157_-_2021-8-15_Lisa_RobertsonFrom:Lisa Robertson To:Lori Barlow; jholman@spokanevalley.org Subject:Development of former Painted Hills golf course - request for public hearing Date:Sunday, August 15, 2021 4:31:42 PM[EXTERNAL] This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley. Always use caution when openingattachments or clicking links. Ms. Barlow and Mr. Holman: I am writing to request a public hearing on the Painted Hills Golf Course development. I have several concerns regarding the proposed development 1. Management and maintenance of the drainage and flood control system2. Traffic study that is based on old data 3. Fire safety & evacuation routes for residents living on Painted Hills Management and Maintenance of the drainage and flood control systemThe proposed development is on a flood plain. My understanding is that the proposed solution to manage water drainage during winter melt is to build a filtration and drainagesystem to allow water to seep directly into the aquifer. My understanding is that the HOA will be responsible for the management and maintenance ofthis system. The HOA will lack the knowledge and experience to determine the appropriate costs, frequency, and type of contractor to perform this type of work.What happens if the HOA goes bankrupt or does not maintain the system properly? I have had direct experience being part of running an HOA. It can be extremely hard to find reliable,reputable contractors for basic maintenance. I would not want to be part of the Board having to make decisions on a complex drainage system. Just look at what happened in Florida with the condominium collapse. The HOA was ultimately responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the building and no-one understoodthe risks or the structural issues of the building. Traffic Study Based on Old Data The traffic study is well out of date as it was conducted a number of years ago (2015). Thereis another development just started on the East of Madison Road as well as the continual build out of existing developments in neighboring areas. I understand the land to the South of theCemetery has also been given approval for housing development as well as two large sites in Ponderosa. I am requesting that a new traffic study be performed that includes the impact of ALL of the new developments. Are there plans to upgrade the local road infrastructure to deal with theincrease in traffic, or will we be faced with increased traffic congestion and an increase in road traffic incidents. I am concerned with the increased risk to school children safety with theincreased traffic along Madison, 32nd, and through the Middleome housing developments. The article in the Spokesman Review 'Getting There' on 19th of July highlighted significantcongestion issues already being endured by Valley residents due to infrastructure struggling to cope with the massive influx of residents. Fire Safety and Evacuation Routes for Painted Hills.The other major concern I have is safety in the event of a Fire Evacuation to Painted Hills residential housing area. We live at the top of Painted Hills with one road in and out fromhouses above Cree and Apache. Below Cree and Apache there are only 2 exit routes via Mohawk. Mohawk to the south exits onto Dishman Mica, and to the North onto Madison.With a new housing development about to start on Madison (south of Thorpe) there is going to be increased traffic between Mohawk and Thorpe. We have already had road closures alongthis section due to construction of a new access road into the new development. The impact of this was to reduce the entire Painted Hills residential area to a single emergency exit route.This was a serious risk to health and safety of the Painted Hills residents. In the event of a fire people may not have been able to get off the hill. With the increase in traffic and housingbeing planned for the former Painted Hills golf course there is a much higher risk of an accident or incident resulting in a road closure or blockage at the junction of Thorp andMadisson that would effectively block one of the two exits from Painted Hills. I am asking for a risk assessment study to be carried out for the Painted Hills housing development. Sincerely, Lisa Robertson