PC357_Janet_McNeice_11-15-2018From:Janet McNeice To:Lori Barlow Subject:Painted Hills golf course development Date:Thursday, November 15, 2018 9:53:33 AM I am writing to express my objection/concern to the Painted Hills golf course development plan in its entirety. This project has been flawed since inception and should never have beenallowed to proceed. The scoping concerns which must be addressed in the required EIS should include but not limited to :*cultural remainsfrom the Spokane and CDA tribes *traffic on dishman mica road, thorpe, madison roads..ingress and egress issues*fire protection *wildlife impact*over crowding and impact on University High School, Chester Elementary and Horizon Middle School which just received voter approval to improve/enlarge the district without thisdevelopment included *police protection*proven history of constant flooding from Chester Creek *potential financial responsibility/liability the City of the Valley will be accepting byallowing the alteration of the 'flood plain' *danger and impact to schools, road structure, current residences and traffic during the 'cut andfill' proposal. I urge the City of the Valley to seriously consider all these issues for the betterment and safety of the City and its total population. -- Thank you, Janet McNeice janet@intermountainleasing.com www.intermountainleasing.com 1.888.308.5327