Assn. Parent Parcel Number(s): 45336.9191, 45334.0106, .0108, .0109, .0110, .0113, .0114, .9135, 44040.9144 LOCATED IN SECTION 33 & 34, T25N, R44E & SECTION 4, T24N, R44E, W.M. SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON The above parent parcels contain the Painted Hills PRD flood control drainage and levee system. The residential lot owners, commercial property owners and multi-family property owners of Painted Hills PRD are benefitting from these flood control facilities. The homeowners association of this project is responsible for (details described later): • The continued operations and maintenance, including repair and replacement as needed, of these facilities, • Providing funds to finance the continued operation and maintenance of these facilities, • The administration of this agreement with each property owner being bound by this agreement and with the responsibilities to be shared equally between each Painted Hills PRD property owner, and, • Establishing a maintenance committee and designating a member to be responsible for the administration of this plan. This operations and maintenance plan runs with the land and is binding upon the Painted Hills PRD Homeowners Association property owners, their heirs, successors and assigns. The City of Spokane Valley assumes no responsibility at all for any operations or maintenance of facilities mentioned herein or the administration of this plan. 1.00 PURPOSE This plan is to provide: 1. General operations and maintenance responsibilities for the facilities described herein, and 2. Cost estimates of the assessments to be paid by each property owner mentioned herein for the funding of this maintenance. Page 1 2.00 GENERAL OPERATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS Drainage Facilities The Painted Hills PRD flood control drainage and levee system is intended to collect and discharge stormwater runoff generated by upstream basins and, possibly, stormwater from adjacent properties that has historically flowed into the property and identified on FEMA panel as compensatory storage. The drainage facilities consist of a box culvert under Thorpe Road, a five foot wide concrete channel, a 48” and 60” concrete pipe mainline, manholes, a bio-infiltration swale and a drywell/gravel gallery infiltration field with associated pipe, manholes and headwalls. The system includes 4-18” culverts under Madison Road. A levee along the northerly side of Chester Creek between Thorpe Road and Dishman-Mica Road and then extending along the northerly side of Dishman-Mica Road to Wilbur Road is also a part of the system. A portion of stormwater runoff from the upstream basins south of the project flows in the Chester Creek channel under Thorpe Road continuing northwesterly under Dishman-Mica Road. The levee provides flood protection of the development site from Chester Creek. The remainder of stormwater runoff from upstream basins south of the project flows under Thorpe Road via the box culvert, enters the concrete channel, then flows in the pipe system, through the bio-infiltration swale into the drywell/gravel gallery infiltration field at the north end of the site where the flow is stored and infiltrated into the ground. Stormwater runoff from upstream basins east of the project flows under Madison Road in 18” culverts and outfalls into the 60” pipeline via manholes. It is important to provide adequate maintenance activities to ensure that the flood control facilities remain silt and debris free, as this silt and debris will affect their performance. Additionally, vegetation must be maintained to prevent erosion of the levee. Maintenance details are discussed below in Section 3.0. 3.00 MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS AND SCHEDULES Drainage Facilities The drainage facilities consist of several elements including: box culverts, stream channel, levee, concrete channel, storm drain mainline, culverts, outlet structure, bio-infiltration swale, inlet structure, drywell/gravel gallery infiltration field, manholes, catch basins, access roads, headwalls with trash racks and fencing. These elements are located as shown on the attached exhibit. The following describes these facilities and the recommended maintenance. A comprehensive visual inspection of the complete flood control drainage facilities should be conducted twice a year. More frequent inspections for various elements may be required as described below. For long duration storms, greater than 24 hours, the drainage facilities should be inspected during the storm event to identify