Painted_Hills_Public_Meeting_FINAL_09-25-2017 FINAL PAINTED HILLS RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT EIS SCOPING MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2017 6:00 P.M. CENTERPLACE REGIONAL EVENT CENTER 2426 NORTH DISCOVERY PLACE SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGON 99216 Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 2 1 FINAL 2 PAINTED HILLS RESIDENTIAL 3 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 4 EIS SCOPING MEETING 5 HELD ON 6 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2017 7 6:00 P.M. 8 9 MR. HOHMAN: I think everyone's just about 10 settled. I want to introduce myself. I'm John 11 Hohman, deputy city manager of the City of Spokane 12 Valley. I'm also the SEPA responsible individual 13 for overseeing the permitting of this project. 14 Tonight we have an environmental impact 15 statement scoping meeting. What that means, we'll 16 have a further explanation here in a few minutes, 17 but I did want to introduce the individual that will 18 be conducting the meeting tonight, and that's Reid 19 Shockey from Shockey Planning Group. The City has 20 decided to retain outside planning expertise for 21 this project. 22 That way we can make sure that we've got 23 all of our bases covered as we move forward. I 24 don't have to explain to you that this project has 25 been very long in the process. We received an Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 3 1 application in 2015. It's been slowly working its 2 way through the process. We have prepared boards in 3 the back if anybody's interested in finding out 4 where are we, where is this project in the overall 5 scheme of how projects usually go through our code 6 provisions. It's very early on in the process yet. 7 We just recently completed the environmental 8 determination. 9 We did make a determination of 10 significance, which means that this project does 11 need to conduct an environmental impact statement 12 study and go through that process, which we also 13 have a board in the back that talks about the EIS 14 process. So what we'll do tonight is I'll turn it 15 over to Reid. 16 He will give an overview of what tonight's 17 meeting is really about and what we're trying to do 18 is receive input from you, the public, on what the 19 EIS should focus on. What are the actual attributes 20 that should be studied in this EIS? So that's what 21 we'll be asking you to provide input on tonight. 22 Reid will talk about that some more. 23 We'll turn it over to the project 24 representative, Bryan Walker. He'll have a few 25 minutes to talk about the project. And then the Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 4 1 rest of the evening will be just listening to your 2 comments. 3 What should we focus on? Again, it really 4 is trying to gauge where should this environmental 5 impact report go? What are the areas that need to 6 be focused on? So with that I'll turn it over to 7 Reid and he'll walk you through tonight's meeting. 8 MR. SHOCKEY: Thank you, John. We do have 9 a court reporter that will be taking down all 10 testimony and the meeting is being recorded so that 11 we can make sure that whatever you come up to the 12 microphone to say is on the record so that we can 13 follow up and make sure we've addressed whatever 14 concerns you have expressed regarding the scoping. 15 And with anything official, I've got a statement I 16 want to make. It's about two pages. It won't take 17 long. 18 And then we'll get into your testimony. 19 For the record, this is a public meeting being held 20 on Monday, September 25, 2017, at CenterPlace in 21 Spokane Valley. The purpose of the meeting is to 22 receive comments from the public regarding the scope 23 of an environmental impact statement being prepared 24 for the proposed Painted Hills Planned Residential 25 Development which has city file numbers SUB-215-0001 Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 5 1 and PRD-2015-0001. The process of determining the 2 content of the EIS is called scoping, and this is a 3 scoping meeting. 4 My name is Reid Shockey and I am a 5 planning consultant from Everett. I have been 6 retained by the city to review the Painted Hills 7 project under the rules established by the 8 Washington Environmental Policy Act, otherwise known 9 as SEPA. I'll be outlining this evening's 10 activities here in a moment. First to comment on who 11 I am and what my role is. Because I live 200 miles 12 from here, I have no opinion regarding the Painted 13 Hills proposal in terms of whether it should or 14 shouldn't be approved. 15 I have been retained to make sure that the 16 letter and the spirit of SEPA are met and the 17 environmental review of the project. Once the scope 18 of the EIS is determined, my job is to make sure 19 that these items are studied accurately and 20 circulated to the public for comment. I need to 21 explain exactly what this meeting is about and what 22 it is not about. 23 The rules governing the preparation of an 24 environmental impact statement can be confusing but 25 they are the rules. Black Realty has applied for a Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 6 1 permit for a project involving 300 single family 2 homes and 280 multi-family dwellings and a 3 neighborhood commercial center. You had the 4 opportunity to see those plans earlier tonight 5 before the meeting -- before this meeting convened. 6 The permit is being reviewed under the various codes 7 of the city. As John mentioned, the city has 8 determined that an environmental impact statement 9 must be completed analyzing the issues you will find 10 on the DS document that was on the table out there 11 and hopefully you have a copy. The purpose of this 12 meeting is to hear what other topics you, the 13 citizen, believe should be analyzed in addition to 14 what you see on the list. 15 We will take your comments under 16 advisement and will then make a final decision on 17 scoping. You will either see that your topic has 18 been included for study in the environmental impact 19 statement or you will see why the item was not 20 included. And SEPA has criteria as to what's 21 discussed in the environmental impact statement. 22 While your comments might certainly have meaning to 23 you and others, it may not meet the criteria for 24 discussion in an environmental impact statement. 25 That's one of those confusing rules I was telling Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 7 1 you about. Not including your item in the 2 environmental review does not prohibit you from 3 raising it at future hearings on the permit itself. 4 For tonight's meeting, it will be helpful 5 to the city to hear comments from the public on what 6 additional items should be addressed in the EIS or 7 comments related to the items that are already on 8 the list. Everyone is invited and encouraged to 9 speak. If a prior speaker has adequately expressed 10 your opinion regarding issues to be discussed in the 11 EIS, you need not testify. 12 The number of persons asking for something 13 to be discussed, the number of people asking does 14 not affect the decision to include it in the 15 environmental impact statement. If you do not wish 16 to speak, feel free to fill out the comment sheets 17 that were out in front and drop it in the comment 18 box before you leave. Again, the box is on the 19 table. 20 If you have a letter to submit, you may 21 drop it in the comment box or give it to Ms. Barlow 22 and you will be on the record. The deadline for 23 scoping comments is this Friday, the 29th, at 5 24 o'clock p.m. Any of the methods that I've discussed 25 will get your comments recorded. I have read the Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 8 1 253 comments submitted by citizens already, and if 2 you submitted a comment, one of those 253, you're on 3 the record. Once the draft EIS is issued, there will 4 be another hearing to hear your comments on the 5 analysis of the various documents in that document. 6 And once the final EIS is issued, you will 7 have the opportunity to speak at a public hearing on 8 the project itself. Are there any procedural 9 questions that any has for the purpose of tonight's 10 meeting? We'll have testimony later on the topics 11 that you think should be included, but does everyone 12 sort of understand what we're all doing here 13 tonight? Okay, thank you. I'm going to introduce 14 Bryan Walker. 15 We're -- in a minute I'm going to tell you 16 we're going to try to hold you all to two or three 17 minutes and then we'll hold Mr. Walker to two or 18 three minutes. If you would like to get up and 19 mention anything that -- about the EIS process, 20 Bryan, are you -- oh, there he is. And if you would, 21 and I'm going to ask this of everyone, if you want 22 to speak, come forward to the mic and give us your 23 name so that we have that on record. 24 MR. WALKER: Bryan Walker, 107 South 25 Howard. And I just want to first of all tell Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 9 1 everybody that -- I'm facing the wrong direction. 2 First of all, I want to tell everybody thank you for 3 coming because you're the neighbors, you're the 4 citizens, and you're the people that we need to hear 5 from, as well as the city needs to hear from with 6 your concerns. We have a lot of -- we've spent 7 almost four years now in the planning of this and 8 we're finally at a point to where we believe we can 9 try to move this thing -- move this thing forward, 10 but we want to be able to give everybody ample 11 enough time to express their opinions and talk about 12 what's concerning them as it relates to this 13 environmental impact statement tonight. 14 Like he said, in the future we're going to 15 have other opportunities to talk about other things 16 but I set up a little display in the back and I can 17 talk about those things with you. I was there 18 earlier and had a lot of people talk but if you want 19 to come and see me afterwards and talk a little bit 20 more about the neighborhood, I'll be happy to answer 21 your questions. And I'm going to keep it under two 22 minutes. 23 MR. SHOCKEY: And I think you did. Okay, I 24 do have the sign-in sheets in front of me. And what 25 I'm going to do is I'm going to just start right off Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 10 1 the top those people who indicated that they would 2 like to speak. And I'm going to mention the name 3 and then I'll mention the two next names. And if 4 those other two folks would like to work their way 5 to the front and just take a seat, then I think 6 it'll move things along quickly. So, and our target 7 tonight is adjournment at 8 o'clock. 8 And I think, looking at the list of 9 speakers I see that indicated they want to speak, I 10 think we're going to be fine in that regard. But we 11 are going to remind you when three minutes is up and 12 ask you to quick conclude your comments and return 13 to your seat so the next person can talk. So to 14 start off I have Marcia Sands, to be followed by 15 Nancy Bauchwitz, to be followed by Pat Munts. 16 MS. BARLOW: M-u-n-t-s, Munts. 17 MR. SHOCKEY: I'm hearing Munts. Thank 18 you very much. Okay. And I need your name. And I 19 already have your number. We need your name. Don't 20 need your address, just your name. 21 MS. SANDS: Marcia Sands. Tonight I'm 22 going to speak just to the SEPA checklist revisions 23 as they address surface and floodwater issues. 24 Revision A-10, city floodplain development permit 25 part 4.8 requires that written notarized approval of Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 11 1 the property owners for said increase in base flood 2 elevations be provided. And 4.9 requires a no-rise 3 certification and documentation. 