PC325_Jeff_and_Laurie_Marshall_11-12-2018From:jefmar47jm@aol.com To:Lori Barlow Subject:Painted Hills Development/ Dave Black Date:Monday, November 12, 2018 11:13:44 AM I recently attended the meeting of affected neighbors concerning this massive development. Laurie and I have lived in Painted Hills since 1982. We remember the old dairy, and subsequent build out of the little golf course, which we played often. Our understanding was that a golf course was an ideal use of the property, as it would be built on a large FEMA flood zone/reservoir that prohibited dwellings. Now, Mr. Black is proposing a dense development consisting of apartments and many small homes. HE is asking for permission to raise the build elevation level by bring in thousands of truckloads of fill, leaving the matter of water mitigation up to a complex system of culverts, moats, and little ponds. This would be managed by the HOA. If they failed in that task, or were unable, due to finances, to perform their responsiblities, it would fall onto the backs of the taxpayers. This has happened in many areas elsewhere, even here in Washington state. I hope that cool heads will look at this proposal, and find it not feasible for our area. Then, perhaps we can discuss a way to buy the property back from Black, and re- hab the course over a few years. Perhaps a small parks and rec bond issue, perhaps a use of Conservation Easement tax credits? It would benefit his restaurant, as well as the neighborhood, and the young students that might enjoy learning the sport. Thanks, Jeff and Laurie Marshall 6303 S. Eagle Crest Dr. Spokane, WA 99216