13_-_2021-7-21_Erik_WolfrumFrom:Erik Wolfrum To:Lori Barlow Subject:Painted Hills Public Comment Date:Wednesday, July 21, 2021 1:03:48 PM[EXTERNAL] This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley. Always use caution when openingattachments or clicking links. Hi Lori… Thank you for taking public comments on the Painted Hills development. As a member of the community, parent with children that attend the close by schools and educator, I believe developing Painted Hills in the way stated, is the wrong use of the property. My concerns are for the schools, traffic and safety (mainly student safety). Our local schools are already at capacity and would not have space to accommodate the additional students coming in with 300 single family homes and 280 multifamily units. University High School is already the largest high school in Central Valley and the new boundary lines don’t seem to be easing the student load. Adding more students (to all the local school) will only increase the already bulging student population and class sizes. Neither are conducive to a productive learning environment. Students walking or riding their bikes to school (Chester, Horizon and U-High) use Madison and adding additional traffic and students would be huge safety concern as the road is already tight in the mornings and afternoons. Finally, traffic on Dishman-Mica and Madison/Pines will come to a stop more than it already does. The infrastructure is not made for the number of cars we currently have and adding a development of this size will bottle neck the already stressed roads. The intersection of Dishman-Mica and Thorpe is a on a curve with limited visibility. Adding the number of vehicles to the roads will increase the chance for accidents at this one intersection among others. Again, I hope this property can be used for something other than a development that would stress the community. Thanks for taking comments and if there is anything else I can answer, please let me know. Erik Wolfrum Ponderosa Community Member Director of Teaching and Learning: NEWESD 101