CLOMR_Checklist_v2CLOMR Submittal Initial Screening ChecklistProject Name: Date:Location: Reviewer:ItemRequired (Y/N)Received (Y/N)CommentReview Fee PaymentY Y Payment of $7,000 is stated but no basis given. CLOMR has a unique pay structure and should be reviewedCommunity AcknowledgmentY N Does not appear that the County of Spokane has acknowledged project.State Approval If required, does the application required approval from the state N N Does not appear that the State of Washington requires special approvalAnnotated ProfilesY Y ProvidedY/NA narrative is provided but is not sealed. Initial screening of the narrative appears to be unclear. A lot of documents were provided but it is unclear if all documents are to be submitted with CLOMR or how they tie-in to application. Y Painted Hills DevelopmentCity of Spokane Valley, WashingtonDecember 19, 2018Zach Whitten, PEDescriptionMT-2 forms are completed but it appears that the there are 3 streams being affected but only one Form 2 and Form 3 is filled out. Forms should be filled out for each affected stream/reach. Also, no community signature is provided. Given the study location includes two communities (City of Spokane Valley and Spokane County), two signatures may be requiredSealed Report/NarrativeProvide a written description, certified by a registered Professional Engineer, about the purpose of the request, the scope of the proposed project, and the methodology used to analyze the project effects.Not included as part of the initial CLOMR submittalMT-2 Application FormsProvide completed forms applicable to your request. Ensure that MT-2 Form 1 signed by the requester, certifying engineer and each community affected by the revision.Floodway NoticeIf the revision result in changing or establishing floodway boundaries, please provide floodway public notice or a statement by your community that it has notified all affected property owners, in compliance with NFIP regulation Subparagraph 65.7(b)(1).Sediment TransportSubmit an analysis of sediment transport. If sediment transport will not affect the base flood elevation (BFE) or a structure, then indicate that this section is not applicable, and include an explanation as to why a sediment analysis was not performed.Property Owner NotificationSubmit example documentation of legal notice to be sent to all affected property owners within and outside of the community, explaining theimpact of the proposed action on their property. Documentation to be sent after technical review is complete.YYHydraulic AnalysisProvide a FEMA acceptable hydraulic analysis in digital formaand associated backup information (e.g., calculations used to determine manning's n-values, etc.)YAnnotated FIRMSubmit a revised FIRM, at the scale of the effective FIRM, which shows the revised boundary delineation of the base floodplain, 0.2-percent-annual chance floodplain, and regulatory floodway and how it ties into the boundary delineation shown on the effective FIRM at the downstream and upstream ends of the revised reachAnnoted FWDTSubmit Annotated Floodway Data Table comparing the results of the hydraulic models corresponding to those discussed in the Narrative.Submit annotated revised flood profilesHydrologic AnalysisProvide a FEMA acceptable hydrologic analysis in digital format, drainage area map and associated backup information (e.g., calculations used to determine lag time, CN and loss values as well as landuse and soil maps). Please provide a certified topographic work map that meets the mapping requirements outlined in MT-2 Form 2Certified Topographic Work MapYNHydrologic models are provided digitally but a detailed writeup of the analysis is not provided within the CLOMR application. More detail will need to provided. Also, no spatial files associated with models were found. Spatial files will be required to verify model validityY Y/NHydraulic models are provided digitally but not spatial files or calculation sheets were received with model. All spatial files associated with the models should be includedYYY N Not providedYYY N Not providedWorkmaps are provided but are not stamped. No other topography was provided thus in workmap with the topography will need to be stamped. Also, the application states that the LiDAR that was used in the effective 2003 study was used, but no shapefiles of the LiDAR, statement of accuracy or survey report was provided. Though the LiDAR may have been used in the effective study, the reviewer will not have access to the data, nor will he or she know if hte mapping meets current standardsY Y/NAnnoted FIRM Provided. It is noted that a portion of the floodplain outside of the highlighted "affected area" is different from the effective floodplain. Did this study modify this floodplain? It is located just east of the "affected area" polygon.YNo statement about sediment transport is made. Will sediment transportion have an effect on the perfomance of the infiltration basin? A statement should be provided regarding this answerYProvidedIs the acknowledgment of the study from all communities effected by changeProvidedNIf the project involves levees, floodwalls or berms, documentation should be provided that demonstrates that 65.10 requirements have been meet.N N Not required for this study65.10 RequirementsProposed/as-built plansAll plans asscoaited with project, as-built or proposed, should be submitted with a certified engineer stamp. CLOMR Submittal Initial Screening ChecklistItemRequired (Y/N)Received (Y/N)CommentDescriptionEndangered Species Act ComplianceSubmit documentation of compliance with the ESA requirements. To learn more about ESA compliance, please see the MT-2 Instructions manual.Operation and Maintenance PlanIf the request involves a berm, levee, flood wall, dam, and/or detention basin project, please submit an officially adopted maintenance and operation plan. Y Y ProvidedY Y ProvidedProvide digital computer-aided design (CAD) or geographic information system (GIS) data that are spatially referenced that are associated with determining floodplain boundaries, flood profiles, floodway boundaries, all data necessary to demonstrate that the physical modifications to the floodplain, hydrologic and hydarulic modeling, etc.Digital Spatial DataYNFiles associated with determining floodplain boundaries, flood profiles, floodway boundaries, all data necessary to demonstrate that the physical modifications to the floodplain, hydrologic and hydarulic modeling need to br provided. The submittal did not contain any of these files.