any developing problems and safely correct them before they become major problems. Signs shall be posted notifying all residents to look for “potential” problems and to notify the homeowners’ association of those observations. In general it is important to provide adequate maintenance activities to ensure that the vegetated areas and structures remain silt, dirt and debris free because accumulations of these will affect the facilities function for stormwater storage volume as well as the ability of the drywells/gravel galleries to discharge Page 2 stormwater. Should these facilities fill up or become clogged, the flood control system will not function as intended putting areas at risk of flooding. Therefore, periodic maintenance is a must. Box Culvert: There are three box culverts adjoining the project site. These box culverts are within the public road right of way and will be maintained by the agency having jurisdiction (AHJ) of the roadway. Any problems noticed while inspecting or maintaining other elements of the system should be reported to the AHJ. Chester Creek and Levee: Chester Creek extends across the southwest corner of the site from Thorpe Road northwesterly for approximately 900 feet where it crosses under Dishman-Mica Road. The creek carries seasonal flows from the foothills to the south. The site is protected from flood flows by a levee along the northerly side of the creek. The creek channel and levee need to be maintained to ensure flood flows are prevented from entering the site. Maintenance of the channel and levee shall be the responsibility of the Painted Hills PRD Homeowner’s Association. Maintenance items include: • Regular mowing, grass should be kept at about 2-4 inches in height, • Removing trash, debris, noxious weeds plus items that reduce the amount of vegetative cover, • Removing any starts of woody vegetation that appear in the channel or on the levee side slopes, • Repairing any holes caused by animals on the levee side slopes, • Inspecting the levee side slopes and channel bottom making sure there are no breaches or breaks or erosion. Immediately repair with a sandy loess soil, compacted in place and follow up after the storm event with seeding or sodding the repair and more substantial maintenance activities if needed, • Repairing mowing damage, • Removing and replacing of the grass and underlying soil if it becomes contaminated to the extent that the grass is not healthy. Concrete Channel: There is approximately 370 feet of 5 foot wide concrete open channel extending from the easterly box culvert under Thorpe Rd to the corner of Thorpe Road and Madison Road. At Madison Road the channel flow enters into a 48” pipe fitted with a trash rack. The channel needs to be maintained to ensure there is no debris or vegetation blocking the flow out of the box culvert and along the channel. Additionally, the trash rack at the end of the channel needs to be kept clear. Maintenance of the channel shall be the responsibility of the Painted Hills PRD Homeowner’s Association. Maintenance items include: • Visually inspecting twice a year the walls and floor surface of the channel for damage or wear that would compromise the channel integrity. • Prior to each rainy season (August or September), inspecting the channel ensuring that there is no debris present. • Following large storm events or rapid snow melt events performing a visual inspection and Page 3 remove any deleterious debris and trash. • Instructing those performing other maintenance functions on the system to report any observed damage to the channel. Storm Drain Mainline: The storm drain mainline consists of 277 feet of 48” and 2174 feet of 60” RCP pipe from the downstream end of the concrete channel at Thorpe Rd and Madison Rd, running parallel to Madison Rd and ending at the bio-infiltration swale at the north end of the site. Additionally, there is 630 feet of 36” HDPE pipe from the downstream end of the bio-infiltration swale to the drywell/gravel gallery infiltration field. The pipes need to be maintained to prevent sediment and trash build-up in the bio-infiltration swale and the drywell/gravel gallery infiltration field. Maintenance of the storm drain mainline shall be the responsibility of the Painted Hills PRD Homeowner’s Association. Maintenance items include: • Annually inspecting the pipe openings on each end to ensure there is no blockage or damage to the ends. • Every three years or after substantial storm runoff, performing a TV inspection of the pipe looking for blockages, damage, etc., • Removing sediment