PC349_Lisa_Robertson_11-14-2018From:Lisa Robertson To:Lori Barlow Subject:Painted Hills Development Date:Wednesday, November 14, 2018 9:31:41 PM Dear Ms Barlow, I am writing to express my concerns about the planning application for the high density housing development on the former Painted Hills Golf Course site. 1. Proposed site is on a designated flood plain. I understand an amended plan has been submitted to fill and raise the area above the flood plain. I am concerned about the mitigation plan, whose responsibility it is to maintain theflood mitigation systems? HOAs can and do declare bankruptcy. If there is a problem is the City of Spokane Valley responsible to resolve the issues, ultimately paid for out of our taxdollars? Will the mitigation have any impact on the aquifer ? 2. Existing infrastructure is built for low density traffic. The volume of traffic will increase significantly which will have a safety impact for pedestrianand cyclist safety. Safety for current residents and students at the near by schools is being placed below the profit goals of the developer. The volume of fill that will be required, noiseand dust pollution will have a significant impact on the existing residents. 3. Fire evacuation routes. The current fires in California have shown that although cities believed they had prepared awell thought out emergency plan they could not get residents out safely and there has been significant loss of life. I live in painted hills and am extremely concerned about the impact thatthis development will have on being able to evacuate existing residents in the case of a fast moving wild fire. 4. Environmental impact of the developmentThe proposed development will significantly impact the current wildlife and destroy this natural rural landscape. The density of this development will completely change the nature and character of thePainted Hills Community. Sincerely, Lisa Robertson