4 Given that this property is in the 5 compensatory floodplain defined in the Spokane 6 Valley Municipal Plan as an area where development 7 cannot reduce the volume of water stored, these 8 requirements need to take into account all of the 9 properties bordering the extended floodplain due to 10 the interconnectivity of surface and groundwater 11 flow in the area. I have some attachments, and I 12 will provide this letter and all of the attachments 13 to Ms. Barlow by email. 14 The attachment that goes with this is the 15 FEMA floodplain map that shows the extended 16 floodplain goes down East 40th Avenue and extends 17 over across Highway 27 and covers the area that's at 18 the base of Belle Terre and the housing division in 19 that area. Revision A-11 in part says remove the 20 project area from the compensatory floodplain 21 storage. Based on the definition of compensatory 22 floodplain storage, I'm not sure how it can actually 23 be removed. You can't remove -- there are 24 approximately 60 acres according to the FEMA 25 floodplain maps, a potential flood depth of about a Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 12 1 foot. And that's 60 acre feet of water. And 2 because of our pre-spot cycles here that water tends 3 to all accumulate. 4 And so talking about it in CFS doesn't 5 really help. You need to talk about it in volume. 6 And that volume of water has to go someplace. It's 7 going to go to the outlying floodplain areas. Those 8 are all previously developed areas before this FEMA 9 flood map was initiated. Those properties are going 10 to be affected. Item No. B3A4. And this again -- 11 MR. SHOCKEY: And I need to remind you 12 your three minutes is up. If you can conclude and 13 you certainly can submit your written comments as 14 well. 15 MS. SANDS: Okay. In conclusion, a 16 subdivision of this size and magnitude is completely 17 inappropriate for that property. It's going to 18 affect all of the properties that are on all of the 19 interconnected floodplains in the surrounding area. 20 So I think the city has been wrong in even 21 considering allowing development in this property 22 and they need to do a lot more review and address 23 all of the people that are going to be affected by 24 it. 25 MR. SHOCKEY: Okay. Thank you, Ms. Sands. Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 13 1 SPEAKER: I don't know if Pat Munts is 2 here. 3 MS. MUNTS: I'm here. 4 SPEAKER: Oh, you're right there, Pat. 5 Okay, good. I knew Pat was here. Okay. Nancy 6 Bauchwitz? 7 MR. SHOCKEY: And if I may. I apologize. 8 Followed by Pat Munts, followed by Kent Mayer or 9 Mayer. Thank you. 10 MS. BAUCHWITZ: I agree with everything 11 the previous speaker said. I'm not in favor of this 12 development. I -- we lived here 42 years ago on the 13 north side. When we came back nine years ago we 14 ended up in the valley and we loved everything about 15 the view from our deck which is the northwest. The 16 greens, the trees, the hills, the mountains, the big 17 sky. Our view will be now multi-family dwellings 18 and single-family dwellings and maybe a few hills 19 peaking over the top. I do feel that will affect 20 the property value of the homes in my area. If it 21 does go through, I'm worried about the potential 22 increase in traffic, in the impactedness of the 23 schools, in increased crime in such a -- for the 24 density factor of the dwellings that are going to be 25 built. It is, yes, as the previous speaker said, Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 14 1 far too many for that area. I would prefer a great 2 park. 3 If we -- other places that I have lived, 4 including Southern California which was the 5 development capital of the nation for a long time, 6 when developers are in the planning stages, they do 7 plan into their project to build a new school 8 because of the impact it would have -- because of 9 the plan's impact on the current schools. And after 10 they build the new school, as part of their project, 11 they deed that over to the school district at their 12 expense. So it's a gift, if you will. But also 13 helps with the impacting of the schools. And I think 14 that's all I have to say. Thank you. 15 MR. SHOCKEY: Thank you very much. 16 And we have Pat Munts, followed by Kent 17 Mayer, followed by Randy McNeice. 18 MS. MUNTS: My name is Pat Munts, M-u-n-t- 19 s. I have lived in the very north of Painted Hills 20 area for 40 years. My first introduction to that 21 area was to come in with our realtor, up the back 22 way off Dishman Mica and then down over the hill 23 going north on Mohawk because the field was flooded. 24 And it was flooded a full third of this development. 25 Now, that was the mid to late '70s. In the last 40 Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 15 1 years I've seen it flood multiple times, including 2 after they tried to clean the creek out and put in 3 the drainpipes under the road. And in some cases in 4 the last seven, eight years, it was flooded for a 5 full three months. Now, I have a background in 6 resource management, wildlife, gardening, and soil. 7 The water table in that area is very high. 8 I have seen holes in the late summer full 9 of water. I have seen wildlife in that area use 10 that creek heavily because it is the only source of 11 water in the region come July, August, and 12 September. I have seen wildlife displaced 13 throughout the development of the Creek at Chester 14 and Alderwood. In fact, we've had deer that have 15 been killed on that road repeatedly. Now, when they 16 put in the Chester Creek development, they actually 17 had to raise the elevation of the lots closest to 18 the creek because they were below the flood line. 19 If this development is going to be 20 considered, the wildlife has to be considered, the 21 plantings that they are using to put in for 22 landscaping need to be wildlife friendly, native 23 focused. And if this is going to be a community 24 area, then the community -- and I'm talking about 25 everybody outside the gates -- needs to have access Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 16 1 to some part of it. This land is an old lakebed. I 2 have seen great beach sands when we built our house. 3 As a floodplain issue first of all discussed by Ms. 4 Sands, this is a floodplain. This is an old lakebed 5 that will fill with water again. The best thing 6 that can happen to this property is that maybe half 7 of it be developed. The rest of it needs to be 8 taken over by the City of Spokane Valley as a 9 retention area turned into a city park. Thank you. 10 MR. SHOCKEY: Thank you very much. Let's 11 see. Next would be Kent Mayer, followed by Randy 12 McNeice, followed by Gary Lake. I'm going to 13 butcher some of these names, and I apologize. 14 SPEAKER: Does it say Gary Lake and Pamela 15 Lake, Pam Lake? 16 MR. SHOCKEY: You know, it does. I 17 apologize. 18 Let me real quickly look at our court 19 reporter. Is everybody doing well? 20 COURT REPORTER: The slower they speak the 21 better, but that's quite all right. 22 MR. SHOCKEY: Okay, that sounds good. 23 Okay, go ahead, sir. 24 MR. MAYER: My name is Kent Mayer. I'm a 25 fishery biologist for a state agency. I can't say Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 17 1 which one because I'm here on my own. I have a 2 master's degree in Fisheries and a bachelor's degree 3 in Forestry. I know a lot of big words like fluvial 4 geomorphology, hydraulic connectivity, and 5 anastomosing, so I get it. I've been through the 6 SEPA process. I've written EISs. I've critiqued 7 EISs. Most of this what I'm going to say is 8 addressed to city staff and their environmental 9 crews. I've been there. Chester Creek came within 10 inches from flooding at the ridge this year and this 11 flooding isn't over one day; it's over a period of 12 weeks. Houses flooded. I see a lot of nice 13 pictures here. I don't see a single house but I see 14 a hell of a lot of pavement. 15 From my perspective as a fish biologist, 16 pavement and salmon are not compatible. Now, we're 17 not talking about salmon but there's going to be no 18 less water with pavement. And if they think they 19 can capture floodwaters, they're crazy. You simply 20 have too much CFS going here. We've already heard 21 about acre feet. You're talking about Chester Creek 22 flowing at that high rate for potentially months on 23 end like it did this year, so the amount of water to 24 be captured is millions of gallons. Where is it 25 going to go? How fast is it going to flow? And Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 18 1 what about what's downstream of that? When you put 2 something in a dyke or a levee, why don't you ask 3 New Orleans and Houston how that worked out for 4 them? So my environment -- what I know being a 5 professional biologist is environmental concerns 6 generally don't slow down a project a whole lot. 7 Traffic concerns do, and here's the 8 relatedness. When I went to a Traffic meeting, they 9 said our traffic ratings in this area are about As 10 and Bs. But after this there's going to be Cs and 11 Ds. So I'd like to ask, how would you feel if your 12 kids brought home As and Bs the first couple years 13 of high school and come back and bring back Cs and 14 Ds? Are we simply just going to dumb this down, our 15 environment and our traffic, and just the quality 16 goes out the window from excellent to good down to 17 average or below average. 18 Water is a tricky business. It kills 19 people. I've worked in streams flowing at 3,000 20 CFS. I had to wade in them to do my projects. It's 21 not fun, and it flows 24/7. You're asleep and it's 22 flowing. You wake up and it's flowing. On weekends 23 when you're off work it's flowing. It's always 24 flowing. As I said, pavement and water storage and 25 retention are not compatible. So I'm asking city Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 19 1 staff: How do we hold a standard up that protects 2 people, the environment and their homes and their 3 kids? Having a raging river and a toxic bank worse 4 is going to be worse. And the last thing I'll say 5 is, Mother Nature bats last and we can't get out of 6 it. 7 MR. MCNEICE: My name is Randy McNeice. I 8 have lived in the valley all of my life. I attended 9 Bowdish Junior High and University High School. I'd 10 like to say that I'm not anti-development but I am 11 100 percent anti this development. It is totally 12 inappropriate. I'd like to address an issue that I 13 don't know if anybody else will. I have a letter 14 here addressed to Ms. Lori Barlow and it's from 15 DAHP, and that is the Department of Archaeology and 16 Historic Preservation for the State of Washington. 17 I'd like to quote a couple of lines out of this 18 letter. "Our professional opinion is that the 19 project area has a high probability to contain 20 archaeological resources. The project area is 21 depicted as having the highest probability for 22 containing pre-contact archaeological resources." 23 I'd now like to reflect back to my days in 24 junior high school when that area was an old farm 25 and myself and a number of my friends would often Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 20 1 frequent that farm to shoot gophers. In that 2 endeavor, we noticed a multitude of times that in 3 the fresh dirt around the gopher holes were plates 4 of agate, jasper, and obsidian. And I think for 5 anybody that understands what that is, it's absolute 6 proof that Native Americans used that site and used 7 it for construction of stone tools. And I would 8 encourage the City of the Valley absolutely require 9 an extensive cultural resource study of the golf 10 course site. 11 Now, that site has been disturbed by a lot 12 of dirt being hauled in there for the construction 13 of the golf course, by farming, but I will bet you 14 that if they do an extensive amount of work on that 15 property, the deeper levels, you're going to find 16 that history that's been there for hundreds of 17 years, and I encourage the City of the Valley to 18 include that in their requirements. Thank you. 19 MR. SHOCKEY: Okay. Next, with apologies, 20 we have Pam Lake's group. 