PC405_Pat_Hough_11-16-2018From:PAT HOUGH To:Lori Barlow Subject:Proposed golf course development Date:Friday, November 16, 2018 11:00:25 AM This note is in response to your request for public comment on the proposed Painted Hills development. My husband and I have lived in Spokane Valley since 1974 and have an invested interested in preserving its quality while addressing the needs of its future. One suggested use for the proposed area is to develop a pedestrian-friendly wildlife refuge with a kid-friendly playground. As a former educator in CVSD, I know 580 housing units will stress the resources of the school district. Having witnessed the Ponderosa fire of 1991, we are concerned about the safety of people in the area. Increased traffic also affects safety for drivers and pedestrians. For these and other reasons, we strongly advise the City of Spokane Valley Council members and administration to reconsider the impact of 580 housing units in the Painted Hills area. Jeanne and Pat Hough 926-0930