PC344_Susan_Walker_11-14-2018From:Susan Walker To:Lori Barlow Subject:Painted Hills Planned Residential Development Date:Wednesday, November 14, 2018 4:56:13 PM Dear Ms Barlow, The purpose of my correspondence is to express my opposition to the proposed painted Hills development located at what was formally the Painted Hills golf course. Whippleengineering projects an additional 5000 car trips per day from this development. I believe that is a low estimate. This congestion will not only negatively affect the environment, butalso place school children in harm’s way. There are three schools within five blocks of the proposed development, school traffic in the morning and afternoon is already heavilycongested. Someone from the city of the Spokane Valley planning committee should drive a long Pines and 32nd on a school morning around 7:30 AM and witness for themselves thealready terrible bottleneck, and that is without the new added population this development would bring. Congestion, impatient drivers, bicyclists , adult pedestrians, and schoolchildren are a recipe for disaster. Children as young as five are walking to and from school. Can we afford, through poor planning, to lose one child to an accident? The proposed plan by the developer is to dump 330,000 cubic yards of fill dirt on those 99 +acres to bring the site above the flood plain and then build houses. Let’s think about the 21,400 COMMERCIAL DUMP TRUCK loads of dirt, the congestion and the danger thatwould bring to our community. We all know that every spring the old golf course is flooded during the snow melt off. Where is that water going to go? Would the Spokane Valley city planners actually letdevelopers reroute water with the chance of other neighborhoods being flooded because of this? That water has to go somewhere! What does that do to the wildlife? We see eagles andmoose not to mention hundreds of deer pass through that area daily. In the spring time the ducks and geese inhabit the floodwaters and raise their young there. It’s laughable that developer Brian Walker said that they will be fixing the flood problem, theschool problem, slowing down traffic and creating a lot of jobs for our community. The only thing they want to create is money in their pockets. The elementary school, the junior high andhigh school are already overcrowded. The children from this development would have to be bused to other schools. Please allow me to list my primary objections for your consideration:Child safety Adult pedestrian safetyCyclists safety Heavy trafficTraffic directed onto Madison Road toward the schools Stopped and Idling traffic contributing to climate change and pollutionChange and damage to natural and human environment Rerouting water - which is a crime against nature Thank you for your time. Susan Nash Walker South 4105 Madison Rd. Spokane Valley, WA 99206