PC400_Leigh_McNellis11-16-2018From:Leigh McNellis To:Lori Barlow; Jpeterson@spokanecounty.org Subject:Painted Hills Project SUB-2015-011/PRD-2015-001/prd-2016-007 Date:Friday, November 16, 2018 9:40:36 AM Dear Ms. Barlow and Mr. Peterson: I write to you today to express my concern regarding the proposed Painted Hills Project plan. If it was just for one issue, I would consider this a viable possibility. However, between the additional 6,000 cars of traffic by the schools, the maintenance of the proposed levees along Chester Creek, the insignificant size of the holding pond being proposed, the additional capital requirements and potential liability of those not being properly funded, makes me realize that this is just a poorly thought-out and non-developed plan. With the 32,000 truckloads of fill being required to raise the flood plain, the traffic and safety issues of these trucks passing by our schools is more frightening than a Steven King movie. Once the truck fills are dumped, the proposed water run-off will be right onto the neighboring subdivisions, as we all know water must run downhill somewhere. The holding pond proposed is not nearly large enough to hold a wet spring's runoff. We have all seen the water over the Thorpe road for many years, why would we try to make this worse? I would think the city should be concerned about the proposed liability of this poorly developed plan and be worrying about the potential lawsuits filed by the current homeowners that will have flooded egress and flooded basement issues. The fact that the developer has not completed and filed their Environmental Impact Statement tells us that they do not have a fully vetted and scoped plan that is viable for the safety and impact to the neighborhoods surrounding this proposed project. Why would this be allowed to progress without doing so? Our streets are already busy and getting out onto Dishman Mica, on to 32nd avenue and Highway 27 are all challenges now. The traffic plan is incomplete when considering that these trucks will be driving by our schools, backed up at lights, not slowing for school zones will be just some of the challenges current homeowners will be forced to deal with, if this plan is approved. School overcrowding is obvious and if bonds are not passed prior to this plan's approval, it is doubtful they will be approved. After the recent remodeling of schools, we are already at capacity again. So homeowners will be forced to pay for additional tax money for overcrowded schools, overcrowded roads, and a runoff issue that has not been properly solved! What kind of planning department thinks this is good for the community? I respectfully request that the developer's plans be put on hold and NOT allowed to move forward without all areas of concern being addressed properly. That includes a bonded project that will cover the inevitable flooding that will occur. This project must have accountability and proper resources for ALL concerned, not just the developer's interest in selling houses. Sincerely, Leigh A. McNellis 3812 S. Robie Road Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Leigh A. McNellis 509-924-5079 Phone 509-499-9898 Cell Phone