21 SPEAKER: That's right. 22 MS. LAKE: Thank you. My name is Pam 23 Lake, L-a-k-e. My address is 11912 East 40th. I'm 24 speaking as a citizen of Spokane Valley and a 25 neighbor of what was previously the golf course. The Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 21 1 housing that is proposed will be much more densely 2 populated than what is in the surrounding area. 3 This will increase the traffic on ill-equipped 4 streets and the schools. It will also increase the 5 crime in our area and affect our property value. 6 Thank you for listening. 7 MR. SHOCKEY: Thank you. Now, we do have 8 next Jill and/or Frank Cobb. After then, John and 9 Kathy Sisser. After them John and it looks like 10 Lorri Clarizio. Good evening. 11 MR. COBB: My name is Frank Cobb. My wife 12 and I live right on the old number five green, right 13 on the old golf course. I want to talk about the 14 floodplain engineering. The developer has designed a 15 very complex system. It's designed to handle the 16 spring runoff and all this floodwater we're talking 17 about. It's a system of catch basins, pipes, 18 drywells, weirs, and it's complex. And it's going 19 to have to be maintained and at times repaired. 20 And the developer has proposed -- I've 21 read the engineering on this and the comments, and 22 the developer has proposed that a future homeowner's 23 association for this community, if it's built out, 24 will be responsible for the maintenance and 25 operation of this floodplain mitigation system. Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 22 1 I think this is totally, totally unreasonable, 2 because most homeowners' associations just plain 3 don't work. It wouldn't surprise me that we're 4 going to see a weather event at some point in the 5 future that could overwhelm a system like this and 6 it makes no sense for the city to approve it. 7 So my question to the city is, do you find 8 this proposal acceptable? I think we need an answer 9 to that because I don't think it is. Thank you. 10 MR. SHOCKEY: Next is the Sissers. 11 MR. SISSER: My name is John Sisser, S-i- 12 s-s-e-r. I have spent 10 years in Southern 13 California living in probably the fastest growing 14 community in the country at that time. I sat on a 15 commission that every developer had to go through to 16 submit its plans for parks, recreation, and schools. 17 I sat there and asked questions. They had to make 18 the changes and they had to pay for the changes and 19 dedicate all that land to the city or to the school 20 district. So we worked together, the three of us, 21 the school district, the city, and the developer, to 22 come up with an equal plan. This is not happening 23 here. Another thing I want to address is the water 24 that's going to be generated that's going to come on 25 that property has to stay on that property. It Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 23 1 cannot be taken off some other way and got to a 2 different spot that we don't know about yet that 3 somebody probably has got a thought in their head of 4 how they're going to do that. That's all I've got 5 to say. 6 MR. SHOCKEY: Thank you. And let's see. 7 Next we have John and I think Lorri Clarizio? 8 MR. CLARIZIO: Clarizio. 9 MR. SHOCKEY: Oh, thank you. 10 MR. CLARIZIO: My name is John Clarizio, 11 C-l-a-r-i-z-i-o. After reviewing the conditional 12 use permit, CUE-26-85, many points stand out as to 13 why all 15 agencies agree to the only use for the 75 14 acres is a golf course. Here are some of the 15 points. The County Engineer's office granted a 16 development permit under the Floodplain Management 17 Program and under the National Insurance Program. 18 The permit will be issued under the condition that 19 there will be no adverse onsite and offsite impacts 20 due to any excavation regarding any excavation 21 rearranging of the landscape. Fill can only be used 22 from within the site. It was estimated by the 23 applicant that 150,000 cubic yards, revised down to 24 30,000 cubic yards of soil material will be 25 rearranged to accomplish the golf course design. Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 24 1 The clubhouse and driving range will be 2 built on the same site as the existing farmhouse. 3 The 100-year floodplain for Chester Creek is 4 included in most of this site. The challenge will 5 be to see -- excuse me, the challenge will be to see 6 that any alteration of the terrain on the site does 7 not adversely affect upstream or downstream 8 properties contained in the floodplain area. The 9 site has been designated as a critical materials use 10 activity under the aquifers sensitivity area overlay 11 zone and there shall be requirements to construct 12 the proper place for the storage and handling of 13 critical materials. The conditional use permit is 14 granted in perpetuity. The golf course will be 15 located in a designated flood hazard zone. 16 Documents on the file state that the 75 17 acres is a floodplain, floodway, as well as 18 wetlands. The soil is clay, silt, loam. Paved 19 driveways are prohibited in a 100-year flood zone. 20 No more than five percent of a 100-year flood zone 21 area shall be covered by impervious surfaces or 22 fill. Information from the United States Bank 23 Servicing court case, Case No. 12-036113-PCW11 24 concerning Painted Hills says two-thirds of the site 25 within the floodplain zone is -- two-thirds of the Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 25 1 site within the flood zone is 61 acres. One-third 2 of the site is outside the flood zone and it's 30 3 acres. The total unusable area is 61.03 acres and 4 the market value of the property is $930,000. Thank 5 you. 6 MR. SHOCKEY: Thank you. Next I have 7 Velvet Bachman. 8 MS. BACHMAN: My name is Velvet Bachman, 9 V-e-l-v-e-t, and my last name is B-a-c-h-m-a-n. I'm 10 here to represent myself, my family, and neighbors 11 like me. We moved to that area about six years ago. 12 It took us about six months to find a home and we 13 decided on that place because it overlooked the 14 mountain and the golf course. It had a beautiful 15 view. Right now we're concerned about not only our 16 view going away but the square footage of our 17 property if we lose our basement because of flood 18 issues in the future. We're also concerned about the 19 school. 20 We have two children that are three and 21 five years old, and what that's going to do to the 22 schools because we know in the past that schools had 23 been full, and even though we live two blocks away 24 from there we may not be able to -- our kids may not 25 be able to attend that school. We're also concerned Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 26 1 about the traffic. Right now we take our children 2 to daycare and there's a lot of traffic in that 3 area. We're concerned about the property value and 4 how that might affect our home. And those are 5 issues that when we purchased the home were not 6 there and we hope that you consider them. Thank 7 you. 8 MR. SHOCKEY: Thank you. 9 MR. SHOCKEY: Okay. Next, I have Sylvia 10 Passe or Passe, followed by Charlie McGuire, 11 followed by Rose Coalson. Good evening. 12 MS. PASSE: Good evening. My name is 13 Sylvia Passe. I've lived in the Ponderosa now for 14 10 years just down from the golf course. When we 15 heard about all of this development that was 16 proposed we were quite upset because it truthfully 17 seemed like money talks. Money, if you have the 18 money, you can get the floodplain designation 19 changed, and that's exactly what's happening here. 20 Besides all the flooding -- it was tremendous 21 flooding this last spring. And with ice dams and 22 flooding in people's homes. The traffic that's 23 going to be increased on these roads is going to be 24 horrendous. We've been to the traffic study 25 meetings, which basically the people that went to Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 27 1 the meetings were just blown off. 2 This should not be happening in our city. 3 We bought out there because it's large. The lots 4 are large. It's more of a country feel. I don't 5 know all the big words like the previous folks, but 6 this is just wrong. Our schools are already 7 overcrowded. The crime is getting worse and you 8 bring in such a dense amount of homes, it's going -- 9 it's just going to multiply. We don't have enough 10 deputies or police in this county and in this city 11 as it is. And what's going to happen to the 12 surrounding neighborhoods? We're all at risk. 13 Thank you. 14 MR. SHOCKEY: Thank you. 15 MR. SHOCKEY: Charlie McGuire, Rose 16 Coalson, followed by Sandy Pavelich. 17 MR. MCGUIRE: Hi, my name is Charlie 18 McGuire. An environmental impact study needs to 19 consider the effects of the aquifer below this 20 property. And there is a water well in this area. 21 And presently, the old golf course has turned into a 22 giant weed patch, and the heavy rains have produced 23 weeds that are waist high. The billions of seeds 24 from these seeds are viable for 20 years. Most 25 homeowners use Roundup to kill weeds. If 500 homes Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 28 1 use a gallon of Roundup a year, that will add up to 2 10,000 gallons of Roundup in the next 20 years to 3 kill these seeds. 4 In addition, many neighbors in this area 5 spray for spiders. These are big, ugly, one-inch 6 long spiders. My neighbor has his property sprayed 7 three times a year to kill these spiders. Any new 8 homes will have the same spiders and want to spray 9 them. These thousands of gallons of herbicides and 10 pesticides will affect our health. There's a clear 11 link between Parkinson's disease and exposure to 12 these chemicals. 13 After 20 years of new spraying, we could 14 say we killed all the weeds and spiders, but the 15 water is not safe to drink. I propose a low impact 16 change to this property that has a low population 17 density. The Fairchild Air Base poisoned their 18 aquifer with fire-retardant foam. This week, many 19 millions of dollars were added to clean up their 20 poisoned water. We should learn from their 21 mistakes. Thank you. 22 MR. SHOCKEY: And after Rose Coalson we'll 23 have Sandy Pavelich and Dan Pavelich. 24 MS. COALSON: My name is Rose Coalson. 25 The last name is spelled C-o-a-l-s-o-n. I'm a Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 29 1 resident of Painted Hills since January '79, and I 2 experienced the firestorm in October of 1991. We 3 were told in the afternoon to evacuate, whereupon we 4 loaded up our car with two kids, our pets, and some 5 belongings. We left on Free Drive headed north on 6 Madison, along with many other neighbors. Many 7 cars, even boats, with belongings and people were 8 leaving the area. We have two exits to leave that 9 neighborhood, basically. This is Mohawk to Dishman 10 Mica and Mohawk to Madison. It's 2017 now. 11 There are more homes that have been built 12 in Painted Hills, plus we have the two communities 13 along Madison, the Creek at Chester and the 14 Alderwood Estates area. And I notice from the map 15 back there that they are looking at putting four 16 more exits into Madison. That means at present more 17 people right now before this is built to evacuate in 18 case of an emergency. So adding another 500-plus 19 homes to the area along Madison and Thorpe would 20 further slow down the evacuation process in case of 21 a fire emergency. And after such a fire in Painted 22 Hills, rain would follow, which means more flooding 23 events in the area. It's not a matter of if there's 24 going to be a fire, it's when. Thank you. 25 MRS. PAVELICH: My name is Sandy Pavelich, Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 30 1 P-a-v-e-l-i-c-h, and I would like to talk about the 2 wildlife corridors. Our state has been working to 3 make sure these areas remain open for wildlife. 