build-up from the pipe, • Repairing any sections of damaged pipe. Manholes & Catch Basins: The mainline pipe system has manholes at pipe junctions and angle points. Along Madison Road there are catch basin connected by pipe to the mainline pipe system to drain overflow from the roadside swales. Manholes and catch basins need to be maintained to prevent blockage of flow within the system. Contact a professional to remove the debris, trash and sediment buildup. HOMEOWNERS ARE NOT TO ENTER THE MANHOLES. Maintenance of the manholes and catch basins shall be the responsibility of the Painted Hills PRD Homeowner’s Association. Maintenance items include: • During routine landscape maintenance of roadside swales, removing any debris from catch basin grates. • Annually inspecting catch basins for trash and sediment build-up and removing trash. • When sediment build-up fills ½ the depth of the sump (about 1 foot), removing the sediment. • Annually inspecting manhole lids and catch basin grates to ensure they are properly seated and are structurally sound. • Every five years, inspecting the structure walls to ensure the concrete walls are in good condition and the joints remain sealed. • Instructing those performing other maintenance functions on the system to report any missing lids or grates. Page 4 Cross Culverts: The cross culverts consist of 18” CMP pipe crossing under Madison Road flowing from east to west in four locations. The culverts connect into manholes on the 60” storm drain mainline. The cross culverts need to be maintained to prevent the reduction of seasonal flows within the pipes. The reduction in flow may be caused by sediment or trash build-up within the pipe or obstruction of the pipe entrance on the east side of Madison Rd. Maintenance of the cross culverts shall be the responsibility of the Painted Hills PRD Homeowner’s Association. Maintenance items include: • Annually inspecting the culvert openings on the east side of Madison Rd to ensure there is no blockage or damage to the culvert end. • Every five years performing a TV inspection of the pipe looking for blockages, damage, corrosion, etc., • Removing sediment build-up from the pipe, • Repairing any sections of damaged or corroded pipe. Bio-infiltration Swale: The bio-infiltration swale consists of a grass lined channel approximately 450 feet long with a 6 foot bottom width and 3:1 side slopes. The swale needs to be maintained to perform the function of removing any remaining contaminants prior to storm water entering the infiltration field. Maintenance of the bio-infiltration swale shall be the responsibility of the Painted Hills PRD Homeowner’s Association. Maintenance items include: • Annually inspecting the channel bottom and side slopes to ensure there is a covering of grass. • Reseeding any bare or dead areas of grass. • Removing any noxious weeds. Drywells/Gravel Gallery Infiltration Field: The drywell/gravel gallery infiltration field consists of four trenches (10’ wide by 13’ deep by 450’ long) filled with rock, 24” pipe running the length of each trench and drywells located at each end and at the middle. The drywells need to be maintained to prevent or reduce sediment buildup in the drywell barrel so as to not reduce infiltration into the surrounding ground. Maintenance of the drywells/gravel gallery infiltration field shall be the responsibility of the Painted Hills PRD Homeowner’s Association. Maintenance items include: • Visually inspecting twice a year the inside of the drywell barrel(s) by removing the lid to look into the structure. Have all debris and trash removed. Sediment must be removed before buildup reaches the bottom of the lowest slot out of the drywell in the barrel wall. Contact a professional to remove the debris, trash and sediment buildup. HOMEOWNERS ARE NOT TO ENTER THE DRYWELL. Page 5 Headwalls/Trash Racks: The trash racks at the headwalls need to be maintained to ensure there is no debris preventing the flow of storm water through the system. Additionally, the trash racks need to be inspected for physical integrity to ensure that no one can enter into the pipe system unless required for inspection/repair. Maintenance of the headwalls/trash racks shall be the responsibility of the Painted Hills PRD Homeowner’s Association. Maintenance items include: • Visually inspecting twice a year the trash racks for damage or corrosion that would compromise the trash rack integrity. • Prior to each rainy season (August or September), inspecting each trash rack ensuring that there is no debris present. • Following large