156_-_2021-08-15_Arleen_FisherFrom:Arleen Fisher To:Lori Barlow; John Hohman Subject:Painted Hills Development Comment on Painted Hills PRD DEIS dated July, 16, 2021 Date:Sunday, August 15, 2021 2:59:58 PM[EXTERNAL] This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley. Always use caution when openingattachments or clicking links. 1. New Traffic Scoping Meeting necessary due to other new County and City developments that affect Dishman Mica, Madison Rd, and 32nd Avenue. At the last Traffic Scoping Meetingconducted Whipple's voice recording which available on the the City of Spokane Valley website stated that the Painted Hills PRD development would "shelter in place". According toFire District #8, there is no such thing as "shelter in place". Plus, there is lack of egress onto Madison Rd and Dishman Mica due to the current & proposed surrounding developments andtraffic flow on two lane roads. Madison Road is filled with young students walking and older students driving to University High School. The students driving are backed up in traffic dueto lack of entrance off of Pines Rd on the west side of University, which makes it impossible for people to get to work with long delays. 2. The HOA proposal for mitigation of stormwater or floodwater does not address HOA'sfinancial failure of mitigation maintenance and which government entity will be responsible if hundreds of people upstream and downstream of the golf course are flooded and roads andcurrent stormwater along Dishman Mica or Madison is destroyed. 3. The Chester Creek that runs through this development is a 'Fish Bearing Stream'. No engineer can state in documents that it is not so without approval of Washington State DFWDdeclaring it so. 4. The bridges on the Dishman Mica (runs east to west), University Road that runs into Pondondersa, and Thorpe Rd lack adequate One Foot Freeboard required during high wintermelt off. I have in my possession videos and photos from Feb 16th, 2017 and Feb 17th, 2017 documenting the lack of FEMA Freeboard and widespread flooding in both the County andCity of Spokane Valley. 5. With the current historic drought and all of the hills surrounding the Painted Hills Golf Course being surrounded are Wildland-Urban areas. The fire danger is very high. Consider alarge wildfire, mudflows, rainfall, rapid snow melt off, after such a wildfire that affects all the hills, including Painted Hills, Horizon Hills, Ponderosa Hills, and Madison Hills and one ormore extreme event as described above covering the entire golf course in flash flooding and debris after a wildfire. This is extremely important since the HOA mitigation remainsquestionable and the extreme amount of added fill that has been requested by the developer would inevitably make the situation worse. Then the financial responsibility will be directed tothe County and more than likely to the City of Spokane Valley that approved this PRD, when the next extreme weather event occurs in the future, as Mother Nature is unpredictable. Sincerely,Arleen Fisher 6121 S Zuni Dr From:Arleen Fisher To:Lori Barlow; John Hohman Subject:Painted Hills Development Comment on Painted Hills PRD DEIS dated July, 16, 2021 Date:Sunday, August 15, 2021 3:03:49 PM[EXTERNAL] This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley. Always use caution when openingattachments or clicking links. RE: Follow up to my previous email. I hit send before completing my address. Arleen Fisher 6121 S Zuni DrSpokane, WA 99206