4 Everyone knows we have pictures of eagles, moose, 5 elk, cougars, and many more species that are in this 6 area. We need this area left open with a source of 7 water for our wildlife. The 10-acre park area will 8 not meet these needs. In the Black proposal, there 9 will be fencing in these areas. In the 10 recommendation from the Washington Department of 11 Fish and Wildlife it states, and I am quoting, 12 "There will be little value of a wildlife corridor 13 for elk due to the surrounding development. It is 14 highly unlikely that these animals will move through 15 this area anymore." And that is from Karin Divins. 16 I also would like to mention in the 17 Whipple Report for the Black development, their 18 biology, soil, and water expert, Larry Dawes, has 19 written a memo to Henry Allen that states, and this 20 is a quote, "After reading Clomer's (phonetic) 21 stuff, it was only then that I learned about mounds 22 and steel plates along the creek base. I hadn't 23 included any mitigation for those impacts in the 24 biological evaluation. I need detailed engineering 25 drawings showing how and where the structures will Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 31 1 be built. I will treat this as a temporary impact 2 with no net loss of buffer." 3 So you can see that this development will 4 completely change the quality of life in the 5 community that we live in. And this is the area 6 that we have chosen to live with open space and for 7 the animals that cross this area. Thank you. 8 MR. SHOCKEY: As Dan makes his way to the 9 microphone, next would be Art Fried, Candace Gropp, 10 and Todd Gropp. 11 MR. PAVELICH: My name is Pavelich. I'm 12 her husband. You have the spelling of my name. So 13 I'm going to have to go quickly. Three minutes is a 14 short period of time to address the scoping that we 15 have in front of us today. The scope needs to 16 include not only the impact on our natural 17 environment but also the impact on our human 18 environment. I think that definition is totally 19 understood by the city. With approximately 6,000 car 20 trips a day, the scope should include detailed time 21 data for infrastructure improvements, including the 22 projected present value cost for the responsible 23 parties. The scope needs to address fire 24 evacuation. The scope should include projected 25 school enrollments over the duration of the Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 32 1 evolvement to completion, projected capacity, 2 restraints, and the mitigation thereof, including 3 the financing. The schools are already exceeding 4 capacity. I'll read the following from Central 5 Valley School District in response to -- 6 MR. SHOCKEY: Excuse me. You've got a lot 7 of stuff there and I know that you've been on the 8 record with a lot of information. You might be 9 going a little too fast. I'm going to give you four 10 minutes. 11 MR. PAVELICH: Can you give me more than 12 three minutes? 13 MR. SHOCKEY: How's that? So -- 14 MR. PAVELICH: Do you have what I have so 15 far? I don't want to repeat it because I only have 16 three minutes and I'm taking up my time now. So, 17 are you okay? Great. I'll slow down then. So let 18 me read from the Central Valley response on SEPA: 19 Thank you for the opportunity to have 20 impact regarding this development. The district 21 believes it is important that everyone understand 22 that even the adjusted capacity due to new 23 construction, that students within this area will 24 likely not attend the schools within this boundary 25 area. Depending on buildout, capacity will be Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 33 1 limited and the students in this new development 2 will likely attend a school other than Chester 3 Elementary. And they signed it, "Thank you." 4 The property sits on a FEMA 100-year 5 floodplain. It has vastly exceeded this flooding 6 frequency. In addition, it is a compensatory water 7 storage area which has been spoken about before. 8 The scope needs to address this impact. The 9 developer is proposing that an HOA become 10 financially and administratively -- excuse me, 11 administratively responsible for the operation and 12 maintenance of the flood control facilities. The 13 scope needs to include who will bear the enhanced 14 responsibility when a proposed HOA becomes defunct, 15 and there are comments within written material from 16 the city that we have obtained that they questioned 17 the same issue. 18 I have forwarded it on to counsel for the 19 city the Phillips versus King County case, very 20 appropriate. Determine if the applicant is the legal 21 owner of the property. Many statements of ownership 22 are being made in public that are conflicting to 23 that stated in the application. Determine that the 24 applicant owns all the property that is included in 25 the preliminary plats representing the apartments in Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 34 1 the proposed location. 2 Determine that the developer can achieve 3 the right to unobstructed views to the triangle 4 pond, also known as a barrow pit, including ingress/ 5 egress, reflect controlled infrastructure. The 6 city's National Floodplain Insurance Program is 7 being put to risk when the system fails. The city 8 needs to address the resulting impact when this 9 occurs. 10 In an email dated November 18, 2015, Scott 11 McKinney, Washington State Department of Ecology, to 12 one of the city staff members, whose name has 13 already been mentioned, involved in this proposed 14 development, Mr. McKinney states: First, building 15 levees is not something we encourage communities to 16 do. In fact, we discourage them. The scope needs 17 to address and reconcile the state's view versus the 18 view of the developer and so on. Wetlands have been 19 identified by the state. 20 A wetlands expert does not weigh 21 sufficient mitigation by the developer. This needs 22 to be addressed in the scope. I'm the president of 23 Painted Hills Preservation Association which 24 strongly opposes the plan as designed and presented 25 to the city. We'll be sending a letter on our Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 35 1 behalf. Included in the letter of transmittal or 2 the letter will be alternate plans that one of our 3 urban planners -- our urban planner has put 4 together. 5 That concludes my comments. Thank you. 6 MR. SHOCKEY: Okay. Thank you very much. 7 And we have Art Fried, followed by Candace 8 Gropp, followed by Todd Gropp, followed by somebody 9 whose last name is May. And I don't know if I can 10 make out this first name. We'll get to that. Go 11 ahead. 12 MR. FRIED: Hi, my name is Art Fried. I 13 just want to tell you, from talking to the city 14 council, how intelligent the people are that are out 15 there that took the time to study this for you. And 16 I mean in a big way they are concerned. And if I 17 was on this council for the city, I would sincerely 18 look over it carefully. It's nothing you want to 19 make a mistake on because it's going to cost 20 everybody in the long run. The city, I understand, 21 I'm quoting for a fact, had the opportunity to 22 purchase this as a nice little golf course, turn it 23 into a beautiful city park which we don't really 24 have one. You know, maybe you ought to look at 25 this, folks. This was fine. Everything was fine, Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 36 1 but you went in what direction? You want to go now 2 and develop it with all these different homes and 3 traffic. I live out beyond there and I'm going to 4 have to deal with this traffic. 5 The way I see it, you'll probably have to 6 make a four-lane highway going both directions to 7 get the traffic in and out of there. And why should 8 we have to live with that when it shouldn't be done 9 in the first place. It should have been left as a 10 golf course, which you first agreed upon. You 11 should have bought it. That's about all I really 12 need to say. You have a lot of intelligent people 13 here. They all knew in the city hall. 14 Please, by all means, take note of what 15 these fine folks brought to your attention. We 16 aren't sitting here taking our time, our evenings, 17 just to waste our, you know, hear ourselves talk. 18 This is serious business. Okay? And I appreciate 19 the opportunity and I hope you take to heart all the 20 things they all said. Thank you. 21 MR. SHOCKEY: Candace Gropp? 22 MS. GROPP: Hi, Candace Gropp. I just 23 want to reiterate what Dan said a little bit about 24 the schools. The schools within the boundary are 25 over capacity as it is and the district commented Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 37 1 students in the area will not likely attend the 2 schools within the boundary area. Just a question 3 for the city, at what point will the city make a 4 decision based on the additional adverse effects of 5 the overcrowding and less desirable school 6 environment on our students, families, and school 7 personnel imposed by this potential development? 8 The school district, students, and families are left 9 to deal with these adverse effects of a development 10 that is detrimental on every level and should be 11 part of the EIS. Thank you. 12 MR. SHOCKEY: And Todd Gropp? 13 MR. GROPP: Thank you. My name is Todd 14 Gropp. I live directly east of the -- on Madison 15 Road east of the golf course. I oppose the density 16 of the project and its negative effect on traffic, 17 schools, safety, wildlife, and the general feel of 18 the area, let alone the flooding that migrates east 19 of the golf course onto my property, my wife and I's 20 property. 21 While all of the previously mentioned 22 issues are important, I feel water quality is one of 23 the most important. Several people have talked 24 about the flooding, but I'd like to confirm that the 25 city would not only look into the stormwater and Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 38 1 flooding issues but also look into the safeguarding 2 of the water. Chester Creek originates at a Super 3 Fund dumpsite south of the building site in Mica. 4 I would hope that the city would confirm 5 that the water is free of any dangerous contaminants 6 before it allows a developer to inject this water 7 into an aquifer that serves over 400 to 500,000 8 people. As it currently works, the golf course 9 works as a natural filter to help purify the water 10 before it reaches the aquifer. 11 I hope this natural filter is respected 12 and the people that rely on this water are 13 protected. Thank you. 14 MR. SHOCKEY: Thank you. 15 Now, again, with apologies, your last name 16 is May. 17 MS. MAY: I think everything is being well 18 said. 19 MR. SHOCKEY: Okay. 20 MS. MAY: So I'm -- take my name out. 21 MR. SHOCKEY: All right. Thank you very 22 much. Now, they put the clock behind me so I got to 23 turn around here. Actually, we've been through the 24 list of those who said they wanted to speak. Now, 25 would anybody like to come forward with any Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 39 1 additional comments? And let me reiterate, if a 2 comment has been said once it's on the record, so 3 not to repeat what somebody else has said but 4 something new. Ms. -- is it Pat Munt? 5 MS. MUNTS: Munts. 