PC407_Kathy_Mercer_11-16-2018From:Kathy To:Lori Barlow Subject:Painted Hills development Date:Friday, November 16, 2018 11:50:40 AM HI Lori I am writing concerning the development of the former Painted Hills Golf Course. As a natural wetland, it is really good at purifying polluted water, replenishing our aquifer and harboring wildlife. But it is a terrible place to build homes. When those wetlands are filled, the water that made them has to go somewhere. We have seen the issues that Chester Creek has with trying to flow in it's natural channel just to get to the wet land. Do we know how much water that property holds? Where will the water go when it's natural ability to filter is stopped? When you fill the wetland it is not able to act like a sponge anymore and can cause many water issues both upstream and down stream from the location. I hope the Valley truly listens to the concerned residents and looks at the future of the Valley as well as the sustainability of our aquifer, not just the dollars generated from the building of new homes. Lets fill our existing available homes and apartments before we build new ones. Thanks Kathy Mercer