PC359_Neil_Brown_11-15-2018From:NEIL E BROWN To:Lori Barlow Subject:Painted Hills Housing Project Date:Thursday, November 15, 2018 10:35:13 AM To Whom It May Concern: As a citizen who lives not far from this pending development i wanted to say how much i fear this whole thing being built. People who have lived in this area for years have watched as city planners have allowed huge developments into areas that erode our way of life and add to the pressure on city services. Road problems, congestion,. school over crowding, not to mention the flood plain situation at this location should tell elected officials that this development is much to damaging in the long run to allow it to be built here.Now the developers wantto add thousands of cubic yards of who knows what to be dumped onto portions of this area in the HOPES that it will cure the water spring runoff problems here. The spring water problems will continue and the water has to go someplace ...etc,etc. You folks don't live in this area probably, you won't have to live in the situation your nowprobably going to approve regardless of what we the people who already live here want,the city planners should have purchased this tract of land when they had the chance but that ship has sailed. Not buying it then will only be compounded now by allowing money grubbing land developers to build on it and ruin it for all times. NeilBrown 509-951-3626.