6 MR. SHOCKEY: Munts. Pat Munts again. 7 MS. MUNTS: One thing that has not been 8 mentioned is that one of the reasons we have 9 flooding in that area is that Chester Creek tends to 10 fill up with grass, trees, and the like and then not 11 get cleaned out. And then it starts flooding and 12 backing up into that area. Unless this development 13 also puts in some kind of mechanism for maintaining 14 that creek, the water is going to get worse the 15 longer the creek is ignored and not cleaned up. 16 Thank you. 17 MR. SHOCKEY: I saw a hand back here. 18 Yes, sir? And your name for the record, please? 19 MR. KABBEN: Jim Kabben, K-a-b-b-e-n. A 20 lot of comments about the traffic and so on, but one 21 thing I want to mention is that as you drive east -- 22 or west on Thorpe Road, you come to Dishman Mica, 23 and I notice there's a lot of children that cross 24 over the railroad tracks, go to the school over 25 here, and the traffic is already busy enough. Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 40 1 There's no crossing guards, nothing like that, and I 2 believe this is a very dangerous area in itself 3 right now, let alone what would happen if this 4 development proceeds. Thank you. 5 MR. SHOCKEY: I see another hand right 6 here. 7 MR. MCNEICE: I've already spoken and my 8 name is Randy McNeice. I have a question I'd like to 9 address to the mayor of the city and to the city 10 council. Instead of representing one developer that 11 does not live in this area, why don't I challenge 12 them to partner with the people that are opposing 13 this development, to regain control of that property 14 and make a significant effort to create a park and 15 recreation facility that represents the people of 16 this district instead of representing one developer? 17 Thank you. 18 MR. SHOCKEY: Okay. I'm looking for any 19 new hands at all. Okay. Right there. 20 MS. PAVELICH: Okay. I've already said 21 something but I would like to mention the critical - 22 - 23 MR. SHOCKEY: Could you identify yourself? 24 MS. PAVELICH: Sandy Pavelich. The 25 critical aquifer area. I have in some of my Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 41 1 information that I have received from the City of 2 the Valley that is in a grant that they applied for 3 that says drywells will affect the water that goes 4 into the aquifer. And this proposal is planning on 5 lots of drywells by the convent, so I think that 6 really needs to be looked into. Thank you. 7 MR. SHOCKEY: Thank you. 8 Okay. Anyone else? We're not going to 9 actually get out of here an hour early, are we? 10 Well, I think -- now, I do know that -- oh, I'm 11 sorry. Oh, that's my left-hand vision. Sorry. 12 MR. GIANNINI: My name is Lon Giannini. 13 And I just have some concerns about the whole 14 development. I don't think there's going to be any 15 way to solve the flooding issue. I just don't see 16 that happening. The water has to go somewhere, and 17 with that size of a development I just don't think 18 it's going to be solved effectively. With 500 plus 19 homes or dwellings, you're going to have 750 plus 20 cars added to that area. Right? Those roads are 21 not going to be able to handle that capacity, that 22 increase for one way. You know, it's a two-lane 23 street. Same with South Pines. You have the 24 school. 25 You have morning school traffic every Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 42 1 morning that's inundated with cars and kids walking 2 to school, crossing the streets. It's going to 3 increase hazards and safety to kids. That's a huge 4 increase of activity. The crime, a lot of things 5 people have stated. The crime is going to increase. 6 I've seen in my neighborhood an increase of crime. 7 With that kind of increase of dwellings it's going 8 to just escalate. 9 I understand, okay, you know, it looks 10 pretty nice on the map there. Assuming you could 11 solve all of these flooding issues, right, you have 12 The Reserve, which is a larger lot, little section. 13 That's nice. Then you have The Meadows. Really 14 compact in there like sardines. And then you have 15 the other section where I don't really understand it 16 but it's own/rental, and then you have the 17 Apartments. 18 So, okay, you have a nice Reserve. Okay, 19 that may not impact the rest of the homes and the 20 values. But then you put apartments right next to 21 it. That's going to devalue everything. Then you 22 put in The Meadows, okay, middle of the road. But 23 then you put in a rental section right in there and 24 that's the devalue. Rental does not increase value. 25 Rentals is going to devalue our property. Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 43 1 So, I mean, my question to the council, 2 what's your motivation here? I don't understand. 3 We have all these safety concerns, complete impact 4 to the environment, complete impact to the roads 5 that cannot handle the capacity, increased safety 6 for our children. The schools, the classes are 7 going to increase in size. What's your motivation? 8 Property taxes? I don't understand. Don't get it. 9 What could be such a driving factor for 10 you to say, oh, this is an awesome idea? This is a 11 plus for everybody. I don't see any pluses yet 12 except for the people who don't know what they're 13 buying when they come into the development until 14 it's said and done and then they find all the issues 15 after the fact. 16 They're not going to understand what the 17 capacity of the car traffic and everything and how 18 it's impacting everybody around. They will once 19 they get into the house. What's your motivation 20 here? How is this a plus for the city, for the 21 neighbors, for the neighborhood, for the valley? I 22 don't understand. 23 MR. SHOCKEY: Okay. 24 MR. GIANNINI: Thank you. 25 MR. SHOCKEY: Thank you. Excuse me, could Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 44 1 -- could you spell your name for the record? 2 MR. GIANNINI: Sure. First name is Lon, 3 L-o-n. Last name G-i-a-n-n-i-n-i. 4 MR. SHOCKEY: Thank you very much. Okay. 5 Another hand up. Now, I do want to remind people 6 this is a meeting on the scoping of an EIS at a 7 public hearing on the permit that will be later so 8 go right ahead. 9 MS. NEVERS: My name is Chante Nevers, 10 just like Never with an S at the end. My name is on 11 the list. I know that I have sent in numerous 12 letters and I've been on the list for a number of 13 times. I'm sorry I did not come prepared to speak 14 at this so I will make this very short and I will 15 follow up with a letter and an email to Lori as you 16 guys have expressed, by Friday. But one of the 17 things that we really -- I don't think has been 18 looked into is the neighborhoods. I live in 19 Midilome East, which everybody cuts through, and I 20 guarantee you that will become only even more of a 21 problem with four entranceways and exit ways onto 22 Madison. That is the primary way many, many of the 23 kids and parents use Midilome East to get to 24 Chester, to get to Horizon Middle School. 25 I expressed that through Sean Messner, who Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 45 1 is no longer with the city. We have talked on 2 multiple occasions. I've even been commented on with 3 the Whipple when he was consulted through, and 4 basically what it was told was our neighborhood was 5 no issue. That according to their count that we're 6 okay to have all of these extra cars going through 7 our neighborhood. That we're just making news to 8 make news. 9 And to me that means that the city is not 10 addressing the citizens that live within our 11 streets. And so all I'm asking is that you listen to 12 us one more time and consider our children, our 13 animals, the people who live on our streets, that 14 this will impact us to a great degree and that we 15 need to be heard so that nobody, no pedestrian is 16 hurt because of all this traffic. 17 So thank you very much for your time 18 tonight. 19 MR. SHOCKEY: Thank you. 20 MR. MCGUIRE: I'm Charlie McGuire. This 21 property lies between two foothills. It's flat. 22 And every morning and every evening, deer families 23 egress across this property, and they've been doing 24 -- my property is above them so I see them every 25 morning. I see them every evening. The deer Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 46 1 families go across. And so they may have been doing 2 this for thousands of years. Now, I have not seen 3 any easement on the development plans, and so I hope 4 that if this goes through there will be a way for 5 the deer to cross safely and not have to go on the 6 city streets. Thank you. 7 MR. SHOCKEY: Anyone else? 8 MS. MCNEICE: My name is Janet McNeice. 9 I'd just like to make a point of clarification. My 10 understanding is, and I do not have the details in 11 front of me, but when they did the car and road 12 usage count, our understanding being reported to us 13 is that the count was taken on a holiday, not while 14 the kids were in school, not while parents were 15 running their children to and from school. It was 16 done on a holiday when some people are not even 17 going to work. Obviously, that's going to alter the 18 count. And it could be corrected but that's what's 19 been reported to us. 20 MR. SHOCKEY: Okay. Looking for 21 additional hands. And what I was going to ask again 22 here in a second, when we adjourn, I think those 23 boards will stay up for a while and that open house 24 that started at 5:30 can probably continue for a 25 little while longer. I think they're trying to get Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 47 1 folks out of the building by 8 o'clock or so. But 2 having said that, any other comments? 3 MR. FRIED: I just one more comment. 4 MR. SHOCKEY: Yeah, well, say it at the 5 mic. 6 MR. FRIED: My voice is loud enough, it 7 don't need a mic. 8 MR. SHOCKEY: Well -- 9 MR. FRIED: But anyhow, I'm back again. I 10 just want to say I sincerely want the city folks 11 that are, you know, on our council, I voted for you 12 to start the city. I was all behind it. And, you 13 know, you went out and you built a brand new city 14 hall. You had a perfectly good building. Okay, you 15 done that. That's to improve the city. But why 16 didn't you just think of this? You could have 17 purchased this property for a song, kept the golf 18 course going. 19 It hasn't been a park, but was a golf 20 course. All this wouldn't be a part of it. And it 21 was told to you very clearly that would be a great 22 thing for the city to do. Look at over here at the 23 Valley down here. 24 They've got a little golf course up and 25 that city is going wild. Okay? They've got a city Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 48 1 park. They've got a golf course. Why should we be 2 any different? And it wouldn't have had no the 3 impact. Everything would stay the same. A little 4 more cars coming to the park, people enjoying 5 themselves. I'll tell you folks, that's where you 6 ought to go. Just pay this man his money back. 7 Turn it back into something like a city park and 8 everybody could be dancing. And we'd all vote for 9 whoever likes to dance with me. Okay? 10 MR. SHOCKEY: You heard it here first, 11 folks. 12 And if your taxes go up, you've got 13 (inaudible). 14 MR. FRIED: At least it's going for a good 15 cause. 16 MR. SHOCKEY: Yeah. 17 MR. FRIED: Okay. It's not lining 18 somebody's pocket. 19 MR. SHOCKEY: We are going to conclude. 