203_-_2021-9-8_Tom_ClarkFrom:Tom Clark To:Lori Barlow Subject:Painted Hills Public Hearing Date:Wednesday, September 8, 2021 8:17:10 PM[EXTERNAL] This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley. Always use caution when openingattachments or clicking links. Lori, Thank-you for hosting the public Hearing for Painted Hills PRD DEIS. I telephoned in but could not figure out how to get on the comment list without logging into the Zoom meeting which without good internet coverage wasn’t practical . I appreciate yourtaking our comments this evening. I believe Bill Grimes did an excellent job moderating the meeting. To follow the requestedformat please consider the following deficiencies I find within the DEIS: I feel the environmental impacts to the standard of life our community enjoys was not properlyaddressed within the DEIS. The areas of concern are; Disruption during construction. This project is slated to take 10 years to complete whichsubjects us to 10 years of construction disruption. Dust , noise , construction traffic, road closures for right of way improvements, etc.. all disrupt our lives and are not properlyaddressed. The import of more than 30,000 CY of fill outlined within the DEIS is improperly calculated in that they intend to haul 260 days a year. That will be impossible with winter weather,holidays, & spring load restrictions. Properly calculating the haul effort will show that it will reach well beyond the 4 years stated. The haul route shown in appendix G shows an alternate haul route heading north on Madisonand turning East on 40th directly in front of Horizon school. The impacts on Madison Road, and the school activities are not addressed. How can they even know what the haul route would be when they don’t have a source for the30,000 CY. ? The source needs to be established to establish the impact associated with the haul. I agree with all the comments regarding the HOA not being a reliable steward of the proposedflood mitigation system. This is not an acceptable solution and must be addressed. The City will end up with the liability of this system while the developer is no longer associated withthe project. The DEIS does not address who is responsible for the system during the 10 plus years of construction. If the development is successfulin reducing the 100 year flood plan boundary , Then the impact of freeing up the additional property for development must be evaluated as it will compound the problems of congestion,school overcrowding, etc.. Ground water contamination risk and mitigation needs to be addressed within the DEIS. The traffic study is inadequate within the DEIS and needs to be updated. The utilization of Triangle Pond needs to be verified as it is privately owned. As stated in my letter to you earlier, this developer is desperate to force this development onto a property not suited for it and into a community that does not want it . To allow thisdevelopment against the wishes of an overwhelming majority of the community would be a travesty . Once again thank-you for your time. Tom Clark5214 S. Cree Dr Spokane, WA 99206509-991-3088 Get Outlook for iOS