PC383_Susie_Schmidt_11-15-2018From:Susie Schmidt To:Lori Barlow Subject:Painted Hills Date:Thursday, November 15, 2018 10:52:25 PM Dear Ms. Barlow: RE: the proposed landfill of the Painted Hills Golf Course: My husband and I have lived in the Ponderosa since 1972. Yes, we've watched all thestages of growth in the last 4 decades. We also went through Firestorm in 1991. No one, NO ONE cared about how people were going to get out of the area in a major fire. At least no onein the development industry. Think about it: How many houses are in the Ponderosa right now? About 1500, right? Andhow many exits are there? Three? Big deal. How long would it take to evacuate the area? Way, way too long. And where do those exits all lead to? Right: a single narrow, windingtwo-lane road that leads through a narrow valley into more forested areas. The same road that Walker's proposed new units will depend on to get out of harms' way. THIS IS INSANE! LOOK AT THE NEWS, PEOPLE!!!! PARADISE,, CA, CAN HAPPEN RIGHT HERE ON DISHMAN-MICA ROAD!!!!!!! Why is this proposed development even being considered? Yes, building such a large project would give a limited number of workers a limited number of jobs for a limited amountof time, and yes, if those houses sell, they'll provide some new tax base for the city of Spokane Valley. But the real financial gains would go into the pockets of the developers. They'regoing to grab their profits and run, and over the years, when the houses they've built age prematurely because they're built on landfill over a floodplain, the unfortunate owners will bestuck with sub-prime living quarters. Isn't the county government supposed to protect the citizenry from such chicanery? Oh, wait. I forgot. The city's employees who are involved inthese decisions are all connected to the development industry. Never mind. I cannot believe that anyone would consider allowing such a horrible assault on theenvironment, such an obvious risk of life. Doesn't anyone in the development industry have any integrity??? Doesn't anyone in the government have any wisdom, any common sense? GROW UP!!!!! Stop this development! Phooey. Good night. Susan Schmidt