20 And I just want to say that I truly appreciate the 21 civility and the well-structured arguments that I 22 heard tonight. Now, you may not say that to me when 23 you see the EIS that we write, but hopefully you 24 will. But it's been very enjoyable to hear you all 25 tonight. Stay tuned. I'm not sure of the exact Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 49 1 date but probably within a couple of weeks anyway, 2 you're going to see a final scoping document. So 3 you will see what's going to end up in the EIS. 4 And we don't have estimates on the EIS 5 itself but it will be issued for public comment. 6 But if you're on the record you are going to be 7 notified when that hits the streets. So with that, 8 I'm not sure if there are any comments here. By all 9 means, go back and look at those and talk to people 10 and talk to each other and we will see you the next 11 time we meet here. 12 (WHEREUPON, at 7:09 p.m., the meeting was 13 adjourned.) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CERTIFICATE Erin Evelyn Barnhill I, Erin Evelyn Barnhill, do hereby certify that I reported all proceedings adduced in the foregoing matter and that the foregoing transcript pages constitutes a full, true and accurate record of said proceedings to the best of my ability. I further certify that I am neither related to counsel or any party to the proceedings nor have any interest in the outcome of the proceedings. IN WITNESS HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 16th day of October, 2017. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 51 $ $930,000 25:4 1 10 22:12 26:14 10,000 28:2 100 19:11 100-year 24:3 24:19 24:20 33:4 107 8:24 10-acre 30:7 11912 20:23 12-036113- PCW11 24:23 15 23:13 150,000 23:23 18 34:10 1991 29:2 2 20 27:24 28:2 28:13 200 5:11 2015 3:1 34:10 2017 2:6 4:20 29:10 24/7 18:21 25 2:6 4:20 253 8:1 8:2 27 11:17 280 6:2 29th 7:23 3 3,000 18:19 30 25:2 30,000 23:24 300 6:1 4 4.8 10:25 4.9 11:2 40 14:20 14:25 400 38:7 40th 11:16 20:23 42 13:12 5 5 7:23 5:30 46:24 500 27:25 41:18 500,000 38:7 500-plus 29:18 6 6,000 31:19 6:00 2:7 60 11:24 12:1 61 25:1 61.03 25:3 7 7:09 49:12 70s 14:25 75 23:13 24:16 750 41:19 79 29:1 8 8 10:7 47:1 A A-10 10:24 A-11 11:19 able 9:10 25:24 25:25 41:21 absolute 20:5 absolutely 20:8 acceptable 22:8 access 15:25 accomplish 23:25 according 11:24 45:5 account 11:8 accumulate 12:3 accurately 5:19 achieve 34:2 acre 12:1 17:21 acres 11:24 23:14 24:17 25:1 25:3 25:3 across 11:17 45:23 46:1 Act 5:8 activities 5:10 activity 24:10 42:4 actual 3:19 actually 11:22 15:16 38:23 41:9 add 28:1 added 28:19 41:20 adding 29:18 addition 6:13 28:4 33:6 additional 7:6 37:4 39:1 46:21 address 10:20 10:23 12:22 19:12 20:23 22:23 31:14 31:23 33:8 34:8 34:17 40:9 addressed 4:13 7:6 17:8 19:14 34:22 addressing 45:10 adequately 7:9 adjourn 46:22 adjourned Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 52 49:13 adjournment 10:7 adjusted 32:22 administrativ ely 33:10 33:11 adverse 23:19 37:4 37:9 adversely 24:7 advisement 6:16 affect 7:14 12:18 13:19 21:5 24:7 26:4 28:10 41:3 affected 12:10 12:23 afternoon 29:3 afterwards 9:19 agate 20:4 agencies 23:13 agency 16:25 ago 13:12 13:13 25:11 agreed 36:10 ahead 16:23 35:11 44:8 Air 28:17 Alderwood 15:14 29:14 Allen 30:19 allowing 12:21 allows 38:6 alone 37:18 40:3 already 7:7 8:1 10:19 17:20 27:6 32:3 34:13 39:25 40:7 40:20 alter 46:17 alteration 24:6 alternate 35:2 am 5:4 5:11 19:10 30:11 Americans 20:6 amount 17:23 20:14 27:8 ample 9:10 analysis 8:5 analyzed 6:13 analyzing 6:9 anastomosing 17:5 and/or 21:8 animals 30:14 31:7 45:13 answer 9:20 22:8 anti 19:11 anti- development 19:10 anybody 19:13 20:5 38:25 anybody's 3:3 anyhow 47:9 anymore 30:15 Anyone 41:8 46:7 anything 4:15 8:19 anyway 49:1 apartments 33:25 42:17 42:20 apologies 20:19 38:15 apologize 13:7 16:13 16:17 applicant 23:23 33:20 33:24 application 3:1 33:23 applied 5:25 41:2 appreciate 36:18 48:20 appropriate 33:20 approval 10:25 approve 22:6 approved 5:14 approximately 11:24 31:19 aquifer 27:19 28:18 38:7 38:10 40:25 41:4 aquifers 24:10 archaeologica l 19:20 19:22 Archaeology 19:15 area 11:6 11:11 11:17 11:19 11:20 12:19 13:20 14:1 14:20 14:21 15:7 15:9 15:24 16:9 18:9 19:19 19:20 19:24 21:2 21:5 24:8 24:10 24:21 25:3 25:11 26:3 27:20 28:4 29:8 29:14 29:19 29:23 30:6 30:6 30:7 30:15 31:5 31:7 32:23 32:25 33:7 37:1 37:2 37:18 Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 53 39:9 39:12 40:2 40:11 40:25 41:20 areas 4:5 12:7 12:8 30:3 30:9 aren't 36:16 arguments 48:21 Art 31:9 35:7 35:12 asleep 18:21 association 21:23 34:23 associations 22:2 Assuming 42:10 attachment 11:14 attachments 11:11 11:12 attend 25:25 32:24 33:2 37:1 attended 19:8 attention 36:15 attributes 3:19 August 15:11 Avenue 11:16 average 18:17 18:17 away 25:16 25:23 awesome 43:10 B B3A4 12:10 bachelor's 17:2 Bachman 25:7 25:8 B-a-c-h-m-a-n 25:9 BACHMAN 25:8 background 15:5 backing 39:12 bank 19:3 24:22 Barlow 7:21 10:16 11:13 19:14 barrow 34:4 base 11:1 11:18 28:17 30:22 based 11:21 37:4 basement 25:17 bases 2:23 basically 26:25 29:9 45:4 basins 21:17 bats 19:5 Bauchwitz 10:15 13:6 13:10 beach 16:2 bear 33:13 beautiful 25:14 35:23 become 33:9 44:20 becomes 33:14 behalf 35:1 behind 38:22 47:12 believe 6:13 9:8 40:2 believes 32:21 Belle 11:18 belongings 29:5 29:7 Besides 26:20 best 16:5 bet 20:13 better 16:21 beyond 36:3 billions 27:23 biological 30:24 biologist 16:25 17:15 18:5 biology 30:18 bit 9:19 36:23 Black 5:25 30:8 30:17 blocks 25:23 blown 27:1 board 3:13 boards 3:2 46:23 boats 29:7 bordering 11:9 bought 27:3 36:11 boundary 32:24 36:24 37:2 Bowdish 19:9 box 7:18 7:18 7:21 brand 47:13 bring 18:13 27:8 brought 18:12 36:15 Bryan 3:24 8:14 8:20 8:24 Bs 18:10 18:12 buffer 31:2 build 14:7 14:10 building 34:14 38:3 47:1 47:14 buildout 32:25 built 13:25 16:2 Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 54 21:23 24:2 29:11 29:17 31:1 47:13 business 18:18 36:18 busy 39:25 butcher 16:13 buying 43:13 C California 14:4 22:13 Candace 31:9 35:7 36:21 36:22 capacity 32:1 32:4 32:22 32:25 36:25 41:21 43:5 43:17 capital 14:5 capture 17:19 captured 17:24 car 29:4 31:19 43:17 46:11 carefully 35:18 cars 29:7 41:20 42:1 45:6 48:4 case 24:23 24:23 29:18 29:20 33:19 cases 15:3 catch 21:17 cause 48:15 center 6:3 CenterPlace 4:20 Central 32:4 32:18 certainly 6:22 12:13 certification 11:3 CFS 12:4 17:20 18:20 challenge 24:4 24:5 40:11 change 28:16 31:4 changed 26:19 changes 22:18 22:18 Chante 44:9 Charlie 26:10 27:15 27:17 45:20 checklist 10:22 chemicals 28:12 Chester 15:13 15:16 17:9 17:21 24:3 29:13 33:2 38:2 39:9 44:24 children 25:20 26:1 39:23 43:6 45:12 46:15 chosen 31:6 circulated 5:20 citizen 6:13 20:24 citizens 8:1 9:4 45:10 city 2:11 2:11 2:19 4:25 5:6 6:7 6:7 7:5 9:5 10:24 12:20 16:8 16:9 17:8 18:25 20:8 20:17 22:6 22:7 22:19 22:21 27:2 27:10 31:19 33:16 33:19 34:7 34:12 34:25 35:13 35:17 35:20 35:23 36:13 37:3 37:3 37:25 38:4 40:9 40:9 41:1 43:20 45:1 45:9 46:6 47:10 47:12 47:13 47:15 47:22 47:25 47:25 48:7 city's 34:6 civility 48:21 clarification 46:9 Clarizio 21:10 23:7 23:8 23:10 C-l-a-r-i-z- i-o 23:11 CLARIZIO 23:8 23:10 classes 43:6 clay 24:18 clean 15:2 28:19 cleaned 39:11 39:15 clear 28:10 clearly 47:21 clock 38:22 Clomer's 30:20 closest 15:17 clubhouse 24:1 Coalson 26:11 27:16 28:22 28:24 C-o-a-l-s-o-n 28:25 Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 55 COALSON 28:24 Cobb 21:8 21:11 21:11 code 3:5 codes 6:6 coming 9:3 48:4 comment 5:10 5:20 7:16 7:17 7:21 8:2 39:2 47:3 49:5 commented 36:25 45:2 comments 4:2 4:22 6:15 6:22 7:5 7:7 7:23 7:25 8:1 8:4 10:12 12:13 21:21 33:15 35:5 39:1 39:20 47:2 49:8 commercial 6:3 commission 22:15 communities 29:12 34:15 community 15:23 15:24 21:23 22:14 31:5 compact 42:14 compatible 17:16 18:25 compensatory 11:5 11:20 11:21 33:6 complete 43:3 43:4 completed 3:7 6:9 completely 12:16 31:4 completion 32:1 complex 21:15 21:18 concerned 25:15 25:18 25:25 26:3 35:16 concerning 9:12 24:24 concerns 4:14 9:6 18:5 18:7 41:13 43:3 conclude 10:12 12:12 48:19 concludes 35:5 conclusion 12:15 condition 23:18 conditional 23:11 24:13 conduct 3:11 conducting 2:18 confirm 37:24 38:4 conflicting 33:22 confusing 5:24 6:25 connectivity 17:4 consider 26:6 27:19 45:12 considered 15:20 15:20 considering 12:21 construct 24:11 construction 20:7 20:12 32:23 consultant 5:5 consulted 45:3 contain 19:19 contained 24:8 containing 19:22 contaminants 38:5 content 5:2 continue 46:24 control 33:12 40:13 controlled 34:5 convened 6:5 convent 41:5 copy 6:11 corrected 46:18 corridor 30:12 corridors 30:2 cost 31:22 35:19 cougars 30:5 council 35:14 35:17 40:10 43:1 47:11 counsel 33:18 count 45:5 46:12 46:13 46:18 country 22:14 27:4 county 23:15 27:10 33:19 couple 18:12 19:17 49:1 course 20:10 20:13 20:25 21:13 23:14 23:25 24:14 25:14 26:14 27:21 35:22 36:10 37:15 37:19 38:8 47:18 47:20 Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 56 47:24 48:1 court 4:9 16:18 16:20 24:23 covered 2:23 24:21 covers 11:17 crazy 17:19 create 40:14 creek 15:2 15:10 15:13 15:16 15:18 17:9 17:21 24:3 29:13 30:22 38:2 39:9 39:14 39:15 crews 17:9 crime 13:23 21:5 27:7 42:4 42:5 42:6 criteria 6:20 6:23 critical 24:9 24:13 40:21 40:25 critiqued 17:6 cross 31:7 39:23 46:5 crossing 40:1 42:2 Cs 18:10 18:13 cubic 23:23 23:24 CUE-26-85 23:12 cultural 20:9 current 14:9 currently 38:8 cuts 44:19 cycles 12:2 D DAHP 19:15 dams 26:21 Dan 28:23 31:8 36:23 dance 48:9 dancing 48:8 dangerous 38:5 40:2 data 31:21 date 49:1 dated 34:10 Dawes 30:18 day 17:11 31:20 daycare 26:2 days 19:23 deadline 7:22 deal 36:4 37:9 decided 2:20 25:13 decision 6:16 7:14 37:4 deck 13:15 dedicate 22:19 deed 14:11 deeper 20:15 deer 15:14 45:22 45:25 46:5 defined 11:5 definition 11:21 31:18 defunct 33:14 degree 17:2 17:2 45:14 dense 27:8 densely 21:1 density 13:24 28:17 37:15 Department 19:15 30:10 34:11 Depending 32:25 depicted 19:21 depth 11:25 deputies 27:10 deputy 2:11 design 23:25 designated 24:9 24:15 designation 26:18 designed 21:14 21:15 34:24 desirable 37:5 detailed 30:24 31:20 details 46:10 determination 3:8 3:9 Determine 33:20 33:23 34:2 determined 5:18 6:8 determining 5:1 detrimental 37:10 devalue 42:21 42:24 42:25 develop 36:2 developed 12:8 16:7 developer 21:14 21:20 21:22 22:15 22:21 33:9 34:2 34:18 34:21 38:6 40:10 40:16 developers 14:6 development 2:3 4:25 10:24 11:6 12:21 13:12 14:5 14:24 15:13 15:16 15:19 19:11 23:16 Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 57 26:15 30:13 30:17 31:3 32:20 33:1 34:14 37:7 37:9 39:12 40:4 40:13 41:14 41:17 43:13 46:3 different 23:2 36:2 48:2 direction 9:1 36:1 directions 36:6 directly 37:14 dirt 20:3 20:12 discourage 34:16 discussed 6:21 7:10 7:13 7:24 16:3 discussion 6:24 disease 28:11 Dishman 14:22 29:9 39:22 displaced 15:12 display 9:16 district 14:11 22:20 22:21 32:5 32:20 36:25 37:8 40:16 disturbed 20:11 Divins 30:15 division 11:18 document 6:10 8:5 49:2 documentation 11:3 documents 8:5 24:16 dollars 28:19 done 36:8 43:14 46:16 47:15 downstream 18:1 24:7 draft 8:3 drainpipes 15:3 drawings 30:25 drink 28:15 drive 29:5 39:21 driveways 24:19 driving 24:1 43:9 drop 7:17 7:21 drywells 21:18 41:3 41:5 Ds 6:10 18:11 18:14 due 11:9 23:20 30:13 32:22 dumb 18:14 dumpsite 38:3 duration 31:25 dwellings 6:2 13:17 13:18 13:24 41:19 42:7 dyke 18:2 E eagles 30:4 earlier 6:4 9:18 early 3:6 41:9 easement 46:3 east 11:16 20:23 37:14 37:15 37:18 39:21 44:19 44:23 Ecology 34:11 effect 37:16 effectively 41:18 effects 27:19 37:4 37:9 effort 40:14 egress 34:5 45:23 eight 15:4 EIS 2:4 3:13 3:19 3:20 5:2 5:18 7:6 7:11 8:3 8:6 8:19 37:11 44:6 48:23 49:3 49:4 EISs 17:6 17:7 either 6:17 Elementary 33:3 elevation 15:17 elevations 11:2 elk 30:5 30:13 else 19:13 39:3 41:8 46:7 email 11:13 34:10 44:15 emergency 29:18 29:21 encourage 20:8 20:17 34:15 encouraged 7:8 endeavor 20:2 engineering 21:14 21:21 30:24 Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 