PC371_Micheal_Lambert_11-15-2018From:mikeylambo To:Lori Barlow Subject:Painted Hills Fiasco Date:Thursday, November 15, 2018 4:09:35 PM C'mon...……..….. Visit san diego in the summer to witness what traffic is like after years of expanding everything except roads!!!!! I live near Pines and 25th. Enough earth movement to involve what would be approx. 24000 truckloads. What roads will be expanded? A new school? All in a flood plain? Call texas and find out about the failure of construction on flood plains. Huge rainfall, over a weeks period could flood the area again. Don't do this. Break up the ol boys club in the valley and find out who is taking handouts from developers in the area. What a pathetic city government. At least I save a whooping buck or two every month on property taxes. Lets keep the city livable. Flood plain????? REALLY. Michael Lambert Retired Police