194_-_2021-8-31_Jared_and_Krystal_TheisFrom:Jared Theis To:Lori Barlow; John Hohman Subject:Painted Hills DEIS Public comment Date:Tuesday, August 31, 2021 11:48:17 PM[EXTERNAL] This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley. Always use caution when openingattachments or clicking links. Hello - my name is Jared Theis, and my spouse is Krystal Theis, in which we live at 4219 S. Madison Rd. Spokane Valley, WA 99206. We are writing this email as a public comment forthe Painted Hills Planned Residential Development (PRD) project, file numbers PRD-2015- 0001, SUB-2015-0001, EGR-2016-0066, and FPD-2016-0007(https://www.spokanevalley.org/paintedhillsdeis). In particular, our concerns related to the flood control plan outlined in the DEIS, specifically the cost to maintain and/or replace the flood control system that will be the responsibility ofthe HOA once the development is completed. The HOA will not have the financial means in the long-term to support the system without incurring significant and unsustainable fees on theresidents expected for this type of development (estimated at more than $1000 just for this fee without consideration of any other HOA costs in an area that is planned for "affordablehousing"). If that is met, then the city will be responsible, which would be a significant liability that is not the proper use of taxpayer dollars for an area previously designated intoperpetuity as a flood plain with a golf course as highest best use. Not to mention, but the environmental impact that it will have on the surrounding area with lower level lands, Chestercreek (which is a fish bearing creek per the WDFW), the triangle pit, and gustin ditch for flood control is not a viable and appropriate solution. The potential flooding to lower level areas forcurrent property owners also has not been adequately considered (building up the level of the ground will have a significant impact on the flow of water, which does not appear to beadequately addressed and will significantly damage property values in the area). I do not understand how the City of Spokane Valley or FEMA would approve this plan, especially inlight of other potential liabilities in the long-term (see "Phillips vs. King County, consider the National Flood Insurance Program, etc.). Additionally, the DEIS report for schools appears significantly flawed. The school districtdoes not have capacity to take on the increased number of students which they have previously indicated, especially in light of the new school (Ridgeline in Liberty Lake) that is only servingthat area and not planned to reduce the burden, especially with the significant increase in population in the valley experienced in recent years that is expected to continue for theforeseeable future. The DEIS indicates only a few homes with school age kids (recall 15 or so estimated in the study), which cannot be a reasonable estimate given the 580 units planned thatare family units for a neighborhood in this area that likely will have one or multiple kids per households (as a comparison, they are clearly way more than 15 kids per 580 homes in theadjacent housing areas). This needs to be reconsidered and properly assessed on the impacts to the local schools, which are already very near or in many occasions over capacity for propersupport of students and their education. Traffic safety and maintenance, which is another responsibility of the city, also does not appear to adequately address 1) the number of trucks and damage that will occur to move inthe fill needed to start the development (over 35,000 truckloads estimated, which are heavy equipment and severely damage normal roads), and 2) the increased traffic that 580 homeswill bring to the area that will cause issues relative to school zones, current traffic lights/intersections, and other area roads (incl. sidewalks, street lights, and supportinginfrastructure) that will cause significant cost to the city. There is also other necessary services that will be impacted, including fire department support/evacuation, police support, ambulatory support, utilities (water, sewer, garbage), etc.that do not appear to be properly assessed and addressed for the impacts to the surrounding community and City of Spokane Valley resources. This is certainly also not "affordable housing" given the expected price tags that will beneeded to support the developers costs with the number of units, so doesnt actually address the housing needs of our area. Overall, while I recognize the need for more housing in our area tosupport the population growth, this is not the appropriate solution for the aforementioned issues. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you for you consideration. Jared and Krystal Theis 509-750-4382