PC380_Steve_Sabo_11-15-2018From:Steve Sabo To:Lori Barlow Subject:Painted Hills Golf Course Development Date:Thursday, November 15, 2018 9:43:14 PM Ms. Barlow, My name is Steve Sabo. I have been a Spokane resident my entire life (63 years) and a resident of Painted Hills for over 35 years. Shortly after building my house in Painted Hills, Iwatched with a sigh of relief as Painted Hills Golf Course was created, instead of another high density, urban sprawl neighborhood. The golf course provided green space and recreation;attributes that enhanced the value of the area that I chose in which to live and raise my family. I was disappointed to see the golf course close after so many years, and watched closely as the land went up for sale. How hopeful I was that the City would purchase the land and eithercontinue its use as a golf course or convert it to a new park. Sadly, that was not to be. I now follow closely the proposed high density development that I feared so many years ago. I have attended many pre-development meetings and have witnessed the arrogance and neardeceit of the developers. After being called out on their insufficient initial plans for flood control, I now have to question their latest creation of a flood control plan. The Cut and Fillplan is another attempt to develop at any cost to the land. My concerns for the Cut and Fill proposal are as follows: 1. The amount of fill proposed to be imported would cause a tremendous impact and likely damage area roadways. Not to mention the added traffic congestion and safety concernsassociated with thousands of heavy truck loads. 2. The source locations of the fill will be similarly impacted.3. Altering the current flood plain to the degree proposed, may be effective for this planned development, but will only succeed in forcing the flood waters to anotherlocation. Thus, the developer gets to reap the profits and leave the mess and resulting mitigation costs and loss of land value to others in the neighborhood who get flooded. The developers are trying to force a project on land that is not suitable for such development. It's time for this proposed development to be scrapped. It is not in the best interest of thecommunity. Thank you, Steve Sabo 5423 S. Pawnee Ct.Spokane, WA 99206 509-993-0597