PC428_Marilyn_Pearson_11-18-2018From:Marilyn Pearson To:Lori Barlow Subject:Painted Hills Golf Course Date:Sunday, November 18, 2018 1:31:29 PM Ms Barlow, I am emailing you again to express my concern over the planned development of the PaintedHills Golf Course. I live in the Creek @ Chester so this development plan effects me directly. I read the new Land Disturbance Application which angered me as much as the plan for 580 housing units! The plan to haul in hundreds of thousands of yards offill and disturbing theexisting hundreds of thousands to raise this flood plane is extremely disturbing. This area is home to tons of wildlife and natural beauty. The water will be diverted so animals won’t havewater. Also, the water will go somewhere as it flows heavy in the spring. The cut & fill plan will impact our neighborhood negatively in many ways. With innumerable dump trucks required to deposit the dirt hauled in, traffic control problems, noise, dustimpacting health, pedestrian safety, school safety, road damage due to too much weight, emergency vehicle impediment will all be negative issues impacting people and animals. I hope that our city will reconsider this plan and recommend this developer adjust their planand revise it so it doesn’t have such a negative impact. Chester elem remodel was recently completed and Horizon MS will be remodeled next year. They cannot accommodate morestudents and U Hi is already overcrowded. Children walk to school along Madison and with 4 planned entrances to the development in that area, safety will be a real issue. If this land has to be developed, a beautiful park with trails, picnic areas, disc golf,playground, swimming pool, gardens and parking would benefit the neighborhood and the entire valley. Thank you for the opportunity to express my concern. Marilyn Pearson4727 S Coyote Creek Ln Spokane, WA 99206 Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone