205_-_2021-9-8_Lori_SchneiderFrom:Lori Schneider To:Lori Barlow Subject:Comment on Public Hearing for Painted Hills DEIS Date:Wednesday, September 8, 2021 8:57:48 PM [EXTERNAL] This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley. Always use caution when opening attachments or clicking links. ________________________________ Hello, Our family has several concerns with the outrageous planned development in the Painted Hills location: 1. Environmental Impact—bringing in all that soil and creating a technical flood plain management system…who is going to pay for this? Where will the flood waters divert? Do we understand the long-terms costs and environmental effects of this addition of a billion pounds of soil in addition to 600 homes and their sprinkler systems? How will the aquifer be affected? 2. Traffic—as it is, there are only a handful of non-residential roads in this area, and they are already crowded. The addition of 600 residences translates to 5,700 more cars per day. We chose to live where we do because it does not feel like the congestion on North Division or main roads in Coeur d’Alene. Adding this many homes will forever transform the south Valley into a place that is undesirable to the community. People walk their dogs, ride bikes, exercise, and enjoy the safety of the a less congested area. This development is going to bring so much traffic that will require widening of roads, addition of sidewalks, and decrease in the enjoyment of the area. 3. Emergency evacuation—if we have a wildfire as we did in recent history, there are only two roads out of the Ponderosa neighborhood. If we have to evacuate, odds are this development will as well. Again, 5,700 more vehicles added to the line of cars already needing to leave is reckless. 4. Schools—we have just paid to build several new schools and renovated many others. Despite those changes, CVSD is already at/near capacity in the neighborhood schools. Overflow is already taking place in some buildings. Is the developer going to take on any of the financial responsibilities associated with an incredible influx of new students? I assume not. It will yet again be the burden of already overtaxed residents to foot the bill long after the developer lines his pockets with profits and is off to ruin the next neighborhood. 5. Alternate solutions—compromise is not out of the question. It is not too late for any invested party. Sell bigger plots of land to homeowners and build fewer houses. Development is inevitable, but it doesn’t mean it can’t be done in a way that developers can make a profit AND the affected community is not damaged. I understand that the south valley is a desirable location; however, if we sell out to greed and personal interest, then all that makes the south valley special will be gone. Please listen to your constituents. We are begging you to see reason instead of dollar signs. Thank you, Lori Schneider 10235 E Pierce Ln Spokane, WA 99206 Sent from my iPhone