58 Engineer's 23:15 enhanced 33:13 enjoyable 48:24 enjoying 48:4 enrollments 31:25 entranceways 44:21 environment 18:4 18:15 19:2 31:17 31:18 37:6 43:4 environmental 2:14 3:7 3:11 4:4 4:23 5:8 5:17 5:24 6:8 6:18 6:21 6:24 7:2 7:15 9:13 17:8 18:5 27:18 equal 22:22 escalate 42:8 established 5:7 Estates 29:14 estimated 23:22 estimates 49:4 evacuate 29:3 29:17 evacuation 29:20 31:24 evaluation 30:24 evening 4:1 21:10 26:11 26:12 45:22 45:25 evenings 36:16 evening's 5:9 event 22:4 events 29:23 Everett 5:5 everybody 9:1 9:2 9:10 15:25 16:19 35:20 43:11 43:18 44:19 48:8 everyone 7:8 8:11 8:21 30:4 32:21 everyone's 2:9 everything 13:10 13:14 35:25 38:17 42:21 43:17 48:3 evolvement 32:1 exact 48:25 exactly 5:21 26:19 excavation 23:20 23:20 exceeded 33:5 exceeding 32:3 excellent 18:16 except 43:12 excuse 24:5 32:6 33:10 43:25 existing 24:2 exit 44:21 exits 29:8 29:16 expense 14:12 experienced 29:2 expert 30:18 34:20 expertise 2:20 explain 2:24 5:21 explanation 2:16 exposure 28:11 express 9:11 expressed 4:14 7:9 44:16 44:25 extended 11:9 11:15 extends 11:16 extensive 20:9 20:14 extra 45:6 F facilities 33:12 facility 40:15 facing 9:1 fact 15:14 34:16 35:21 43:15 factor 13:24 43:9 fails 34:7 Fairchild 28:17 families 37:6 37:8 45:22 46:1 family 6:1 25:10 farm 19:24 20:1 farmhouse 24:2 farming 20:13 fast 17:25 32:9 fastest 22:13 favor 13:11 feel 7:16 13:19 18:11 27:4 37:17 37:22 feet 12:1 17:21 FEMA 11:15 11:24 Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 59 12:8 33:4 fencing 30:9 field 14:23 file 4:25 24:16 fill 7:16 16:5 23:21 24:22 39:10 filter 38:9 38:11 final 2:1 6:16 8:6 49:2 finally 9:8 financially 33:10 financing 32:3 finding 3:3 fine 10:10 35:25 35:25 36:15 fire 29:21 29:21 29:24 31:23 fire- retardant 28:18 firestorm 29:2 first 5:10 8:25 9:2 14:20 16:3 18:12 34:14 35:10 36:9 36:10 44:2 48:10 fish 17:15 30:11 Fisheries 17:2 fishery 16:25 five 21:12 24:20 25:21 flat 45:21 flood 11:1 11:25 12:9 15:1 15:18 24:15 24:19 24:20 25:1 25:2 25:17 33:12 flooded 14:23 14:24 15:4 17:12 flooding 17:10 17:11 26:20 26:21 26:22 29:22 33:5 37:18 37:24 38:1 39:9 39:11 41:15 42:11 floodplain 10:24 11:5 11:9 11:15 11:16 11:20 11:22 11:25 12:7 16:3 16:4 21:14 21:25 23:16 24:3 24:8 24:17 24:25 26:18 33:5 34:6 floodplains 12:19 floodwater 10:23 21:16 floodwaters 17:19 floodway 24:17 flow 11:11 17:25 flowing 17:22 18:19 18:22 18:22 18:23 18:24 flows 18:21 fluvial 17:3 foam 28:18 focus 3:19 4:3 focused 4:6 15:23 folks 10:4 27:5 35:25 36:15 47:1 47:10 48:5 48:11 foot 12:1 footage 25:16 foothills 45:21 Forestry 17:3 forward 2:23 8:22 9:9 38:25 forwarded 33:18 four-lane 36:6 Frank 21:8 21:11 free 7:16 29:5 38:5 frequency 33:6 frequent 20:1 fresh 20:3 Friday 7:23 44:16 Fried 31:9 35:7 35:12 35:12 47:3 47:6 47:9 48:14 48:17 friendly 15:22 friends 19:25 front 7:17 9:24 10:5 31:15 46:11 full 14:24 15:5 15:8 25:23 fun 18:21 Fund 38:3 future 7:3 9:14 21:22 22:5 25:18 G Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 60 gallon 28:1 gallons 17:24 28:2 28:9 gardening 15:6 Gary 16:12 16:14 gates 15:25 gauge 4:4 general 37:17 generally 18:6 generated 22:24 geomorphology 17:4 getting 27:7 Giannini 41:12 G-i-a-n-n-i- n-i 44:3 GIANNINI 41:12 43:24 44:2 giant 27:22 gift 14:12 Given 11:4 golf 20:9 20:13 20:25 21:13 23:14 23:25 24:14 25:14 26:14 27:21 35:22 36:10 37:15 37:19 38:8 47:17 47:19 47:24 48:1 gopher 20:3 gophers 20:1 governing 5:23 grant 41:2 granted 23:15 24:14 grass 39:10 great 14:1 16:2 32:17 45:14 47:21 green 21:12 greens 13:16 Gropp 31:9 31:10 35:8 35:8 36:21 36:22 36:22 37:12 37:13 37:14 groundwater 11:10 group 2:19 20:20 growing 22:13 guarantee 44:20 guards 40:1 guys 44:16 H half 16:6 hall 36:13 47:14 hand 39:17 40:5 44:5 handle 21:15 41:21 43:5 handling 24:12 hands 40:19 46:21 happen 16:6 27:11 40:3 happy 9:20 hauled 20:12 having 19:3 19:21 47:2 hazard 24:15 hazards 42:3 head 23:3 headed 29:5 health 28:10 hear 6:12 7:5 8:4 9:4 9:5 36:17 48:24 heard 17:20 26:15 45:15 48:10 48:22 hearing 8:4 8:7 10:17 44:7 hearings 7:3 heart 36:19 heavily 15:10 heavy 27:22 held 2:5 4:19 hell 17:14 he'll 3:24 4:7 help 12:5 38:9 helpful 7:4 helps 14:13 Henry 30:19 herbicides 28:9 here's 18:7 Hi 27:17 35:12 36:22 high 15:7 17:22 18:13 19:9 19:9 19:19 19:24 27:23 highest 19:21 highly 30:14 highway 11:17 36:6 hill 14:22 hills 2:2 4:24 5:6 5:13 13:16 13:18 14:19 24:24 29:1 29:12 29:22 34:23 Historic 19:16 history 20:16 hits 49:7 HOA 33:9 33:14 Hohman 2:9 2:11 hold 8:16 8:17 19:1 Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 61 holes 15:8 20:3 holiday 46:13 46:16 home 18:12 25:12 26:4 26:5 homeowners 22:2 27:25 homeowner's 21:22 homes 6:2 13:20 19:2 26:22 27:8 27:25 28:8 29:11 29:19 36:2 41:19 42:19 hope 26:6 36:19 38:4 38:11 46:3 hopefully 6:11 48:23 Horizon 44:24 horrendous 26:24 hour 41:9 house 16:2 17:13 43:19 46:23 Houses 17:12 housing 11:18 21:1 Houston 18:3 Howard 8:25 How's 32:13 huge 42:3 human 31:17 hundreds 20:16 hurt 45:16 husband 31:12 hydraulic 17:4 I ice 26:21 I'd 18:11 19:9 19:12 19:17 19:23 37:24 40:8 46:9 idea 43:10 identified 34:19 identify 40:23 ignored 39:15 I'll 3:14 4:6 5:9 9:20 10:3 19:4 32:4 32:17 48:5 ill- equipped 21:3 I'm 2:10 2:12 8:13 8:15 8:21 9:1 9:21 9:25 9:25 10:2 10:17 10:21 11:22 13:3 13:11 13:21 15:24 16:12 16:24 17:1 17:7 18:25 19:10 20:23 25:9 28:25 31:11 31:13 32:9 32:16 34:22 35:21 36:3 38:20 40:18 41:10 44:13 45:11 45:20 47:9 48:25 49:8 impact 2:14 3:11 4:5 4:23 5:24 6:8 6:18 6:21 6:24 7:15 9:13 14:8 14:9 27:18 28:15 31:1 31:16 31:17 32:20 33:8 34:8 42:19 43:3 43:4 45:14 48:3 impactedness 13:22 impacting 14:13 43:18 impacts 23:19 30:23 impervious 24:21 important 32:21 37:22 37:23 imposed 37:7 improve 47:15 improvements 31:21 inappropriate 12:17 19:12 inaudible 48:13 inches 17:10 include 7:14 20:18 31:16 31:20 31:24 33:13 included 6:18 6:20 8:11 24:4 30:23 33:24 35:1 including 7:1 14:4 15:1 31:21 32:2 34:4 increase 11:1 13:22 21:3 21:4 41:22 42:3 42:4 42:5 42:6 42:7 42:24 43:7 increased 13:23 26:23 43:5 indicated Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 62 10:1 10:9 individual 2:12 2:17 information 24:22 32:8 41:1 infrastructur e 31:21 34:5 ingress 34:4 initiated 12:9 inject 38:6 input 3:18 3:21 instead 40:10 40:16 Insurance 23:17 34:6 intelligent 35:14 36:12 interconnecte d 12:19 interconnecti vity 11:10 interested 3:3 introduce 2:10 2:17 8:13 introduction 14:20 inundated 42:1 invited 7:8 involved 34:13 involving 6:1 I's 37:19 isn't 17:11 issue 16:3 19:12 33:17 41:15 45:5 issued 8:3 8:6 23:18 49:5 issues 6:9 7:10 10:23 25:18 26:5 37:22 38:1 42:11 43:14 item 6:19 7:1 12:10 items 5:19 7:6 7:7 it'll 10:6 I've 4:15 7:24 15:1 17:5 17:6 17:6 17:9 18:19 21:20 23:4 26:13 40:7 40:20 42:6 44:12 45:2 J Janet 46:8 January 29:1 jasper 20:4 Jill 21:8 Jim 39:19 job 5:18 John 2:10 4:8 6:7 21:8 21:9 22:11 23:7 23:10 July 15:11 junior 19:9 19:24 K Kabben 39:19 K-a-b-b-e-n 39:19 KABBEN 39:19 Karin 30:15 Kathy 21:9 Kent 13:8 14:16 16:11 16:24 kids 18:12 19:3 25:24 29:4 42:1 42:3 44:23 46:14 kill 27:25 28:3 28:7 killed 15:15 28:14 kills 18:18 King 33:19 knew 13:5 36:13 known 5:8 34:4 L Lake 16:12 16:14 16:15 16:15 20:23 L-a-k-e 20:23 LAKE 20:22 lakebed 16:1 16:4 Lake's 20:20 land 16:1 22:19 landscape 23:21 landscaping 15:22 large 27:3 27:4 larger 42:12 Larry 30:18 last 14:25 15:4 19:4 19:5 25:9 26:21 28:25 35:9 38:15 44:3 late 14:25 15:8 later 8:10 44:7 learn 28:20 learned 30:21 least 48:14 leave 7:18 29:8 leaving 29:8 left-hand Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 63 41:11 legal 33:20 less 17:18 37:5 let's 16:10 23:6 letter 5:16 7:20 11:12 19:13 19:18 34:25 35:1 35:2 44:15 letters 44:12 levee 18:2 levees 34:15 level 37:10 levels 20:15 lies 45:21 life 19:8 31:4 likely 32:24 33:2 37:1 limited 33:1 line 15:18 lines 19:17 lining 48:17 link 28:11 list 6:14 7:8 10:8 38:24 44:11 44:12 listen 45:11 listening 4:1 21:6 little 9:16 9:19 30:12 32:9 35:22 36:23 42:12 46:25 47:24 48:3 live 5:11 21:12 25:23 31:5 31:6 36:3 36:8 37:14 40:11 44:18 45:10 45:13 lived 13:12 14:3 14:19 19:8 26:13 living 22:13 loaded 29:4 loam 24:18 located 24:15 location 34:1 Lon 41:12 44:2 L-o-n 44:3 long 2:25 4:17 14:5 28:6 35:20 longer 39:15 45:1 46:25 Lori 19:14 44:15 Lorri 21:10 23:7 lose 25:17 loss 31:2 lot 9:6 9:18 12:22 17:3 17:12 17:14 18:6 20:11 26:2 32:6 32:8 36:12 39:20 39:23 42:4 42:12 lots 15:17 27:3 41:5 loud 47:6 loved 13:14 low 28:15 28:16 M Madison 29:6 29:10 29:13 29:16 29:19 37:14 44:22 magnitude 12:16 maintained 21:19 maintaining 39:13 maintenance 21:24 33:12 man 48:6 management 15:6 23:16 manager 2:11 map 11:15 12:9 29:14 42:10 maps 11:25 Marcia 10:14 10:21 market 25:4 master's 17:2 material 23:24 33:15 materials 24:9 24:13 matter 29:23 may 6:23 7:20 13:7 25:24 25:24 35:9 38:16 38:17 38:20 42:19 46:1 48:22 maybe 13:18 16:6 35:24 Mayer 13:8 13:9 14:17 16:11 16:24 16:24 mayor 40:9 McGuire 26:10 27:15 27:17 27:18 45:20 45:20 McKinney 34:11 34:14 McNeice 14:17 16:12 19:7 19:7 40:7 40:8 46:8 46:8 Meadows 42:13 42:22 mean 35:16 Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 64 43:1 meaning 6:22 means 2:15 3:10 29:16 29:22 36:14 45:9 49:9 mechanism 39:13 meet 6:23 30:8 49:11 meeting 2:4 2:15 2:18 3:17 4:7 4:10 4:19 4:21 5:3 5:21 6:5 6:5 6:12 7:4 8:10 18:8 44:6 49:12 meetings 26:25 27:1 members 34:12 memo 30:19 mention 8:19 10:2 10:3 30:16 39:21 40:21 mentioned 6:7 34:13 37:21 39:8 Messner 44:25 met 5:16 methods 7:24 mic 8:22 47:5 47:7 Mica 14:22 29:10 38:3 39:22 microphone 4:12 31:9 mid 14:25 middle 42:22 44:24 Midilome 44:19 44:23 migrates 37:18 miles 5:11 millions 17:24 28:19 minute 8:15 minutes 2:16 3:25 8:17 8:18 9:22 10:11 12:12 31:13 32:10 32:12 32:16 mistake 35:19 mistakes 28:21 mitigation 21:25 30:23 32:2 34:21 Mohawk 14:23 29:9 29:10 moment 5:10 Monday 2:6 4:20 money 26:17 26:17 26:18 48:6 months 15:5 17:22 25:12 moose 30:4 morning 41:25 42:1 45:22 45:25 Mother 19:5 motivation 43:2 43:7 43:19 mounds 30:21 mountain 25:14 mountains 13:16 move 2:23 9:9 9:9 10:6 30:14 moved 25:11 multi- family 6:2 13:17 multiple 15:1 45:2 multiply 27:9 multitude 20:2 Municipal 11:6 Munt 39:4 M-u-n-t 14:18 Munts 10:15 10:16 10:17 13:1 13:8 14:16 14:18 39:5 39:6 39:6 M-u-n-t-s 10:16 MUNTS 13:3 14:18 39:5 39:7 myself 2:10 19:25 25:10 N Nancy 10:15 13:5 nation 14:5 National 23:17 34:6 native 15:22 20:6 natural 31:16 38:9 38:11 Nature 19:5 negative 37:16 neighbor 20:25 28:6 neighborhood 6:3 9:20 29:9 42:6 43:21 45:4 45:7 neighborhoods 27:12 44:18 neighbors 9:3 25:10 28:4 29:6 43:21 net 31:2 Nevers 44:9 44:9 Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 65 news 45:7 45:8 nice 17:12 35:22 42:10 42:13 42:18 nine 13:13 nobody 45:15 no-rise 11:2 north 13:13 14:19 14:23 29:5 northwest 13:15 notarized 10:25 note 36:14 nothing 35:18 40:1 notice 29:14 39:23 noticed 20:2 notified 49:7 November 34:10 numerous 44:11 O obsidian 20:4 obtained 33:16 Obviously 46:17 occasions 45:2 occurs 34:9 o'clock 7:24 10:7 47:1 October 29:2 office 23:15 official 4:15 offsite 23:19 oh 8:20 13:4 23:9 41:10 41:11 43:10 okay 8:13 9:23 10:18 12:15 12:25 13:5 13:5 16:22 16:23 20:19 26:9 32:17 35:6 36:18 38:19 40:18 40:19 40:20 41:8 42:9 42:18 42:18 42:22 43:23 44:4 45:6 46:20 47:14 47:25 48:9 48:17 old 16:1 16:4 19:24 21:12 21:13 25:21 27:21 one-inch 28:5 One-third 25:1 onsite 23:19 onto 37:19 44:21 open 30:3 30:6 31:6 46:23 operation 21:25 33:11 opinion 5:12 7:10 19:18 opinions 9:11 opportunities 9:15 opportunity 6:4 8:7 32:19 35:21 36:19 oppose 37:15 opposes 34:24 opposing 40:12 originates 38:2 Orleans 18:3 others 6:23 otherwise 5:8 ought 35:24 48:6 ourselves 36:17 outlining 5:9 outlying 12:7 outside 2:20 15:25 25:2 overall 3:4 overcrowded 27:7 overcrowding 37:5 overlay 24:10 overlooked 25:13 overseeing 2:13 overview 3:16 overwhelm 22:5 own/rental 42:16 owner 33:21 owners 11:1 ownership 33:21 owns 33:24 P p.m 2:7 7:24 49:12 pages 4:16 Painted 2:2 4:24 5:6 5:12 14:19 