PC369_Gary_Quick_11-15-2018From:Gary Quick To:Lori Barlow Subject:Painted Hills Development Concerns Date:Thursday, November 15, 2018 3:26:03 PM Dear Lori, I am writing to you as a concerned citizen of Spokane County who lives in Veradale, WA. While I do not pay taxes as a resident of Spokane Valley, I am a life long resident of the area. Having seen the spring flooding of the former Chester Golf Course and the land surrounding that property, particularly to the South and North, I am shocked that any meaningful consideration would be given to approving the land development plan currently being considered by the City of Spokane Valley on the former golf course property. Not only because open land is appealing in this era of put-up-house-or-apartment-on-possible-space-remaining-in- the-Valley, but also, the additional traffic, burden on already overcrowded schools (not directly you problem, I know), but the increased potential for decreasing property values and removal of the rural feel and appeal from this area of the Valley/County would be a travesty. Finally, if the developer’s proposal to bring 30k+ truck loads of fill to raise the level of this property above the flood plain, where will the water go? Will Spring thaws just automatically cease? I more heavy snow melts? What about neighbors adjacent to it downstream from this property. What about the effect on our precious Aquifer? This proposal, although financially attractive as a way for developers to make a killing and the City and County to increase their tax bases, is not a good idea. While I do feel sorry for the developers who spent their money on a deal that undoubtably looked to-good-to-be - true....”buyer beware” comes directly to mind. These individuals have been buying and selling and developing for decades. They knew the risk when they inked this deal. It is now time for The Proud City of Spokane to take a stand and maintain the integrity of this area and not cave into constant pressure from these developers. I don’t doubt that appeals will be filed over and over again if the City/County turn this development down. You have my backing, as well of that of many others. We will not be worn down by the incessant attempts of these individuals to use this land for their gain to the determinant of other residents of the area. Thank you, in advance, for your time and consideration. Gary Quick 14716 E 48th Lane Veradale, WA 99037 509-723-3137 Sent from my iPhone