storm events or rapid snow melt events performing a visual inspection and remove any deleterious debris and trash. • Instructing those performing other maintenance functions on the system to report any observed damage to the trash rack. Fencing: The fencing of various system elements needs to be maintained to restrict access to those elements and to protect the public. Maintenance of the fencing shall be the responsibility of the Painted Hills PRD Homeowner’s Association. Maintenance items include: • Visually inspect twice a year the entire fencing system for damaged fence fabric, posts, gates, etc. • Prior to each rainy season (August or September), inspecting each access point ensuring that locks and gates are functional. • Instructing those performing other maintenance functions on the system to report any observed breaches or damage to the fencing. Access Roads/Parking Pads: The access roads/parking pads to various system elements need to be maintained to allow maintenance vehicles access to those elements for periodic maintenance and emergency repairs to protect the public. Maintenance of the access roads/parking pads shall be the responsibility of the Painted Hills PRD Homeowner’s Association. Maintenance items include: • Visually inspecting annually the entire access road/parking pad system for rutting, potholes, etc. Regrade and repair with additional aggregate as needed. • Removing vegetation from the aggregate surface. • Instructing those performing other maintenance functions on the system to report any observed damage to the access roads/parking pads. Page 6 4.00 SINKING FUNDS A sinking fund is an account that is set up to receive regular deposits which are to be used for paying off future costs and debts. The sinking fund monies will be used to pay for planned and unplanned operation and maintenance costs along with certain future replacement costs for the storm drainage facilities. The sinking fund calculation should be revised as necessary to account for actual expenses and changes in rates. In setting up the fund, first the future replacement costs are estimated and then they are converted to annual costs (or deposits) by the following calculations. These calculations assume that the inflation rate is 3% (for estimating the future replacement costs), the typical interest rate is 2% (for estimating the annual costs) and the number of years before replacement is 20. Equations and guidance for using other rates and years can be found in Appendix A. 1) Estimate the value that the item will have in the future when it is time to replace it using the following equation: FV=PV*1.8061, where: FV = future value PV = present value 2) Estimate how much money will need to be deposited each year in a bank account in order to have enough money accumulated in time to pay for the replacement using the following equation. A=FV*0.0412, where: A = annual payment (or deposit) FV = future value (from step 1, above) Sinking Fund Calculation Results: The developer shall provide $25,000 to initiate the set-up of maintenance funds. The following values are the results of the calculations which are shown on the following page. Annual cost for regular operation and maintenance $25,954 Annual cost for replacements $11,894 Total annual costs $37,848 Total monthly costs (= total annual costs /12) $3154 Number of units 580 Monthly cost per lot (= total monthly costs /# lots) $5.44 Page 7 Sinking Fund Calculations REGULAR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Description Units Annual Quantity x Unit Price = Annual Cost Drywell cleaning EA 12 $300 $3,600 Catch Basin cleaning EA 4 $300 $1,200 Mowing EA 4 $2,000 $8,000 Debris removal EA 4 $2,000 $8,000 Channel/Trash Rack inspection EA 2 $500 $1,000 Pipeline TV inspection(3 years-3,053) LF 1018 $3 $3,054 Manhole inspection EA 11 $100 $1,100 Total $25,954 REPLACEMENT COSTS (for more information on calculations in this table see Appendix A) Un its Quantity x Unit Price = Present Value, PV n Inflation Rate, i1 Future Value, FV Interest Rate, i2 Annual Payment, A Drywell(12) EA 12 $4,000 $48,000 20 0.03 $86,693 0.02 $3,572 1/3 Manhole, 84” (9) EA 3 $4,100 $12,300 20 0.03 $22,215 0.02 $915 ¼ Manhole, 60” (2) EA 0.5 $2,500 $1,250 20 0.03 $2,258 0.02 $93 18” Culvert (280) LF 280 $50 $14,000 20 0.03 $25,286 0.02 $1,042 ¼ Catch basin (4) EA 1 $1,500 $1,500 20 0.03 $2,710 0.02 $112 Bio-infiltration swale-seeding (13,800 ) SF 13,800 $0.10 $1,380 20 0.03 2,493$ 0.02 $103 2” Asphalt pathway SY 2340 $10 $23,400 20 0.03 $42,263 0.02 $1,742 6” CSTC Access Rd CY 210 $40 $8,400 