PC396_Christina_Linterman_11-16-2018From:Christina Linterman
To:Lori Barlow
Subject:public comment for Painted Hills Development
Date:Friday, November 16, 2018 8:32:30 AM
Hello there,
In response to the proposed Painted Hills Development on the old golf course: I strongly
object to the development and its plans, including the change in proposal to infill to raise thesite out of the flood plain. The affects on the flood plain, the natural environment (including
animals), traffic, schools, etc are far too much to ignore or mitigate when attempting to planover 500 residences in that area! We just went through a round of changing borders for
elementary schools and are in the process of that for the middle schools, and this developmentwould GREATLY impact the ability of our schools to continue without becoming over-full
again, but after the fact. Please consider denying this proposal in order to keep south SpokaneValley the quiet, natural, beautiful area that we all love. Thanks for your time.
Christina & Eric Linterman