179_-_2021-8-22_Kirk_SandonFrom:Kirk Sandon To:Lori Barlow Subject:Painted Hills Planned Residential Development is unfortunate Date:Sunday, August 22, 2021 12:52:27 PM[EXTERNAL] This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley. Always use caution when openingattachments or clicking links. Mrs. Barlow, The Painted Hills Planned Residential Development is unfortunate. It seems like it is only being done to make Black Realty even richer than they already are by bulldozing through another real-estate project where they make money and the city is left holding the bag. The city is being left with figuring out how to teach the additional students that will come with this development and how to keep it safe with emergencyservices. The only reason the project was held up last time was enough people complained and made them actually do an environmental study. The city didn't seem to care, they were ready to rubber stamp the deal, like they seem to do with all real estate projects, especially if they come from Black Realty and others like it.To build it they are going to do significant damage to the roads with all the dirt they are having to bring in. Are they going to pay or rebuild the road? My guess is not, we will have to. Are they going to replace or keep one of the few good restaurants in the valley (the Craft & Gather)? Probably not, that doesn't make enough money, bulldoze it down. After all, it as all about the money for them, not building a community we want to live in (they don't even live here). I would not be as opposed to this if they reduced the number of houses to a more reasonable number, but again it is all about money for them so they are either goingto jam as many single homes in as legally possible, or do there mixed housing idea and only keep some green space so they can average out the density to meet the requirements. They aren't doing the green space out of the kindness of there hearts, it is all about putting in as many homes as possible to make themselves even richer. Does the city even need this many more houses? Yes we are seeing an influx right now but that is not likely to last, especially with all of the other construction going on. In summary this project should not go forward as planned. Make them reduce theredensity to something more in the lines of Midelome or Midelome East. Thank you for your time, Kirk Sandon