PC389_Jannean_Judy_11-16-2018From:Jannean Judy To:Lori Barlow; jpeterson@spokanecounty.org Subject:Painted Hills Project SUB-2015-0011/PRD-2015-0001/prd-2016-007 Date:Friday, November 16, 2018 5:53:06 AM I am writing to voice my concerns on the proposed development of the Painted Hills project.I am a resident of Painted Hills since June 1, 1999. When I moved to Painted Hills, I did sobecause it was a rural community comprised of peace and beauty. Our homes were allcustom and held their value well. It was a safe neighborhood. I would let my children walkto a friend’s house without fearing that a stranger might approach. This project would devastate the rural setting of this area and natural flood plain that itcontains. It will jeopardize the existing Wetlands, Spokane Aquifer, and Wildlife. Just lastweek I witnessed two Bald Eagles nesting on the old golf course. There have been manyeaglets raised on that site. The Cut and Fill that is proposed can only be described as devastating to our community. Theimpact of hauling 33,000 truckloads of fill on our roads would cause a severely negative impact onour area. This would cause impedence of traffic flow, interference of emergency vehicles, impacton human health through the inevitable dust and noise, wear and tear on our roads, and, heavenforbid, interference in evacuation for the residents of Painted Hills should the need arise. After the development, the impact to our natural and human environment aside, I am afraid of theimpact on the Critical Aquifer Recaharge Area, the contamination of the aquifer, and theelimination of the Compensatory Water Storage Area. I have good friends that live along ChesterCreek just south of the development. They already deal with flooding yearly, this is their way oflife. This proposal could wipe out the home! What considerations have been given to theproperties South of the development? What if the proposed levies decline? Who would befinancially responsible to maintain this ridiculous system of proposed levies and ponds, apotentially fragile HOA? What guarantees will there be if the HOA fails? Is the City of SpokaneValley ready to step up and take over?? Consideration must be made regarding the local schools and how this project with 500+ homes would place undo stress on an already overpopulated system. The 1200 unit complex at 32nd and27 has added to an already crowded system. We pay high taxes for our children to receive a safeand high standard of learning. How can overcrowding insure this standard continues? I live at the top of Painted Hills and am already concerned with evacuation should the need arise.There are only two ways out to Dishman Mica and those routes will be clogged as it is. If we add500+ residential units, it could be as disastrous as the current situation in Paradise CA wherepeople died in the cars trying to evacuate. Lastly, and probably one of the most pressing issues, is that our property values will drop. I haveheard many neighbors talking about selling their homes if this development is approved, beforethey lose value. How can a development be approved that will degrade an upstandingcommunity?? Thank you, Jannean Judy6108 S Eagle Crest DrSpokane, WA 99206509953-3262