PC376_Pat_Munts_11-15-2018From:Pat Munts To:Lori Barlow Subject:Painted Hills development comment Date:Thursday, November 15, 2018 8:54:04 PM To the City of Spokane Valley I have lived in the Painted Hill area for 41 years and in that time, I have seen numerous winters and springs where a full third of the south end of the old golf course was flooded; sometimes for months. All the channeling and pit digging proposed by the developer WILL NOT change the fact that this is on of the key low spots that catches all the water from Chester Creek. Why not stop fighting Mother Nature and letit be the catch basin for the flooding it has been for hundreds of years. The developer wants to put several entrances along Thorpe road. This would remove the existing flood water holding areas that keep the road open MOST of the time.Unless the developer is willing to raise the entire road this will be a mess when it floods. The water will dam up behind the road and create more problems for Haase. The developer is promising trails and “natural” amenities. Are these going to beavailable to the wider community or closed off behind yet another gate and fence? Every time I drive up Madison Road there are walkers out enjoying the open space and the views of wildlife. We don’t need another commercial area other than the restaurant that has been built there. It would flood anyway. This area is a major wildlife crossing between Tower Mountain and the hills to theeast. They seek the shelter of the brush and the water in the creek bottom on their way through. As a natural history writer and someone who has worked for both the Spokane Conservation District and WSU Extension, we need to plan these corridors to keep our populations of animals and birds healthy and vibrant. We have severaleagles that hunt along the creek as well has hawks and owls. Being close to water the deer bed their fawns in this area until they are big enough to follow. I would like to see this development limited to no more than the northern half of theproperty and that the southern half be purchased by the City of Spokane Valley. Areas away from the flood areas could be turned into some sports fields while a nature center could be built around the flood area. We have a lot of schools close to this area that could benefit from having a natural area close by to do hands onlearning in a variety of STEM areas. I have worked with enough kids to know that they are drawn to natural environments and hands on learning. Let’ be a little more creative with this piece of land than just dumping a bunch of dirton it and turning it into cookie cutter housing. Being a little more flexible and creative will probably add value to the structures. Thank you Pat Munts 4903 S Mohawk Spokane WA 509 998 9769