20 0.03 $15,172 0.02 $625 Grading Access Rd SF 11,340 $1.25 $14,175 20 0.03 $25,602 0.02 $1,055 Fencing LF 1770 $20 $35,400 20 0.03 $63,936 0.02 $2635 Total $11,894 Notes: n = number of years to replacement LS means Lump Sum, EA means Each, SY means square yard Page 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has reviewed the above information and determined it to be appropriate for the improvements proposed for this plan and has caused this instrument to be executed on this day of __________________________, 20____. Signature: Name (print): Title: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ) ss I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that is/are the individual(s) who personally appeared before me, and who acknowledged that he/she/they executed and signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. Dated this __________ date of ______________________, 20____. NOTARY PUBLIC In and for the State of Washington, Residing at My appointment expires: Page 9 Appendix A The future replacement costs can be estimated and then converted to annual costs (or deposits) by the following calculations. 1) Estimate the value that the item will have in the future when it is time to replace it using an assumed (best estimate) inflation rate and the following equation: FV=PV*(1+i1)n , where: FV = future value i1 = inflation rate PV = present value n = number of years to replacement Example values for the factor: (1+i)n n, years 5 10 15 20 i1 0.02 1.1041 1.2190 1.3459 1.4859 0.03 1.1593 1.3439 1.5580 1.8061 0.04 1.2167 1.4802 1.8009 2.1911 0.05 1.2763 1.6289 2.0789 2.6533 2) Estimate how much money will need to be deposited each year in a bank account in order to have enough money accumulated in time to pay for the replacement using an assumed (best estimate) interest rate and the following equation: A=FV* i2 / [(1+i2)n-1], where: A = annual payment i2 = interest rate FV = future value n = number of years to replacement Example values for the factor: i2/[(1+i2)n-1] n, years 5 10 15 20 i2 0.02 0.1922 0.0913 0.0578 0.0412 0.03 0.1884 0.0872 0.0538 0.0372 0.04 0.1846 0.0833 0.0499 0.0336 0.05 0.1810 0.0795 0.0463 0.0302 Page 10 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE PLAN FOR GUSTIN DITCH FLOOD CONTROL SYSTEM Owner: Bar 4 Bar, Inc. & Timothy and Joanne Comer Party responsible for Operations & Maintenance: Painted Hills PRD Homeowners Assn. Parent Parcel Number(s): 45344.9108, 45343.9052 LOCATED IN SECTION 34, T25N, R44E, W.M. SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON The above parent parcels contain the Gustin ditch and levee drainage system. The residents of Painted Hills PRD are benefitting from these flood control facilities. The homeowners association of the Painted Hills PRD project is responsible for (details described later): • The continued operation and maintenance, including repair and replacement as needed, of these facilities, • Providing funds to finance the continued operation and maintenance of these facilities, • The administration of this agreement with each resident being bound by this agreement and with the responsibilities to be shared equally between each Painted Hills PRD property owner, and, • Establishing a maintenance committee and designating a member to be responsible for the administration of this plan. This operations and maintenance plan runs with the land and is binding upon the Painted Hills PRD Homeowners Association property owners, their heirs, successors and assigns until such time as the Gustin property (Parcel No. 45344.9108) develops and then the owner of that parcel will assume responsibility for this plan. Parcel No. 45343.9052 is covered by a storm drainage easement granted to Spokane County as recorded in Book 659 Page 1803. Spokane County assumes no responsibility at all for any operations or maintenance of the facilities mentioned herein or the administration of this plan. 1.00 PURPOSE This plan is to provide: 1. General operations and maintenance responsibilities for the facilities described herein, and 2. Cost estimates of the assessments to be paid by each property owner mentioned herein for the funding of this maintenance. Page 1 2.00 GENERAL OPERATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS Drainage Facilities The Gustin ditch and levee drainage system is intended to collect and discharge stormwater runoff generated by upstream basins and, possibly, stormwater from adjacent properties that has historically flowed into this ditch. The drainage facilities consist primarily of a 36” culvert outfall, a 