124_-_2021-8-13_Ricarda_BrewerFrom:Ricci Brewer To:Lori Barlow Subject:Public hearing Request: DEIS and the development on Painted Hills Date:Friday, August 13, 2021 11:11:09 AM[EXTERNAL] This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley. Always use caution when openingattachments or clicking links. Dear Ms. Barlow, As a homeowner, tax payer, and parent living in the Painted Hills Neighborhood I am just devastated to hear about Dave Black’s development plans for the former Painted Hills Golf Course, and wetlands area. As our elected representative I am reaching out to you to request a public hearing on the DEIS andthe development on the Painted Hills area as this needs to be stopped as it has serious impacts to somany facets of our local community. As of this time our schools are already at capacity. How can this school system safely add children from 580 new dwellings? Classrooms were at capacity before COVID restrictions, and with the addition of social distancing, need for small class sizes, and a shortage of teachers our children’s education will suffer if this significant increase of children is added to an already maxed out school system. Traffic: Our current two lane road to and from the Painted Hills neighborhood (Along Madison) hasno sidewalks, this road boasts a beautiful population of deer who travel throughout the area, andthese roads are already attracting car races, speed pushing drivers, and putting our animals, runners,walkers, and children at risk. My boys are entering middle school next month and I am alreadyconcerned about their safety as they plan to walk to and from school on occasion. The increase indwellings with make an already growing problem too much to handle with the added trafficcongestion. Not to mention school drop up and pickup for the elementary takes nearly a half hourwith the current school traffic flow issues. I know you have many emails to read, and I could go on and on with reasons why this project needs to be stopped, traffic, school, energy, wildfires, A FLOODPLAIN, wetlands, and the devastation to our wildlife! Please look past the builders need for money, and more, more more… and be an advocate for the community members who’ve elected you and will re-elect you. Thank you for your time in advocating for our community, and putting a stop to this plan as ourelected representative. Best, Ricarda Brewer 5506 S Mohawk Dr Spokane, WA 99206 Ricci.brewer@gmail.com