PC431_Kathy_Zinkgraf_11-18-2018From:KATHY ZINKGRAF To:Lori Barlow Subject:Painted Hills Date:Sunday, November 18, 2018 6:41:01 PM November 18, 2018 I am writing to express my concerns with the proposed development for the old Painted Hills. The plan to put 580 housing units is absurd! It is a known wet land and trying to fill it with dirt and material is again absurd. The impact this development will have on schools is unfair to our students. Schools will not be able to handle to population increase. The amount of traffic that comes along with 580 homes is ahazard to our community bringing noise, pollution, congestion, and accidents. According to the full page ad put out by the Painted Hill's Preservation Association, the second paragraph states, "The City has determined that there is aSIGNIFICANT impact on the Natural and Human Environment that will result from this proposed development." If the city has already determined that there is a SIGNIFICANT impact, it appears to be a no brainer on whether this should even be up for discussion! The city needs to turn down any and all permits to continuethe development. Thank you Kathy Zinkgraf gkjzink962@comcast.net