PC414_Theresa_Briggs_11-16-2018From:Theresa Briggs
To:Lori Barlow
Subject:Painted Hills Development
Date:Friday, November 16, 2018 3:41:40 PM
I am writing in opposition to the proposed development at the old Painted Hills golf course. We have lived in the
Painted Hills area for 9 years and every Spring we watch the golf course and roads surrounding it flood. It is
irresponsible for the the city to grant a building permit to any developer to build homes at that site. Even with proper
site build up and drainage there will still be issues. You will have innocent homeowners purchasing homes not
knowing the background of the home site, only to have major foundation issues.
In addition to the home site issues, the added traffic and students to the nearby schools is going to be a problem. The
traffic on Dishman Mica is already an issue. There has been many times when I have come around the curve by the
golf course going South and have been passed in a no passing zone by people going at least 55 or 60. Can you
imagine adding the additional traffic from the development trying to turn onto Dishman Mica?
It’s too bad the city didn’t just buy the property a few years ago and either keep it as a golf course or turn it into a
community common area.
Please do not grant a permit to build on this property.
Theresa Briggs