24:24 29:1 29:12 29:21 34:23 Pam 16:15 20:20 20:22 Pamela 16:14 parents 44:23 46:14 park 14:2 Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 66 16:9 30:7 35:23 40:14 47:19 48:1 48:4 48:7 Parkinson's 28:11 parks 22:16 parties 31:23 partner 40:12 Passe 26:10 26:10 26:12 26:13 past 25:22 Pat 10:15 13:1 13:4 13:5 13:8 14:16 14:18 39:4 39:6 patch 27:22 Paved 24:18 Pavelich 27:16 28:23 28:23 29:25 31:11 40:24 P-a-v-e-l-i- c-h 30:1 PAVELICH 29:25 31:11 32:11 32:14 40:20 40:24 pavement 17:14 17:16 17:18 18:24 pay 22:18 48:6 peaking 13:19 pedestrian 45:15 people 7:13 9:4 9:18 10:1 12:23 18:19 19:2 26:25 29:7 29:17 35:14 36:12 37:23 38:8 38:12 40:12 40:15 42:5 43:12 44:5 45:13 46:16 48:4 49:9 people's 26:22 percent 19:11 24:20 perfectly 47:14 period 17:11 31:14 permit 6:1 6:6 7:3 10:24 23:12 23:16 23:18 24:13 44:7 permitting 2:13 perpetuity 24:14 person 10:13 personnel 37:7 persons 7:12 perspective 17:15 pesticides 28:10 pets 29:4 Phillips 33:19 phonetic 30:20 pictures 17:13 30:4 Pines 41:23 pipes 21:17 pit 34:4 places 14:3 plain 22:2 plan 11:6 14:7 22:22 34:24 Planned 2:3 4:24 planner 35:3 planners 35:3 planning 2:19 2:20 5:5 9:7 14:6 41:4 plans 6:4 22:16 35:2 46:3 plan's 14:9 plantings 15:21 plates 20:3 30:22 plats 33:25 please 36:14 39:18 plus 29:12 41:18 41:19 43:11 43:20 pluses 43:11 pocket 48:18 point 9:8 22:4 37:3 46:9 points 23:12 23:15 poisoned 28:17 28:20 police 27:10 Policy 5:8 pond 34:4 Ponderosa 26:13 populated 21:2 population 28:16 potential 11:25 13:21 37:7 potentially 17:22 PRD-2015-0001 5:1 pre-contact 19:22 prefer 14:1 preliminary 33:25 preparation Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 67 5:23 prepared 3:2 4:23 44:13 present 29:16 31:22 presented 34:24 presently 27:21 Preservation 19:16 34:23 president 34:22 pre-spot 12:2 pretty 42:10 previous 13:11 13:25 27:5 previously 12:8 20:25 37:21 primary 44:22 prior 7:9 probability 19:19 19:21 probably 22:13 23:3 36:5 46:24 49:1 problem 44:21 procedural 8:8 proceeds 40:4 process 2:25 3:2 3:6 3:12 3:14 5:1 8:19 17:6 29:20 produced 27:22 professional 18:5 19:18 Program 23:17 23:17 34:6 prohibit 7:2 prohibited 24:19 project 2:13 2:21 2:24 3:4 3:10 3:23 3:25 5:7 5:17 6:1 8:8 11:20 14:7 14:10 18:6 19:19 19:20 37:16 projected 31:22 31:24 32:1 projects 3:5 18:20 proof 20:6 proper 24:12 properties 11:9 12:9 12:18 24:8 property 11:1 11:4 12:17 12:21 13:20 16:6 20:15 21:5 22:25 22:25 25:4 25:17 26:3 27:20 28:6 28:16 33:4 33:21 33:24 37:19 37:20 40:13 42:25 43:8 45:21 45:23 45:24 47:17 proposal 5:13 22:8 30:8 41:4 propose 28:15 proposed 4:24 21:1 21:20 21:22 26:16 33:14 34:1 34:13 proposing 33:9 protected 38:13 protects 19:1 provide 3:21 11:12 provided 11:2 provisions 3:6 public 3:18 4:19 4:22 5:20 7:5 8:7 33:22 44:7 49:5 purchase 35:22 purchased 26:5 47:17 purify 38:9 purpose 4:21 6:11 8:9 puts 39:13 putting 29:15 Q quality 18:15 31:4 37:22 question 22:7 37:2 40:8 43:1 questioned 33:16 questions 8:9 9:21 22:17 quick 10:12 quickly 10:6 16:18 31:13 quite 16:21 26:16 quote 19:17 30:20 quoting 30:11 35:21 R raging 19:3 railroad 39:24 rain 29:22 Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 68 rains 27:22 raise 15:17 raising 7:3 Randy 14:17 16:11 19:7 40:8 range 24:1 rate 17:22 ratings 18:9 reaches 38:10 reading 30:20 real 16:18 really 3:17 4:3 12:5 35:23 36:11 41:6 42:13 42:15 44:17 realtor 14:21 Realty 5:25 rearranged 23:25 rearranging 23:21 reasons 39:8 receive 3:18 4:22 received 2:25 41:1 recently 3:7 recommendatio n 30:10 reconcile 34:17 record 4:12 4:19 7:22 8:3 8:23 32:8 39:2 39:18 44:1 49:6 recorded 4:10 7:25 recreation 22:16 40:15 reduce 11:7 reflect 19:23 34:5 regain 40:13 regard 10:10 regarding 4:14 4:22 5:12 7:10 23:20 32:20 region 15:11 Reid 2:18 3:15 3:22 4:7 5:4 reiterate 36:23 39:1 related 7:7 relatedness 18:8 relates 9:12 rely 38:12 remain 30:3 remind 10:11 12:11 44:5 remove 11:19 11:23 removed 11:23 rental 42:23 42:24 Rentals 42:25 repaired 21:19 repeat 32:15 39:3 repeatedly 15:15 report 4:5 30:17 reported 46:12 46:19 reporter 4:9 16:19 16:20 represent 25:10 representativ e 3:24 representing 33:25 40:10 40:16 represents 40:15 require 20:8 requirements 11:8 20:18 24:11 requires 10:25 11:2 Reserve 42:12 42:18 resident 29:1 Residential 2:2 4:24 resource 15:6 20:9 resources 19:20 19:22 respected 38:11 response 32:5 32:18 responsibilit y 33:14 responsible 2:12 21:24 31:22 33:11 rest 4:1 16:7 42:19 restraints 32:2 resulting 34:8 retain 2:20 retained 5:6 5:15 retention 16:9 18:25 return 10:12 review 5:6 5:17 7:2 12:22 reviewed 6:6 reviewing 23:11 revised 23:23 Revision 10:24 11:19 revisions 10:22 ridge 17:10 risk 27:12 Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 69 34:7 river 19:3 road 15:3 15:15 37:15 39:22 42:22 46:11 roads 26:23 41:20 43:4 role 5:11 Rose 26:11 27:15 28:22 28:24 Roundup 27:25 28:1 28:2 rules 5:7 5:23 5:25 6:25 run 35:20 running 46:15 runoff 21:16 S safe 28:15 safeguarding 38:1 safely 46:5 safety 37:17 42:3 43:3 43:5 salmon 17:16 17:17 sands 10:14 10:21 10:21 12:15 12:25 16:2 16:4 Sandy 27:16 28:23 29:25 40:24 sardines 42:14 sat 22:14 22:17 saw 39:17 scheme 3:5 school 14:7 14:10 14:11 18:13 19:9 19:24 22:19 22:21 25:19 25:25 31:25 32:5 33:2 37:5 37:6 37:8 39:24 41:24 41:25 42:2 44:24 46:14 46:15 schools 13:23 14:9 14:13 21:4 22:16 25:22 25:22 27:6 32:3 32:24 36:24 36:24 37:2 37:17 43:6 scope 4:22 5:17 31:15 31:20 31:23 31:24 33:8 33:13 34:16 34:22 scoping 2:4 2:15 4:14 5:2 5:3 6:17 7:23 31:14 44:6 49:2 Scott 34:10 Sean 44:25 seat 10:5 10:13 second 46:22 section 42:12 42:15 42:23 seeds 27:23 27:24 28:3 seemed 26:17 seen 15:1 15:8 15:9 15:12 16:2 42:6 46:2 sending 34:25 sense 22:6 sensitivity 24:10 sent 44:11 SEPA 2:12 5:9 5:16 6:20 10:22 17:6 32:18 September 2:6 4:20 15:12 serious 36:18 serves 38:7 Servicing 24:23 settled 2:10 seven 15:4 Several 37:23 sheets 7:16 9:24 Shockey 2:19 2:19 4:8 5:4 9:23 10:17 12:11 12:25 13:7 14:15 16:10 16:16 16:22 20:19 21:7 22:10 23:6 23:9 25:6 26:8 26:9 27:14 27:15 28:22 31:8 32:6 32:13 35:6 36:21 37:12 38:14 38:19 38:21 39:6 39:17 40:5 40:18 40:23 41:7 43:23 43:25 44:4 45:19 46:7 46:20 47:4 47:8 48:10 48:16 48:19 shoot 20:1 short 31:14 Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 70 44:14 showing 30:25 shows 11:15 S-i 22:11 signed 33:3 significance 3:10 significant 40:14 sign-in 9:24 silt 24:18 simply 17:19 18:14 sincerely 35:17 47:10 single 6:1 17:13 single-family 13:18 sir 16:23 39:18 Sisser 21:9 22:11 22:11 Sissers 22:10 site 20:6 20:10 20:11 23:22 24:2 24:4 24:6 24:9 24:24 25:1 25:2 38:3 sits 33:4 sitting 36:16 six 25:11 25:12 size 12:16 41:17 43:7 sky 13:17 slow 18:6 29:20 32:17 slower 16:20 slowly 3:1 soil 15:6 23:24 24:18 30:18 solve 41:15 42:11 solved 41:18 somebody 23:3 35:8 39:3 somebody's 48:18 someplace 12:6 somewhere 41:16 song 47:17 sorry 41:11 41:11 44:13 sort 8:12 sounds 16:22 source 15:10 30:6 south 8:24 38:3 41:23 Southern 14:4 22:12 space 31:6 speak 7:9 7:16 8:7 8:22 10:2 10:9 10:22 16:20 38:24 44:13 speaker 7:9 13:1 13:4 13:11 13:25 16:14 20:21 speakers 10:9 speaking 20:24 species 30:5 spell 44:1 spelled 28:25 spelling 31:12 spent 9:6 22:12 spiders 28:5 28:6 28:7 28:8 28:14 spirit 5:16 Spokane 2:11 4:21 11:5 16:8 20:24 spoken 33:7 40:7 spot 23:2 spray 28:5 28:8 sprayed 28:6 spraying 28:13 spring 21:16 26:21 square 25:16 s-s-e-r 22:12 staff 17:8 19:1 34:12 stages 14:6 stand 23:12 standard 19:1 start 9:25 10:14 47:12 started 46:24 starts 39:11 state 16:25 19:16 24:16 30:2 34:11 34:19 stated 33:23 42:5 statement 2:15 3:11 4:15 4:23 5:24 6:8 6:19 6:21 6:24 7:15 9:13 statements 33:21 states 30:11 30:19 34:14 state's 34:17 States 24:22 stay 22:25 46:23 48:3 48:25 steel 30:22 stone 20:7 storage 11:21 11:22 18:24 Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 71 24:12 33:7 stored 11:7 stormwater 37:25 streams 18:19 street 41:23 streets 21:4 42:2 45:11 45:13 46:6 49:7 strongly 34:24 structures 30:25 students 32:23 33:1 37:1 37:6 37:8 studied 3:20 5:19 stuff 30:21 32:7 SUB-215- 0001 4:25 subdivision 12:16 submit 7:20 12:13 22:16 submitted 8:1 8:2 sufficient 34:21 summer 15:8 Super 38:2 sure 2:22 4:11 4:13 5:15 5:18 11:22 30:3 44:2 48:25 49:8 surface 10:23 11:10 surfaces 24:21 surprise 22:3 surrounding 12:19 21:2 27:12 30:13 Sylvia 26:9 26:13 system 21:15 21:17 21:25 22:5 34:7 T table 6:10 7:19 15:7 taking 4:9 32:16 36:16 talk 3:22 3:25 9:11 9:15 9:17 9:18 9:19 10:13 12:5 21:13 30:1 36:17 49:9 49:10 talked 37:23 45:1 talking 12:4 15:24 17:17 17:21 21:16 35:13 talks 3:13 26:17 target 10:6 taxes 43:8 48:12 temporary 31:1 tends 12:2 39:9 terms 5:13 terrain 24:6 Terre 11:18 testify 7:11 testimony 4:10 4:18 8:10 thank 4:8 8:13 9:2 10:17 12:25 13:9 14:14 14:15 16:9 16:10 20:18 20:22 21:6 21:7 22:9 23:6 23:9 25:4 25:6 26:6 26:8 27:13 27:14 28:21 29:24 31:7 32:19 33:3 35:5 35:6 36:20 37:11 37:13 38:13 38:14 38:21 39:16 40:4 40:17 41:6 41:7 43:24 43:25 44:4 45:17 45:19 46:6 themselves 48:5 thereof 32:2 there's 17:17 18:10 26:2 28:10 29:23 39:23 40:1 41:14 they're 17:19 23:4 43:12 43:16 46:25 they've 45:23 47:24 47:25 48:1 third 14:24 Thorpe 29:19 39:22 thousands 28:9 46:2 throughout 15:13 today 31:15 Todd 31:10 35:8 37:12 37:13 tonight 2:14 2:18 3:14 3:21 6:4 8:13 Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 72 9:13 10:7 10:21 45:18 48:22 48:25 tonight's 3:16 4:7 7:4 8:9 tools 20:7 top 10:1 13:19 topic 6:17 topics 6:12 8:10 total 25:3 totally 19:11 22:1 22:1 31:18 toxic 19:3 tracks 39:24 traffic 13:22 18:7 18:8 18:9 18:15 21:3 26:1 26:2 26:22 26:24 36:3 36:4 36:7 37:16 39:20 39:25 41:25 43:17 45:16 transmittal 35:1 treat 31:1 trees 13:16 39:10 tremendous 26:20 triangle 34:3 tricky 18:18 tried 15:2 trips 31:20 truly 48:20 truthfully 26:16 try 8:16 9:9 trying 3:17 4:4 46:25 tuned 48:25 turn 3:14 3:23 4:6 35:22 38:23 48:7 turned 16:9 27:21 two-lane 41:22 two-thirds 24:24 24:25 U ugly 28:5 understand 8:12 32:21 35:20 42:9 42:15 43:2 43:8 43:16 43:22 understanding 46:10 46:12 understands 20:5 understood 31:19 United 24:22 University 19:9 Unless 39:12 unlikely 30:14 unobstructed 34:3 unreasonable 22:1 unusable 25:3 upon 36:10 upset 26:16 upstream 24:7 urban 35:3 35:3 usage 46:12 usually 3:5 V valley 2:12 4:21 11:6 13:14 16:8 19:8 20:8 20:17 20:24 32:5 32:18 41:2 43:21 47:23 value 13:20 21:5 25:4 26:3 30:12 31:22 42:24 values 42:20 various 6:6 8:5 vastly 33:5 Velvet 25:7 25:8 V-e-l-v-e-t 25:9 versus 33:19 34:17 viable 27:24 view 13:15 13:17 25:15 25:16 34:17 34:18 views 34:3 vision 41:11 voice 47:6 volume 11:7 12:5 12:6 vote 48:8 voted 47:11 W wade 18:20 waist 27:23 wake 18:22 walk 4:7 Walker 3:24 8:14 8:17 8:24 8:24 walking 42:1 Washington 5:8 19:16 30:10 34:11 waste 36:17 water 11:7 12:1 12:2 12:6 15:7 15:9 15:11 Painted Hills Public Meeting FINAL September 25, 2017 NDT Assgn # 24721-1 Page 73 16:5 17:18 17:23 18:18 18:24 22:23 27:20 28:15 28:20 30:7 30:18 33:6 37:22 38:2 38:5 38:6 38:9 38:12 39:14 41:3 41:16 ways 44:21 weather 22:4 we'd 48:8 weed 27:22 weeds 27:23 27:25 28:14 week 28:18 weekends 18:22 weeks 17:12 49:1 weigh 34:20 weirs 21:18 we'll 2:15 3:14 3:21 3:23 4:18 8:10 8:17 28:22 34:25 35:10 well- structured 48:21 we're 3:17 8:12 8:15 8:16 9:8 9:14 10:10 17:16 21:16 22:3 25:15 25:18 25:25 26:3 27:12 41:8 45:5 45:7 west 39:22 wetlands 24:18 34:18 34:20 we've 2:22 4:13 9:6 15:14 17:20 26:24 38:23 whatever 4:11 4:13 whereupon 29:3 49:12 whether 5:13 Whipple 30:17 45:3 whoever 48:9 whole 18:6 41:13 whose 34:12 35:9 wife 21:11 37:19 wild 47:25 wildlife 15:6 15:9 15:12 15:20 15:22 30:2 30:3 30:7 30:11 30:12 37:17 window 18:16 wish 7:15 work 10:4 18:23 20:14 22:3 46:17 worked 18:3 18:19 22:20 working 3:1 30:2 works 38:8 38:9 worried 13:21 worse 19:3 19:4 27:7 39:14 write 48:23 written 10:25 12:13 17:6 30:19 33:15 wrong 9:1 12:20 27:6 Y yards 23:23 23:24 yet 3:6 23:2 43:11 you'll 36:5 yourself 40:23 you've 32:6 32:7 48:12 Z zone 24:11 24:15 24:19 24:20 24:25 25:1 25:2