189_-_2021-8-29_Steve_SaboFrom:Steve Sabo To:Lori Barlow Subject:Painted Hills PRD Date:Sunday, August 29, 2021 8:28:40 PM[EXTERNAL] This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley. Always use caution when openingattachments or clicking links. Ms Barlow, I am a resident of Painted Hills and have numerous concerns about the Painted Hills PRD as detailed in the DEIS. First, and foremost, I have serious concerns about the maintenance and future replacementcosts of the proposed flood control system. The assurances in the DEIS that the HOA would be able to fund those costs are simply not believable. And, if the HOA is incapable of coveringthose costs the burden then seems to fall on the City of Spokane Valley if the DEIS is accepted. I doubt the Valley citizens want that potential financial time bomb hanging overtheir heads. Especially with the likelihood that the HOA would never be able to fund such an expense. Additionally, the flood control plan depends on overflow components known as the TrianglePit and Gustin Ditch. At this point, these features have no assurance of even being available for inclusion in the plan. There is no information about any agreement with the currentowner(s) of these features. This makes their inclusion in the flood control plan, at this point, mute. While these flood control issues seem to be the greatest flaws in the DEIS, they are by nomeans the only concerning aspects of the plan. Others include: - traffic hazards and road damage resulting from the cut and fill portion of the project.- the required extensive bussing of students from the development due to lack of local school capacity.- added traffic volume, particularly in the Pines corridor, that would most certainly necessitate changes at 16th Avenue, and likely other intersections.- severe and potentially deadly traffic congestion in the event of evacuation due to an approaching wildland/urban interface fire. Finally, greater than any of these concerns, is the impact to life quality and neighborhoodenvironment that this project would cause. I urge the City of Spokane Valley to reject the DEIS based on these issues. Thank you, Steve Sabo 5423 S. Pawnee Ct.Spokane, WA 99206