200_-_2021-9-8_Roxanne_Pilkenton_FEMAFrom:Pilkenton, Roxanne
To:Lori Barlow
Cc:Deanna Horton
Subject:Painted Hills - Additional Comments
Date:Wednesday, September 8, 2021 6:10:08 PM
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Hi Lori,
Thank you so much for allowing me the time to speak during the DEIS Hearing for Painted
Hills. While I was able to make comments I exceeded my three minutes and wanted to send
my comments via email as well.
Please accept the following comments:
I thought I heard Mr. Stapleton say that if the offsite improvements were made to the
east of the project, then flooding would not occur on site. Even if risk is reduced
greatly, there is still risk.
In Mr. Stapleton’s presentation he presented a “proposed floodplain” slide and then a
“floodplain comparison” slide. The applicant has not submitted the required CLOMR
and CLOMR-F to FEMA for review. Even after submitting the CLOMR and CLOMR-F,
FEMA may ask for additional information, such as incorporating the entire project area
in the limits of study. It appears as if the Chester Creek channel and levee are not
included in the project analysis. The proposed floodplain may look vastly different than
what was presented.
The staging of large amounts of fill over a multi-year period should be discussed and
analyzed in the CLOMR-F application.
Mr. Stapleton spoke to the existing undersized culverts adjacent to the project. Does
the City keep an inventory of culverts? Are these the only undersized culverts that
affect the proposed project?
HOA responsibilities as explained by Mr. Stapleton and as included in the DEIS are of
concern and do not speak to what would happen if the HOA is to dissolve or go
Please let me know if I can offer any further explanation.
Kind regards,
Roxanne Reale-Pilkenton, CFM
Floodplain Management Specialist | Mitigation | Region 10
Office: (425) 487-4654 | Mobile: (425) 892-4036
roxanne.reale-pilkenton@fema.dhs.gov | Preferred pronouns she/her
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Region 10 is committed to providing access, equal
opportunity, and reasonable accommodation in its services, programs, activities, education, and
employment for individuals with disabilities. To request a disability accommodation contact me at
least five (5) working days in advance at 425-487-4654 or roxanne.reale-pilkenton@fema.dhs.gov.