PC374__David_and_Terry_Rollins_11-15-2018From:David n" Terry Rollins To:Lori Barlow Subject:Painted Hills Date:Thursday, November 15, 2018 7:11:01 PM Dear Lori, We (David and Therese Rollins) are both very much angry, disappointed as well as offendedat the excessive numbers being proposed by the new property owners. Long Term, the sheer numbers they're talking will overwhelm the surrounding community. There's way too many homes and apartments planned to not have a very major impact on thecommunity. And what about the loss of the wetlands, impacting both manki d as well as waterfowl? Short Term, all those thousands of truckloads of dirt delivered by diesel trucks with noguarantee that it won't be a unmitigated disaster somewhere down the line, especially if hundreds of homes were to be flooded due to inadequate planning due to a 500 year flood. This whole thing reaks of extraordinary litigation down the road which could cost the citymillions and millions of dollars, which is what this fiasco is all about!!! David and There's Rollins Spokane Valley Residents509-995-4995