16_-_2021-7-24_Barbara_BersethFrom:Barbara Berkseth To:Lori Barlow Subject:Painted Hills PRD Date:Saturday, July 24, 2021 9:41:10 AM[EXTERNAL] This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley. Always use caution when openingattachments or clicking links. Once again I want to voice my disapproval of the high density building proposed by Bryan Walker of Black Realty and Todd Whipple of Whipple Engineering. The area should not be exploited for the economic gain of these realtors and builders. The area is an obvious wetland, flood plain and no amount of fill dirt is going to change this for the long term. The instability and future settling of the area will add to problems down the road and can't help but affect our aquifer. Cementing over wetlands for new roads and driveways can only be detrimental to the needed drainage in that area. Traffic in and around this area would be horrendous and not in keeping with the current rural type setting that original homeowners wanted when they settled in the area. Evacuating in times of emergency will be slowed due to the sheer number of new builds in that area. More school personnel will be needed to keep children safe going to and from schools within a mile of the new development. Arrival and leaving times at the high school nearby already cause a lot of traffic congestion. What is the figure for added cars due to building in Painted Hills? I would think at least 1000 additional cars could be expected on the roads in the area. Do not allow this high density building to further pollute our valley, affect our water supply, and make further demands upon our roadways and schools. Their intent is to develop, build and sell units to unsuspecting buyers who aren't familiar with the area and the ramifications of a high-density building plan there. If impact fees were assessed and charged to these developers, they would find out that it wasn't profitable to even consider such a development. As we all protested against this 6 yrs. ago - no amount of fill dirt is going to make building in Painted Hills "okay!" The return of this area to a golf course would be the logical solution. I was at the driving range behind Craft & Gather in June of this year and there definitely are people who favor the return to golf. At three o'clock the parking lot begins to fill and people enjoy doing what the area was intended for. Barbara Berkseth Sent from Outlook