3 foot bottom width ditch, a levee along the south side of the ditch, an existing gravel (borrow) pit (pond) and 18 drywells. Stormwater runoff from the upstream basins is routed under Hwy 27 through a 36” culvert into the ditch where the storm water flows to the west. At the west end of the ditch the storm water flows into the bottom of the existing borrow pit and infiltrates through the bottom of the pit. During larger storms the storm water will overflow into the drywells and infiltrate into the ground. It is important to provide adequate maintenance activities to ensure that the drainage facilities remain silt and dirt free, as this silt and dirt will affect their performance. Additionally, vegetation must be maintained to prevent erosion of the levee. Maintenance details are discussed below in Section 3.0. 3.00 MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS AND SCHEDULES Drainage Facilities The drainage facilities consist of a 36” culvert outfall, a 3 foot bottom width ditch, a levee along the south side of the ditch, an existing borrow pit (pond) and 18 drywells and are located as shown in the attached exhibit. The following describes these facilities and the recommended maintenance. A visual inspection of the drainage facilities should be conducted each biennial. For long duration storms, greater than 24 hours, the drainage facilities should be inspected during the storm event to identify any developing problems and safely correct them before they become major problems. In general it is important to provide adequate maintenance activities to ensure that the vegetated areas and structures remain silt, dirt and debris free because accumulations of these will affect the ditch’s and pond’s function for stormwater storage volume as well as the ability of the drywells to discharge stormwater. Should these facilities fill up or become clogged, the only remedy would be to remove the material. Therefore, periodic maintenance is a must. Page 2 Ditch with Levee: The culvert outfall needs to be maintained to ensure there is no debris or vegetation blocking the flow out of the culvert. The ditch needs to be maintained to ensure a strong, healthy, dense vegetative cover and that it is free of debris. Maintenance of the ditch and outfall shall be the responsibility of the Painted Hills PRD Homeowner’s Association until such time as the Gustin property (Parcel No. 45344.9108) is developed. At that time the owner(s) of the new development shall assume responsibility for maintenance of the ditch and levee. Maintenance items include: • Regular mowing, grass should be kept at about 2-4 inches in height, • Removing trash, debris, noxious weeds plus items that reduce the amount of vegetative cover, • Removing any starts of woody vegetation that appear in the ditch or on the levee side slopes, • Repairing any holes caused by animals on the levee side slopes, • Inspecting the ditch side slopes, levee side slopes and bottom making sure there are no breaches or breaks or erosion. Immediately repair with a sandy loess soil, compacted in place and follow up after the storm event with seeding or sodding of the repair and more substantial maintenance activities if needed, • Repairing mowing damage, • Removal and replacement of the grass and underlying soil if it becomes contaminated to the extent that the grass is not healthy. Pond & Drywells: At the borrow pit the pond bottom needs to be maintained to ensure there is no debris, vegetation or sediment preventing the infiltration of storm water through the bottom of the pond. Also, that no debris, vegetation or sediment buildup rise to a level that would allow it to enter into the drywells. Drywells need to be maintained to prevent or reduce sediment buildup in the drywell barrel so as to not reduce infiltration into the surrounding ground. Maintenance of the pond and drywells shall be the responsibility of the Painted Hills PRD Homeowner’s Association until such time as the Gustin property (Parcel No. 45344.9108) is developed. At that time the owner(s) of the new development shall assume responsibility for maintenance. Maintenance items include: • Periodically visually inspect the grate and remove any deleterious debris and trash. • Biennially visually inspect the inside of the drywell barrel(s) by removing the grate to look into the structure. Have all debris and trash removed. Sediment must be removed before buildup reaches the bottom of the lowest slot out of the drywell in the barrel wall. Contact a professional to vacuum out the debris, trash and sediment