177_-_2021-8-20_Cara_WurstFrom:Cara Wurst To:Lori Barlow; John Hohman Subject:Painted HIlls PRD DEIS comments Date:Friday, August 20, 2021 10:14:33 PM[EXTERNAL] This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley. Always use caution when openingattachments or clicking links. August 20, 2021 Lori Barlow Spokane Valley Community and Public Works Department 10210 E. Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 RE: Comments for Painted Hills PRD Dear Ms Barlow and City of Spokane Valley, I”m writing to express strong points AGAINST the Painted Hills PRD in its’ current proposed form. There are so many areas of concern that it’s hard to pick which one to discuss first. First I will make comment on the traffic issue. We live on Dishman Mica Highway proper and thus drive past this PRD daily, often several times. I cannot imagine the traffic snarl that will ensue between Thorpe exiting 500+ homes worth of drivers, often 2 or more, onto Dishman Mica Highway or Madison. The current road system is certainly not equipped for this increased traffic and I have a hard time believing the developers will adequately address this. There’s also a new development of homes directly off Madison currently being constructed. This will bring more traffic still. Which brings me to a related subject - SCHOOL SAFETY. I implore one of the council to drive along Madison during AM school (and essentially going to work) hours and see the children, parents, and local residents all trying to get to their destination at the same time. The traffic burden that this development would put in this already heavy use area for 3 schools is unthinkable. Oh, and by the way I saw the engineers putting out their “traffic study” bands DURING SCHOOL BREAK WEEK - if this is the data they used to gauge traffic through the area that was DISINGENUOUS and purposely misleading indeed. This leads to the next serious area of concern — schools themselves. My daughter has had to endure not one, but two school constructions now, and the classrooms are already at capacity. WHO is going to build more schools AND PAY for this increase?? I for one have had enough of school levy’s and property taxes but I”m fairly certain the developer has not allocated the money for the new schools(where will they be built??) and the money for the bussing and all the school staff. Honestly, this is crazy to think that our kids’ education won’t be affected adversely by adding this many more households, who are sure to have children into our already maxed out Valley school system. Next let’s discuss the flooding. As a daily driver up Dishman Mica Highway, I see the seasonal flooding. I also know that the golf course has always been a contingency for the eventual 1000 year fold. I know this area is in the 1000 year flood plain and I’m not sure the fill plan from Whipple and Co will adequately address this eventuality. The idea of an HOA being both financially patent and handling this properly is a stretch to say the least. Having moved across the country as a military spouse, I can tell you that rarely are HOAs run well and managed well. This burden then will fall on the City in some fashion and the hapless homeowners whose homes are sure to be flooded and left without recourse. What a greedy and short sighted thing to do to citizens and the City. We only have to look to the recent HOA negligence and the catastrophe in Florida with the condo to have an idea of how well HOAs handle thing such as this. Does the City want this kind of liability in allowing development in a flood plain? I can tell you with absolute certainty that Chester Creek is in fact fish bearing. The creek runs through our property and both my child and the neighbors chase the fish in the creek all summer long. You are welcome to come and take a look yourself, bring your net. Also, our area of the creek has never dried up in the years that we have lived here, there is always some amount of water. I remember the fill process is slated to be ongoing for 4 years??? What about the current residents and communities all around this who are expected to put up with dusty noisy and intrusive work for nearly 1/2 a decade?? This on top of regular construction work? This also is another safety issue for all the children going to and from school twice/day. As of yet, I don’t believe any regulatory agencies have approved this PRD in any fashion. This leaves the flood and wildlife issue still very much unresolved. I know wildlife and conservation do not generate tax revenues, but these are important issues that bring people to this wonderful city, and make them want to stay and be invested in it. Please please do not let the developers pressure allow you, our elected officials with whom we’ve entrusted our best interest as homeowners in the Valley, to be pressured or worn down. This golf course area could be so many wonderful things that the Valley needs rather than a menace to the wildlife, the flood control, the neighbors and schools. Having to drive many times up north for sporting events with my child, I’m of the mind that we could use some baseball and soccer fields for recreational leagues on this end of town. Surround that with SOME homes, with larger lots that are on the high areas, out of the flood elevation, combined with even more parks or green spaces, a dog park perhaps — what a jewel to add to this part of the Valley!! Thank you for the opportunity to express our dire concerns, this issue has been heavy on many of our hearts - we love our area and want only the best for it, and this PRD is NOT in the best interest of the region. Sincerely, Cara Wurst 6405 S Dishman Mica Rd Spokane, WA 99206