PC352_Jordan_Friedman_11-15-2018From:jordan friedman To:Lori Barlow Subject:Painted Hill Golf Course Property Date:Thursday, November 15, 2018 9:20:35 AM I am opposed to the development of the painted hills golf course into such a large development. I believe there will be many issues that haven’t been properly solved. Here are a list of the following issues I have with the development. Increased traffic on roads that weren’t designed for that much traffic in and around the SouthValley area. Schools unable to handle the rapid increase of students. Limited access for emergency vehicles Environmental impacts to include: Loss of wildlife habitat Flood plain damage Aquifer damage from not having a recharge area. The noise and health hazard from having construction vehicles travel to the construction site for the next ten years. My biggest concern is if the area is raised with 330K of fill it will divert Chester Creek into other people’s property including mine. Hasn’t the Valley allowed enough apartments and development to be built everywhere. We moved to the Valley for open space and recently it seems the Valley is only concerned about tax money which means allowing every piece of land to get developed. What has the City of Spokane Valley done to maintain its rural feeling? It is being developed into urban sprawl at a alarming rate. I’m deeply concerned on the impact my families quality of life will be if this development is allowed to continue at the size and scale currently. The environmental impact of changing the flood plain will be devastating to this area for years! Thanks Jordan Friedman Sent from my iPhone