buildup. HOMEOWNERS ARE NOT TO ENTER THE DRYWELLS. Page 3 4.00 SINKING FUNDS A sinking fund is an account that is set up to receive regular deposits which are to be used for paying off future costs and debts. The sinking fund monies will be used to pay for planned and unplanned operation and maintenance costs along with certain future replacement costs for the storm drainage facilities. The sinking fund calculation should be revised as necessary to account for actual expenses and changes in rates. In setting up the fund, first the future replacement costs are estimated and then they are converted to annual costs (or deposits) by the following calculations. These calculations assume that the inflation rate is 3% (for estimating the future replacement costs), the typical interest rate is 2% (for estimating the annual costs) and the number of years before replacement is 20. Equations and guidance for using other rates and years can be found in Appendix A. 1) Estimate the value that the item will have in the future when it is time to replace it using the following equation: FV=PV*1.8061, where: FV = future value PV = present value 2) Estimate how much money will need to be deposited each year in a bank account in order to have enough money accumulated in time to pay for the replacement using the following equation. A=FV*0.0412, where: A = annual payment (or deposit) FV = future value (from step 1, above) Sinking Fund Calculation Results: - The following values are the results of the calculations which are shown on the following page. Annual cost for regular operation and maintenance $10,500 Annual cost for replacements $7,076 Total annual costs $17,576 Total monthly costs (= total annual costs /12) $1,465 Number of units 580 Monthly cost per unit (= total monthly costs /# units) $2.53 Page 4 Sinking Fund Calculations REGULAR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Description Units Annual Quantity x Unit Price = Annual Cost Drywell Cleaning EA 18 $250 $4,500 Mowing EA 4 $500 $2,000 Debris removal EA 4 $1,000 $4,000 Total $10,500 REPLACEMENT COSTS (for more information on calculations in this table see Appendix A) Units Quantity x Unit Price = Present Value, PV n Inflation Rate, i1 Future Value, FV Interest Rate, i2 Annual Payment, A Drainage Structures LS 18 $4,000 $72,000 20 0.03 $130,040 0.02 $5,358 6” CSTC Access Rd CY 221 $40 $8,840 20 0.03 $15,966 0.02 $658 Grading Access Rd SF 11,400 $1.25 $14,250 20 0.03 $25,737 0.02 $1,060 Total $7,076 Notes: n = number of years to replacement LS means Lump Sum, EA means Each, SY means square yard Page 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has reviewed the above information and determined it to be appropriate for the improvements proposed for this plan and has caused this instrument to be executed on this day of __________________________, 20____. Signature: Name (print): Title: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ) ss I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that is/are the individual(s) who personally appeared before me, and who acknowledged that he/she/they executed and signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. Dated this __________ date of ______________________, 20____. NOTARY PUBLIC In and for the State of Washington, Residing at My appointment expires: Page 6 Appendix A The future replacement costs can be estimated and then converted to annual costs (or deposits) by the following calculations. 1) Estimate the value that the item will have in the future when it is time to replace it using an assumed (best estimate) inflation rate and the following equation: FV=PV*(1+i1)n , where: FV = future value i1 = inflation rate PV = present value n = number of years to replacement Example values for the factor: (1+i)n n, years 5 10 15 20 i1 0.02 1.1041 1.2190 1.3459 1.4859 0.03 1.1593 1.3439 1.5580 1.8061 0.04 1.2167 1.4802 1.8009 2.1911 0.05 1.2763 1.6289 2.0789 2.6533 2) Estimate how much money will need to be deposited each year in a bank account in order to have enough money accumulated in time to pay for the replacement using an assumed (best estimate) interest rate and the following equation: A=FV* i2 / [(1+i2)n-1], where: A = annual payment i2 = interest rate FV = future value n = number of years to replacement Example values for the factor: i2/[(1+i2)n-1] n, years 5 10 15 20 i2 0.02 0.1922 0.0913 0.0578 0.0412 0.03 0.1884 0.0872 0.0538 0.0372 0.04 0.1846 0.0833 0.0499 0.0336 0.05 0.1810 0.0795 0.0463 0.0302 Page 7 Appendix K. Infiltration Facilities Design Report    Appendix L. Biological Opinion